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View Full Version : academic research of terrorism and practical and effective solutions

muslim brother
10-11-2016, 02:04 PM
purely academic,not emotional or conspiracy theory or whatever else..

starting with london 2005 7/7 bombings and my brother in law


some information regarding the ringleader of 7/7 mohammed siddique khan ,

1.he m.s.k. was a takfeeri,after researching many terrorism cases of the u.k most of them appear to be takfeeris,this term is now used by the mainstream media,thankfully,separating them from hanafis,deobandis etc,

2.m.s.k was not from dewsbury,he was there for a short time simply as he had married someone from dewsbury.he did not attend any mosque in dewsbury .he spent a lot of time in leeds and away from home leading to problems in his marriage

3. he despised tabligh jamat,sufi islam and rejected the teachings of mainstream islam.

4 he managed to evade suspicion of even his own close family and relatives with various cover stories thus upto to today no mosque or even individual has been prosecuted in connection with the actual 7/7 bombings.in dewsbury or elsewhere

5 he did not respect or follow any mainstream islamic scholars,his major influence abu hamza is now in jail

the above is all in the public domain.as readers can appreciate after 11 years there have been countless documentaries,books,interviews etc.

interview with his older brother gultasab

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muslim brother
10-11-2016, 02:55 PM
some books

undercover jihadi.....mubin shaikh
my life inside al qaeda...morten storm
7/7 what went wrong....crispin black
We Love Death as You Love Life.....rafaello pantucci
The Muslims are Coming!....arun kundnani
refuting Isis...Shaykh Muhammad Al yaqoubi

muslim brother
10-11-2016, 03:15 PM





muslim brother
12-18-2016, 02:12 PM
a good book ive read recently
quite well balanced

Preventing and Countering Extremism and Terrorist Recruitment: A best practice guide

by Hanif Qadir (Author)

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12-18-2016, 06:41 PM
Very nice, I agree with you.

There is a strong correlation between Takfiri ideology and terrorism.

Many people argue that "Wahhabism" or "Deobandism" are fertile ground for violent extremism leading to terrorism.

But this idea has been debunked by Western, secular scholars who study the subject (and of course educated mainstream Muslims already knew this all along).

"Wahhabism" is a tendency that is not focused on political issues. It's a tendency with a singular focus on purifying Islam from polytheistic ideas and practices, such as venerating tombs or sacrificing animals in dedication to Muslim saints, etc.

"Deobandism" is a reform movement of Sufism which has inherited the legacy of Muslim saints like Mujaddid Alf Thani and Shah Waliullah, an attempt to reconcile orthodox observance of the Shari'ah with Tasawwuf. It also focuses on preservation of Islamic culture and resistance to modernism.

Now the Takfiri ideology is the real foundation for modern day so called "Islamic" terrorism. If you want to trace the origins of the Takfiri tendency, then you have to go back to the ancient Kharijites, who were a politically focused movement that was in revolt against the mainstream Islamic community.

But modern day Takfirism was further enhanced and developed by the ideas of Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb.

Mawdudi introduced the concept of "Hakamiyyah", while Sayyid Qutb developed the idea of "Jahiliyyah"

Let me explain these two terms as understood by their authors.

For Mawdudi, worship of Allah is not so much about ritual acts symbolizing submission to God, but is more about obedience to God's commandments. For Mawdudi, the purpose of Islam is to seize the reins of government and establish a Divine government. For Mawdudi, Jihad means a political struggle against any State or government which does not recognize the absolute sovereignty of God.

Sayyid Qutb was influenced by Alexis Cartel's notion of "Barbarism" and coined its Islamic counterpart "Jahiliyyah". Sayyid Qutb was influenced by Mawdudi's concept of "Hakamiyyah" but Qutb's contribution to Takfiri thought was his notion of "Jahiliyyah", which is that Muslim society in general has reverted back to a state of pre-Islam, and only a small vanguard of Believers are practicing and understand true Islam.

So these are the roots of modern day Takfiri thought. Any Muslims who falls prey to this dangerous ideology which is being disseminated secretly and not publicly in the Mosque, can potentially become a terrorist.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
12-18-2016, 06:56 PM
Sayyid Qutb رحمة الله عليه was a Shaheed and a great author. One of my favourite authors, actually. It is only people who don't understand his works that accuse him of having made Takfeer of the whole world. He never did that. It's not what he meant. When trying to understand his works, it is important to read them holistically so as to gain an understanding of exactly what he was speaking about and what it was that he was attacking and criticising. If, on the other hand, a person just opens up the works of Sayyid at random and reads something there, he will get the wrong impression entirely.

12-18-2016, 07:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Sayyid Qutb رحمة الله عليه was a Shaheed and a great author. One of my favourite authors, actually. It is only people who don't understand his works that accuse him of having made Takfeer of the whole world. He never did that. It's not what he meant. When trying to understand his works, it is important to read them holistically so as to gain an understanding of exactly what he was speaking about and what it was that he was attacking and criticising. If, on the other hand, a person just opens up the works of Sayyid at random and reads something there, he will get the wrong impression entirely.

Okay, a couple of points:

1. Sayyid Qutb was indeed a good author because he was a literary genius. Here I am only praising Qutb's literary skills, but do not agree with the contents of his literature

2. I agree that it doesn't seem like Sayyid Qutb made explicit mass-Takfir of the general Muslim population. However, there are many scholars who are well acquainted with Qutb's works, like Yusuf al-Qaradawi and others, who state that Qutb made Takfir of the general Muslim population.

3. I, however, believe that if the issue of Takfir from Qutb is questionable, the issue of Tajhil is more explicit from him. Sayyid Qutb definite made wholesale Tajhil of Muslim societies. This means that Qutb declared that the Muslim world is living in a state of Jahiliyyah, or pre-Islam. This is one of the foundations for the Takfiri ideology, the idea that the whole Muslim world is ignorant of true Islam and is living in a state of "Jahiliyyah". I don't think any Muslim scholar or thinker has made this mass, wholesale Tajhil of the Muslims before Sayyid Qutb, except for perhaps some radical ancient Kharijite sects (but they made Takfir which is worse than Tajhil).

4. If a person does read Qutb's works holistically, first of all, you will have to recognize that Qutb's ideology evolved over time. His final views were summarized in his book Milestones, for which he was executed by the Egyptian government. Anyone who reads that book will understand Qutb's views at the end of his life, which are indeed a severe departure from normative, Sunni, moderate Islamic views. In that book he makes mass, wholesale Tajhil of Muslim societies, which, as I said, is a stepping stone in the direction of Takfir and Takfiri ideology.

Also, consider the fact that today's extremist Takfiris and terrorist groups like Qaeda, Daesh, Takfir wal Hijra, etc., all admit that they are deeply influenced by the ideas of Qutb, especially his last book Milestones.

muslim brother
04-24-2017, 01:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AHMED PATEL
a good book ive read recently
quite well balanced

Preventing and Countering Extremism and Terrorist Recruitment: A best practice guide

by Hanif Qadir (Author)
Somethings that stand out in the book.an excellent manual Iwould recommend to all.

1..a need for the recognition and sensitive usage of nuancedand appropriate terminology,as opposed to lazy groupspeak..likeislamism,radical,extremist,moderat e,conservative etc

2.recognising the divisive language used by activists and theanti prevent lobby either purposely or otherwise..like “muslim holocaust,waragainst islam which does end up proving extremist recruiters right ,ironically.

(my addition...muslim scaremongers recruit non violentactivists..terrorists recruit violent activists/terrorists.
Many with just 1 bad experience with prevent or mi5 end up asactivists..speakers..a few I can name

foreign policy though often cited should not be made a “softjustification”)

3..there is a difference in common knowledge,industryknowledge and expert knowledge

(my addition...insight and personal experiences should be inthe discussion as ive said locally ,our mosques only allow scholars and men insuit and ties to speak,solicitor,barrister,activist. Even if they are totallyunfit and lack the credentials and know how to talk on terrorism and couldactually be counterproductive or just a shambles of cliches and well wornstatements.plus legal speak is cold and emotionless.)

4..when helping the ummah is mentioned ..legal and effectiveproaction must be put forward.

(my addition)..activists are expert guilt trippers,and dontnecessarily realise the results of their guilt tripping or dont feelresponsible for the outcomes of their guilt tripping.)

5.prevent operators must know the community indepth in whichthey are working,faith/non faith irregardless

(my addition..thus an educated (both religiously and secular)muslim would be the ideal trainer for a prevent officer in a muslim area...andthe same criteria for other areas ,communities)

6.the reality on the ground with regards to influence or lackof
,leadership or lack of ,,,
and the reality of communication and modern family structuremust be taken in to consideration.

(My additionAlso it has to be recognised that in realitymosques and imams have very little influence in the real world,this too hasmoved online.and the mosques sadly lack in youth engagement and true leadershipskills and know how) thus blaming mosques,imams islam is not entirely corrector conducive to the present climate

7.constantly trying to push a british or moderate islam,playsin to the hands of extremist recruiters.

8.the anti prevent lobby behave like muslim protectors ,theestablishment is seen as the “enemy”and they as the david v goliath...onceagain divisive and agitating the situation.

9recognizing the need for engagement with afro caribbeanconverts

(my addition)..lee rigby murderers,,germaine lyndsay 7/7 ...richard dart and other white converts allied with anjum choudhry and others.

10..it has to be recognised that “collateral damage” innocent civilian deaths abroad maybe a recruiter..and terms like its a necessary evil or unfortunate fallout ofthe war on terror will drive unstable emotional people to terrorism.

11 prevent needs to be marketed as a safeguarding andprotection project not as a control and domination tool.

12 it should avoid “quick fixes” and sledgehammer to crack anut methods.and should be constantly evolving with appropriate input andchanges in practice where needed.adapting..is the keyword.

13constant disinformation and conspiracy theories stallpositive work and denial of community issues and attitudes stop us from workingto solutions .denial is a big problem.
Terms like “the kafir is always wrong,muslims always rightand innocent”have to be challenged .
Correcting information dumping.

(my addition..this requires bravery and being prepared tobecome unpopular when speaking the truth to your own community.cage and mendhave no mention of community failings and problems,like grooming,acknowledgingterrorist activity justified by texts ,drug dealing etc..speaking against yourown people is the braver task in my mind.

14 the best de radicalizer is the the one with equal if notmore charisma and “selling” capability than the radicalizer he /she .must know his stuff in anutshell,religious and psychological and emotional.

15..sympathy for muslims does not necessarily mean hatred of“kuffar”

16 over exposure to foreign affairs without a legitimatesolution leads to anger and revenge(jihad) legitimacy

17good law abiding muslims are sold as sellouts by isis,

18 failure to address ethnic grooming gangs,male dominationand patrearchal culture fuels cycle of violence and news stories thus cycle ofhate and violence
media disproportion

my addition....self reformation and improvement of thecommunity should be priority.in all fields areas and establishments.

04-24-2017, 01:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AHMED PATEL
purely academic,not emotional or conspiracy theory or whatever else..

starting with london 2005 7/7 bombings and my brother in law


some information regarding the ringleader of 7/7 mohammed siddique khan ,

1.he m.s.k. was a takfeeri,after researching many terrorism cases of the u.k most of them appear to be takfeeris,this term is now used by the mainstream media,thankfully,separating them from hanafis,deobandis etc,

2.m.s.k was not from dewsbury,he was there for a short time simply as he had married someone from dewsbury.he did not attend any mosque in dewsbury .he spent a lot of time in leeds and away from home leading to problems in his marriage

3. he despised tabligh jamat,sufi islam and rejected the teachings of mainstream islam.

4 he managed to evade suspicion of even his own close family and relatives with various cover stories thus upto to today no mosque or even individual has been prosecuted in connection with the actual 7/7 bombings.in dewsbury or elsewhere

5 he did not respect or follow any mainstream islamic scholars,his major influence abu hamza is now in jail

the above is all in the public domain.as readers can appreciate after 11 years there have been countless documentaries,books,interviews etc.

interview with his older brother gultasab

You say purely academic and yet dismiss alternative facts as conspiracy theory.

Your whole post is based on the assumption that it was indeed Muslims who were behind while ample evidence suggesting otherwise.

And so long as you stick to the official narrative, you'll never see the truth behind it.

muslim brother
04-28-2017, 09:08 AM


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