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View Full Version : See how Islam solved all human problems!!

12-15-2020, 07:50 AM
In Islam, women are already paid for the service of being mothers. It is called paradise underneath her feet. Women already get paid for their services of delivering children. In this world it is children obeying their mother even over their father and paradise is under you feet. Also, when you die during pregnancy ALL YOUR SINS YOU EVER COMMITTED that society will hurl at you as hell dwellers will be removed and on top of it get paid by dying shaheed. Women are jealous of men who will die shaheed while fighting in battle field, not realizing that not all men who die in battlefield will get this reward and on top of it not all men are going to die shaheed. However, any women who die delivering a baby will get this reward for sure. In addition, she is getting exactly like a man would get dying in the battlefield...a reward of marter...except her method and means of achieving it is different than a man. Yet, women are jealous of men? Why? :heated: Look at the article below. These are from NON-MUSLIM women who will get nothing in the afterlife but eternal hellfire and punishment for their disbelieve in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa). Their reward for being a mom and delivering new human beings in this world, is so cheap that I as a man find it insulting. 2k a month to being a mom? Even if it is 1 trillion dollars a month is still cheap. Anytime you put a price on being a mom you have devalued her role. Besides what non-Muslim man agrees to these terms anyways when he feels he is already paying her for her services monthly if not daily, if not hourly, by taking care of her financial needs. This part where non-Muslim women failed and it is, "being ungrateful to her husband and devalue his role" (Islam solved this issue as well). This article only breeds more men not wanting to get married. Not wanting to be a husband or getting into marriage contract and this further adds fasaat, zina, single mom homes and encouragement of single parents. This in turn, will turn human beings into animals. The part where women feel oppressed or jealous that Allah have said men are the head of the household and they are the maintainer and protector of women and that a wife should obey her husband and not deny him sex when he calls it, do you know understand the reason behind it. If Islam where only to give women rights and women are never put in check and have some boundary that they are not allowed to cross, and even ENFORCE GENDER difference: where certain things are gender exclusive, then marriage will never be successful. If marriage is never successful then lineage will never be protected and if lineage is never protected then chaos and failed society. If society fails then the most important reason we exist will never be achieved, and that is to worship Allah and spread Islam. Shaaitaan knows that. That is why he wants to pin men against women. If the very foundation of family unity is not protected how can Islam spread, how can even people focus on worshipping Allah. Now comes the real question, do women and men finally see the reason behind the rights of men and women in Islam? Do you still plan to DISBELIEVE in Allah's ayaat and still call yourself Muslim or be a real Muslim not just by name? These questions only YOU can answer.

COVID has decimated women's careers — we need a Marshall Plan for Moms, now

Each day, about 45 million women in this country show up to a job where they regularly work overtime, are paid nothing, and get no time off. Their job title is mother. It’s time to compensate them for their labor.

In January, President-elect Biden will announce his priorities for his first 100 days. Among those priorities should be the creation of a task force dedicated to implementing a Marshall Plan for Moms—one that includes a monthly, means-tested $2,400 monthly payment to the women who are the bedrock of our economy and our society.

The taskforce should be led by, as my friend Melinda Gates suggested last week, a caregiving czar. And alongside that $2,400 check should be all the policies— parental leave, affordable childcare, pay equity—that we know are long overdue.

Women’s labor — specifically the labor of our mothers — has always been undervalued in the United States. But in the last year, we’ve confirmed that, in the eyes of policy makers, their labor has no economic value whatsoever — that it’s worth exactly zero dollars. Since March, our mothers have been working simultaneously as teachers and counselors and cleaners and nurses and nannies and chefs and tech support and the list goes on and on and on. Countless millions of women have been forced to cut their working hours, scale back their careers, or leave the workforce entirely in order to be full-time caregivers. It’s true that not all caregivers are women, but the vast majority are.

I’ve experienced this firsthand. As I’ve worked to ensure the young women in our coding programs at Girls Who Code don't slip through the cracks during this pandemic, a crisis has been playing out in my own living room. Every morning, I log my son onto Zoom-school and see other women helping their own toddlers find the mute button. Every day, I log onto video calls and see exhausted moms with infants in their laps, or I get a call from a panicked mom — for instance, in recent weeks, about how to care for her daughter after local schools gave parents only a few hours’ notice of another maddening and confusing closure.

Every woman in America is familiar with these scenes. But are our leaders? Are our legislators? Maybe they’re familiar, but are they really paying attention? More to the point: do they even care? Judging from the near total lack of government support provided to women and moms during the Covid-19 crisis, the answer seems to be a resounding “no.”

When policymakers budget for schools to reopen, they factor in HVAC systems and masks and sanitizer and extra nurses and all the things we rightfully need to keep our kids and teachers and staff safe. When they budget for schools to close, however, there is no accounting for the impact on moms — the family wages lost, the months of career advancement forgone, the barriers to reentering the workforce after women have been forced to leave it.


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12-15-2020, 07:19 PM
Mashallah, love the message, though I would have chosen a slightly different way of putting it.

As humans we are equal. There's no one better or superior to the other; except in piety, correct? Good.

Men and women are not created equal. I don't care how many pseudo-feminist whatever opinions are hurled at me...I am not equal to a man.

And frankly, I don't want to be. I want to bake the bread, which I do, but not be the primary bread maker, which I am. Though covid kind of put a halt to that.... but that's a different story.

The problem arises though, when I am "forced" to assume the responsibilities of the man. Because someone didn't get the memo. On top of my duties as a muslim, mother, homeworker and respectful citizen. But we're all tested and we all have our lot in life. So why complain about it?

I raised my three daughters to best of my ability and I still worked 50-60 hours a week. Doing my part to contribute to the family's financial security is one thing. Having to do it all, and alone, another. So yeah, the reward of paradise...sounds great.

It would just be nice if more people got this in their heads. Men and women alike.

It will happen انشالله

May allah reward you and your family generously and grant us all a good spouse. And a break from the incansecent gender arguements!

12-15-2020, 07:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by المدينه
Mashallah, love the message, though I would have chosen a slightly different way of putting it.

As humans we are equal. There's no one better or superior to the other; except in piety, correct? Good.

Men and women are not created equal. I don't care how many pseudo-feminist whatever opinions are hurled at me...I am not equal to a man.

And frankly, I don't want to be. I want to bake the bread, which I do, but not be the primary bread maker, which I am. Though covid kind of put a halt to that.... but that's a different story.

The problem arises though, when I am "forced" to assume the responsibilities of the man. Because someone didn't get the memo. On top of my duties as a muslim, mother, homeworker and respectful citizen. But we're all tested and we all have our lot in life. So why complain about it?

I raised my three daughters to best of my ability and I still worked 50-60 hours a week. Doing my part to contribute to the family's financial security is one thing. Having to do it all, and alone, another. So yeah, the reward of paradise...sounds great.

It would just be nice if more people got this in their heads. Men and women alike.

It will happen انشالله

May allah reward you and your family generously and grant us all a good spouse. And a break from the incansecent gender arguements!
Sister, if I could put thousand and ten thousand or until my finger breaks clicking like to your post I would. Masha'Allah. These are the women whom I happily will die to protect if given the chance. Everything you said I agree 100% with. It is not allowed for any man to force his wife to work and FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM for a man to take 0.000000000000000000001 cent from the pocket of his wife....look at this ladies and gentlemen, look at this how Islam empowers women....WHERE A MAN MUST ASK THE PERMISSION OF HIS WIFE if he can take 0.000000000000000000001 cent from her. If she says, "No!" that is it. One word, "No!". Then tough for you mate. Find other means to getting that money. Haraaam to take money from your wife without her approval, haraaam. Simple. Can this be more empowering for women or what? Now watch this:

"Can a woman be a doctor in Islam?"
"Yes." (As long as it meets the requirements where there are no mix gender, removing hijjaab, etc)


"Can you women work just like men in Islam?"
"A woman can work just like men as long as she fulfills the Islamic requirements and you need to ask a shiekh about this and it is working with other women." Isn't feminist main dream in America to dominate men and make it a woman's world where when you go outside only women working with other women and they run the country? How is the concept of women ONLY working with other women any different than Islam, in this regard? Islam says a woman can work as long as it is with other women and avoid as much as possible mixing with other men working. Of course, naturally...I mean if you have a retail store that sells products your customers will be MIXED gender naturally. But you will have a walli beside you and not working by yourself alone. You may have your husband with you, son, etc. Aaaaah, here Islam is enforcing men's purpose unlike non-Muslim world working hard to make men redundant. Type "Men Redundant" in google and you will find endless articles appraising the extinction of men and how men are unnecessary. Islam put a stop to that garbage too. No doubt about it. It is garbage.

Is this not all liberating enough? I am sure majority of women agree that they are fine with men working in sewages, or climbing a 40 story high building in constructions, or going to wars, or fixing the street roads, etc. I am sure there are certain things where men excel in Math and science that men only works on them because it demands interaction with other men that women working in this field will put her under stress and cause mixed gender which will breed destruction of society. Unless, she works with other women only in this field and there are no men around, sure why not? You could do that. But if you watch the stats and you can even see it in non-Muslim articles, it is a large majority of science by the right of birth goes to boys. Hence why boys excel in math and science and girls excel in English and verbal communication skill. Again, feminist is jealous of this and is pushing women to be like men. Why? Why attempt to cause friction between the sexes and cause men to be intimidated by women or make women look like jealous of men and are enemy of men? I swear, if women where to know how much value and reward that Allah (Subhananu Wa Talaa) have put for women who play the role of a wife (prescribed in Islam and not psuedo feminism or modern wife or sitcom TV wife) and as mother...NOT ONE single woman would demand to compete with men or feel one bit jealous of men role. In fact, they would look at men and see HE is the one who have it tough and not them (that is not far from the truth). If Muslim women where to know how they are treated in Islam they would never have one atom of jealousy at the opposite gender. No articles like these will ever come out in a million year.

12-16-2020, 03:10 AM
I was write about how people look at this, "
Submitted by lionking36 on Tue, 12/15/2020 - 13:01
Hey Dad,
Nope. With Helen Reddy passing earlier this year, what happened to the spirit of female independence and "I am woman, hear me roar.."? They're getting paid with tax write-offs and child support.
What?! No child support? Next time, get knocked up by Poindexter. Or just don't get knocked up...

Another post by another person, "
Submitted by ras0iuf on Tue, 12/15/2020 - 13:01
I completely agree. This makes my blood boil. Similarly, I get mad every tax season when I hear about my coworkers getting giant refunds because of their dependent deductions. Why should you get deductions for having children? Just like you said in this episode, people are going to have them anyway, so why incentivize it? I’m a productive member of society, and I work my ass off, and I have to pay more money in taxes than my coworkers because I have no kids? My coworkers’ kids are a burden on the infrastructure. Kids put a demand on the food supply, the water supply, electricity, the garbage system, the sewer system, the school system, roads, parks, they contribute to pollution, etc., etc., etc. If you’re having kids, you should contribute more funding to society's infrastructure for that privilege. Let’s start out with a standard TWO deductions for everybody with ZERO kids. Then, when you have one, you lose one of those deductions. When you have 2, you lose the second deduction. If you have more than 2, you have to pay MORE in taxes for each additional child. The system is backwards. Stop incentivizing what people are doing anyway. We don’t need more humans on the planet.

See! Al-hamdolillah I am Muslim. Al-hamdolillah I am Muslim. It is obligatory for every person to thank Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) for what he have given that person. Thank him that you are Muslim. Thank him you are human. Thank him if you are born male that you are male and if you are born female, then thank him you are born female. This show you are grateful to Allah and not be under the category of the ungrateful. Never wish what Allah have favored others over you. Never. If you do then you will be from the ungrateful, and will not get what the other have and you may even risk dying a disbeliever. Everyone get their hands out and use your fingers and do tasbeeh and be from the thankful and say Al-hamdolillah you are healthy. Be thankful you are alive. Be thankful you are not dizzy. Some people have chronical vertigo where they are dizzy 24/7. What miserable life is that? Be thankful you can sleep. Be thankful you have a family. Just plain be thankful. Clear your heart from the filth of this world and work and strive for the afterlife.

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12-16-2020, 05:57 AM
Jazakallah khair. Ameen. Thank you very much for this brother. However i had a confusion, if the woman who dies while delivering isn't much practising, what about that? Because i had a relative who died like this but i dont know much about her how she was.
I make dua you marry a non-feminist,soon :giggling: You were gonna sponsor a child, how's it going?

12-16-2020, 07:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere?
Jazakallah khair. Ameen. Thank you very much for this brother. However i had a confusion, if the woman who dies while delivering isn't much practising, what about that? Because i had a relative who died like this but i dont know much about her how she was.
I make dua you marry a non-feminist,soon :giggling: You were gonna sponsor a child, how's it going?

As long as the woman who died is not a disbeliever, then all I can say is put your trust on (Allah Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and his mercy. If a man and not a woman but a man who commits' sins from this planet to the top of the sky and back and when he dies with that many sins (sins that us humans will shout at him as one of the deepest hellfire dwellers for sure) but he believes in Allah and utters the la'illah illal'llah and when Allah (Subhanu Wa Talaa) put that in the scale it will throw all his sins out of the scale. We all know of that, right? So what about a believing woman who dies WHILE BIRTHING A CHILD? My understanding from the shiekh that I watched in video where a man dares to devalue the role of his wife of being a mother and birthing a child by looking down at her for being fat or have scars, he says you dislike her look because she BIRTHED YOUR CHILD, while Allah will remove all her sins as if she never committed a single sin when she dies delivering YOUR child and my understanding as she will die shaheed. For every scar a woman get delivering a child and her body get deformed it is a scar of honor (much like a man feel bride when he get scar getting it in war as sign of masculinity and manliness). Every scar a woman get delivering a child, she will get rewarded in ways that make every woman want this reward. So, I suggest you ask a shiekh and update us with the information :) If I made a mistake, please teach us and if I am correct please confirm to us. I pray the mods will stick this post so that future generation of sisters who feel devalued because of the societal diseases can come here and be reassured that mother role and women role in Islam is indeed respected and valued very, very, very highly. Sister, put your trust on Allah, only. Know that Allah is all merciful. Only Allah is the provider, not a man or a husband or even you. So put your trust on him.

But a disbelieving women, mushrik women, feminist women who believe in feminist religion (because feminism is a religion), or women who hate Allah's ayat and disbelieve on them, non-Muslim women period, her birth is form of punishment. When she screams in pain delivering that child, that is a punishment (anytime you guys watch non-Muslim movies and see a non-Muslim screaming in pain at the hospital delivering a child, know she is getting punished and you are seeing her punished in this world before afterlife). Her children when raised like her will add further to her punishment in the afterlife. Her value as a person and as a woman and a mother is materialistic value, money and worldly value. So, to answer your question for sure...ask a scholar and shieikh. As long, as long, as long her heart didn't leave this world with a believe or disease that takes her out of fold of Islam...I will say one final time...put your trust on Allah alone and he is all merciful.

12-16-2020, 07:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere?
Jazakallah khair. Ameen. Thank you very much for this brother. However i had a confusion, if the woman who dies while delivering isn't much practising, what about that? Because i had a relative who died like this but i dont know much about her how she was.
I make dua you marry a non-feminist,soon :giggling: You were gonna sponsor a child, how's it going?
heheh, thank you for the dua. As for the sponsoring a child it is impossible here in Canada. They allow lesbians to sponsor a child, they allow gay men to sponsor a child, they allow druggies and unfit people to sponsor a child, they allow single women to sponsor a child of both sexes (which is forbidden in Islam), and you see as they grow older these women have sex with this children (the male ones). But they will not allow a single hetrosexual man, who we all know when he sponsors a child he cannot stay alone for too long, he will want to have a wife and the child will be raised by two worlds (male and female) under a healthy atmosphere...THAT...NOPE. That gets too complicated. That requires 10 to 15 years of process and money of over 80k+ and more. Add to the fact, that I wanted to sponsor a Muslim child, the country (Canada) makes it almost impossible to sponsor a child from other countries and that requires paper works and beucracy and complications from here to the sky and back. I am like...ok. The only way I can sponsor a child if I go back to a Muslim country that implements sharia law correctly for it to work and I live in that country. Another problem with these non-Muslim countries is that if I did successful sponsor a child, THEY WANT ME TO CHANGE THE CHILD'S name by force and to have my last name. So this is another reason why I decided not to do that.

12-18-2020, 05:50 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by المدينه
Mashallah, love the message, though I would have chosen a slightly different way of putting it.

As humans we are equal. There's no one better or superior to the other; except in piety, correct? Good.

Men and women are not created equal. I don't care how many pseudo-feminist whatever opinions are hurled at me...I am not equal to a man.

And frankly, I don't want to be. I want to bake the bread, which I do, but not be the primary bread maker, which I am. Though covid kind of put a halt to that.... but that's a different story.

The problem arises though, when I am "forced" to assume the responsibilities of the man. Because someone didn't get the memo. On top of my duties as a muslim, mother, homeworker and respectful citizen. But we're all tested and we all have our lot in life. So why complain about it?

I raised my three daughters to best of my ability and I still worked 50-60 hours a week. Doing my part to contribute to the family's financial security is one thing. Having to do it all, and alone, another. So yeah, the reward of paradise...sounds great.

It would just be nice if more people got this in their heads. Men and women alike.

It will happen انشالله

May allah reward you and your family generously and grant us all a good spouse. And a break from the incansecent gender arguements!
Beautiful. May Allah reward you

12-18-2020, 06:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
heheh, thank you for the dua. As for the sponsoring a child it is impossible here in Canada. They allow lesbians to sponsor a child, they allow gay men to sponsor a child, they allow druggies and unfit people to sponsor a child, they allow single women to sponsor a child of both sexes (which is forbidden in Islam), and you see as they grow older these women have sex with this children (the male ones). But they will not allow a single hetrosexual man, who we all know when he sponsors a child he cannot stay alone for too long, he will want to have a wife and the child will be raised by two worlds (male and female) under a healthy atmosphere...THAT...NOPE. That gets too complicated. That requires 10 to 15 years of process and money of over 80k+ and more. Add to the fact, that I wanted to sponsor a Muslim child, the country (Canada) makes it almost impossible to sponsor a child from other countries and that requires paper works and beucracy and complications from here to the sky and back. I am like...ok. The only way I can sponsor a child if I go back to a Muslim country that implements sharia law correctly for it to work and I live in that country. Another problem with these non-Muslim countries is that if I did successful sponsor a child, THEY WANT ME TO CHANGE THE CHILD'S name by force and to have my last name. So this is another reason why I decided not to do that.
I was waiting for a "yes" . Sad to hear this. But anyway masha Allah, you had good intentions and i pray you get a good practising woman there in canada. Ameen.

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