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View Full Version : Arabic - The Language of the Qur’ân

abo mussaab
04-16-2013, 10:31 PM
Shaykh Ahmed ibn ‘Abdullah al-Baatilee

This is based on an Arabic booklet written by with the foreword of Shaykh ‘Aaid ibn ‘Abdullah al-Qarnee

The Praise is for Allâh, the one who has honoured us with the Qur’ân, and chosen for us the noblest of languages, and the peace and the blessings be upon the best one of the ones who articulated themselves in Arabic, and the most-preferred from the servants of Allâh, Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and his family and his distinguished companions.

The Arabic language is the language of the Noble Qur’ân, and with it, the Qur’ân was revealed upon the seal of the Messengers, so attention to the Arabic language is to have attention to the Book of Allâh the Most High and the studying and the practising of it helps in the understanding of the Noble Book of Allâh and the narration of the master of the Prophets, Muhammad (Peace be upon him). It is also the language of our esteemed Islamic law (As-Sharee’ah), so when we defend it we are not proceeding on a path of nationalism or racism or culturalism, but in fact we are defending the language of our religion (way of life) and it is the cloak of our Islamic Civilisation.

As such, Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: “The Arabic Language is from the Religion, and the knowledge of it is an obligation. For surely the understanding of the Qur’ân and the Sunnah is an obligation, and these two are not understood except with the understanding of the Arabic Language, and whatever obligation is not fulfilled except by certain steps then those steps themselves become obligatory (to fulfil the initial obligation)” [The Necessity Of The Straight Path by Ibn Taymiyyah ( 1/470)]

So then the knowledge of the Arabic language is essential for every Muslim so that he can perform his religious acts of worship and he can be proficient in the recitation of the Noble Qur’ân. Allâh says in His Book (which means):

“Verily we have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’ân in order that you may understand” (Soorah Yusuf: 2)

And likewise the Most-Glorious said (which means):

“And thus We have inspired unto you (O Muhammad) an Arabic Qur’ân that you may warn the mother of the towns (Makkah) and all around it” (Soorah ash-Shura: 7)

And The Exalted said (which means):

“And truly this (the Qur’ân) is a revelation from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists), which the trustworthy Ruh (Jibreel) has brought down upon your heart (O Muhammad) that you may be (one) of the warners, in the plain Arabic language” (Soorah ash-Shura: 192-195)

And He the Most High also said (which means):

“A Book whereof the verses are explained in detail, a Qur’ân in Arabic for people who know” (Soorah Fussilat: 3)

So from these verses we see why the Arabic Language has reached its station due to the fact that Allâh has guaranteed its protection when He undertook upon Himself the preservation of this Noble Qur’ân since it is the language of that Book.

The Most Merciful said (which means):

“Verily! It is We who have sent down the Reminder (i.e. the Qur’ân) and surely We will guard it (from corruption)” (Soorah Hijr: 9)

Despite this, many of the Muslims are content by spending their whole lives reading a translation of the Qur’ân and so depriving themselves of the miracle of the Speech Of Allâh. Also a translation implies a human factor, which goes against the very essence of the Book of Allâh. Also, the person who does not know Arabic, will have added difficulty in his concentration during his prayers and also in his understanding of the Sunnah. This is because a language is just not a collection of words which can readily be translated into another language but is a whole way of thinking.

Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali (Translator of the Noble Qur’ân) writes:

“It is a pity that many nations are only satisfied in the translated meaning of the Qur’ân and Prophet's Sunnah instead of studying the (true) Arabic text of the Qur’ân and Prophet’s Sunnah. For this reason they are divided into various sects (due to the lack of knowledge about the religion of Islam) e.g. as regards to the ways of religious education, etc. so they are plunged in differences, which was prohibited by Allâh. If the translation of the meaning of the Qur’ân is meant for the above said purpose then it is a real mischief-doing, and an evil action and is against what was brought by Allâh’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) and also against the opinions of the early present day religious scholars. All the religious scholars unanimously agree that the Qur’ân and the Sunnah should be taught in the language of the Qur’ân (i.e. Arabic Language). So did the early religious scholars of the Muslim nation when they conquered different countries.

Translations are mainly meant for informing the people who have not yet embraced Islam to make clear to them the principles of Islam and the teachings of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and to know its exact facts. When they reach this state and Allâh has blessed them with Islam, they must take the Qur’ânic and the Messenger’s Language (i.e. Arabic) as the only language to understand Islam. May Allâh's mercy be on Shaykh 'Umar Uzbak, a great Turkish man, who strove for Islam in Uzbakistan under the Russian government, after his long fight against the enemies of Islam with fire (iron) and tongue (speech), he took refuge in Afghanistan at Kabul, where the government honoured him. I met him there in 1352 A.H. (approx. 1932 CE) i.e. nearly 40 years ago, and he had vowed to Allâh that he will never speak to a relative or anybody else except in the Qur’ânic and Messenger's (Arabic) language. His wife sent a man for me to intercede for her to him that he should speak with her and her children in the Turkish language even for an hour everyday. So when I spoke to him about it, he said: 'Russians had compelled us to learn perfectly the Russian language (by force), so we learnt it. And unless they knew that the learning of the Russian language will make the person who learns it, follow their ways of thinking, characters, and their traditions, they would not have forced anybody to learn it.' He further said to me, 'I have vowed to Allâh long ago not to speak except in the language of the Qur’ân and Sunnah (i.e. Arabic) and I do that only for Allâh's sake. If my wife and children desire to enjoy speaking with me, they should learn the language of the Qur’ân and of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) (i.e. Arabic) and I am ready to teach them the Qur’ânic language whenever they desire that” [The Noble Quran in the english language by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al- Hilali & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan , page xxiv ( 1994 edition )]

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abo mussaab
04-16-2013, 10:33 PM
Arabic: A Language, A Being

Based on a talk given by Shaykh Muhammad Safwat Nooruddin

Transcriber's Introduction

Dear Brothers and Sisters, in an aim to encourage the learning of the beautiful Arabic Language, this talk was transcribed so that it serves as an encouragement and reminder firstly to myself and then to brothers and sisters.

1 - If you don't know how to recite the Qur'ân - start now. Use your local mosque, imam, any brother who can help, and ask yourself what arrangements will I make in order to learn how to recite the Book of Allâh.

2 - If you can read the Qur'ân - what about understanding it? Try to learn the language. It has always struck me how we are all (including myself) quite happy to migrate (hijrah) from our home towns to go to other cities (in the same country or overseas) in order to study in universities - to study non-Islamic subjects. But what have we done in order to learn the language that Allâh chose to reveal the Final Message? To this day I remember how students from overseas struggle and fight to learn English so they can then study engineering, medicine law etc ... Have we even started to fight or struggle to learn the Arabic language?

3 - If you have started studying Arabic and are finding it a daunting task - PERSEVERE! The road is long, but I am sure rewarding in this life and the hereafter, if Allâh wills. May this transcribed talk revamp your learning spirit, and urge us to learn the language of the Qur'ân.

4 - Understand what has happened on a deeper historical perspective, how a language for any society is important, it's preservation and heritage. One of the biggest problems we face as Muslims, is ignorance about the true teachings of Islam, especially what Allâh was has written in His book. The effects are apparent all over the Muslim world, from open shirk to a total absence of a Muslim personality. I hope this article reminds us that there is a conflict out there between good and evil. Which direction are we going…. If we don't understand the instructions.. not being able to understand the book of Allâh is exactly what the enemy wants.

Open the ears of your heart and may this read be of benefit, and not a proof against you.

To proceed to the advise of our Shaykh ...

The Ability To Communicate: A Blessing From Allâh

I seek refuge in Allâh from the accursed Devil (ash-shaytân), and praise Allâh Almighty and send greetings (salâm) upon the Messenger Muhammad, upon his wives, his family, his companions and all those whose follow his example until the Day of Judgment. I wish to greet you with the greeting of peace, by saying 'as-salâmu 'alaykum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuhu'. Secondly, it is from the sunnah (practices of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) taught to us, when you love a people or a person that you declare your love to them, therefore I state that I love you all for Allâh, the Most High. Thirdly I wish to ask Allâh Almighty on my behalf and yours to make our words beneficial in our scales on the Day of Judgement (al-yaum al-qiyâmah), so that we may benefit and be from the people of the Paradise (al-jannah). O Allâh accept our prayer.

It is apparent to all of us that we know that people must communicate with one another in different forms or in different ways. The easiest way that Allâh has given mankind to communicate is through the spoken words through the tongue. Allâh made (language/the tongue) one of his signs (âyât) to mankind, the spoken word and the differing of tongues (languages). There are other languages and other ways to communicate with one another, for example, the Shaykh showed us some movements in sign language that anyone from any culture from any place would understand: Come! Go! Counting, one, two, three, such that without speaking a person would understand what you were meaning even if he has a different language, a different tongue. Yet Allâh Almighty deemed that the spoken word is the easiest and most useful. In His creation of mankind He deemed that the voice box, the place where the language comes out, the sound comes out, can produce thousands upon thousands of sounds that no one can count or calculate. No one can know home many different combinations a person can use together in forming words and language (speaking), except Allâh, the Most High. Whether the language that is spoken is Arabic or another, it makes no difference as to the type of language. Yet we see that Allâh, the Most High, out of all the languages and out of all the ways of communication, chose the Arabic language as the language of the Final Message, as a way of honouring it. When Allâh sent the Qur'ân in the Arabic language it gave honour to the language by itself, it also gave honour to the Arabic speaking people, but then when Arabic became the language of the Qur'ân, Arabic ceased to be the language of the Arabs and began to be the language of the Muslims.

Destructive Forms Of Communication

I wish to remind you that the disbelieving people in the West and different places, have taught mankind to also use different 'languages' other than the spoken tongue, and the 'language' that they have preferred now is the 'language' of lust and desire. You will see, that the woman is taught to shed her clothing, and to practice nakedness in varying forms and levels, and it becomes a language that we call 'body-language'. Wealth becomes another language, lusts and the desires of people are focused on by the disbelievers by way of distracting them from the words of Allâh and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And these are 'languages,' not just the spoken words, but all of these languages are what your children are living in today, these are the languages that your children are being bombarded with, and raised with on a daily and hourly basis. This then causes some to be neglectful of their Islamic duties, and others to leave Islam. Many of the children are not immunised, have not been given that inoculation, to protect them from these different evil forms of desires and lusts, and the inoculation, and the way to immunise yourself is through the Qur'ân and the sunnah.

The Danger of Neglecting Arabic And The Importance of Its Preservation

How will you learn and understand, and derive the meaning of the Qur'ân and the sunnah without the Arabic language? So therefore when we are lacking in understanding the Arabic this causes us to fall into misguidance and to be mislead. Therefore the disbelievers win the battle, it is as if they have a bet with you, a race, they will win by eliminating the true Muslim characteristics in the lineages/generations that you will leave behind. You will not be able to pass on these Muslim manners, have a Muslim lineage, have Muslim grandchildren or great grand children unless you inoculate them with the Arabic language. So therefore how will you protect yourself ? It is to fortify your home with the struggle of learning the Arabic language, in all of its ways and degrees. I do not mean for you to understand that I am telling you to speak Arabic and learn Arabic the way Egyptians speak it, in their dialect, or the way Syrians speak in their dialect, or the way the Kuwaiti speaks in his dialect, or the way the Sudanese speaks in his dialect, but to speak the proper Arabic that is found in the Qur'ân. This is a way of using it to understand, so that when you learn, you will have a better relationship with the Qur'ân and the sunnah of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Some may believe that by acquiring different languages or a certain language it will increase your chances of making more money or getting more wealth, or having more opportunities to make money. This in fact is contrary to what Allâh Almighty has dictated to us in the Qur'ân, where Allâh says:

"I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship me." [Al-Qur'ân 51:56]

Allâh is the one who provides for you therefore the criteria that you must meet is to be in worship of Allâh, the Most High. So learning one language or another should not have the criteria, or base, to have more wealth or more worldly opportunities. For Allâh Almighty says:

"And in the heaven is your provision and that which you are promised." [Al-Qur'ân 51:22]

Thus, it has already been decided by Allâh Almighty, the Most High. It can not be increased by something you do, and it can not be decreased by something you don't do, it has been decided by Allâh, yet you live your life according to what Allâh Almighty has ordered for you. The Muslim must then know that sustenance (rizq) is from Allâh, and that sustenance will not change. But you must know, what is required from you - 'ibâdah - worship. This is why you have been created in all of the different shades, examples etc. ... How will you learn how to perform 'ibâdah? Obviously it is from the Qur'ân and the sunnah. How will you learn the Qur'ân and the sunnah? It will come through learning the Arabic language, so that you may reach the true meaning of the Qur'ân and the true intended meaning of the sunnah of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Some of the famous Companion, when they entered Islam, had little or no Arabic language with them. For example, Salman al-Farsee. Salman who was a Persian, not an Arab. Also there was Bilal al-Habashee. Bilal was from Ethiopia, he was not an Arab. The Arabic language when it spread, it spread according to the spread of Islam, whenever a new country became Muslim, new territory was occupied by the Muslims, the people automatically began to learn the Arabic language. This is why we see that al-Imâm al-Bukhâri, when he wrote as-Sahîh, and when he wrote his history, he did not write it in his native first language. He wrote it in the Arabic language.

It is important to note that the Arabic language has not been preserved in its original form by the Arabs, but it has been preserved in dictionaries by non-Arabs. Al-Fayrozabadi was one of the collectors of the Arabic language in a dictionary. He was not an Arab. You will see, when you look into these dictionaries of the scholars of the past they would write at the end or in the introduction saying, "we have collected this dictionary as a way of helping in the preservation of the language of the Qur'ân, or in the preservation of the language of the sunnah of Muhammad, peace be upon him."

The Condition of Muslims

I know in this (non-Muslim) country and others there are Arabic parents, the father and the mother are Arabs, they speak Arabic, and they were raised in Arabic countries. Now, their children speak little or no Arabic. This is a sad fact that we are all aware of. Why don't we notice that the Imams of the past, the scholars and the people of the past, when they travelled to a country for trade it was not for the wealth, but it was for the spread of the religion. The wealth was a secondary issue, but first it was for the spread of Islam. Now the scales have become twisted and changed, people have forgotten the word of Allâh in the Qur'ân. Allâh is the one who provides all sustenance, and he is the one full of strength, the formidable. It is Allâh who provides all, and yet Allâh describes to us people in the Qur'ân who come only for the wealth, for other than Islamic reasons, Allâh describes them in the Qur'ân to us: They eat as if cattle eat, and their final abode shall be the fire. Because they have given up that what is blessed for that which is cheap.

Islamic generations in the past, for many years, were run by rulers who spoke only Arabic. This was the way of persevering the (language) and way of the Islamic Ummah, until the Ottoman Empire (Turkish Empire), where the Caliphate became a person who no longer wished to speak Arabic, but spoke his own language, the Turkish language. This caused dissension and a lack of unity and eroded the strength of the Ummah. Look at present day Turkey, it has come to the point where they have changed their script of language. Many generations used to write the script in Arabic form, their language was written in Arabic. Now it has been changed to Roman script. Leaving off the Arabic lineage, heritage and tradition. As a sign that they have left behind all that it was before. Now we see when we look at Turkey and the Islamic situation of the Muslims there that if a Muslim woman was to partially cover her hair it would be a calamity in the society, something unacceptable. This is the extent of how much of the Islamic attitude has been taken away from these people. The first step was the detraction of the Arabic language.

Let us a look at countries that did not have the Arabic language in the first place. Countries in the which the spoken language was never Arabic, yet the Muslim generations for many years lived in this land, but yet you will find them following only one madhhab (school of thought). They will blindly follow (taqlîd) of this one way. They would never accept anything else, even to discuss a single secondary issue, like where to place the hands, and something like this, in salât, it would be a sign of you waging war against them. Why? Because they did not have the Arabic language, therefore could not teach themselves to differentiate between different things, so they became blind to one way. It is as if you have entered a masjid, and you have to physically turn them to show them which way the qiblah is. This is how blinded they have become into following a specific person. Therefore you see they are the hardest of people to change even a secondary issue in their madhhab.

Look at those who have deviated in their beliefs, and you will notice, for example the first hadîth narrated by al-Imâm Muslim, in as-Sahîh, the hadîth narrated from Yahya ibn Ya'mar:

" ... the first man who discussed qadr (Divine Decree) in Basrah was Ma'bad al-Juhani. Humayd ibn 'Abdur-Rahman al-Himyari and I set out for Pilgrimage or for 'umrah and said: Should it so happen that we come into contact with one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allâh, peace be upon him, we shall ask him about what is talked about taqdîr (Divine Decree). By chance we came across 'Abdullâh ibn 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, while he was entering the mosque. My companion and I surrounded him. One of us (stood) on his right and the other stood on his left. I expected that my companion would authorise me to speak. I therefore said: Abu 'Abdur-Rahman! There have appeared some people in our land who recite the Holy Qur'ân and pursue knowledge. And then after talking about their affairs, added: They (such people) claim that there is no such thing as Divine Decree and events are not predestined. He ('Abdullah ibn 'Umar) said: When you happen to meet such people tell them that I have nothing to do with them and they have nothing to do with me. And verily they are in no way responsible for my (belief). 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar swore by Him (the Lord) (and said): If any one of them (who does not believe in the Divine Decree) had with him gold equal to the bulk of (the mountain) 'Uhud and then, spent it (in the way of Allâh), Allâh would not accept it unless he affirmed his faith in Divine Decree ... "

We can see that they understood it necessary to return to Makkah and ask one of the Companions who may be living there what he thinks of this issue of people denying there is no qadr (divine decree/predestination), saying that there is no qadr. So he says, I looked for one of the Companions and he found 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar and he asked him the question, about such and such and what do you say about the person who denies qadr. I am narrating this to you is so that you know that the place that this tabi'î went to seek the truth was back to the land of the Qur'ân. The bid'ah (innovation) began in a land outside the land of the Arabs, outside the land of the people who spoke the language.

You will find bid'ah associated in the following three ways: because of a lack of the Arabic language, a lack or a long time distance from the Prophet's time, and third it is found far away from the land of the Muslims. This is where you will see the bid'ah beginning and the innovation spreading from there. Look at the shia. Where did it begin and where is it living today (i.e. predominant)? In the land of the Persians, not in the land of the people who speak, and can read and understand Arabic in its original form. Look at the Qadianis, and the Bahais, although they are not believers, this deviance began in a land outside the land of the people who spoke the language of the Qur'ân, the Arabic Language. The people who did not learn the Arabic Language were the most susceptible to being influenced by bid'ah, deviance and innovation. (The shaykh here is not precluding the fact that much deviation and disobedience began and exists in the lands of native Arabic speakers - and Allâh knows best - Editor) So what is the solution?

Observations and Hopes

First I wish to share with you, what my own eyes have seen as I have travelled throughout this country of yours. In every city and every place, you will always notice and be able to distinguish the Jewish children from other children, just by looking at them, without speaking to them, without hearing them, just by seeing them. One asks himself why? To him comes back only one reason. It is because behind this child is a mother, who is driven by a father to raise this child, to live a Jewish life in clothing, appearance, mannerisms, attitude, food, everything, to raise the child in a Jewish way, in the life that they have adopted. All of this effort, and they are in misguidance. Yet we who have the guidance, the Qur'ân and the sunnah, have many of the children and the lineages lost in the streets, have forgotten tawhîd!

Do not think that it is something unattainable, that your children cannot be raised and have an identity of their own, and be raised upon the values and the systems of Islam. For if these people in disbelief accomplish it, what about the Muslims who have the guidance of Allâh and the sunnah of his Messenger, peace be upon him? Two things must come together as a solution for our children and our lineage (future generations): al-'usra wal-masjid - the family - home life and the masjid - the life in the masjid. These two things must come and unify in raising the child. Let our tongues in these two places be the tongue of the Qur'ân, even if it is in a limited fashion. Let us spend from our wealth and our efforts in our ability to learn that which we do not know, to have taught to us that which we do not know, so that our children and us, can begin to converse and understand and develop some Arabic characteristics in our language and in our abilities. Do not say to your child, or think to yourself, "He doesn't know it now but I will teach him later" for this is something that will not happen. The time to ask is now, and therefore the place of learning must be in the home, with the mother, with the father, and in the masjid. This is something you must struggle and strive for.

Let the father spend as much of his time in the house, with his children, with his wife as possible. Let the mother facilitate this by also spending much time in the home. Do you know that al-Imâm as-Shafi'î's, may Allâh be pleased with him, father passed away and orphaned him while he was a young child? When he reached the age of ten years old, having known no father, his mother pushed him and told him go and learn and seek knowledge. At the young tender age of ten years old. What did he go and learn? He went to learn the Arabic language, the Qur'ân, and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace. Do this and it will become apparent to you, that this is the solution for what we are facing today and what will be facing in the future.


abo mussaab
04-16-2013, 10:34 PM
Question: If a non-Arabic speaker wishes to learn about Islam, is it best for him to begin by devoting all of his energies to the study of Arabic, or should he start by studying Islam in his own language?

Answered by Sheikh Ahmad al-Rashîd

There can be no doubt that learning the Arabic language should be one of the top priorities - and indeed, it should be seen as one of the basic necessities – for a person who wishes to study Islam. Likewise, the teaching of Arabic is equally a priority for those who wish to impart Islamic knowledge to others. This is especially the case when the student is young.

The only reason this is so is because the Arabic language is the language of our enduring religion. The Qur’ân was revealed in Arabic. Allah says: “Indeed We have made it an Arabic Qur’ân that perchance you will comprehend.” [Sûrah al-Zukhruf: 3]

Just as the Qur’ân came to us in Arabic, the Sunnah of our Prophet (peace be upon him) came to us as well. Both of these sources are Arabic in their wording, in their idioms, and in their meanings. Because of this, the people of knowledge have concurred that proper understanding of the sacred texts can only be realized in accordance with the dictates of the Arabic language as understood by the Arabs at the time the revelation took place.

If the person who wishes to seek Islamic knowledge is not a native speaker of Arabic, he needs to learn the language and acquire a solid understanding of it. This will enable him to understand the meanings being indicated by the Qur’ân and Sunnah with respect to Islamic Law. Once he is equipped with this ability, he will be able to carry out what the Qur’ân and Sunnah command of him and shun what these two sources prohibit him.

However, it must be admitted that acquiring such intimate and in-depth knowledge of Arabic is no small task. It is difficult for a native speaker of Arabic, and this difficulty is multiplied for someone who is not a native speaker. A student who wishes to become fully proficient in Arabic before embarking upon the study of the various branches of Islamic knowledge may never find the time to do so. The study of Arabic, as experience has shown, can take a considerable amount of time.

In consideration of this fact, the best approach for a non-Arabic speaking student is for him to pursue the study of the Arabic language in conjunction with the study of other Islamic disciplines in his own language. While developing his ability to understand the Arabic language, he can seek knowledge from the Qur’ân and Sunnah and from the books written by scholars in theology, Qur’ân commentary, hadîth studies, Islamic Law, and various other fields that are available in a language he understands. These books might either be written in his native language or be translations of Arabic works.

If a student employs such an approach, he will benefit greatly, with the help of Allah. After some time, he will see that he has accumulated a body of knowledge that is not at all insignificant. When he reaches the desired level in his Arabic proficiency, he will be able to build upon the knowledge that he has already acquired by referring directly to the original Arabic source works. With such a background, this will not present any difficulty for him.

A student should try to benefit from the experience of many non-Arabic Muslim communities around the world whose educators have developed tried and true methods and syllabi to teach their people Arabic and the most important matters of their faith in their local languages. It may be possible for students and educators to acquire these programs and syllabi through various charitable and educational organizations.

And Allah is the giver of success.


04-17-2013, 10:44 AM
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abo mussaab
04-17-2013, 10:52 AM
good brother masha allah allah help you .

06-27-2013, 06:07 AM
Thanks Dear

Ali Mujahidin
06-27-2013, 08:52 AM
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