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View Full Version : As Salaam Alaikum my question is it haram for a Muslim to Maturbate ? Can it be perm

05-20-2013, 03:10 AM
As Salaam Alaikum my question is it haram for a Muslim to Maturbate ? Can it be permissible if done out of necessity ? Is it a minor or major sin will the Muslim who does this go to Hell Forever or only Temporary ?


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05-20-2013, 10:15 PM
Please reply.

Muslim Woman
05-21-2013, 12:16 PM

I am prone to masturbation

*Please appropriately reference this fatwa to: www.fatwa-online.com, th

Question: I am a student who is prone to masturbation. So my desires have overcome me such that I have not fasted (Ramadhaan) as a result and have abstained from performing my (obligatory) prayers for a long while. And now I try to exhert myself, and most of the time I succeed (in refraining from masturbation) such that sometimes I perform the witr prayer at night and likewise before I sleep. So, with all this, are my prayers accepted or do I have to make up the prayers? And what is the ruling regarding masturbation, keeping in mind that I mostly do it when I watch the television or video?
Response: Practicing masturbation is haraam because it is seeking pleasure in other than what Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) has permitted. Allaah has not permitted the seeking of pleasure and satisfying the sexual desires except with (one's own) wife or with that which the right hand possesses.

Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says:
{And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame}, [Soorah al-Mu.minoon, Aayaat 5-6]

So, any (form of) seeking pleasure with other than (one's own) wife or with that which the right hand possesses is considered prophibited and going against (the Law of Allaah).

The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) advised the youth with a remedy which would alleviate (any) raging desires and the danger of (these) desires, as he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:
((O gathering of youth! Whoever amongst you is able, then he should get married, since that is indeed more protective for the eyes and the private parts; and whoever is unable, then he should fast, for that is indeed better for him)), [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree - V.7, P.117]

So, the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) advised with ridding ourselves of our desires and distancing ourselves from its dangers by one of two ways: either by fasing - for one who is unable (to get married) or by marrying - for one who is able (to get married).

This indicates that there is no third (option) for the youth to try. So, masturbation is haraam and is (thus) not permissibile in any circumstance according to the majority of the people of knowledge.
You are therefore required to repent to Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) and not to revert to this act (of masterbating, rather) to distance yourself from that which affects (excites) your desires, as you have mentioned that you watch television and video and see (images) which excite the desires. So, that wich is obligatory upon you is to distance yourself from seeing such (images) and not turn the televison or video on to watch these things which excite your desires. This is because this is from the means to evil, and the Muslim is required for himself to close (all) the doors to evil, and (in return) the doors to good shall be opened for him (inshaa.-Allaah).

So, distance yourself from all evil and fitnah that comes your way. And from the greatest causes of fitnah and evil are these films and soap operas which depict women in a manner which excites the desires. You are therefore required to distance yourself from these and (further) remove the means to this (evil).

As regards repeating the witr and naafilah prayers, then you are not required to do so, since the (previously mentioned evil) acts do not nullify the witr (prayer) or the tahajjud (prayer); (as regards you having) masterbated, then this in itself is prohibited and you are sinning by doing so. However, the acts of worship which you have already performed according to (that which has been legislated in) the Sharee'ah, then they are not nullified except by shirk or appostasising - and Allaah's Refuge is sought. As regards acts other than shirk and appostasising, then they do not nullify acts (of worship), however, they are regarded as sinful.
Shaykh Ibn al-Fowzaan
al-Muntaqaa min Fataawa Fadheelatush-Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fowzaan - Volume 4, Page 272, Fatwa No. 277

Muslim Woman
05-21-2013, 12:23 PM

Fatwa No : 81155
Fatwa Date : Rabee' Al-Aakhir 25, 1420 / 8-8-1999


Does Islam consider masturbation for both men and women haram or not? Please explain by details.


Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Masturbation (for both men and women) is haraam (forbidden) in Islam based on the following evidence: First from the Qur’aan:Imam Shafi’i stated that masturbation is forbidden based on the following verses from the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): "And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." 23.5-7

Here the verses are clear in forbidding all illegal sexual acts (including masturbation) except for the wives or that their right hand possess. And whoever seeks beyond that is the transgressor. "And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His bounty." 24.33. This verse also clearly orders whoever does not have the financial means to marry to keep himself chaste and be patient in facing temptations (including masturbation) until Allah enriches them of His bounty. Secondly, from the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him): Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said, "We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." (Bukhari)

The hadeeth orders men who are not able to marry to fast despite the hardship encountered in doing so, and not to masturbate despite the ease with which it can be done. There are additional evidences that can be cited to support this ruling on masturbation, but due to the limited space we will not go through them here. Allaah knows what is best and most correct.

As for curing the habit of masturbation, we recommend the following suggestions:

1) The motive to seek a cure for this problem should be solely following Allaah’s orders and fearing His punishment. 2) A permanent and quick cure from this problem lies in marriage as soon as the person is able, as shown in the Prophet’s hadeeth. 3) Keeping oneself busy with what is good for this world and the hereafter is essential in breaking this habit before it becomes second nature after which it is very difficult to rid oneself of it.

4) Lowering the gaze (from looking at forbidden things such as pictures, movies etc.) will help suppress the desire before it leads one to commit the haraam (forbidden). Allaah orders men and women to lower their gaze as shown in the following two verses and in the Prophet’s hadeeth (interpretations of the meanings): "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is all-aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) ... " 24.30-31 Allaah’s messenger said: "Do not follow a casual (unintentional) look (at forbidden things) with another look." (Al-Tirmidhi). This is a general instruction by the Prophet to abstain from all that may sexually excite a person because it might lead him/her to commit the haraam (forbidden). 5) Using one’s available leisure time in worshipping Allaah and increasing religious knowledge. 6) Being cautious not to develop any of the medical symptoms that may result from masturbation such as weak eyesight, weak nervous system, and/or back pain. More importantly, feeling of guilt and anxiety that can be complicated by missing obligatory prayers because of the need to shower (ghusl) after every incidence of masturbation.

7) Avoiding the illusion that some youth have that masturbation is permissible because it prevents them from committing illegal sexual acts such as fornication or even homosexuality. 8) Strengthening one’s willpower and avoiding spending time alone as recommended by the Prophet when he said "Do not spend the night alone" (Ahmad). 9) Following the Prophet’s aforementioned hadeeth and fast when possible, because fasting will temper one’s sexual desire and keep it under control. However, one should not overreact and swear by Allaah not to return to the act because if one does not honor one’s promise, one would be facing the consequences of not living up to one’s oath to Allaah.

Also, note that medication to diminish one’s sexual desire is strictly prohibited because it might permanently affect one’s sexual ability.10) Trying to follow the Prophet’s recommendation concerning the etiquette of getting ready for bed, such as reading well-known supplications, sleeping on the right side, and avoiding sleeping on the belly (the Prophet forbade sleeping on the belly). 11) Striving hard to be patient and chaste, because persistence will eventually, Allaah willing, lead to attaining those qualities as second nature, as the Prophet explains in the following hadeeth: "Whoever seeks chastity Allaah will make him chaste, and whoever seeks help from none but Allaah, He will help him, and whoever is patient He will make it easy for him, and no one has ever been given anything better than patience." (Bukhari). 12)

Repenting, asking forgiveness from Allaah, doing good deeds, and not losing hope and feeling despair are all prerequisites to curing this problem. Note that losing hope is one of the major sins punishable by Allaah. 13) Finally, Allaah is the Most Merciful and He always responds to whoever calls on Him. So, asking for Allah’s forgiveness will be accepted, by His will. And Allah knows what is best and most correct.


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06-19-2013, 11:36 PM
Thank You.

12-28-2013, 10:10 AM
Once a person was caught masturbating and was brought to Imam 'Ali. The Imam punished him by beating on his hands until it turned red; then he made arrangement for his marriage on government's expenses. (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 267; vol. 18, pp. 574-5)

Hamza Asadullah
12-30-2013, 03:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63
Once a person was caught masturbating and was brought to Imam 'Ali. The Imam punished him by beating on his hands until it turned red; then he made arrangement for his marriage on government's expenses. (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 267; vol. 18, pp. 574-5)

The best method for avoiding masturbation is marriage. But even married people indulge in such a sin. Maybe because it was a habit before marriage. Whatever the reason masturbation is something that we must make every effort to stop and the best cure without a doubt is marriage.

I hope the following link helps which are ways in which to help one to overcome this disease:

How to overcome Masterbation:


01-21-2014, 07:24 AM
Thank You for replying.

10-17-2014, 04:01 AM
There are Married Men who Maturbate I have heard Married Women say they don't care if their Husbands do that but they don't want their Husband to look or do that with Porn.

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