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View Full Version : Permissable food

06-17-2016, 10:21 AM
Salam brothers and sisters and Ramadan Kareem to you.

One thing that I am trying to understand is that in the Quran, I believe (and may Allah swt forgive me if I have misinterpreted or saying something incorrect) it has said that you can for instance marry someone who is of the book as long as they are chaste (or they must sincerely repent). But it also says something about eating their food (i.e non halal?)

I am a Muslim and have always 100% eaten Halal only food. This is how I have been brought up and I know exactly why BUT this raises the question if we can eat chicken that is not halal? For instance I would never dare to think of going to McDonalds and buying chicken nuggets unless the McDonalds was halal. Same thing with beef burger.

am I misunderstanding/misinterpreting?

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06-17-2016, 12:13 PM
I've heard that if you cannot find Halal food for example and you're about to die. Saying here you really need to eat. You can eat the meat of Jewish people as they share similar grounds as us. But that's something that I've heard and I just remembered upon reading your message.

06-17-2016, 12:17 PM
Oh and the marrying is that you can marry only someone who has a faith similar to Islam (believing in 1 God). So let's say you want to marry a Christian for example. She hasn't converted but you can marry her because of the similar grounds of our religion with hers. But... You must be marrying her in light of knowing you will convert her one day InshaAllah. That's what I know from that aswell. Allahu Waclam

06-17-2016, 12:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by lostsoul2016
Salam brothers and sisters and Ramadan Kareem to you.

One thing that I am trying to understand is that in the Quran, I believe (and may Allah swt forgive me if I have misinterpreted or saying something incorrect) it has said that you can for instance marry someone who is of the book as long as they are chaste (or they must sincerely repent). But it also says something about eating their food (i.e non halal?)

I am a Muslim and have always 100% eaten Halal only food. This is how I have been brought up and I know exactly why BUT this raises the question if we can eat chicken that is not halal? For instance I would never dare to think of going to McDonalds and buying chicken nuggets unless the McDonalds was halal. Same thing with beef burger.

am I misunderstanding/misinterpreting?
Walaykum asalam warahmatullahi wabarakatahu

Your allowed to eat kosher food which is jewish food, as they slaughter animals exactly how we do, in the name of Allah and drain the blood, and believe in Allah.

For "Christian" food there hardly any real practising christians anywhere the ones readily known cannot be classed as people of the book, they do not follow sharia in the slaughter neither believe in Allah and another point is they also slaughter pork in their slaughterhouses so any meat they produce would be contaminated.

Unless it is kosher or halal you cannot eat it at all.

So no McDonald's, burger king,
(In UK some kfc , and subway are halal depending on what area you go)





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sister herb
06-17-2016, 12:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aminah996
Oh and the marrying is that you can marry only someone who has a faith similar to Islam (believing in 1 God). So let's say you want to marry a Christian for example. She hasn't converted but you can marry her because of the similar grounds of our religion with hers. But... You must be marrying her in light of knowing you will convert her one day InshaAllah. That's what I know from that aswell. Allahu Waclam
Convert her at one day? Where you have found this information? Please clarify a little.

06-17-2016, 12:39 PM

06-17-2016, 12:40 PM
This informs us about the fact they can marry a non Muslim. Only has to be one that believes there's one God. So in this case Christians and Jews

Huzaifah ibn Adam
06-17-2016, 01:17 PM
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

During the era of the Sahaabah, the Ahl-ul-Kitaab used to slaughter their animals in the same manner which the Muslims did, and used to slaughter in the name of one Ilaah, not the trinity. Hence, the eating of that meat was made permissible in the Qur'aan.

However, the meat of animals slaughtered by Christians and (most) Jews of today, Illaa Maa Shaa'allaah is Haraam for a variety of reasons:

1) They do not slaughter the animal in the correct way. Their animals are not even slaughtered. A variety of torturous methods are used, such as stunning, electrocution, beating the animal to death, etc. If even a Muslim does this, the animal will be Haraam. Also, in most plants, abattoirs, etc. mechanical slaughtering takes place. Now, according to the Sharee`ah, the following three conditions must be met in order for meat to be permissible:

  1. Most of the four veins in the neck are cut using a knife, blade or any tool which has a sharp edge, so that the animal does not undergo any suffering.
  2. Tasmiyah (the Name of Allaah Ta`aalaa was taken at the time of slaughtering).
  3. The slaughterer must be a Muslim, or from the Ahl-ul-Kitaab.

If these three primary Shuroot (conditions) are not found, the meat will be Haraam.

2) Many of those who claim to be Christians today do not even truly believe in their religion, but have atheistic or agnostic beliefs.

3) Those claiming to be Christians or Jews, when slaughtering, do not take the Name of Allaah Ta`aalaa. They do not take any name at all. An animal slaughtered by them is thus Haraam and Maytah (carrion).

4) Extreme Zhulm (oppression) of animals takes place at Kuffaar abattoirs. The animals are ill-treated, kept in horrendous conditions worse than a prison, the animals are sometimes injected with substances to make them bigger and these substances then affect the health of the consumers, etc.

Islaam places a great deal of importance on ensuring that the food one eats is Halaal (Permissible) and Tayyib (Wholesome). Allaah Ta`aalaa commanded the Ambiyaa عليهم السلام to eat only such food which is Halaal and Tayyib, and He gave us the very same command as well. The person who eats Haraam food is not only ruining his Aakhirah, he is ruining his health as well. Examine anything which the Sharee`ah has made Haraam and you will find that there is harm in it. Allaah Ta`aalaa has commanded us with all good and forbidden us from all evil, and from everything which is harmful to us.

May Allaah Ta`aalaa grant all of us the Tawfeeq (ability) to consume only such food which is Halaal and Tayyib,

آمين يا رب العالمين


Huzaifah ibn Adam
06-17-2016, 01:27 PM
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari mentions the following methods of stunning animals which are most prevalent in the abattoirs among the Kuffaar:

The Captive Bolt Pistol

This stunning method is widely used for all farmed animals. There are two types of captive bolt pistol: penetrative and non-penetrative. Penetrative stunners drive a bolt into the skull and cause unconsciousness both through physical brain damage and the concussive blow to the skull. The bolt on a non-penetrative stunner is ‘mushroom-headed’ and impacts on the brain without entering the skull. Unconsciousness is caused by the concussive blow. After the animal is unconscious, it is slaughtered.

The bolt is described as ‘captive’ because it flies out of the barrel but remains attached to the pistol. The pistol is placed on the centre of the animal’s forehead and is either trigger-fired or fires automatically on contact with the animal’s head.


Pitching is carried out in the majority of cattle slaughterhouses. The practice involves inserting a wire or rod through the hole in the head made by the captive bolt. The rod is slid up and down to destroy the lower part of the brain and the spinal cord.

Electric head-only stunning (electric shock or current)

Electric head-only stunning with tongs is used to stun cattle, calves, sheep, goats, rabbits and ostriches. The operator places a pair of electric tongs on either side of the animal’s head and passes an electric current through the brain – supposedly causing a temporary loss of consciousness.

Waterbath stunning

The electric waterbath is widely used to stun chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. Birds are shackled upside down on a moving conveyor which carries them to an electrified waterbath into which their heads are supposed to be immersed. The shackles contact a bar which is connected to earth. The strength of the electrical current has risen in recent years – with the aim of ensuring that birds suffer a cardiac arrest and die when they enter the waterbath.

Gas stunning

An animal is stunned by exposing them to a mixture of carbon dioxide and air. This gas causes the animal to loose its consciousness, after which it is slaughtered.


These are some of the torturous and oppressive means used by the Kuffaar. There can never be goodness in eating such animals which have been tortured and ill-treated in this satanic manner. The Kuffaar keep the animals in a kind of "Jahannam" of their own making. Perhaps the animals make Du`aa to Allaah Ta`aalaa to destroy those who are treating them this way. Then, by consuming it, one may become affected by the curses of these innocent Makhlooqeen (creation) of Allaah Ta`aalaa, and thus become sick without realising the reason behind it.

Oppression and cruelty is part of the nature of the Kuffaar. It is not the nature of Islaam and its people.

06-17-2016, 01:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari mentions the following methods of stunning animals which are most prevalent in the abattoirs among the Kuffaar:

The Captive Bolt Pistol

This stunning method is widely used for all farmed animals. There are two types of captive bolt pistol: penetrative and non-penetrative. Penetrative stunners drive a bolt into the skull and cause unconsciousness both through physical brain damage and the concussive blow to the skull. The bolt on a non-penetrative stunner is ‘mushroom-headed’ and impacts on the brain without entering the skull. Unconsciousness is caused by the concussive blow. After the animal is unconscious, it is slaughtered.

The bolt is described as ‘captive’ because it flies out of the barrel but remains attached to the pistol. The pistol is placed on the centre of the animal’s forehead and is either trigger-fired or fires automatically on contact with the animal’s head.


Pitching is carried out in the majority of cattle slaughterhouses. The practice involves inserting a wire or rod through the hole in the head made by the captive bolt. The rod is slid up and down to destroy the lower part of the brain and the spinal cord.

Electric head-only stunning (electric shock or current)

Electric head-only stunning with tongs is used to stun cattle, calves, sheep, goats, rabbits and ostriches. The operator places a pair of electric tongs on either side of the animal’s head and passes an electric current through the brain – supposedly causing a temporary loss of consciousness.

Waterbath stunning

The electric waterbath is widely used to stun chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. Birds are shackled upside down on a moving conveyor which carries them to an electrified waterbath into which their heads are supposed to be immersed. The shackles contact a bar which is connected to earth. The strength of the electrical current has risen in recent years – with the aim of ensuring that birds suffer a cardiac arrest and die when they enter the waterbath.

Gas stunning

An animal is stunned by exposing them to a mixture of carbon dioxide and air. This gas causes the animal to loose its consciousness, after which it is slaughtered.
Here in the uk, its getting harder and harder to find non-stunned, i think at one point they were trying to pass a law or bill that states that they would not allow any meat to be sold unless it was stunned as this is more "humane" even the rspca had an article on this.

06-17-2016, 08:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimah_B
Here in the uk, its getting harder and harder to find non-stunned, i think at one point they were trying to pass a law or bill that states that they would not allow any meat to be sold unless it was stunned as this is more "humane" even the rspca had an article on this.
I am "stunned" to hear this!

(Ba dum psh)

I'll show myself out now..

Honestly though, that is terrible. I do remember hearing about this sometime ago (when there was a whole 'no halal' movement of sorts happening in the UK).
It is a far from humane method. A lot of the time the animal is failed to be stunned properly.

06-17-2016, 09:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Cpt.America
I am "stunned" to hear this!

(Ba dum psh)

I'll show myself out now..

Honestly though, that is terrible. I do remember hearing about this sometime ago (when there was a whole 'no halal' movement of sorts happening in the UK).
It is a far from humane method. A lot of the time the animal is failed to be stunned properly.
Yep i remember that movement lol, that died down but now the biggest animal charity are gettin their say in about the whole issue of stunning and not stunning, but not focusing on the bigger picture of the entire life of the animal before its death, most of them are left in disgusting places, tiny cages with 0 movement and even 0sunlight or even feeling the breeze !!!
in most of the supermarkets i have been to only one actually sells , non-stunned and it honestly tastes better than anything

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