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View Full Version : It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

سيف الله
04-17-2018, 10:34 PM

This is troubling. Is American society fracturing beyond what is sustainable?

It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

Divorce is hard, but it’s easier than cutting the brake lines on your wife’s car. It is long past time for an amicable divorce of the United States of America. There is simply no common ground with the Left anymore. We are now the couple screaming at each other all night, every night as the kids hide in their room.

We cannot come together, but we do not have to live like this. The history of the world is nations breaking up and redrawing their borders. If we want to avoid this political divide turning into a deadly one, we should do likewise.

Stop clinging to the past and acknowledge where we are as a country, not where you want us to be, not where things were when your grandpa was storming the beaches of Normandy. Where we truly are.

We are a nation hopelessly divided. We are more divided now than we have ever been in our history. And before you start screaming at me about the Civil War, keep in mind that bloody conflict was fought over one major issue. In those days, take ten families from New York and ten families from Alabama, put them all in a room, and you’d find they mostly had the same values (and bad accents).

Now, fast-forward to today and do that same thing. Those families have virtually nothing in common. We as a nation have polarized and separated from each other.

Anyone who thinks this is a radical idea has an extremely narrow view of history. If you don’t believe me, go try to book a plane ticket to Czechoslovakia, or look at a map of Europe from the year 1600, then look at one today. See any differences? Borders move. Countries split and change hands. They do this for a myriad of reasons. Ours would be a major cultural shift toward the left and half the country refusing to go along with tyranny.

The rest here


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04-18-2018, 07:32 PM
There's one major problem with such a proposal though: There is no way to draw the border without leaving large minorities of the other side on both sides of the border. That's because, even if the divide is usually presented as one between blue states and red states, that's a deceptive one. The real divide is between liberal urban populations and conservative rural populations. Looking at voting results county by county, rather than state by state, shows this.

سيف الله
08-20-2018, 10:29 PM

This is related.


WotW examines an extraordinary article about the loss of Western identity and culture. Is it too late to turn things round?


08-21-2018, 01:15 AM
Im gen z and i don't feel a sense of culture in me either [emoji45]

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08-21-2018, 07:52 AM
Culture is a weird yet descriptive term, when i think of it - i think of yoghurt, yeast, the rothschilds, the economist, the economists "obituary of God" - and wonder if running the show through deception and usury got a bit intoxicating.






Then i also think of the positive and truthful culture based on Justice in God's sight inculcated and established with much personal sacrifice by the Messenger of Allah :saws: and the companions in alMadinah - with the assistance of Allah :swt:

Culture is quite a rich term which needs pondering on when looking at society and raising children.

سيف الله
10-27-2018, 01:02 AM

Another update

The United States of Empire

We’re getting close to the end now. Can you feel it? I do. It’s in the news, on the streets, and in your face every day. You can’t tune it out anymore, even if you wanted to.

Where once there was civil debate in the court of public opinion, we now have censorship, monopoly, screaming, insults, demonization, and, finally, the use of force to silence the opposition. There is no turning back now. The political extremes are going to war, and you will be dragged into it even if you consider yourself apolitical.

There are great pivot points in history, and we’ve arrived at one. The United States, ruptured by a thousand grievance groups, torn by shadowy agencies drunk on a gross excess of power, robbed blind by oligarchs and their treasonous henchmen and decimated by frivolous wars of choice, has finally come to a point where the end begins in earnest. The center isn’t holding… indeed, finding a center is no longer even conceivable. We are the schizophrenic nation, bound by no societal norms, constrained by no religion, with no shared sense of history, myth, language, art, philosophy, music, or culture, rushing toward an uncertain future fueled by nothing more than easy money, hubris, and sheer momentum.

There comes a time when hard choices must be made…when it is no longer possible to remain aloof or amused, because the barbarians have arrived at the gate. Indeed, they are here now, and they often look a whole lot like deracinated, conflicted, yet bellicose fellow Americans, certain of only one thing, and that is that they possess “rights”, even though they could scarcely form an intelligible sentence explaining exactly what those rights secure or how they came into being. But that isn’t necessary, from their point of view, you see. All they need is a “voice” and membership in an approved victim class to enrich themselves at someone else’s expense. If you are thinking to yourself right now that this does not describe you, then guess what? The joke’s on you, and you are going to be expected to pay the bill…that “someone else” is you.

In reality, though, who can blame the minions, when the elites have their hand in the till as well? In fact, they are even more hostile to reasoned discourse than Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, or Antifa. Witness the complete meltdown of the privileged classes when President Trump mildly suggested that perhaps our “intelligence community” isn’t to be trusted, which is after all a fairly sober assessment when one considers the track record of the CIA, FBI, NSA, BATF, and the other assorted Stasi agencies. Burning cop cars or bum-rushing the odd Trump supporter seems kind of tame in comparison to the weeping and gnashing of teeth when that hoary old MIC “intelligence” vampire was dragged screaming into the light. Yet Trump did not drive a stake into its heart, nor at this point likely can anyone…and that is exactly the point. We are now Thelma and Louise writ large. We are on cruise control, happily speeding towards the cliff, and few seem to notice that our not so distant future involves bankruptcy, totalitarianism, and/or nuclear annihilation. Even though most of us couldn’t identify the band, we nonetheless surely live the lyrics of the Grass Roots: “Live for today, and don’t worry about tomorrow.”

The “Defense” Department, “Homeland” Security, big pharma, big oil, big education, civil rights groups, blacks, Indians, Jews, the Deep State, government workers, labor unions, Neocons, Populists, fundamentalist Christians, atheists, pro life and pro death advocates, environmentalists, lawyers, homosexuals, women, Millenials, Baby Boomers, blue collar/white collar, illegal aliens…the list goes on and on, but the point is that the conflicting agendas of these disparate groups have been irreconcilable for some time. The difference today is that we are de facto at war with each other, and whether it is a war of words or of actual combat doesn’t matter at the moment. What matters is that we no longer communicate, and when that happens it is easy to demonize the other side. Violence is never far behind ignorance.


سيف الله
11-06-2018, 07:39 PM

Like to share.

Comparison between the decline of the American Empire and the Roman Empire.


سيف الله
11-13-2018, 11:22 PM

Another update

I am not even remotely a Trump supporter, but I do think that he has managed to expose the spectrum of Western political morbidity, both left and right. Trump is the ultimate post-political icon – the symptom as well as the disease.

For the last four decades, the West has been subjected to an intense cultural and social revolution. The cause of “social justice” has made some fundamental changes in Western society. Elementary rights, such as the freedom to think openly, have been eradicated and replaced by a strict regime of correctness. In retrospect, it was reasonable to believe that there was little significant resistance to these social justice heroes. During that time it seemed that their agenda had prevailed. Just five years ago it looked as if the tyranny of correctness was here to stay. But then, unexpectedly, the tide changed.

First the Scottish referendum told us know that every other Scot wanted to separate from the United Kingdom. Soon afterwards, half of the British people voted to split from the European Union, and then, totally unexpectedly, Trump won the presidential election.

It was Trump’s victory that really brought the identity war to the fore. For whatever reason, it was Trump and his combative rhetoric that most clearly exposed the demarcation line that divides the West.

America, like the rest of the West, is split into identitarians and nationalists. Identitarians identify politically with their symptoms. These symptoms may be ethnic or cultural but most often are biological (skin colour, sexual orientation, gender, race, etc.). Nationalists, on the other hand, are people who identify politically with a piece of geography that is defined by their national borders.

Nationalists are not necessarily right-wing. As I explore in my recent book, Being in Time – A Post Political Manifesto, Trump’s nationalist populism shares some characteristics with left icons such as Bernie Sanders and the populism of British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. These politicians resist divisive Identitarian ideologies. Steve Bannon, the bete noir of liberal America, explored this idea in a recent televised debate: “It is not a question whether populism is on the rise… the only question before us is whether it is going to be populist nationalism or populist socialism…”

Populism is back everywhere, which raises the question of whether Trump is, in fact, a populist. Does he actually care for the people or about the people? I do not see any clear evidence of that. Trump behaves as an oligarch, bonded with international oligarchy. Trump is popular, but popularity and populism are distinct concepts. The former refers to being loved by the people, the latter is someone who cares for the people. Liberals and progressives who castigate Trump as a fascist should understand that while fascism is defined as a national socialist endeavour, Trump is more a national capitalist. He is popular because he successfully delivers a populist message.

After the mid-term congressional elections morning there is a new political situation. Trump is not going to “save America”. Even if he once believed that he could do so, the window for such a manoeuvre has closed. It is unlikely that Trump will be able to make significant changes. The Democratic House of Representatives will likely reject his initiatives. Despite this, Trump’s presence in the White House has revealed the conflict that shatters the West. The old political battle between left and right has been replaced by post-political identitarian wars. World War III is not going to be fought between countries or across borders. It will be a war that splits states, societies and even families apart.

While Trump’s promise to “make America great” carried little substance, the red portion of the map of America shows a clear divide. As you move away from America’s coasts, a lot of people do not want what the liberals are offering. They want work, secure borders, education and health services. They want America to be great for real. They want justice and equality. They may or may not be bothered by uncertain or unconventional genders; they are far more concerned with being able to get a decent job.

Whether anyone within the Democratic or the Republican Party truly understands this longing is an open question. But I have no doubt that the thirst for a radical change is going to bring more populist politics to America and beyond.


سيف الله
12-19-2018, 08:23 AM

Like to share, thought provoking.


سيف الله
12-23-2018, 07:21 AM

Another thought provoking discussion.


We probably only scratch the surface here on all of the issues surrounding race, identity, and multiculturalism, which currently divide the alt-right from the rest of the right. Important issues if we hope to avoid a race war...


سيف الله
01-05-2019, 09:48 AM

Like to share, this is a nuanced take on the state of American scoiety and politics. Impressive.


سيف الله
01-06-2019, 09:22 PM

Another update. US military in decline? Or maybe the rise of other powers. This talk takes the long view.


سيف الله
01-12-2019, 11:59 PM

More comment and analysis on USAs internal problems. A rather grim prognosis.

Two different views on the border wall.

A liberal perspective.

A right wing/nationalist viewpoint

On the widening divide.


سيف الله
01-19-2019, 11:14 PM

Related. Like to share.


Peter Hitchens is a British journalist, author and broadcaster. He currently writes for the Mail on Sunday and brings a singular perspective on many issues facing contemporary society. He and John discuss some of them here, including the breakdown in trust we are witnessing, his experiences in the Soviet Union, conservatism and more.


سيف الله
01-24-2019, 09:21 PM

This article offers a good explanation why conservatism failed to halt the tide of secular liberalism/leftism.

Why conservatives can't win

Because they never had a coherent political philosophy, let alone a consistent one:

Just what is it that conservatives want to conserve? One answer that’s often given is “freedom” – by which is usually meant “individual freedom.”

Well, if individual freedom is really important, those who call themselves conservative should be very pleased with the trajectory of the past century, because Americans today generally have more freedom and “rights” than those of earlier generations.

Consider life in 1930, for example – when nearly all Americans still regarded the US as a “great” country.

For one thing, employment and job opportunities were generally segregated and restricted by sex and race. Employment notices in newspapers appeared in separate sections, one for Men and another for Women. Women were effectively barred from a wide range of jobs.

There were no “gay rights.” Homosexual behavior was punished as a crime. Any suggestion that a woman might have the “right” to marry another woman, or a man another man, would have been regarded as offensive and absurd.

By law and custom, people of European ancestry could not marry persons of other races. In most states marriage between whites and blacks was a felony.

Abortion was not a “right”; it was a crime.

Americans could not buy groceries, tools or clothes on a Sunday. Stores across the country were closed on Sundays as an expression of respect for the Christian heritage and Christian sensibilities.

No one could legally order a glass of beer or enjoy a bottle of wine with a meal in a restaurant. The sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited throughout the country.

How many Americans today who call themselves conservative would prefer life in the “great” America of 1930 to life in the “liberal” USA of our era? Is “freedom” really the most important thing that conservatives want to conserve?
Conservatism was always doomed from the very beginning because it has never been anything more than an attitude and a defensive posture. And you cannot win any contest without ever even seeking to go on the offensive or possessing a reasonable understanding of your ultimate objectives.

"I don't want things to change faster than makes me feel uncomfortable" is neither a strategy nor an objective. And that is why conservatism has completely failed to conserve anything, from the churches to the Constitution.

This is the key line from a long article very much worth reading: In keeping with their distaste for confrontation and discord, conservatives have long tolerated the promotion of seemingly noble sentiments that have unpleasant long term consequences.



سيف الله
02-28-2019, 09:07 PM

I'll repost this book recommendation here, seems more appropriate. Could part of the problems Americans face be foundational?


What has gone wrong with the grand American experiment in "ordered liberty"? The liberal's answer is that America has failed to live up to its full promise of inclusiveness and equality--likely the result of corporate greed and white male ruling elites. The mainstream conservative or libertarian's reply points to the Warren Court, the 1960's, or a loss of Constitutional rectitude.

Christopher Ferrara, in Liberty, the God That Failed, offers an entirely different answer. In a counter-narrative of unique power and scope, he unmasks the order promised as a sham; the liberty guaranteed, a chimera. In his telling, the false god of a new political order--Liberty--was born in thought long before America's founding, and gained increasing devotion as it slowly amassed power during the first century of the nation's existence. Today it reveals its full might, as we bear the weight of its oppressive decrees, and experience the emptiness of the secular order it imposes upon us.

The secular state has constructed a "myth of religious violence" to mask its own violent origins and ongoing displays of force. Ferrara destroys this myth with a relentless uncovering of truths hidden by both liberal and conservative/libertarian accounts of what has gone wrong. In this brilliant retelling of American history and political life, the author asks us to open our eyes to harsh realities, but also to the possibilities for a rightly ordered society and the true liberty that can still be ours.


02-28-2019, 09:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Junon

I'll repost this book recommendation here, seems more appropriate.


What has gone wrong with the grand American experiment in "ordered liberty"? The liberal's answer is that America has failed to live up to its full promise of inclusiveness and equality--likely the result of corporate greed and white male ruling elites. The mainstream conservative or libertarian's reply points to the Warren Court, the 1960's, or a loss of Constitutional rectitude.

Christopher Ferrara, in Liberty, the God That Failed, offers an entirely different answer. In a counter-narrative of unique power and scope, he unmasks the order promised as a sham; the liberty guaranteed, a chimera. In his telling, the false god of a new political order--Liberty--was born in thought long before America's founding, and gained increasing devotion as it slowly amassed power during the first century of the nation's existence. Today it reveals its full might, as we bear the weight of its oppressive decrees, and experience the emptiness of the secular order it imposes upon us.

The secular state has constructed a "myth of religious violence" to mask its own violent origins and ongoing displays of force. Ferrara destroys this myth with a relentless uncovering of truths hidden by both liberal and conservative/libertarian accounts of what has gone wrong. In this brilliant retelling of American history and political life, the author asks us to open our eyes to harsh realities, but also to the possibilities for a rightly ordered society and the true liberty that can still be ours.
This complete nonsense reflects the move toward fascism in the decaying West. The West has many factions, but one thing all share is a hatred of liberty. They hate liberty because they are all in revolt against the founding principles of the West. When the West was good, they had liberty including religious liberty. The god that failed was the Christian god. They allowed innovation in religion and so they innovated and destroyed their own religion. When their religion was fairly good, they supported liberty. As their religion began to fail, they began to hate liberty.

سيف الله
03-16-2019, 11:14 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
This complete nonsense reflects the move toward fascism in the decaying West. The West has many factions, but one thing all share is a hatred of liberty. They hate liberty because they are all in revolt against the founding principles of the West. When the West was good, they had liberty including religious liberty. The god that failed was the Christian god. They allowed innovation in religion and so they innovated and destroyed their own religion. When their religion was fairly good, they supported liberty. As their religion began to fail, they began to hate liberty.
I disagree, there are many reasons why the Christain society and culture was undermined for many reasons Christopher Ferrara gives far darker insights into its destruction, but this is a debate for another time (I need to read up on this subject more). I'll leave this here.

Another update 3 very different perspectives on Americas predicament.


Noam Chomsky is one of America's most important thinkers, critical minds, and voices of dissent, and thus it's hardly a surprise that his gripping ideas have been the subject of more than one documentary. 1992's "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media" might be the most well known, and Michel Gondry's "Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?" the quirkiest, but the upcoming "Requiem For The American Dream" — slated to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival — might be the most relevant given social and economic landscape of the moment.

Directed by Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, and Jared P. Scott, the film is constructed from four years worth of interviews with Chomsky, and explores the growing inequality in the country and what that means for stability, democracy, and more. Here's the official synopsis: In his final long-form documentary interview - filmed over four years - Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality.

Tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority, Chomsky lays bare the costly debris left in its wake: the evisceration of the American worker, disappearance of the living wage, collapse of the dream of home ownership, skyrocketing higher education costs placing betterment beyond reach or shackling students to suffocating debt, and a loss of solidarity that has left us divided against ourselves.


The "End of America?" Most likely. The "Demise of liberty?" You betcha! The "Destruction of Western Civilization?" Of course! But why let all of the above get you down? Learn to "Enjoy the Decline!" "Enjoy the Decline" is mandatory reading for all conservatives, libertarians, Americans, and lovers of freedom who are mourning the slow, but sure death of their culture and their country. America is over. Freedom will be curtailed. Liberty is dead. And above all else, it is inevitable.

But the answer is not to get depressed and give up hope. The answer is to change your attitude and learn how to "Enjoy the Decline." You get one life on this planet and Aaron Clarey explains how to get the most out of it even though socialism and tyranny are all around you. From learning how to adapt your psychology to learning to let go and take advantage of the socialist system, "Enjoy the Decline" carries the freedom loving American through the 5 stages of grief and puts them on a path to enjoy their life regardless of what is happening to their beloved America. Dark, macabre, and morose, but truthful, helpful, and practical all the same, it is guaranteed to make you happier than your socialist counterparts even though they have everything they want.

Make leftists, liberals, and progressives miserable. Enjoy the Decline!


We welcome E. Michael Jones as our first guest on the inaugural Resurrection Europa podcast. Who is responsible for orchestrating the social engineering and mass immigration that is destroying every European nation on Earth? The answer may (or may not) surprise you.


سيف الله
04-04-2019, 10:29 PM

Like to share, this chat meanders but gives good insight into how civilizations work.


سيف الله
04-23-2019, 02:17 PM

Another update

The Empire is already over

Dmitry Orlov asserts that the US empire has already ended:

Dmitry Orlov: I think that the American empire is very much over already, but it hasn’t been put to any sort of serious stress test yet, and so nobody realizes that this is the case. Some event will come along which will leave the power center utterly humiliated and unable to countenance this humiliation and make adjustments. Things will go downhill from there as everyone in government in media does their best to pretend that the problem doesn’t exist. My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if that is what happens.

The Saker: Lastly, a similar but fundamentally different question: can the US (as opposed to the Empire) survive Trump and, if so, how? Will there be a civil war? A military coup? Insurrection? Strikes? A US version of the Yellow Vests?

Dmitry Orlov: The US, as some set of institutions that serves the interests of some dwindling number of people, is likely to continue functioning for quite some time. The question is: who is going to be included and who isn’t? There is little doubt that retirees, as a category, have nothing to look forward to from the US: their retirements, whether public or private, have already been spent. There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either.

But, as I’ve said before, the US isn’t so much a country as a country club. Membership has its privileges, and members don’t care at all what life is like for those who are in the country but aren’t members of the club. The recent initiatives to let everyone in and to let non-citizens vote amply demonstrates that US citizenship, by itself, counts for absolutely nothing. The only birthright of a US citizen is to live as a bum on the street, surrounded by other bums, many of them foreigners from what Trump has termed “shithole countries.”

It will be interesting to see how public and government workers, as a group, react to the realization that the retirements they have been promised no longer exist; perhaps that will tip the entire system into a defunct state. And once the fracking bubble is over and another third of the population finds that it can no longer afford to drive, that might force through some sort of reset as well. But then the entire system of militarized police is designed to crush any sort of rebellion, and most people know that. Given the choice between certain death and just sitting on the sidewalk doing drugs, most people will choose the latter....

At this rate, when the end of the US finally arrives, most of the people won’t be in a position to notice while the rest won’t be capable of absorbing that sort of upsetting information and will choose to ignore it. Everybody wants to know how the story ends, but that sort of information probably isn’t good for anyone’s sanity.
I wouldn't bet on the militarized police myself. When even proper militaries can't defeat lightly armed insurgencies, no matter how cool their black tactical gear may be, the police don't stand a chance. These questions will be determined, as always, by the side that has the higher and more resilient morale.


سيف الله
06-18-2019, 07:19 AM

Another update, more on the rise of nationalism (American context but can apply to other western societies).

The irrelevance of conservatism

James Guiran explains why nationalism is necessary at Jacobite:
Establishment conservatism, it seems, is doubling down on its refusal to reckon with the realities of the American political landscape. It’s true that the ascendant left wants to revoke religious liberty, with the goal of subordinating Christianity (specifically Christianity) to the whims of the woke state; but this is only one facet of its platform.

It also promotes a view of white Americans reminiscent of the ethnic hatred stoked against market-dominant minorities in certain countries in the 20th century (never mind that white Americans aren’t even the richest demographic!); claims that our country is fundamentally illegitimate; calls for the destruction of our borders; pushes for a credentialist economy in which no one can succeed without first obtaining permission from a committee of progressive priests, who will dispense it based more on loyalty to the cause than on any apolitical notion of merit; advocates for the abolition of the nation-state in favor of a tightly controlled and managed ‘inclusive society’ in which the inevitable ethnic conflict will provide the ruling structure with a bottomless well of opportunities to justify its own expansion; and seeks to subordinate everything, from colleges to corporations to open-source software organizations to knitting groups, to an arbitrary and intentionally byzantine code of conduct, in order to purge infidels from the whole of society. This is not ‘libertine,’ it is totalitarian. And the totality of that agenda must be opposed.

The conservative debate thus far has been premised on the idea that the proper response to Trump, the proper way forward, is to simply revitalize the platform of the Moral Majority. Not only does this fail to address many of the problems facing our country today ⁠— it has little, if anything, to say about immigration, which is necessarily the most pressing issue because its effects are permanent and irreversible  —  it offers little potential for attaining true hegemony.
If, at this juncture, you are still describing yourself as a "conservative" instead of a "nationalist", you are completely failing to grasp the nature of the cultural conflict. Conservatism can no more save America than Churchianity can save your soul.


سيف الله
10-03-2019, 12:02 PM

Another update

The clueless and short-sighted elite

Peter Turchin explains that the US elite is working off of inaccurate and misleading social models:

Last year I had an interesting conversation with someone I’ll call the Washington Insider. She asked me why my structural-demographic model predicted rising instability in the USA, probably peaking with a major outbreak of political violence in the 2020s. I started giving the explanation based on the three main forces: popular immiseration, intra-elite competition, and state fragility. But I didn’t get far because she asked me, what immiseration? What are you talking about? We’ve never lived better than today. Global poverty is declining, child mortality is declining, violence is declining. We have access to the level of technology that is miraculous compared to what previous generations had. Just look at the massive data gathered together by Max Rosen, or read Steven Pinker’s books to be impressed with how good things are.

There are three biases that help sustain this rosy view. First, the focus on global issues. But the decrease of poverty in China (which is what drives declining global poverty, because Chinese population is so huge), or the drop in child mortality in Africa, is irrelevant to the working America. People everywhere compare themselves not to some distant places, but to the standard of living they experienced in their parents home. And the majority of American population sees that in many important ways they are worse off than their parents (as we will see below).

Second, the Washington Insider talks to other members of the 1 percent, and to some in the top 10 percent. The top-income segments of the American population have done fabulously in the last decades, thank you very much.

Third, many economic statistics have to be taken with a grain of salt. Government agencies are often under substantial political pressure to put a positive spin on the statistics they publish. Many economists work hard to please the economic elites and other powers-that-be, because that’s how you get ahead in that profession. Fortunately, there are enough “heterodox” economists who provide us with alternative views. This all doesn’t mean that statistics are worse than “damn lies”; on the contrary, one cannot make sense about where we are headed without statistics. The point here is that one needs to understand why different statistics may give us different answers.
This is more than a little reminiscent of the Boomer cluelessness that simply can't grasp the significance of a rise in tuition from 500/semester to 15,000/semester when wages have not risen. Not a single American cares about the rising Chinese standard of living when his own has declined, and declined significantly in comparison with his parents.

What we've witnessed over the last 50 years is the mass transfer of American wealth and property title from the middle classes to the elite of the US elite. These indicates that revolution is coming, sooner or later, in one way or another. Right now, the average citizen is content with Taco Bell and Netflix... but Netflix is becoming less entertaining with every season that passes.

The problem, of course, is one of labor oversupply.

The American economy has been operating under the conditions of labor oversupply since roughly the 1970s. The main causes were immigration, the entry of massive numbers of baby boomers and women into the labor force, the export of jobs overseas.

- Peter Turchin


سيف الله
10-21-2019, 11:25 AM

Interesting analysis.

Mailvox: Army rot in OCS, part

An email from a US Army officer who shares his perceptions of an organization in decline after completing Officer Candidate School:

I’ll just say that my experience is very fresh. I think it’s important to give a bit of backstory to how I’ve become so disillusioned, because in military culture disillusionment is automatically regarded as a defense mechanism for underperformers. I come from a military family with a line of high US officers. I used to believe in all the neo-con talking points that my peers endlessly spout. I even tried out for special forces, I believed in the whole US military thing so much....

“Equal” Opportunity:

I believe you and your fans will already know of the low standards women are held to, so I’ll just share a risible story of the worst example here. The first Friday of the course OCS always has a “Class Up Run,” of 3 miles at about a 9-minute pace. We were sternly warned that falling out of formation would result in a day-one reset, which carries with it the sentence of being a holdover at the Company HQ barracks. This is the worst thing candidates fear being done to them short of dismissal. Well, wouldn’t you know it but four brown females decided to walk the last mile. Nothing happened to them. All of the First Sergeant & Company Commander’s aggressive warnings (and these guys are infantrymen with the latter having the vaunted Ranger tab) were subsequently memory-holed.

Second Generation Modern Warfare Training:

All the training we’ve received here is precisely in line with what Mr. Lind would call “Second Generation.” It is procedure obsessed and crushes innovation. Oh, they talk constantly about the awesome talent of the Imperial German Army (Stormtrooper tactics) and the later Wehrmacht innovations and pretend that their manuals and whatnot are derived from them, but in practice that’s a lie. If you tried to innovate outside the holy law of the field manuals, you would provoke a mighty REE the likes of which a gamma would give when his perceived ruleset is broken. The training tries to pound you into a box and then stay in that box.

The F-Word and A Culture of Gullible Murderers:

“Freedom.” That’s all you gotta say to get the otherwise decent men that comprise my peers to want to murder people en masse minding their own business in their own countries. It’s a variant strain of NPC “orange man bad,” except it takes the form of “Taliban/Iranian/Russian/Chinese bad, me kill.” They love talking about killing people without regard to why, who, or the consequences so long as the act is justified by authority figures, whom they - most of them anyway - believe without reservation. This leads me to my next point…

What I Call the “NuBoomer” Sub-Generation:

Boomer mentality has been successfully transmitted to a subset of millennials who are making up most of the high-spirited white officers. They are boomers except that they were born in the 90’s or very early 2000’s. What is boomer about them? The previously-mentioned automatic, sacrosanct trust in authority. If the media and gubmint tell them Iran blew up the ships, they believe it. Fake belief in the Bible; they will either be ‘cultural’ Christians who read Thomas Jefferson’s heretical tract as a substitute for the real Bible, or blithely ignore the politically incorrect passages of scripture.

They furthermore embrace civnattery wholeheartedly, talking about how awesome it is to have fifth columns and grifters representatives from all colors and creeds in the ranks. Not to mention women and LGBT+ (soon to add P). Questioning mainstream narratives is beyond the pale to them, and they love to consume mainstream ‘culture,’ i.e. movies, Netflix & pay-to-win games. These are the young men that the neo-cons are dependent on keeping sated and nationally/religiously unconscious for it is they who fight the imperial wars with high morale.


سيف الله
11-01-2019, 11:47 AM

Another update.

Ascendancy vs degeneracy

In case you still haven't accepted that China is going to surpass the United States as the leading global power before the middle of the 21st century yet, consider the difference between the moral trajectory of the two societies.

From budgeting for rural weddings to dressing appropriately and avoiding online porn, China's Communist Party has issued new guidelines to improve the "moral quality" of its citizens. Officials have released several sets of guidelines this week alongside a secretive conclave of high-ranking officials in Beijing which discusses the country's future direction.

On Sunday the government published its "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen Moral Construction in the New Era" -- which advises readers how to use the internet, raise children, celebrate public holidays and behave while travelling abroad.

The guidelines from the Central Commission for Guiding Cultural and Ethical Progress calls for building "Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese power".

The texts urge citizens to avoid pornography and vulgarity online, and follow correct etiquette when raising the flag or singing the national anthem.

Public institutions like libraries and youth centres must carry out "targeted moral education" to improve people's ideological awareness and moral standards, according to the rules.

The guideline also stresses patriotism and loyalty to the motherland.

"People who have a servile attitude to foreign countries, damage national dignity and sell national interests must be disciplined according to the law," it says.
Translation: The Chinese leadership is well aware of the long-term program of the Learned Elders of Wye to jump from the United States to China when the former empire collapses and have no intention of allowing them to run that program of subversion and economic ascendancy through invasion and moral inversion to the disadvantage of their nation.

It is more than a little ironic that where Christians failed to heed the warnings of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, Confucians - and they are Confucians, not Communists, no matter what they officially happen to call themselves - are aware of the danger of permitting a foreign nation to invade and invert their society. Even more impressive, instead of waiting passively for the next attack, they have launched a systematic campaign to seize the strongholds of their long-term rivals and enemies.

As for those who have been predicting China's collapse due to various economic and demographic indicators, that is a failure to grasp the causal relationship between societal wealth and morality. It is the latter that precedes the former; while there are certainly challenges and structural weaknesses that threaten the stability and well-being of both great societies, the Chinese elite is most likely going to be able to deal successfully with them. The US elite, both foreign and native, is obviously not.


سيف الله
11-24-2019, 10:31 AM

Another update.

4GW in the USA

A military genius warns of what will happen if the Deep State gets its way:

As I have said many times, Fourth Generation war is at root a contest for legitimacy. On one side is the state. On the other is a vast array of alternate primary loyalties: religion, race, tribe, gang, and locality, among others. Around the world, the contest is going poorly for the state as a growing number of people shift their primary loyalty to one of the many alternatives, for which they are willing to fight.

Washington does not perceive it, absorbed as it is in its own struggles for power and money, but the same contest is going on in this country. So far, to our great benefit, it has remained on the peripheries. Urban police know they are confronting it in the form of ethnically-based gangs, which are illegal business enterprises that fight. But the mass of the American people appear still loyal to the state.

The appearance is, I think, deceptive. On both the Left and the Right, doubts about the legitimacy of the federal government are growing. Mostly, the doubts are about the legitimacy of the current President, although polls show public perception of Congress is also strongly negative. There is no question many on the Left regard President Trump as illegitimate. Should a hard-Left figure such as Warren win in 2020, the Right will doubt her legitimacy. But considering the current President illegitimate is different from thinking the state itself has lost its legitimacy.

Impeachment could change that. President Trump’s supporters regard his election as proof their voices can be heard, that their interests will be considered in Washington. They know that to virtually all Democrats and some Republicans, they are “unpersons”. Why? Because they are White, male, or non-feminist female, straight, and mostly Christian. They are also struggling economically, which means they are not contributors to politicians’ campaigns. The coastal elites dismiss them as rubes and hicks inhabiting “flyover land”. The Democratic Party, which has embraced the ideology of cultural Marxism, considers them all inherently evil “oppressors” fit only to kiss the feet of blacks, immigrants, gays, feminists, etc., PC’s sainted “victims” groups.

Again, should a Warren win in 2020, President Trump’s supporters will not consider her (or him) a legitimate President. But if the unholy alliance between Democrats and the Deep State succeeds in driving President Trump from office through impeachment or some other means, that will be a very different story. At that point, the message to President Trump’s supporters will be, “Your votes don’t matter, because even if you elect a President, we will drive him from office and reduce you to a silent serfdom. You and your views are entitled to no representation. You are and will remain ‘unpersons.’”

At that point, in the vast electoral sea that is red America, the legitimacy of the system itself, i.e., the state, will be brought into serious question. And when that happens, the chance of Fourth Generation war here on a large scale will rise dramatically. When you tell people they cannot achieve representation through ballots, they start to think about doing it with bullets.
The Deep State is playing an incredibly dangerous game here and has been for some time. The thing is, no matter how it turns out, they are not going to win. Messrs. Van Creveld and Lind seldom see eye to eye politically, so when they are both seeing the same danger on the horizon, it behooves one to pay very close attention.


Edit - Related

The desperation of the Deep State

They know none of the Democratic candidates can defeat the God-Emperor. So they've turned directly to one of their own:

Billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the world’s richest men, has formally launched a Democratic bid for president.

Ending weeks of speculation, the 77-year-old former Republican announced his candidacy Sunday in a written statement posted on a campaign website describing himself as uniquely positioned to defeat President Donald Trump. He will quickly follow with a massive advertising campaign blanketing airways in key primary states across the U.S.

“I’m running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America,” Bloomberg wrote.

“We cannot afford four more years of President Trump’s reckless and unethical actions,” he continued. “He represents an existential threat to our country and our values. If he wins another term in office, we may never recover from the damage.”

As a centrist with deep ties to Wall Street, Bloomberg is expected to struggle among the party’s energized progressive base. He became a Democrat only last year. Yet his tremendous resources and moderate profile could be appealing in a primary contest that has become, above all, a quest to find the person best-positioned to deny Trump a second term next November. Forbes ranked Bloomberg as the 11th-richest person in the world last year with a net worth of roughly $50 billion.
And by "we", you understand that he doesn't mean us, kemosabes. Wall Street is obviously scared.


سيف الله
11-29-2019, 11:53 AM

Another update. Hmmmm now that the US is in decline other powers are jockeying for position.

A Clear Warning.

The three primary anti-globalist powers are sending a very clear message to the prometheans of GloboSatan Inc: the planetary balance of power is shifting:

Iran, China, and Russia will hold in the coming weeks their first-ever joint war drills, which leaders say are meant to send a "message to the world" about increased military cooperation between the rogue countries.

The commander of Iran's navy, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, said Wednesday that the Islamic Republic will team up with Moscow and Beijing within the next month to hold the mass war drills.... The joint war drills will be aimed at sending a message to the world, particularly Western nations, like the United States, that have sought to constrain Iran's expanding military ambitions.
This gathering of resisting forces very likely accounts for the desperate sense of urgency that Dr. Charlton has observed among what he describes as the Ahrimanic evil of the global establishment:

The interesting aspect is the sheer urgency. There is a very obvious attempt to create a worldwide sense of emergency, of imminent cataclysm, of terrible things that are Just About To Happen... unless, we hand over complete power to the Establishment (preferably the-day-after-tomorrow, or quicker). And this handover - this Power Grab by the Global Establishment - is being aimed-at Very Soon; on a timescale of months, not years.
Like it or not, the reality is that the U.S. military has been the primary tool for global evil for the last 75 years, due to the invasion of the USA and the abandonment of the American principles of isolation, non-intervention, and the avoidance of entangling alliances. And now, having been converged and repurposed, the U.S. military is observably no longer able to perform its primary purpose, which is to defend the American people from enemies foreign and domestic.


سيف الله
02-04-2020, 12:04 PM

Another update, looks like Trump has the advantage in the lead up to the 2020 elections.

It's hard to decide how to cheat

Iowa Democrats are desperate to to find out how they'll be manipulated and misrepresented by their national counterparts in the caucuses tonight:

Underlying the bold pronouncements, campaigns and voters acknowledged a palpable sense of unpredictability and anxiety as Democrats begin selecting which candidate to send on to a November face-off with President Donald Trump. The Democratic race is unusually large and jumbled heading into Monday’s caucus. Four candidates were locked in a fight for victory in Iowa; others were in position to pull off surprisingly strong finishes.

“This is going to go right down to the last second,” said Symone Sanders, a senior adviser to Biden’s campaign.

Polls show Biden in a close race in Iowa with Sanders, Warren and Buttigieg. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang are also competing aggressively in the state.

Democrats’ deep disdain for Trump has put many in the party on edge about the decision. A series of external forces has also heightened the sense of unpredictability in Iowa, including Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, which marooned Warren, Sanders and Klobuchar in Washington for much of the past week.

Many campaigns were looking to a final weekend poll to provide some measure of clarity. But late Saturday night, CNN and The Des Moines Register opted not to release the survey because of worries the results may have been compromised.

New caucus rules have also left the campaigns working in overdrive to set expectations before the contest. For the first time, the Iowa Democratic Party will release three sets of results: who voters align with at the start of the night; who they pick after voters supporting nonviable candidates get to make a second choice; and the number of state delegate equivalents each candidate gets.
Both national establishments manipulate and screw over their grass roots. But it's particularly interesting to observe it when the national establishment isn't sure of its direction. The one thing we can be fairly certain of is that Bernie Sanders will not be the beneficiary. He is to the current Democratic Party what Ron Paul was to the pre-Trump Republican Party. The problem is that the Democrats still haven't settled on their Mitt Romney.


Edit - Another update

Complete Iowa Fail

The Democrats just made a very powerful case for reelecting the god-emperor:

The Iowa presidential caucuses were thrown into chaos late Monday after the state Democratic Party said it found "inconsistencies," delaying results and causing widespread confusion across the state.

The Iowa Democratic Party said early Tuesday that it would release the results of the Iowa caucuses later Tuesday after "manually verifying all precinct results."

Party chair Troy Price said the party is "validating every piece of data we have against our paper trail. That system is taking longer than expected, but it's in place to ensure we are eventually able to report results with full confidence."

The state Democratic party's communications director, Mandy McClure, said on Monday night that there were "inconsistencies" in the reporting of three sets of results. "In addition to the tech systems being used to tabulate results, we are also using photos of results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report," McClure said.
Translation: Creepy Joe was destroyed by Bernie Sanders, so they need more time to produce fake ballots and destroy enough of the Sanders votes. And given today's Democrats can't run either an impeachment or a caucus, who could possibly imagine that they can run the federal government successfully?

The reason for the shenanigans appears to be that the system is designed to prevent the most popular vote-getter from actually winning the most delegates if the establishment disapproves of him. This suggests that the delay is to make the votes look more like the delegate totals. It would look very bad if Sanders ends up with the same number of delegates as the candidates who have less than half his votes.



سيف الله
02-11-2020, 02:39 PM

Another update.

Nationalism keeps rising

It's not about Left and Right anymore. It's about not being a part of the neo-liberal global establishment:

Shock election results in Germany and Ireland are signs of a political earthquake that rumbles on across Europe and with more polls penned in for this year, the voter upsets will roll on much to the dismay of the establishment.

The political tremors rumble on in Germany after the main governing party lost its leader and future chancellor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer amid the self-flagellation of an AfD-assisted win for the CDU in a regional German vote.

Elsewhere, Ireland’s general election resulted in the previously unthought of scenario of Sinn Féin (which started its life as the political wing of the paramilitary IRA) topping the poll.

Both incidents are part of a massive seismic shift that has hit politics in the Western world and shows no sign of easing, and while the career politicians and their pals sit around and scratch their heads, puzzling over what went wrong and why they didn’t see it, they fail to acknowledge one simple truth that every voter knows.

The problem is them.
It's interesting to observe that governments that were for decades considered to be bad and unrepresentational are now much more popular, and much more trusted by their people, than the nominally "free" governments of the so-called democratic West.

But people have learned that their foreign-dominated governments simply don't have their best interests in mind, in fact, they don't have any interests in common with the people at all. This is why the wars of the 21st century are very likely going to be far more vicious than the wars of the 20th century, and why many, if not most, of them will be fought within the borders of the state.


سيف الله
03-31-2020, 09:46 AM

Another update.


The Pentagon believes that the ClimateCrisis will exceed the White House’s capacity to cope, which might trigger the downfall of the US Military.


سيف الله
05-01-2020, 08:32 AM

Another update

Theory vs practice

It's not a good sign that every argument in support of the USA's continued global ascendancy is based on pure theory:

In a recently published book, Why Nations Fail, economists Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson characterize China’s ruling elites as “extractive”—parasitic and corrupt—and predict that Chinese economic growth will soon falter and decline, while America’s “inclusive” governing institutions have taken us from strength to strength. They argue that a country governed as a one-party state, without the free media or checks and balances of our own democratic system, cannot long prosper in the modern world. The glowing tributes this book has received from a vast array of America’s most prominent public intellectuals, including six Nobel laureates in economics, testifies to the widespread popularity of this optimistic message.
First, there is no ruling elite as extractive and parasitic, and few as observably corrupt, as the current US ruling elite.. Second, these theoretical strengths are mostly imaginary and based on the historical American posterity rather than actual US demographics.

Consider the reality:

Over the last few years one of the most ambitious Chinese projects has been a plan to create the world’s largest and most advanced network of high-speed rail transport, an effort that absorbed a remarkable $200 billion of government investment. The result was the construction of over 6,000 miles of track, a total probably now greater than that of all the world’s other nations combined.
Meanwhile, America has no high-speed rail whatsoever, despite decades of debate and vast amounts of time and money spent on lobbying, hearings, political campaigns, planning efforts, and environmental-impact reports. China’s high-speed rail system may be far from perfect, but it actually exists, while America’s does not. Annual Chinese ridership now totals over 25 million trips per year.

Of course, the most significant development of the last decade is one that has gone almost entirely unnoticed by everyone, which is of course, the Chinese rejection of one faction of the US ruling elite's gracious offer to transfer the benefits of their wise and impartial guidance from the USA to China. It would appear the Chinese elite is content with their extant extractive abilities.

It increasingly appears that Ron Unz had it right back in 2012 when he cast his vote with Richard Lynn:

Richard Lynn, a prominent British scholar, has been correct in predicting for a decade or longer that the global dominance of the European-derived peoples is rapidly drawing to its end and within the foreseeable future the torch of human progress and world leadership will inevitably pass into Chinese hands.

سيف الله
05-28-2020, 10:48 AM

Another upate.

Back to the bipolar world

It's a bit ironic that David Goldman, who was once at the forefront of the planned Leap to China, has now turned in alarm to talking up a nonexistent "American" unity between Americans, Paper Americans, Fake Americans, and Not Americans, now that the US empire has squandered its brief period of global dominance on the invasion and occupation of a few of Israel's enemies.

There is a line of American commentary on China, argued most clearly and persistently by David Goldman at Asia Times (now apparently with Gordon Chang also on board) telling us that we Americans should consider ourselves to be in a Sputnik Moment: a moment in history where, if we don’t stop the fruitless squabbling and begin engaging in some serious, co-ordinated national effort, the ChiComs will eat our lunch, breezing past us in key technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, microchip fabrication, and quantum computing.

The problem with that prescription is that the original Sputnik Moment, to which America reacted with such spectacular success, occurred in 1957, a whole decade B.S.—”Before Sontag.”

White ethnomasochism was not entirely unknown in 1957, but it was restricted to tiny cliques of urban intellectuals.

We could make a united national response to Sputnik sixty years ago because we were a sufficiently united nation. You need that qualifying word “sufficiently” there because there was what people of the time called “the Negro Problem.”

White Americans didn’t think about black Americans any more than they absolutely had to, though, and the race issue didn’t split whites down the middle as clearly and angrily as in what I call today’s Cold Civil War.

Sputnik-wise, we were a sufficiently united nation—sufficiently to co-operate in a colossal national effort with a minimum of bickering.
The US empire is now about as well-equipped to withstand the Chinese challenge as the Austro-Hungarian military was ready to face the Russian army in 1914. No amount of talking up the value of words and ideology and paper identity is going to substitute for genuine nationalism.


سيف الله
06-01-2020, 07:19 PM

Another update.

It is remarkable how the effects of Covid on the international system mirrors its impact on individuals. Its lethality, in the acute phase, may be lower than we feared, yet there is a risk of sudden catastrophic relapse after a seeming period of recovery, and the long-term effects are of a gravity we can only dread.

Within states and in the relations between them, as in individuals, the coronavirus searches out and exacerbates the underlying morbidities, exaggerating them until total system failure. When the international system collapses, it will be with Covid, and not of it.

The greatest morbidity the virus has latched onto in the global order is the rivalry between the United States and China. This contest is not new — International Relations scholars have long debated the ‘Thucydides Trap,’ named after the agonising and destructive struggle between Athens and Sparta chronicled by the Greek historian, wherein a rising power is inexorably drawn into conflict with the hegemon it displaces.

When Germany challenged British hegemony at the beginning of the last century, the first wave of globalisation ended in global conflict and then a pandemic; we must hope that this current pandemic, rapidly bringing about the end of the second wave of globalisation, will not similarly end in confrontation between the two great powers.

In this coming struggle, America is starting with a great and self-inflicted handicap. Obama’s attempts to reposition US foreign policy away from its destructive and self-defeating entanglement in the Islamic world and towards the coming confrontation with China failed, distracted by the bloody chaos brought about by the Arab Spring and by the Washington foreign policy “blob’s” unwillingness to wean itself off wars it cannot win.

Trump’s much-touted withdrawal from the Middle East has likewise seen the US bolster its forces in the region with tens of thousands more troops than his term began with, and allowed his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to pursue a burning fixation with regime change in Iran that is unlikely to end in America’s favour.

America has frittered away 5 trillion dollars on its Middle Eastern adventures, indebting itself to China in the process, and burned its domestic and international political capital to an unimaginable degree —with nothing at all to show for it. Now that the architects of this self-inflicted catastrophe wish us to join them in their next global adventure, we must think carefully.

Let’s remember how we got here. Only a couple of months ago, warning about dependence on China and the fragility of our supply chains, and urging decoupling from the aspiring hegemon, was viewed as the preserve of cranks of Right and Left, considered romantic at best and xenophobic at worst.

When Trump urged the same thing for the United States, China’s autocrat Xi was treated to a standing ovation at Davos, and hailed as the new champion of the global liberal order. But now Larry Summers, the high priest of globalisation and of America’s offshoring to China, is warning us against fragile supply chains and the urgency of decoupling with no reference at all his long and glittering career midwifing this catastrophe. Here is the global system, finally stripped of all illusions.

The result is the total discrediting of the US-led order, an order of which China’s rise is as much a direct product as it is a challenge.

The truth is that globalisation, the central political dream of Clinton and Blair, Obama and Cameron, was never real. It was a process by which advanced Western economies unilaterally surrendered their manufacturing capacity to a rival, growing power, China, which instead of reciprocating according to the Panglossian calculations of the neoliberal theorists, practiced a traditional and ruthless mercantilism in pursuit of its own interests. As the American political theorist Michael

Lind recently wrote in Tablet:

Politicians pushing globalization like Clinton may have told the public that the purpose of NAFTA and of China’s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) was to open the closed markets of Mexico and China to ‘American products made on American soil, everything from corn to chemicals to computers.’ But U.S. multinationals and their lobbyists 20 years ago knew that was not true. Their goal from the beginning was to transfer the production of many products from American soil to Mexican soil or Chinese soil, to take advantage of foreign low-wage, nonunion labor, and in some cases foreign government subsidies and other favors.”
The idea that a global liberal order could, like an iPhone, be designed in America and made in China was the product, where it was sincerely held, of pure ideological delusion. In its entire 5,000 year history, China has not spent one single day as a liberal democracy. The belief that a repressive autocratic regime would suddenly transform into a liberal democracy by being handed more wealth and power was patently absurd. Yet it is the people who held and promoted this claim for decades who intend to lead the world into a great power confrontation — against the China for whose rise they are directly responsible.

Globalisation was always the grand illusion of naive liberalism, taken advantage of by illiberal and non-liberal actors to pursue their own ends. It is the liberals, the TINA bluechecks, who are the artless rubes in this story. Indeed, it is they who deserve much of the blame now being directed at China. In Lind’s words:
The United States has not been the naive victim of cunning Chinese masterminds. On the contrary, in the last generation many members of America’s elite have sought to get rich personally by selling or renting out America’s crown jewels—intellectual property, manufacturing capacity, high-end real estate, even university resources—to the elite of another country. When asked whether the rapid dismantling, in a few decades, of much of an industrial base built up painstakingly over two centuries has been bad for the United States, the typical reply by members of the U.S. establishment is an incoherent word salad of messianic liberal ideology and neoclassical economics. We are fighting global poverty by employing Chinese factory workers for a pittance! Don’t you understand Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage?”
For a brief few decades, the shift in production to China made a handful of Western individuals unimaginably rich, while lowering the living standards of the middle and working class. It began to turn the First World into a Third World society of stratified, vastly uneven wealth even as it raised China into a First World superpower. For the benefit of a few billionaires, Western societies have immiserated their voter base, dramatically weakened themselves, and helped shorten the lives of hundreds of thousands of their own people.

These events didn’t just happen. Factories didn’t just uproot themselves and migrate to China like flocks of concrete geese. These were conscious, willed acts presented to us as faits accomplis — which we must now consciously and painfully undo, in full historical awareness of how this all took place.

It was in winning the first Cold War that the United States set the stage for its own eclipse, though our own entanglement in this mess is the product of the Second World War. In 1945, the United States found itself the victor through its possession of a vast industrial base, sheltered by geography from the destruction we European powers had wrought upon ourselves. The Soviet Union could not keep up with America’s industrial power, able to churn out both weapons and consumer goods with dizzying speed and sophistication.

Yet when the rival superpower collapsed, exhausted, the United States took the wrong lessons from the fall of communism. American policymakers convinced themselves their global dominance was due to the success of their liberal ideology rather than of their industrial might, and that the sudden, unexpected disintegration of the Soviet Union was due to the vindication of liberalism rather than of the awakened nationalism of Russia’s subject peoples.

Drunk on victory, and searching for a new project, American policymakers decided to remake the world in their own image. In 1993, the National Security Strategy of US National Security Adviser Anthony Lake and Secretary of State Warren Christopher melded the doctrine of imperial hegemony with the free market orthodoxies that had taken root in the Reagan era. As the realist International Relations scholar Patrick Porter notes:

Christopher’s version assumed that the United States ‘must maintain its military strength’, ‘stem the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction’, and ‘knock down barriers to global trade’. Lake’s premise was that ‘America’s power, authority, and example provide unparalleled opportunities to lead,’ that its security rested on the rise of market democracy abroad.”
Our present moment, in all its dangers, results from this fusion of the two strands of liberalism at the very apogee of American power: the belief that the unfettered free movement of goods, capital, services and people would raise global living standards to endless new heights, and that it was America’s manifest destiny to oversee a worldwide liberal order of free trade and unchallenged US hegemony.

Distractedly giving away the industrial base that won them the first Cold War to their rival in the second, American administrations of both parties plunged headfirst into the post-historical future. It took less than a decade for reality to crash into the World Trade Center, but by then it was too late. America’s policymakers had been captured by their grand delusion, and they refused to let it go even as the empire found itself over-extended in war after war, entered into with noble liberal aims utterly divorced from reality, and from which it was unable to extricate itself.

rest of article here


سيف الله
07-20-2020, 08:29 AM


It's a little late for that

The empire's ruling tribe is beginning to discover that while it's one thing to take the reins of the empire from the people who built it, it's another thing to run it successfully:

Goldman is well positioned to explain what China is about and what the US and even the world should do. A columnist at the Asia Times and a former senior executive of a Hong Kong investment bank, he has traveled extensively throughout China for two decades and negotiated directly with top Chinese industry leaders. He has also written extensively on Jewish topics for a variety of scholarly and general Jewish publications. His Jewish background has been central to his approach. Goldman argues that to understand China, one has both to look at how it operates today and to examine the long-standing cultural patterns of a proud and distinct 5,000-year-old civilization.

Goldman explains that most Americans are simply wrong about China. The typical analogies whether on the left or the right are way off base. China does not have the aspirations of the Soviet Union; China does not want to militarily conquer the West, nor does it want to integrate in the existing world order. It could care less how others see the world. Nor is the Chinese economy dangerously over-leveraged. China is more stable than ever. Finally, he argues the Thucydides model — that as an emerging power China seeks to challenge the US — is not even relevant.

Instead, Goldman argues that the Chinese are an ancient imperial civilization who expect to rule under a mandate from heaven and have the confidence to do so. Moreover, as in the past, they prefer soft power that gives them maximum control to a military showdown that might bring chaos. For the Chinese, the ends justify the means.

Currently, China is implementing a concerted plan to control key industries and information to ensure world domination. As Goldman shows, it is working: most of the world has adopted the Huawei technology for 5G and Chinese signal encryption will soon eclipse that of the US. Soon the world will be totally reliant on Chinese technology and will knowingly or unknowingly share its data with the Chinese government. No Chinese Edward Snowden is likely to survive to warn us. With such power, China will dictate the terms of trade and interaction. Already the basic outlines of the existing China-US trade deal signal China’s dominance: the US buys Chinese technology and other manufactured goods and China buys meat and other agricultural goods from the US. These are the terms imperial powers dictate to their colonies.

Goldman outlines a plan for the US to maintain its world position. He insists that the US absolutely cannot leave it to the private sector. It must develop a government policy to massively support R&D at the industry and university levels. Measures will require huge investments and an overhaul of the American education system to drastically improve educational levels, and most of all, to quadruple the number of American graduates in the sciences and technology. Without these two steps, we will be under China’s yoke within the decade.
The amusing thing about this is that Spengler - as Goldman was known for years before he went public - was completely wrong about China and its intentions for years. This sudden and very belated concern for the US maintaining its world position is the result of the failure of the post-imperial collapse jump-to-China plan.

As I pointed out several years ago, the judeochristians' assumption of their intellectual superiority was fundamentally based on their being a low-trust, high-performance group amidst a high-trust, high-performance population. Now that they are running into conflict with their first conflict with a low-trust, high-performance group since the Maccabean wars, they are discovering that they are at a significant disadvantage.

I expect the Judeo-Sinese conflict to go pretty much the same way the Judeo-Roman wars did. And the article raises the obvious question: to precisely whom does the author mean when he writes "we will be under China's yoke within the decade"?


سيف الله
08-19-2020, 02:27 PM

Another update

The end of Pax Americana

To the extent that one could describe it as a Pax, anyhow. Regardless, for better or for worse, it's definitely over.

There has long been heated debate over whether the United States should defend Taiwan in the case of a Chinese invasion, but little consideration to whether it successfully can. An unemotional assessment of the military capabilities of both China and the United States reveals the odds are uncomfortably high that the U.S. forces would be defeated in a war with China over Taiwan. What’s worse, even achieving a tactical victory could result in a devastating strategic loss. That’s not to say, however, that there aren’t alternative strategies to effectively preserve U.S. interests and at an affordable cost.

Few leaders in “establishment Washington” have taken the time to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the capabilities of the U.S. Armed Forces and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Instead, decisionmakers routinely engage in seemingly cost-free rhetorical declarations about U.S. political preferences devoid of context. Policymakers have long argued to jettison the idea of “strategic ambiguity” that has underscored decades of America’s Asia policy, and outright declare that the United States would militarily defend Taiwan in the event of an attack.

Former Pentagon official Joseph Bosco reflected the desire of many this summer when he argued that Congress should pass the Taiwan Defense Act because “it will move U.S. policy just one step short of an open defense commitment to Taiwan.”

If signed into law, the act would obligate the U.S. government to “delay, degrade, and ultimately defeat an attempt by the People’s Republic of China to [use military force to seize control of Taiwan].” It would be useful to stop and consider what those confident words would mean for America in practical terms on the ground, on and under the seas, and in the skies of the Asia-Pacific region. It doesn’t take long to realize it would be bad for the United States.

Any act or treaty the United States enters into should unequivocally have the net result of a more secure America, preserving (or expanding) the country’s ability to prosper. It is obviously not in America’s interest to tie itself to another state or entity if America must absorb all the risks and costs while the other party reaps the majority of the benefits. Extending a security guarantee to Taiwan fails in the first requirement and thoroughly meets the second.

Recent wargames jointly conducted by the Pentagon and RAND Corporation have shown that a military clash between the United States and China, especially over the Taiwan issue, would likely result in a U.S. defeat. In simulated wargames between the United States and China, RAND analyst David Ochmanek bluntly said America got “its ass handed to it.”

If China committed all-out to seize Taiwan, Ochmanek explained, then it could accomplish its objective “in a finite time period, measured in days to weeks.” The reason, he said, is because it’s not, “just that they’ll be attacking air bases in the region. They’ll be attacking aircraft carriers at sea . . . They’ll be attacking our sensors in space. They’ll be attacking our communications links that largely run through space.”
As the emailer who sent me the link to this article noted, I've been warning of this for years. They say one should choose one's battles carefully... one should be even more careful in choosing one's wars. And regardless of how one's assessment might differ from mine or from the Rand wargamers, it should be impossible to argue with the author's conclusion that "it doesn’t make sense to risk military defeat or financial ruin when our interests are not directly threatened."


سيف الله
11-01-2020, 10:02 AM

The decline from a British perspective.

Save democracy and vote for my None Of The Below Party

Did democracy die the other night when Donald Trump and Joe Biden scuffled, snarled and shouted over each other, showing utter contempt for anyone intelligent who was watching?

People who loathe freedom, such as the Chinese Politburo in Peking, must have rejoiced at this spectacle of incoherence and crudity.

But there’s no point in us feeling superior to those raucous Americans. Our own political debates are as mindless in their own way, and our elections decided not by reasoned discussion but by unchecked bending of the spending rules, by unscrupulous hidden persuaders.

If this was the end of democracy, it hasn’t lasted long. Full democracy only arrived in the USA in 1913 when they first started electing the Senate.

It finally came to Britain in 1948 when they abolished the University seats in Parliament which gave graduates extra votes.

I’d say it has not been much of a success, launching an era when people were repeatedly bribed with their own money, by increasingly cynical political careerists.

And since the advertising men got involved in the 1950s, slippery manipulators have taken over. Image, not truth, has been at the centre of every major campaign.

All very well, until the image turns out to be false and the promises undeliverable or untrue. It doesn’t matter that Harold Wilson preferred cigars to a pipe and brandy to beer.

It did matter that his supposedly mainstream 1964-70 Government launched a series of searing, painful and often mistaken changes in our society which had never been put before the people, and whose real nature had been concealed.

Left-wingers might make similar charges against Ted Heath and Margaret Thatcher, as neither of them were what they appeared to be. But to this day, few people have grasped the enormous revolutionary programme of the 1997 Blair Government.

Blair, a former student Trotskyist (a fact which was dishonestly concealed at the time and for years afterwards) was in fact a fervent social radical.

What Wilson had begun – revolutions in family life, crime and punishment, education and welfare – Blair finished. He also browbeat the Tories into going along with it all and leaving it untouched.

This is why you never get what you want when you vote. The debate is elsewhere. You are just required to endorse it by voting for it. Your vote, in the modern age, gives legitimacy to the powerful.

They will spend a lot of money to get that vote, but it is a false bargain. They do not really care what you want, but they have got a lot better at pretending that they do.

To me, it has been obvious for years that we should stop playing this game. The greatest power we have is to refuse to vote for people who insult us. My simple proposal is that the words ‘None Of The Below’ should appear at the top of every ballot paper.

In all seats where ‘None Of The Below’ tops the poll, all the losing parties and candidates should be prevented from standing in the rerun which would then be held a month later.

In the interval, new political formations which truly reflect the divisions in our society should select candidates who are quite free from the careerism, conformism and inexperience of life which seem to be the main qualifications for MPs in these times.

After the spineless confirmation of the scandalous Coronavirus Act last week – in which almost all MPs declared that they do not care about the country or the livelihoods and freedom of the people – can you think of a better idea? Begone, all of you, and let us have done with you.


سيف الله
12-03-2020, 04:34 PM

The election has come and gone, Im sure your all following the controversy, who is going to be the next president?

Serious stuff, whatever the outcome the USA is going to be more fractured than ever before.

سيف الله
10-17-2021, 06:16 AM

Final update, perceptive insight. Again a warning to those who think aping after liberal ideologies will save them.

The Éminence Grise

If you ever wondered why my views have tended to sound so harmonious with Chinese policy in recent years, it’s because the leading Chinese intellectual has been looking at the same things I’ve been looking at, reading the same books I’ve been reading, observing the same things I’ve been observing, and reaching strikingly similar conclusions… only he did it 13 years before I did. Of course, it’s extremely informative to observe the difference between the way Wang Huning was embraced by the Chinese elite and the way I was systematically banished and minimized by the Western elite.

At this point, like many during those heady years of reform and opening, Wang remained hopeful that liberalism could play a positive role in China, writing that his recommendations could allow “the components of the modern structure that embody the spirit of modern democracy and humanism [to] find the support they need to take root and grow.”

That would soon change.

Also in 1988, Wang—having risen with unprecedented speed to become Fudan’s youngest full professor at age 30—won a coveted scholarship (facilitated by the American Political Science Association) to spend six months in the United States as a visiting scholar. Profoundly curious about America, Wang took full advantage, wandering about the country like a sort of latter-day Chinese Alexis de Tocqueville, visiting more than 30 cities and nearly 20 universities.

What he found deeply disturbed him, permanently shifting his view of the West and the consequences of its ideas.

Wang recorded his observations in a memoir that would become his most famous work: the 1991 book America Against America. In it, he marvels at homeless encampments in the streets of Washington DC, out-of-control drug crime in poor black neighborhoods in New York and San Francisco, and corporations that seemed to have fused themselves to and taken over responsibilities of government. Eventually, he concludes that America faces an “unstoppable undercurrent of crisis” produced by its societal contradictions, including between rich and poor, white and black, democratic and oligarchic power, egalitarianism and class privilege, individual rights and collective responsibilities, cultural traditions and the solvent of liquid modernity.

But while Americans can, he says, perceive that they are faced with “intricate social and cultural problems,” they “tend to think of them as scientific and technological problems” to be solved separately. This gets them nowhere, he argues, because their problems are in fact all inextricably interlinked and have the same root cause: a radical, nihilistic individualism at the heart of modern American liberalism.

“The real cell of society in the United States is the individual,” he finds. This is so because the cell most foundational (per Aristotle) to society, “the family, has disintegrated.” Meanwhile, in the American system, “everything has a dual nature, and the glamour of high commodification abounds. Human flesh, sex, knowledge, politics, power, and law can all become the target of commodification.” This “commodification, in many ways, corrupts society and leads to a number of serious social problems.” In the end, “the American economic system has created human loneliness” as its foremost product, along with spectacular inequality. As a result, “nihilism has become the American way, which is a fatal shock to cultural development and the American spirit.”

Moreover, he says that the “American spirit is facing serious challenges” from new ideational competitors. Reflecting on the universities he visited and quoting approvingly from Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind, he notes a growing tension between Enlightenment liberal rationalism and a “younger generation [that] is ignorant of traditional Western values” and actively rejects its cultural inheritance. “If the value system collapses,” he wonders, “how can the social system be sustained?”

Ultimately, he argues, when faced with critical social issues like drug addiction, America’s atomized, deracinated, and dispirited society has found itself with “an insurmountable problem” because it no longer has any coherent conceptual grounds from which to mount any resistance.

Once idealistic about America, at the start of 1989 the young Wang returned to China and, promoted to Dean of Fudan’s International Politics Department, became a leading opponent of liberalization.

He began to argue that China had to resist global liberal influence and become a culturally unified and self-confident nation governed by a strong, centralized party-state. He would develop these ideas into what has become known as China’s “Neo-Authoritarian” movement—though Wang never used the term, identifying himself with China’s “Neo-Conservatives.” This reflected his desire to blend Marxist socialism with traditional Chinese Confucian values and Legalist political thought, maximalist Western ideas of state sovereignty and power, and nationalism in order to synthesize a new basis for long-term stability and growth immune to Western liberalism.
Of course, what works for China will not work for the West. Among other things, a Western nation cannot turn to Confucian values it never had. As Lee Kuan Yew reminds us in his memoirs, different peoples must construct their own forms of government that are suited to their customs and culture. But even though Wang’s precise prescription is not an option for us, that does not mean that his diagnosis of the West’s problem being the neo-liberal world order and its rejection of traditional Christian values should be ignored.

Nor does that mean that a Western form of Neo-Authoritarianism designed to restore Western values and Western nationalisms should not be pursued with the same vigor that China has constructed its post-Maoist system, and with a similar confidence of success. The more important question for Americans is: precisely what should American Neo-Authoritarianism look like?


Compare and contrast.


سيف الله
06-29-2022, 10:03 PM

Another update.

Roe v Wade Overturned At Last

It’s a good day for America. The ex post facto creation of a Constitutional “right” to an abortion has been, correctly, overturned and undone:

A deeply divided Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion, overruling the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and leaving the question of abortion’s legality to the states.

The court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization upheld a law from Mississippi that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, roughly two months earlier than what has been allowed under Supreme Court precedent dating back to Roe.

In siding with Mississippi, the court’s conservative majority said the Roe decision was egregiously wrong in recognizing a constitutional right to an abortion, an error the court perpetuated in the decades since.

The majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization upends nearly five decades of precedent and allows stronger state restrictions to take effect—including total abortion bans. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been preparing for the shift for years, bringing laws forward that further restrict or assert protections for abortion.
“The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.”

– The Supreme Court of the United States of America, 24 June 2022

Damn right it doesn’t. It never did.

Isn’t it telling how the forked tongues appeal to FIVE WHOLE DECADES of precedent while cheerfully ignoring centuries, even millennia, of precedent when it suits them? Never give them an inch, because they will always attempt to claim it was a mile. Anyhow, the idiotic legal fiction that based on nothing more than one justice’s imagined “emanations and penumbras” has finally been rejected, as it should have been back in 1973.

Full credit to President Donald Trump, without whom this historic decision would never have taken place. A curse has been lifted from the land.

Now it’s time for the states to methodically ban the satanic practice and crush every evil organization that seeks to bring it back.


liberals and their fellow travellers have gone into meltdown, to summarise their reaction to this judgement.

demonic to say the least.

Though Muslims differ this is a step in the right direction.

Pure Purple
06-30-2022, 06:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by سيف الله

Full credit to President Donald Trump, without whom this historic decision would never have taken place. A curse has been lifted from the

Though Muslims differ this is a step in the right direction.
Great decision but I fail to understand why credit is given to Donald Trump? My poor understanding of politics and my poor english maybe that's why I fail to understand this.
Can you explain in short ?
As per my understanding goverment never act in interest of people's sentiment or right of unborn child or rights of women. They make decision based on what they feel right for their country even if it is wrong or to gain vote.
Like China's one child policy was heavily influenced by west making their goverment believe if they won't control their population, they will be starved to death as they will not have enough food in future to feed their growing population.This is what I watched in one of the documentaries long ago.Women were forced to abort child even at advance stages like 8 months.Now they see consequnces but it's too late now.
They never thought of right of women to have child at all.
Now maybe west want more population to have more manpower as population is good for country or maybe now they want to curb immigration of people from other countries because they feel threaten that maybe one day they will have huge influence in usa than indigenous population .

06-30-2022, 10:18 AM
...Not interested bc it's too difficult lang

06-30-2022, 02:39 PM
Congratulations on your successful divorce from your toxic spouse!

Pure Purple
06-30-2022, 05:06 PM

سيف الله
06-30-2022, 06:56 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by Pure Purple
Great decision but I fail to understand why credit is given to Donald Trump? My poor understanding of politics and my poor english maybe that's why I fail to understand this.
Can you explain in short ?
As per my understanding goverment never act in interest of people's sentiment or right of unborn child or rights of women. They make decision based on what they feel right for their country even if it is wrong or to gain vote.
Like China's one child policy was heavily influenced by west making their goverment believe if they won't control their population, they will be starved to death as they will not have enough food in future to feed their growing population.This is what I watched in one of the documentaries long ago.Women were forced to abort child even at advance stages like 8 months.Now they see consequnces but it's too late now.
They never thought of right of women to have child at all.
Now maybe west want more population to have more manpower as population is good for country or maybe now they want to curb immigration of people from other countries because they feel threaten that maybe one day they will have huge influence in usa than indigenous population .
Im not from the US so Im no expert but I can give you a short video on how the supreme court works.

Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected in 2016 so he now had the power to nominate supreme justices. He wanted to pay back the evangelicals prolife and his support base for helping him get elected and this is one way to do it. Nominate supreme justices who shared their values.

You have to remember its not a blanket ban. Now states can decide whether to ban restrict abortions or not rather than being imposed on by federal government.

Whats happening in the US is tremendous tussle for power and which direction the country will go, and it shows how divided the society is on key issues. Abortion being a prime example.

On the one child policy its a crazy policy, when it comes to family formation there has to be an equilibrium. They are storing up so many problems for the future (hence the reason they have relaxed the policy now).

Pure Purple
07-01-2022, 06:26 AM
Hmm so basically president can nominate supreme court justice and there is no minimum educational qualification requirement for this.I mean educational qualification has nothing to do with person's ability to make judgment and decision but still here should some minimum criteria for this.
I hope this decision won't affect in a wrong way like in indian. It's a crime to determine the gender of unborn baby to prevent female feoticide, dcotor may loose licence if he does so and family may be jailed yet people do here. Qualified doctor never tell the gender of baby so family go to some quack to determine gender and for abortion. Sometime woman may loose her life due to complications of abortion. Family don't go to any clinic for fear of being caught what they did.
I hope this will not be a case there.

07-01-2022, 10:34 AM
@Pure purple

It's for Divorce pertaining to thread!

I'm sorry that it came off a bit wrong without any bad intentions.

Pure Purple
07-01-2022, 04:42 PM
Sorry again

How naive I am :-[

سيف الله
10-13-2022, 03:23 PM

Another update. A different perspective.

It's time to stop pretending our century is about anything other than US Imperial Consolidation.


سيف الله
11-01-2022, 12:09 PM

More on the inter generational conflict thats brewing. And a prescient warning to those who wish to adopt 'liberal' ideologies and the inevitable consequences that ensue.

The Apple Eaters

This is part of what apparently is supposed to pass for a Boomer’s attempted defense of his generation on Gab:

You don’t like other groups of people because you’ve been trained that way. You are a wage slave, because you were trained to be one. You are broke because you rely on monsters to provide for you. You are ignorant, because someone told you you’re way way way smarter than everyone else. You are weak, because you think that your potty mouth and ability to repeat memes makes you strong. You take your notions of “strength” from films about cartoon characters.

Boomers were never trained to hate and disrespect our elders. They tried, but we didn’t buy it. We are the last generation to respect and honor our elders, and view them as the treasures that humanity has always valued them as. We were mind controlled, but not as badly as you are, and we know things and can tell you things. That’s why you’re trained to dismiss us at best, hate us at worst. Most go all in.

Hating on old people is the hobby of the new and improved Non Boomer generations. It’s a known strategy for a strong society. Very smart, extremely cool, and adorably trendy!!
I know, I know, I know. But the CEO of Based immediately addressed that.

You guys were the first generation to be Mass mind controlled yet you think the hippy movement was organic and you still celebrate it. That was the CIA getting you to bite the apple of temptation which you all did universally. It’s astonishing how easy it was. They laugh about it.

Didn’t grow up to hate your elders? You stuffed them in nursing homes and fought with your brothers and sisters over the inheritance. Almost universally. Destroying families. None of you people got along or let go of sibling grudges and are the number one reason families are so shattered. Do you remember big family gatherings? Birthday parties with your cousins? Graduation parties where the entire extended family would gather? I sure as ---- do, but that all stopped when the greatest generation (my grandparents) died off because you selfish, arrogant boomers couldn’t ----ing get along. Almost universally. You failed to pass ANYTHING on. Universally.

Even with the internet you guys can’t see that you were psy oppd into oblivion. The things you guys blindly went along with is actually horrific. You still watch tv and are the only demographic that keeps COMCAST/NBC etc alive. You people still pay a lot of money every month to brainwash yourselves and you think my generation is crazy for not doing so. Talk about not having a leg to stand on? You people literally can’t stop watching tv.

Nobody is “blaming” you necessarily for all these things but the fact you guys universally deny it and hate your own children for snapping out of the brainwashing is incredible. Your entire generation universally cheered at the flooding of our country with hostile invaders so you could have cheap labor, and economically replaced your own children for stonks. It’s long past time for you people to at least stfu and get out of our way so we can fix this hellish mess you guys created.

Idgaf that you didn’t have the internet back then. Just look at people like Madeline Albright, Bush 1, Kissinger etc. How tf did you guys look at these people and hear their words and not see total evil? You guys went along with all of it and you think it’s a great American value to do so. Something very dark happened to your generation and it shows more and more everyday.
Exactly. We understand why the Boomers became so awful, we understand that they were under assault from their teenage years on, we’re just not interested in listening to them anymore. It’s not just that we don’t want to listen to their constant attempts to excuse themselves and their inadvertent demolition of American society, we don’t want to hear them yammering on and on about anything.

Boomer, it’s time to go. Or at the very least, be quiet and follow obediently. Your day is done. You changed the world. And now we have to fix it.


سيف الله
11-08-2022, 03:32 PM

This is gloomy.

USA: 1776 – 2032

Financial analyst Martin Armstrong calculates an even earlier end to the political entity described as the United States of America as a result of all major elections being fraudulent and the collapse of the international dollar system:

Bolsonaro’s defeat in Brazil is proof that all major elections are now being stolen, according to Armstrong, in a bid to eliminate any world leader who stands against the regime agenda.

“This is a worldwide effort,” he said. “They had to get rid of Trump. The other one who stood in their way is Bolsonaro. Then there is Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China). I think you are going to have historians look back at this 50 years from now, and they will call this period ‘The Climate Change Wars’… They are trying to take down as much oil energy capacity as possible.”

Armstrong says his computer modeling is showing huge domestic unrest in the United States next year, and that conditions are ripe for “a rocket launch for volatility and civil unrest.”

“The United States will not exist after 2032. After 2028 and 2029, we are going to have to redesign a government from scratch. America is being destroyed,” he explicitly warned.

On the financial front, Armstrong asserts, “The whole monetary system as we know it is collapsing. That was what the bond crisis in the UK was about.”
Just to forestall the inevitable question, I’ll stick by my 2033 estimate. But I do think it is informative to note that the perceptions of that 2004 prediction have gone from a) thinking that I’m totally insane to b) thinking that I’m pessimistic, but maybe onto something to c) thinking that I’m optimistic to d) professionals producing concrete estimates of an even earlier timeframe for the collapse.

To paraphrase an old chestnut, the United States of America are no longer united, nor sovereign, nor American.


11-15-2022, 07:16 AM
Asalaamu alaykum

It's time for people to divorce the US and return to their own lands altogether. This is The Deliverance of The ALMIGHTY in these End of Days. My family and I have done this and are now living in The Favor of YAHUAH in Cairo.


11-28-2022, 07:49 PM
We are all living in Amerika!

12-03-2022, 11:34 PM
The USA has got a very costly, time consuming and wasteful system. The place is falling apart. It would be better to have a dictatorship or emperor because their system is a farce anyway. As they are only concerned with big business and warmongering.

سيف الله
12-30-2022, 01:33 AM

The US has serious internal problems, but its becoming clearer who or what is causing these problems. Its tempting to naysay but I hope they can resolve their internal issues (for the sake of world stability if anything else).

Another update

The Only Effective Opposition

Cosmonaut explains why it behooves members of the Sane World to support Elon Musk’s antics, even though he is obviously a ticket-taker and a card-carrying member of the Clown World elite.

As discussed in an earlier post, Machiavellian political theory holds that the greatest extent of freedom and justice prevails when the elite is split. That is, when there is a genuine opposition.

Throughout the Western world, official opposition parties have failed to fulfil this role. There has been no sustained, spirited and organized opposition to Woke, trans mania, Covid hysteria or creeping techno-tyranny – nor was there any effective opposition to the War on Terror from the left.

A few local leaders may have resisted here and there, but overall the political parties that ought to have fought policy blunders instead tagged along behind, calling out ‘wait for me!’

Nor has there been any major opposition from the rest of civil society. Large media outlets follow the regime line. Churches are quiet. Unions are tame. Civil rights organizations have mostly been coopted, Wikipedia has been silenced and big business (especially big tech) is going along with it all. Academia is leading the charge.

And now, suddenly, there is opposition. One small part of Big Tech is openly facilitating the release of information that strongly contradicts the regime narrative. Its leader is openly rejecting the shibboleths expected of his class.

Republicans look on, stunned, as a lone man outside the party does their job for them.

It may be small, but it is effective in breaking the fugue of accepted opinion – a fugue that Trump’s lack of concrete action barely put a dent in, or perhaps strengthened through reaction to his elite-reviled but sadly ineffectual administration.

The regime is embarrassed. Our rulers are mostly too ashamed to respond directly aside from occasional snark. The media ignores or obfuscates the story, as though they are afraid to touch it. Some of the worst offenders have gone strangely quiet. Their sanctimonious arrogance has taken a hit.

This is what an Opposition looks like.
Moreover, as Peter Turchin demonstrates, a revolution only succeeds with the support of a rebel faction of the elite. For example, both Putin and Xi were members of rebel factions within their respective Communist Party elites, but both leaders took their nations in radically different directions after attaining power. And many of the American Founding Fathers were state politicians and men of impressive wealth and influence.

If Americans are fortunate, there will be other members of the US foreign elite besides Musk and Trump who understand that Clown World’s destination is Hell and are willing to disrupt its operations. For all his many flaws, and despite his dubious motivations, one must admit that Musk has done more to conclusively prove the illegitimacy and criminality of the current US regime than any genuine American or anyone to his right to date, and he has done it in a very short period of time.


Predictions From the Tree of Woe

Just one prediction for 2023, but it’s a grave one about the petrodollar, its fate, and the consequences therefrom:


The petrodollar is the centerpiece of American hegemony. I predict that in 2023, at the latest 2024, that system will end. Its demise may be disguised by the mainstream and financial press, but it will be self-evident in the transactions themselves, and its aftershocks will be mighty.

Now, the end of the petrodollar system has been a long time coming, of course. It’s been a major goal of America’s strategic competitors for years. In 2017, China and Russia created the petroyuan so that its partners could trade for oil without using dollars. However, the petroyuan did not unseat the petrodollar in the six intervening years. 80% of oil transactions remained in USD. Why?

  • Saudi Arabia, the linchpin of the petrodollar system, continued to insist on using dollars in its transactions.
  • The Chinese continued to be reliant on trade with the US to fuel their economy, and thus could not risk destroying the system that made the US dollar valuable.
  • The US has a proven track record of using military force to support the petrodollar, and with Donald Trump in charge— known to Chinese citizens as “Emperor

Trump” for his vigorous policies — the Chinese were reluctant to “---- around and find out.”

Now those conditions have changed.
Read the whole thing there, keeping in mind that while timings are always uncertain, trends are often clear.


12-31-2022, 12:21 AM
Elon Musk is evil because he tortures monkeys to death in the name of science. He should be locked up and be tortured for his crimes.

سيف الله
03-06-2023, 11:54 AM

Another update.

Capital Controls Come to America

Remember when everyone believed that the USA was a free market economy that pushed for free trade all around the world because it was mutually beneficial? Yeah, those days are over now. This is additional evidence – not that any more was needed – that the free trade critics were correct all along.

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Washington is planning to outlaw American investment in the high-tech sectors of rival economies, citing sources and reports from the US Treasury Department and Commerce Department relating to the proposed regulation.

Sources close to the formulation of the new regulations said the restrictions will primarily be aimed against China and will likely focus on private and venture capital investments in the semiconductor, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing sectors

The Wall Street Journal noted that the reports did not specifically name countries which will be affected by the new regulations, nor did they single out the specific economic sectors which were being identified as being of particular risk to US economic security. However the reports indicated that the regulations will seek to target sectors which might increase the military capabilities of nations that rival the United States.

As one example, a report from the Treasury Department, noted that the new rules on foreign investment would focus on “preventing US capital and expertise from being exploited in ways that threaten our national security while not placing an undue burden on US investors and businesses.”

The new regulations have reportedly been in the works for months, while the US Treasury Department sought to craft the rules so as to be strictly focused on national security issues, while not being arguably designed to foster unfair economic advantages.
It will be interesting to see how a “rival economy” is defined. And it’s even more interesting to see decades of free trade propaganda abandoned overnight.

On the grand historic level, however, this is another bad sign for the survival of the USA as a unitary political entity. Empires that are forced to engage in capital controls in order to prevent money from being invested elsewhere usually are not empires that survive very long.


سيف الله
04-22-2023, 09:30 PM

Another update

Indonesia Leaves the Dollarzone

The largest Muslim nation in the world has abandoned the US trade dollar:

Indonesia is following the lead of the BRICS group in its policy of shifting away from the US dollar in trade and financial transactions, according to the country’s central bank.

Jakarta has introduced transactions in the local currency to settle cross-border trades, the portal SINDOnews has reported, citing Bank of Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo.

“Indonesia has initiated diversification of the use of currency in the form of LCT [local currency trading]. The direction is the same as the BRICS. In fact, Indonesia is more concrete,” Warjiyo said on Friday, addressing a press conference with the board of governors meeting.

Indonesia has already implemented the practice with a number of countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia, China, and Japan, he added. It also plans to sign a cooperation agreement with South Korea regarding local currency trading in early May.

Warjiyo’s statement comes as the BRICS economic bloc – comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – claims to be working on establishing a joint payment network to cut reliance on the Western financial system, and on the dollar in particular.
In related news, India and Bangladesh have dropped the dollar for use in their bilateral trade.

India and Bangladesh are moving away from using the US dollar in bilateral trade, the Bangladesh-based news website The Business Standard reported this week. According to the report, the two countries have reached a deal that will see a part of trade transactions carried out in their respective domestic currencies, the rupee and the taka.

It’s fascinating to see that the imperial overstep by the United States was not an invasion like Syracuse or even the suppression of a potential military rival like the World Wars fought between England and Germany, but the weaponization of its financial hegemony.

I always expected de-dollarization to follow both a) an economic crisis and b) a major military defeat, but instead, it appears to have proceeded both due to the very rational fears of countries observing how Russia was attacked economically via the global dollar system.


سيف الله
04-27-2023, 09:21 AM

Another update.

Et tu, Argentina?

Argentina abandons the dollar in favor of the yuan for trade with China:

Argentina will aim to pay for the bulk of its monthly imports from China in yuan rather than US dollars, Economy Minister Sergio Massa announced on Wednesday. Buenos Aires and Beijing signed a currency swap agreement last year, aimed at stemming the outflow of foreign currency from Argentina’s central bank.

China is currently Argentina’s second largest trade partner after Brazil, and the second biggest destination for Argentinian exports. Argentina’s total imports from China was around $13.5bn in 2021, according to the United Nations database on international trade.

Massa said that Buenos Aires will pay the equivalent of $1 billion in yuan for Chinese goods and services this month, with $790 million of monthly imports paid for in yuan each month thereafter. The currency swap agreement, expanded and finalized earlier this year, also allows Argentinian exporters to make settlements in yuan or dollars, to help balance the flows of foreign currencies in the central bank.
Even the neoclown Robert Kagan warned of the potential consequences of the USA’s abuse of its privileged position in the neoliberal world order.

The success of the order, however, also depended on the United States abiding by some basic rules. Chief among these was that it not exploit the system it dominated to gain lasting economic advantages at the expense of the other powers in the order. Put simply, it could not use its military dominance to win the economic competition against fellow members of the order, nor could it treat the economic competition as a zero-sum game and insist on always winning.

The Jungle Grows Back, Robert Kagan, 2019
The decision to weaponize the dollar in lieu of challenging Russia in a military context may prove to be one of the more catastrophic errors in the history of empires. Astute historians such as Victor Davis Hanson have been wondering exactly when, and where, the Imperial USA’s Syracuse moment of imperial overstretch would take place; in The Father of Us All, VDH argued that the Iraq War was not a serious candidate for the Moment.

Athens’s disastrous 415 B.C. expedition against Sicily, the largest democracy in the Greek world, may not prefigure our war in Iraq. (A hypothetical parallel to democratic Athens’s preemptive attack on the neutral, distant, far larger, and equally democratic Syracuse in the midst of an ongoing though dormant war with Sparta would be America’s dropping its struggle with al-Qaeda to invade India).

However, it increasingly appears that the attempt to control Russia using the leash of the dollar reserve system may have marked that long-anticipated Moment.


سيف الله
06-02-2023, 12:35 AM

Another update

Self-Immolation Redux

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but his absolute determination to avoid being nominated for President by the Republican Party is admirable.

Sen. Ted Cruz has joined the ranks of public figures condemning Uganda’s new anti-gay legislation, calling it “horrific” and “wrong.” The Texas Republican took to Twitter to condemn the law, which includes a death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” per Reuters.

Cruz wrote: “This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

—Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 29, 2023
This is the usual satanic inversion. The entire history of civilization is a written record of various nations forcibly keeping homosexuality and other forms of dyscivic societal decadence in check. It’s also absolutely no business of Ted Cruz or any other non-Ugandan how their society is ordered, especially when the society in which Cruz somehow finds himself a nominal leader is crumbling in every way and on the verge of complete collapse.

The irony is that Uganda will probably still be around when the United States of America ceases to be a single political entity.



سيف الله
06-04-2023, 06:11 PM

Eye opening.

Incredible, and maybe even unprecedented, answer by Arnaud Montebourg - former French Minister of Economy - to the question "what method do the Americans use to wage economic warfare against us?"

Here's the translation (by me):

"They use military tools. First of all, they use all the listening and intelligence systems that they built on after 9/11. They don't listen to terrorists...well they certainly do and that's very good...but they listen to foreign companies that compete with theirs.

So it's very simple, it became clear in 2014 when Snowden revealed that there were 75 million conversations and emails that had been exploited by the NSA on France, on French companies. When Pierucci - a man who should wear the Legion of Honor today because he defended France rather than its interests by agreeing to serve two unjustified years in prison in US jails in the Alstom affair... when Mr. Pierucci was taken into custody in Manhattan by the prosecutors they put under his nose 1 million emails. How did they get 1 million emails? By illegal eavesdropping. 1 million emails: it would have taken a lawyer 3 years to read through them… so he couldn't defend himself. So those are the military tools.

Second, they have a tool called extraterritorial law. The Americans are using a form of law, which is an imperialist law, which consists in declaring themselves competent for matters which in no way concern them.

Example: Alstom, a contract between Indonesia and a French company. They consider that there was an offense that was committed in this matter 10 years ago and they sue Alstom! The United States is not a victim, no American company was involved in this case. They declare themselves policeman of the world by undermining the sovereign interests. Therefore this is interference. They do it in ALL fields, and especially the economic field.

For example ITAR. ITAR is interesting: the United States has set a list of 22,000 components on which it grants itself the right to authorize or not the export by a foreign power. Example: you buy a varnish to put on the wing of the Rafale [a French fighter plane] which is on the ITAR list because it is not produced in France but in the US or elsewhere... because of this single varnish they allow themselves the right to say: 'you have the right to export to such and such a country, but not to this one because it is an enemy of the United States of America'. Why should I care if he's an enemy of the United States of America? The enemies of my allies are not necessarily my enemies! Example: they banned the export of Rafales to Egypt because of ITAR. Is that so, and why? So our urgency should be to produce these 22,000 products in France... Or in Europe, in allied countries which are also victims of ITAR. This is a sovereign policy.

I can also tell you about the American Patriot Act. 2001, September 11, what do they do? When a French company is bought by an American company, the American government has the unilateral power to request all the information on a company controlled by an American company. Absolutely all the information: patents, technologies, people, etc. Without any motivation and without judicial authorization, which means that these are illegal searches.

This is why in the affair of the takeover of the valves which equip our nuclear submarines and power stations - the Segault valves which are manufactured in Mennecy, Essonne - I intervened by saying 'it is out of question that this business goes under American control' and it is now a company that is controlled by Canadians. Canadians do not have extraterritorial rights, it is not an issue to work with Canadians. But Americans are different because they are predators. This is the reason why I said 'it is out of the question that Segault, who equips our nuclear submarines, gives our information to a foreign power'. Because Canadians do not have the right to do so, if they do it is criminal. But for Americans it is the law to do so!"

The host then asks him why we "never respond to the attacks we suffer?"

He has a really powerful answer:

"First, because there is a real, internalized weakness. And it also because it has a cost. When Jacques Chirac and Dominique de Villepin decided to use the resources they had as permanent members of the Security Council in 2003 on the attacks against Iraq by the United States of America, it cost us dearly.

But I think we have to learn to be ourselves. Étienne de La Boétie wrote a very beautiful book on voluntary servitude. He does say that servitude is a matter of habit. We no longer realize that we have lost our liberty. We must find it again and accept the cost of this liberty."



سيف الله
07-20-2023, 09:50 PM

Another update.


Republican voters are tired of leaders who are happy to fund endless wars abroad but not the defense of their own borders at home. I discuss the necessity of learning to love the people of the American nation and prioritize them over the geopolitical goals of the Global American Empire.


سيف الله
08-07-2023, 07:54 PM

Trumps in trouble.


Donald Trump wasted no time in branding his latest indictment on criminal charges as a "pathetic attempt" by the Biden family to weaponise justice in order to interfere with the 2024 Presidential election.

He's now facing four new criminal counts, including one of conspiring to defraud the United States by preventing Congress from certifying Joe Biden's victory in 2020, and another of conspiring to deprive Americans of their right to vote and have that vote counted.

A very different perspective.

Caesar Didn’t Have That Problem

Back in the day, Gaius Julius Caesar was facing the prospect of being charged for fake crimes by his political enemies. He never had to face them because he crossed the Rubicon with a single legion.

Actions have consequences. But a failure to act has consequences too. And those who don’t act when they have the chance shouldn’t whine about facing the inevitable consequences of their inaction.


سيف الله
12-20-2023, 09:56 PM

Another update.

The Empire Enters the Doom Loop

Ahnaf Habib, writing at The Tree of Woe, implicitly contends that that my decades-old prediction of the collapse of the USA as a singular political entity in 2033 is too optimistic:

This is a Doom Loop. All signs presently indicate that The US has entered said Loop. The gravity of the moment we are in cannot be merely dismissed on a whim of ‘hope’.

There was a time when the United States and its peoples could safely hide behind two Oceans, a robust economy, a homogenous society (ethnic, cultural and religious), technological prowess, etc. However, none of those are extant today.

America had its chance. It had an opportunity to pursue Empire in some “benevolent” capacity. It had its shot at leading the rest of world in a manner that could have been dignified, measured and temperate. It had all of that and much more.

But that is all in the past. What remains today is nothing more than “inertia”.

Men; men more clever, wise, and capable than any of the sorry lot of soy-drinking fools who claim to be “men” today in CONUS and the European satrapies; such men have long passed on. With their passing, what they built can only endure for a bit more at most.

Make no mistake: The Empire of Lies will not go down without a fight.

There are however, too many “small brushfires” worldwide to extinguish. Ergo, “Death by a Thousand Cuts” is the name of the game. Defeat is only a matter of time.

Doubts have already arisen in the Empire’s ability to secure World Trade.

This is magnified by a loss of deterrence in West Asia, in spite of the multiple carrier battle groups sent to the region to dissuade regional players.

The de facto blockade of the Bab-el-Mandeb strait by Yemen’s Ansarallah is shaping up to be the “Suez Moment” of American Empire: If the Hegemon cannot lift said blockade and guarantee the safety of global shipping, it is no longer a “Superpower.”
The fate of America was sealed by two things. First, the Civil War that established the empire. Second, the notorious 1883 poem of Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus”, that to all intents and purposes replaced the Constitution of the United States.

The Republic belonged to Americans. The Empire belonged to those who adopted the foreign “Melting Pot” ideology that was introduced to denationalize the new empire and sever it from its British roots. Everything that has happened since, including the largest invasion in human history and the concomitant takeover by the same ethnic elite that ruled the Soviet Union, was a direct result of those two fatal events.

This latest iteration of The Empire That Never Ended appears to be approaching its end. There is, I think, some comfort in the knowledge that there was essentially nothing that anyone living today could have done about the historical trajectory of the United States. But all empires inevitably come to an end, and it is eminently clear that the bells are tolling for the imperial USA. And while it may not seem to be the case, the collapse of the imperial USA may well turn out to be the best thing to happen for the American nation in decades, if not quite centuries.


And more


More legal woes for Donald Trump. His campaign spokesman has vowed to appeal against a decision by the Supreme Court of Colorado that the former President should be banned from standing in the state's primary election because of his involvement in the riot at the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021.

But the controversial ruling won't come into force until after an appeal has been allowed, so Mr Trump's name will remain on the ballot for now.


12-22-2023, 01:05 PM
It's already happening.

There are mass-migrations of people leaving California and going to places like Florida or Texas and vice-versa.

People don't like to live where they are hated.

12-23-2023, 10:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by سيف الله

Another update.

The Empire Enters the Doom Loop

Ahnaf Habib, writing at The Tree of Woe, implicitly contends that that my decades-old prediction of the collapse of the USA as a singular political entity in 2033 is too optimistic:

The fate of America was sealed by two things. First, the Civil War that established the empire. Second, the notorious 1883 poem of Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus”, that to all intents and purposes replaced the Constitution of the United States.

The Republic belonged to Americans. The Empire belonged to those who adopted the foreign “Melting Pot” ideology that was introduced to denationalize the new empire and sever it from its British roots. Everything that has happened since, including the largest invasion in human history and the concomitant takeover by the same ethnic elite that ruled the Soviet Union, was a direct result of those two fatal events.

This latest iteration of The Empire That Never Ended appears to be approaching its end. There is, I think, some comfort in the knowledge that there was essentially nothing that anyone living today could have done about the historical trajectory of the United States. But all empires inevitably come to an end, and it is eminently clear that the bells are tolling for the imperial USA. And while it may not seem to be the case, the collapse of the imperial USA may well turn out to be the best thing to happen for the American nation in decades, if not quite centuries.


And more


More legal woes for Donald Trump. His campaign spokesman has vowed to appeal against a decision by the Supreme Court of Colorado that the former President should be banned from standing in the state's primary election because of his involvement in the riot at the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021.

But the controversial ruling won't come into force until after an appeal has been allowed, so Mr Trump's name will remain on the ballot for now.

We are in interesting times for sure. As a guy who grew up in the states among lawyers (my father, uncle, etc.) and who studied some law in college, here is my take on this whole thing.

The Colorado decision uses section 3 of the 14th amendment to argue that Trump should be banned from the ballot, because he engaged in "insurrection". The judges contend that section 3 is "self-executing" which means that it comes into force automatically.

But the ruling is a bad one, based on faulty assumptions, and will be struck down by the US Supreme Court. Here are the reasons:

1. The 14th amendment section 3 does NOT apply to the US president. The president is not named in that amendment, and an earlier version of the section did name the president and vice-president. It also said that *future rebellions* would be considered. All of that language was struck by the US Congress before the amendment was ratified.
2. Article II section 4 of the US Constitution defines the grounds for presidential impeachment (not the 14th amendment), and Trump was exonerated by the Senate during his impeachment trial.
3. Section 3 of the 14th is not "self-executing" --letters and essays from lawmakers during ratification state that the section should not be considered self-executing. A ruling in 1869 by a federal judge also said the section was not self-executing. Therefore, to disqualify Trump would be a violation of due process.

After the Supreme Court strikes down the Colorado decision, I predict the following will happen:

The Democratic governors in states that have barred Trump from the ballot will refuse to comply with the ruling. Governors Whitmer (Michigan) and Hobbs (Arizona) will declare that the powers of their office allow them to keep Trump off the ballot. Trump will then lose the general election.

And we go into a very dangerous time, as riots and protests break out. The US government and its institutions will be under suspicion, and the courts will be considered corrupt.

Some Republicans have even said they would consider kicking Biden off the ballot in retaliation to the Colorado ruling --which further escalates this whole situation.

سيف الله
01-23-2024, 12:18 AM

Before anyone gets the wrong idea - I don't think anyone should be under ANY illusions about how Trump views Muslims.

His simping for zios is beyond pathetic.

Meanwhile the Democrats.

More generally

Having said that I have to agree that the political establishment is out to get him. He disrupted their gravy train and they want to punish him and any others who think they can alter the status quo.

Another update. Looks like his nomination campaign has got of to a good start.


Freezing cold with a larger population of pigs than people, rural Iowa can make or break a presidential campaign. And Donald Trump has taken a significant step towards becoming the Republican Party presidential candidate with a record win in the state's caucuses.

He won 51 per cent of the vote, a remarkable comeback landslide. Florida governor Ron DeSantis got 21 per cent, and former ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley wasn't far behind him on 19 per cent.

One of the poorer performing candidates, Vivek Ramaswamy has announced that he is dropping out of the contest

The Iowa race represents the first stage in the Republican selection process with the winner going on to face Joe Biden in November's presidential election.


01-27-2024, 01:02 AM
All American presidents are Zionists. Jewish plutocrats rule USA and the West in general. Candidates running for presidency are vetted by the oberJuden. Anyone who is not pro Jewish simply cannot be president. Trump implies that Biden is "anti-Semitic" but in reality Biden is as pro Jewish as Trump and constantly rubs shoulders with his many Jewish mates around the world including Zelensky.
Trump is also wrong that "antisemitism" universally runs hand in glove with anti-Americanism. They don't actually. There are many patriotic White Nationalists in America who are FIERCELY anti-Semitic.

سيف الله
03-05-2024, 04:45 PM

Another update.

The “Stop Biden” Drumbeat Begins

Media Democrats are terrified that Joe Biden is going to run for re-election, and they’re already calling on him to step aside:

What I admire most about President Biden is that in a polarized nation, he has governed from the center out, as he promised in his victory speech. With an unexpectedly steady hand, he passed some of the most important domestic legislation in recent decades. In foreign policy, he managed the delicate balance of helping Ukraine fight Russia without getting America itself into a war. In sum, he has been a successful and effective president.

But I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for reelection. It’s painful to say that, given my admiration for much of what they have accomplished. But if he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump.
It’s really remarkable how the most popular President and biggest vote-winner in history inspires such a lack of confidence in those who are on his side. In fact, it tends to make one question if he was really that popular and if he really won all those votes in 2020.


Biden’s Replacement

It’s becoming rapidly apparent that Biden is unlikely to make it to the November election in sufficient shape to speak in public. AC suggests that the plan is to replace him with RFK Jr., due to the problems with getting any other Democrat on enough state ballots given the registration rules:

RFK Jr. is the replacement for Biden, they will keep him in place until a replacement is impossible and then send him to hospice so all their voters will gravitate to RFK Jr. and hope he can steal enough centrists and Never Trumpers to win.

The comment is just dead on. If they ran RFK as a democrat, we would all assume he is comped, and opposition would be high. Now they have set him up as the anti-Cabal candidate who democrats and the establishment, and the CIA, and Vaxxies, just hate with a passion, and who they do not want to win since they have opposed him so vociferously. And then Biden gets either dead or 25th-ed, and now Democrats cannot run anyone because all the deadlines ran out, and RFK is there, perfectly positioned. He is like a more charismatic Bernie Sanders to the leftists, and he is almost quasi-Trumpian to the anti-Cabal right, so our resistance is lower than to Biden or an establishment candidate. It even makes sense why Gavin Newsom chose not to run, as did all the other establishment candidates. They all knew the plan – maybe their only chance for survival – was RFK, and everyone will do whatever is needed to support the plan.
I’m very dubious, mostly because it assumes that people who habitually break the election laws, including in the previous election, are going to make plans that are based upon the need to obey the candidate-registration laws. But it would explain both the way the elite media is gradually turning against Biden while going very, very soft on RFK Jr.

Even so, I’d assume that RFK Jr. was a backup plan, at most. If they want Newsom on the ballot, they’ll put him on the ballot, one way or another. And the Republicans will cry, but they won’t actually do anything about it.

As for the conservative obsession with Michelle Obama being a potential candidate… well, conservatives are retarded.


Just one example of the mainstream turning on Biden.

More comment.

Biden has a long history for bootlicking for the Zios.


"Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel."

Here's a history of surprising statements US President Joe Biden has made about Zionism and Israel.

And again for anyone who has any remaining illusions about Trump.

More comment.

Finish the Problem

Donald Trump endorses the Gazacaust:

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump expressed his support for Israel’s war in Gaza Tuesday, in his most explicit comments yet on the fighting, as international pressure grows on the United States to rein in its ally.

“Yes,” Trump responded, when asked during an interview on Fox News if he was “in Israel’s camp.”

The interviewer then asked if the former president was “on board” with the way Israel was executing its offensive in Gaza.

“You’ve got to finish the problem,” Trump responded.

President Joe Biden, whom Trump is set to challenge for the White House in November, has come under increasing fire both internationally and from his own Democratic base over his backing for Israel as the death toll in Gaza soars and the specter of famine looms.

The fighting began with an attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas on southern Israel on October 7, resulting in about 1,160 deaths, most of them civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures.

Israel’s retaliatory offensive in the Gaza Strip has killed 30,534 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-ruled territory.
Well, at least he didn’t call for a final solution. It’s a healthy reminder that Americans will not be voting their way out of Clown World. They’re going to have to go through the whole decline-and-fall process. It’s informative that Trump views Palestinians living in Palestine as a problem, but doesn’t view hundreds of millions of foreigners living in the United States as one. And it’s even more informative to see that his position appears to be diametrically opposed to that being presented by China and Russia.

It’s not that Trump wasn’t a good president. He was one of the better ones. But I wouldn’t hold out a whole lot of hope for his presidency, even if there is a legitimate election sans fraud.


سيف الله
06-01-2024, 11:47 PM

Another update. Trumps in trouble.


Krishnan Guru-Murthy: ‘He blamed President Biden, called the judge a 'tyrant' and described the trial as a 'scam'. Donald Trump says he'll appeal against his criminal conviction - declaring that he is ‘willing to do whatever I have to do to save my country.’

It follows last night's verdict, when a New York jury found Mr Trump guilty on 34 counts of business fraud. Speaking just now, Mr Biden said it was ‘dangerous and irresponsible’ to suggest the trial was rigged.’

More comment.

Countdown to 2033

In the aftermath of the fake Trump trial, Martin Armstrong’s computer system predicts the fall of the USA in 8.6 years:

Our legal system is so corrupt and biased that the entire system should be scrapped and all judges simply fired. History is littered with corrupt judges like Merchan who always assume they are above the law like this ACTING judge and former prosecutor. In China, the historian Sima Qian provides us with a look at one of the most harsh bureaucrats of the Wudi reign, Du Zhou (? – 95BC), who argued that the old laws were then irrelevant and could be changed at the pleasure of the emperor. Zang Tang (? – 116BC) A judicial bureaucrat named Wno drafted the laws under Wudi regime and made treasonous thoughts (CONSPIRACY) punishable by death. When the regimes changed, he was eventually compelled to commit suicide as his view of the law led him to be the most hated among all of the ministers under Wudi regime.

Yet Merchan is perhaps closer to the minister Chao Cuo (? – 154BC) who was under the previous emperor Ching-ti (Liu Ch’i)(157-141BC), Chao Cuo earned the hatred of other ministers after he introduced 30 new laws. The outrage was so intense, he was dragged out and executed in his judicial robes in the town marketplace. There was far greater resistance toward changing the laws in China than what we see in NYC today. These incidents of publicly executing ministers who tried to make the laws even harsher, were not unique, but became far more common in China compared to the West.

Merchan has set in motion the decline and fall of the United States and curiously, it will be about 8.6 years from this even until we reach 2032. That was the time of judicial upheaval in China and it was just 8.6 years for the collapse of the Roman Monetary system from 260-268AD.

What they have set in motion is the decline and fall of the United States. There will not be enough police in New York City to protect it from collapse. Institutions are selling New York state and city debt. It will never be paid.

This may be another reason why the neocons have been successful in convincing the less-bloodthirsty clowns to pursue an unwinnable war against both Russia and China, while simultaneously supporting an Israeli war in the Middle East. In addition to time running out on the neocons’ ability to utilize a powerful foreign army for their own purposes, there is no way that the current US government can avoid the collapse of the global financial system it inherited from Great Britain and for which it provides the muscle required to keep the nations inside it.

War has long been a way of erasing debts and those to whom the debts are owed. And as Armstrong observes, cities, states, and the Federal government itself are far too deep underwater to ever recover.


سيف الله
06-15-2024, 08:10 AM

Another update.

Guilty on All Charges

President Trump was found “guilty” on all 34 charges in one of the most absurd and obviously fake trials in history.
A New York jury on Thursday found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records — the first time a former U.S. president has been convicted of a crime.

The jury reached its verdict in the historic case after 9.5 hours of deliberations, which began Wednesday.

He’ll be sentenced on July 11, four days before the Republican National Convention. He faces penalties ranging from a fine to four years in prison on each count, although it’s expected he would be sentenced for the offenses concurrently, and not consecutively.
Clown World at its finest. Meanwhile, the DOJ still can’t manage to find anything with which to charge Hunter Biden.


Not quite. Trial drama continues, now Hunter Biden is in trouble.


Hunter Biden has been found guilty of lying about his drug use in order to illegally buy a gun.

It's the first time the son or daughter of a sitting US president has been convicted of a crime.

The jury found him guilty on all three charges after a week-long trial and around three hours of deliberation, leaving him potentially facing up to 25 years in prison.

More comment.

It’s Always the Paperwork

They got Capone on taxes. And of all the many crimes they could have gotten the massively corrupt Hunter Biden for, they got him for filling out a gun purchase form:

US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was found guilty by a Delaware jury on Tuesday. He faced three federal charges relating to possession of a firearm while addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden was accused of lying on a gun purchase form in 2018, falsely attesting that he was not a drug addict when, in fact, he was on crack cocaine at the time.

Tuesday’s verdict means Biden is the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in federal court. He could receive up to 25 years in prison, although the sentence is widely expected to be far more lenient.
Yes, one would expect the sentence to be lenient, if not entirely nonexistent. Frankly, I’m shocked that he was found guilty.


سيف الله
07-21-2024, 06:16 PM

Another update. The first presidential debates. The usual theatrics but no amount of spin can conceal how disastrous this was for Biden.


According to the pollsters, it's the rematch voters don't want. But if Americans were hoping for reassurance from the first televised debate of the 2024 election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, they didn't get it.

A stumbling and often incoherent Joe Biden and an evasive Donald Trump discussed which of them was the worst President in history, and who had the best golf handicap. Senior Democrats have rallied round Mr Biden, but in private some are now asking a question many voters have been asking for months: is he up to the job?

His puppetmasters have had enough and want him out.

The Knives are Out

Joe Biden #4 gave a historic performance in the presidential debate that even The Economist describes as “an unmitigated disaster”:

The mission for Joe Biden in the presidential debate held in Atlanta on June 27th was clear: to prove his critics wrong, by showing that he was mentally fit and thereby reverse the polling deficit that makes Donald Trump the favourite to win the American election in 2024. Unfortunately, his performance was an unmitigated disaster—perhaps the worst of any presidential candidate in modern history. The president, who is 81 (and would be 86 by the end of a second term in office), stammered indecipherably, struggled to complete his lines of attack and proved his doubters completely correct. Although Mr Trump was in his typical form—meandering, mendacious, vindictive—he somehow appeared the more coherent and lucid of the pair. Mr Biden’s decision to seek re-election rather than standing aside for a younger standard-bearer now looks like a reckless endangerment of the democracy he claims to want to protect.

Merely quoting Mr Biden’s rhetorical bumblings do not do them justice, but they do give a sense of the shambles. Consider one of his lines at the very start of the debate, the first indicator that the president was in poor form: “Making sure that we continue to strengthen our health-care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single, solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the…uh, covid…excuse me, dealing with everyone we had to do with… look, if we finally beat Medicare…” The moderator interrupted before further damage could be done, one of several coups de grâce graciously administered.
I don’t see how the Democrats can seriously expect to field any of their five Joe Bidens as a candidate, although at least it would purport to demonstrate how many people will vote for a Democrat under any circumstance. That, of course, assumes that the elections are real, which we know they are not.

So, the point of showing that Biden is incapacitated, and permitting the media to trumpet his incapacity now that the primaries are over is to put someone else in the office. Whether that is Trump or not remains to be seen.

Of the various replacement candidates on offer, I think RFK is the most credible suggestion, Michelle Obama the least. I also think that Newsome was the original plan, but that is less viable since California has been imploding faster than anticipated.

The lesson is this: once you take the ticket, no matter how high you rise, you will eventually be thrown from the high horse.


Joe Must Go

The New York Times reads from the script to shut down the Fake Biden administration:

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.
Isn’t it fascinating how Clown World will often come right out and tell you the truth, but do so in a way in which you naturally assume a less-insidious interpretation?

Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

They expect you to take it as a metaphor. But it isn’t. That’s the literal truth. That dotard on the stage was Biden #4. I doubt Biden #1 is even alive now.

Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.

UPDATE: The Uniparty is in one accord on the matter.

Joe Biden should be replaced as US president, having shown he is “not up to the task” during his debate with Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said.


Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.
Its same in the UK, after the debate the Guardian/Times etc immediately had a piece breathlessly speculating who will replace Biden, the liberal elite dont miss a beat.

EDIT - Bidens been ditched


After mounting pressure from Democrats following his debate performance, President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. WSJ’s Catherine Lucey explains how Biden lost his party’s support.

0:00 Biden drops out of race
0:36 How Democratic support for Biden unraveled
3:55 Age concerns

More comment.


Wait until Biden finds out about this.


Just let the poor guy retire it’s basically elder abuse at this point


4 years of the media pretending he wasn't mentally unfit to serve...


Guy announced it 15 minutes ago, and wsj managed to publish this lol


Why did the Democrats let it go this far and allow it to come to this so late in the game despite so much ample warning? This is a party-wide disaster.


The fact that he went this far, shows the state of American politics..


truly shocking as to the fact that he was never in charge of the country anyway

سيف الله
07-23-2024, 07:14 PM

Sure you all seen this.


The former president and presumptive Republican nominee was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when bangs started ringing through the crowd. Trump could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his neck. There appeared to be blood on his face. He quickly ducked behind the riser as agents from his protective detail rushed the stage and screams were heard in the crowd of several thousand people. The bangs continued as agents tended to him on stage. The crowd cheered as he got back up and pumped his fist.


Flanked by the secret service and circled by police officers, law enforcement was meant to keep Donald Trump safe at his rally in Butler Pennsylvania on 13 July.

But somehow, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks came within centimetres of assassinating him.

Director of the Secret Service Kimberley Cheatle has told ABC News the shooting was ‘unacceptable’.

Homeland Security called it a ‘security failure’.

In this visual investigation, we’re going to show you, using footage from multiple angles and sources, what was happening while Trump was speaking and, second by second, when the threat to Donald Trump's life was first identified.

Building a detailed picture of exactly how law enforcement reacted before and immediately after shots were fired.

Naturally lead to a lot of speculation who or what is behind this.

A Trump supporters reaction.

Heads will roll.


The head of the US Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle has stepped down after Donald Trump was shot at a rally earlier this month.

Sky's David Blevins reports from Washington on this developing story.


سيف الله
08-03-2024, 06:25 PM

Another update. A history of assassination attempts on prominent US political figures.


08-03-2024, 11:22 PM
salamu alaikum, i think Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin, so i think there's no need to make him look like a victim.

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