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02-28-2018, 08:31 PM
As salaam Alaikum,

My understanding is that we only obey Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets as a Muslim and Muslima we are not allowed to obey anyone else. In fact, I understood from Islamic lecture you do not obey your parents but you listen to them and be respectful to them and do not say bad things or mean things to them and when they ask you to do something as long as it is not against the law of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and doesn't harm you or others and it is for your benefit you do it. But other times you are allowed to object in certain things and you still have the right to have your own personality and be able to do what you want and you pay for the consequences of it. So why do we say a wife is to obey her husband? I am sorta confused in this. Since we agreed that obeying is exclusive only to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets why do we say a wife is to obey her husband. I think the word obey should not be used in that context, she should listen to her husband yes and if what he ask her to do does not go against Allah's law and it does not harm herself or anyone, then yes she should do it but the word obey in itself should be exclusive to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets.

Don't you agree?

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02-28-2018, 10:22 PM
Of all your posts bashing marriage and women, I am shocked that you would take issue with the word "obey" when it comes to wives.

Allah says: "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you."

So it's not only Allah and His Messenger that we obey. The Ummah obeys the scholars, and its leaders and women obey their husbands, children obey their parents.

02-28-2018, 10:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Misbah-Abd
Of all your posts bashing marriage and women, I am shocked that you would take issue with the word "obey" when it comes to wives.

Allah says: "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you."

So it's not only Allah and His Messenger that we obey. The Ummah obeys the scholars, and its leaders and women obey their husbands, children obey their parents.
I am not bashing women and marriage. I am saying that for men nowadays in marriage he is second class citizen. He is expected to give and not receive. It is his duty to this and that, it is his obligation for this and that. He must do that and this. It is expected and no thanks in return. No thanks in return is one thing but to be bashed in media and society is another. To be stripped of all his rights in court system is another issue. To have women use children against men is another issue. To have society use men as a disposal flesh and blood is another factor. To be considered father is an idiot role is another factor. To have to deal with women's verbal and physical abuse is another factor and as a man you have to take it. She is after all..an emotional creature is another. She can strip all your wealth and take your children away from you and you live in streets as a homeless, smelly guy and no one shed a tear for you or care to help you is another factor. To be told in one side that boys are nothing more than defective broken little girls and to tell girls that you are superior than boys and then to tell men that women and men are equal is a whole ball game together.

To have laws and laws and laws and laws to destroy men through women and children and when men speak up..we get shamed and expect to shut up and take it is another universe in itself. I see no benefit for men to get married nowadays. I find it insane really. How much can you tell someone you are an idiot and a buffon and your role have no significant value, you are worthless, you are wrong, we don't need you, children are better raised by mothers, fathers don't know how to raise children, women don't need men over and over before the person say...what the F? What is the purpose and reason for me to have children and get married. I live alone and I am free! I have no nagger, no basher, no reminder again and again I am worthless. I know I am worthless. I agree I am worthless. But at least I am a happy worthless man and don't have to have a negative energy from some wife who can throw you in prison at a flick of her finger. At least this worthless, inferior, defective woman is happy living alone and can do what I like. Since my role is father is inferior I see no incentive for me to get married. Since my role as a husband is trash, I see no reason for me to get married. I see no reason to have a lineage for myself at least and I find men nowadays think otherwise in my mind at least is insane.

But thanks for answering my question. Just for all the women out there...who believe they are SUPERIOR SEX and I am the inferior sex:

I AM PROUD OF WHO I AM! I AM HAPPY I AM BORN A MALE! I WILL NOT CHANGE IT FOR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD EVEN IF Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) HAVE GIVEN ME A CHOICE TO PICK AND CHOOSE! So try to make me feel bad with your mouth, you will not win! Try to emasculate me..you may succeed but I am still proud and happy of who I am. I am better of focusing in getting to Jannaa by the mercy of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and get a wife there!! There I will be happy! Not here.

02-28-2018, 10:57 PM
Wow. Just wow....:outta:

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02-28-2018, 11:30 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

Women are to obey their husbands. A husband should know how important this role is and how impactful it is on his family.

Instead of generalizing, maybe you should keep the finger pointed at yourself. No one else's mentality is this way. You don't want to get married? That's totally fine, but don't encourage others to go against the Sunnah just because you have shortcomings in your own deen. You are divorced now, get over it. Why did you get married in the first place?
This isn't the place for your misogyny and ranting.

03-01-2018, 02:27 AM
are you joining the MGTOW group by any chance?

03-01-2018, 05:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
As salaam Alaikum,My understanding is that we only obey Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets as a Muslim and Muslima we are not allowed to obey anyone else. In fact, I understood from Islamic lecture you do not obey your parents but you listen to them and be respectful to them and do not say bad things or mean things to them and when they ask you to do something as long as it is not against the law of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and doesn't harm you or others and it is for your benefit you do it. But other times you are allowed to object in certain things and you still have the right to have your own personality and be able to do what you want and you pay for the consequences of it. So why do we say a wife is to obey her husband? I am sorta confused in this. Since we agreed that obeying is exclusive only to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets why do we say a wife is to obey her husband. I think the word obey should not be used in that context, she should listen to her husband yes and if what he ask her to do does not go against Allah's law and it does not harm herself or anyone, then yes she should do it but the word obey in itself should be exclusive to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets. Don't you agree?

03-01-2018, 10:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
As salaam Alaikum,

My understanding is that we only obey Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets as a Muslim and Muslima we are not allowed to obey anyone else. In fact, I understood from Islamic lecture you do not obey your parents but you listen to them and be respectful to them and do not say bad things or mean things to them and when they ask you to do something as long as it is not against the law of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and doesn't harm you or others and it is for your benefit you do it. But other times you are allowed to object in certain things and you still have the right to have your own personality and be able to do what you want and you pay for the consequences of it. So why do we say a wife is to obey her husband? I am sorta confused in this. Since we agreed that obeying is exclusive only to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets why do we say a wife is to obey her husband. I think the word obey should not be used in that context, she should listen to her husband yes and if what he ask her to do does not go against Allah's law and it does not harm herself or anyone, then yes she should do it but the word obey in itself should be exclusive to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his prophets.

Don't you agree?
We do not agree.
you have to obey Allah, our Messenger sas, your parents, your boss, the leaders of the country where you live, and every other leader in authority of you. this of course when it is conform Islam.
you have to trust your superiour to some degree that he / she makes the right decision and you just obey their commands.
Otherwise it would be chaos in the world.

03-08-2018, 10:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by umie
We do not agree.
you have to obey Allah, our Messenger sas, your parents, your boss, the leaders of the country where you live, and every other leader in authority of you. this of course when it is conform Islam.
you have to trust your superiour to some degree that he / she makes the right decision and you just obey their commands.
Otherwise it would be chaos in the world.
Well as time passes by however society will push more and more of stripping men's right and in other countries it is a full functioning Matriarchal society run for women exclusive. What I find fascinating though is that when it comes to men's right we accept to strip his rights, we even consider women do better job than men when comes to leadership and running society. So many say if women would have ruled the Earth there will be no war, there will be happiness, there will be peace and tranquility, there will be paradise on Earth. So many women even say they are better judgers than men, that women don't discriminate between the love of her children but men do, yet...no where are there any society comes and says we don't need mothers, if fathers where this and that, or women have to fight for her rights as a mother.

This double standard, this double whammy is what pisses me off honestly and also put in my heart and in my mind that really husband role is of no significant value and it can't compete against mother's role and that we again have the end of the stick just because we are born without the ability to have children. These are the thoughts and feelings building in my heart is just making me the way I am at this point. When it comes to men's right and value it is ok to devalue it and it is ok to strip his rights but when it comes to women's value they are to be untouched. I am highly frustrated with that to be honest.

I mean right now I see leaders in Middle East they are saying men and women are equal and that women should inherit just like the man should inherit. It is easy again and again when it comes to males we can change the rules to satisfy the whims of ourselves, but I swear had Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) reversed everything and said women are qiyamah of men, and women inherit more than men, and women are maintainer and protector of men and in addition paradise is under the feet of mother in addition that a husband need to obey his wife, and wife verbally abuse and physically abuse the husband and men in millions commit suicide.....no one will complain, women will not object, men will submit and obey until the angel blow the horn. But when it came to men have certain rights and responsibility...oh no..we can't have that! Nope! We object! Women must equal to men. Women must have the same rights as men. How come we can't say the same when it comes to parenting? Because we accept it, especially when it comes to right of females. It is highly exhausting to be honest. But you know what? I will get the satisfaction for every person who actually objects to Allah's command to be in hellfire. Justice will come and it is not that far. It will come soon and people will get exactly what they did with their hands and at that time, there will be no chivalry or feminist to chant or complain or object to Allah's ruling. Each will get what they deserve.

03-08-2018, 10:36 PM
Wow brother let it go man. Is this all you got to talk about? You need to get past whatever woman did to you in your life.

03-09-2018, 06:11 AM
I dont mean to cause offence, but all your posts here are about "evil women1!1". Maybe stop with the misogyny and blaming everyone else. Oh btw men do still have their rights thank you very much, there are no countries that are matriarchs. Im sorry for being like this but there's just a certain point to stop at.

03-09-2018, 10:41 AM
Let's start a movement which fights for men'ss rights...we can call it menimism or defeminism...oh wait..Al Bundy from married with children already leads such a movement called no ma'am:D:D:D

03-09-2018, 10:53 AM
@xboxisdead :

Why are you scared of women...?

03-09-2018, 10:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc

Why are you scared of women...?
He most likely had to be burned by one but man ya got to get over it otherwise it will eat you alive..

03-09-2018, 11:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Misbah-Abd
He most likely had to be burned by one but man ya got to get over it otherwise it will eat you alive..
Yes, he's some bitter experience.

03-09-2018, 03:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
@xboxisdead :

Why are you scared of women...?
The immature (shaming tactic) trying to challenge your masculinity is fascinating and typical. I am only scared of Allah (Subhanah Wa Talaa) I put only my trust on him. I know he will protect me and I know I will get my just through him. But honestly speaking, I would like to see what you tough man will do when Western ideology and feminism and double standard take over your country and middle east. So I am going to eat popcorn and enjoy see how you handle things out there. Perhaps you can teach me something when you are faced with court order to pay child support while your ex-wife prevent you from seeing the children and turning the kids against you and court and society approve of this action. I would like to see how you behave then. Would you come back and mock other men, I wonder? I am also fascinated what you will do if your wife beat you up and you cannot lay a finger at her or do anything to her while she goes max to provoke you to hit her or do a stupid movie. I am fascinated honestly what awesome lesson you can teach men. You should make a video and make a course for us men to watch and observe. After all, this will not be scripted. This will be you, your real life, your real personal life. I am also fascinated how you will behave when your role as a whole is under attack by society, where every direction you go from media to school to law and to family you are not appreciated, but also devalued and made a mockery off. By all means, mister strong with big feathers puffed behind your back like a nice peacock, teach us men how to do it with a smile.

No, I am not scared. Because I will get satisfaction in day of judgement that for every verbal and physically abusive woman and man out there whether that victim is another woman or man, or every man or woman who mock and make fun of another man or woman instead of helping the situation in the day of judgement whether that mockery is verbal or behind a computer keyboard they will be accounted for their action, they will be punished for their action, so no. I am not scared. I am actually laughing. But I also get satisfaction that victim in the day of judgement will have Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) to back him up and that victim whether it is being a man or a woman or a girl or a boy or an elderly woman or an elderly man to get as much as possible the rewards and good deeds of the person who wronged him or her in this world. That my brother is what gives me strength and courage.

I am curious, by the way. I am sure it may happen today as well, but back then little boys in USA where stripped from their mother's sulking as babies and while babies where sexually raped and molested. What is your opinion on that? Do you think that is funny? Do you tell that child, get over it. Be a man. Or do you shame that child and call him gay, fag or homosexual or do you ignore it, since after all it is only a male child. I am fascinated what will you do if your son get raped or beaten. Now I know I am not that victim, but I am observing what people will do to others of exact same situation just change the gender. What I observe and see, truly open my eyes. You know why I care to see what happens to a stranger of the same gender as me who is a victim of a bad situation? Because this could happen to me and I worry if I see victims who have the same body makeup as me get treated this way, that I will be treated exactly the same way. So I talk about it. By the way, your shaming tactic over there is further enforcing the stereo type that men should not express their feelings and whatever happens to them they should buckle it up and be strong and move on which in the end will come against them in health and mental capacity and then society will simply say there will be more of him around, he is a replaceable commodity and repeat the cycle. We will live happily ever after like that thinking this is the way of life. Thanks bro! Thanks for enforcing such stereo type! You make a great brother you know!

03-09-2018, 04:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
The immature (shaming tactic) trying to challenge your masculinity is fascinating and typical. I am only scared of Allah (Subhanah Wa Talaa) I put only my trust on him. I know he will protect me and I know I will get my just through him. But honestly speaking, I would like to see what you tough man will do when Western ideology and feminism and double standard take over your country and middle east. So I am going to eat popcorn and enjoy see how you handle things out there. Perhaps you can teach me something when you are faced with court order to pay child support while your ex-wife prevent you from seeing the children and turning the kids against you and court and society approve of this action. I would like to see how you behave then. Would you come back and mock other men, I wonder? I am also fascinated what you will do if your wife beat you up and you cannot lay a finger at her or do anything to her while she goes max to provoke you to hit her or do a stupid movie. I am fascinated honestly what awesome lesson you can teach men. You should make a video and make a course for us men to watch and observe. After all, this will not be scripted. This will be you, your real life, your real personal life. I am also fascinated how you will behave when your role as a whole is under attack by society, where every direction you go from media to school to law and to family you are not appreciated, but also devalued and made a mockery off. By all means, mister strong with big feathers puffed behind your back like a nice peacock, teach us men how to do it with a smile.No, I am not scared. Because I will get satisfaction in day of judgement that for every verbal and physically abusive woman and man out there whether that victim is another woman or man, or every man or woman who mock and make fun of another man or woman instead of helping the situation in the day of judgement whether that mockery is verbal or behind a computer keyboard they will be accounted for their action, they will be punished for their action, so no. I am not scared. I am actually laughing. But I also get satisfaction that victim in the day of judgement will have Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) to back him up and that victim whether it is being a man or a woman or a girl or a boy or an elderly woman or an elderly man to get as much as possible the rewards and good deeds of the person who wronged him or her in this world. That my brother is what gives me strength and courage. I am curious, by the way. I am sure it may happen today as well, but back then little boys in USA where stripped from their mother's sulking as babies and while babies where sexually raped and molested. What is your opinion on that? Do you think that is funny? Do you tell that child, get over it. Be a man. Or do you shame that child and call him gay, fag or homosexual or do you ignore it, since after all it is only a male child. I am fascinated what will you do if your son get raped or beaten. Now I know I am not that victim, but I am observing what people will do to others of exact same situation just change the gender. What I observe and see, truly open my eyes. You know why I care to see what happens to a stranger of the same gender as me who is a victim of a bad situation? Because this could happen to me and I worry if I see victims who have the same body makeup as me get treated this way, that I will be treated exactly the same way. So I talk about it. By the way, your shaming tactic over there is further enforcing the stereo type that men should not express their feelings and whatever happens to them they should buckle it up and be strong and move on which in the end will come against them in health and mental capacity and then society will simply say there will be more of him around, he is a replaceable commodity and repeat the cycle. We will live happily ever after like that thinking this is the way of life. Thanks bro! Thanks for enforcing such stereo type! You make a great brother you know!
My wife is my best friend. Respect the women and they will respect you more than you respect them.

03-09-2018, 07:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
My wife is my best friend. Respect the women and they will respect you more than you respect them.
Respect is something earned and not because what is between your leg and that applies for both gender. However, if I do meet a woman I will start neutral toward her and it is up to her and in the way she act, dress and behave will determine whether I will respect her or not. If she walks naked in the street and swears like a sailor and acts a fool...sorry no respect here. And if she get beaten up by bunch of men because of her mouth, I will simply smile and walk away. However, if she dresses modest and act civilize and is nice and of good character by all means not only will I respect her but if there is an evil force coming at her and she needs help I will die to protect her even if she is not my wife. Don't expect me to respect someone if that person does not do anything to earn it. It is that simple.

I dont mean to cause offence, but all your posts here are about "evil women1!1". Maybe stop with the misogyny and blaming everyone else. Oh btw men do still have their rights thank you very much, there are no countries that are matriarchs. Im sorry for being like this but there's just a certain point to stop at.
You should see what men go through every single day and night in TV and in media and social programs and how taught in schools and universities, men are evil women are good, men are bad women are good and how bad, bad, bad, bad, bad ,bad bad, bad ,bad, bad men are. It stinks when it is the other way around now isn't it? Tell me if it is not true when you turn a tv show and not see endless and endless and endless cycle of man bashing, look at commercials in TV and look how men are portrait. I don't see you coming out there and fighting against that. As long as it is man being bashed it is ok, isn't it?

03-09-2018, 07:34 PM
Brother, something tells me when you meet a woman she is going to run for the hills like this....:outta:

03-09-2018, 07:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
Respect is something earned and not because what is between your leg and that applies for both gender. However, if I do meet a woman I will start neutral toward her and it is up to her and in the way she act, dress and behave will determine whether I will respect her or not. If she walks naked in the street and swears like a sailor and acts a fool...sorry no respect here. And if she get beaten up by bunch of men because of her mouth, I will simply smile and walk away. However, if she dresses modest and act civilize and is nice and of good character by all means not only will I respect her but if there is an evil force coming at her and she needs help I will die to protect her even if she is not my wife. Don't expect me to respect someone if that person does not do anything to earn it. It is that simple.

You should see what men go through every single day and night in TV and in media and social programs and how taught in schools and universities, men are evil women are good, men are bad women are good and how bad, bad, bad, bad, bad ,bad bad, bad ,bad, bad men are. It stinks when it is the other way around now isn't it? Tell me if it is not true when you turn a tv show and not see endless and endless and endless cycle of man bashing, look at commercials in TV and look how men are portrait. I don't see you coming out there and fighting against that. As long as it is man being bashed it is ok, isn't it?
You're not going to respect someone by how they dress? Does that mean that you also judge men that way too? Respect is deserved of everyone my friend. So does that mean if youd seen me in my prehijab days you wouldnt respect me..?

03-09-2018, 07:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cinnamonrolls1
You're not going to respect someone by how they dress? Does that mean that you also judge men that way too? Respect is deserved of everyone my friend. So does that mean if youd seen me in my prehijab days you wouldnt respect me..?
You'll laugh if she gets beaten up by a bunch of men? Im sorry but somethings quite not right here. Since when do clothes and language determine how we treat people? A big part of Islam is how we respect and treat others.

03-09-2018, 07:38 PM
@xboxisdead . I dont bash on people because of their gender. Iv never personally been taught that all men.are bad and i dont.hold that belief. Maybe some people believe it but i dont think theyd somehow teach jt at a university. You seem to have a real thing with women my friend.

03-09-2018, 11:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cinnamonrolls1
You're not going to respect someone by how they dress? Does that mean that you also judge men that way too? Respect is deserved of everyone my friend. So does that mean if youd seen me in my prehijab days you wouldnt respect me..?

Does that mean you respect hitler, murders, rapists, thieves, liars? Does that mean you respect the president of Egypt? Does that mean you respect Donald Trump? Does that mean you respect feminist? Does that mean you respect people who verbally abuse their spouses or children? Let me ask you a question, do you respect Pharaoh when he disbelieved in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and then Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) drowned him in the ocean? Respect is something you need to work and earn it and you also need to work hard to keep it. You need to have good character, you need to put into society and make people respect you by your tongue and action. Yes, I do judge people in how they dress and that applies to both men and women. If I run a business and some guy comes to me with muhak hair, chest showing shirt and tattoos with earrings I will not hire him. This is old news in that people judge you by your looks. Yes, dress is as important as your character. If you go to a job interview with torn shoes and you smell and yellow teeth guaranteed you will not get hired. Same applies to both gender. Again it shows when I am targeting it to women there are billion excuses to defy what we logically apply to men by default. That is exhausting. Yes and yes and yes a trillion percent yes, people are judged by how they look, how they smell, their weight, their personality and everything. Sorry, I did not formulate these rules...this is called Sunnat al-qayum. This is the law that is put in here. Whether you take it or leave it is up to you.

And yes I judge men equally the same as I judge women in fact 30 x more for men than women. If some guy he look like he is about to slit my throat but in fact he is a good husband and a good father and and and...and he prays 5 prayers but he look like he is about to slit my throat and he is coming my way...I am running...running in the other direction.


That is not only taught in University but also taught in media. Turn on any TV show you watch in Canada/USA and tell me what you see? Non-stop man bashing. Problem is..it is done so much we normalize it and believe that is what men are so we don't consider it man bashing at all. Is it not true in TVs men are portrait idiot, buffon, etc. Watch Rosan and Murphy Brown. Those are all great examples of man bashing. Just because where you live is not there it doesn't mean it is not happening.

I will laugh if her mouth is what got her there. If she keeps pushing the man and assaulting him and he explodes and retaliate..yes I will laugh. Remember, the tongue is the most deadliest weapon on Earth much more than biological weapon and woman can out talk any man, so that means she can really slice a man or woman using her tongue and if she keeps pushing him and pushing with her tongue,shouting at him, insulting him, belittling him and he tries to move away from her and she comes at his fist to cause him to fight her and he explodes eventually...yes I will laugh at her. In fact, I will say..she deserved it. Better she get punished here than in the afterlife that is what I say.

In answering your question, if you walk in the same cloth and style as the kufar and have semi hijab (by the way hijab is not defined just the hair. Hijab is defined on the entire body. I have seeing Hjiabi girls walking on the street in front of my eyes and they are Muslims but with super tight pants. I did not disrespect them in my thoughts at all even though I did not talk to them, but I felt sorry for them. Because they are the ones that is talked about in Ahadit where woman are wearing cloth but naked and they cannot smell the fragrance of Jannah and I felt really bad for them. The thought in my mind and heart was attacking the parents. They neglected their duties) I will not think of you as Muslim at first until I talk to you. Same if a man walks with a tattoo and have a cross on his chest but he is Muslim I will think of him as Kafir and Mushrik even though he prays five prayers and he is a sheikh. But how would I know if he is muslim when have cleaned shaven beard and wears a cross with earrings, how would i know that? Just because a woman walks with semi hijab and have tight pants and shows 50% of the hair does not mean it is not the same style of non-Muslim woman who walks in the street. How do I know you are Muslim or not without talking to you. I do not talk to strange woman at all. I do not look at stranger woman at all. If woman walks half naked I look the other away and ignore her. I have made it to age 38 and I have had not one single sexual lawsuit against me. Ones I feel there is an uncomfortable energy...I move the other way around. I also tend to avoid being with a woman in the elevator alone (in public places). I only make friends with other men of my age and on skype I only have my family and male friends.

I like it that way and I prefer it that way. As for commenting any future wife will need to run away from me that is not a problem...no woman will ever have to do deal with me because I aint marrying or looking for one, so problem solves itself.

03-09-2018, 11:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
Does that mean you respect hitler, murders, rapists, thieves, liars? Does that mean you respect the president of Egypt? Does that mean you respect Donald Trump? Does that mean you respect feminist? Does that mean you respect people who verbally abuse their spouses or children? Let me ask you a question, do you respect Pharaoh when he disbelieved in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and then Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) drowned him in the ocean? Respect is something you need to work and earn it and you also need to work hard to keep it. You need to have good character, you need to put into society and make people respect you by your tongue and action. Yes, I do judge people in how they dress and that applies to both men and women. If I run a business and some guy comes to me with muhak hair, chest showing shirt and tattoos with earrings I will not hire him. This is old news in that people judge you by your looks. Yes, dress is as important as your character. If you go to a job interview with torn shoes and you smell and yellow teeth guaranteed you will not get hired. Same applies to both gender. Again it shows when I am targeting it to women there are billion excuses to defy what we logically apply to men by default. That is exhausting. Yes and yes and yes a trillion percent yes, people are judged by how they look, how they smell, their weight, their personality and everything. Sorry, I did not formulate these rules...this is called Sunnat al-qayum. This is the law that is put in here. Whether you take it or leave it is up to you.

And yes I judge men equally the same as I judge women in fact 30 x more for men than women. If some guy he look like he is about to slit my throat but in fact he is a good husband and a good father and and and...and he prays 5 prayers but he look like he is about to slit my throat and he is coming my way...I am running...running in the other direction.

That is not only taught in University but also taught in media. Turn on any TV show you watch in Canada/USA and tell me what you see? Non-stop man bashing. Problem is..it is done so much we normalize it and believe that is what men are so we don't consider it man bashing at all. Is it not true in TVs men are portrait idiot, buffon, etc. Watch Rosan and Murphy Brown. Those are all great examples of man bashing. Just because where you live is not there it doesn't mean it is not happening.

I will laugh if her mouth is what got her there. If she keeps pushing the man and assaulting him and he explodes and retaliate..yes I will laugh. Remember, the tongue is the most deadliest weapon on Earth much more than biological weapon and woman can out talk any man, so that means she can really slice a man or woman using her tongue and if she keeps pushing him and pushing with her tongue,shouting at him, insulting him, belittling him and he tries to move away from her and she comes at his fist to cause him to fight her and he explodes eventually...yes I will laugh at her. In fact, I will say..she deserved it. Better she get punished here than in the afterlife that is what I say.
I think theres a difference between respecting a "normal" person and a dictator or criminal etc. You didnt make it very clear you were talking about a woman being violent etc in which case fair enough i dont agree with violence from both genders but fair enough. I dont watch canadian and us tv so maybe im not seeing what you're saying but fine okay i get your point. I just think you're taking it too far.

03-09-2018, 11:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cinnamonrolls1
I think theres a difference between respecting a "normal" person and a dictator or criminal etc. You didnt make it very clear you were talking about a woman being violent etc in which case fair enough i dont agree with violence from both genders but fair enough. I dont watch canadian and us tv so maybe im not seeing what you're saying but fine okay i get your point. I just think you're taking it too far.
I dont wish to continue this but i heard your opinion you heard mines, lets call it a day

03-09-2018, 11:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cinnamonrolls1
I dont wish to continue this but i heard your opinion you heard mines, lets call it a day
Done! I want to call it a day myself :D It is exhausting for me anyways! I want to focus in Akhira really, this world is all an illusion anyways. A shadow. A combination of evil and good and prison for Muslims. So yeah...I may be 100% wrong and I admit it too but I am done too! Sorry about all this but yeah I am finished in this topic, whatever happens, really happens. All of this is written on the board 50,000 years ago before I was created anyways...

muslim brother
03-09-2018, 11:45 PM
we obey allah taala
we fulfill the rights of allahs creation as commanded by allah taala

03-09-2018, 11:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
Done! I want to call it a day myself :D It is exhausting for me anyways! I want to focus in Akhira really, this world is all an illusion anyways. A shadow. A combination of evil and good and prison for Muslims. So yeah...I may be 100% wrong and I admit it too but I am done too! Sorry about all this but yeah I am finished in this topic, whatever happens, really happens. All of this is written on the board 50,000 years ago before I was created anyways...
Haha definately! I want to apologise for my arrogance and defensiveness brother. I totallyyy get your point now akhi, please forgive me if i caused any offence.

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