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View Full Version : Considering converting Islam, have many questions.

10-06-2013, 08:01 AM
Hello, I really like everything I have learned about Islam thus far.
The only issue is it condemns homosexuality, I think Lut was the one who condemned it.
I thought Muslims believe there is harmony between religion and science, and support science.
Homosexuality has been accepted as a part of human behavior and found in the animal kingdom.
I'm not here to debate if homosexuality is right or not, but my main question is if I decide to visit a nearby mosque this Friday and they ever did find out I was gay, would they deny me the right to enter the mosque? I don't plan on discussing or admitting it, but it just bothers me a little.

My other question is, I have been preforming the wudu, then reciting the bismallah and shahada, following the instructions of an article I read.
When I ready myself to do the salahs, or I guess they're also called rakats, does it matter if I listen to the Arabric recitations out loud on speakers while I pray for the daily prayers?

I'm a complete amateur and would appreciate any advice. I am debating on whether I should visit this mosque that's about ten minutes away. I don't know what to expect, but the email I got from one of the leaders was very warm and nice, he offered me books to read. I'm excited to learn and practice the Sunni lifestyle. I felt a deep connection with Allah for awhile now. I will explain more of my story in the Introduce Yourself thread.
Thanks, and what is the arabic saying for "bless you"?

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Muslim Woman
10-06-2013, 01:23 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by deeronjepsuhn
Homosexuality has been accepted as a part of human behavior

by whom ? Our Creator and our only Lord did not approve it . He punished the people who were guilty of doing it.

I decide to visit a nearby mosque this Friday and they ever did find out I was gay, would they deny me the right to enter the mosque? I don't plan on discussing or admitting it, but it just bothers me a little.

if u repent for ur past mistake / sin , they should not object . Also no need to expose ur sin / mistake to others .

does it matter if I listen to the Arabric recitations out loud on speakers while I pray for the daily prayers?
as a new Muslim , u are allowed to do it . Try to memorize 2/3 short Sura/ chapter . It's not that hard :)

I am debating on whether I should visit this mosque that's about ten minutes away.

I think u should visit. To be a good Muslim, u should have a regular contact with pious Muslims

what is the arabic saying for "bless you"?
normally we greet each other by saying Salaam Alaykum ( may peace and blessings of Allah be upon u ) and in reply we say : walaykum as Salaam - may peace and blessings of Allah be upon u , too . There are some other words . Try to learn slowly .


10-06-2013, 05:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by deeronjepsuhn
Hello, I really like everything I have learned about Islam thus far.
The only issue is it condemns homosexuality, I think Lut was the one who condemned it.
I thought Muslims believe there is harmony between religion and science, and support science.
Homosexuality has been accepted as a part of human behavior and found in the animal kingdom.
I'm not here to debate if homosexuality is right or not, but my main question is if I decide to visit a nearby mosque this Friday and they ever did find out I was gay, would they deny me the right to enter the mosque? I don't plan on discussing or admitting it, but it just bothers me a little.

we can chat about homosexuality later. many things seem natural, however, to worship Allah is to obey Allah. (it'll make more sense later, in shaa Allah). my advice would be DO NOT TELL ANYONE until you have given their character some consideration (some Muslims equate homosexuality with murder). just tell folks you've done a lot of things, some of which you'll disclose as you feel more comfortable.

My other question is, I have been preforming the wudu, then reciting the bismallah and shahada, following the instructions of an article I read.
When I ready myself to do the salahs, or I guess they're also called rakats, does it matter if I listen to the Arabric recitations out loud on speakers while I pray for the daily prayers?

the correct method is to recite: sub-han-Allah wa al-ham-du-lillah wa la-ii-la-lah ha- ill-lah-lah wA-llah-hu ak-bar (subhanallah wa alhamdulillah wa la ilaha ilallah wa Allahu akbar) in each psition until you can substitute the Arabic parts. here's a vid on prayer:


Rakah for each salah: fajr 2, duhr 4, asr 4, maghrib 3, isha 4

I'm a complete amateur and would appreciate any advice. I am debating on whether I should visit this mosque that's about ten minutes away. I don't know what to expect, but the email I got from one of the leaders was very warm and nice, he offered me books to read. I'm excited to learn and practice the Sunni lifestyle. I felt a deep connection with Allah for awhile now. I will explain more of my story in the Introduce Yourself thread.
Thanks, and what is the arabic saying for "bless you"?
As Salamu Alaykum Akhi,

i would go to the masjid ASAP. going to the masjid isn't a "chore", it's where you usually meet the best Muslims.

here's a great set of vids on Islam (just follow up to the 21st part):

oops, they combined them. 7 parts maybe???

here's great vid on Al Fatihah (the 1st surah in the Quran):

and here's a great set of audio lectures on Al Fatihah:


the above is a good picture of some excellent basic knowledge.

May Allah guide you and make it easy on you!

ma salaama

10-06-2013, 08:22 PM
Thanks you two, I read both of your replies and appreciate it.
Yes I agree, probably the best thing to do is to go to the mosque, I'm sure they're great people.
I will work on memorizing what you gave me Yusu.
I typed this down on a document I have, I have working on memorizing it as well.
"Ash-hadu an laa ilaha ill-Allaah, wahdahu la sharika lah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh"
I'll start reciting it after ablution. I found some great sites and videos so far on this board. I know how to properly do wet and dry ablution now, and showering. I'll work on memorizing it all, I want to impress the Muslims at the mosque and no require any assistance preparing for prayer doing wudu.
And I will not be telling anybody about my homosexuality. It doesn't really define me as a person, my dad is very homophobic. He says a lot of hateful things, not a very good Christian. I have great first impressions of Muslims, they are very understanding. I look forward to this journey. I'll try to go to the mosque on Friday. I'm not exactly sure where it is, kind of confusing.

I have one last question for now, what is the dress code for the mosque. Will all the male muslims be wearing white garments and white caps? I am going to look so silly when I go visit, I am nervous. I don't have any proper dressing for it all. But I guess that will come in time.

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10-06-2013, 08:52 PM
It's great to know that you want to be a muslim. May God bestow his mercy and love upon you. About you're questions; being gay is not a sin it's the action of indulge in depraved behavior with some one from the same gender. In Islam as you might have probably learned all and any kind of intimate behavior is off the table that is for both opposite gender and same gender relationships. Of course the difference is that they become lawful once a two people are a couple under a marriage that is approved of by Islam. You should always seek God's mercy and ask him to provide you with the power,strength and determination to resist your temptations and not fall into them. Know that God loves you and wants the best for you and that the Shaytan wants your misery and suffering and have trust in Allah that he will relieve you. I think you should focus on the basics and try your best to educate yourself about Islam. You must definitely visit the mosque regularly and you don;t have to disclose any thing about you to anyone especially when you're not comfortable or when you don't trust that person enough. This is because many people will most likely react according to their biases and have a negative judgment towards you without following the guidelines of Islam, beware because such people may ultimately discourage you from fully embracing Islam. Take your time, learn about Islam and keep on praying. My prayers are with you! :)

10-06-2013, 09:46 PM
No one can deny anyone from being a Muslim... Also, the sin is in Sodomy (action), not necessarily homosexual desires which you may not be able to control.

10-07-2013, 03:49 AM
Thanks you two. So if I get married to a partner, then it's okay?
Either way I'm looking forward to Friday. I hope I feel Allah's love and presence.
Last night I was laying in bed, I listened and did three of the daily prayers over the day.
And I was laying down and all of the sudden this peace came over me, and immediately made me tired and comfortable.
It took me by surprise, I think Allah noticed me. I read there are angels that record everything we say, think or do.
Which is good if so, it means we only have to honest with ourselves. Which is what matters.

Muslim Woman
10-07-2013, 06:49 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by deeronjepsuhn
what is the dress code for the mosque. Will all the male muslims be wearing white garments and white caps?

it's not must to wear white dress ; u may choose any colour . Just cover urself properly , that's all .

Ahmad H
10-07-2013, 05:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze
Also, the sin is in Sodomy (action), not necessarily homosexual desires which you may not be able to control.
Adding to that, the sin mentioned in a Hadith is so great that on the Day of Judgment, people who indulge in anal sex will be so condemned Allah will not even look at them on that Day.

So consider the gravity of committing this act itself, which is the sin Lut (as) talked about in the Holy Qur'an (7:81). If you begin to follow Islam, then all of it must be followed without hesitation.

10-08-2013, 04:43 AM
Salam. Glad to hear you are considering embracing Islam. It sounds like you have already been engaging in various Islamic practices. Once you are ready to embrace Islam in your heart then recite the Shahada with sincerity. You will then be known as a Muslim.

Salat (prayer) is the second pillar of Islam. Say "Bismillah" or "Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem" right before beginning Wudu and when you have the intention of doing wudu. I'll leave your questions regarding Salat to the others here to answer.

As to homosexuality, I have read articles that state that science says a person's sexual attractions to the opposite sex, same sex, or both sexes are biologically based and unchangeable. While Islam does work with science as Muslims are obligated to learn about and study Allah's (swt) creation as such knowledge assists us in becoming closer to Allah (swt). Learning about Allah's (swt) creation give us the signs or proofs that strengthen our iman (faith). This does not mean that Muslims or any Muslim community or Islamic fatwas (rulings) will agree with every scientific publication out there as scientists do come to invalid conclusions on things only to correct themselves later in the future.

Allah (swt) does not make mistakes in his creations but he does give humans challenges to work on overcoming. So even if you are "wired" toward being attracted to the same sex as scientists claim, that wiring would not be a sin in Islam. A masjid (mosque) is a house of Allah (swt) and no reputable masjid management would ban a Muslim from attending a masjid to fulfill his Islamic obligations and learning. So even if you are a homosexual, you are still a Muslim if you take the Shahadah with sincerety of heart.

Engaging in homosexual sex is haram (forbidden) in Islam so as a Muslim you will be required to avoid this and to avoid lusting after members of the same sex (or opposite sex too for that matter). You can regularly ask Allah (swt) for help to avoid these temptations and to help you deal with this challenge of yours.

May Allah (swt) help you realize and accept that Islam is the truth. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

10-08-2013, 03:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by deeronjepsuhn
"Ash-hadu an laa ilaha ill-Allaah, wahdahu la sharika lah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh
Just in case, the 'n' in Ash hadu an laa... is a silent one, not really pronounced. It almost becomes Ash hadu al laa (but the substitute 'l' is a bit nasally...) If you already knew, great :embarrass

Apart from that, welcome to islam and the forum. ;D

format_quote Originally Posted by deeronjepsuhn
we only have to honest with ourselves. Which is what matters.
Fantastic way to start! May you find and stay on the right path.

Peace :shade:

10-09-2013, 09:23 AM
Thank you all for being so kind and helpful.
This is has all been very helpful reading, and I have taken some notes.
I plan on having the whole process of wudu memorized before this Friday, I already know how to do the water part right.
It's going to be hard to find the mosque, for some reason Google maps shows it on a bridge, which makes no sense. ;D
Saalam Alaykum!

10-09-2013, 10:34 AM
I went through the same exact thing. It's a tricky subject and I am not a Dai'i. But if you need to talk I am here mA. Jazakallah Khair

12-28-2013, 04:57 AM
Im learning a lot just by reading this.. thank you for this.. and for those who replied on his thread with inspiring msgs.

Salaam Alaykum! I learnt a lot from this thread, thanks for replying to his thread with inspiring message..

12-28-2013, 09:37 AM
Hi deeronjepsuhn I want to say that I have talked to Muslims about this topic in person and online and my understanding is that if you convert/revert to Islam and you don't go back to the sin of Homosexuality you can and will be forgiven by Allah so don't worry you can go to a Mosque/Masjid also I don't go around asking what people's past sins were because that would be mean or rude in my opinion however there are Converts to Islam online and in person both Men and Women who have told me they commit sins in the past before converting such as Sex Outside of Marriage Homosexuality and or other forms of Zina or Maturbating anyway my point is you're past sins should not stop you from becoming a Muslim also you don't have to tell people you're past sins it is wrong to try to take pride or boast about you're sins if it comes up or but it is in fact you should not you don't need to. Every Muslim I have talked to say we can give Dawah to Sinners which includes Homosexuals I believe Homosexuals can change even if Homosexuality can be caused by a Person's Environment you can give up Homosexuality just like People can give up Drugs and or Alcohol or Maturbating. There are in fact Ex and or Former Homosexuals in the World which would make no sense if People were born Homosexual don't you agree ? I will make Dua for you I hope you convert to Islam thank you for you're time please reply my advice to you is convert to Islam and try to find a Woman to marry and be happy just like a Man who had issues with Maturbating should try to Marry in fact Single Men in general should try to Marry but you get my point thank you have a nice day if you need to see a Psychiatrist do it. There were Enemies of the Prophet Muhammad that converted to Islam during his life time he forgave a man who killed his Uncle also in the Quran the Pharaoh was invited to Islam also don't forget that the people of Lut or Lot were given a change to change and repent so I don't see why you can't convert you can.

Description: The Islamic understanding of homosexuality.
By Aisha Stacey (© 2013 IslamReligion.com)

Throughout history particular cultures and societies have treated homosexuality in a number of ways. Homosexual behaviour has variously been encouraged, approved of, tolerated, punished, and banned. The three so called Abrahamic faiths Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have generally viewed homosexuality as sinful.

Greg Quinlan, president of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), says, “I, as a former homosexual, along with tens of thousands of others who left homosexuality, [am] proof that it is not immutable; you can change." and "It is not innate; you are not born that way." There are also a number of Islamic ex-gay groups aimed at attempting to guide homosexuals towards heterosexuality; including the Straightway Foundation, a UK based ex-gay organization which works with homosexual Muslims seeking to eliminate their same-sex attraction.

Homosexuality is considered the sin of the people of Prophet Lot[3] and its Arabic word is lutiyya. Liwat is the word for sodomy, under which heading the topic of homosexuality is found in the books of Islamic jurisprudence. Under Islamic law both the (same-sex) sodomizer and sodomized are condemned to death. However it must be pointed out that the death penalty is applied only under strict conditions and rules of evidence, and only in places that live under Islamic law. There is no fixed prescribed punishment for lesbianism since sexual intercourse does not take place, however it is undoubtedly prohibited and sinful.


Adultery/fornication and Homosexuality.

He committed zinaa then he became Muslim; should he be subjected to the punishment?

If a kaafir commits zinaa (unlawful sexual intercourse) then he becomes Muslim, should the hadd punishment be carried out on him?

Praise be to Allaah.
If a dhimmi (Jew or Christian living under the protection of the Islamic state) commits zinaa then becomes Muslim, and there is evidence to prove that he did commit zinaa, the hadd punishment is no longer to be applied to him; he should not be punished by either hadd (punishment specified in sharee’ah) or ta’zeer (punishment to be specified by the qaadi or Muslim judge in a particular case). This was the view of al-Shaafa'i, based on the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will be forgiven” (al-Anfaal 8:38).

“Islam wipes out whatever came before it.” (Narrated by Muslim from ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas).
The Qur’aan also states that the punishment for a thief or bandit is no longer applicable if they repent, so this reprieve is more applicable in the case of a kaafir (who becomes Muslim). Moreover, enforcing the punishment would put people off Islam. This is the same reason which is given by scholars for stating that a person who enters Islam does not have to make up the prayers that he has missed. And Allaah knows best.

Fataawa al-Imaam al-Nawawi, 223


I don't want to post the link but it is a good story.

I am an American convert to Islam. I made my Shahada, or Profession of Faith, at a mosque in Kansas City on June 4th, 1993, in the presence of several Muslim brothers after due instruction and a great deal of personal research and soul searching.

Childhood was difficult, filled with poverty, abuse, alcoholism, and tragedy -- the deaths of parents, a sibling, and that of a close childhood friend in an accident at age 10 in which I survived and he did not -- which lead to a life of drugs, hustling, booze, a nervous breakdown and several suicide attempts. It took years of counseling to sort out the mess that was my life.

At that time, in Kansas City, most Muslim converts were Black. I was not. I was quite frequently the only white face staring up at the Iman during his sermons. Given the racial tensions of the time, I expected to be kept at arm's length, but I found just the opposite: these Black men, these Muslim converts like myself, made no issue of race. I was welcomed as any other Muslim would be.


12-28-2013, 10:56 PM
Here are some beneficial talks/presentations you will find really useful I'm sure:
Anything by:
Sheikh Khalid Yasin (The purpose of life talks are great)
Hamza Tzaortsis (His purpose of life talk was good)

They are all muslim converts. Find them on youtube.

Green Birds
02-04-2014, 06:20 AM
Homosexuality is not scientifically proven/accepted
Just think about it...it was never meant to happen..

Anyways.. we are judged based on our actions(not our desires) - so, As long as you don't act upon it.. you won't be sinning..

If you want enter a mosque - none has the right to forbid you ((unless you causing problems))


As for your prayer - playing a recitation to do your prayer..won't work. There are some obligatory things that you have to say in your prayer - otherwise your prayer will be invalid.

since you are still new .. you can just write down the arabic-transliteration on a piece of paper and read it while you are praying.. until you have it memorized

Yes - you should definitely visit a mosque.. that will make things easier for you..


Your post says "considering converting to Islam" - but you said you already said your Shahadah with belief - that makes you a muslim already ^_^

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