format_quote Originally Posted by
Thank You for the words of encouragement. I am not sure why I am still hesitant. It might seem like a no brainer to some but Islam is a way of life and a new way of life so change isn't always easy . Perhaps there is no better time then now.
Greetings Almostready,
I am glad to see that you have taken the time, effort and with the intention to understand this beautiful religion, Islam.
Sometimes, when all the pieces seem to fit together, and everything is in motion towards goodness - yet, there seems to be some type of hindrance in the way, then you should realise that this is Shaytaan fighting harder than ever to keep you away from the truth.
As you mention - there is 'no better time then now.'
The reason why this rings so true, is because the very nature of our lives is so uncertain.
We can never know what tomorrow will bring, and how many breathes are still left within us.
And if we consider the great importance of leaving this world with imaan (faith) - the kalimah on our lips, and being in a state of submission to our Creator, then we realise that time is not our friend....
May Allah place only goodness in your path, and fill your heart with His guidance.