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View Full Version : Forum Speeds Threads for members to rant on...

02-05-2015, 07:39 PM
... so the admins can pull their socks up and sort this out.

I am currently uploading a video to YT showing exactly how ridiculous the forum loading times are...


I like IB, but hate the fact that ever since the updates, the forums are almost impossible to use.

Mods and Admin have closed the forum update threads so I couldn't respond there, and neither could others. So, I saw it fit to start this thread where we can share our experiences with you, the admin and mod team, so you can better recognise how serious this matter really is.

It Is Time To Sort It Out.

Uncle Scimi has waved his stick at you :D

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02-05-2015, 08:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
the forums are almost impossible to use.
I think you exaggerated here but it's true my servers take about 10 seconds to load And Allah knows best :D
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
Uncle Scimi has waved his stick at you
And you got your little bro StrivingforDeen with ya boys and girls :shade: in shaa Allah

02-05-2015, 09:10 PM
I think the speeds are reasonable - the only thing which can take quite a few secs/min is when you click on advanced reply - but other than that Alhamdulilah can't complain so far so good :-)

02-05-2015, 09:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Protected Soul
is when you click on advanced reply
And edit post also depend on the speed of your own internet

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02-05-2015, 10:04 PM
*Pulls socks up* :)

Yes brother speed is really slow at the moment, I have discussed with staff past few months. Currently I have been waiting on some important things, now that those are done we can continue. Lot of major updates coming soon :ia:

02-05-2015, 10:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by StrivingforDeen
And edit post also depend on the speed of your own internet
Not really, unless you're tethering...

I have enterprise net - the fastest available - makes no difference whatsoever. Bottom line is, the servers this forum is hosted on - isn't providing the speeds.

I have my own forum (irongatefilm.net/forum) and it is blisteringly fast compared to this place.

Not just that, I am a member of many different forums and to date, none have ever been as slow as this place is and this problem is ongoing now for, well, a year at least... and it still isn't sorted.

Wait til you see the video, you will know the difference between this forum and others.


EDIT: this edit took a full minute to load :D

02-05-2015, 10:04 PM
If I had hotel and a guest complain because my hotel facilities were not as good as in promotion, I would apologize and give back his money. But if someone stayed in my house for free but he complain about its facilities, I would throw him out.

I had given him free facilities but he still complain?.

The forum exists in internet not for free. The owner must pay to hire bandwidth, the admins and moderators work voluntary without paid. They give free facilities for people like us who want to discuss in internet forum.

And we still complain?. :)

02-05-2015, 10:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
And we still complain?.
True story mad respect for you Akhi :D

02-05-2015, 10:09 PM
Now I feel bad that I even posted in this thread I feel that I have taken motivation away from people by not noticing tht point, will you guys forgive me?

02-05-2015, 10:21 PM
And we still complain?.
Yes, rightfully so.

Look, 99% of forums are free for members to join. They all work fine and fast. Yet, we here at an Islamic forum are suffering snail pace speeds.

What I find odd is in an age where the Muslims all rant "golden age" this forum has slowed down to ridiculously low speeds. We should be getting a faster service here.

If my clients websites were hosted on slow servers, they'd complain because they'd be losing essential business.

Although this is no business, there are people out there (guests) who may have considered membership but not gone for it because of the problems with this forum, further - some guests suffer problems and come here for advice, or to browse the forum threads - they don't join up...

SPEED IS EVERYTHING, this is the digital age, and once again, Muslims are lagging behind. Darned right i'm gonna complain.


02-05-2015, 11:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
I have ever competed in dozens motocross race event, and I ever competed in auto sprint rally too. Frankly, I always rode motorcycles which slower than the pro's motorcycles. But I never blamed my mechanics because I realized, the cause was budget. My budget as amateur was not as big as budget of the pro racers.

Is speed everything?. No, bro. What the everything is not the speed itself, but our abilities to use the available speed. If we could use the available speed in the proper way, then we could win over other racers with faster motorcycles but could not ride as good as we could.

This forum maybe slower than other forums, but we are still able to make this forum become the winner in the heart of users and visitors, through writing good quality posts.


02-05-2015, 11:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Is speed everything?. No, bro. What the everything is not the speed itself, but our abilities to use the available speed. If we could use the available speed in the proper way, then we could win over other racers with faster motorcycles but could not ride as good as we could.

This forum maybe slower than other forums, but we are still able to make this forum become the winner in the heart of users and visitors, through writing good quality posts.
I think you have a point but so does brother Scimitar
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
Yes, rightfully so.

Look, 99% of forums are free for members to join. They all work fine and fast. Yet, we here at an Islamic forum are suffering snail pace speeds.

What I find odd is in an age where the Muslims all rant "golden age" this forum has slowed down to ridiculously low speeds. We should be getting a faster service here.

If my clients websites were hosted on slow servers, they'd complain because they'd be losing essential business.

Although this is no business, there are people out there (guests) who may have considered membership but not gone for it because of the problems with this forum, further - some guests suffer problems and come here for advice, or to browse the forum threads - they don't join up...

SPEED IS EVERYTHING, this is the digital age, and once again, Muslims are lagging behind. Darned right i'm gonna complain.

Maybe someone else could have converted to Islam but they might have not been satisfied with something here and if they went to another forum Alhamdulillah but it would be great for us to in shaa Allah get reward for our efforts Just read this
That's is all I have to say and Allah knows best

02-06-2015, 12:28 AM
well, here's the vid:

Don't be laughing at my accent :D


02-06-2015, 12:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
Don't be laughing at my accent
MashaAllah TabarakaAllah you have a charming/official/businessman like accent (I think mine is more like a harsh one) why would I laugh at you?
BTW are you british/raised there I just think your accent sounds like it :D
and the bloody heck was good ;D

02-06-2015, 12:44 AM
:embarrass stop it bro, or I'll never lend my voice to a video again :D thank you for the compliment though, even if it did make me cringe a little :D

I was born in Dewsbury (Yorkshire) but family moved to the badlands (East London) when I was 1 yrs old (1976)... been here ever since, residing in this concrete jungle we call a city :D

I miss the Dales of Yorkshire, what a beautiful land. Once when I was at the dewsbury Merkez, I stepped out at midnight with some brothers to have a little chat, we walked along the dales until we saw the moon creep out of the clouds - a full moon, like a silver disc, and the stars were visible - which was something new to me. You see, London is so full of smoke and smog that the stars are hardly seen, ever... only the north star is normally visible, but in Dewsbury, on that night - we were counting constellations. It really was something to behold.


02-06-2015, 12:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
stop it bro, or I'll never lend my voice to a video again thank you for the compliment though, even if it did make me cringe a little

I was born in Dewsbury (Yorkshire) but family moved to the badlands (East London) when I was 1 yrs old (1976)... been here ever since, residing in this concrete jungle we call a city

I miss the Dales of Yorkshire, what a beautiful land. Once when I was at the dewsbury Merkez, I stepped out at midnight with some brothers to have a little chat, we walked along the dales until we saw the moon creep out of the clouds - a full moon, like a silver disc, and the stars were visible - which was something new to me. You see, London is so full of smoke and smog that the stars are hardly seen, ever... only the north star is normally visible, but in Dewsbury, on that night - we were counting constellations. It really was something to behold.

What do you mean you started to cringe? And it is always a good feeling to compliment any of our brothers or sisters in Islam and always remember to say MashaAllah TabarakaAllah we don't want them to get the evil eye :D
MashaAllah TabarakaAllah so your 40 years old if I am right? My Dad is around your age and also trys to speak in a british accent (Allahu alam) but I think you might pull it off a little better MashaAllah TabarakaAllah but BTW saying this of my Father does it count as backbiting shoul I tell him that I posted about him???
You can always move to a real jungle but beware there are gorillas (maybe)
I remember myself being a little smaller and giving monkeys (we have mountains here Alhamdulillah) biscuits ;D ;D ;D

02-06-2015, 12:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
I have my own forum (irongatefilm.net/forum) and it is blisteringly fast compared to this place.
Brother Scimitar what is your forum about? And yes it is faster...

02-06-2015, 01:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
stop it bro, or I'll never lend my voice to a video again
Why do you do this to us brother? :cry::cry::cry:

02-06-2015, 01:21 AM
oh bless you brother Striving :)

i was watching a documentary just now on akhenaton (Hamza bin Hamdi bin Sureiseri bin Johani thinks Akhenaton was Dhul Qarnayn - I was lolling reading his book, he ignored every single premise in history to arrive at his faulty conlcusion, not to mention his disregard for method)

Anyway, to answer your questions:

I cringe when someone pays me a compliment - just not used to them lol

Backbiting is usually slandering someone without their knowledge - you was NOT doing that :) so don't worry bro

I couldn't live in jungles - concrete or regular - i prefer the arid desert climate of Arabia, it's so refreshing to my cold bones.

My forum (well actually it's more like OUR FORUM - we're 54 members) is a forum for the research of a documentary we are planning on making now for over 3 years, on the subject of Dhul Qarnayn and Ya'juj wa Ma'juj... the membership is by invite only and we only accept those who are serious about contrinuting theirn time and effort to this study. Or those who have skills in film production etc.

As for not lending my voice to video again - I was joking... I actually went and bought one of these for the recording of voice narrations in our video series:

so it looks like I'll be using it in future - it's the best microphone I've ever had the pleasure of using, my voice actually sounds like my voice with it... the best part is, it can be used for field recording.

However i didn't use it in the video above - just used my crappy android instead :D

Masha-Allah bro, you're a young one who has joined us here - it pleases me to know the younger generation have a calling!!! :)


02-06-2015, 01:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
oh bless you brother Striving
Bless you too Brother Scimitar got to write this fast reply I think it is late so my father said get off the computer in the morning/tomorrow I will in shaa Allah give a better/longer reply :D

02-06-2015, 06:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
well, here's the vid:

Don't be laughing at my accent :D

Nice video and nice accent! I think if a Paypal account is set up we could all pitch in and donate a bit when we can to help the site owner with costs to keep the forum up and growing.

02-06-2015, 12:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
i prefer the arid desert climate of Arabia, it's so refreshing to my cold bones.
When and where did you experience it?
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
My forum (well actually it's more like OUR FORUM - we're 54 members) is a forum for the research of a documentary we are planning on making now for over 3 years, on the subject of Dhul Qarnayn and Ya'juj wa Ma'juj... the membership is by invite only and we only accept those who are serious about contrinuting theirn time and effort to this study. Or those who have skills in film production etc.
MashaAllah TabarakaAllah
May you and your crew gain success with it

format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
Masha-Allah bro, you're a young one who has joined us here - it pleases me to know the younger generation have a calling!!!

JazakaAllahu khair :embarrass

02-19-2015, 06:40 PM
Speed difference much faster now alhamdulilah :)

How is it for you guys?

02-20-2015, 03:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by StrivingforDeen
When and where did you experience it?
first time, 1993 in Makkah and Medina during Umrah.

then again in 2006, for Umrah - but this time during the month of Ramadhan, the whole month - was absolutely amazing. Hot too. Dry and hot. Loved it. The evenings were a blessing for the cool air, and bro - I have no more words except, I want to go back.


EDIT: btw, forum speeds are competing with the best of 'em now - well done IB admins :)

02-21-2015, 01:01 AM
Assalaamu alaikum Admins,

Mmm… I'm having some problems since the migration. The "like" button doesn't seem to work. The Forum looks weird on my iPhone (looks like a level of programming has disappeared, leaving lists of links instead of the usual order and graphics). And when I posted earlier today, my text was reformatted.

I often write my texts offline (to avoid losing my text) and then copy and paste it into the reply box. Before the migration, I had to reformat my work a little (for some reason, some spaces between the words would disappear), but the problem is much more acute now. Not only many words stuck together again after I'd spent quite a while spacing them, but I lost all my paragraph spacing. I had to edit my post over several tries because I was on a slow public wifi and I was interrupted several times.

(smile) Anyway, the speeds seem to be better here at home, but I wanted to let you know that there are a few bugs.

JazakAllah khairan for your efforts!

02-21-2015, 06:06 PM
:jz:, yes I noticed the likes issue yesterday we will look into it iA.

How does the forum look like on your phone? Do you mind posting a screenshot :). There is a mobile version which automatically activates if your browsing forum through phone. However you can view forum normally if you go next to footer and should be "View full site" there.

02-21-2015, 08:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by فرحان
:jz:, yes I noticed the likes issue yesterday we will look into it iA.

How does the forum look like on your phone? Do you mind posting a screenshot :). There is a mobile version which automatically activates if your browsing forum through phone. However you can view forum normally if you go next to footer and should be "View full site" there.

Assalaamu alaikum Farhan,

(smile) The Forum is working normally on my phone now. JazakAllah khairan! And Allah's Blessings on the whole team. (thumbs up; smile) Especially those we don't know about who probably have been working really hard behind the scenes.

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