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01-26-2017, 12:23 PM
Do Muslims wear turbans?

Some do, but it's more of a cultural custom than an Islamic practice.

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04-16-2017, 07:06 PM
By Shaykh Fadl al-Rahman al-A’zami

One must affirm that there can be absolutely no doubt in the fact that each and every Sunnah of our beloved Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamis considered supreme and well worthy of emulation by a true believer and follower of his esteemed lifestyle. In fact a true lover of the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamwould be prepared to give his life for the practical preservation of even one Sunnah. A true [member of the Ummah] of the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamis one who endeavors to emulate every Sunnah, whether it is connected to theIbaadah(worship) of the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamor his habit or lifestyle (the manner of his eating, walking, dressing, etc.).

Concerning the turban, Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhlawi has written inKhasa’il-e-Nabawi(commentary ofShama’il Tirmidhi):

“The tying of the turban is aSunnah Mustamirrah(a practice perpetually adhered to by the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallam). The Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamhas enjoined the tying of the turban upon us. It has been reported, ‘Tie the turban. It will increase you in forbearance.'” (Fath al-Bari)

It is also reported that somebody enquired from Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R) whether the tying of the turban was aSunnahor not. He replied in the affirmative.
It is reported in one hadith that the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamsaid, “Wear the turban as it is a sign of Islam and it distinguishes between a Muslim and a Kafir.” (`Aynee)

Hadiths Pertaining to the Turban

Hadhrat Huraith (R) reports that the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamaddressed the people while wearing a black turban. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.1 p.439)

In another narration it is reported: “I saw the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamwearing a black turban.” (Shama’il Tirmidhip.8)
Hadhrat Jabir (R) reports that on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamentered MakkahMukarramahwhile wearing a black turban. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.1 p.439)

Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (R) reports that during the illness just prior to his passing away, the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamaddressed the Sahabah (R) while wearing a black turban. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol.1 p.536)

Hadhrat Anas (R) reports: “I saw the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamperforming Wudu. He had on aQitriturban…” (Abu Dawud, p.19) (Qitri: a type of thick coarse cloth with an element of redness in it.)

The Sahabah (R) and the Turban

Hadhrat Abu Umar (R) reports that he saw Hadhrat Ibn Umar (R) purchasing such a turban which had designs on it. Thereafter he requested for a scissors and cut it off. (Ibn Majah, p.26)

A lengthy incident has been mentioned inSahih Bukhariwhere Hadhrat Abdullah bin Ateek (R) says: “It was a moonlit night when I fell down breaking my calf. I used my turban to form a bandage around it and proceeded ahead.” (Vol.2 p.577)

Hadhrat Sulayman (R) says: “I saw those Sahabah who were from theMuhajirin Awwalin(those who were among the first to migrate to Madinah) wearing turbans of cotton material.” (Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Vol.8 p.241)

It is mentioned that on the day of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Uthman (R), Hadhrat Ali (R) had on a black turban. (Ibid, Vol.8 p.235)
Nafi’ says: “I saw Ibn Umar (R) wearing a turban the tail of which hung between the shoulders.” (Ibid, Vol.8 p.2)

The Scholars of Hadith and the Turban

It is mentioned concerning Imam Bukhari that when he prepared to travel towards Samarqand, he tied a turban and wore leather socks. (Muqaddamah Fath al-Bari, p.493)

It is also reported regarding Imam Muslim that once he placed his shawl on his turban in front of his teacher and left the class. (Ibid, p.491) This proves that Imam Muslim attended the lessons of Hadith wearing a turban.

Virtue of the Turban

The mere fact that the wearing of the turban is proven to beSunnahis in itself a sufficient and complete appraisal of its virtue and should provide the necessary impetus towards its adoption. However, there exist a multitude of narrations expounding the virtue of the turban. Many of them areDa`eef(weak). However it is an accepted principle that a coupling of a multitude of weak narrations concerning the virtue of a specified act lends credence towards its practice and acceptability of the said virtue.

The Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamis reported to have said:
“Hold on to the turban as it is a sign of the angels. Also let the loose end hang from the back.” (Bayhaqi)

“Adopt the turban as it will increase your forbearance.” (Mustadrakof Hakim)

“Some of Allah Ta’ala’s angels stand at the door of the Masjid and seek repentance on behalf of those wearing white turbans.” (Al-Maqasid Al-Hasanah, p.466).........

04-22-2017, 06:59 PM
The Prophet aleyhissalam wore a turban. If imitating everything what the Prophet a.s. did is considered a sunnah wearing turban is a sunnah. This was a matter of conflict in the beginning of Turkey. Forbiding turban and forcing hat. Men were all wearing turbans

04-23-2017, 02:31 AM
Does anyone of us wear turban....?

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06-17-2017, 11:59 PM

Umm Abed
06-19-2017, 10:38 AM
People who are not used to turban say, 'oooh! people will think Im a big sheikh', so they dont want to wear it:hiding:

Huzaifah ibn Adam
06-19-2017, 11:32 AM
Read this:


والله تعالى أعلم


06-19-2017, 01:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*
Do Muslims wear turbans?

Some do, but it's more of a cultural custom than an Islamic practice.
No, it is a sunnah.

Some ppl say that beard is also a cultural thing. Others say the sane about hijab/Niqab.

In (rural)India even Hindu women wear hijab before old ppl/strangers

06-19-2017, 01:51 PM
It has for a long time been normal for people of high social standing to wear a nice piece of cloth to cover their heads in the past, and those who were highly influential resorted to using gold or silver.
In countries where the climate is very hot, it is normal for the rich and the poor to wrap a piece of cloth around their foreheads as it protects the eyes from the sting of sweat, people in all sorts of manual labour or sport (or sword fighting war) - which also results in profuse sweating - also wear a head wrap or sweat band.
For the people of the book, a head covering was seen as a requirement during prayer and other ceremonial activities (although it's most likely from the tradition of predecessors and not an obligation), but it is not a requirement for Muslim males - rather an optional thing. Many Muslims do wear a head covering due to it being a tradition of the Prophet :saws: and there is no harm in it and it can be of benefit - especially if the hair is long, it helps keep the hair in place during ruku', sujood, and from becoming unkempt throughout the day.

I cannot imagine a person of sophistication or high social standing in the past (long after Adam :saws: of course) not wearing a head covering of some sort, aside from the fact that it keeps the head of a long haired person neat, it also covers the scalp and a balding head of an elder, and is simply done out of custom in certain classes of people who are financially well off.
So we can eaily determine that this was a tradition of the people of the past and that of his elders which the final messenger of Allah :saws: emulated, and that there are benefits in it.

I personally use a zigzag wire headband to keep my shoulder length hair tidy and avoid disputes with ignorant or contentious people who try to tell me that I must wear a hat.
Bangladesh isn't so hot that I need to wear it, although I do notice that many who involved in manual labour do tie a "gamsah" (sweat cloth) because the saline sting is sharp.

I think the pharaohs of egypt used cloth and gold, and have read that the elders of Quraish wore neat turbans - especially in ceremonial gatherings, the natives of the Americas used to often wear feathers, the Arabs still wear a cloth, but the turban seems to have been the most practical choice for the Prophet :saws: in his situation.

Can you imagine the king of Arabia or an Imam of Makkah without a headdress? :) How awkward and inferior they would look with balding crowns.

06-19-2017, 05:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Read this:


والله تعالى أعلم

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, brother Huzaifah ibn Adam.

How about Arab's keffiyeh?. Is it considered as "another model of turban"?

noor grant
07-25-2017, 07:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
By Shaykh Fadl al-Rahman al-A’zami

One must affirm that there can be absolutely no doubt in the fact that each and every Sunnah of our beloved Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamis considered supreme and well worthy of emulation by a true believer and follower of his esteemed lifestyle. In fact a true lover of the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamwould be prepared to give his life for the practical preservation of even one Sunnah. A true [member of the Ummah] of the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamis one who endeavors to emulate every Sunnah, whether it is connected to theIbaadah(worship) of the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamor his habit or lifestyle (the manner of his eating, walking, dressing, etc.).

Concerning the turban, Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhlawi has written inKhasa’il-e-Nabawi(commentary ofShama’il Tirmidhi):

“The tying of the turban is aSunnah Mustamirrah(a practice perpetually adhered to by the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallam). The Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamhas enjoined the tying of the turban upon us. It has been reported, ‘Tie the turban. It will increase you in forbearance.'” (Fath al-Bari)

It is also reported that somebody enquired from Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R) whether the tying of the turban was aSunnahor not. He replied in the affirmative.
It is reported in one hadith that the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamsaid, “Wear the turban as it is a sign of Islam and it distinguishes between a Muslim and a Kafir.” (`Aynee)

Hadiths Pertaining to the Turban

Hadhrat Huraith (R) reports that the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamaddressed the people while wearing a black turban. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.1 p.439)

In another narration it is reported: “I saw the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamwearing a black turban.” (Shama’il Tirmidhip.8)
Hadhrat Jabir (R) reports that on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamentered MakkahMukarramahwhile wearing a black turban. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.1 p.439)

Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (R) reports that during the illness just prior to his passing away, the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamaddressed the Sahabah (R) while wearing a black turban. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol.1 p.536)

Hadhrat Anas (R) reports: “I saw the Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamperforming Wudu. He had on aQitriturban…” (Abu Dawud, p.19) (Qitri: a type of thick coarse cloth with an element of redness in it.)

The Sahabah (R) and the Turban

Hadhrat Abu Umar (R) reports that he saw Hadhrat Ibn Umar (R) purchasing such a turban which had designs on it. Thereafter he requested for a scissors and cut it off. (Ibn Majah, p.26)

A lengthy incident has been mentioned inSahih Bukhariwhere Hadhrat Abdullah bin Ateek (R) says: “It was a moonlit night when I fell down breaking my calf. I used my turban to form a bandage around it and proceeded ahead.” (Vol.2 p.577)

Hadhrat Sulayman (R) says: “I saw those Sahabah who were from theMuhajirin Awwalin(those who were among the first to migrate to Madinah) wearing turbans of cotton material.” (Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Vol.8 p.241)

It is mentioned that on the day of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Uthman (R), Hadhrat Ali (R) had on a black turban. (Ibid, Vol.8 p.235)
Nafi’ says: “I saw Ibn Umar (R) wearing a turban the tail of which hung between the shoulders.” (Ibid, Vol.8 p.2)

The Scholars of Hadith and the Turban

It is mentioned concerning Imam Bukhari that when he prepared to travel towards Samarqand, he tied a turban and wore leather socks. (Muqaddamah Fath al-Bari, p.493)

It is also reported regarding Imam Muslim that once he placed his shawl on his turban in front of his teacher and left the class. (Ibid, p.491) This proves that Imam Muslim attended the lessons of Hadith wearing a turban.

Virtue of the Turban

The mere fact that the wearing of the turban is proven to beSunnahis in itself a sufficient and complete appraisal of its virtue and should provide the necessary impetus towards its adoption. However, there exist a multitude of narrations expounding the virtue of the turban. Many of them areDa`eef(weak). However it is an accepted principle that a coupling of a multitude of weak narrations concerning the virtue of a specified act lends credence towards its practice and acceptability of the said virtue.

The Prophetsallallahu `alayhi wa sallamis reported to have said:
“Hold on to the turban as it is a sign of the angels. Also let the loose end hang from the back.” (Bayhaqi)

“Adopt the turban as it will increase your forbearance.” (Mustadrakof Hakim)

“Some of Allah Ta’ala’s angels stand at the door of the Masjid and seek repentance on behalf of those wearing white turbans.” (Al-Maqasid Al-Hasanah, p.466).........
Thank you for sharing this good information.
I always wondered where the idea of women wearing turbans started? I heard that it is haram for a woman to wear a turban because its immitating men...is this correct?
I am a women and I have tried to tie my headscarf into a turban like some women do on youtube for hot days...but I didn't usually feel covered enough and I always had doubt in that style. So I am just wondering how legitimate it is for a women to tie her headscarf into a turban style???

07-25-2017, 08:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by noor grant
Thank you for sharing this good information.I always wondered where the idea of women wearing turbans started? I heard that it is haram for a woman to wear a turban because its immitating men...is this correct?I am a women and I have tried to tie my headscarf into a turban like some women do on youtube for hot days...but I didn't usually feel covered enough and I always had doubt in that style. So I am just wondering how legitimate it is for a women to tie her headscarf into a turban style???

02-21-2019, 05:31 AM
The great Muslims of the past wore turban. The Ottoman sultans, seljuk sultans wore turbans.

I would like try to one and also a few but my parents and friends would think I'm a weirdo.

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