My post from the other thread:
It is important that you ignore it. Don't think about it. Clear your mind. Make Dhikr. Focus on Allaah Ta`aalaa. Don't give any attention to Shaytaani Wasaawis. If Shaytaan sees that he is troubling you, it would only encourage him. Don't give him that.
Recite Ta`awwudh (A`oodhu Billaahi Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem) ten times every morning and every evening.
Try to stay with Wudhoo at all times. I mentioned this in another post, but I'm mentioning it here again: Wudhoo is the shield of the Mu'min against Shaytaan. A person who stays with Wudhoo at all times enjoys special protection from Allaah Ta`aalaa. Shaytaan has no power against such a person. So try to be with Wudhoo at all times and when going to bed. Another very important thing is that you should try never to be for a long time in a state of Janaabah (major impurity).
To add to that:
No, In Shaa Allaah you are not destined for hell. Allaah Ta`aalaa has chosen you and granted you Imaan. From all the people in this world - so many are Kuffaar; many, many, many more than there are Muslims - Allaah Ta`aalaa chose to give you Imaan. To give you Hidaayat (Guidance). This is the greatest Ni`mah (Blessing) from Allaah Ta`aalaa.
Those who believe in and obey Allaah Ta`aalaa - The One True God - the Muslimeen, the Mu'mineen; they are destined for Jannah, Bi-Idhnillaah.
May Allaah Ta`aalaa keep all of us steadfast upon the Siraat al-Mustaqeem and upon the Haqq,
آمين يا رب العالمين