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View Full Version : 110 waves upon waves of darkness in Shi'ah Literature

Khalid Saifullah
03-16-2016, 05:40 PM
Every single one of the following 110 points can be found in Shiah books.

So from this we can see what evil and filthy people these are. (May Allah save us and keep us on His straight path. Ameen)


1. The Shiah Kalimah is different from the Muslim Kalimah Shahadah. The Shiah Kalimah is: “La Ila Haa Illallahu Muhammdur Rasoolullahi Aliyun Waliyullahi Wasiyyu Rasulillahi Wa Khalifatuhu Bila Faslin”.
2. In the Shiah Adhan the words ‘Ashadu Anna Aliyan Waliyullah’ and ‘Hujjatulllah’ are added and also the words ‘Hayya ‘Ala Khayril ‘Amal’ are added.
3. The five pillars of Shiism are: Wilayat/Imamat, Salat, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj.
4. One should recite after every Salah: “O Allah! Send down your curses upon Abu Bakr, Umar, Othman, Muawiyah, Aishah, Hafsah, Hind, and Ummul Hakam”
5. Lying is extremely meritorious and rewarding.
6. It is extremely important to conceal one’s faith.
7. Deceit and deception is a noble act.
8. Taqiyyah is permissible which is to pretend by doing or saying exactly the opposite of what a person believes or feels. Obfuscation of Shiah beliefs is allowed.
9. Nine-tenth of the whole religion lies in Taqiyyah.
10. Looking at private parts of non-Muslims is permissible and it is just like looking at the private parts of an animal.
11. Only the color of the skin has to be covered (if the skin is painted, then a person can walk around without clothes). Imam Baqir appeared without any lower garment and he said it was permissible because he had put lime on his private parts.
12. Anal sex is permitted.
13. Marriage can be conducted without any witnesses.
14. A person will enter Paradise if they wash and consume a morsel of food which has fallen in excrement.
15. Mutah i.e. temporary marriage/renting out the female body for whatever time period is allowed.
16. The sordid act of Mutah is more rewarding than Salat and Fasting.
17. If Mutah is done once, a person attains the status of Husain, if done twice, the status of Hasan, if done three times, the status of Ali, if done four times, the status of Prophet Muhammad
18. Whoever does Mutah three times, he will be completely emancipated from the fire of hell.
19. A person is allowed to let someone else benefit from his wife’s private parts.
20. Sunnis are worse than dogs.
21. Sunnis are worse than illegitimate children.
22. Sunnis are not allowed to name their children in Iran with names like Abu Bakr, Umar, Aishah etc.
23. According to Shiah narrations, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam secretly dictated a manuscript (sahifah) to Ali Radiallahu Anhu that was (upon completion) "seventy feet long". It contains all the laws of halaal, haraam and everything else a person needs to the extent that it even contains the penalty of a scratch. It is also called the Saheefah of Ali.
24. Jafr is a container made from skin that contains the knowledge of all the Nabis, Wasiys, and Ulema that passed among the Bani Israeel.
25. In a lengthy discussion between Imam Ja’far Saadiq and Abu Basheer, the imam describes the mushaf of Fatimah saying: "A mushaf in which is three times more than your Qur'an. By Allah, not a single word of it is in your Qur'an".
26. The angels made an error and were in a misunderstanding when Husain (R.A.) was martyred.
27. Feet are not washed in Wudhu. Only Masah and wiping of the feet should be done.
28. Sajdah Tilawat and funeral prayers are permitted without Wudhu and Ghusl.
29. It is permissible to perform prayers in the direction of the graves of the Shiah Imams.
30. Shiahs break their fast about ten to fifteen minutes after sunset.
31. Tarawih prayers in Ramadhan are not performed by Shiahs.
32. Mutah Dawriyyah is permissible where ten or twenty men can have sexual relations with one woman in one night.
33. The land of Karbala is better than the Kaabah.
34. To ask help from Ali by saying, “Ya Ali Madad”, is not shirk.

35. The doctrine and quality of Badaa is ascribed to Allah which means that Allah makes mistakes and Allah forgets.
36. In a state of anger, God can not differentiate between friends and enemies.
37. Allah was scared of the companions of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam
38. Allah must judge and decide according to what the human intellect deems beneficial for humans.
39. Allah did not create everything.

40. Qur'an is incomplete and it has been tampered with, interpolated and altered.
41. The Shiah Qur'an is with the final Imam who has been hiding from the age of five in a cave in Iraq since the last 1200 years.
42. Current Qur'an completely different from Shiah Qur'an.
43. The current Qur'an right now has more than 6000 verses but the Shiah Qur'an has more than 17000.

44. Prophet Adam (A.S.) is worse than Satan.
45. Accuse Adam (A.S.) of rebellion, jealousy and malice.
46. Prophets make mistakes which eventually deprives them of Prophethood like Prophet Yusuf (A.S.).
47. Ismaili Shiahs believe in the continuation of Prophethood.
48. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam was scared of the creation of Allah and did not propagate correctly.
49. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam rejected a gift of Allah.
50. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam asked for compensation for teaching.
51. Ali (R.A.) had the choice and the option of divorcing the wives of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
52. The wives of the Prophet are not considered to be from the family of the Prophet.
53. All the Sahabahs except a few turned apostates and turned away from Islam after the demise of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaalm.
54. One should dissociate with the 4 idols: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Muawiyya and 4 women Ayesha, Hafsa, Hind and Ummul Hakam.
55. One should curse the above after each prayer.
56. Aishah (R.A.) and Hafsah (R.A.) poisoned Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam.
57. Aishah (R.A.) was a traitor and a hypocrite and she is remembered with the vilest epithets.
58. Aishah (R.A.) committed adultery.
59. Less than ten Sahabah remained on Islam after the Prophet’s death.

IMAMAT: The concept of Imams is an integral belief of Shiism. This concept is completely different from the four Imams of Fiqh. The four Imams of Fiqh of Islam
are cursed by Shiah authors and the four illustrious Imams of Fiqh are specifically called ‘dogs’.
60. Shiahs believe in the concept of 12 Imams.
61. The Imams are appointed (mansoos alaih) by Allah just as the Prophets.
62. The 12 Imams are on the same level and are on par with Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam.
63. The first Imam is Ali (R.A.) and the last Imam is hiding since the age of five in a cave in Iraq.
64. Shiah Imams are born from the thighs of their mothers because the private parts are unclean.
65. Shiah Imams are Hazir Nazir i.e. they are present every where and they are omnipresent.
66. The Imams are ma'soom (i.e. infallible, sinless) like the Prophets.
67. It is compulsory to bring Imaan on the Imams. To reject any Imam is disbelief just as it is disbelief to reject a Prophet.
68. The unconditional obedience of the Imam is compulsory.
69. The Imams receive wahi and revelation.
70. Just as the Ambiyaa and the Prophets are bestowed with certain mu'jizaat and miracles that are proof of their Prophethood, similarly the Imams have been bestowed with certain mu'jizaat that are proof of their Imaamat.
71. The Imams have the right to abrogate any command of the Shari'ah. It is permissible for them to declare a haraam thing halaal and vice versa.
72. Hazrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu and the rest of the Imams have a greater status than the Prophets.
73. The Imams have more knowledge than the Prophets A.S.
74. The entire creation including the Prophets were created for the sake of the Imams.
75. A covenant was taken from the Prophets regarding the imaamat of the Imams (that they accepted their imaamat).
76. The Prophets received prophethood because they had accepted the imaamat of the Imams.
77. Allah Ta'ala had compelled the entire creation including the Prophets to accept, whether willingly or unwillingly, the wilaayat of the Imams.
78. The Ambiyaa gain 'noor' and light from the 'noor' of the Imams.
79. On the day of Qiyaamah, Ali Radiallahu Anhu will be ahead (in front) of all the Ambiyaa.
80. On the day of Qiyaamah, Ali Radiallahu Anhu’s chair will be on the right of Allah Ta'ala's throne (arsh) while the chairs of the Ambiyaa will be on the left of the throne.
81. The supplications of the Ambiyaa are accepted through the mediation (tufail) of the Imams.
82. The reason for Adam Alaihi Salaam not being included among the Ulool Azam Ambiyaa is that he was jealous of the status of the Imams.
83. Ibrahim Alaihi Salaam was first given nubuwwat, thereafter khullat (i.e. he was made the khaleel and bosom friend of Allah) and only then was he given imaamat.
84. Ayub Alaihi Salaam was afflicted with a severe illness because he doubted the imaamat of Ali Radiallahu Anhu.
85. If Musa Alaihi Salaam was alive it would be compulsory for him to obey the imams.
86. Yunus Alaihi Salaam was swallowed by the fish because he rejected the wilaayat of Ali Radiallahu Anhu.
87. The entire earth belongs to the imam.
88. Shiahs attribute the following statement to Ali Radiallahu Anhu: "I grant life and death. I am all living and I never die."
89. Shiahs believe that their Imams know whatever is in the hearts of people and they are omniscient.
90. Shiahs maintain that Rasullullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told Ali Radiallahu Anhu:
"O Ali! You are the dayyaan (one who will give reward) of this ummah and you are responsible for their account. You will be the 'Rukn e A'azam' of Allah on the day of Qiyaamah. Listen! Certainly the people are going to return to you and you will be responsible for taking their reckoning. The bridge (siraat) will be yours, the scale will be yours and the place of standing (mauqaf) will be yours!"
91. Many Shiah narrations mention Ali Radiallahu Anhu's title as "Distributor of Jannat and Jahannam".
Allamah Baaqir Majlisi has established a separate chapter in his book “Bihaar Ul Anwaar” entitled: "Certainly he (Ali) is the distributor of Jannat and Jahannam."
92. Allamah Baaqir Majlisi the famous Shiah scholar writes in his book “Hayaatul Quloob” : "The status of Imaamat is higher than nubuwwat".
93. The imams have knowledge of everything that occurred in the past and everything that will occur in the future and that nothing in the earth and skies is concealed and hidden from them.
94. The imams know when they will die.
95. The imams know the reality of the faith and hypocrisy of every person on earth. They have in their possession a list of all those who will enter Jannat and all those who will enter Jahannam.
96. The imams know all the different languages of the world and converse in them also.
97. The imams know the languages of the birds and animals.
98. According to Shiah narrations, the souls of the imams go on mi'raj on the eve of every Jumu'ah. During this mi'raj they reach the throne of Allah where vast knowledge is given to them.
99. According to Shiah belief, a special book is revealed to the imams every Laylatul Qadr. It is brought to them by the angels and Ar Rooh.
100. As soon as the Imams are born, they read all the divine books.
101. The Imams are capable of performing all the miracles of the Prophets.
102. Shiahs do not criticize the quarrels which took place between the followers of their Imams.
103. The companions of the Shiah Imams were bereft of truthfulness, trustworthiness and allegiance.
104. The companions of the Shiah Imams did not correctly acquire the knowledge of the Usool (fundamentals) and the Furoo’ (branches) of religion.
105. The final Imam has been in hiding since the last 1200 years in a cave in Iraq. When he will appear, the Prophet and Ali (R.A.) will pledge allegiance to him (Bay’ah).
106. The final Imam will exhume the bodies of Abu Bakr and Umar and he will hang up their naked bodies and flog them and he will cause them to die 1000 times in a day and night.
107. Aishah will be brought back to life and she will be flogged as well by the final Imam.
108. The final Imam will slaughter all the Sunnis and he will start killing their scholars first.
109. If one does not accept the Shiah concept of Imaams then the person is a Kaafir and a non-Muslim.
110. The final imam will appear when there will be 313 sincere Shiahs.

1. Shi’ite Beliefs, Shaykh Khalid Mahmud, Ph.D, Islamic Academy of Manchester, UK, 20 Pages.
2. Hidayatus Shiah, Shaykh Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri, 844 Pages.
3. Tuhfah Ithna ‘Ashariyyah, Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlwi, 826 Pages.
4. Shiah kay hazar sawalon ka jawab, Shaykh Hafiz Muhammad Miyanwalwy, 547 Pages.
5. Aqaidus Shiah, Muhammad Farooq, 413 Pages.
6. Aayaat Bayyinaat, Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Ali Khan, 360 Pages.
7. Masala tahreefay Qur'an pur Binori Town ka tahqeeqi fatwa, Mufti Muhammad Inaamul Allah, 213 Pages.
8. Irshadus Shiah, Shaykh Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Maktabah Safdariyyah, 213 Pages.
9. Khomainyism or Islam, Shaykh Dhiyaur Rahman Farooqi, 160 Pages.
10. Shi’ism exposed, Majlisul Ulama of South Africa, 150 Pages.
11. Sunni standpoint on Shiahs, compiled by Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat for the Supreme court of Pakistan, 102 Pages.
12. The truth about Shi’ism Part 1, Majlisul Ulama of South Africa, 26 Pages.
13. The truth about Shi’ism Part 2, Majlisul Ulama of South Africa, 21 Pages.
14. Shiah Madhab kay chalees bunyadee aqeeday, Shaykh Abdus Shakoor Lakhnawi, 64 Pages.
15. Sunni Shiah muttafaqah tarjamh Qur'an ka azeem fitnah, Shaykh Qadhi Mazhar Husain, 28 Pages.
16. Shiah ithna ashariyya or aqeedah tahreefay Qur'an, Shaykh Manzoor Nomani, 28 Pages.
17. Shiah madhab, Shaykh Aashiq Ilahi Bulandshehri, 40 Pages.
18. Taayeed madhab ahlus sunnah tarjamah rad rawafidh, Imam Mujaddid Alf Thani, 92 Pages.
19. Assawaiqul Muhriqah, Shaykh Ibn Hajar Alhaytami, 2 Volumes.
20. The difference between the Shii and the majority of Muslim scholars, Saeed Ismaeel, Carbondale, IL, US, 34 Pages

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03-16-2016, 05:51 PM
Salam. Wahabia is more dangerous than Shi'a.

03-16-2016, 07:01 PM
This is straight out falsehood. You can easily refute all of them with Quran and hadiths.

May Allah protect us from ever falling into such blatant blasphemy and kufr. Ameen.

03-20-2016, 12:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian
Salam. Wahabia is more dangerous than Shi'a.
Astaghfirullah. Are you serious? Did you even read the OP? Shi'ah who believe in that crap are considered kuffaar, period. All that shirk and hate against the sahaabah :rahm: and against the ummahaa' almu'mineen, you think they're Muslims? May Allah guide you.

What is your definition of a 'wahhaabi'?

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03-20-2016, 11:08 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته brothers and sisters

Shiism is a Mixture of Shirk & Kufr and has many dirty teachings,

For detailed information and Proofs,

Please refer to this website...


جزاك الله خيرا

03-20-2016, 03:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crookedrib
Astaghfirullah. Are you serious? Did you even read the OP? Shi'ah who believe in that crap are considered kuffaar, period. All that shirk and hate against the sahaabah :rahm: and against the ummahaa' almu'mineen, you think they're Muslims? May Allah guide you.

What is your definition of a 'wahhaabi'?
Salam sister. Although it is stated otherwise I don't believe all shi'ites believe such things. These are derived from some books written by some shi'ites and cannot be associated with all shi'a. It has been highlighted for the centuries to feed the hostility.

On the other hand just as we see in here it is a general belief in Wahhabia that all Shi'a are kuffar which is kufr itself since if there is even one Shi'ite who dont believe such things you are labeling a muslim as kafir. Labeling a muslim as kafir makes you a kafir. Wahhabism has been feeding the terrorism globally in history. ISIS are wahhabi. A Wahhabi is the one who follows the teachings of Abd-ul Wahhhab and belongs to this sect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism

03-20-2016, 03:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian
Salam sister. Although it is stated otherwise I don't believe all shi'ites believe such things. These are derived from some books written by some shi'ites and cannot be associated with all shi'a. It has been highlighted for the centuries to feed the hostility.

On the other hand just as we see in here it is a general belief in Wahhabia that all Shi'a are kuffar which is kufr itself since if there is even one Shi'ite who dont believe such things you are labeling a muslim as kafir. Labeling a muslim as kafir makes you a kafir. Wahhabism has been feeding the terrorism globally in history. ISIS are wahhabi. A Wahhabi is the one who follows the teachings of Abd-ul Wahhhab and belongs to this sect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism
The Majority are upon Kufr,

03-20-2016, 05:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian
Salam sister. Although it is stated otherwise I don't believe all shi'ites believe such things. These are derived from some books written by some shi'ites and cannot be associated with all shi'a. It has been highlighted for the centuries to feed the hostility.

On the other hand just as we see in here it is a general belief in Wahhabia that all Shi'a are kuffar which is kufr itself since if there is even one Shi'ite who dont believe such things you are labeling a muslim as kafir. Labeling a muslim as kafir makes you a kafir. Wahhabism has been feeding the terrorism globally in history. ISIS are wahhabi. A Wahhabi is the one who follows the teachings of Abd-ul Wahhhab and belongs to this sect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism
Wa 'alaykum assalaam. Which is why I said:

format_quote Originally Posted by crookedrib
Shi'ah who believe in that crap are considered kuffaar, period.
Not all of them believe in all of what's in the OP but the majority of them do curse the sahaabah and our mother 'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with them). There's a reason why they have their separate masaajid and refuse to pray along the Sunnis.

ISIS are not 'wahhaabis', they are khawaarij. Have a read:

With regard to the word “Wahhaabis”, some people use this word to refer to the message of Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhaab ibn Sulaymaan al-Tameemi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him), and they call him and his followers Wahhaabis. Everyone who has any knowledge of the movement of Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhaab (may Allaah have mercy on him) and his message knows that he sought to spread the message of pure Tawheed and to warn against shirk in all its forms, such as attachment to the dead, or to trees and rocks, etc. In his ‘aqeedah (belief), he was following the way of the righteous Salaf and the Taabi’een [i.e., the earliest generations of Islam], as is indicated by his books and fatwas, and the books of his followers among his sons and grandsons and others. All of these books are in print and are in circulation among the people. His message was in accordance with the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Wahhaabism is not a new way or a new school of thought; rather it is a call to Tawheed and the revival of aspects of the religion that had been forgotten.


For the sake of Allaah, stop taking your Deen from wikipedia. And if that's what makes a 'wahhaabi', then I'll gladly say that I am one.

03-20-2016, 07:11 PM
Okay so when a reformer comes (please take note, REFORMER) when people deviate from the true teachings of Islam and a reformer comes and steer people back to the Tauheed, it seems to be frowned upon...Did anyone ever bother reading about Muhammad ibn Abd Wahhab?

i strongly suggest you read about him, coincidentally he did not go around calling himself ''wahabi", he was a muslim...i dont like ''labels'' i am a muslim, but hey if you want you can call me a wahabi, il gladly accept that "label" only because i know what his teachings was about...

Then do yourself another favour, read up on shias...this deviant group was started by a Jew by the name of Abdullah bin Saba...(yes i know the name confuses the masses, but back in the day it wasnt uncommon)...

Now when you say to me something like all shias...hmm...well if they didnt believe in that doctrine, they would be calling themselves MUSLIM isnt...not shia muslim...(eyes rolling, i wouldnt want to be associated with a deviant group started by a jew no less) and no i dont go around calling myself ''sunni'' muslim...I AM A MUSLIM...yes often i have been told that, these deviant groups have hijacked the deen so we must clarify, but some sunni's are grave worshippers, so no, i dont conform to being labelled...i am a muslim!!!

03-21-2016, 10:08 PM
My dear sisters and brothers. Now you see how you feel when it comes to your mazhab? At least Shi'ites dont call you dis-believer but you call them dis-believer. Islam came to unite mankind on one word that there is no god other than Allah but you are willing to divide it. Dont you know that Quran even call the Jews and Christians in the same word?

Ali Imran 64 "Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will)."

So who are we to exclude our Muslim brethren?

03-21-2016, 11:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian
My dear sisters and brothers. Now you see how you feel when it comes to your mazhab?
I don't follow a specific mathhab. And shi'ism is a different sect altogether.

At least Shi'ites dont call you dis-believer but you call them dis-believer.
You think the shi'ah don't call us disbelievers? And i've already said that the shi'ah who believe in what's in the original post are disbelievers.

Islam came to unite mankind on one word that there is no god other than Allah but you are willing to divide it.
Actually they themselves are dividing it.

Aali Imran 64 "Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will)."
They clearly associate others with Him.

So who are we to exclude our Muslim brethren?
People who slander the companions of our Prophet :arabic5: and commit shirk are NOT our brethren.

Allah yahdeek

03-22-2016, 12:22 AM
Another sectarian thread - whats happening to the Mods here. stuff like this is going to destroy this forum.

03-22-2016, 06:44 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته brothers and sisters

We have Bara against Shia who are upon Kufr/Shirk and abuse the Sahaba radiallahu anhum and the Ummul mu'mineen radiallahu anha,

You need to learn Al Wala Wal Bara,

Also refer to this site for proofs from the Shia themselves that they are upon Kufr and Shirk as a majority...

Anatolian Allah tala lays down the common terms, beginning with Tawheed,

He's doesn't tell us to come to terms with Shirk and Kufr.

جزاك الله خيرا

03-22-2016, 06:47 AM

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