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View Full Version : Share your worldview?

03-11-2018, 05:23 PM

I'm taking a class on Christian apologetics - and as part, I need to find a non-christian to interview to discuss their “worldview.” As I’m interested in the differences between Christianity and Islam, I figured I’d try to interview a Muslim. But sadly, I have no Muslim friends to discuss this with...

Is there anyone here willing to share with me their viewpoint on the big questions - where we came from, morality, destiny, and the general meaning of life? This isn’t meant to be a debate, just a chance to explore another religion and to try to understand what they believe.

If you're interested, the general questions I’m interested in asking are below. No need to answer them all, just conversation starters.

If using private messages is better, please let me know.


  • How do you think we got here - how did humans originate?
  • Where did the universe/world come from? Big Bang, created by God, other?


  • What do you think the purpose of life is?
  • Does human life have meaning? If so, what gives that meaning?
  • Are humans more significant than other creatures? Are we special? Why?


  • Why do we have moral ethics? Why do some things ‘seem’ bad (like murder)
  • Do good and bad exist? How do you determine what is good or bad?
  • Are good and evil subjective or universal/absolute?
  • What is a just punishment for sin?


  • What happens to us after death?
  • Do you believe in a heaven or hell?
  • If so, how do you get there? Is there anything specific you have to do or believe

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03-11-2018, 10:05 PM
Interesting questions. I will answer later to best of my knowledge and understanding. I am revert I have a lot to learn still.

'Abd-al Latif
03-11-2018, 11:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Max894

I'm taking a class on Christian apologetics - and as part, I need to find a non-christian to interview to discuss their “worldview.” As I’m interested in the differences between Christianity and Islam, I figured I’d try to interview a Muslim. But sadly, I have no Muslim friends to discuss this with...

Is there anyone here willing to share with me their viewpoint on the big questions - where we came from, morality, destiny, and the general meaning of life? This isn’t meant to be a debate, just a chance to explore another religion and to try to understand what they believe.

If you're interested, the general questions I’m interested in asking are below. No need to answer them all, just conversation starters.

If using private messages is better, please let me know.


  • How do you think we got here - how did humans originate?
  • Where did the universe/world come from? Big Bang, created by God, other?


  • What do you think the purpose of life is?
  • Does human life have meaning? If so, what gives that meaning?
  • Are humans more significant than other creatures? Are we special? Why?


  • Why do we have moral ethics? Why do some things ‘seem’ bad (like murder)
  • Do good and bad exist? How do you determine what is good or bad?
  • Are good and evil subjective or universal/absolute?
  • What is a just punishment for sin?


  • What happens to us after death?
  • Do you believe in a heaven or hell?
  • If so, how do you get there? Is there anything specific you have to do or believe
Just to be absolutely clear, all answers below are in brief summary form. All explanations have the potential to go into enormous depth so do ask questions for anything you're unclear about.

  1. We are the creation of Almighty God. We call Him Allah. The 'Al' in Arabic means 'the' and the word 'lah' means 'One who is worshipped'. The two put together 'Allah' means The One and only being that deserves to be worshipped. We do not worship any created being, whether it be Jesus, Muhammad, or anyone/anything else;
  2. The universe was created by Allah. It might have been brought about by a Big Bang but how it all happened isn't really relevant.

  1. In a nutshell, the purpose of life is worship Allah alone without any partners. Allah says in the Qur'an that He created us only so that we could worship Him. This is a huge topic that we can talk about in great detail.
  2. Allah says in the Qur'an that He did not create the heavens and the earth in vain or without purpose. Our 'meaning' is to worship Allah alone, internally via belief and externally via actions.
  3. Human beings are considered the greatest creation of Allah due to our intellect. No other creation has the intellectual ability like human beings.

  1. As human beings, we are unable to truly distinguish what's good for us and what isn't. The One who created us knows better than we do and therefore real mortality is found only in the Qur'an and the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). All human beings are created with an innate sense of right and wrong but it isn't a complete code of ethics and morals. Whenever we do what Allah asks of us we feel at peace inside because we've obeyed our creator and the opposite is also true. We may, for instance, find murder and rape deplorable by our very nature because this is how god has created us.
  2. All that is good is found within Islam as nothing has been left out. In short, some rules in Islam are general to allow for issues within every time and era to be address. For instance, smoking isn't specifically mentioned as something forbidden but one is prohibited from harming one's own body by any means. Thus, this would automatically include smoking and therefore it's forbidden in Islam.
  3. Allah prefers to forgive than to punish. The best course of action after committing any sin is to repent. Allah forgives all sins.

  1. There are two stages after death. A) the grave and B) the afterlife. The grave signifies an end to one's deeds. No deed is accepted after this. This stage is a pitstop until the final hour arrives. In the afterlife, one is awoken from one's grave and re-created exactly as you were in this earthly life. Your deeds then determine your end in hell-fire or paradise.
  2. It is a part of one's belief to believe in heaven and hell. If one denies their existence then he or she is not considered a Muslim.
  3. In a nutshell, worship Allah alone and one will enter paradise. It's literally and simple as that.

03-12-2018, 01:10 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
How do you think we got here - how did humans originate?

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Where did the universe/world come from? Big Bang, created by God, other?

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
What do you think the purpose of life is?
To worship Allah by being a moral person

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Does human life have meaning? If so, what gives that meaning?
Indeed Allah Gives it meaning through Revelation and the signs in the Universe

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Are humans more significant than other creatures? Are we special? Why?
Yep - Humans are the Vicegerents of Allah on earth.

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Why do we have moral ethics? Why do some things ‘seem’ bad (like murder)
Allah is the Moral anchor which makes Morality Objective.

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Do good and bad exist? How do you determine what is good or bad?
What pleases Allah is Good and what Displeases Allah swt is bad. Allah is the ultimate determinate of morality.

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Are good and evil subjective or universal/absolute?
They are Objective because of Allah as the moral anchor

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
What is a just punishment for sin?
Allah decides the all Just

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
What happens to us after death?
we come from Allah and we return to Allah after we die where we get Judged on the day of Resurrection.

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
Do you believe in a heaven or hell?

format_quote Originally Posted by Max894
If so, how do you get there? Is there anything specific you have to do or believe
By the Grace and mercy of Allah

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03-12-2018, 02:34 AM

How do you think we got here - how did humans originate?

  • 40:67 It is He who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot; then He brings you out as a child; then [He develops you] that you reach your [time of] maturity, then [further] that you become elders. And among you is he who is taken in death before [that], so that you reach a specified term; and perhaps you will use reason.
  • Where did the universe/world come from? Big Bang, created by God, other?
    21:30 Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?


  • What do you think the purpose of life is?
    51:56 And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.
  • Does human life have meaning? If so, what gives that meaning?
    meaning of life in this world
    67:2 He who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving
  • Are humans more significant than other creatures? Are we special? Why?
    2:30 Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."


  • Why do we have moral ethics? Why do some things ‘seem’ bad (like murder)
    All knowledge comes from Allah. e.g. the knowledge that Allah is Our Lord
    • And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware."
    • 2:32 They (the angels) said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."

  • Do good and bad exist? How do you determine what is good or bad?
    Yes and the best way to determine is by Allah's guidance

    2:213 Mankind was [of] one religion [before their deviation]; then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed. And none differed over the Scripture except those who were given it – after the clear proofs came to them – out of jealous animosity among themselves. And Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed, by His permission. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path

2:177 Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.

  • Are good and evil subjective or universal/absolute?
    Both. Guidance by Allah is universal, because He is the One and Only Creator. Only Allah has the power and the right to set rules and conditions by which all creations live. But He does not burden any soul beyond its ability.
    He guides us to good, and if we do not follow, Allah Most Knowing the reason why, He knows our limitations, the circumstances we are in, what we are and are not able to do at any given time, what we intend and do not intend. On judgement Day, I will be questioned about my deeds and you will be asked of your deeds.
  • 2:286 Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."
  • What is a just punishment for sin?
    The just punishment for each sin is as determined by Allah, Sovereign of Judgement Day. Some punishments are described in the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa salaam


  • What happens to us after death?
    After the soul leaves the body, it will be taken to 1st gate of heaven. If it receives warm greeting, it will be taken to higher level of heaven until Allah says This is righteous soul and then the soul will go into barzakh with ease and experiencing bliss until Judgement day. If it does not receive warm greeting, it will not be taken to higher level and will be dropped with force to barzakh and punishment in the grave will start and continue until Judgement day. Once the soul enters barzakh, it cannot leave / return to the world of the living. In the Quran, Allah mentioned Illiyin and Sijjilin, probably both are types of barzakh (world of the soul) one for those who enjoy the reward and one is for those who are punished.

  • Do you believe in a heaven or hell?
    Yes. Jannah = Paradise (Allah's Mercy) and Jahannam = Hell (Allah's wrath)

  • If so, how do you get there? Is there anything specific you have to do or believe
    Allah grants mercy to whoever He wills, but since Islam is the only religion accepted by Allah then it is the only way one can hope to obtain His mercy. Anyone who sincerely believes “ There is no God except Allah “ before death, has more chance to obtain His Mercy than those who don't believe. Those who believe and do good deeds have even more chance of His mercy.
  • 3:19 Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them – out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah , then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account.


03-13-2018, 01:23 AM
Thank you all for your thoughtful answers! Extremely helpful. It seems like there are some interesting similarities between Christianity and Islam. I'll need to do some more thinking and digging.

03-13-2018, 07:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Max894

I'm taking a class on Christian apologetics - and as part, I need to find a non-christian to interview to discuss their “worldview.” As I’m interested in the differences between Christianity and Islam, I figured I’d try to interview a Muslim. But sadly, I have no Muslim friends to discuss this with...

Is there anyone here willing to share with me their viewpoint on the big questions - where we came from, morality, destiny, and the general meaning of life? This isn’t meant to be a debate, just a chance to explore another religion and to try to understand what they believe.

If you're interested, the general questions I’m interested in asking are below. No need to answer them all, just conversation starters.

If using private messages is better, please let me know.


  • How do you think we got here - how did humans originate?
  • Where did the universe/world come from? Big Bang, created by God, other?


  • What do you think the purpose of life is?
  • Does human life have meaning? If so, what gives that meaning?
  • Are humans more significant than other creatures? Are we special? Why?


  • Why do we have moral ethics? Why do some things ‘seem’ bad (like murder)
  • Do good and bad exist? How do you determine what is good or bad?
  • Are good and evil subjective or universal/absolute?
  • What is a just punishment for sin?


  • What happens to us after death?
  • Do you believe in a heaven or hell?
  • If so, how do you get there? Is there anything specific you have to do or believe

Homo sapiens were created by Allah (the word for God in Arabic) and did not evolve from apes. There is no problem Islamically with saying other creatures came about by evolution though (as far as I know), so long as you still affirm Allah caused it to occur.

The universe was created by Allah, and he may have done it using the big bang if that is what science says.

The purpose of life is to worship Allah. This is includes actual prayers (we call it salah) as well as good deeds in general, e.g giving charity.

We have meaning because Allah has already told us what our purpose is, as explained in the previous point.

We are special as Allah has blessed us with great intelligence, which gives us the ability to ponder our existence and do more than just follow our instincts. We can compose beautiful poetry, draw magnificent paintings, perform terrific plays, etc. We are truly the most blessed of creation on the planet.

A lot of ethics are merely adopted from the surrounding society in my opinion. Most things only seem bad because that is what society has told you is bad, however, I do believe some ethics are universal and come naturally.

Certain things are absolute, but many things are also subjective.

If one does not sincerely repent for their sins, the punishment is whatever Allah deems fit. Certain sins do have punishments under sharia (Islamic law), but they are a select few and the punishment is only carried out if there are several witnesses or someone confesses.

After we die, we enter a temporary state of rest before we face Allah on the day of judgement, and are either put into heaven or hell.

As explained in my last point, Muslims do believe in heaven and hell.

Bad people go to hell, good Muslims to to heaven. Bad Muslims also go to heaven eventually, after being punished in hell for their sins (this punishment only occurs if they did not sincerely repent before their death). Non Muslims however are damned to hell for eternity, unless they were unaware of Islam or were not presented a proper version of Islam, in which case, they are given a mini test which if they pass, they go to heaven. If not, they stay in hell forever. The good deeds of a person (Muslim or not) can make hell less painful (but it will still sting).

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