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View Full Version : French Cities ban the Burkini

08-17-2016, 03:51 PM
Assalamu alaykum

Honestly, the people who banned this seem like a bunch of perverts. Personally I don't go to beaches and I don't wear the burkini - but what's their problem if some women do? It's amusing how it's regarded as a sign of religious extremism.....usually the more 'moderate' Muslims are the ones wearing burkinis. It comes across as hysterical islamophobia. What else are they going to ban?

French authorities in several cities in towns have banned the burkini, a full-body swimsuit worn by some Muslim women.

The clothing - which combines "burqa" with "bikini" - leaves only the face, hands and feet on show.

A village mayor on the island of Corsica is the latest to outlaw them after a beach brawl between families of North African descent and local youths.
Witnesses say it began when the families didn't want photos taken.

The French cities of Cannes and Villeneuve-Loubet have also banned the burkini, arguing that the swimsuit defies French laws on secularism

Secularism is the idea of strict separation of the government from religious institutions.

The idea is that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law.

The most well-known rules on secularism (known as laicite) were introduced back in 1905.

But in the 111 years since things have become pretty complicated.

The French still have certain Catholic public holidays but religious events, such as school nativity plays, are not allowed.

There are also lots of other rules prohibiting religious clothing.

The legal status of headscarves in schools was unclear for years but in 2004 French ministers approved a law banning all obvious religious symbols in schools - including Muslim headwear, Christian crosses and Jewish skullcaps.

In 2010 the French government hit the headlines again when it banned people wearing anything covering the whole face (including niqabs and other veils) in public places.

Critics have accused France of stopping freedom of religious expression and specifically targeting Muslims.

But some moderate Muslim leaders also back the ban as they see it as a stand against hardline versions of Islam

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08-17-2016, 03:58 PM
Topless beaches are okay, but modest swimwear isn't?:facepalm:

Isaiah 5:20- Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.

sister herb
08-17-2016, 04:33 PM
Kind of decisions aren´t very wise. At the same time authorities claim they want to help women to intergate to the society but most of those restrictions of wearing only limit women´s possibility to move and act at the public life. It´s like they would want women either leave their religion or stay only at home. If the first, they have totally forgot one of the basic elements of the European way of life - the individual freedom.

Have they also a ban for using long sleeve shirt and long skirt on the beach? If not, for impartiality they should have.

08-17-2016, 04:42 PM
Whichever of the two (burkini or bikini) is lawful according to God's rule as prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah should be allowed if any of the two are at all lawful, and whichever of the two (burkini or bikini) is unlawful according to God's rule as prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah should be banned, if any are unlawful.

Quite silly and very wrong to force haraam images of semi-naked women into people's minds as a way to sway them, a satanic hack at the most basic instincs of man and a lame attempt at swaying the subconscious mind, even worse than dangling bottles of haraam intoxicating liquors in the face of alcoholics. What a lame excuse to display flesh on the news in a less obviously sleazy way by making it out to be a matter of important discussion. It's not so subtle to people who've had that trick played at them since childhood.

Of course they should ban both if it means having people's mothers daughters and wives walking around amongst shameless women and cuckold men who've lost any sense of self-respect and decency.

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Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-17-2016, 09:22 PM
They hate Islaam, so they ban it, calling it "extremism". They then water it down, cunningly "allowing" this watered-down version. Later on, this watered-down version becomes "too much", so they hate it and ban it as well. A new, even more diluted version emerges. Short while later, even this diluted joke is now regarded as "extremism" and "religious fanaticism", and thus gets hated and banned. At this point, there's not even 1% of the original Islaam left, and so they successfully remove it.

That is how the Deen eventually gets removed from this Dunyaa; little by little. Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم told us that towards the end of this Dunyaa, before Qiyaamah, nothing will remain from Islaam except its name.

Those who were considered "modernists" and "irreligious" yesterday are considered "extremists" today. If a person today does 10% of what Sahaabah used to do, if he has 10% of the Deen they followed, he will be labelled an extremist, fanatic, zealot, terrorist, Wahhaabi, spreader of hatred, madman, etc. Because the more Islaam gets "watered down", the more people lose the Original Islaam, "the Old Religion" and what it was about.

...فإلى الله المشتكى

08-17-2016, 09:30 PM
True, when I began reading salah even some Muslims I knew thought I was being extreme. For them waking up for Fajr means you've past the point of no return. Allahu a'lam. I mean, reading prayer is one of the basic pillars of Islam. It reminds me of that hadith (I think it was), where holding onto your deen will be like holding onto hot coals.

Just struck me as odd how they treat the burqini as a sign of radicalisation - I know plenty of Muslim women who thinks it's quite liberal-thinking to wear a burqini.

08-17-2016, 11:22 PM
...against French laws on secularism...

No special privileges are given to any belief or faith. And what they wear is personal choice.

So the French interpretation of secularism means there is no freedom to practice personal faith? So it really means that the government determines what you can or can't do with regards to religious practice?


08-17-2016, 11:38 PM

the whole ban is stupid. Thank God I dont live in France.

08-18-2016, 12:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم told us that towards the end of this Dunyaa, before Qiyaamah, nothing will remain from Islaam except its name.
I agree that they are trying to remove Islam as best as they can. But regarding what I quoted from you above, do you have a reference from the hadith that can back it up? Because this idea seems to contradict the fact that the Quran is and will always be preserved, and also the following verses:

Quran 9:32: They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
Quran 9:33: It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.

08-18-2016, 01:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
They hate Islaam, so they ban it, calling it "extremism". They then water it down, cunningly "allowing" this watered-down version. Later on, this watered-down version becomes "too much", so they hate it and ban it as well. A new, even more diluted version emerges. Short while later, even this diluted joke is now regarded as "extremism" and "religious fanaticism", and thus gets hated and banned. At this point, there's not even 1% of the original Islaam left, and so they successfully remove it.
Agreed. If the Muslims give in, it will become a race to the bottom.
The value of Islam and its nature as an active ingredient, is exactly that it does not give in.
This is a dreamed opportunity to roll out new anti-Statist measures against these French cities.
I propose:

"The Virtual Association in defense of the Burqini"

We would need lots of Muslims to enroll, by becoming member of some kind of internet forum similar to this one. Next, we can start by notifying these cities that we have taken note of their decision to ban the burqini on their beaches, and that we are discussing counter-veiling measures. Their city has been red-flagged as a priority location for Islamic action.

Of course, we don't know at this point what the Islamic action will be about, because it will first have to be discussed in the Virtual Association. Communes on the blacklist of the Virtual Association are:

[1] Cannes [*]
[2] Villeneuve-Loubet
[3] Sisco
[4] Touquet
[5] Leucate

It is really important to announce asap that they are on this black list, because nobody knows what it means to be on that blacklist, but it will still discourage other French cities from doing the same. Organized response always instills fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
[*] By the way, I think that Cannes was already on a black list, because why else would that mad truck driver have picked exactly this city to unceremoniously terminate 84 unbelievers?

08-18-2016, 01:21 AM

Even if Burkini was allowed Muslim women must not swim with other men but still the burkini was better than the bikini or other exposing cloths.

Rich Muslim Entrepreneurs must come with the Idea of Halal swimming pools, tennis court or iow Halal tourism especially in countries like France where our Pious Sisters undergo a lot of trouble in these issues.

08-18-2016, 01:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm
Rich Muslim Entrepreneurs must come with the Idea of Halal swimming pools, tennis court or iow Halal tourism especially in countries like France where our Pious Sisters undergo a lot of trouble in these issues.
Yes, the "Virtual Association in defense of the Burqini" must have several ambitions listed in its general mission statement. We already have:

  1. Counter-veiling measures against Statist organizations enforcing a ban on the burqini
  2. Encouraging existing swimming pools to convert their modus operandi and apply for the certification of "halal swimming pool" to be issued by the clergy working in conjunction with the virtual association
  3. Blacklist existing swimming pools that are burqini-unfriendly
  4. Encouraging the construction of new halal swimming pools

Concerning this encouragement, we can obviously assist Muslim enterpreneurs or other ones who see monetary benefits in operating halal swimming pools -- note that a halal swimming pool could just be a profitable business project and that non-Muslim enterpreneurs may also be interested in building them.

Furthermore, we can use crowdfunding methods to reduce the capital needs of such enterpreneurs:

This should allow people from the entire, global Islamic community to help funding this kind of initiatives with their own 50 cents. In the end, there is way more than enough money floating around for this kind of initiatives, if you make it convenient to either donate or invest (in expectation of financial return and profits).

The Virtual Association itself should obviously mostly focus on advocacy, and not operate swimming pools, but rather facilitate for-profit or not-for-profit non-State actors to do so.

08-18-2016, 01:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kritikvernunft
Yes, the "Virtual Association in defense of the Burqini" must have several ambitions listed in its general mission statement. We already have:

  1. Counter-veiling measures against Statist organizations enforcing a ban on the burqini
  2. Encouraging existing swimming pools to convert their modus operandi and apply for the certification of "halal swimming pool" to be issued by the clergy working in conjunction with the virtual association
  3. Blacklist existing swimming pools that are burqini-unfriendly
  4. Encouraging the construction of new halal swimming pools

Concerning this encouragement, we can obviously assist Muslim enterpreneurs or other ones who see monetary benefits in operating halal swimming pools -- note that a halal swimming pool could just be a profitable business project and that non-Muslim enterpreneurs may also be interested in building them.

Furthermore, we can use crowdfunding methods to reduce the capital needs of such enterpreneurs:

This should allow people from the entire, global Islamic community to help funding this kind of initiatives with their own 50 cents. In the end, there is way more than enough money floating around for this kind of initiatives, if you make it convenient to either donate or invest (in expectation of financial return and profits).

The Virtual Association itself should obviously mostly focus on advocacy, and not operate swimming pools, but rather facilitate for-profit or not-for-profit non-State actors to do so.

Thanks for your enlightment with Ideas
. Yes Allah willingly Muslims, particularly Sisters enjoy their lives within the allowed Islamic Limits , :D

I ve made a new thread in the business section

08-21-2016, 03:53 PM
This is a good response video:

08-21-2016, 06:34 PM

"We have freedom in the west" they said.

I think some people don't quite get the memo of the french and also the western people, So I'll just repeat it for your benefit - YOU'RE NOT WANTED HERE.

Can't you see the hypocrisy by these people? And by people I mean the western leaders who are not here to make decisions in your best interest in the first place anyway.

I'm not surprised by this at all if I'm going to be honest with you. The next law to be passed will probably be to ban your fajr salah, Because waking up at 5 or 4 o'clock in the morning to pray your salah will be considered too "extremist".

And anyway, what is the need for a Muslim to be at a beach in the first place? So much fitnah.

08-22-2016, 01:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Akhi_Umar
So I'll just repeat it for your benefit - YOU'RE NOT WANTED HERE.
Yes, but who says that what they want, would be relevant in any way?
If you are there, that is because the singular God must have wanted this in one way or another.
I also suspect that you are not particularly suggesting that we should prioritize the desires of the pagans over the will of the singular God.

08-22-2016, 01:56 AM
France is weird they should not band the burkini. Its like how they told women to take off all there clothes so they could feel free years ago centuries ago. But now they have gone to far like how could you ban a women from covering her body thats crazy

08-22-2016, 02:15 AM

The French cities of Cannes and Villeneuve-Loubet have also banned the burkini, arguing that the swimsuit defies French laws on secularism.
It may contravene the laws, but it doesn't seem to me to be an affront to the spirit of secularism in any way. Wearing a burkini doesn't make a person suddenly unequal before the law, nor does it negatively affect others.

People should definitely be allowed to wear clothing like this at the beach if they want. The burkini is not a million miles away from bathing suits worn in Europe in the 19th century so I don't really see what the objection is.


08-22-2016, 02:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson
It may contravene the laws, but ...

It contravenes man-made laws. However, any behaviour that contravenes man-made law but not Divine Law is an auto-da-fé, an Act of Faith.

There is no point in sidestepping the confrontation. They want to ban it, because they can. So, now we must do something to counter their ban, also just because we can. Hence, it is a question of designing and engineering reprisals that will attach a price tag to their attempts to enforce the man-made law that they invented. I really would not let it go, because confrontation and conflict are simply part of life. It is not permissible to give in or cave it. What we need, is to design and engineer provocations. Since we would be the ones choosing the time and the place, it is always possible to design the confrontation in such a way that they will be unprepared, and lose it. (Tsu Zu, "The art of war"). Make them sweat over this until they give up! ;-)


08-24-2016, 12:27 PM

This strikes me as totally inappropriate behaviour for the police to be engaged in:

French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban


08-24-2016, 02:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by kritikvernunft
Yes, the "Virtual Association in defense of the Burqini" must have several ambitions listed in its general mission statement. We already have:

  1. Counter-veiling measures against Statist organizations eforcing a ban on the burqini
  2. Encouraging existing swimming pools to convert their modus operandi and apply for the certification of "halal swimming pool" to be issued by the clergy working in conjunction with the virtual association
  3. Blacklist existing swimming pools that are burqini-unfriendly
  4. Encouraging the construction of new halal swimming pools

Concerning this encouragement, we can obviously assist Muslim enterpreneurs or other ones who see monetary benefits in operating halal swimming pools -- note that a halal swimming pool could just be a profitable business project and that non-Muslim enterpreneurs may also be interested in building them.

Furthermore, we can use crowdfunding methods to reduce the capital needs of such enterpreneurs:

attachmentphp?attachmentid5631&ampstc1 -

This should allow people from the entire, global Islamic community to help funding this kind of initiatives with their own 50 cents. In the end, there is way more than enough money floating around for this kind of initiatives, if you make it convenient to either donate or invest (in expectation of financial return and profits).

The Virtual Association itself should obviously mostly focus on advocacy, and not operate swimming pools, but rather facilitate for-profit or not-for-profit non-State actors to do so.
Since you're pushing for separate measures, aren't you better of investing the money in a Muslim majority country?
That way you can at least bring your kids up in an Islamic atmosphere and not worry about having your swimming pool siezed because some foolish scumbag politician claims it "encourages radicalization" ?
Isn't it humiliating enough as it is?

I am aware of the fact that this negative outward concern about Islam stems from the fact that some french people are becoming more receptive to it, but it is also a furqaan, look at the percentages and choose wisely.

08-24-2016, 03:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson

This strikes me as totally inappropriate behaviour for the police to be engaged in:

French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban

We're living in a world where evil is good, and good is evil. Subhanallah

I'm seeing right in front of my eyes o.o

08-24-2016, 03:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson

This strikes me as totally inappropriate behaviour for the police to be engaged in:

French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban

So stupid this is unbelievable, I find it ironic how they claim to be fighting against a form of so-called 'religious' extremism when they are engaging in a 'secular' extremism themselves.

I also find it extremely sad how they insist Muslims need to make more of an effort to integrate into western society when they themselves are alienating them, particularly the Muslim youth.

I've grown up in the west and 99.9% percent of the Muslims I know see no conflict between their faith and their nationality - but thse people insist on creating this conflict when it didn't even exist. I get the feeling they are making it out you *have* to choose between either being a Muslim or citizen in this country, but you can't be both.

08-24-2016, 03:44 PM
My neighbour is Christian, and whenever she goes to the beach she wears leggings and a long full-sleeved tunic....she was saying to me now if she'd even be allowed to go to a beach in France, lol.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-24-2016, 03:55 PM
An Ungodly place. How deserving they are of His punishment.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-24-2016, 04:50 PM
The government of France hates Islaam. More than that: they hate Allaah. They hate "God". They hate "religion".

They are satanists. They love Shaytaan (satan), worship him and revere him. For that reason, they despise anything to do with religion or anything which even reminds a person of religion.

There is no surprise that they prohibit Muslim women from covering up in their country: as we said, they are satanists, and Shaytaan (satan) loves nudity. Shaytaan would be thrilled if everyone on earth walked around nude. That would make his day. So, his little worshippers (French government, army, police) have to ensure that all of their citizens walk around nude or at least semi-nude, and any kind of covering up is banned, because their false god (Shaytaan) hates it.

08-24-2016, 04:56 PM
You can see that they fear that jihaad of the soul might fix people, so they harass muslims, make life a living hell, arm as many jihadis as they can, and tell people that they're worried about youth flying off to syria and back. Such blatant loser tactics.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-24-2016, 05:04 PM
It's not simply "Muslims" these Kuffaar have a problem with. They have a problem with Allaah.

08-24-2016, 05:09 PM
May Allah swt guide us all,

France is leading the way in terms of xenophobia against Muslims and to some extent Jews, they've made full-pork menus compulsory in some schools several days a week with no vegetarian or halal/kosher alternative - what message is this giving to young children? You can't truly belong to this society if you don't eat roast pork. I wonder where the talk about tolerance and acceptance goes here.

Alhamdulillah that I live in the UK - it has its cons (as do most countries) but I've found for the most part they are very tolerant of others, it's a hugely multicultural society, a more welcoming place for a Muslim to be in than most of Europe or America. A college I once went to for exams had a separate prayer room for the Muslim students, and many of the female students (college, so no uniform) were wearing abayas on as well.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-24-2016, 05:18 PM
The Chinese government has a hatred for Islaam as well. They banned Muslims in Xinjiang from fasting. They do regular checks to see that students in the schools there aren't fasting, and force them to eat/drink something just to make sure they aren't.


08-24-2016, 05:51 PM
Allahuackbar! Muslims are getting persecuted from Europe to Asia, and we're getting verbally and physically abused throughout the world :-( even our religion is comedy to some of the kuffar.

What a trial this is for us.

08-24-2016, 06:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000
... aren't you better of investing the money in a Muslim majority country?
From their falling birth rate, you can see that it is getting increasingly harder for the pagans to actually make children. Therefore, with a little bit of patience, someone else will inherit these pagan lands. If the Muslims don't make sure to be around when that happens, someone else will inherit them. In that sense, moving back from future Muslim majority countries to currently Muslim majority countries does not look like a good idea. I am not in favour of that plan.

سيف الله
08-25-2016, 12:27 PM

Well what else do you expect of France? it is a secular theocracy. Just goes to show the dangers of secularism to those who wish to practice their faith or even those who have faith.

Another update

Sarkozy calls burkinis a 'provocation' that supports radical Islam

The former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has branded the full-body burkini swimsuits worn by some Muslim women a “provocation” that supports radicalised Islam.

After efforts by a series of French coastal towns to ban women from wearing burkinis set off a heated debate in the country, Sarkozy said in a TV interview on Wednesday night that “we don’t imprison women behind fabric”.


08-25-2016, 01:30 PM
I read this quote on social media 'So France is trying to free women from forced clothing choices by imposing forced clothing choices?' The logic behind it....

Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-25-2016, 02:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Junon
Sarkozy calls burkinis a 'provocation' that supports radical Islam

The former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has branded the full-body burkini swimsuits worn by some Muslim women a “provocation” that supports radicalised Islam.

After efforts by a series of French coastal towns to ban women from wearing burkinis set off a heated debate in the country, Sarkozy said in a TV interview on Wednesday night that “we don’t imprison women behind fabric”.
He should just say it as it is: He's a pervert who wants to ogle women. He and the rest of the "Ban the Veil/Hijaab/Burqa" lot. You'll find that the majority of them are males.

They want to ogle, but the Hijaab and veil is preventing them, so they have to ban it.

08-25-2016, 05:15 PM

The only reason for this is for them to practice their perversions, enough said. This is just Political 'correctness'. There is nothing extreme about burqas. They are just perverted minded. They want to strip Muslim woman off their clothes. They want to ogle, pretty obvious.

Basically anything Islamic 'supports' Radical extremism to them.. Almost heading that way, or are we heading that way? I think so.

This is just hypocrisy. They are the ones who corrupt society, that objectify woman as sex objects.

In short: they want to ogle at Muslim women, and because they cant do that, they use politics and ban stuff, only to practice their perversions.

Wallah, I have a feeling one day going with trousers would be extreme! Look around! women go in underwears almost! What next? Bikinis in college? Around town? In the streets? I am already seeing women going in underwear-sized pants.

I can clearly almost without doubt say that France is an Enemy of Islam, pretty obvious. as a state it is, for sure.
Allahu alam.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-25-2016, 06:44 PM
Yes, because the more satanic a society is, the higher the level of nudity. That's why satanic rituals require that the members strip naked and rub excreta on themselves, and dance like that.

That's another thing Shaytaan likes: filth. Anything impure. Shaytaan hates cleanliness like how he hates modesty.

08-25-2016, 06:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Yes, because the more satanic a society is, the higher the level of nudity. That's why satanic rituals require that the members strip naked and rub excreta on themselves, and dance like that.

That's another thing Shaytaan likes: filth. Anything impure. Shaytaan hates cleanliness like how he hates modesty.
One of Shaytaan's goals, is AFAIK, to strip mankind of their clothings - a blessing from Allah :swt: (the clothing). Basically, Shaytaan wants to rid people of hayah, dignity and honor, completely. I am pretty sure one of shaytaan's goal is to strip mankind off clothings, completely.

I wonder why tho. Afaik, it is because Iblees/shaytaan knows that once one has no clothes on, and goes around naked, one has lost dignity and modesty, and that pleases shaytaan. Anything that displeases Allah, pleases shaytaan. Pretty much.

may Allah :swt: protect us. Ameen.

08-25-2016, 07:14 PM
Want a simple solution to complex geopolitical issues? Ban swimwear!

08-25-2016, 07:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
Want a simple solution to complex geopolitical issues? Ban swimwear!
You would think France these days has more pressing issues (e.g. Brexit, terrorism, immigration) than whether women wear a burqini or not.

08-25-2016, 07:46 PM
they should also ban mickey mouse and donald duck outfits in disneyland paris

they also cover faces and hide potential terrorists too right? :D


08-25-2016, 07:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by noraina
You would think France these days has more pressing issues (e.g. Brexit, terrorism, immigration) than whether women wear a burqini or not.
Nah, why press issues when you can scapegoat?

08-26-2016, 07:17 PM

Signs of progress?

France burkini: Highest court suspends ban


سيف الله
08-31-2016, 06:35 AM

It gets better and better

French PM suggests naked breasts represent France better than a headscarf

The French prime minister has drawn criticism for suggesting that naked breasts are more representative of France than a headscarf, in the latest flare-up of the bitter political row over the burkini.

Manuel Valls, who clashed with France’s education minister over his support for mayors who have banned full-body swimsuits from beaches, gave a rousing speech on Monday night in which he hailed the bare breasts of Marianne, a national symbol of the French Republic.

“Marianne has a naked breast because she is feeding the people! She is not veiled, because she is free! That is the republic!” he thundered at a government rally.

The inference that bare breasts were a symbol of France while the Muslim headscarf was problematic sparked scorn from politicians and derision from historians and feminists.


Huzaifah ibn Adam
08-31-2016, 09:00 AM
Like I said: Perverts through and through.

Why disguise it behind "diplomacy". Just come out and say it.

They want the Muslim women to walk with their breasts open so that perverts like themselves can ogle. It has nothing to do with "freedom" or "liberation".

08-31-2016, 09:39 AM
I'm beginning to suspect that the real reason for the bans is much more banal. These are almost all cities on the Riviera, famous for being a vacation spot for rich people from all around the world. Maybe they think Muslims swimming around in burkinis ruins the image they are trying to project to rich vacationers?

08-31-2016, 10:26 AM
Good news everybody, the burkini ban has been dealt a serious blow.


France's highest court has set some legal precedent, clearly stating that the burkini ban is just insane. Now, for the time being, the mayors of a few cities are refusing to lift their bans. But that only delays the inevitable, worst case scenario is by next summer, this sort of ban will be absolutely impossible in all of France.

With that being said, I'd like to point out one other thing. As bad as this has been- and it has been quite absurd, and entirely out of line with secular liberalism as a whole- it could have been just a bit worse. For example, if the Parisians had made the argument that "our beaches are a bit like the Vatican, and you can't go into the Vatican and just do what you want, can you?" Or, "our beaches are just a bit like Mecca is for Muslims, you have rules for Mecca. Religious rules. We have rules for our beaches, and they target certain religions because....Mecca. The Vatican. Rules."

Yeah, so at least those arguments didn't exist as such. That would have been super weak. Back to the good news though, legal precedent has come down from the highest French courts and it is favorable to a rational conclusion! We're not quite all the way there yet, but this is very good news that all but assures a positive outcome in the medium term, if not sooner.

سيف الله
09-01-2016, 11:49 AM

Listening to the Radio when this subject came up. They managed to get some 'moderate' (female) Muslims to denounce the Saudis and the Iranians dress code and praise the wonders of liberalism. They then went on to describe Muslim women who 'shock horror' dress modestly and decently as 'Ultra conservative'.

Then one of them spoke about their 'feminist' interpretation of the faith. :omg:

Intriguing observing the 'good cop' approach from the secular liberal establishment. They are smart enough to realise that being honest and upfront with their intentions will not get them anywhere. Instead they manipulate, trying to create a cadre of 'moderate' Muslims to peddle their propaganda while criminalising those who don't follow the approved narrative and live according to the traditions of the faith.

The good old divide and conquer strategy.

Just to add note how the establishment are targeting Muslim women for conversion. Good strategy, polluting the faith with the disease of feminism would fundamentally undermine it. Just look at what happened to Christianity.

We live in most interesting times.

09-01-2016, 12:28 PM
Not just some french that hate Islam

More than half of the British public would support banning people from wearing a burka, a YouGov poll has found.

A total of 57% of those who were surveyed said they would support a ban on wearing the burka in the UK, while just 25% are against outlawing it.

The debate surrounding the Islamic dress has become particularly heated in the past few weeks after France instituted a ban on burkinis across more than 30 coastal towns.

A photo of a woman being forced to remove her burkini after being surrounded by four armed police on a Nice beach sparked international outrage.

A burka is a loose item of clothing covering the whole body from head to feet. The garment is predominantly worn by Muslim women.

The YouGov survey found that in the UK older people are more likely to support a burka ban, with 78% of those aged 65 years or older backing the ban, compared to just 34% of 18 to 24-year-olds.

Working class people are also more likely to support the ban than middle class people, with 61% compared to 54%.

Women are almost as likely to support a ban as men are, with 56% of females backing it compared to 58% of males.

The YouGov survey found that a burka ban is supported by 84% of all 2015 Ukip voters and 66% of Conservatives.

A total of 48% of Labour voters said they would support a ban, followed by the Liberal Democrats, with just 42% backing the proposal.

Yet just 37% of Labour voters and 30% of Lib Dem supporters said they would oppose the ban.

YouGov surveyed 1,668 British adults.

The results revealed that there were only two demographics that are more likely to oppose a ban than support it. These are 18 to 24-year-olds and Remain voters.

Yet even then the numbers are relatively close – Remain voters are net opposed to the ban by just 3%, whilst 18 to 24-year-olds are 6% net opposed to the ban.

The burkini debate in France has exposed cultural tensions within the country.

Last week France’s high court suspended the controversial burkini ban, yet several French mayors have reportedly kept the bans in place.

Nicholas Sarkozy, who instituted a ban on burkas and niqabs while he was president, said he would change the French constitution to ban burkinis should he be re-elected next year.

YouGov found that British people also in favour of banning burkinis, although less strongly than burkas.

The survey found that 46% of people would support a burkini ban and 30% would oppose one.

Compared to other countries, YouGov found that 62% of people in Germany supported a ban and 27% opposed it.

In the US a ban is strongly opposed, with 59% of people opposing the ban and just 27% backing it.


09-01-2016, 04:02 PM

Huzaifah ibn Adam
09-01-2016, 05:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aaqib
What happened?

09-01-2016, 06:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
What happened?
Just describing how my mind felt when I read startingarabic's post xP

09-02-2016, 02:40 AM
'Swimming fully clothed in beach is unhygenic'-Mayor of Cannes.(Regarding the cause of Burkini ban)

The most perverted quote I have ever seen.....

09-02-2016, 02:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by mdsajidha
'Swimming fully clothed in beach is unhygenic'-Mayor of Cannes.(Regarding the cause of Burkini ban) The most perverted quote I have ever seen.....
Since his statement is not sailing under the flag of morality, provability, or testability, it can only be termed an ideological conjecture, which is inherently dumb. So, what we have here is a violent idiot who wants to impose his stupidity onto others. All you need to do, is to keep repeating it. Sooner or later, your endless complaints will end up triggering the inevitable! ;-)

09-02-2016, 03:13 AM
hmm totally agree with I brother

09-02-2016, 03:14 AM

09-02-2016, 04:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by mdsajidha
'Swimming fully clothed in beach is unhygenic'-Mayor of Cannes.(Regarding the cause of Burkini ban)

The most perverted quote I have ever seen.....
That quote is just, contradictory. Makes no sense. IN fact, Muslims are the most hygenic people on the face of this Earth. Modesty does not equal being unhygenic. Modesty and hygiene have no relation with each other.

I see now, the leaders are becoming ignorants and retarded... It is in a hadith, ignorant will be trusted as leaders, while the truthful with knowledgable, will be frowned and untrusted.

Then again, what do you expect from someone who doesn't think, and use his brain?

09-02-2016, 04:32 AM
Asalaam alykum Brother(s)/Sister(s), i know you are all here posting to claim about Islamic women's rights.

Did you know that a woman should not take her husband's name? Before discussing problems outside the house. Let us first correct problems inside the house.

Find out in the article below why a woman should not take her husband's name (you can download the pdf at the end of the article):


09-02-2016, 08:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity
That quote is just, contradictory. Makes no sense. IN fact, Muslims are the most hygenic people on the face of this Earth. Modesty does not equal being unhygenic. Modesty and hygiene have no relation with each other.

I see now, the leaders are becoming ignorants and retarded... It is in a hadith, ignorant will be trusted as leaders, while the truthful with knowledgable, will be frowned and untrusted.

Then again, what do you expect from someone who doesn't think, and use his brain?
They are the components of Shaytaans plan.....

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