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View Full Version : Fitnah At Work

05-27-2018, 07:21 PM
Salam everyone,

Recently a colleague of mine wasn't happy with my work deployment/roster. She told it to my face that it's unfair that I was deployed to do a "lighter task" than her. The roster was issued by the higher management and I didn't get to choose my deployment like everyone else. This doesn't help at all when another male colleague took it to his social media and announced that I was constantly complaining that I had to do "heavy task" and I didn't get the chance to do the "lighter task". This just happened a few days back during fasting period and so many colleagues read about it. I decided to bring up regarding the online post to my manager as I felt like I was being bullied and wouldn't want my other colleagues to think of me differently. When the manager approached the male colleague who posted the fitnah about me, he got angry and decided to take the rest of my colleagues down by exposing them for not doing their work properly or not following SOP. Some of my colleagues are blaming me right now for triggering him. I tried to explain in a peaceful way to my other colleagues. I told them my female colleague already find it unfair that I always get to do "lighter task" and the male colleague who posted the fitnah about me was making the whole situation look bad on me, so I really have to clear my name. But apparently right now the female colleague who constantly tell it to my face saying how unfair that I always get the "lighter task" job to do is now denying. Apparently some of my colleagues thinks that I'm a liar and selfish person right now. It's hard going to work with colleagues who are looking at me differently as if like I'm the bad person. I don't know how to overcome this. I cried at work while I was fasting just now.

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05-27-2018, 07:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ElyshaGizelle
Salam everyone,

Recently a colleague of mine wasn't happy with my work deployment/roster. She told it to my face that it's unfair that I was deployed to do a "lighter task" than her. The roster was issued by the higher management and I didn't get to choose my deployment like everyone else. This doesn't help at all when another male colleague took it to his social media and announced that I was constantly complaining that I had to do "heavy task" and I didn't get the chance to do the "lighter task". This just happened a few days back during fasting period and so many colleagues read about it. I decided to bring up regarding the online post to my manager as I felt like I was being bullied and wouldn't want my other colleagues to think of me differently. When the manager approached the male colleague who posted the fitnah about me, he got angry and decided to take the rest of my colleagues down by exposing them for not doing their work properly or not following SOP. Some of my colleagues are blaming me right now for triggering him. I tried to explain in a peaceful way to my other colleagues. I told them my female colleague already find it unfair that I always get to do "lighter task" and the male colleague who posted the fitnah about me was making the whole situation look bad on me, so I really have to clear my name. But apparently right now the female colleague who constantly tell it to my face saying how unfair that I always get the "lighter task" job to do is now denying. Apparently some of my colleagues thinks that I'm a liar and selfish person right now. It's hard going to work with colleagues who are looking at me differently as if like I'm the bad person. I don't know how to overcome this. I cried at work while I was fasting just now.
Life in the corporate world is like living in the jungle where the strongest survive and the weak diminish. Corporate world is full of politics, plot and scheme, show them you are the best, you are superior than the rest. You need never show them your weakness or act like you are weak and it is effecting you. You will not make it like that in the corporate world. Sorry. But this is life. Men all their life since beginning of time have went through this all the time. My twin brother at university he is super, super, super, super, super smart get A++ in everything...gets award over award over award, relentless and hard worker. So many times students (female and male) tried to destroy him or destroy his work or ruin his reputation over and over...teachers themselves attempt to do that. Because of jealousy, resentment and wanting to see him fail. Many times they plotted and schemed at night to destroy his project to see him fail. Other times they would love to put his face on plaster news and ruin his reputation if they could. Unfortunately, lots of women do this to men all the time in America with false allegation of rape and so on. You cannot go weeping. Sorry. If you start weeping and looking for sympathy you will not succeed in the corporate world. You need to have back bone and fight back.

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05-27-2018, 09:07 PM
Attachment 6421

Attachment 6422

Please refer to:



And consider:

Section 17: Secret counsels of the Hypocrites
Surah An-Nisa', Verse 113
Endeavours of the Hypocrites to destroy the Muslims - secret plots of the Hypocrites- Plots against the Apostle doomed to failure

وَلَوْلاَ فَضْلُ اللّهِ عَلَيْكَ وَرَحْمَتُهُ لَهَمَّت طَّآئِفَةٌ مُّنْهُمْ أَن يُضِلُّوكَ وَمَا يُضِلُّونَ إِلاُّ أَنفُسَهُمْ وَمَا يَضُرُّونَكَ مِن شَيْءٍ وَأَنزَلَ اللّهُ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَعَلَّمَكَ مَا لَمْ تَكُنْ تَعْلَمُ وَكَانَ فَضْلُ اللّهِ عَلَيْكَ عَظِيمًا
113. "And had it not been Allah's grace on you and His Mercy, a party of them had certainly resolved to lead you astray, but they do not lead astray but their own selves, and they shall not harm you at all. And Allah has revealed to you the Book and the Wisdom, and He has taught you what you did not know, and great is Allah's grace on you."

In some preceding verses, (verse 105), a part of the event of the tribe called Bani-Abiraq was explained. Now, in this verse, another part of that event is referred to. The verse says:

"And had it not been Allah's grace on you and His Mercy, a party of them had certainly resolved to lead you astray...."
By accusing an innocent person and then involving the Prophet (S) in this event, they wanted both to defame the social and spiritual personality of the Prophet (S), and to fulfil their own evil intentions upon an innocent Muslim. But, the Lord, who is the protector of His Messenger, obliterated their plans totally.

Then, the Qur'an says:

"... but they do not lead astray but their own selves and they shall not harm you at all..."
Finally, the Qur'an states the reason of immunity of the Prophet (S) from fault, such:

"... And Allah has revealed to you the Book and the Wisdom, and He has taught you what you did not know....."
And, it concludes the verse by saying:

"...and great if Allah's grace on you."
In the above-mentioned sentence, one of the basic reasons of the subject of inerrancy is shortly pointed out. It implies that Allah has taught the Prophet (S) some knowledge and science that he is saved from any fault and mistake, because knowledge and sciences, especially the knowledge of hidden things and unknown secrets, (in final stage) are the causes of light and inerrancy.

Surah An-Nisa', Verse 114
لاَّ خَيْرَ فِي كَثِيرٍ مِّن نَّجْوَاهُمْ إِلاَّ مَنْ أَمَرَ بِصَدَقَةٍ أَوْ مَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ إِصْلاَحٍ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ ابْتَغَاء مَرْضَاتِ اللّهِ فَسَوْفَ نُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا
114. "There is no good in most of their secret conferences, except for him who enjoins charity or goodness or reconciliation between people; and whoever does this, seeking Allah's pleasure, We will give him a great reward."

In the former verses, there was a hint to the mischievous hidden nightly meetings of some hypocrites or the like of them. In this holy verse, the subject is discussed more detailed under the title of 'secret conference'.

The Arabic term /najwa/ 'conspiring whisper', does not mean only: 'the secret whispered words'. It includes any secret and hidden meetings, too.

The holy verse denotes that: there is no goodness in their most private meetings which such people hold secretly, and they are based on some evil plans. It says:

"There is no good in most of their secret conferences....."
Then, in order that it might not be thought that any conspiring and whisper, or secret meeting, is blameworthy and prohibited, a few instances are mentioned at the end of this very verse in the form of exceptions. It says:

"... Except for him who enjoins charity or goodness or reconciliation between people......"
If such conspiring may not be for pretence or dealing hypocrisy but for the purpose of obtaining the pleasure of Allah, the Lord will assign a great recompense for them. The verse says:

"...and whoever does this, seeking Allah's pleasure, We will give him a great reward."
In principle, conspiring and secret whispering, or holding hidden meetings have been introduced in the Qur'an as' Satanic work '. Surah Mujadelah No. 58, verse 10 says:

"Secret counsels are only (the work) of Satan..."
Essentially, if secret conspiring is performed at the presence of a crowd, it may raise the suspicion of men. It can even sometimes create mistrust between friends. That is why it is better not to apply this manner except for the necessary aspects. The philosophy of this ordinance in the Qur'an may also be the very fact.

Surah An-Nisa', Verse 115
وَمَن يُشَاقِقِ الرَّسُولَ مِن بَعْدِ مَا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُ الْهُدَى وَيَتَّبِعْ غَيْرَ سَبِيلِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ نُوَلِّهِ مَا تَوَلَّى وَنُصْلِهِ جَهَنَّمَ وَسَاءتْ مَصِيرًا
115. "And whoever opposes the Messenger after the guidance has become manifest to him, and follows other than the way of the believers, him We shall turn over to what he has turned to, and We shall expose him to Hell, and an evil destination it is!"

The Arabic term /musaqqah/ means that you put yourself one side and the holy Prophet (S) another side and begin hindering the affairs, and showing hostility by intentional opposition.

Therefore, after the truth being manifest to a person, it is obligatory for the one to obey the Messenger of Allah, and, evidently, opposing him (S) is unlawful.

"And whoever opposes the Messenger after the guidance has become manifest to him.... "
However, the Lord does not punish anyone by taking him into Hell without completing the argument.

"... after the guidance has become manifest to him....."
Thus, the result of opposing the Messenger of Allah (S) and the Islamic Ummah is to assume the master ship of other than Allah and falling down into Hell. It says:

"... and follows other than the way of the believers, him We shall turn over to what he has turned to....."
That is, the person follows a way other than the religion of the believing people. In such a case, Allah (s.w.t.) will leave that person to the idols which he relies on and imagines as his shelter and his support in all circumstances.

And, as a recompense of choosing aberration and leaving off the way of guidance, he will be put in Hell to taste his retribution, and it is an evil destination. It says:

"... and We shall expose him to Hell, and an evil destination it is!"


97. Say, “Whoever is hostile to Gabriel—it is he who revealed it to your heart by God’s leave, confirming what preceded it, and guidance and good news for the believers.”
98. Whoever is hostile to God, and His angels, and His messengers, and Gabriel, and Michael—God is hostile to the faithless.
99. We have revealed to you clear signs, and none rejects them except the sinners.
100. Is it not that whenever they make a covenant, some of them toss it aside? In fact, most of them do not believe.
101. And when there came to them a messenger from God, confirming what they had, a faction of those who were given the Book threw the Book of God behind their backs, as if they do not know.
102. And they followed what the devils taught during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but it was the devils who disbelieved. They taught the people witchcraft and what was revealed in Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut. They did not teach anybody until they had said, “We are a test, so do not lose faith.” But they learned from them the means to cause separation between man and his wife. But they cannot harm anyone except with God's permission. And they learned what would harm them and not benefit them. Yet they knew that whoever deals in it will have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable is what they sold their souls for, if they only knew.
103. Had they believed and been righteous, the reward from God would have been better, if they only knew.
104. O you who believe! Do not say ambiguous words, but say words of respect, and listen. The disbelievers will have a painful torment.
105. It is never the wish of the disbelievers from among the People of the Book, nor of the polytheists, that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord. But God chooses for His mercy whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Sublime Grace.
106. We never nullify a verse, nor cause it to be forgotten, unless We bring one better than it, or similar to it. Do you not know that God is capable of all things?
107. Do you not know that to God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and that apart from God you have no guardian or helper?
108. Or do you want to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned before? Whoever exchanges faith for disbelief has strayed from the right path.
109. Many of the People of the Book wish to turn you back into unbelievers after you have believed, out of envy on their part, after the Truth has become clear to them. But pardon and overlook, until God brings His command. God has power over all things.
110. And perform the prayer, and give alms. Whatever good you forward for yourselves, you will find it with God. God is Seeing of everything you do.

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format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
Life in the corporate world is like living in the jungle where the strongest survive and the weak diminish. Corporate world is full of politics, plot and scheme, show them you are the best, you are superior than the rest.

Just because the kuffaar have a fake "god" called Hubal...
Qoolooh Allahu A'azza wa'ajal

Wa makaroo wa makar Allah
Wa Allaahu khair al maakireen.

Fattakhizhu wakeelaa.

05-27-2018, 09:29 PM
Corporate world may be full of politics but its also scared of lawsuits. Go to the HR and explain the whole situation. They will call each one of those employees to the office and have a talk with them with threat of disciplinary actions should they retaliate against you. Don't let them make you a punching bag for their injustice, put them in line.

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05-27-2018, 10:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_
Corporate world may be full of politics but its also scared of lawsuits. Go to the HR and explain the whole situation. They will call each one of those employees to the office and have a talk with them with threat of disciplinary actions should they retaliate against you. Don't let them make you a punching bag for their injustice, put them in line.
Shame it only works because she is a female. They are scared of female law suit, but if i was in her shoes and attempt to sue i will be laughing stock, no one will care and no society will back me up.

- sigh - It leaves me to fight like I am in jungle...then I am bombarded by messages that men and women are equal. What a farse lie and hypocracy at the highest level. Men and women are not equal, we will never be equal. Simple. Put. I do not care how many sisters and feminist and western women believe we are equal...we are not equal. Go cry in the corner and weep, i do not care. We are not equal. Of course some smart women will come and say, "No. We are not equal. We are superior and better you men." That is ok and we agree, but reverse it and we are sexiest. I am so close to turning to the other side, but what stops me is fearing Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa).

05-28-2018, 12:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
Shame it only works because she is a female. They are scared of female law suit, but if i was in her shoes and attempt to sue i will be laughing stock, no one will care and no society will back me up.
You are a man so be a man and stand up for yourself. She is being bullied, if i was her i would take advantage of that #MeToo hashtag and rat out all those harassing her and hashtag the company's name in there too. Then watch how fast the HR goes into damage control.

05-28-2018, 04:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_
You are a man so be a man and stand up for yourself. She is being bullied, if i was her i would take advantage of that #MeToo hashtag and rat out all those harassing her and hashtag the company's name in there too. Then watch how fast the HR goes into damage control.
Your words have truly confirmed that the world is riddled with hypocrisy. Thank you so much for bluntly showing it to me. If I have a son I will teach him straight on NEVER EVER believe the lie and conspiracy that men and women are equal to each other. That is a lie. I will also teach him that men are stronger than women and women are weaker than men. I will give him proof to that fact. I also will teach him to never accept anyone hitting you, not even a woman. Just because she is weaker than you doesn't give her the right to be physically abusive to you. Never accept physical and verbal abuse from anyone, not even your wife. I will teach him straight on that feminist is a lie...it is from shaitaan and it is riddled with double standard, sexism, anti-male, hypocrisy and lesbianism. In addition it goes against Qura'an 100%. I will teach him that women can never be men and if they are fighting to be like men or superior to men those are cursed evil women you do not need to worry about as they are not suited as wife or mother material (at least not for your kids). Listen to feminist mantra and how they speak. If you find Muslim sisters speaking the same..avoid them. Do not marry them or have children with them. If they come at you.."Men are scared of smart, independent women and cannot handle strong independent women" this is the quo to avoid those women like the plaque. Like the virus. Leave them be on their own to be strong, independent women who do not need men. They will give you hardship if you marry them and you do not need to proof your manhood to them period. Besides....in the day of judgement you will be asked about the mother you choose for your children and if the supposed "strong independent women" turn you in dayyouth because you literally cannot handle her...who then will protect you from the anger of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) when she will drag you with to hellfire. Your not here to please women and to fulfill their carnal desires and ambition to be superior and dominating sex and you are their submissive dog. You are here to please Allah (Subahanau Wa Talaa) and no one else.

As for the Muslim sister I am agreeing now with Zzz_...if you are dealing with kuffar people by all means using their laws against them. Kick their butt. Destroy them using their own laws.

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05-31-2018, 03:17 AM
It's your co-worker problem if she isn't happy with her tasks. I would have gladly told her seriously as possible, "If you don't like your job assignment speak to the supervisor". And ignore her completely. She's not my boss, certainly not a friend.

If you are worried about about this fitnah becoming potentially increasingly aggressive then you *do* have the choice of leaving and that is your right for contentment to protect yourself and interests. However, this is your call to make...

You say that" some of my colleagues thinks that I'm a liar and selfish person right now. It's hard going to work with colleagues who are looking at me differently as if like I'm the bad person". Big NO. This is all psychological by showing any form of fear and guilt, you are already accepting their (perceived) judgement upon you. Whereas you have done nothing wrong!. Don't react to what they are misguided to think, react based on the truth.

You must continue to behave confidently assured and explain factually to anyone who asks regards your situation. There are always two sides to a story. People maybe merely confused. Possibly that's the expression on their faces which you are recieving. Get that idea out of your head that they have already judged you! It's harmful and there's absolutely no reason to feel this way.

Regards the male employee and facebook issue, isn't that against work protocol... To be specifically discussing a particular company and employee/s issue with the general public i.e those contacts on his facebook network (not to mention extremely childish). Do you have any evidence like a screenshot that is inclusive of this individual's facebook page with the post (capturing his account name etc) Hmm, it could come in handy if things were to get worse. Insha'Allah it doesn't happen.

Good on you for reporting this unacceptable behaviour of bullying. Facebook has included in it's policies guidelines that it's against their terms to use facebookto "bully, impersonate or harrass anyone" https://www.facebook.com/help/173544...=hc_global_nav .I would report this guy on there also.

Keep your supervisor/s updated on matters unfolding, of course always show gratitude for the help, advices and intervention you have recieved thus far and of course your interest to keep committed to your job. I don't think he would have meant to cause that effect or make you a victim of further abuse. (Did I misunderstand??) Most likely could be a rumour started perhaps by said individual who was disciplined...OR the other person who started this entire scenario.

In anycase, your colleagues cannot blame you if they were doing their jobs adequately in the first place. Keep being calm and confident on your stance. (just like you have done peacefully before) Sometimes, the answer is good communication. Hopefully, people are logical and honest enough to see the truth. And, even if that female employee is denying, everyone knows there are dramas in the workplace, today may be yours and tomorrow would be someone elses. But those who work closely with you, may have already favoured their view based on previous interactions and so continue to win them over by speaking undeniably truthfully. Do not feel guilty. Anyway, If this thing blows up further then maybe you can switch to another department or leave. Don't be intimated or bullied by anyone. May Allah guide you and He is our ultimate Provider and Protector. Ameen. I'll keep you in my dua.

format_quote Originally Posted by ElyshaGizelle
Salam everyone,

Recently a colleague of mine wasn't happy with my work deployment/roster. She told it to my face that it's unfair that I was deployed to do a "lighter task" than her. The roster was issued by the higher management and I didn't get to choose my deployment like everyone else. This doesn't help at all when another male colleague took it to his social media and announced that I was constantly complaining that I had to do "heavy task" and I didn't get the chance to do the "lighter task". This just happened a few days back during fasting period and so many colleagues read about it. I decided to bring up regarding the online post to my manager as I felt like I was being bullied and wouldn't want my other colleagues to think of me differently. When the manager approached the male colleague who posted the fitnah about me, he got angry and decided to take the rest of my colleagues down by exposing them for not doing their work properly or not following SOP. Some of my colleagues are blaming me right now for triggering him. I tried to explain in a peaceful way to my other colleagues. I told them my female colleague already find it unfair that I always get to do "lighter task" and the male colleague who posted the fitnah about me was making the whole situation look bad on me, so I really have to clear my name. But apparently right now the female colleague who constantly tell it to my face saying how unfair that I always get the "lighter task" job to do is now denying. Apparently some of my colleagues thinks that I'm a liar and selfish person right now. It's hard going to work with colleagues who are looking at me differently as if like I'm the bad person. I don't know how to overcome this. I cried at work while I was fasting just now.

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