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View Full Version : I am blind, deaf, my heart is sealed, and my brain can't understand....

03-25-2017, 01:03 PM
The sins I repeatadily commit, knowing Allah was watching when I did them..... I believe has lead to this. Once upon a time I had firm conviction in Allah, but made excuses and did what I wanted to.

And now it's a constant back and forth of whether I believe or not, and I think it's game over done.... I can't believe again.

Because for me, I don't feel any iman. Even nice recitions of the Quran do nothing for me(especially because I don't know Arabic). I feel nothing in prayer no matter how hard I focus on the meaning. I try to look up in the skies and picture Allah and connect with him, but nothing.

And now it's at the point where, if I don't believe now, if to me it just isn't proof enough that Islam is the truth.... why bother following it anyways, because I don't know if there will be a hereafter or heaven and hell.... and if I don't know, then it makes no sense miss out on the fun. Whereas if it is clear to me it is the truth, I can at least try to stay away from it now.

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03-25-2017, 02:04 PM
this is the joke!!

a lot of people... feeel.. too much.

they feel that ibaadah is not accepted. or prayer is not accepted.

they have great difficulty with waswas.

...so for you to say you feel nothing.. is not entirely a bad thing.

if you are not moved by the religion in the same way some people are.. its no bad thing.

but what do you make of it? what does it make of you?

at the moment all its worth is to stop you having "fun"

so thats the only choice you have to make..

those out there having "fun" have different choices to make.

whatever it is that you lust after is simply a mirage..

its tomorrow that you should be worried about.

..when these choices catch up.

everyone is made use of.

i hope i havent wronged my family.

03-25-2017, 02:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
The sins I repeatadily commit, knowing Allah was watching when I did them..... I believe has lead to this. Once upon a time I had firm conviction in Allah, but made excuses and did what I wanted to.

And now it's a constant back and forth of whether I believe or not, and I think it's game over done.... I can't believe again.

Because for me, I don't feel any iman. Even nice recitions of the Quran do nothing for me(especially because I don't know Arabic). I feel nothing in prayer no matter how hard I focus on the meaning. I try to look up in the skies and picture Allah and connect with him, but nothing.

And now it's at the point where, if I don't believe now, if to me it just isn't proof enough that Islam is the truth.... why bother following it anyways, because I don't know if there will be a hereafter or heaven and hell.... and if I don't know, then it makes no sense miss out on the fun. Whereas if it is clear to me it is the truth, I can at least try to stay away from it now.
I feel this problem is more spiritual, you say you have sinned consistently, and this has affected your heart, and affected it to the point, where you have no emotional bond with the spirit of Islaam.

Reflect on yourself, and know that the path of following your desires, and entertaining haraam thoughts/actions, leads to self-destruction. Allaah the Exalted doesn't need you, you need Him. We are dependent upon Him for everything.

At this point in time, the only thing I will advise you is: Tawbah/Repentance. Once you make the prayer, try and think of all the sins, and beg for His forgiveness, because ultimately, you are not wronging anyone but your own soul. And then continue with your salaah, but also make sure you are saying your daily adhkaar, and also constantly throughout the day praise Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala. (For example, Alhamdulillaah, SubhanAllaah, Allaahu Akbar etc etc).

Shaytaan is the biggest, open enemy of every Muslim. May Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us all. And Shaytaan will not stop until man has lost his faith. And once you do that, Shaytaan has won, and you have lost. But there is still time for you brother, as long as you are alive, there is always opportunity to repent and turn to Allaah the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving, the ultimate Truth.

03-25-2017, 02:20 PM
To my own opinion is Islam the second floor so to say.

So first there is the ground floor. What is this ground floor?

The ground floor is the mind. The mind has NOTHING to do with believe. It all has to do with logic, rationality and reason with scientific evidence if available. This ground floor many us Muslims including i when i was a "culture"-Muslim missed completely. That is why you see for example Muslims converting to atheist, as atheism gives you this ground floor. However for the critical thinker you will reveal that atheism is fooling you with lies and deceit. Speaking as an ex-atheist. So now is what do you do? First lay the ground level or in other words, find through logic, rationality and reason with scientific evidence the necessary proof that Islam is the truth. I have done that so even if my imaan gets low, my believe in Islam doesn't get away, rather i become lazy.

Now comes the first floor. What is this first floor?

The first floor is slowly based on believe. As an example we have NOT seen Musa(as) separate water with his cane by the permission of Allah(swt), yet we believe this really has happened. We know Allah(swt) exists, yet we do not see Him. So the first floor is believing in the unseen. However the unseen is based on the seen, just like how the first floor is based on ground floor. So what do i mean with the unseen is based on the seen? The seen is for example the Qur'an, because of logic, rationality and reason with scientific evidence if available concludes for you that Qur'an is not from human beings, you can only conclude that it comes from what it says it has come from. With is this Super Being to make it easy to understand.

Second floor is Islam. What is second floor?

Knowing, accepting and understanding that Islam is the truth.

Third floor is Imaan. What is third floor?

Well taste imaan once in your life than you will know it. I cannot explain what is imaan in words. The best that i picture it is..this scene in the Matrix.

This is when you have never tasted imaan...you pray but your heart is not at ease. Look at the destructive force of those sentinels. That is how i can put the state of my heart in picture.

This is how it feels when tasting imaan..look at how calm the sentinels suddenly have become. Nothing matters..but this isn't the state of my mind, but the state of my heart. All the worries disseaper, no worries of anything anymore. No sadness, if somebody would even insult you would still be all calm..no worries..all in your heart. You will find this scene at 3.55 minutes.

Then comes fourth floor. That is ihsaan. What is Ihsaan?

Well to be in the state of imaan 24/7 i would say. With EVERY thing you do and you say, you remember Allah. It is as if i believe when you enter certain room only through a door, you also do every action you do through the door of imaan/Islam. You reflect with every little thing you do before doing it. This is what i BELIEVE it is. I have never reached this level to be very honest. I have tasted imaan, as tears out of nowhere fall when only hearing Qur'an, while not being sad or anything.

So what is my advice? Start doing your research if you haven't. If you know and understand with 100% conviction Islam is the truth, than you have a firm position in this. Slowly comes the rest. BUT BE HONEST!!..1+1=2..not 3 because you heart "feels" like it should be 3. Just clearly 1+1=2 ..there is no place for feelings when we talk about logic, rationality and reason.

Hope you this could help you a bit.

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03-25-2017, 03:15 PM
The issue for me is, if I don't believe it, what is the point of following anything in Islam.

You can say whatever you want about following lusts leading to destruction, not good for you in this life, whatever.... but if one doesn't believe in a hereafter who cares, just YOLO pretty much and enjoy. Unless you believe and know what you are doing will get you punished.... then there is a reason to stop.

03-25-2017, 03:28 PM
Before you were born, you didn't remember a thing right? Then you came into being and into this world. Isn't THAT Creator Able to resurrect you who created the Earth and you? Yes, He is Able.

Reflect, This life had a beginning, YOU have a beginning, birth. Your exit from this world is Death.

I believe firmly in the Hereafter Through LOGIC and REASONING, and Imaan. you know. This world exists, whether you want it or not. Believe it or not. The Same with the Akhira. It exists whether we want it or not, believe it or not.

Those who do not believe in the Akhira or Allah, do not truly use their intellect, nor reflect. Look at it from this point of view:

Allah created you, you are an intelligent being. Who except the All-knowing could create us? And isn't the One who Created us and The heavens, able to resurrect us, after our Death? Logical answer, is yes.
Why? Then tell me WHY and HOW this world came into existence? Why were we created, and how?

Lets take from when we were in the womb. The Atheists say that the DNA From our mother and dad came together to make us, and that the genes determine, etc. But, how does this know to do that and not this? Who told it to make a heart? A brain? Where does this information to create a human, come from? Where does the genes comes from? Where does this knowledge come from?

Because, by Allah, we could not have been created, except with knowledge. Tell me, can you build a car, without any form of knowledge or intelligence? Who told our cells to do this? Why do they? Where did the information come from?

If you just reflect, you can see so many assumptions made by Atheists, and rather their belief lies on wishful thinking, because they think that all of our cells could, by chance, brilliantly come together to form us. They say the information is from our Genes, etc. But where did that information come from?? Who put it there? Allah created us, and commanded and created the cells.

Allah is the One who created us in the wombs, while we were unaware.
my advice is: Reflect.

03-25-2017, 05:12 PM

I have been where you have been.

Regarding sinning, there are two kinds of people. People who sin and people who sin and repent. Iblis and his followers are the first category. Adam and the believers are the second category.

Expecting yourself to have the ability to control your sins is giving your self too much credit. You are utterly totally completely dependent on Allah for that. You need to free yourself of dependence on yourself and turn to Allah as a lost baby camel goes to its mother. Admit your failing to yourself and to Allah and keep asking for forgiveness and guidance over and over and over again.

Hence for starters Just focus on two things. Keep asking for forgiveness and guidance. Understand you utter nothingness and dependence on Allah to save you from sins and give you faith.

This might give you some perspective.




03-25-2017, 05:17 PM
You need to trigger that which will make the Creator both make you see the sign and then make you understand the signs.

But the key factor I found after decades of thinking and searching is simply...

قُلْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَن يَشَآءُ وَيَهْدِى إِلَيْهِ مَنْ أَنَابَ
(Say: "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to Him in repentance.'') meaning, He guides to Him those who repent, turn to Him, beg Him, seek His help and humbly submit to Him [Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
I consider it a falsification test.

Reflect on the following hadith the guidance part:

On the authority of Abu Dharr al-Ghifaree (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from his Lord, that He said: O My servants! I have forbidden dhulm (oppression) for Myself, and I have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. O My servants, all of you are astray except those whom I have guided, so seek guidance from Me and I shall guide you. O My servants, all of you are hungry except those whom I have fed, so seek food from Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except those whom I have clothed, so seek clothing from Me and I shall clothe you. O My servants, you commit sins by day and by night, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness from Me and I shall forgive you. O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all as pious as the most pious heart of any individual amongst you, then this would not increase My Kingdom an iota. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all as wicked as the most wicked heart of any individual amongst you, then this would not decrease My Kingdom an iota. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all to stand together in one place and ask of Me, and I were to give everyone what he requested, then that would not decrease what I Possess, except what is decreased of the ocean when a needle is dipped into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I account for you, and then recompense you for. So he who finds good, let him praise Allah, and he who finds other than that, let him blame no one but himself. [Muslim] عَنْ أَبِي ذَرٍّ الْغِفَارِيِّ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه و سلم فِيمَا يَرْوِيهِ عَنْ رَبِّهِ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى، أَنَّهُ قَالَ: "يَا عِبَادِي: إنِّي حَرَّمْت الظُّلْمَ عَلَى نَفْسِي، وَجَعَلْته بَيْنَكُمْ مُحَرَّمًا؛ فَلَا تَظَالَمُوا. يَا عِبَادِي! كُلُّكُمْ ضَالٌّ إلَّا مَنْ هَدَيْته، فَاسْتَهْدُونِي أَهْدِكُمْ. يَا عِبَادِي! كُلُّكُمْ جَائِعٌ إلَّا مَنْ أَطْعَمْته، فَاسْتَطْعِمُونِي أُطْعِمْكُمْ. يَا عِبَادِي! كُلُّكُمْ عَارٍ إلَّا مَنْ كَسَوْته، فَاسْتَكْسُونِي أَكْسُكُمْ. يَا عِبَادِي! إنَّكُمْ تُخْطِئُونَ بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ، وَأَنَا أَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا؛ فَاسْتَغْفِرُونِي أَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ. يَا عِبَادِي! إنَّكُمْ لَنْ تَبْلُغُوا ضُرِّي فَتَضُرُّونِي، وَلَنْ تَبْلُغُوا نَفْعِي فَتَنْفَعُونِي. يَا عِبَادِي! لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ كَانُوا عَلَى أَتْقَى قَلْبِ رَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ مِنْكُمْ، مَا زَادَ ذَلِكَ فِي مُلْكِي شَيْئًا. يَا عِبَادِي! لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ كَانُوا عَلَى أَفْجَرِ قَلْبِ رَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ مِنْكُمْ، مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِنْ مُلْكِي شَيْئًا. يَا عِبَادِي! لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ قَامُوا فِي صَعِيدٍ وَاحِدٍ، فَسَأَلُونِي، فَأَعْطَيْت كُلَّ وَاحِدٍ مَسْأَلَته، مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِمَّا عِنْدِي إلَّا كَمَا يَنْقُصُ الْمِخْيَطُ إذَا أُدْخِلَ الْبَحْرَ. يَا عِبَادِي! إنَّمَا هِيَ أَعْمَالُكُمْ أُحْصِيهَا لَكُمْ، ثُمَّ أُوَفِّيكُمْ إيَّاهَا؛ فَمَنْ وَجَدَ خَيْرًا فَلْيَحْمَدْ اللَّهَ، وَمَنْ وَجَدَ غَيْرَ ذَلِكَ فَلَا يَلُومَن إلَّا نَفْسَهُ". [رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ]. Reference : 40 Hadith Nawawi 24 English translation : Hadith 24

In a nutshell. Keep asking the creator for forgiveness and guidance with humility. I honestly believe the creator does want you to find him. you turn to him with repentance and inshallah he will convince you by giving you proof. But you have to accept him on his terms. Not your desires and likes and dislikes.

03-25-2017, 05:20 PM
Give yourself a break, Everyone sins and most sin deliberately. Humans are weak. Anyone who thinks they dont needs their head examined. There is sin because of weekness and sin because of rejection. You dont want to be in the second condition. and you want to keep repenting. You can ask Allah to fix your heart and forgive your sins.

03-25-2017, 05:28 PM
you believe the sins did that to you???, so this means you believe in Islam, you believe that sinners get their hearts blocked ...

therefore all you have to do is just believe again and practice! :)

03-25-2017, 05:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
The sins I repeatadily commit, knowing Allah was watching when I did them..... I believe has lead to this. Once upon a time I had firm conviction in Allah, but made excuses and did what I wanted to.

And now it's a constant back and forth of whether I believe or not, and I think it's game over done.... I can't believe again.

Because for me, I don't feel any iman. Even nice recitions of the Quran do nothing for me(especially because I don't know Arabic). I feel nothing in prayer no matter how hard I focus on the meaning. I try to look up in the skies and picture Allah and connect with him, but nothing.

And now it's at the point where, if I don't believe now, if to me it just isn't proof enough that Islam is the truth.... why bother following it anyways, because I don't know if there will be a hereafter or heaven and hell.... and if I don't know, then it makes no sense miss out on the fun. Whereas if it is clear to me it is the truth, I can at least try to stay away from it now.
Because you are thinking about this, it means your heart is not yet sealed. You are worried about the effect of not having eman. Brother, the time is critical. You need to take the steps to regain your eman and you need to do this through action.

The first step, make dua "oh Allah, guide me, I don't want to lose eman."

The second is to have blind faith in Allah and the Hereafter and Islam being truth.

Change your company immediately to those who are righteous. Go to the masjid and pray there and sit there for hours and make dua and cry over your sins and beliefs.

When at home or anywhere else, watch YouTube videos from scholars like Omar Sulaiman and others. You will find an abundance of thought provoking lectures on every topic.

Do lots of istighaar. All the time.

If you have a problem with useless things online, then put the computer in a place where you can't use it without being seen.

I pray for your guidance.

03-25-2017, 08:16 PM

Physics of yawmal Qiyamah proved through science in light of Qur'an.

Read it & ask ALLAH Ta'ala to guide you -Its extremely intriguing!


03-25-2017, 09:49 PM
brother the very fact that you believe that ALlah lead you astray due to your sins, is proof that you still know Islam is the truth! :)

trust me i'm very experienced in this sort of knowledge and what to do about it

all you have to do is say the shahada and thereafter ignore all doubts that satan puts in your mind for thats all they are waswas nothing more!

you dont have to feel anything now br, as the spiritual feelings will take time to come back; your sins have desensetised them, so as long as you know deep in your heart islam is the truth, thats it, your a believer

after saying shahada you have to repent a lot, and cry to ALLah, beg to him never to turn you into kaafir; you have to do this br, you have to save yourself ... the last thing you ever want to do is die a kaafir ...

my duas are with u

03-27-2017, 03:55 AM
I just don't know. I just don't know if I believe or if I dont.

The thoughts and feelings I am getting are just blasphemous. I've done what I've done, and I can't take that back.... but if I want to change and want to believe in the truth, it sure as heck doesn't feel like God is helping me in any way.....

If I don't believe, isn't it on Allah to make it clear to me....????

Breaking it down, if someone doesn't believe in Islam, then what the heck is the point of them doing good, and staying away from bad, and why should they be punished for it, if the message isn't clear to them that this is the truth??????

03-27-2017, 03:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AmatulWudud

Physics of yawmal Qiyamah proved through science in light of Qur'an.

Read it & ask ALLAH Ta'ala to guide you -Its extremely intriguing!

That's all speculation though, because we don't know what exactly the Quran means either in terms of the physics of what will happen, just speculating that based on science and possible interpretations of the Quran, that could happen that way.

03-27-2017, 10:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
I just don't know. I just don't know if I believe or if I dont.

The thoughts and feelings I am getting are just blasphemous. I've done what I've done, and I can't take that back.... but if I want to change and want to believe in the truth, it sure as heck doesn't feel like God is helping me in any way.....

If I don't believe, isn't it on Allah to make it clear to me....????

Breaking it down, if someone doesn't believe in Islam, then what the heck is the point of them doing good, and staying away from bad, and why should they be punished for it, if the message isn't clear to them that this is the truth??????
Your username is alhamdulillah - why? why choose that name for yourself when you are clearly denying the existence of the One who created you?

Scientifically, Logically, Emotionally, even Physically - Islaam makes perfect sense. If you are in doubt, then that is upon you wanting to justify following your desires.

Some people blame God for every negativity in their life - when rather, it is their own actions, their own mentality, their lack of faith, which is a hindrance to their progression.

Now you can either:

1) take the advice given on this thread and move forward

2) continue in the rut of doubt and helplessness

It's up to you how you progress.

03-27-2017, 10:39 AM
What you hope to gain and when you make dua To Allah :swt:, know that if you do not do your effort, Allah won't bring the results.

So do dua, but also act. Do not blame Allah :swt: when you do not do your part, i.e. try, and read Qur'aan. If I laid down on my bed, and blamed Allah :swt: for not bringing me food, who is to blame? I am to blame.

In shaa' Allah you understand what I am saying. Seek Allah willingly, and you will find Him :swt: .

Allahu alam.

03-27-2017, 02:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity
What you hope to gain and when you make dua To Allah :swt:, know that if you do not do your effort, Allah won't bring the results.

So do dua, but also act. Do not blame Allah :swt: when you do not do your part, i.e. try, and read Qur'aan. If I laid down on my bed, and blamed Allah :swt: for not bringing me food, who is to blame? I am to blame.

In shaa' Allah you understand what I am saying. Seek Allah willingly, and you will find Him :swt: .

Allahu alam.
But I know that if I don't get food myself I will starve and die...

However, I don't know that if I don't search for God or obey and strive for him, that I will go to hell, because to know that you have to believe he exists and then you follow him.... and the only way to know he exists and to strive for him is if God makes that clear to you....

03-27-2017, 02:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Indefinable
Your username is alhamdulillah - why? why choose that name for yourself when you are clearly denying the existence of the One who created you?

Scientifically, Logically, Emotionally, even Physically - Islaam makes perfect sense. If you are in doubt, then that is upon you wanting to justify following your desires.

Some people blame God for every negativity in their life - when rather, it is their own actions, their own mentality, their lack of faith, which is a hindrance to their progression.

Now you can either:

1) take the advice given on this thread and move forward

2) continue in the rut of doubt and helplessness

It's up to you how you progress.
My iman was in a much better place back then when I made the account. Nowadays it is all over the place, left and right, up and down, but more so my iman is on the weaker or non-existant side lately.

I am still praying 5 times a day, getting up for fajr, reading Quran at least a little a day, making dua.....

But I feel like what am I doing if I don't have firm belief.... but then something, I just can't explain what is, is keeping me from stopping to do those things.

03-27-2017, 02:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
The sins I repeatadily commit, knowing Allah was watching when I did them..... I believe has lead to this. Once upon a time I had firm conviction in Allah, but made excuses and did what I wanted to.

And now it's a constant back and forth of whether I believe or not, and I think it's game over done.... I can't believe again.

Because for me, I don't feel any iman. Even nice recitions of the Quran do nothing for me(especially because I don't know Arabic). I feel nothing in prayer no matter how hard I focus on the meaning. I try to look up in the skies and picture Allah and connect with him, but nothing.

And now it's at the point where, if I don't believe now, if to me it just isn't proof enough that Islam is the truth.... why bother following it anyways, because I don't know if there will be a hereafter or heaven and hell.... and if I don't know, then it makes no sense miss out on the fun. Whereas if it is clear to me it is the truth, I can at least try to stay away from it now.

You will find out if there is a hell or heaven - right?

Seems you do believe but don't want to believe because you feel such a great shame over your sins. Did you do tawba? Well... try it. Tawba is humbling if done sincerely.

But if sincerity is not in your nature - try being a non Muslim.

And see how miserable you will become in time.

You will have no inference for any moral action you take, and when you good actions are met with little or no thanks - you won't be able to entertain the trust which allows you to believe "Allah has my deeds on record" because you won't be a Muslim.

So yeah, go for it - go for the kuffar life - just don't expect things to be easy if you decide to return to islam after that fails.


03-27-2017, 07:10 PM

Akh, are you going through some major trials or been through some?

Please don't listen to negative responses! No ilm&only there to create problems or push people away from ALLAH Ta'ala.

I remember I had this huge biggest trouble at Aleppo fall time related with ISIL evil dudes & I lost sanity & was writing things that had nothing to do with real me
& was always much anti such stuff.

My mind was blown,my physical health,emotional, psychological & Imaan crashed down since the day I met them 4yrs ago but their evil eye pushed me into this evil in past 2, yrs & esp these last few months & if you read ISIL people or see them,they are very evil & mockery & blasphemy is their characteristics......

I'm angry & Alhamdull'ILLAH, got a dream recently with good news & that enemy is nafs &I need to learn knowledge.

Because when we don't have any in-depth knowledge of Deen,we wrong ourselves.

Alhamdull'ILLAH, I made this thread avoid evil people & got a brothers comments that were helpful biidnillah.

So,check whether you got some major calamities ,or you have had some enemies-story is there are people who are so jealous of Momineen that they turn them into kuffar by hassad or sihr.....yeah its happening!

In this whole thread you have been given enough proofs, so it could be some saahir ,sorcerer or evil eye that has led you to it.

ALLAH doesn't wrong good doers or take away their Imaan Just like this .

Look back in your life,how was your Imaan,how was your relationship with ALLAH Ta'ala?

It's not ALLAH Ta'ala wronging you but there could be something deeper than what we can realise.

Do 2 rakat nafl& ask ALLAH Ta'ala to tell you the truth....if you haven't wronged people by evil scheming or jealousy ,then you need not worry....

The fact you're worried about it is a proof that you are scared,you believe on yawmal Qiyamah & you want to change!

When kuffar can change even worst of people in today's times so why would Muslims who were on path of guidance be sent astray?

InshaALLAH, keep hope!&avoid pessimism!

P.S:While I was amidst anguish & writing stuff with loss of sanity, my revert friend from US said such words:

you're an amazing person!

ALLAH loves you!

Rather than pushing people to kufr& insulting them,tell them of ALLAH's Love & Mercy!

Never hurt a momin who was good but fell into sins -People fall & get up again -many abondon &, yet many struggling ,so keep it up akh!

Also get a Ruqyah Shariah check on yourself to rule out any possibility of sihr etc!

Umm Malik
03-27-2017, 10:50 PM
If you did sins its not the end of life. .. Allah still marciful and forgiving ... And Allah balance our life to be afraid when we do sin but not to despair from the Marcy of Allah .. And to think good in Allah but not to do whatever we want without care
If you left Islam ... You will see how much you lose
Subhanallah if everyone give every thing to let me think that there is no god I won't believe with that ... You know why ? Because in my life ...after I chose to be a Muslim ... I was Muslim yes before ... But I become a true Muslim after my repantence and after that ... Every event in my life get a witness that there is a god ... A great god who control my life ... Amazing thing unbelievable .. Sometimes I just stop and say ... LA ilaha illa Allah .. Subhanallah! Another proof from my god
Try to be a good Muslim as you can .. But you would be sin and you just need to make a sincere repantence and to promise yourself to try to don't do it again but if you do it as a weak human you need to repeat it again and again and Allah will forgive you
Don't lose hop and ask Allah's guidance he will guide you
Ramadan is near ... don't left Islam be for you pass it
Fast and ask Allah and don't be rash
You aren't going to a thing you think it may be the truth and you may lose it or die before you convert to it ... it just disbelief ... so take your time before you left something can be lose to something as nothing

03-28-2017, 12:02 AM
I will try to summarize what I think my issues are:

1) Throughout one day I feel like I can go through feelings of iman and feelings of kufr multiple times... Just don't know why.

2) I sinned and sinned knowing it was wrong and I know it is wrong to lose hope in the mercy of Allah, but sometimes I just feel like I went to far and crossed to many lines that now Allah is just angry with me....

3) From an intellectual perspective, everything point to Islam being the truth, but that ah ha moment isn't happening and it just isn't all clicking, and translating to certainty and conviction...perhaps to a damaged heart???

4)I think this is shaytan.... I am trying to be a perfectionist in every way, and whenever I do something wrong I feel like I am commiting a sin and it is unacceptable, which is making practicing Islam difficult... some examples....
  • when washing dishes, if I leave the water on between dishes, I feel like I am wasting water and commiting sins knowingly
  • when doing wudu, if I leave the water on without using it, same thing...
  • when only going up and down the stairs for a couple minutes, if I leave a light on or something, I feel I am wasting electricity and need to constantly check to see if I closed the lights
  • sometimes it is just easier for me to eat with my left hand, like when using the computer, but if I do that I feel like I know it is wrong, I just can't do it, even if it is little....
  • sometimes I don't feel like doing a sunnah prayer, but if I don't do it, I feel like I am commiting sin and doing wrong and it just overwhelms me...
  • or if I am at the masjid and try to do extra prayers or anything, I feel like I am doing them just so others can watch me, so then I don't know if I should do it or not.....

And then when some of those feelings go away, I am like, it can't be from Allah who helped them go away, they just somehow went away...????

I feel like all the marijuana I have smoked over the past 4-5 years and just messed me up in the head....

03-28-2017, 03:22 AM
Very Important regarding your issue.Its faced by mostly best of Momineen & I personally know them .It does involves Imaan&kufr thoughts or feelings for the people I know due to their trials ,feeling despair,feeling ALLAH hates me or give up Islam,thoughts of apostasy etc .I actually talked to these youngsters & they seemed good & in private messages,telling me of their waswas & how they feel etc.

It's happening to almost everyone,as its Narrated in authentic hadeeth. Some have realized it & are working to give its awareness &are terrified ,others are oblivious to it or when it slaps them ,then they get this worry! Or maybe it's happening, just they don't know!

❝Several of the Salaf were quoted as saying when Fitan come, only very, very, very few will see the truth. When there is Fitan, only few of the few of the few will know how to analyse them. Make Istighāthah to be amongst them or at least see the reality of the Fitan. After time passes on Fitan and they end, then everyone will see the reality of what the few were trying to tell them. That is what happens during all Fitan. The problem for many is that after they see the reality, they have already lost their Deen.❞

~ Shaykh Ahmad Jibrīl(حفظه الله)

What is Duhayma fitan?

From 'AbdUllah ibn 'Umar, radhiyAllahu 'anhu, who said: "We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, salAllahu 'alayhi wa-sallam, and he mentioned the fitan, and mentioned many of them, until he mentioned the fitnah of al-Ahlas.

So someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, and what is the fitnah of al-Ahlas?" He said: "It is fleeing and plunder.

Then the fitnah of as-Sarra', its corruption will from under the feet of a man from my household, who claims to be from me, but he is not from me, for my allies are only the pious.

Then the people will unite on the leadership of a man like a hip-bone on a rib. Then the fitnah of ad-Duhayma', which will not leave a single one from this Ummah without giving him a slap. Whenever it is said that it has finished, it will continue longer

. A man during it will be a mu'min in the morning and a kafir in the evening, until the people become two camps, a camp of faith with no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy with no faith. When that happens, then await the Dajjal on that day or the next."

Narrated by Abu Dawud, kitab al-fitan.

Brief explanation of Duhayma fitan:

Fitan of Duhayma includes calamities as tantamount to Imaan for the strong believers & likewise for every Muslim.

It involves evil desires led by calamities&continuous trials&till people are shaken in Imaan-

Doubts get in the way of all those claiming Islam.

And people whoever will be saved from ALLAH Ta'ala's favour will be saved from being drowned in this fitan&its a fitan that's long.-

In this fitan,people are shaken tremendously, with thoughts about ALLAH Ta'ala.

Sometimes through major calamities & sometimes through minor.

And then other things that leads to pure shaking trembling of best of Muslims&that's when we have heard from many people that such&such has fallen bcs some give in&others continue struggle&all aid is with ALLAH Ta'ala.

May ALLAH Ta'ala protect the ones who were apples of eyes of pious as those knowing it's dangers are horrified&terrorised.

But victory is for ALLAH Ta'ala & His Prophet PBUH & those who despite all calamities busy themselves with Repentance&Tawheed treading the path to victory after hardships.

Such will be sifted as momineen&others without Imaan on the end of Duhayma

.I seek protection of ALLAH Ta'ala for myself,my immediate family &my best friends far&may ALLAH Ta'ala have mercy on Sana Al Harbee ,RahimUllah.Aameen

Nourish your soul with Tawheed&glorifying ALLAH Ta'ala for this will beautify you outwardly though after trials&patience/reliance & then Outward beauty.

Trust ALLAH Ta'ala, The One ,truthfully if it's He who you Worship.

Dear sisters who I support&respected brothers who are down.

With Tawheed,you can achieve anything you want.

Since,I'm repenting & in midstof horrible trials ,reading more on this fitan is very beneficial,biidhnIllah!

I advise all to keep wary of the Duhayma fitan which is the Greatest fitan before Dajjal! May ALLAH Ta'ala forgive us all & guide us towards righteous path&good end!

Please don't be oblivious to Fitan lest it consumes you!

From an authentic site:

Reference is At-Tuwaijari's Itihaf al-Jama'ah, I, pp. 75-81 (may Allah be merciful with him):

Chapter: What Has been Related Regarding a Fitna that Will Sweep the Arabs Away

Upon 'Abdullah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with them both) who said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:

"There will be a fitna that will cleanse (tastanzifu) the Arabs - its dead will be in the Hellfire. During this time the tongue will be more severe (ashad) than a blow of the sword."

Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. At-Tirmidhi said that this hadith is gharib

At-Tuwaijari then comments on the narrators of this narration and after concluding that the hadith is hasan he proceeds to explain it as follows:

"[Regarding the Prophet's] statement 'cleanse the Arabs,' Ibn Al-Athir and Ibn Al-Manzur have said: It means it will encompass them in destruction.
End of Tujawiris words.

Regarding the Arabs killed in hell means those who will divert from right path,who Will doubt ,or not trust ALLAH Ta'ala & live on Tawheed.
The rest those who are killed on Deen will be InshaALLAH, Shuhada as they been slaughtered by kuffar

This fitan comes at times with greatest calamities being upon Deen,shaking faith & to some get caught in fitan during little calamities.

MANY momineen are suffering greatest degree of tortures & many people without Imaan also suffers alot of calamities. That's why successful is the one who clings to Deen like it was mentioned that a time will come when clinging to Deen will be as handling a burning coal.

That Includes extreme calamities & evil world appealing so whoever will stand strong ,seeking help of ALLAH Ta'ala & fall & strive again will be under mercy of ALLAH Ta'ala.

03-28-2017, 08:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
My iman was in a much better place back then when I made the account. Nowadays it is all over the place, left and right, up and down, but more so my iman is on the weaker or non-existant side lately.

I am still praying 5 times a day, getting up for fajr, reading Quran at least a little a day, making dua.....

But I feel like what am I doing if I don't have firm belief.... but then something, I just can't explain what is, is keeping me from stopping to do those things.
Have you tried Ruqyah?

Listen to Surah Baqarah frequently or recite it as much as you can In sha Allaah.

It could be (not trying to scare you) that you are afflicted with something. But I could be wrong. Don't lose faith.

May Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect you. Ameen.


03-28-2017, 08:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
I will try to summarize what I think my issues are:

1) Throughout one day I feel like I can go through feelings of iman and feelings of kufr multiple times... Just don't know why.

2) I sinned and sinned knowing it was wrong and I know it is wrong to lose hope in the mercy of Allah, but sometimes I just feel like I went to far and crossed to many lines that now Allah is just angry with me....

3) From an intellectual perspective, everything point to Islam being the truth, but that ah ha moment isn't happening and it just isn't all clicking, and translating to certainty and conviction...perhaps to a damaged heart???

4)I think this is shaytan.... I am trying to be a perfectionist in every way, and whenever I do something wrong I feel like I am commiting a sin and it is unacceptable, which is making practicing Islam difficult... some examples....
  • when washing dishes, if I leave the water on between dishes, I feel like I am wasting water and commiting sins knowingly
  • when doing wudu, if I leave the water on without using it, same thing...
  • when only going up and down the stairs for a couple minutes, if I leave a light on or something, I feel I am wasting electricity and need to constantly check to see if I closed the lights
  • sometimes it is just easier for me to eat with my left hand, like when using the computer, but if I do that I feel like I know it is wrong, I just can't do it, even if it is little....
  • sometimes I don't feel like doing a sunnah prayer, but if I don't do it, I feel like I am commiting sin and doing wrong and it just overwhelms me...
  • or if I am at the masjid and try to do extra prayers or anything, I feel like I am doing them just so others can watch me, so then I don't know if I should do it or not.....

And then when some of those feelings go away, I am like, it can't be from Allah who helped them go away, they just somehow went away...????

I feel like all the marijuana I have smoked over the past 4-5 years and just messed me up in the head....
It's not the marijuana brother.

Read my above post In Sha Allaah.

Please try self-ruqyah, or if you can, go see a Raaqi.

From what you have said, it seems like extreme case of waswasa and/or Jinn problem.

I'm not an expert, and this is mere conjecture, but it's better to get it checked out In Sha Allaah.

Also - please continue with your prayers, and Qur'an, and add to that your daily adhkaar.

03-28-2017, 09:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
The sins I repeatadily commit, knowing Allah was watching when I did them..... I believe has lead to this. Once upon a time I had firm conviction in Allah, but made excuses and did what I wanted to.And now it's a constant back and forth of whether I believe or not, and I think it's game over done.... I can't believe again.Because for me, I don't feel any iman. Even nice recitions of the Quran do nothing for me(especially because I don't know Arabic). I feel nothing in prayer no matter how hard I focus on the meaning. I try to look up in the skies and picture Allah and connect with him, but nothing.And now it's at the point where, if I don't believe now, if to me it just isn't proof enough that Islam is the truth.... why bother following it anyways, because I don't know if there will be a hereafter or heaven and hell.... and if I don't know, then it makes no sense miss out on the fun. Whereas if it is clear to me it is the truth, I can at least try to stay away from it now.
you have to control it. None help you but you.

07-04-2020, 03:56 PM
Assalamu Alaykum Brother, is this still the case with you today? I feel like I am definitely in the same situation.

07-04-2020, 04:05 PM
When Allah puts seal on someone heart, they think that they are doing the right things. They never accept that they can be wrong, instead they make fun of believers. Take Pharaoh as an example in the time of Musa ( peace be upon him), Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab during the time of prophet ( peace be upon him) and probably Donald Trump as an example in our time.
The fact that you are asking for guidance on this forum and is remorseful of what you did in the past, shows that Allah wants to show you the light and He wants you to be guided but Satan is continuously trying to tell you that Allah can’t forgive you. Are your sins greater than Allah’s mercy? If not, then be sure and certain that you are forgiven. If that was not the case, Allah will not give you the ability to repent and make dua.

And Allah knows the best!

07-04-2020, 04:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by HabibUrrehman
When Allah puts seal on someone heart, they think that they are doing the right things. They never accept that they can be wrong, instead they make fun of believers. Take Pharaoh as an example in the time of Musa ( peace be upon him), Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab during the time of prophet ( peace be upon him) and probably Donald Trump as an example in our time.
The fact that you are asking for guidance on this forum and is remorseful of what you did in the past, shows that Allah wants to show you the light and He wants you to be guided but Satan is continuously trying to tell you that Allah can’t forgive you. Are your sins greater than Allah’s mercy? If not, then be sure and certain that you are forgiven. If that was not the case, Allah will not give you the ability to repent and make dua.

And Allah knows the best!

Assalamu Alaykum Brother,

the problem is here with me is that I get no waswasu anymore at all! At all whatsoever and the fact that i have went from being a practising Muslim for the past couple of months to something like this just happening does not make sense to me. It’s to the point I do NOT feel any emotion in my heart what so ever. As if it’s been ripped out and what’s worse is that I can’t even hear waswasu anymore! How is that even possible? I don’t feel Allah’s presence anymore and it’s so difficult for me to grasp onto this. It literally feels like you’ve been condemned and nothing you do anymore will makeup for what you’ve done. Yes I still pray and make tawbah but I can’t make tawbah as sincerely as I used too.

07-04-2020, 04:26 PM
Assalamualaikum sister @Amina777
This is what you said in your thread:
I have literally no iman in my heart, I cannot feel any of my emotions whatsoever, I do not feel sad, depressed, anxious, happy or anything, nothing at all.
So, aren't you feeling sad right now? You have asked so many times here. So,Aren't you tensed about this? Yes, you are. That means you still have emotions. Basically, nothing has happened to your heart except that it's a matter of low imaan which everyone faces at one time or the other. What you can do to increase it is seek knowledge and make dua. You know what the best thing is? It's that you are actually worried about your imaan. That itself is a sign that you still have imaan in your heart. The only thing you have said wrong is that you have no hope in the mercy of Allah. Look, we all sin, we are humans but best of us are those who REPENT. If we won't sin, Allah will create a new creation who WILL SIN AND REPENT (Muslim). Reflect on this and ask for forgiveness of Allah. He verily is the Most Merciful.

08-31-2020, 11:02 AM
Salaam brother
I really hope you are in a better situation now. May allah heal you, guide you and raise your imaan and make it almost indestructible! Ameen!
I feel like I was the one writing this, you've described my situation to a t. Did you get over this? If so, how? I would really like to hear it if you have any advice

Ahmad Ali786
12-12-2022, 03:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah.
The sins I repeatadily commit, knowing Allah was watching when I did them..... I believe has lead to this. Once upon a time I had firm conviction in Allah, but made excuses and did what I wanted to.

And now it's a constant back and forth of whether I believe or not, and I think it's game over done.... I can't believe again.

Because for me, I don't feel any iman. Even nice recitions of the Quran do nothing for me(especially because I don't know Arabic). I feel nothing in prayer no matter how hard I focus on the meaning. I try to look up in the skies and picture Allah and connect with him, but nothing.

And now it's at the point where, if I don't believe now, if to me it just isn't proof enough that Islam is the truth.... why bother following it anyways, because I don't know if there will be a hereafter or heaven and hell.... and if I don't know, then it makes no sense miss out on the fun. Whereas if it is clear to me it is the truth, I can at least try to stay away from it now.
Aslam o Alikum how are you now brother what is your condition now?

05-15-2023, 02:43 PM
i’m in a similar situation, my emaan before wiswas was amazing i could feel the presence of Allah but now i feel it’s been taken away for me that sweetness is gone in my heart, i haven’t stopped praying but i’m just doing mere actions.
if anyone has has been in a similar situation where they feel like a disbeliever and so disconnected from Allah was able to fix it let me know please.

05-16-2023, 01:48 AM
Salaams to all.

I cannot give you verses and other literature to help but I can try give certain understanding.... hopefully.

The story starts with the mission of Satan when Adam was created and Satan's solemn oath to lead mankind astray.

Astray simply means to go away from the correct path or direction. In this case, from the path Allah has ordained for us.

Satan knows and has interacted with Allah, yet his pride (and hatred) towards human causes him to take a path bent on our destruction and his own.

He knows his own future in the hereafter but acts against his own betterment.

I have combed through the Qur'an more than several times to find meaning and clarification on many topics over the years and have found human beings a mirror image of Satan in finding 'excuse' to deviate from the path.

The Qur'an cited every conceivable reason why a person should want to disbelieve.

Waswas is the easiest and any wishy washy reason is good enough..

So at the end of the day, Satan, if he cannot remove faith in you, he will fight to create a seed of waswas that eventually darkens you and you slip.

Satan believes in Allah. He chose his destiny because he wants to prove to Allah that we deserve hell out of spite. Until qiyamah he is still free to seek forgiveness from Allah but he does not.

The question is then about us..... I am always tempted by the world pleasures, by the gains we can easily make (via dishonest ways) stealing candy from a child. One is easy and instant benefits and little work.

Eventually, if we are decent beings, we would realise that this is not an appropriate action. To move away from this, we now have to work, perhaps way harder than you have ever done and have to be patient for the result.

You will want to revert back to the easier method of stealing. But the harder choice is to stay on the course of honest work.

As I have said, Satan only wants to distract people from fulfilling their duties to Allah.

You have done just that by falling into one of his traps that leads you astray.

I know that I will be asked about my prayers, my fasting etc (whether I admit or deny it) so do I want to do it or not?

If I have fasted and done my prayers then it cannot be said that I didn't do it whatever my intention. So, what was the intention why I didn't do it when I know already that it is an obligation.

If you choose the world, Allah will make it pleasant for you and remove hereafter from your psyche... You can, if your mind tells you that you have gone astray and want to come back to the path, still strive towards it, very much like Satan, he can still seek forgiveness and bow to Adam but he chooses to obstinately stick to his anger and revenge. Reflect on how this attitude is in a lot of believers.


05-16-2023, 03:26 AM
Jazakallah for the advice for people who are in my situation where they feel they have no emaan just keep praying and making dua. May Allah guide us.

05-18-2023, 08:14 AM
What is Duhayma fitan?

From 'AbdUllah ibn 'Umar, radhiyAllahu 'anhu, who said: "We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, salAllahu 'alayhi wa-sallam, and he mentioned the fitan, and mentioned many of them, until he mentioned the fitnah of al-Ahlas.

So someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, and what is the fitnah of al-Ahlas?" He said: "It is fleeing and plunder.

Then the fitnah of as-Sarra', its corruption will from under the feet of a man from my household, who claims to be from me, but he is not from me, for my allies are only the pious.

Then the people will unite on the leadership of a man like a hip-bone on a rib. Then the fitnah of ad-Duhayma', which will not leave a single one from this Ummah without giving him a slap. Whenever it is said that it has finished, it will continue longer

. A man during it will be a mu'min in the morning and a kafir in the evening, until the people become two camps, a camp of faith with no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy with no faith. When that happens, then await the Dajjal on that day or the next."

Narrated by Abu Dawud, kitab al-fitan.

THIS is whats going on ....keep praying,doing good deeds ,little things matter alot .....no need to be so much extremists ...no need to worryabout sins of kufr esp ...as its a trial & Allah knows it -many Muslims suffering from it.

I have crossed boundaries but i know i cannot just give up.I started doing some worldy things - online consultancy for Corporates wellbeing...i enjoy it ,Alhamdulillah ...i incorporate islamic teachings with worldly advises ...i get 10 hrs of bad thoughts at times then it changes into feeling mercy from Allah .

This is happening bcz we were on extremes & it had to happen & is happening to many because it would affect all believers..Fitan are real .Seek protection of Allah (azzo jal)

He is not angry ...Nopes. He wants us to be easy ,understanding its a fitan & whatever happens as a trial,we are excused.

Extremists are doomed
Whover will be strict ,Allah will be stricter with him
Expecting best from Allah is an excellent act of ibadah.

In harsh times of the day,do world stuff - ofc in moderation but relax relax ....dont give up prayers even if its just actions.

Dont give up.

Because i learnt thisall with extremely excruciating painful trials with knowledge experience & horrifying fears alongwith mercy.

It aint easy & Paradise awaits us for clinging to Deen ...even belief can do wonders.

I think about past nations stories -how Allah (Azzo Jal)forgave the murderer of 100 people,prostitute who have water to the dog,the man who was alcoholic but humble ...these are enlightening stories for us to keep to Deen if we are sinful enough.

Keep prayers for each other,do deeds on other muslims behalf & seek forgiveness alongwith a 10-15 mins ibadah routine whenever you feel better ...even if a few days passes by.Just do the commitment with Allah that you would as soon as you recover from the depressive insane & horrible lack of faith& blank hearts.

May Allah protect us from this predicament in any more form.


05-18-2023, 11:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah
What is Duhayma fitan?

From 'AbdUllah ibn 'Umar, radhiyAllahu 'anhu, who said: "We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, salAllahu 'alayhi wa-sallam, and he mentioned the fitan, and mentioned many of them, until he mentioned the fitnah of al-Ahlas.

So someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, and what is the fitnah of al-Ahlas?" He said: "It is fleeing and plunder.

Then the fitnah of as-Sarra', its corruption will from under the feet of a man from my household, who claims to be from me, but he is not from me, for my allies are only the pious.

Then the people will unite on the leadership of a man like a hip-bone on a rib. Then the fitnah of ad-Duhayma', which will not leave a single one from this Ummah without giving him a slap. Whenever it is said that it has finished, it will continue longer

. A man during it will be a mu'min in the morning and a kafir in the evening, until the people become two camps, a camp of faith with no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy with no faith. When that happens, then await the Dajjal on that day or the next."

Narrated by Abu Dawud, kitab al-fitan.

THIS is whats going on ....keep praying,doing good deeds ,little things matter alot .....no need to be so much extremists ...no need to worryabout sins of kufr esp ...as its a trial & Allah knows it -many Muslims suffering from it.

I have crossed boundaries but i know i cannot just give up.I started doing some worldy things - online consultancy for Corporates wellbeing...i enjoy it ,Alhamdulillah ...i incorporate islamic teachings with worldly advises ...i get 10 hrs of bad thoughts at times then it changes into feeling mercy from Allah .

This is happening bcz we were on extremes & it had to happen & is happening to many because it would affect all believers..Fitan are real .Seek protection of Allah (azzo jal)

He is not angry ...Nopes. He wants us to be easy ,understanding its a fitan & whatever happens as a trial,we are excused.

Extremists are doomed
Whover will be strict ,Allah will be stricter with him
Expecting best from Allah is an excellent act of ibadah.

In harsh times of the day,do world stuff - ofc in moderation but relax relax ....dont give up prayers even if its just actions.

Dont give up.

Because i learnt thisall with extremely excruciating painful trials with knowledge experience & horrifying fears alongwith mercy.

It aint easy & Paradise awaits us for clinging to Deen ...even belief can do wonders.

I think about past nations stories -how Allah (Azzo Jal)forgave the murderer of 100 people,prostitute who have water to the dog,the man who was alcoholic but humble ...these are enlightening stories for us to keep to Deen if we are sinful enough.

Keep prayers for each other,do deeds on other muslims behalf & seek forgiveness alongwith a 10-15 mins ibadah routine whenever you feel better ...even if a few days passes by.Just do the commitment with Allah that you would as soon as you recover from the depressive insane & horrible lack of faith& blank hearts.

May Allah protect us from this predicament in any more form.

Barakallah feekum for the advice i’ll try not to stop but do you know of anyone who completely lost their emaan due to wiswas but then got it back ?

05-20-2023, 02:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by unknown100
Barakallah feekum for the advice i’ll try not to stop but do you know of anyone who completely lost their emaan due to wiswas but then got it back ?
I got a dream of coming back to islam se 2 months àgo.

I'm still confused how & why this happened?

Terrible inside story.Cant tel anyone...
But i hope it gets better for everyone InshaAllah

05-20-2023, 02:49 PM
i don’t understand so you stopped practising then came back

05-21-2023, 09:08 AM
Recite 1000 La ilaha illallah

Think of the suffering of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in taif when his feet were bleeding

Think of your death
Ponder over life in grace

This life is temporary..

Ah life a fading shadowing...

Stop being so materialistic

Live off dates and water
Try doing umrah to mecca...



05-23-2023, 10:30 AM
Yes - i became moderate in religion Actually i was having very much thoughts & going through worst times still so i started with being easy with myself-

Kept prayers
Tried on being nice to parents
Working on gooď maners

Stayed away from many sins but did auzobillah but keep on doing tawba.

Ended up being proud to be muslim even if I'm sinniñg as muslims wherher pious or not Says it - focus on keeping belief in Islam & my life has v v v trials that led me finally ease though once i get over with trials bcz wè ought to think good about the mercy & positivity..

I would do commitment more firm InshaAllah but not at the moment bcz if i do more - i feel tossed in fears / scary times/hardşips & it's not jinn or anyother paranormal thing

Fears of hereafter that cannot be borne - affects my physical health & mental health too

So evaluate your situation carefully & then relax.Most imp belief in Islam has to be secured but relax on your own risk...im not going to tell you to be doing sins - keep yourself moderate.thats it!

Don't fret over it all....do things that makes you happy & please stop your thoughts by engaging in healthy activities.

I am trying & i hope you also try by reading Ahadeeth that speaks of ease for Muslims lives.

(I didn't know this earlier & harmed myself because i thought of religion being harsh)

Tc & all the best

06-02-2023, 08:25 PM

06-04-2023, 11:55 PM

06-06-2023, 01:36 AM
As salam Alaykum sister i’ve been suffering with doubts myself which has never occurred to me before what i’ll say is find way to prove to yourself islam is true watch a video called why islam is true on dus dawah and make dua during prayer ‘We are closer than their Juglar Vein’

Allah says : were they created by nothing or did they create themselves…

this is a rhetorical question so we accept there is a creator for this creation so what is our purpose do you think he will just create us and let us cause chaos in his creation it doesn’t make sense God is wise we can see that throughout his creation so we must have a purpose. i can keep speaking but i’ll advise you to research , take the means and leave the rest to Allah , may Allah guide us.

i know it’s hard but try to stay strong and if your struggling speak to someone sometimes it helps.

06-06-2023, 10:08 AM
P.S: Alhamdulillah....i have been blessed to witness a good thoughts about Allah & i thought a random hug means zina.

Just talked with a knowledgeable aalima.


NO ZINA done
NO issues with Faith in ALLAH

06-06-2023, 12:33 PM
Do you still pray

06-06-2023, 01:12 PM
5 times but not today

06-06-2023, 01:16 PM

Hopefully my drèams & other real life things are truè.Let us all pray for each others steadfastness on imaan till we pass away!

Duhayma Remember?

06-08-2023, 04:31 PM
TIPS for everyone struck with Duhayma fitan of doubts & trials making people kafor & momin everyday & night as we are told in hadeeth regarding Duhayma fitan

Love Allah
5 times prayers
Dua for parents
Nice to mom
Good character
15 mins ibadah everyday
Charity for the ummah
Learning 10 mins on Islamic board
Share Islamic knowledge from authentic sites.
Humility but not humiliate oneself for others otherwise it becomes way too much
Shun out ocd onset w/o fear as it gets outta control


Things to do REGULARLY if you wanna keep to Deen & enjoy life to benefitting your imaan:

Read on Duhayma Fitan
Remember good dreams
Moderately practice
Read duas
Eat & sleep on time
Spread cheerfulness
Hobby,work that you enjoy aligned with your career,ibadah,exercise,self care,hangouts,going on long drives ,healthy habits
No un necessary talks with opposite genders
*Lesser sin is better than bigger sin*
Don't struggle to keep deen.

03-23-2024, 08:19 PM
Selaam Alaykum,I would realy like to talk to amina777 in this thread, i lost my imaan and strongly believe my heart got sealed and i also hear no waswas, she the only person i found that mentiont not hearing waswas anymore. I dont know how to come in contact with her. Would really like to know if her situation got better

09-09-2024, 03:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ayten1990
Selaam Alaykum,I would realy like to talk to amina777 in this thread, i lost my imaan and strongly believe my heart got sealed and i also hear no waswas, she the only person i found that mentiont not hearing waswas anymore. I dont know how to come in contact with her. Would really like to know if her situation got better
hello, my situation is the same, has anything changed for you?

09-09-2024, 05:01 PM
Hai, batatata, i dont know how to send you a message i would like to talk to you

09-09-2024, 05:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ayten1990
Hai, batatata, i dont know how to send you a message i would like to talk to you
It’s not letting me send a message, I’m wondering if your condition got better :(

09-09-2024, 06:57 PM
No, still the same. Its been 4,5 years now. I still cant feel my
Heart and imaan. Sinds this past ramadan i am trying again but its very
Hard not knowing if there still hope or not. Did the same thing happend to you?

09-11-2024, 04:37 AM
God encompasses the lunatical disbelievers from all sides.

Repent and pray and beg God for forgiveness.

Or be among the losers (disbelievers).

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