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07-15-2016, 01:54 AM
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

At Least 75 Dead as Truck Plows Into Crowd in Southern France, Driver Killed

Tbh, I don't want to get ahead of myself as it's quite possible that Daesh did not commit the attack. Though obviously given Daesh's history and love of warfare and horrific killings, I like many others am suspicious and therefore my mind turns to this possibility (though I hope that I'm wrong).

Regardless, I wanted to be able to follow the progression of this news story because I think it's important that we are vigilant with regards to any news that may affect Muslims globally because incidents like these are akin to stones thrown in the pond: Its ripples on the surface is going to be felt most acutely by us as we're intermittently scapegoated by politicians currently vying for powder and dehumanized in a way that makes it open season to currently hate on Muslims.

Also, my sympathies are with those who lost their loved ones, and I hope that people who are injured survive the hour and that hospitals are able to provide adequate care for all caught up in this tragedy.

EDIT to UPDATE: Driver in 'Monstrous' Truck Attack Was Unknown to Security Officials 7/15/2016

EDIT TO UPDATE: Nice attack: Many Muslims reportedly among 84 killed by lorry 7/15/2016

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Ineed Umar
07-15-2016, 02:31 AM
Recently a lorry filled with guns and grenades began attacking pedestrians celebrating Bastille day. Again suspect confirmed to be a Tunisian Muslim and hatred of Islam spikes up. Daesh/Isis have not confirmed this attack yet but may do so soon.

How many terrorist attacks will happen and how many times we have to suffer them and how mUch insult we'll have to tolerate.

Oblue Allah SWT knows. May he grant put prayers Ameen.

07-15-2016, 02:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

At Least 75 Dead as Truck Plows Into Crowd in Southern France, Driver Killed

Tbh, I don't want to get ahead of myself as it's quite possible that Daesh did not commit the attack. Though obviously given Daesh's history and love of warfare and horrific killings, I like many others am suspicious and therefore my mind turns to this possibility (though I hope that I'm wrong).

Regardless, I wanted to be able to follow the progression of this news story because I think it's important that we are vigilant with regards to any news that may affect Muslims globally because incidents like these are akin to stones thrown in the pond: Its ripples on the surface is going to be felt most acutely by us as we're intermittently scapegoated by politicians currently vying for powder and dehumanized in a way that makes it open season to currently hate on Muslims.

Also, my sympathies are with those who lost their loved ones, and I hope that people who are injured survive the hour and that hospitals are able to provide adequate care for all caught up in this tragedy.
Oh dear gosh

La ilaha illAllah

Narrated 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour, there will be the days of Al-Harj, and the religious knowledge will be taken away (vanish i.e. by the death of Religious scholars) and general ignorance will spread." Abu Musa said, "Al-Harj, in the Ethiopian language, means killing," Ibn Mas'ud added: I heard Allah's Apostle saying; (It will be) from among the most wicked people who will be living at the time when the Hour will be established."

People do not care for the sanctity of life, how precious it is, that it is Allah to give & take life

Well we know from the moment that the word "terrorist" is used its directed at muslims, it said that the van had guns & explosives and the president claimed it was a terrorist attack.
I dont understand what possesses people to wake up one day and say to themselves, they are ready/happy to shed innocent blood in the most horrific way possible, im going to cause carnage and destruction... what is going on in the world, left right centre above below muslims are being bombed, oppressed, attacked, imprisoned, made to be the enemy of the world.

My deepest condolences are with everyone who lost somone, or was injured, i hope they recover and the children are not traumatised by these disguting merciless actions of a psychotic murdering coward.

BUT why is it that whenever a western power is "hurt" everyone is quick to lend a helping hand and show the solidarity speech/hand but everyday syria is being bombed, Palestine is being oppressed, somalia is starving, yemen is crying for help where is the helping hand for them, where is the solidarity for them, WHERE is it from all these people who cry for their countires in the west when those over in the far east have this loss daily on a massive scale..

Still why can't these idiots attack people who give orders, who are the real enemies to humanity, who allow these wars to continue, no theyre just going to attack innocent people who probally didnt even want wars or for the middle east to be invaded and raped to death

May Allah protect all our brothers and sisters all over the world, may our dignity, our honour, our haya be protected from those who wish us harm...ameen


07-15-2016, 03:48 AM
ISIS knows that their state is doomed and that their collapse is imminent. Their strongholds of Ramadi, Fallujah, Shadadi and the Manbij area have fallen. They know that the battles for their largest city Mosul and their capital Raqqah are happening in weeks. They are going all out and causing as much chaos as possible in response to the loss of territory. This quest for chaos is a major goal of ISIS, so important to them that even the major holy sites are now justified targets in their minds. They want to tell the world that they aren't going down without causing a lot of death and destruction.

These cowardly attacks are evidence of the failures of ISIS in many ways. They have failed to provide those under their authority with the basics such as security, food, and proper medical care. ISIS has also failed in convincing anyone that they are fighting "evil crusaders. Instead they have only convinced everyone that they are morally inferior to the West. We shouldn't let these attacks make us believe that ISIS is powerful. They have never been weaker.

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07-15-2016, 05:28 PM
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

The death toll has been estimated to more than 84 as of yet with 202 persons injured and that included 10 children; let's hope for recovery of the injured and for comfort for the ones who have to bear the loss of their loved ones in this tragic circumstance.

The perpetrator has been identified as a Tunisian Muslim: Of course, as an American, this concerns me because this means that Fox News will be in full force with anti-Muslim agenda. Now, what's disturbing about this attack is that so far no link has been made with Daesh or any kind of terrorist organization. Why is it disturbing? Because the lack of link so far definitely bolsters the right-wingers' words when they say that Muslims should be profiled in U.S. and a formal declaration of war be announced against Daesh with dual purpose of (a) destroying Daesh and (b) so that even the least suspicious Muslims can be arrested on suspicion of being hostile to America just as what had been happening to the Japanese Americans during WWII before they were interned in internment camps. The b is obviously concerning because tbh honest I believe it will lead to more radicalization in the West, not to mention that I honestly believe such measures against normal everyday Americans that are Muslim is unnecessary, humiliating, and a gross injustice and justifies Daesh having long said that Muslims will never be considered one of the West even if they are born and/or raised in the West.

I don't want to be an alarmist, yet I am feeling like the future of Muslims in the West particularly the United States is grim: To be honest, Daesh doesn't concern me because I agree with @Freedom on his analysis to as to Daesh's days being numbered as they are losing badly, but what does concern me is that the normal everyday Muslims will have to pay the price of actions that had nothing to do with them and with which they disagree. With each attack, Donald Trump's path to presidency doesn't seem any more a laughable matter but a stronger and plausible scenario given that a large number of voting population is tired of political correctness and want free from the shackles of undesirable governance just as Brexit was in part motivated by the same in U.K. For what it's worth, I hope I am proven wrong, but it doesn't matter now. The bombing of Syria is sure to again intensify with innocent Syrians in the warfare paying the price for being Muslim; I guess people today are really living in the wrong time and wrong place for humanity and compassion to prevail.

Justice and mercy truly is only with God.

07-15-2016, 09:21 PM
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

Nice attack: Many Muslims reportedly among 84 killed by lorry

Quoting relevant portions of the article in regard to death of Muslims in the attack:
Several Muslims are thought to be among the victims of a lorry attack in Nice that has left at least 84 dead and at least 100 injured.
Iranian journalist Maryam Violet told the Guardian: “There were so many Muslim people who were victims because I could see they had scarves over their head and some were speaking Arabic. One family lost a mother and in Arabic they were saying she’s a martyr.”

She added: “People were shouting, ‘It’s a terrorist attack, it’s a terrorist attack,’ it was clear that the driver was doing it deliberately.”

The French Muslim Council has condemned the atrocity as a “barbarian attack”. In a statement the council said: “France has been hit yet another time by a terrorist attack of the utmost severity.” It added the “odious terrorist act took aim at our country on the very day of its national holiday, a day which celebrates liberty, equality and fraternity”.

The council called for French Muslims to pray on Friday for “the memory of the victims of this barbarian attack”.

07-15-2016, 09:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

Nice attack: Many Muslims reportedly among 84 killed by lorry

Quoting relevant portions of the article in regard to death of Muslims in the attack:
You know not once in the whole entire news have i heard any muslims where apart of those harmed or killed in the disgusting attack... the only relevance to islam i have heard is the fact the driver was muslim and Tunisian, adding on this was a terror attack.

Im honestly lost for words how anyone can wake up and plan to cause carnage & destruction & want to purposely harm/kill innocent people who have absolutely nothing to do with the wars over in the middle east let alone whatever theyre angry at.

All this does is make it worse for all of us, those in middle east are going to be further bombed and us in the west are going to continue to be the scapegoat for these clowns, and blamed for everything they do.

And the final hour draws closer on us, this hadeeth becomes more and more scary by the day

Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which (religious) knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and general ignorance will spread, and there will be Al-Harj in abundance, and Al-Harj means killing." *

07-15-2016, 10:16 PM
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

:sl: (Peace be upon you)

Understandably, and most likely you won't either: Whether it's 9/11 or Paris Attacks or this, Muslims are also an unfortunate part of the death count but the narrative of "all Muslims being the problem" is less digestible and thereby less sensational if media elects to widely report on Muslims deaths in these attacks as well. Also, the public (especially the right wing) wants to hear that Muslims are the problem because then otherwise they'd have to have a serious look at the foreign policies of the nexus of Western countries that have widely contributed to and instigated the status quo; and uncomfortable questions about foreign policies are not what the public wants to review and therefore publicized is the version that will be most popular: Muslims are currently the problem because of x, y, and z, and of course, all Muslims are also the same.

On the Internet elsewhere, I have talked to people of the mentality of the perpetrator - warped persons of this ilk (i.e. Daesh sympathizers and in one instance a self-confessed Daesh member currently in Syria) - and what I've found from these conversations is that they have an aversion to Muslims in the West whom they believe are "deviants" for living in the West when the ummah is suffering elsewhere in the world; of course, I don't pretend to know the suffering of innocent Muslims killed daily elsewhere in the world, and I can't imagine it and it would be disingenuous for me to claim otherwise. Yet what these Muslims are hell-bent on is proving how moderate Muslims are the enemy, whether in the West or the East but especially so in the West. That is why deaths in the West of Muslim persons are considered "our" [moderate Muslims'] fault because we "choose" to live apparently in the West and so we are complicit in the crimes of our government by their logic; that is why Muslims' deaths to terrorists or radicalized lone wolves in attacks like these is collateral damage worth pursuing because in the end their goal is still to hurt the West at any cost even if they're in the end killing other Muslims.

Also, from what I've learned so far about this perpetrator, he wasn't a practicing Muslim by any stretch of the imagination, yet in the end he chose to go on a killing spree. He had been criminally charged before for road rage. He used to beat his ex-wife and was alienated from his family in Tunisia. His 3 children also didn't live with him but with his ex-wife. Basically, his life sucked, and if he did die, nobody would really miss him. So, of course, what is the easiest solution to a person whose life sucks? To kill others.

To be honest, I think imams need to start speaking loud and clear from the pulpit on Fridays about this hadith (prophetic tradition) which is part of a larger hadith of which I'm only quoting the relevant portion: "The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire." Seriously, this hadith needs to be circulated through all sections of the Muslim community and Western media needs to bring in Islamic scholars talking about this hadith because I'm getting tired of persons whose lives are by all accounts miserable to try to commit suicide by what they believe will get them a get-out-of-Hellfire-card under the guise of martyrdom when it is clearly not martyrdom and an emotional act of cowardice and a crime against humanity and clearly also seen as evil in the Quran and Sunnah (prophetic way).

Acts like this and reactions in their aftermaths make me question my place in the West and the world: It doesn't seem to matter to the radicals that I'm a Muslim because I'm not the right kind of Muslim and the right kind of Muslim would presumably in their eyes be the kind that supports murder, death, and destruction, and it doesn't seem to matter to the right wing who has a big problem itself with me professing adherence to Islam in any way, shape, or form and therefore I'm presumed the covert enemy within their ranks in the West. Things like truth or humanity or mercy doesn't seem to matter to either the radicalized Muslim or the ring wing: it's all about how one can burn the world down with the rage simmering in one's blood.

:wa: (And peace be upon you)

format_quote Originally Posted by muslimah_B
You know not once in the whole entire news have i heard any muslims where apart of those harmed or killed in the disgusting attack... the only relevance to islam i have heard is the fact the driver was muslim and Tunisian, adding on this was a terror attack.

Im honestly lost for words how anyone can wake up and plan to cause carnage & destruction & want to purposely harm/kill innocent people who have absolutely nothing to do with the wars over in the middle east let alone whatever theyre angry at.

All this does is make it worse for all of us, those in middle east are going to be further bombed and us in the west are going to continue to be the scapegoat for these clowns, and blamed for everything they do.

And the final hour draws closer on us, this hadeeth becomes more and more scary by the day

Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which (religious) knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and general ignorance will spread, and there will be Al-Harj in abundance, and Al-Harj means killing." *

07-15-2016, 10:30 PM

I watched a movie, where I learnt that the greatest threat facing the Ummah is an attack from inside. We trust t
and treat as friends those who we think are helping us in deen, but they are hypocrites or dont know what they speak of.

The good muslims who dont do anything in their power to TEACH Islam to people, may have the power to change lives. We need good sincere Muslims who take action in teaching Islam.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong. Ameen.

07-15-2016, 11:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

:sl: (Peace be upon you)

Understandably, and most likely you won't either: Whether it's 9/11 or Paris Attacks or this, Muslims are also an unfortunate part of the death count but the narrative of "all Muslims being the problem" is less digestible and thereby less sensational if media elects to widely report on Muslims deaths in these attacks as well. Also, the public (especially the right wing) wants to hear that Muslims are the problem because then otherwise they'd have to have a serious look at the foreign policies of the nexus of Western countries that have widely contributed to and instigated the status quo; and uncomfortable questions about foreign policies are not what the public wants to review and therefore publicized is the version that will be most popular: Muslims are currently the problem because of x, y, and z, and of course, all Muslims are also the same.

On the Internet elsewhere, I have talked to people of the mentality of the perpetrator - warped persons of this ilk (i.e. Daesh sympathizers and in one instance a self-confessed Daesh member currently in Syria) - and what I've found from these conversations is that they have an aversion to Muslims in the West whom they believe are "deviants" for living in the West when the ummah is suffering elsewhere in the world; of course, I don't pretend to know the suffering of innocent Muslims killed daily elsewhere in the world, and I can't imagine it and it would be disingenuous for me to claim otherwise. Yet what these Muslims are hell-bent on is proving how moderate Muslims are the enemy, whether in the West or the East but especially so in the West. That is why deaths in the West of Muslim persons are considered "our" [moderate Muslims'] fault because we "choose" to live apparently in the West and so we are complicit in the crimes of our government by their logic; that is why Muslims deaths to terrorists or radicalized lone wolves in attacks like these is a collateral damage worth pursuing because in the end their goal is still to hurt the West at any cost even if they're in the end killing other Muslims.

Also, from what I've learned so far about this perpetrator, he wasn't a practicing Muslim by any stretch of the imagination, yet in the end he chose to go on a killing spree. He had been criminally charged before for road rage. He used to beat his ex-wife and was alienated from his family in Tunisia. His 3 children also didn't live with him but with his ex-wife. Basically, his life sucked, and if he did die, nobody would really miss him. So, of course, what is the easiest solution to a person whose life sucks? To kill others.

To be honest, I think imams need to start speaking loud and clear from the pulpit on Fridays about this hadith (prophetic tradition) which is part of a larger hadith of which I'm only quoting the relevant portion: "The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire." Seriously, this hadith needs to be circulated through all sections of the Muslim community and Western media needs to bring in Islamic scholars talking about this hadith because I'm getting tired of persons whose lives are by all accounts miserable to try to commit suicide by what they believe will get them a get-out-of-Hellfire-card under the guise of martyrdom when it is clearly not martyrdom and an emotional act of cowardice and a crime against humanity and clearly also seen as evil in the Quran and Sunnah (prophetic way).

Acts like this and reactions in their aftermaths make me question my place in the West and the world: It doesn't seem to matter to the radicals that I'm a Muslim because I'm not the right kind of Muslim and the right kind of Muslim would presumably in their eyes be the kind that supports murder, death, and destruction, and it doesn't seem to matter to the right wing who has a big problem itself with me professing adherence to Islam in any way, shape, or form and therefore I'm presumed the covert enemy within their ranks in the West. Things like truth or humanity or mercy doesn't seem to matter to either the radicalized Muslim or the ring wing: it's all about how one can burn the world down with the rage simmering in one's blood.

:wa: (And peace be upon you)
I agree, we will never hear about it on the news, even if we are part of victims we are still the enemy in their eyes, and its sad and almost heartbreaking, that our beautiful religion has been hijacked by senseless clowns & idiots who are fueld by hatred & misery nothing more and people believe that our religion is somehow full of hatred, barbaric towards non-muslims and just wants them dead, which is the furthers thing from the truth its unbelievable.
Due to all of this drama i have been attacked, assulted, abuse hurled at me by ignorants mainly white men but do i paint them with the same brush NO i dont, so i dont see why people cant do the same and stop painting everyone with the same brush.
There have always been people who have been against the wars, against the wests foreign policys and even the governments, but get absolutely no air time on the news, neither any attention payed to them, they are sweeped under the rug, almost like they are "conspiracy theory nutcases" when in reality its not a theory but reality lol.
I have noticed that whenever say a story with something good about muslims or Islam comes out and maybe people start to re-think their stance on us, a new story will immediately follow tarnishing our name in the most henious way.

I definitely think imams do need to speak more about these issues and take a more direct approach against the "radicalisation" of these silly people and prevent it from happening. There isnt alot of khutbas on this issue at all, which ks becoming a widespread problem among the muslims, and its like no-one wants to speak out as much as they should, we really need our imams, scholars to really step up and take control of the situation and spread true knowledge.

In london a few masjids have taken money from the government to be able to run, so arent donations only, and when they become apart of this scheme the government tells them what they can and cant say in the masjid and those particular ones many people have complained that they have changed and are extremely different from before they accpeted it.

Yes they all seem to be "angry" jobless, no motivation in life, not practising properly, judgemental attitudes that everything is black and white no inbetween,
Yesss i have spoken to my fair share of those douchebags, i was called a kaffiir, a dirty pig and a non muslim sympathizer ooo i was also called a jew lover LOL as i didnt agree with harming innocent civilians wether non-muslims or muslims who have absolutely no say in what the government does, as much as the government say "your votes count".. i didnt agree all jews were zionists and are against islam & muslims.. its like talking to a brick wall with no common sense, or empathy, or regard for life, they are totally brainwashed and consumed with rage & anger with no direction of where & how to realse this anger in a benificial way.

Theres still people who vouch for isis/deash (whatever their name is) and claim that any muslim who does not agree with them is a kaffir and deserves to die as one, [emoji19] i mean how sick are these people, they need to be locked up in a mental house and never released, i think theyre past help, no matter how many hadeeths or Quran you show them, you show them the laws of warefare, they disregard it and think that this disgusting merciless way of doing things is gaining them the pleasure of Allah, jannah & status of a martyr, when in actuall fact they will be thrown into jahhanumm like in the lovely hadeeth you used.
The amount of people who they have harmed & killed will be witnesses against them on the day of judgement and those who led people astray through this madness they will receive the sin of those who followed them.

This world has gone absolutely crazy, and the hour is becoming closer and closer, its absolutely terrifying

07-16-2016, 03:27 AM
The silence of people of knowledge (not attacking anyone) needs to break. I mean, we need scholars explaining some issues.

For example, a good Muslim thinks "no Muslim would do terror acts for God's sake" it is illogical but those who are brainwashed actually do think they do it for God, but they don't.

I may argue that the one who thinks ordering killings of civilians and then complain about more bombings, expecting martyrdom in this cowardice way of killing, such one is delusional.

If I attack civilians in a state with no right and they retaliate with bombings on our place should the soldiers who are attacked in retaliation expect martyrdom? It is like me killing your children for killing my dad or me killing the children of other unrelated people because you killed my dad. Should I expect martyrdom if the unrelated family kills me in retaliation? No.

I know it is wrong for US to bomb the place. But that justifies not the killing of civilians no matter how much you think they support the military because reality is most of the people's money are used without consent. And most do not know.

What justification does US have for bombing Syria? They think like you to attack in retaliation. What will fire on fire do except burn the World?

May Allah forgive me if I said any wrong. Ameen.

Ineed Umar
07-16-2016, 07:24 AM
My biggest fears is hatred of Muslims, and every day it is now so common to see it Wether on a gaming youtube video or a political discussion on a news website it is just grown to an astounding level.

As Sister search mentioned, if these "Jihads" were to continue we would reach a point where a war could possibly happen, and we all know that it is not good for both sides Wether kafir or Muslim. And our chance of even delivering a blow is null apart from Allah helpING us. One nuke on Iran and Iraq and Pakistan our retaliation methods are gone. And afterwards all of humanity will suffer a Nuclear winter hence end of civiliatization as we know it and maybe it would be starting of Qiyamah? Who knows?

But still Muslims even if they despise Kafir should think logically the consequences of causing terrorism. Daesh dream of global Caliphate is and was forever a joke. Only their violence was serious, besides if the jihad causes no good to Ummah it is useless! I repeat useless! We fight for Allah, but we have to look out if it hurts the Ummah or not?

Then again previous ottoman Caliphate has done acts of war though, but if we look at the 4 rashidun Caliphate then we know their Jihad never caused trouble to Ummah.

Ranting would not solve the issue we need to publicise this at a large scale! Before Donald Trump becomes the president and gets more hair from radiation!

07-16-2016, 07:40 AM
I wouldn't call it Jihad. What they are doing is sensless violence under the disguise of Jihad.

07-16-2016, 11:08 AM

07-16-2016, 11:26 AM
:bism:(In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

:sl: (Peace be upon you)

Tbh, I think there should be more khutbas (sermons) on this issue, though not because the government is paying the mosques because do we really need to be paid to say and do the right things? If so, that's just disgusting. To the credit of many Muslim scholars and/or speakers - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Shaykh Haithim Al-Hadad, Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad, Yasir Qadhi, Nouman Ali Khan - they have patently spoken out against Daesh and illegitimate jihad. However, I truly feel that famous Muslim figures should not be the ones only speaking on this issue but rather the everyday imams in mosques because are they are there to lead the prayer and provide spiritual edification. For example, the mosque that is nearest to my home covered this subject of how Muslims should know terrorism is haram (forbidden); more mosques should start doing this because we cannot just say that we're doing our best and keep failing in averting disasters like this attack. I would think these things are common sense, but due to the sophisticated presence of terrorist ideology on the Internet, I'd say these things are no longer common sense, especially to Muslims who are newly attuned to their shortcomings as a nonpracticing Muslim and want to become a better Muslim and end up being radicalized online because they have no idea of the true teachings of Islam and end up on sites propagandizing violence.

I'd also want the government in U.S. to offer free mental health services to all peoples or at least at a low cost because we do not have any system currently in place to deal with people who feel alienated and are thinking that the way to go up in history is through committing mass shootings - non-Muslim or Muslim - because unfortunately in U.S. both kinds commit atrocities and non-Muslim ones were Sandy Hook and Aurora shooting. And it's frustrating because the issue of mental health is not addressed at all, not to mention that I also think the government should offer free deradicalization or deescalation programs in which persons of their own free will can go if they feel they're heading in a bad direction. Tbh, I also think it's a reflection on society any time an a mass shooting or attack regardless happens because somewhere we're failing to reach out to alienated persons and make them feel as if it's okay to seek counseling: Mental health issues are still stigmatized in our society - because hey, a crazy person is still at the end of the day a crazy person! Yet a person can feel crazy and not be crazy in the sense of being mental and we need to build a society that actually wants to make people safe about self-reporting these mental health issues so that they can get the help they require.

Tbh, I do believe Muslim scholars for the longest time were not speaking about jihad and the reason from my understanding is that after 9/11 it became a sensitive issue and they didn't want their mosques marked for peddling terrorism; yet this matter should have been addressed, because the Internet has had no such qualms and there are in fact jihad-type manifestos available online that do talk about this issue. Basically, if there's a vacuum left by good people (scholars/speakers) not explaining what is and what is not jihad so as to make sure that the gullible do not engage in terrorism in the guise of jihad, then the bad people are able to fill that vacuum with distortions and half-truths. Also, tbh, the other issue that I think is of just as much importance, though naysayers would deny is that Salafism in the West has allowed for the gullible to be brainwashed into believing that jihad can be done in a cherry-picking way, and the fact of Daesh considering themselves oriented in Salafism and intelligence agencies knowing them to be Salafi is entirely lost on non-violent Salafis in the West who are trying to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches in regards to this issue. As Muslims, we should know this type of burying-our-heads-in-the-sand never works, because the reality of the situation remains.

I do agree with you that we're currently living in the Last Days before Armageddon, because many big signs have appeared and only some signs still need to appear, after which there will be no doubt WWIII happening just as predicted in all holy books and then begins the return of Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) joining forces with Mahdi (peace be upon him) to defeat Dajjal (Anti-Christ) and his satanic forces.

I suppose as Muslims the only thing we can do is resist all winds for bad changes and evil like a mountain and stand our stance because no harm can come to us without the will of God, and if it truly is the will of God, then we have to bear with patience things that are to come to our way regardless of what happens.

:wa: (And peace be upon you)

format_quote Originally Posted by muslimah_B
I agree, we will never hear about it on the news, even if we are part of victims we are still the enemy in their eyes, and its sad and almost heartbreaking, that our beautiful religion has been hijacked by senseless clowns & idiots who are fueld by hatred & misery nothing more and people believe that our religion is somehow full of hatred, barbaric towards non-muslims and just wants them dead, which is the furthers thing from the truth its unbelievable.
Due to all of this drama i have been attacked, assulted, abuse hurled at me by ignorants mainly white men but do i paint them with the same brush NO i dont, so i dont see why people cant do the same and stop painting everyone with the same brush.
There have always been people who have been against the wars, against the wests foreign policys and even the governments, but get absolutely no air time on the news, neither any attention payed to them, they are sweeped under the rug, almost like they are "conspiracy theory nutcases" when in reality its not a theory but reality lol.
I have noticed that whenever say a story with something good about muslims or Islam comes out and maybe people start to re-think their stance on us, a new story will immediately follow tarnishing our name in the most henious way.

I definitely think imams do need to speak more about these issues and take a more direct approach against the "radicalisation" of these silly people and prevent it from happening. There isnt alot of khutbas on this issue at all, which ks becoming a widespread problem among the muslims, and its like no-one wants to speak out as much as they should, we really need our imams, scholars to really step up and take control of the situation and spread true knowledge.

In london a few masjids have taken money from the government to be able to run, so arent donations only, and when they become apart of this scheme the government tells them what they can and cant say in the masjid and those particular ones many people have complained that they have changed and are extremely different from before they accpeted it.

Yes they all seem to be "angry" jobless, no motivation in life, not practising properly, judgemental attitudes that everything is black and white no inbetween,
Yesss i have spoken to my fair share of those douchebags, i was called a kaffiir, a dirty pig and a non muslim sympathizer ooo i was also called a jew lover LOL as i didnt agree with harming innocent civilians wether non-muslims or muslims who have absolutely no say in what the government does, as much as the government say "your votes count".. i didnt agree all jews were zionists and are against islam & muslims.. its like talking to a brick wall with no common sense, or empathy, or regard for life, they are totally brainwashed and consumed with rage & anger with no direction of where & how to realse this anger in a benificial way.

Theres still people who vouch for isis/deash (whatever their name is) and claim that any muslim who does not agree with them is a kaffir and deserves to die as one, [emoji19] i mean how sick are these people, they need to be locked up in a mental house and never released, i think theyre past help, no matter how many hadeeths or Quran you show them, you show them the laws of warefare, they disregard it and think that this disgusting merciless way of doing things is gaining them the pleasure of Allah, jannah & status of a martyr, when in actuall fact they will be thrown into jahhanumm like in the lovely hadeeth you used.
The amount of people who they have harmed & killed will be witnesses against them on the day of judgement and those who led people astray through this madness they will receive the sin of those who followed them.

This world has gone absolutely crazy, and the hour is becoming closer and closer, its absolutely terrifying

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