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View Full Version : If Allah saw people of Scriptures not corrupting their books, then would He promise t

Nitro Zeus
01-03-2018, 06:45 PM
I want to know if people of Scriptures would not corrupt their belief and book then would God Almighty promise them eternal Heaven? And in present time there will be only 3 true religions which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam and a Muslim could convert to Judaism or to Christianity only and would no longer mean disbelief if he changed his religion? And it would be obligatory to choose any of these three true religions to follow? And it would be permissible for a Muslim woman to marry only from Christianity and Judaism? And why Jews hated prophet Muhammad? I don’t see any logical reason that they( Jews) hate him, but why they do this? Because, prophet Muhammad didn’t do anything bad to them only he conquered Khaybar that’s it, but he didn’t insulted anyone nor did something evil to anyone. But why they hate him? For what? Isn’t all this happened because God wanted that way to happen so that He can teach us?

Out of curiosity

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sister herb
01-03-2018, 07:02 PM
No. If people of the Scriptures would not corrupted their belief and book, they would before and now called as Muslims as they follow the only true message what is called as Islam. By the other words, if those people whose before got message from Allah and then would not change it, here wouldn´t those religions called Jewism and Christianity at all. So, Muslims at nowadays couldn´t change their belief to religions which wouldn´t never exist at all.

Nitro Zeus
01-03-2018, 07:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
No. If people of the Scriptures would not corrupted their belief and book, they would before and now called as Muslims as they follow the only true message what is called as Islam. By the other words, if those people whose before got message from Allah and then would not change it, here wouldn´t those religions called Jewism and Christianity at all. So, Muslims at nowadays couldn´t change their belief to religions which wouldn´t never exist at all.
I’m amazed of how Muslims were able to protect the belief while people of Scriptures have failed this to do, but why they failed and Muslims haven’t, Muslims keep succeeding on protecting the true belief which is there’s no God but one God and Muhammad is the prophet of God Almighty. And others(Christians and Jews) did not succeeded.

sister herb
01-03-2018, 07:15 PM
Many Jews and Christians succeeded as they found the truth and became Muslims. ;)

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Nitro Zeus
01-03-2018, 07:20 PM
Yeah that true. And now because of their fault, now God has forbidden me to pray for Him To forgive my beloved Christian grandfather because he died 10 years ago and I really wish that I can meet him in Heaven and now after I have received His message, I no longer prayed for his forgiveness because He Says, no, so I obey Him. And now, I feel the need to pray for his forgiveness but, I can’t because that would mean that I have to disobey God’s orders. Someone told me this on Islamqa, now I don’t know if this person was right or no so that I won’t get wrong message.

Nitro Zeus
01-03-2018, 07:25 PM
Oooooh, now I think I now why there’s too many polytheistic religions in this Universe, so that God can test our believes too, right? Because, God has decided to be many polytheistic religions. Am I right?

01-04-2018, 02:09 AM
It seems to be human nature to believe that your belief is the only correct belief. This is unfortunate. The Old Testament teaches that other morally sound beliefs in other cultures should also be respected. I would be interested to know what exactly the Quran has to say about this. Take my case as an example. I believe that Muhammad was a prophet but that each prophet offers a sound path. The reason that God provided multiple paths is that people vary and so different people will do better with different paths. I follow the path of the Old Testament (Moses). Now I would like someone here to show me where in the Quran it says that I am doing wrong?

eesa the kiwi
01-04-2018, 03:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
It seems to be human nature to believe that your belief is the only correct belief. This is unfortunate. The Old Testament teaches that other morally sound beliefs in other cultures should also be respected. I would be interested to know what exactly the Quran has to say about this. Take my case as an example. I believe that Muhammad was a prophet but that each prophet offers a sound path. The reason that God provided multiple paths is that people vary and so different people will do better with different paths. I follow the path of the Old Testament (Moses). Now I would like someone here to show me where in the Quran it says that I am doing wrong?

And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. 3:85

01-04-2018, 04:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by eesa the kiwi
And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. 3:85
I assume that Arabic, like Hebrew, doesn't have upper case to distinguish proper nouns. So "Islam" is "islam" which can mean either the religion of the Quran OR simply submission. If it means submission, then anyone who submits to any of God's teachings should be fine, right?

eesa the kiwi
01-04-2018, 04:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
I assume that Arabic, like Hebrew, doesn't have upper case to distinguish proper nouns. So "Islam" is "islam" which can mean either the religion of the Quran OR simply submission. If it means submission, then anyone who submits to any of God's teachings should be fine, right?
Now you're just being silly

01-04-2018, 07:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
I assume that Arabic, like Hebrew, doesn't have upper case to distinguish proper nouns. So "Islam" is "islam" which can mean either the religion of the Quran OR simply submission. If it means submission, then anyone who submits to any of God's teachings should be fine, right?
no. it means submission. But there is only one God's teaching...which is Islam...so it looks as if it has more than one meanings...but it really doesn't.

format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
It seems to be human nature to believe that your belief is the only correct belief. This is unfortunate. The Old Testament teaches that other morally sound beliefs in other cultures should also be respected. I would be interested to know what exactly the Quran has to say about this. Take my case as an example. I believe that Muhammad was a prophet but that each prophet offers a sound path. The reason that God provided multiple paths is that people vary and so different people will do better with different paths. I follow the path of the Old Testament (Moses). Now I would like someone here to show me where in the Quran it says that I am doing wrong?
There are no different paths. Islam was already there before Adam (first human being) walked the Earth. One God, teaching only one path, one religion. Every time people wandered off that one true path creating their own religion...a new prophet was sent to guide them back to the true path.

this means:
-all prophets came to teach Islam;
-every other religion is a self made religion.

That is why almost every religion can teach the same basic principles and why the same stories about some prophets can pop up in different religions.
this is not copied from the other religion...the origin is just the same.

Back to your question:
Islam also teaches to respect other religions.
The Quran promotes religious tolerance and sets the guideline for the Muslims’ interaction with people of other faiths. God says:“…There is no compulsion in religion…” (Quran 2:256)

also the hadeeths:
“Whoever kills a person who has a truce with the Muslims will never smell the fragrance of Paradise.” (Saheeh Muslim)


“Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.” (Abu Dawud)

If you have no knowledge about Islam and Muhammed (sas) or you've had no chance to gather true knowledge about it, you should be OK with following Christianism or Judaism. But if you have knowledge of Islam and Muhammed (sas) and you ignore or reject that...and instead follow an other religion...this will not be accepted.

In your case....you are here on an Islamic forum...discussing Islam with us...you have plenty of oppurtinities to discover Islam...you do the math.

02-21-2018, 03:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
I assume that Arabic, like Hebrew, doesn't have upper case to distinguish proper nouns. So "Islam" is "islam" which can mean either the religion of the Quran OR simply submission. If it means submission, then anyone who submits to any of God's teachings should be fine, right?
I found a Muslim who agrees with me:


02-21-2018, 03:34 AM
@umie : fschmidt is an ex Muslim. After becoming Muslim he visited makka and madina as well.

02-21-2018, 04:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
I assume that Arabic, like Hebrew, doesn't have upper case to distinguish proper nouns. So "Islam" is "islam" which can mean either the religion of the Quran OR simply submission. If it means submission, then anyone who submits to any of God's teachings should be fine, right?
If you read the Ayah again, you will see that Allah says 'Islam as religion', in Arabic it is Al-Islami deenan. Notice the ال before Islam, which indicates that it is a proper noun and refers to The Islam which is the Religion, not just submission. But also as umie said above, complete submission can only be through Islam because all previous scriptures also ask you to follow the last and final messenger, Muhammad :saws:

02-21-2018, 05:57 AM
@fschmidt :

Allah swt wants us to spend our lives as good human beings so that we may be placed in heaven and to facilitate it Allah swt would send his laws through chosen personalities assigned in different regions for specific period. Those who were 'submissive' to the laws as the chosen personalities taught them linguistically were 'Muslims' of that age.

After the demise of personalities only laws would remain with the people for guidance but when they corrupted and interpolated the laws, Allah swt would choose another personality ordained with the amended laws which abrogated the old laws of the predecessor who nor was supposed to be followed.

This series of laws and personalities continued for specific regions and specific people.

And when the last link of this chain of personalities and amended laws in form of Hz Muhammad s.a.w was ordained with new laws (Quran) chosen for entire world regardless of specific regions till the world further exist all the chosen personalities sent for specific regions and specific people will longer be followed nor the laws they were ordained with

02-24-2018, 01:25 PM
Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology
And whoever

REM – prefixed resumption particle
COND – conditional nounالواو استئنافية
اسم شرط

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive moodفعل مضارع مجزوم
other than

N – accusative masculine nounاسم منصوب
[the] Islam

PN – genitive masculine (form IV) verbal noun → Islamاسم علم مجرور
(as) religion

N – accusative masculine indefinite nounاسم منصوب

Regarding the grammar. Above users are correct in saying that the word is used as a proper noun here, referring to the religion Islam.

Source: This ayah 3:85 http://corpus.quran.com/treebank.jsp...rse=85&token=3
Another ayah 3:19

- - - Updated - - -

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology
And whoever

REM – prefixed resumption particle
COND – conditional nounالواو استئنافية
اسم شرط

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive moodفعل مضارع مجزوم
other than

N – accusative masculine nounاسم منصوب
[the] Islam

PN – genitive masculine (form IV) verbal noun → Islamاسم علم مجرور
(as) religion

N – accusative masculine indefinite nounاسم منصوب

Regarding the grammar. Above users are correct in saying that the word is used as a proper noun here, referring to the religion Islam.

Source: This ayah 3:85 http://corpus.quran.com/treebank.jsp...rse=85&token=3
Another ayah 3:19

03-15-2018, 05:59 AM
The argument in the video I posted isn't invalidated because Islam is a proper noun. I went back and looked at 3:85 in context, and the context is clearly set in 3:84. Today the religion of Islam means the religion that follows the Quran. But 3:84 references the previous prophets and their submission. So this means that 3:85 is referring to Islam not as it as meant today (following the Quran), but rather as the shared religion of all prophet which includes submission. So the meaning of 3:85 is that to be accepted by God, one must follow the shared general religion of Submission as described by all prophets. And this can be done without the Quran, by following other prophets, for example Moses.

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