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View Full Version : Leaving Islam,goodbye all..

03-24-2020, 06:07 PM
unfortunately i was a muslim for more than 8 years.8 years i went through pain believing in a lie.Where is the justice that we are taught so much in islam? i want proof that there is justice as i am about to leave this religion.I dont want to be anywhere where i am not welcomed.

8 years i went through pain to practice in secret,bla bla im not gonna repeat the same story again as i know nobody cares but it took 8 years and 4 years of constant pain and duaa every duaa to finally be able to leave my country and make hijra.Even that after i couldnt take it anymore and i gave up all my rewards,everything just to be able to get out.All my rewards for 8 years of "sabr" i gave up in exchange to get out.And even that it took me 4 years for a process that usually takes 6 months.And now when i finally could go out for Allah,things dont work,i cant even find as a janitor despite being very qualified,nothing works for me,they dont even invite me for interview,and then coronavirus starts and everything is in quarantine,all business closed,nobody hires anymore,so there is no more hope to get hired.The kaafir family im staying will not keep me for long,just two more weeks,what will i do then? I cant go back home as borders are closed,and even ifff even if i do i will keep staying a hidden muslim and no chance to leave again as i dont have anymore money.And the most beautiful thing is,that i asked all muslims online and offline,everybody i could to help me,and nobody cares,they literally didnt care,except a brother here who offered to give me money,which i obviously cant take,and i asked even the leader of islamic youth etc,all sort of pious people.

Now how im i supposed to feel? after all i have gone through before and after sacrificing a lot for Allah,i am rewarded with this? How is this justice?
Allah says that whoever fears Allah,He will make him a way out,where is my way own? being homeless on the streets in my way out?
Dont say this is a test,prophets went through worst things but they could pray,i cant even pray now,ramadan is coming and i wont be able to fast,is this what i get from making duaa everyday to practice islam in peace and to go to hajj...what i want is to do hajj and then i can die,but look what i get instead
And if this is a punishment,what did i do to be punished so much? i regret all my sins,and i have forgiven everyone,isnt Allah the most merciful? If i can forgive everyone for his sake cant He forgive me after all this time seeing how much i suffer?

Since the first day i became a muslim i know things would get hard,and they got extremely hard,but I kept going as I belived that my God was merciful and would not abandon his creatures.Now I still think the same.Allah is the most merciful,you are all lucky to have Him as your God.I wish i was one of you,I wish he accepted me as a muslim and my wish to die as a muslim.I wish He didnt abandoned me.Allah is how we think of Him right? I have always thought he would help me,that he would be merciful to me too,after all all i want is to be like you,a practicing muslim,thats all i want,to go to hajj to complete my faith,and then I can die,but seems like He doesnt want that..

i just wanted to let this out as this will be my last post.I have lost hope.Allah says we should loose hope but I dont know how i can have hope after trying for years,when other muslims have money,success,all they want,and i cant even have what i want,just to pray in peace.This is not justice.I am not welcomed in Islam so i better leave it,its stupid to try when its so obvious im not welcome.Maybe as a nonmuslim He will help me a bit and then i can try again.

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03-24-2020, 10:23 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

It is strange you think that leaving Islam is somehow the answer to your problems. What you need to abandon is your negative thoughts about Allah سبحانه وتعلى. Reading your post, it seems you have a very poor understanding of Who He is.

Allah is the Most Merciful and Compassionate. He loves His servants and wants us to succeed. Instead of thinking He has not accepted you, that He has abandoned you or that He is punishing you, think positively of Him. We can never comprehend His infinite Knowledge and Wisdom, so we should entrust our affairs to Him. He Knows what is best for us, not us. Learn from the Prophets: they faced the hardest trials yet they loved Allah and depended upon Him the most. Our trials should draw us closer to Allah, not further away.

I understand you’ve been through a lot of hardship, but that is the nature of this life. Being a Muslim doesn’t mean you will get everything you wish for. A person becomes a Muslim not for an easy life but for the sake of Allah. Even if the whole world was to abandon you, as long as you have Allah, you have everything. But if you don’t have Allah, you will never find peace or happiness.

As for prayer, there must be a way you can pray. Even the person who is confined to his bed and can barely move a limb can pray. Allah has made our religion easy for us such that we can remember Him in every situation.

Are you really willing to spend an eternity in Hellfire just so you can live a comfortable life for a limited time on this earth? I hope you realise what a terrible mistake that would be.

03-24-2020, 11:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

It is strange you think that leaving Islam is somehow the answer to your problems. What you need to abandon is your negative thoughts about Allah سبحانه وتعلى. Reading your post, it seems you have a very poor understanding of Who He is.

Allah is the Most Merciful and Compassionate. He loves His servants and wants us to succeed. Instead of thinking He has not accepted you, that He has abandoned you or that He is punishing you, think positively of Him. We can never comprehend His infinite Knowledge and Wisdom, so we should entrust our affairs to Him. He Knows what is best for us, not us. Learn from the Prophets: they faced the hardest trials yet they loved Allah and depended upon Him the most. Our trials should draw us closer to Allah, not further away.

I understand you’ve been through a lot of hardship, but that is the nature of this life. Being a Muslim doesn’t mean you will get everything you wish for. A person becomes a Muslim not for an easy life but for the sake of Allah. Even if the whole world was to abandon you, as long as you have Allah, you have everything. But if you don’t have Allah, you will never find peace or happiness.

As for prayer, there must be a way you can pray. Even the person who is confined to his bed and can barely move a limb can pray. Allah has made our religion easy for us such that we can remember Him in every situation.

Are you really willing to spend an eternity in Hellfire just so you can live a comfortable life for a limited time on this earth? I hope you realise what a terrible mistake that would be.
Thank you for your time replying to my msg but i dont think you understood me.
My problem is that i cant practice in peace,that was my problem since the begining.I said that Allah is the most merciful,i said you are lucky to have Him and i wish like you,so i dont have a poor understanding of Him.
The prophets had the hardest trials but they were sure Allah was with them.I can face trials if i know that Allah is with me,but how can i know that if He makes me humiliate myself before kaffirs and make me rely on them for years.
I said that i knew that being a muslim thing would go bad,so i didnt become muslim for an easy life.
There cant be a way if i am alone only in bathroom,how im i gonna get woodoo anyway,when the housewife is a cleaning freak and checks every drop of water?
I dont want a comfortable life,all i want is to be a muslim,fulfill the 5 pillars and die.

anyway thank you again

03-25-2020, 12:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
Thank you for your time replying to my msg but i dont think you understood me.
My problem is that i cant practice in peace,that was my problem since the begining.I said that Allah is the most merciful,i said you are lucky to have Him and i wish like you,so i dont have a poor understanding of Him.
The prophets had the hardest trials but they were sure Allah was with them.I can face trials if i know that Allah is with me,but how can i know that if He makes me humiliate myself before kaffirs and make me rely on them for years.
I said that i knew that being a muslim thing would go bad,so i didnt become muslim for an easy life.
There cant be a way if i am alone only in bathroom,how im i gonna get woodoo anyway,when the housewife is a cleaning freak and checks every drop of water?
I dont want a comfortable life,all i want is to be a muslim,fulfill the 5 pillars and die.

anyway thank you again
Allah tests those he loves. Heavens in the afterlife not this life. Just because your life isn’t great, doesn’t mean that allah doesn’t love you. Do you really think leaving islam will solve all your problems? Because it probably won’t. There are people who go through far worse and still have faith, in fact most people turn to Allah in hard times. You need to remember the significance in Islam regarding life after death. You’ll get through this. Life was never meant to be a walk in the park(easy). Muslims and non Muslims alike can agree on that and the fact that everybody will die at some point. If all you see the truth, and genuinely want to be a Muslim at heart and soul, persevere, and remember it will all pay off, whether that be in this life, or the hereafter.

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03-25-2020, 12:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
Thank you for your time replying to my msg but i dont think you understood me.
My problem is that i cant practice in peace,that was my problem since the begining.I said that Allah is the most merciful,i said you are lucky to have Him and i wish like you,so i dont have a poor understanding of Him.
The prophets had the hardest trials but they were sure Allah was with them.I can face trials if i know that Allah is with me,but how can i know that if He makes me humiliate myself before kaffirs and make me rely on them for years.
I said that i knew that being a muslim thing would go bad,so i didnt become muslim for an easy life.
There cant be a way if i am alone only in bathroom,how im i gonna get woodoo anyway,when the housewife is a cleaning freak and checks every drop of water?
I dont want a comfortable life,all i want is to be a muslim,fulfill the 5 pillars and die.

anyway thank you again
You need to change your mindset and stop letting the Shaytaan manipulate you. Everything happens according to the will of Allah, and some things that happen are hard to understand until long after they have happened. When I was 17, I was in a situation where I could have went to live with my fathers family and worked for one of my uncles and make decent money, but because my mom didn't want that, she manipulated me into living with Kuffar for 6 months (which didn't work out as she planned) and then had me move in with a man (who was supposedly Muslim and was married - his wife was overseas) who was living with his dead girlfriends mother. Life was miserable for me and I used to think it couldn't get worse, but it did.

I don't want to get into too much details because I don't want a pity party, but now that I'm 36, I can look back and see how my current life is probably better than what it would have been if I went to live with my fathers family. Yea, I'm still broke, and due to the Virus I am out of a job, but at least the money I earned wasn't from selling pork, alcohol, cigarettes and crack pipes like it would have been if I worked for my Uncle. I am where I am supposed to be, and I believe that this Virus is supposed to shake things up and get us moving. It could be so much worse, especially if Allah had desired to send a more lethal virus.

Perhaps Allah is making you suffer in order to get you to leave the people you live with. Maybe it is time you look for some Muslim brothers to move in with. If the Kuffar you are with are so oppressive, then it is best you leave. What country are you living in? I am pretty sure you can find roommates online, I was able to on multiple platforms.

Just to help you see things, your life isn't at the bottom yet, people in the world are in much worse situations. Muslimahs in China are being forced by the government to sleep with Kafir Chinese men. They aren't allowed to name their children Islamic names, nor are they allowed to practice sawm, or pray or even learn about Islam. Many of them are forced to go into reeducation camps to try and brainwash them away from Islam. You can also take the Syrians and their plight, they literally have nothing except their faith in Allah. They live underneath rags that are strung up on some rope, yet they have hope, and they haven't abandoned their faith.

It is up to you if you throw your faith away, but the only person you hurt is yourself. Do the smart thing and be patient and work harder to get out of your situation.

03-25-2020, 09:20 AM
It is up to you if you throw your faith away, but the only person you hurt is yourself. Do the smart thing and be patient and work harder to get out of your situation.

03-25-2020, 09:29 AM
Everyone basically said what had to be said on the subject, so I don’t want to parrot too much. Key points here are that leaving Islam will not change the economy, make the corona virus go away, create job opportunities, change the attitude of people, etc. The struggles of prophets and early Muslims aren’t just limited to their time period. Today, Muslims are seeing their families tortured, raped, killed. Their houses destroyed, they have no food, water, job, or places to live. In the end, they always say “inshallah” that things will get better.

Maybe as a nonmuslim he will help me a bit and then I can try again
Sometimes we find in life that getting the things we desire (halal or not) isn’t always in our best interests and it’s always a lesson learned after the fact, if you’re fortunate. In the case of leaving the religion of Allah, you don’t want to wait until you are 6 feet under to realize that mistake. You could literally pass away the second you denounce your faith, so don’t get the idea that maybe Allah is doing this for your own good and 10 years from now you might see things differently.

03-25-2020, 10:10 AM
As salamu alaikum

I am have a similar story except I am from a Muslim born family that doesn't allow me to practice due to health reasons

I can't pray I can't fast I try my best
I'm forced to break my fasts due to health reasons

Even if I don't have those so called health reasons
"Binge eating compulsive eating disorder"
I would be forced to break my fast in Ramadan

But I think if we look at the companions of the Prophet Muhammad then we have some people who we can follow since they to had revert stories instead of being born Muslim

Right now in the west were I'm from California

We are experiencing apocalypse shopping
Even the Christian and the jews and the non Muslims are crying it is judgement day
We have to rush to the market place early after fajr salah if we want food or water

We are awaiting the Messiah in my camp

I mean you just don't give up when even the west California is crying because of the signs of judgement day...


If you fear your parents wife/ husband might
Find out your Muslim

Then stay a secret Muslim as much as possible

As long as you have a house and food and clothes
Stay their

Do not make matters worse by disrespecting those who you live with I mean

Obey the rules of your home obey your parents wife husband
Do not leave your non Muslim family
Keep praying

As for your fasts in Ramadan

You are forced to break your fast then or unable to fast

Fast by intention I mean

Eat breakfast after the sun rises infront of your non Muslim family keep eating under compulsion of religion

Then break your fast at sun set by compulsion

Due to compulsion and to save our life we can do this it's in the Quran


03-25-2020, 10:49 AM
You have to hate disbelief in your heart
When you are forced to disbelief
You have to hate in your heart to eat during the day in Ramadan even though your family will force you to eat

Never miss salah even if you can you do it by gestures and without wudu or tayammum
It takes 2 minutes..

But please hate disbelief in your heart
It is a demand for your Islam to stay valid...

bint e aisha
03-25-2020, 10:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
unfortunately i was a muslim for more than 8 years.8 years i went through pain believing in a lie.Where is the justice that we are taught so much in islam? i want proof that there is justice as i am about to leave this religion.I dont want to be anywhere where i am not welcomed.

8 years i went through pain to practice in secret,bla bla im not gonna repeat the same story again as i know nobody cares but it took 8 years and 4 years of constant pain and duaa every duaa to finally be able to leave my country and make hijra.Even that after i couldnt take it anymore and i gave up all my rewards,everything just to be able to get out.All my rewards for 8 years of "sabr" i gave up in exchange to get out.And even that it took me 4 years for a process that usually takes 6 months.And now when i finally could go out for Allah,things dont work,i cant even find as a janitor despite being very qualified,nothing works for me,they dont even invite me for interview,and then coronavirus starts and everything is in quarantine,all business closed,nobody hires anymore,so there is no more hope to get hired.The kaafir family im staying will not keep me for long,just two more weeks,what will i do then? I cant go back home as borders are closed,and even ifff even if i do i will keep staying a hidden muslim and no chance to leave again as i dont have anymore money.And the most beautiful thing is,that i asked all muslims online and offline,everybody i could to help me,and nobody cares,they literally didnt care,except a brother here who offered to give me money,which i obviously cant take,and i asked even the leader of islamic youth etc,all sort of pious people.

Now how im i supposed to feel? after all i have gone through before and after sacrificing a lot for Allah,i am rewarded with this? How is this justice?
Allah says that whoever fears Allah,He will make him a way out,where is my way own? being homeless on the streets in my way out?
Dont say this is a test,prophets went through worst things but they could pray,i cant even pray now,ramadan is coming and i wont be able to fast,is this what i get from making duaa everyday to practice islam in peace and to go to hajj...what i want is to do hajj and then i can die,but look what i get instead
And if this is a punishment,what did i do to be punished so much? i regret all my sins,and i have forgiven everyone,isnt Allah the most merciful? If i can forgive everyone for his sake cant He forgive me after all this time seeing how much i suffer?

Since the first day i became a muslim i know things would get hard,and they got extremely hard,but I kept going as I belived that my God was merciful and would not abandon his creatures.Now I still think the same.Allah is the most merciful,you are all lucky to have Him as your God.I wish i was one of you,I wish he accepted me as a muslim and my wish to die as a muslim.I wish He didnt abandoned me.Allah is how we think of Him right? I have always thought he would help me,that he would be merciful to me too,after all all i want is to be like you,a practicing muslim,thats all i want,to go to hajj to complete my faith,and then I can die,but seems like He doesnt want that..

i just wanted to let this out as this will be my last post.I have lost hope.Allah says we should loose hope but I dont know how i can have hope after trying for years,when other muslims have money,success,all they want,and i cant even have what i want,just to pray in peace.This is not justice.I am not welcomed in Islam so i better leave it,its stupid to try when its so obvious im not welcome.Maybe as a nonmuslim He will help me a bit and then i can try again.
Assalaamu alaikum

Respected brother,

I care for you. I care for you as my brother but... you let me down. It was so painful for me to read this.

- - - Updated - - -

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?

But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.


03-25-2020, 01:07 PM
Yes, brother everyone cares on this forum for you. Wo do not think Allah doesnt love you. He does indeed and as does everyone on this forum. We are all voicing our concerns. There was a point in my life when I considered leaving islam but I realized everyone and everything abandons you in life except Allah. Allah was testing me and waking me up. He taught me the reality of this life. Allah is doing the same and he just wants you more stronger. Keep your head up and stay strong in your faith. Inshallah Good is ahead for you. For every hardship there is easy and for every hardship there is indeed ease. Will Talk more inshallah

bint e aisha
03-25-2020, 03:17 PM
If I could help you in any way apart from making du'a for you then I would. But I will remember you in my du'as from now on.

03-25-2020, 05:23 PM
I've never had much hardship in life...at least nothing I could not handle...Thank God...but...what I do not understand is this:
Islaam is about logic, about the absolute truth, about reason...how can one leave all that? and then do what? how can you abandon the light and choose to live in darkness?
how can you abandon the truth?
something like...science never worked out for me...so, from now on I do not believe Einstein or Newton anymore.

you can start living like kuffar yes...but stop believing in something you KNOW its true? is that even possible?

03-25-2020, 06:50 PM
Assalam O Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh

I think this brother is just venting out his frustration on this forum because we are the only few Muslims he knows. I don’t think he is leaving Islam, he is expressing his frustration that Muslims in general are not willing to help him when he need them the most and that’s a reality which he is dealing with.

he has mentioned in few other posts that he was not allowed to stay in the masjid and since he did not know any Muslim in Germany, he has no choice but to live with his non Muslims friends/family members.

What we need is to address his problems as a family. Send him some money through PayPal or any other source, so that he can find an accommodation. Find some brothers who are in Germany, in the city where is currently at and put him in contact with those brother who in Sha’a Allah can help him find some job. These are some basic needs which I think he currently needs to focus better and I am sure he will come out stronger out of these tests with the help of Allah.

mu advice to OP, please don’t shy in asking for help. We know you are genuine brother and we will do whatever we can to help and support you. This is beauty of Islam, we are one body and we feel pain if any part of our body is suffering. Please respond back.
lets know where you are.
how much money you need and how can we send you that.
send us your qualifications so that people who are from Germany and members of this forum can help you find the right job.
Keep your trust in Allah, keep praying and hold on to Sabr ( patience). Allah’s help is not that far In Sha’a Allah.


bint e aisha
03-25-2020, 06:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by HabibUrrehman
Assalam O Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh

I think this brother is just venting out his frustration on this forum because we are the only few Muslims he knows. I don’t think he is leaving Islam, he is expressing his frustration that Muslims in general are not willing to help him when he need them the most and that’s a reality which he is dealing with.

he has mentioned in few other posts that he was not allowed to stay in the masjid and since he did not know any Muslim in Germany, he has no choice but to live with his non Muslims friends/family members.

What we need is to address his problems as a family. Send him some money through PayPal or any other source, so that he can find an accommodation. Find some brothers who are in Germany, in the city where is currently at and put him in contact with those brother who in Sha’a Allah can help him find some job. These are some basic needs which I think he currently needs to focus better and I am sure he will come out stronger out of these tests with the help of Allah.

mu advice to OP, please don’t shy in asking for help. We know you are genuine brother and we will do whatever we can to help and support you. This is beauty of Islam, we are one body and we feel pain if any part of our body is suffering. Please respond back.
lets know where you are.
how much money you need and how can we send you that.
send us your qualifications so that people who are from Germany and members of this forum can help you find the right job.
Keep your trust in Allah, keep praying and hold on to Sabr ( patience). Allah’s help is not that far In Sha’a Allah.

I agree with you 100%
جزاك الله خيرا

03-25-2020, 06:57 PM
You have such a blessing opportunity to praise Allah. I kind of wish i was in your situation. If you are in a situation of injustice accept the unjust reality and the cold facts you are in but to your feelings or heart tell them "Allah is the just". If you are in the middle of poverty accept your reality as well and all the logical facts against you but, to your feelings or heart tell them "Allah is the all rich". If the situation doesn't get any better reality wise, the better opportunity you have to praise Allah and repeat what i said, i know it might sound crazy and be hard to understand but i would really like to be in your situation.

03-25-2020, 08:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
unfortunately i was a muslim for more than 8 years.8 years i went through pain believing in a lie.Where is the justice that we are taught so much in islam? i want proof that there is justice as i am about to leave this religion.I dont want to be anywhere where i am not welcomed.

8 years i went through pain to practice in secret,bla bla im not gonna repeat the same story again as i know nobody cares but it took 8 years and 4 years of constant pain and duaa every duaa to finally be able to leave my country and make hijra.Even that after i couldnt take it anymore and i gave up all my rewards,everything just to be able to get out.All my rewards for 8 years of "sabr" i gave up in exchange to get out.And even that it took me 4 years for a process that usually takes 6 months.And now when i finally could go out for Allah,things dont work,i cant even find as a janitor despite being very qualified,nothing works for me,they dont even invite me for interview,and then coronavirus starts and everything is in quarantine,all business closed,nobody hires anymore,so there is no more hope to get hired.The kaafir family im staying will not keep me for long,just two more weeks,what will i do then? I cant go back home as borders are closed,and even ifff even if i do i will keep staying a hidden muslim and no chance to leave again as i dont have anymore money.And the most beautiful thing is,that i asked all muslims online and offline,everybody i could to help me,and nobody cares,they literally didnt care,except a brother here who offered to give me money,which i obviously cant take,and i asked even the leader of islamic youth etc,all sort of pious people.

Now how im i supposed to feel? after all i have gone through before and after sacrificing a lot for Allah,i am rewarded with this? How is this justice?
Allah says that whoever fears Allah,He will make him a way out,where is my way own? being homeless on the streets in my way out?
Dont say this is a test,prophets went through worst things but they could pray,i cant even pray now,ramadan is coming and i wont be able to fast,is this what i get from making duaa everyday to practice islam in peace and to go to hajj...what i want is to do hajj and then i can die,but look what i get instead
And if this is a punishment,what did i do to be punished so much? i regret all my sins,and i have forgiven everyone,isnt Allah the most merciful? If i can forgive everyone for his sake cant He forgive me after all this time seeing how much i suffer?

Since the first day i became a muslim i know things would get hard,and they got extremely hard,but I kept going as I believed that my God was merciful and would not abandon his creatures.Now I still think the same.Allah is the most merciful,you are all lucky to have Him as your God.I wish i was one of you,I wish he accepted me as a muslim and my wish to die as a muslim.I wish He didnt abandoned me.Allah is how we think of Him right? I have always thought he would help me,that he would be merciful to me too,after all all i want is to be like you,a practicing muslim, thats all i want,to go to hajj to complete my faith,and then I can die,but seems like He doesnt want that..

i just wanted to let this out as this will be my last post.I have lost hope.Allah says we should loose hope but I dont know how i can have hope after trying for years,when other muslims have money,success,all they want,and i cant even have what i want,just to pray in peace.This is not justice.I am not welcomed in Islam so i better leave it,its stupid to try when its so obvious im not welcome.Maybe as a non muslim He will help me a bit and then i can try again.
Salaam brother, sorry to hear about what you are going through. Hope you have carefully thought about what you've decided to do, hope you've considered everything in your power that could make your life more meaningful for this life and the hereafter. I have suffered calamities, unpleasant situations, I still do suffer from calamities, read the story about what i go through because of my failed marriage...
You have to remember that you must have sacrificed a lot when you reverted to Islam, leaving so many customs, traditions and cultural values behind, that was a massive step, if you suddenly leave it now, all that you have achieved could be lost due to going astray, especially if you stop or don't follow the path...

let's look at it differently. I was born a muslim, i know whatever happens i'm going to die a muslim, i will never leave that path, this is life for me, even though i've been knocked down so many times, the heart cries for rescue, believe me it does. I couldn't leave islam even if i wanted it, it's part of my upbringng, part of my DNA, part of my reflexes, part of my mental state, its not something i can detach myself from even if i wanted to. Nowadays I find myself remembering the things I've learnt throughout my life about our religion and try to apply it to my day to day life scenario. I'm not hopeful about my future anymore, i don't make plans but it still keeps me going with a hope that maybe one day things may go back to normal or things may get better.. maybe. So I pray. its normal to have doubts about our religion, i still press on, it's hard to believe something especially when you weren't around to see it with your own eyes.. I yearn for moments just to relive moments or to be in a setting with our beloved prophet PBUH, I yearn to be cast back to the moment our prophet Ibrahim was building the Ka'ba, It stimulates me to imagine the scene where prophet Musa confronted Phiraon with his wooden staff and overpowered phiraon's cronies/magicians with miracles sent down by Allah swt... imagine Prophet Sulayman being blessed with a special gift. the stories do vary from religion to religion and the variations can cause some conflict in beliefs. These miracles do sound too good to be true, don't they?. But the manner in which these stories 'of these miracles' being sent to humans via the Qu'ran has a high probability that it is true and real. To strengthen my faith and to learn more about my religion and to fulfill the rights of my family members i went to Saudi Arabia for my Hajj, that alone was a life changing experience. I went on to study more about our religion, improving myself, along come many tribulations too, i know i'm not going to do better even if i left our religion, i know i would go down hill furthermore...

You've been a revert from more than 8 years, have you reconciled everything that you've learnt about our religion, aren't there gaps in your knowledge that you want to fill? Some things we will never know no matter how hard we try. Doesn't it make you want to learn more with a hope that it may help your current situation?

you think you are going through a hard time, i'm going through a hard time too you know and have been suffering for some time now, ashamed to approach imaams, i know they can't help me anyway, their abilities are limited, so who do I call on everyday instead?... Allah swt... his power is infinite, I pray he helps me in this life as well as the hereafter, thats all i ask for..

brother there's too many people out there that are much worse off than we are, have some compassion for them at least and be grateful for what you got, be grateful you aint suffering from a disease thats going round, be grateful all your limbs are fully functioning, be grateful you can think for yourself, you intelligence., our religion teaches us to do all these thing sand that is a good thing, soften your heart and bring benefits to the needy.

you say you needed money, yet through that channel of request you never received any apart from one person offering but you declined... did it end you? no. you're still there right?

been through financial hardship myself, not a penny to my name, something kept me going and i wasn't living in a developing country, other doors did eventually open up!,.... much much later I go onto learning the concept of 'rizq' as stated in the Quran... so to appreciate what we get we give sadqah, we make effort to help the really poor people, people who barely get one square meal a day in developing countries.

If you are willing to leave Islam then i'm sorry to say you don't know enough about our religion, Our religion strengthens ones imaan, taqwa, conviction, firm belief of what to expect in this life to try and help us lead our daily lives and what awaits us after... you have more than 8 years of being a muslim, it saddens me that you have been a muslim that long yet you are ready to leave and it can mainly be for one reason and one reason alone.. lack of knowledge, principles of the islamic faith. It is a hard life out there, world is harsh and the responsibility of your own conduct and decisions rely on your shoulders and your shoulders alone.... if you go astray (in whatever you do in this life despite being muslim or not) you will still be held accountable...., cause and effect... there are always consequences... SubhanAllah...

i'm sorry for your circumstances... i truly am.... i'm sorry for my own circumstances and the pain its caused me and my family... i wish it could be better, i really do.

Inna lilahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiooon (Every soul shall taste death and in the end our souls will meet our maker when we present ourselves for judgement)..................... There is no escaping that day and there is nowhere anyone can hide to prevent it!

03-25-2020, 09:01 PM
We all give Zakah and one of the eight categories of people to whom we can give our Zakah is new Muslims who are going through hardships. Let’s get together and help our brother In Sha’a Allah.

03-26-2020, 02:11 PM
Most people have already been overtaken by the word, their actions have been made fair seeming to them..

They hear and obey.

The things their souls are inclined towards and their own hands put forward are for the most part wicked.

We are all the same really, eager to follow each others failings.. either to wrong ourselves or to keep others down.

Writing on the backs of the lowered and seeking appeasement from those that benefit us.

Unfortunately, these are concepts from the religion..

Time does not change our nature.

And if you were winning.. then you would care very little about any of the above.

In the end it's all about perspective.. you cant fight the whole world.

Imo, the only way to move forward and overcome is to gain understanding that the only protection is with Allah swt..

Everyone is above reproach these days. How high you all are.

I work with non muslims, I dont believe I would ever say they are unbelievers.. there is always one in the room.

They took me in when I had nothing really.. so it's worth doing some maths.

You just have to find a way to leave the people that have knowledge of you..

Sorry, even I cant work that one out.

03-26-2020, 05:29 PM
My brother if you must read the story of "the people of the ditch"

They were burnt alive for saying la ilaha illallah

Wa laikum as salam

03-26-2020, 08:19 PM
I have read some of your posts before. I understand your frustration, but it is not true that Allah abandoned you.
You wrote it yourself, a brother offered to help - but you refused.
If you are eligible in Islam to accept charity, don't refuse when another muslim offers to send you money or job or anything that can help you.
There is no sin by accepting something you are eligible to accept. Nothing happens without His permission, it's Allah offering you help.
A job may be small pay, the money you will receive maybe small,, but if it's permissible, why did you refuse?
I live with my non-muslim family as well. Difference is, they allow me practice the deen Alhamdulillah
It was more challenging when I started, but I put up with it, and learned the deen to help me practice properly and to answer their questions about Islam so they know the truth.
Also I know it's much worse for me living alone out there as a muslimah, at least now I am among family and the people who knew me before I became a muslimah Alhamdulillah
Some families take longer to accept that one of them is a muslim. There are reverts who are homeless because their own family is oppressing them, sometimes even violently that they have to leave.
Don't give up Islam because of what humans have done or not done to you, whether they are muslims or not.
You don't return to them. You return to Allah. You are not alone, Allah is with you. But if you leave Islam, you lose Him and your akhira. Why would you want that?

03-31-2020, 11:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by HabibUrrehman
mu advice to OP, please don’t shy in asking for help. We know you are genuine brother and we will do whatever we can to help and support you. This is beauty of Islam, we are one body and we feel pain if any part of our body is suffering. Please respond back.
lets know where you are.

Alaikum salam brother....thank you for trying to help me and always sending me supportive messages...you understand me im glad for that,i wont leave Islam in shaa Allah yes its just that i am very hurt and i expected things to be different and i reacted like that....thank you for offering me money again jzk khair but others need it more and I don’t feel good at all taking it,and I don’t have a bank account anyway,im trying for two weeks but it doesn’t work,ill keep trying and maybe make a gofundme for people who have in excess can give....i just need a job here so i can have enough money to get accomodation or an accomodation where i can practice islam in peace while i get a job….i have sent you my qualifications in inbox,but I can do any kind of job I don’t mind....jzk khair again dont worry about me,just make duaa….and im sorry for the negativity all these months

format_quote Originally Posted by Imraan
i'm sorry for your circumstances... i truly am.... i'm sorry for my own circumstances and the pain its caused me and my family... i wish it could be better, i really do.
Then just make duaa please.And I don’t think its lack of knowledge,its exactly cuz of this knowledge that makes me feel hopeless.For example
“… Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His Messanger, [then] his migration was for Allah and His Messenger; and he whose migration was to achieve some wordly benefit or to take a woman in marriage, his migration was for that which he migrated.”
I migrated for the sake of Allah,because here if things went well then I would have been independent to practice Islam in peace and also make money to go to hajj,give sadaqa etc and maybe marry later and have a muslim family,you know just do acts of worship,but look what happens to me here,so I feel like it wasn’t accepted or like Allah is angry with me and doesn’t want me to do this.And I know that He is in control of everything,so there is no hope of things changing if He doesn’t want to,and I also cant do anything to make Him love me as I cant do acts of worship that I want to do,if He could just help me a little and make me independent,then I swear I would be different.I know I would cuz everytime I have lived alone I have been completely different cuz I was free to do all acts of worship.All I want is just basic thing,to be independent to be a muslim,my first duaa since I became a muslim was for this,and 8 years on a row I made the same duaa,but look what happens,everything I try fails,I have to rely on kaffirs.Allah knows everything,He knows what im going through and what I need,how im I supposed to feel that He is with me and this is a test? Especially when except you guys here,every other muslim where I am doesn’t even care to help,and I have begged to a lot of them for help,so I feel totally unwanted.
Sorry for the long reply and as I said before I wont leave Islam in shaa Allah its just that I needed to hear some encouraging words..jzk Khair

format_quote Originally Posted by IslamLife00
You wrote it yourself, a brother offered to help - but you refused.
If you are eligible in Islam to accept charity, don't refuse when another muslim offers to send you money or job or anything that can help you.
There is no sin by accepting something you are eligible to accept. Nothing happens without His permission, it's Allah offering you help.
A job may be small pay, the money you will receive maybe small,, but if it's permissible, why did you refuse?
I refused because the people im relying on wouldn’t leave me without food or water,and even if I don’t find anything soon and be homeless,there are still centers for homeless people to eat,nobody dies from hunger here,but there are many muslims in poor countries who don’t have to eat.It wouldn’t make a difference for me because the money I need to fix the situation are a lot,around 3000,to get driving license and a used car so I can sleep in it and be able to work in factories outside the city,as nobody would give accommodation without a work contract..but for those other muslims that much money would make a lot of difference,so its better for the zakkah to go to them,but I will try to make a gofundme anyway so people who have in excess can give…

04-01-2020, 03:08 AM
As others have said here, have patience. It is a test from Allah. Think of a doctor who gives you bitter medication knowing that although it tastes terrible it is better for your health. Allah knows what's best for you, even though you might not understand His divine wisdom. He only wants what's best for His servants (us), and sometimes that means testing us. Sometimes He gives us something we don't like but is good for us.

Hold firm. Keep praying. Find the closest mosque to you that is open at this time. Donate sadqah, feed the poor, both are great ways to purify yourself. Ramadan is around the corner, which has countless blessings. Please don't throw away your faith.

May Allah guide you to find good Muslims to live with, strengthen your faith. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I'm a recent revert and it saddnes me to hear what sounds like a since birth Muslim not appreciating the blessings of this wonderful religion Allah has gifted you with.

04-01-2020, 08:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
unfortunately i was a muslim for more than 8 years.8 years i went through pain believing in a lie.Where is the justice that we are taught so much in islam? i want proof that there is justice as i am about to leave this religion.I dont want to be anywhere where i am not welcomed.

8 years i went through pain to practice in secret,bla bla im not gonna repeat the same story again as i know nobody cares but it took 8 years and 4 years of constant pain and duaa every duaa to finally be able to leave my country and make hijra.Even that after i couldnt take it anymore and i gave up all my rewards,everything just to be able to get out.All my rewards for 8 years of "sabr" i gave up in exchange to get out.And even that it took me 4 years for a process that usually takes 6 months.And now when i finally could go out for Allah,things dont work,i cant even find as a janitor despite being very qualified,nothing works for me,they dont even invite me for interview,and then coronavirus starts and everything is in quarantine,all business closed,nobody hires anymore,so there is no more hope to get hired.The kaafir family im staying will not keep me for long,just two more weeks,what will i do then? I cant go back home as borders are closed,and even ifff even if i do i will keep staying a hidden muslim and no chance to leave again as i dont have anymore money.And the most beautiful thing is,that i asked all muslims online and offline,everybody i could to help me,and nobody cares,they literally didnt care,except a brother here who offered to give me money,which i obviously cant take,and i asked even the leader of islamic youth etc,all sort of pious people.

Now how im i supposed to feel? after all i have gone through before and after sacrificing a lot for Allah,i am rewarded with this? How is this justice?
Allah says that whoever fears Allah,He will make him a way out,where is my way own? being homeless on the streets in my way out?
Dont say this is a test,prophets went through worst things but they could pray,i cant even pray now,ramadan is coming and i wont be able to fast,is this what i get from making duaa everyday to practice islam in peace and to go to hajj...what i want is to do hajj and then i can die,but look what i get instead
And if this is a punishment,what did i do to be punished so much? i regret all my sins,and i have forgiven everyone,isnt Allah the most merciful? If i can forgive everyone for his sake cant He forgive me after all this time seeing how much i suffer?

Since the first day i became a muslim i know things would get hard,and they got extremely hard,but I kept going as I belived that my God was merciful and would not abandon his creatures.Now I still think the same.Allah is the most merciful,you are all lucky to have Him as your God.I wish i was one of you,I wish he accepted me as a muslim and my wish to die as a muslim.I wish He didnt abandoned me.Allah is how we think of Him right? I have always thought he would help me,that he would be merciful to me too,after all all i want is to be like you,a practicing muslim,thats all i want,to go to hajj to complete my faith,and then I can die,but seems like He doesnt want that..

i just wanted to let this out as this will be my last post.I have lost hope.Allah says we should loose hope but I dont know how i can have hope after trying for years,when other muslims have money,success,all they want,and i cant even have what i want,just to pray in peace.This is not justice.I am not welcomed in Islam so i better leave it,its stupid to try when its so obvious im not welcome.Maybe as a nonmuslim He will help me a bit and then i can try again.
Actually maybe I understand your situation. I don't blame you for saying all this . You have been through a lot and any normal person will say just like you did. And in all this you are not at fault but wen, ur fellow Muslims are. It's our fault that we don't help our revert brothers and sisters. We are to be blamed here. I m really sorry!
Inshaa Allah here everyone will be there to help you. I pray to Allah that he removes all your pains and worries .

And I also believe that u won't leave islam because u have chosen this religion yourself and that was not for a joke, Right? You my dear brother/sister have a strong faith, stranger than many born Muslims.

04-01-2020, 04:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
Alaikum salam brother....thank you for trying to help me and always sending me supportive messages...you understand me im glad for that,i wont leave Islam in shaa Allah yes its just that i am very hurt and i expected things to be different and i reacted like that....thank you for offering me money again jzk khair but others need it more and I don’t feel good at all taking it,and I don’t have a bank account anyway,im trying for two weeks but it doesn’t work,ill keep trying and maybe make a gofundme for people who have in excess can give....i just need a job here so i can have enough money to get accomodation or an accomodation where i can practice islam in peace while i get a job….i have sent you my qualifications in inbox,but I can do any kind of job I don’t mind....jzk khair again dont worry about me,just make duaa….and im sorry for the negativity all these months
Assalam O Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh Akhi,

I am so glad to read your message, Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam. Stay strong my brother, hold on to patience and prayer as these help to make difficult tests look easy. May be Allah loves you more because when He tests people, that's a sign that He wants them to achieve a higher rank in Jannah and that is also a sign that you may have much stronger faith then any of us.
It was narrated from Mus’ab bin Sa’d that his father, Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas, said:
“I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, which people are most severely tested?’ He said: ‘The Prophets, then the next best and the next best. A person is tested according to his religious commitment. If he is steadfast in his religious commitment, he will be tested more severely, and if he is frail in his religious commitment, his test will be according to his commitment. Trials will continue to afflict a person until they leave him walking on the earth with no sin on him.’
حَدَّثَنَا يُوسُفُ بْنُ حَمَّادٍ الْمَعْنِيُّ، وَيَحْيَى بْنُ دُرُسْتَ، قَالاَ حَدَّثَنَا حَمَّادُ بْنُ زَيْدٍ، عَنْ عَاصِمٍ، عَنْ مُصْعَبِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، سَعْدِ بْنِ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ قَالَ قُلْتُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ أَىُّ النَّاسِ أَشَدُّ بَلاَءً قَالَ ‏ "‏ الأَنْبِيَاءُ ثُمَّ الأَمْثَلُ فَالأَمْثَلُ يُبْتَلَى الْعَبْدُ عَلَى حَسَبِ دِينِهِ فَإِنْ كَانَ فِي دِينِهِ صُلْبًا اشْتَدَّ بَلاَؤُهُ وَإِنْ كَانَ فِي دِينِهِ رِقَّةٌ ابْتُلِيَ عَلَى حَسَبِ دِينِهِ فَمَا يَبْرَحُ الْبَلاَءُ بِالْعَبْدِ حَتَّى يَتْرُكَهُ يَمْشِي عَلَى الأَرْضِ وَمَا عَلَيْهِ مِنْ خَطِيئَةٍ ‏"‏ ‏.‏
Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)
Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 4023
In-book reference: Book 36, Hadith 98
English translation: Vol. 5, Book 36, Hadith 4023

Suhaib reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said:
Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (God), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it.

حَدَّثَنَا هَدَّابُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ الأَزْدِيُّ، وَشَيْبَانُ بْنُ فَرُّوخَ، جَمِيعًا عَنْ سُلَيْمَانَ بْنِ الْمُغِيرَةِ، - وَاللَّفْظُ لِشَيْبَانَ - حَدَّثَنَا سُلَيْمَانُ، حَدَّثَنَا ثَابِتٌ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبِي لَيْلَى، عَنْ صُهَيْبٍ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ "‏ عَجَبًا لأَمْرِ الْمُؤْمِنِ إِنَّ أَمْرَهُ كُلَّهُ خَيْرٌ وَلَيْسَ ذَاكَ لأَحَدٍ إِلاَّ لِلْمُؤْمِنِ إِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ سَرَّاءُ شَكَرَ فَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُ وَإِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ ضَرَّاءُ صَبَرَ فَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُ ‏"‏ ‏.‏
Reference: Sahih Muslim 2999
In-book reference: Book 55, Hadith 82
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Book 42, Hadith 7138

Quran says:
But as for a human, whenever his Sustainer tries him by His generosity and by letting him enjoy a life of ease, he says, “My Sustainer has been generous towards me”; whereas, whenever He tries him by tightening his means of livelihood, he says, “My Sustainer has disgraced me!” But nay. (Quran 89:15-17)
One thing is sure that nothing in this life is permanent. Good times will be replaced with bad times, bad times will be replaced with good times, fear will replace tranquility and peace, so on and so forth. Your situation will also change In Sha'a Allah. When companions migrated to Medina, most of them had nothing to live and you are in similar situation. But Allah replaced that within few years. Same companions then ruled the world.

My advice is to do what is in your control. That is stay patient, hold on to Quran and Sunnah, Seek Allah's help through prayers and supplications. Allah does not burden anyone beyond their capacity and if you are not broken and dead yet then you are underestimating yourself and the power of your faith. Allah knows your value and He is preparing you to get stronger.

Now I will also share some of the things we discussed through PM's.

  • Our brother has 3 professional certificates in plumbing, cooking and solar panel technic. He also has a bachelor in physiotherapy. He has stated that he is willing to do anything.

  • He is currently in Koblenz, Germany where most of the mosques are from Ahmadiyya and Shia Muslim who has refused to help knowing that he is Sunni Muslim.

Do we have anyone on this forum who is from Germany and lives closer to Koblenz, Germany?

Regarding financial help, I don't think $3,000 is too much to ask for. We may actually try to give you more because of all the uncertainty we currently have in job sector due to Coronavirus. I may be wrong, but I think you will need to have a bank account even if you create a go fund me page. So try to open a bank account if possible and share with us any other options which can be utilized to transfer money.

If anyone else has any advice, please feel free to share. We are a family here and we need to look out for our brother who is in need.

May Allah make your and all Muslims tests easy in this world and Hereafter. Ameen!


04-01-2020, 08:07 PM
@ HabibUrrehman
jazakAllah for the info


If you can't open an account, maybe you don't have the minimal balance it needs - you can receive money without it through Moneygram.
You need valid ID with photo (driving license, passport etc) to pick it up. Name on the ID has to match name of recipient, maybe you need 2 IDs, I don't know.

Here is the information I found :




Contact them first, find out what you need to provide, to be able to pick up the money.
If there is no problem, pm someone here your information. Anyone who wants to send you money, can pm that person. InshaAllah help will come

WesternUnion also has 3 locations there, whichever is easier for you. They don't need bank account as well.

04-02-2020, 12:05 AM
Allah loves you brother, i hope you love him unconditionally too. Let us know about how we can help you and inshaa Allahi khayr.

04-09-2020, 02:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IslamLife00
@ HabibUrrehman
jazakAllah for the info


If you can't open an account, maybe you don't have the minimal balance it needs - you can receive money without it through Moneygram.
You need valid ID with photo (driving license, passport etc) to pick it up. Name on the ID has to match name of recipient, maybe you need 2 IDs, I don't know.

Here is the information I found :




Contact them first, find out what you need to provide, to be able to pick up the money.
If there is no problem, pm someone here your information. Anyone who wants to send you money, can pm that person. InshaAllah help will come

WesternUnion also has 3 locations there, whichever is easier for you. They don't need bank account as well.
no brother you have to pay commision for western union and moneygram and things like this,paypal is better,and there is a good brother from this forum who will help me.I wont say his name so his good deed can be between him and Allah,and if i dont reach my goal of 3000 and i need it i will try to make a gofundme,things will be okay in shaa Allah...i am calmed down a lot now and this was the sign that Allah did not abandon me,its just a test..jzk khair though for trying to help

04-09-2020, 02:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Assalaam
Allah loves you brother, i hope you love him unconditionally too. Let us know about how we can help you and inshaa Allahi khayr.
I hope thats true,and i hope i am worthy for His love one day...well you can always make duaa for me...jzk khair :)..

04-09-2020, 06:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
no brother you have to pay commision for western union and moneygram and things like this,paypal is better,and there is a good brother from this forum who will help me.I wont say his name so his good deed can be between him and Allah,and if i dont reach my goal of 3000 and i need it i will try to make a gofundme,things will be okay in shaa Allah...i am calmed down a lot now and this was the sign that Allah did not abandon me,its just a test..jzk khair though for trying to help
I am a sister.
You have to pay a fee to receive money through Paypal as well, it will be deducted from the total.
All sending and receiving money services always charge a fee, none of them is free.
I am suggesting moneygram or western union, because you don't need bank account with them, you can receive cash through them and make a purchase right away.
If you already have a bank account, then you have more options to receive money from anyone who wants to help.

04-09-2020, 06:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IslamLife00
I am a sister.
You have to pay a fee to receive money through Paypal as well, it will be deducted from the total.
All sending and receiving money services always charge a fee, none of them is free.
I am suggesting moneygram or western union, because you don't need bank account with them, you can receive cash through them and make a purchase right away.
If you already have a bank account, then you have more options to receive money from anyone who wants to help.
Oh i didnt know you had to pay a fee in paypal too.Idk these things about money i never had more than the equivalent of 500 dollars in my life lol,elhamdulillah.I have a bank account now cuz its required for a job so yes i have one now but the brother said paypal so whatever is better for him,thanks for telling me..

04-09-2020, 07:08 PM
QUOTE=RisingLight;3025231]Oh i didnt know you had to pay a fee in paypal too.Idk these things about money i never had more than the equivalent of 500 dollars in my life lol,elhamdulillah.I have a bank account now cuz its required for a job so yes i have one now but the brother said paypal so whatever is better for him,thanks for telling me..[/QUOTE]

Ok. InshaAllah your situation will improve

bint e aisha
04-09-2020, 09:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight
no brother you have to pay commision for western union and moneygram and things like this,paypal is better,and there is a good brother from this forum who will help me.I wont say his name so his good deed can be between him and Allah,and if i dont reach my goal of 3000 and i need it i will try to make a gofundme,things will be okay in shaa Allah...i am calmed down a lot now and this was the sign that Allah did not abandon me,its just a test..jzk khair though for trying to help
Glad to read that alhamdulillah!

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