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View Full Version : How do you recognize the truth?

10-02-2016, 05:45 AM
One simply way -- in fact my favourite way -- is to listen to the liars and to patiently reconstruct the truth from their lies. That is the reason why I occasionally still watch television.

Another reconstruction lesson, that we can learn from the French and the Russian revolutions, is that if a religion contains a sufficient number of errors, it can and will indeed be used to prop up the privileges of the ruling class. Christian religion found itself accused of justifying the elite's incessant thefting. If the revolutionaries wanted to successfully get rid of the thieving elite, they had no other option than to discredit Christian religion.

The attack on Christian religion even led the former Christians to wholesale rejecting the core principle of religion itself: a first cause that is the principle of causality to everything else.

Nowadays, the ruling class in the West is mostly atheist or watered-down Christian. The powers-that-be clearly do not like Islam. This demonstrates that the anti-religious views of the revolutions were in fact very circumstantial. Islam proves that atheism went one bridge too far by declaring all religion to be opium for the people. A tool that can be used to support the ruling class, can obviously also be used to repudiate it. With the ruling class and Islam now being at loggerheads, religion in general has regained much of its lost credibility.

The more that the ruling class dislikes Islam, and insists that Muslims should abandon their core beliefs, the more that we understand that the thefters of the ruling class are lying and deceiving again, and that Islam must squarely be sitting on the truth.

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10-02-2016, 06:18 AM
The ruling class dislikes Trump, and Trump has little to do with truth, so am skeptical about this approach.

If I may suggest an alternative... Those belief systems that led to successful cultures must at least contain some elements of truth. This includes the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Quran which all, at a minimum, must include some elements of truth. In contrast, atheism has historically only been associated with decaying cultures. No rising culture in history was ever atheistic. Therefore I would argue that atheism is devoid of truth.

10-02-2016, 06:48 AM
:bism:(In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

:sl: (Peace be upon you)

I think all prophets (may Allah bless them all) when they came had their message repudiated because they were telling the people to submit their will to God. This is the hardest thing in life that can be asked of anybody, and therefore the message was met with vilification and they themselves were reviled. I think if people will reflect on the Old Testament they'll realize that the only possible continuation of the message of God is not that the message no longer applies but that the message will always apply in the same way and is still the same. Abraham (peace be upon him) talked about the One God. Moses (peace be upon him) talked about the One God. Jesus (peace be upon him) talked about the One God. (From my understanding, wherein modern-day Christianity stumbles is the abrogation of the old laws due to the new covenant represented by the acceptance of the Trinitarian formula. For example, the strongest evidence for the Trinitarian formula within the Bible is the quotation about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and that is not written in the original manuscript; that was a marginal note that was written by a scribe into the margins of one of the manuscripts which was later copied into the Scripture. Also, Hebrew and Armaic have no capital letters and therefore the capitalization of Jesus being the "Son of God" is a translator's interpretation whereas it should be a lower case since this is not done any other times when such reference is made in regards to others in the Bible). God's perfection requires a continuity of the same message which is that we as humanity should submit our will to God, and that means studying the parallels between Mosaic Law and Islamic Law and understanding why God's perfection and will has always required the supremacy of God's law and a theocratic state.

Satan has only one mission, which is to sow discord and enmity between the Sons of Adam and to ensure that we do not submit the will to God. Obviously, Satan won't come to any person and say that anyone should attack Islam because it is carrying the Truth from God. No, Satan comes and attacks Islam by using misinformation, distortion, and lies about Islam. The ones who accept this misinformation, distortion, and lies unknowingly about Islam are from the ignorant and they will be given a test on Judgment Day by God to determine whether they should be the dwellers of Paradise. And those who accept to spread what they know is misinformation, distortion, and lies about Islam are from the arrogant and should be concerned about Judgment Day because God is All-Seeing and All-Knowing and everyone's final return is to God.

In the end, we have to remember the hadith (prophetic tradition) relayed about what God has said to all humanity:
“‘O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another.
O My servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide you.
O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and I shall feed you.
O My servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe you.
O My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you.
O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me.
O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not increase My kingdom in anything.
O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything.
O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more than a needle decreases the sea if put into it.
O My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.’”

:wa: (And peace be upon you)

Eric H
10-02-2016, 07:21 AM
Greetings and peace be with you kritikvernunft;

If we recognise 'Truth', then we should use it to try and change ourselves. The problem with my Catholic Truth is, when I use it to try and change other people, especially if they recognise a different 'Truth'.

We are all created by the same God, the same God hears all our prayers, we all trust in the same Creator God, despite our differences.

In the spirit of praying to 'One God'


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10-02-2016, 08:41 AM

You recognise the truth because it stands out clear from falsehood.

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things."[2:256]

10-02-2016, 08:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
I think all prophets (may Allah bless them all) when they came had their message repudiated because they were telling the people to submit their will to God.
A prophet will invariably find a situation in front of him, where other people, claiming to lead the people in matters of religion, will have managed to subvert the natural, religious beliefs of the people by feeding them bad lies, in order to acquire money and power for themselves and for the ruling elite. To the extent that a prophet competes for the same kind of religious attention -- competing against the deceivers -- the prophet is a threat to their power, and he will find himself attacked and repudiated by them. In that sense, a prophet will ordinarily have to start his ministry in the midst of hostility and conspiracies. The very fact that the prophet is being attacked by the ruling class and by existing religious leaders, is also what will draw the attention to what he says, and make people realize that the prophet must be right after all. It is the very fact that the ruling class of liars and the thieves do not like him, that makes us understand why it makes so much sense to believe the prophet. In that sense, the prophet's suffering at the hands, and from the tongues, of the deceivers, is never in vain.
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
This is the hardest thing in life that can be asked of anybody, and therefore the message was met with vilification and they themselves were reviled.
If the corrupt powers-that-be meet the apostle of Allah with vilification, and revile him, it will, indeed, only confirm that the apostle, may he rest in peace, is telling us the truth.
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
God's perfection requires a continuity of the same message which is that we as humanity should submit our will to God, and that means studying the parallels between Mosaic Law and Islamic Law and understanding why God's perfection and will has always required the supremacy of God's law and a theocratic state.
The more that the powers-that-be reject, dismiss, and revile Divine Law and the theocratic State, the more I come to believe that it must be the solution, and that it is exactly what we need.
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
No, Satan comes and attacks Islam by using misinformation, distortion, and lies about Islam.
Indeed, everything that these deceivers -- the ruling elite -- say, are lies and deceptive statements. Consequently, everything that they say about Islam must be exactly that too: a lie. I really enjoy reconstructing in real time the truth from their lies. I will be forever grateful to these liars to have shown me the path to the truth.
format_quote Originally Posted by Search
And those who accept to spread what they know is misinformation, distortion, and lies about Islam are from the arrogant and should be concerned about Judgment Day because God is All-Seeing and All-Knowing and everyone's final return is to God.
Evil would not exist, if it did not also contain something good. How else would we learn to reconstruct the truth from their lies, if there were no liars? This world has so many liars, that we can use to sharpen our disbelief in their lies, and to guide us to the opposite of what they are saying, i.e. the truth. Since it is their lies and calumnies about Islam that made me discover the truth in the message brought by the Apostle of Allah, shouldn't I be grateful to these liars? Verily indeed, isn't Our Beloved Master, the Creator, the wisest?

10-02-2016, 12:48 PM
When two completely independent events leads to the same result, I recognize some truth in it.

10-03-2016, 03:53 AM
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

:sl: (Peace be upon you)

format_quote Originally Posted by kritikvernunft
A prophet will invariably find a situation in front of him, where other people, claiming to lead the people in matters of religion, will have managed to subvert the natural, religious beliefs of the people by feeding them bad lies, in order to acquire money and power for themselves and for the ruling elite. To the extent that a prophet competes for the same kind of religious attention -- competing against the deceivers -- the prophet is a threat to their power, and he will find himself attacked and repudiated by them. In that sense, a prophet will ordinarily have to start his ministry in the midst of hostility and conspiracies. The very fact that the prophet is being attacked by the ruling class and by existing religious leaders, is also what will draw the attention to what he says, and make people realize that the prophet must be right after all. It is the very fact that the ruling class of liars and the thieves do not like him, that makes us understand why it makes so much sense to believe the prophet. In that sense, the prophet's suffering at the hands, and from the tongues, of the deceivers, is never in vain.

If the corrupt powers-that-be meet the apostle of Allah with vilification, and revile him, it will, indeed, only confirm that the apostle, may he rest in peace, is telling us the truth.

The more that the powers-that-be reject, dismiss, and revile Divine Law and the theocratic State, the more I come to believe that it must be the solution, and that it is exactly what we need.
Yes, the solution for the moral decay and freedom for all manners of evils to subvert remembrance of God and run rampant lays in Divine Law and theocratic state; however, we also need to recognize that the existence of both are context-specific and we therefore require efforts to delve deeper into the issue to see what that means for us as Muslims and non-Muslims. Just as today there are cultural Christians, Muslims today by and large have become cultural Muslims. Therefore, we need to understand that the desperation within some Muslims to have a theocratic state and political rule is a pipe dream given the full evaluation of present-day realities and divine will and Last Day prophecies. Also, there's a complete current lack of plan for repairing the spiritual state of the the Muslim global community, the absolute insurmountable spiritual hurdle to obtaining that state.

There's a reason why I say that spiritual state is an absolute hurdle and that is because Al-Bayhaqi narrated from al-Hasan that the Israelites asked Moses :as: (peace be upon him), "Ask your Lord to show us how we can tell He is pleased with us and how we can tell He is displeased." Moses :as: asked Allah, and Allah said: "Tell them: My good pleasure with them is [seen in] the fact that I make their best govern them, and that my displeasure with them is [seen in] the fact that I make their most evil ones govern them."

Muslims' lack of Islamic character is a big problem spiritually because Muslims are supposed to represent Islam for the sake of God. Muslims are supposed to act as a light that will illuminate the darkness and differentiate for all humanity once and for all truth and falsehood. Prophet :saws: (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "I was only sent to perfect moral character." That embodiment of Islamic moral character was supposed to act as a magnet for humanity and attract people of intelligence and understanding to emulate and adopt the Islamic way of life. However, in the contemporary world, Muslims generally do not do that and instead are more or as corrupt as non-Muslims in some places, which means that they will never be given a theocratic state modeled after prophetic footsteps because a theocratic state is supposed to be operate as a Divine Mercy for people. And unjust people by divine will are always meant to be bereft of this Divine Mercy. The foundation of a theocratic state is built on truth, trust, perfection of submission to divine will, immutable principles of justice and order and primordial morals, and values of mercy and honor and well-being. At the moment, however, Muslims in addition to being corrupt are also hopelessly divided to understand the value of rectification of their pitiful spiritual state which would have automatically led them to understand also the importance of unity.

Prophet :saws: (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "As you are, so will your leaders be" meaning that when people are corrupt, then corrupt leaders will be appointed over humanity. This is what has happened in the world. We do not have a true theocratic state modeled after prophetic footsteps that would stand as a an exemplariness and would be the beacon of light. Instead, what we have corrupt Muslim countries and corrupt non-Muslim countries and the leadership comprises of persons running after power and political seats and not working in the interests of the regular people.

That is why we should be praying as Muslims for Allah to rectify our spiritual state as a community, pardon our sins, have us walk on the Straight Path. Finally, as Muslims, we should ask for Mahdi :as: (peace be upon him) to be sent to us as the promised leader to represent the truth, justice, and mercy that we all seek and for the return of Jesus :as: (peace be upon him) so that we can ward off the spiritual darkness that has overtaken the hearts on earth and reorient the definition of Divine Law as good and theocratic state as good once again and eliminate the evils which have been defined as good by the devil misleading humanity more everyday by making sin and mischief-making and wrong types of freedoms attractive by honeyed forked tongues and deception.

Indeed, everything that these deceivers -- the ruling elite -- say, are lies and deceptive statements. Consequently, everything that they say about Islam must be exactly that too: a lie. I really enjoy reconstructing in real time the truth from their lies. I will be forever grateful to these liars to have shown me the path to the truth.
God works in mysterious ways. :) Sometimes, lies lead us to truth.

Evil would not exist, if it did not also contain something good. How else would we learn to reconstruct the truth from their lies, if there were no liars? This world has so many liars, that we can use to sharpen our disbelief in their lies, and to guide us to the opposite of what they are saying, i.e. the truth. Since it is their lies and calumnies about Islam that made me discover the truth in the message brought by the Apostle of Allah, shouldn't I be grateful to these liars? Verily indeed, isn't Our Beloved Master, the Creator, the wisest?
"Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Wise" (Quran 4:132).

:wa: (And peace be upon you)

Al Sultan
10-03-2016, 12:11 PM
Krit,are you a muslim?...you act like one...and if so,why is your profile showing "Other" on Religion? may I ask..

Eric H
10-04-2016, 06:16 AM
Greetings and peace be with you Search;
I think all prophets (may Allah bless them all) when they came had their message repudiated because they were telling the people to submit their will to God.
I like the quote from Oscar Wilde, who said, 'I can resist everything'..................'Except temptation'.

I think the greatest truths inspire and encourage us towards justice, hope, kindness, patience, forgiveness and mercy, therefor, we have to overcome our own more basic desires and submit our will to God.

In the spirit of searching for the greatness of God.


Al Sultan
10-04-2016, 03:08 PM
YES that is the correct understanding,and I'm glad Islam has that aswell,may I ask Eric,you're a catholic?

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-04-2016, 03:38 PM
Al Sultan, your location shows "Arabian Gulf". Are you an Arab, or just living there?

10-04-2016, 03:38 PM
How do I recognise truth?

Depends on the how good I am at investigating it.

Also depends on how good I am at killing bias.

Also depends on XYZABC factors... too many to mention here.

The very word, "truth", is subjective dependant on who is seeing what.

There are fundamental truths, essential truths, scientific truths, mathematical truths, physical truths, spiritual truths and many other types of truths... they all lead to the ultimate truth.

That God is ONE.


10-04-2016, 03:47 PM
There are many different kind of truths.

When it comes to say spiritual or moral truths, then your heart, or more accurately your soul, inherently recognises the truth for what it is. Our soul's connection with the ultimate Truth, Allah swt, goes way back before our physical bodies were created. So that truth is of an almost primordial nature which you instantly recognise the moment you are faced with it.

The question is, of course, whether you choose to listen or not.

Al Sultan
10-04-2016, 05:12 PM
Nope,i do live there,and I am an ARAB (my roots come from Yemen,UAE,Palestine,but I was born in the UAE,but I have a Palestinian accent when I talk Arabic,but I'm Palestinian)

Al Sultan
10-04-2016, 05:12 PM
Oh interesting :D

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-04-2016, 05:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Sultan
Nope,i do live there,and I am an ARAB (my roots come from Yemen,UAE,Palestine,but I was born in the UAE,but I have a Palestinian accent when I talk Arabic,but I'm Palestinian)
You're from Palestine? It's a Mubaarak place. I am also Arab, originally from Syria but born in SA.

Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, are all part of "Shaam". There are many Ahaadeeth speaking on the virtues of Shaam.

Al Sultan
10-05-2016, 05:57 PM
Ohhh you're Syrian?? nice mashallah...and yes,"Shaam" or "Bilad Al Shaam" oh really? I didn't really know that,i don't really read ahhadeths,as I may misunderstand them and get the wrong perspective...It kinda makes me sad on how critical and horrible the situations of these beautiful countries,destroyed by stupid satanic people...but I know that ONE day Allah will set the scores and Palestine will be free (I think that's one of the events in the day of judgement? correct me if I am wrong)

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-05-2016, 06:40 PM

Allaah Ta`aalaa will return our beloved land of Palestine to us, In Shaa Allaah. All of Shaam, in fact. An entire thread could be made just on the Fadhaa'il of Shaam.

Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said in a Hadeeth reported by Imaam al-Bazzaar and Imaam at-Tabraani, addressing one Sahaabi:

عليك بالشام ، فإنها صفوة الله من بلاده ، فيها خيرة الله من عباده

`Alayka bish-Shaam, fa-Innahaa Safwatullaahi min Bilaadih. Feehaa Kheeratullaahi min `Ibaadih...

"Go to Shaam, for it is the chosen land of Allaah from all of His lands; in it are the chosen ones of Allaah from among His slaves..."

Allaahu Akbar...

Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم describes it as "Safwatullaah". "Safwah" literally means "the cream of the crop". You know? The very best. Then, describing the people of Shaam, Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said "Kheeratullaahi min `Ibaadih." Kheerah means "the best", "the elite", "the chosen ones". But there is something very special about this word. "Kheerah". Ijtabaa, Istafaa, and Ikhtaara all mean "to choose". Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم uses "Kheerah", which is from "Ikhtaara - Yakhtaaru - Ikhtiyaaran". Why? What makes "Ikhtaara" special is that it means "to choose someone because of the Khayr (goodness) inside them..." That's what makes it extra special, as compared to the other words. So them being the "Kheeratullaah", means that Allaah Ta`aalaa chose them because of the Khayr (goodness) inside them.

How beautiful is Shaam, and how cursed are those who harm it...

That one narration alone can show you how much Allaah Ta`aalaa loves Shaam and its people. And there are many more.


10-05-2016, 06:45 PM

I'd like to travel to Shaam for a while to see any change in my Imaan. Sadly there is war there. :( I strongly desire for Allah to guide me.

And Allah :swt: knows best.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-05-2016, 07:09 PM
[Note: The Hadeeth does not mean that "everyone" there is the "Kheeratullaah". It means that from all of the people there, there are those who are the "Kheeratullaah". Allaah Ta`aalaa knows best who those are, as He is the Knower of the hearts.]

10-05-2016, 07:19 PM

I may not be of those, but even then, perhaps I may learn something from the Kheeratullah. Honestly, all I care about is how I can be loved by Allah.

And Allah :swt: knows best.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-05-2016, 07:32 PM
Definitely. Being around people who are close to Allaah Ta`aalaa has an extremely beneficial effect.

Al Sultan
10-06-2016, 12:20 PM
Oh yes...I remember once we went to a beautiful in the UAE (Umm Al Quwain) we stayed there for a while,it was like a weekend there,there was no near mosques,and I felt like a KAFIR litreality...I felt like I was trapped in some sort of a jungle,my heart was dead,i was so sad,when ever we got into the city (since the city is kind of historic and its not that advanced,but very beautiful) I didn't pray sometimes,since we went to the beach a lot,but when I got back to my hometown,i felt safe,the first thing I heard was the Athan,it was like a breeze of fresh cold air on my heart,whenever I hear the athan,its like as if I am in another world,a world which I really cant explain,and the people there are really great too,(in the mosque) I guess the MORE close you are to good muslims,the MORE your faith strengths..

10-06-2016, 04:16 PM
I see where you are coming from with the OP.

I went through a similar journey. I wrote about it in a different thread. I did British History for A levels along with Economics & Politics, did Business Management for Deg specialising in Marketing. Total Satanic ending! With all the inter-connecting dots cross over from the other subjects. Clever... very clever. Slowly perfected over time. Each system, laws, finances, commercial, enforcements. Etc. Eventual in-graining into believing this is the way life has to be. In reality, what should have been is something very different. Why it came this way is because Satan made that oath to lead mankind astray. So he has created a world for us to live in that shouts so loud, and shine that blinds us, and dazzling us with temptations, and saying it is okay! How hard is it to avoid this scene?

It gets very hard indeed for those caught in the rat race to see, hear or even feel the deen. . ..

We are being tested.


Al Sultan
10-12-2016, 08:41 AM
Yes..and I pray to Allah to test us with ease,because many people who were muslims WERE being tested but they were too weak,and then basically left...

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