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View Full Version : Confused and looking for guidance....

11-09-2013, 04:54 AM
Hello all! I'm new to these forums, and I'm somewhat religiously confused. I was raised Catholic, but I've been going out to try to find my own answers on things. I know I believe in one God, but from there it gets sketchy. I had some questions I had been wanting to ask Muslims:

How are you so sure Muhammad was an actual prophet of God? I know for many Christians, the miracles Jesus performed and that his disciples literally said he was the Messiah certainly help them believe. How can you logically reason that God wanted to send his message through Muhammad, and that he wasn't "making it up"?

Why was Muhammad a military leader? It just seems odd to me that a prophet of a relatively peaceful God would want to battle other humans.

I've heard of the Koran containing several scientific facts that Muhammad could not have known without divine help. Can someone list some of these scientific oddities found in the Koran?

I am desperately looking for spiritual guidance, and I've come here because I've always had this gut feeling that Islam may be right. How can I pray about this? Do Muslims believe that one can simply lay in bed and pray to Allah for guidance? Or do you have to do the whole wash feet and face East thing?

Thanks and God bless.

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11-12-2013, 06:26 PM
Greetings NextElement,

Welcome to the forum and apologies for the delay in replying to your post.

format_quote Originally Posted by NextElement
How are you so sure Muhammad was an actual prophet of God? I know for many Christians, the miracles Jesus performed and that his disciples literally said he was the Messiah certainly help them believe. How can you logically reason that God wanted to send his message through Muhammad, and that he wasn't "making it up"?
There are many ways to be sure of this. If you read his biography and study his teachings, you will find that the only logical conclusion is that he was a true Prophet of God. He was known among his people for forty years as a trustworthy and virtuous man, so he had a very noble reputation even before receiving revelation from God and his mission as a Prophet began. He had no reason to invent a lie against God - if he was honest in all other aspects of life, how could he invent the greatest lie of all? Moreover, the pagan Arabs tried to entice them with all kinds of worldly rewards in exchange for refraining from preaching the truth, but the Prophet

and his followers held firm to their message. Not only this, but the Muslims suffered immense persecution and their situation became increasinly difficult because of their faith. These are just some examples as to why there could be no ulterior motives behind this message. Even many years later, the Prophet :saws: never pursued worldly gains and rewards - his sole aim was to fulfil his mission of delivering God's message and establishing the truth. He lived a very humble life, often having very little to eat. It is narrated that when he passed away, all that he left behind was his white riding mule, his arms, and a piece of land which he left to charity.

The following links shed more light on the life of the Prophet :saws::

Life of the Prophet :saws:

Proofs of Prophethood
[post] Prove that the Qur'an IS the word of God - in the initiation of revelation
Muhammad's Simple Life: A Proof of His Prophethood
12 Proofs that Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) was a True Prophet
How to prove Muhammad was a prophet (How to prove Muhammad was a prophet)- No material gain from Prophethood

*!* Miracles Of Prophet Mohammad SAW(Pbuh)*!*
Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad
~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~
The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad [salAllahu alayhi wa salam] (The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad [salAllahu alayhi wa salam])
Concerning Masjid Al-Aqsa
Miracles in Islam

[post] Abu Lahab worse than Abu Jahal
The enemy of Islam who was given ten years to prove the Quran wrong but failed

Prophet's (saw) excellent example and profound teachings
The Profound Teachings of Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammed the best example for mankind!
[HudaTV] Best Example for Youth Today
The Character of The Prophet Muhammed (PBU)
The Messenger Of Allah (saw) Is The Best Amongst People In Disposition And Behaviour
The True Love & Mercy of the Prophet (Pbuh) for Mankind
Muhammad(s): A mercy to mankind
[post] critisism and islam

Biography of Prophet Muhammad (saws)
The Life of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wassallam) - Anwar Al Awlaki
The Last Sermon
This is an interesting discussion exploring why the Prophet :saws: could not have been a liar or deluded etc. as has been alleged against him:
His coming was also prophecised in former scriptures:
The Prophet Muhammad :saws: performed many miracles to prove he was a true Prophet. The greatest miracle is what we still have with us today: the Qur'an. The Qur'an is the revelation that God sent down to the Prophet :saws:, and till this day no one can produce anything like it. Its language and style outmatched the literary skill of the Arabs amongst whom it was revealed, despite their expertise in this field, and despite also the fact that the Prophet :saws: was known to be illiterate. There are many aspects proving the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, including scientific details, some of which have been addressed here:


Why was Muhammad a military leader? It just seems odd to me that a prophet of a relatively peaceful God would want to battle other humans.
It is the nature of this world that there cannot always be peace and harmony, even if that is desired. Sometimes a person has to use force in order to establish peace and justice, such as defending one's community from attack or liberating others from persecution and tyranny. Yet, the Prophet :saws: was a Mercy to the worlds. There are many examples where he favoured peaceful solutions rather than resorting to war. Among his first actions after arriving in Madinah was to make a treaty guaranteeing the coexistence of the various groups living there. Even when he gained victory over Makkah - the very people who had severely tortured his followers and expelled him from his home, he set the most magnificent example of tolerance and forgiveness although he was able to take revenge. We learn from his life that the Prophet :saws: never took revenge on anyone for personal reasons and always forgave even his staunch enemies. Moreover, he abided by the ethics of war and prohibited murdering children, women, and the elderly, as well as applying other rules.

I am desperately looking for spiritual guidance, and I've come here because I've always had this gut feeling that Islam may be right. How can I pray about this? Do Muslims believe that one can simply lay in bed and pray to Allah for guidance? Or do you have to do the whole wash feet and face East thing?
Yes, you can and should pray to Allaah :swt: for guidance as He is the All-Hearer, the One who Responds, and guidance is in His Hands.

May Allaah :swt: guide you to the truth and help you in this journey, Aameen.

Let us know if you have any other questions. :)

11-13-2013, 12:15 AM
I'm seeing a lot of posts on here as a look through of people (mainly Americans) who recently said the Shahada and are having a hard time living life as good Muslims because they are scared of what their parents would think. I'm the same way, all of my family is borderline hateful to Muslims because of the intense anti-Islam propaganda that was spread after 9/11.

So if one said the Shahada and truly believed it, but was too scared of his/her family to actively live a perfect Muslim lifestyle, is that a sin? Is it a sin to be a Muslim without telling others for fear of persecution or exclusion?

I'm seriously considering saying the Shahada. However, I wanted your guys' opinion on some things:

I don't know much about intricacies of the religion. I know the basics, but I couldn't answer advanced questions about it. Should I wait to say the Shahada until I know more to defend Islam?

I live in America with very devout Christian parents in a rural area. I will most likely not be able to eat only halal meals, and I will probably be forced to keep going to Christian church on Sundays. Is this problematic? Should I wait until I'm at college where I have much more freedom to say it?

11-13-2013, 01:09 AM
Welcome to the forum NextElement.

Hope the above post/reply has helped to clarify your immediate uncertainties. You will find threads and posts in the archive that may answer your other questions.

Just for your info, the 'Advice' section is not open to all members hence if any questions that is put there may get 'limited' response.

Anyway, hope you have a good stay.

Peace :shade:

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Nur Student
11-13-2013, 05:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by NextElement
Hello all! I'm new to these forums,
Welcome to the forum. :welcome:

format_quote Originally Posted by NextElement
How are you so sure Muhammad was an actual prophet of God? I know for many Christians, the miracles Jesus performed and that his disciples literally said he was the Messiah certainly help them believe. How can you logically reason that God wanted to send his message through Muhammad, and that he wasn't "making it up"?
Here are some universal testimonies:

The First is a proof of prophethood proceeding from eleven of his attributes and states. Yes, his appearing —despite being unlettered— suddenly and without experience with a religion which has left in amazement the learned men and philosophers of fourteen centuries and has won first place among the revealed religions is an attribute without equal.

Also unequalled is the fact that Islam, which emerged from his words, actions, and conduct, has at all times educated and trained the spirits, souls, and minds of three hundred and fifty million people, taking them to spiritual advancement.

Moreover, he appeared with such a Shari‘a that for fourteen centuries it has ruled with its just laws one fifth of mankind, leading it to material and spiritual progress.

So too that Being (PBUH) appeared with such a faith and creed, and such strength of belief that all the people of reality have unanimously affirmed that, since they receive perpetual effulgence from it, his belief was at the highest and strongest degree. The opposition of his innumerable opponents at that time not causing him the slightest anxiety, doubt, or scruple, shows too that the strength of his belief was without equal or like.

He also displayed such worship of Allah and servitude to Him that bringing together the beginning and end of worship, imitating no one, he saw and conformed to the subtlest mysteries of worship, and fulfilled them even in times of greatest disturbance. This was an incomparable attribute, as was his offering such prayers, supplications and entreaties to his Creator that up to the present his degree has not been reached, even with the meeting of many minds. Thus, no one has attained to his knowledge of Allah.

He called people to religion with such steadfastness and announced his prophethood with such boldness that although his people, his uncle, the great powers of the world, and the followers of the former religions were all opposed and hostile to him, he did not fear or hold back even a jot, but challenged them all and successfully accomplished his task. This too was an unparalleled attribute.

Thus, these eight wondrous, matchless attributes form a truly powerful testimony to his veracity and prophethood. They show too that there is complete certainty concerning his utter seriousness, trustworthiness, veracity, and truthfulness. Every day in the tashahhudwith millions of tongues the World of Islam declares: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet! And may God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.” It submits to the function with which he was charged, and affirming the good news of the eternal happiness which he brought, it gratefully says: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet!” in the face of the sure way leading to eternal life which mankind seeks and yearns for with an innate, profound longing, thus meeting with him in spirit and congratulating him in the name of three hundred million, indeed, thousands of millions.

The Second Testimony, which comprises twenty universal testimonies, as well as many others: Through the testimony to his veracity of all truths of the pillars of belief.

That is, the truths, realities, and veracity of the six pillars of belief testify decisively to Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership and veracity. For the collective personality of his life as Messenger and the basis of all he claimed and the essence of his prophethood were those six pillars. In which case, all the evidences verifying the pillars of belief proved the truth of Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership, and his veracity.

The Third Universal Testimony, which comprises thousands of testimonies: Through the testimony of his self (Peace and blessings be upon him), through his thousands of miracles, perfections, and fine morality.

That is: he was a proof of himself as brilliant as the sun, through the powerful testimony to his messengership and veracity of his thousands of miracles, attainments and perfections, and his elevated character and fine morality. Yes, as is proved in the wondrous treatise of The Miracles of Muhammad (PBUH) through more than three hundred sound narrations, in accordance with the explicit verses

And the moon split,



And when you threw, it was not you who threw; it was rather Allah that threw


the moon splitting in two at the sign of a single finger of his hand; and water flowing forth in five springs from the five fingers of the same hand, and an entire thirsty army drinking from these and testifying to it; and his casting a handful of dust with the same hand at an attacking enemy army, and their turning tail and fleeing when the dust entered the eyes of all of them; and small pebbles uttering glorifications in the same hand, as though they were human, saying: “Glory be to Allah!” —hundreds of incidents such as these, which are related in ‘sound’ narrations; and some about which there are unanimous reports described in the histories, and miracles, which according to exacting scholars numbered around a thousand, appearing at his hand; and according to friend and foe alike his fine attributes and good character being of the very highest degree;

3 and the unanimous agreement —at the degree of ‘absolute certainty’— of all the people of reality, who have attained to spiritual perfection through following him and reached ‘the vision of certainty’ in the realities, that Muhammad’s (PBUH) perfections and attainments were of the very highest level; and the spiritual achievements of the World of Islam, which proceeds from his religion; as well as the truths of mighty Islam — all these furnish evidence for his wondrous perfections. This surely means that this Being (PBUH) testified in most brilliant and universal fashion to his own messengership.

The Fourth Testimony, which comprises numerous powerful testimonies: Through the testimony of the Qur’an, with all its truths and proofs. That is, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition testifies to his messengership and veracity with its innumerable truths and proofs.

Yes, with all its veracious truths, the Qur’an of Mighty Stature,... Click here to continue.

Dipnot-1 Qur’an, 54:1.
Dipnot-2 Qur’an, 8:17.
Dipnot-3 The hero ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him), whose courage was of the very highest order, said: “When we were frightened when fighting in battle, we used to hide behind God’s Messenger (PBUH).” The histories relate how even his enemies of that time corroborated that all his virtues were superior, the same as his courage.

format_quote Originally Posted by NextElement
How can I pray about this? Do Muslims believe that one can simply lay in bed and pray to Allah for guidance? Or do you have to do the whole wash feet and face East thing?
Yes, you can lay in bed and pray to Allah for guidance. [Formal] prayers come later after you bring your shadah (testimony) and become Muslim. However, besides verbal supplication, do some active supplication, too, which in this case would be to search about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).


11-13-2013, 03:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NextElement
So if one said the Shahada and truly believed it, but was too scared of his/her family to actively live a perfect Muslim lifestyle, is that a sin? Is it a sin to be a Muslim without telling others for fear of persecution or exclusion?
If one fears the reaction of others, such as his or her parents, siblings or friends, and feels that they are not ready to inform them, still they should convert and try to practice Islam in secret as much as they can. As time passes, and the connection with God is established, a person’s faith will become stronger and they will know how to handle the situation better. In fact the new Muslim will almost certainly feel liberated and begin to feel the need to inform the whole world about the beauty of Islam.

In the meantime it is a good idea to slowly and subtly prepare your friends and family for the changes that will obviously take place.Perhaps one could begin to talk openly about God and religion in general, express an interest in other faiths or Islam in particular. When a person begins to practice Islam, which is in fact a way of life, those close to them often notice a difference. They will see a new found respect for them, the family and society in general; they will also see a change in demeanor often from anxious and unhappy to relaxed and contented.

Islam is a way of life and it's difficult to hide it for long. It is important to remember that when people learn of your conversion to Islam there will be a reaction. It will range from those that are happy and accepting, to those who feel upset and disappointed. Often those upset, with time get over it and begin to accept the change. And when they see many positive changes in you, they may actually begin to appreciate your conversion. One needs to stay strong, determined and know that God is with you.Your words and experience may very well lead others to follow your example. Trust in God, learn all you can about your new found faith and let the light of Islam shine through your eyes.

As I stated in another thread

When a person is contemplating accepting Islam, many of the barriers that he or she perceives are nothing more than illusions and tricks from Satan. It is clear that once a person has been chosen by Allah, Satan will do his utmost to lead that person astray and bombard them with small whispers and doubts.Questions, thoughts and scenarios fill our minds,and Satan works overtime.Nowadays we ask ourselves a different series of questions but they disturb our rest just the same.Should I dress differently?Should I tell my family? Am I still allowed to go out and hanging with the same crowd, drink alcohol, dating,listening music?Hundreds of questions,but the reality is that these questions are really not relevant to whether a person wants to convert to Islam or not.If a person believes Islam is the truth then he or she should convert to Islam without delay.The details come later when a person establishes a relationship with Allah, when he understands the nature of our Creator.The religion of Islam is a gift, and just like any other gift it must be accepted, and opened before the true worth of its contents can be revealed.Islam is a way of life that makes eternal bliss in the hereafter an achievable dream.There is no Allah but Allah,the One the Only,the First and the Last.Knowing Him is the key to success and accepting Islam is the first step on a journey to the Hereafter.
format_quote Originally Posted by NextElement
I don't know much about intricacies of the religion. I know the basics, but I couldn't answer advanced questions about it. Should I wait to say the Shahada until I know more to defend Islam?
There is no need to know a lot about Islam to become a Muslim. It is enough to know the meaning of testimony and the six pillars of faith.Once a person has embraced Islam, there is time for him to learn about his religion. There is no need to rush and be overwhelmed. Take things slowly, but steadily move forward at your own pace. There is time to understand the inspirational beauty and ease of Islam, and to learn about all the prophets and messengers of Islam including the last prophet, Muhammad.A Muslim never stops learning; it is a process that will continue until death.
Prophet Muhammad said, “The believer will never have enough of listening to good things (seeking knowledge) until he reaches Paradise.”

Replies taken from http://IslamReligion.com

11-13-2013, 05:44 PM
Greetings NextElement,

If you truly believe in the testimony of faith and all it entails, then that is enough to take the Shahadah. It is fine to conceal your conversion but you should abide by the religious rites in secret. Below are some threads and links which contain useful advice regarding trouble in telling the family:

http://www.islamicboard.com/new-muslims/134288379-trials-conversion-telling-family.html (The Trials of Conversion: Telling the Family)
http://www.islamicboard.com/new-muslims/134305585-having-hard-time-home.html (Having a hard time at home :()
http://www.islamicboard.com/advice-support/134297751-lying-my-family.html (Lying to my family?)
http://www.islamicboard.com/advice-support/33559-want-tell-mum-how-i-feel-about-islam-but-scared.html (want to tell mum how i feel about islam but scared to)
http://www.islamicboard.com/advice-support/34973-telling-your-parents-you-have-reverted.html (Telling your parents that you have reverted)

We ask Allaah the Exalted to make this journey easy for you and to keep you steadfast upon Islam, Aameen.

Green Birds
02-05-2014, 05:23 AM
Proofs of the prophethood of Muhammad(saws) - There are multiple ways of proving that..
- His life and characteristics before revelation((he was never known to speak a lie, he was given the name al-amin(which means trustworthy) by the people living around him.. who became his enemies once he proclaimed prophethood... and even after that people used to keep your possessions under his care.. because they trusted him to keep it safe

Never the less.. the greatest proof of his prophethood is obviously the Qur'an itself - however you look at the Quran - it could not have been made up by men - in its literary form, the message, the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran and so on..

As for - asking for guidance - you can just ask God directly in whatever the position you are in..

Quran 2:186 - And when My servants ask you, concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided


You should not wait to say your shahadah... because..well.. none of know when we are going to die.. you better step into the safe zone..

even if you can't practice islam properly - it is better to get a bad grade than failing the exam.. you know what i am saying?

Your main obligation is the pray the 5 daily prayers and to keep away from the forbidden stuffs..

You can just lock your door to pray.. it takes only about 1o-15 mins for each prayer..

as for your dietary restriction.. all vegetables and fish are allowed... so.. if you have any doubts with meat.. you can tell your folks that you are not feeling like having meat..

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