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View Full Version : Do both Religions Christianity and Islam have a different Jesus ?

06-25-2016, 04:55 AM
As Salaam Alaikum my question is that I heard from both certain Christian and Muslim Individuals not all of them as a Collective that Christianity and Islam have a different Jesus Christ because both Religions yes have things in common but also have things they disagree on and different interpretations on who Jesus was and is and in Christianity they believe Jesus was Crucified for Humanity's Original Sin/Sins that started with Adam and Eve to Fulfill Bible Prophecy as a Fulfillment Christianity teaches that the New Testament and Christianity is the Fulfillment of the Old Testament and Judaism Islam believes that Jesus or Isa in Arabic was never Crucified or killed on a Cross and believes Jesus was a Prophet and the Messiah and Islam and Muslims believes and believe that Jesus was a Muslim and followed and taught Islam and sent to guide the Israelites known as the Children of Israel the Tribes of Israel or known as Jews but not God or the Son of God God the Son part of a Trinity like Traditional Christianity believes and teaches that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day or three days and many other teachings Islam teaches and Muslims believe that all the Prophets were Muslims and followed and taught Islam and that Judaism and Christianity Jews and Christians who are called the People of the Book mixed truth with falsehoods changed interpretations and the Books or rewrote and changed the meaning and corrupted the Books and the Religions and that Judaism and Christianity today are man made Religions therefor the Quran was sent and the Prophet Muhammad over 600 Years after Jesus over 1400 Years Ago to correct the errors and falsehoods and confirm the truth that came before it the stories and truths and to guide the Pagan Arabs Tribes the Tribes of Arabia some Jews and Christians believe that the Quran did copy Bible stories but the Quran came to confirm the truth that came before it the Quran confirms the truth in the Torah the Psalms and the Gospel some Christians will compare Jesus being a Prophet in Islam to People in other Religions that may claim Jesus was a good Teacher some Jews say this very few Judaism does not say this I always heard Judaism the Religion known as Judaism traces itself to the Teachings of the Pharisees and the Sadducees they and their interpretations who rejected Jesus and follows the Talmud known as the Tradition of the Elders and the Rabbis when the Temple was here Jews say this but some Jews do but a few say this some Sikhs/Sikh/Sikhism Hindus and Buddhists Im talking about people who are Liberal and claim all Religions have degrees of truths in them I know in history many Christians believed things about Islam that is false like Christians used to maybe some still do call Islam Muhammadism and call Muslims Muhammadans because many Christians used to think maybe some do still believe that Muslims worship and or pray to the Prophet Muhammad just like I know Christians that claim that Mormons are not Christians and Mormonism is not Christianity they reject the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's claim to Prophethood just like Muslims do since Islam says Muhammad is the last Prophet and reject the Nation of Islam's Founder Elijah Muhammad's claims and reject the Founder of the Baha'i Faith and the Founder of the Ahmadi Sect they claim to be Muslims some Christianity was started/founded/invented by Constantine who was the leader of the Roman and the Byzantine Empire which was were the Crusades happened later in history my question is is it valid to have the opinion being a Christian or Muslim that both Religions have a different Jesus since they both disagree on his teachings and his life events and if he was killed both can not be right one is false or a lie or falsehood thank you for your time I have posted three links below the first is from a Christian point of view other from a Muslim of view sorry if the first link sounds anti Islam the other two links were written by Muslims both websites quote both from the Bible both from the Old Testament and the New Testament and the Quran and the Hadiths I would like opinions views answers from both Christians and Muslims Christian and Muslim Individuals and anyone else Christian or Muslim or any other Religion or Secular who wants to comment thank you ?

Muslims and Christians: Not the Same Jesus
Just Christians.com ^ | February, 2004 | Mark Roberts
Posted on 2/28/2005, 7:27:26 PM by TheTruthess

Muslims and Christians: Not the Same Jesus
Mark Roberts

Imagine for a moment a person who believes George Armstrong Custer won the Battle of Little Bighorn. Somehow this person has come to believe all kinds of wrong information about Custer. He says Custer fought for the Confederacy, had red hair, and defeated Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn. Despite all these factual gaps he then announces “I believe in Custer.” What do we make of this?
It would be true that this individual shares some things in common with those who believe in the real George Custer. However, this person does not believe in the real Custer. If he were to talk with a historian his announcement of “I believe in Custer too” would be absurd, if not almost offensive.


A comparison of the Islamic and Christian views of Jesus


Jesus: A Summary of Where Christianity and Islam Agree and Differ


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06-25-2016, 12:35 PM
Can you please try adding punctuation to your post, its impossible to read.

06-25-2016, 12:51 PM
Everyone has differences of some sort. Some of those differences will never be sorted out this side of jannah. I prefer to attempt to focus on what there is in common, in order to build bridges and increase dialogue and decrease hostility and separation.

sister herb
06-25-2016, 01:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by L V
Can you please try adding punctuation to your post, its impossible to read.
The longest sentence I have ever read - or tried to read. I vote for punctuation too.

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06-25-2016, 01:12 PM
It is the same Jesus... but one has been changed, no points for guessing which... :D


06-25-2016, 07:29 PM
Muslims and Christians: Not the Same Jesus
Mark Roberts
So I take it Mark Roberts has met Jesus and knows exactly what he is like.

There's a parable about three blind men and an elephant. Mr Roberts would do well to Google it.

06-25-2016, 08:03 PM
I googled it. 3 blind men and an elephant..


Eric H
06-25-2016, 11:02 PM
Greetings and peace be with you truthseeker63;

Stick a hundred Catholics in a room, and we will have differences as to what we believe of Jesus. But we kind of accept these differences, because we all see ourselves as Catholics, and we try and get on with each other despite our differences.

Stick a hundred people in a room from different Christian and Muslim sects. Sure we will have our differences, but we should still be able to get on with each other, despite our differences, because we cannot deny that we are all created by the same God.

In the spirit of searching for a greatest meaning of 'One God'


06-26-2016, 12:01 AM
:salam: Truthseeker

This kind of contesting is pointless.. Or I may be wrong.

may Allah :swt: forgive me if I said wrong. Ameen.
Forgive me if I sounded offensive or rude.
Allah :swt: knows best.

07-01-2016, 11:12 PM
In Al Islam , Al Nabi Al 'Iisa AS is The All Hardest to masiihu dajjal Laknat Aallah 'alaihi . But masiihu dajjal Laknat Aallah 'alaihi usually does not percept that .

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