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View Full Version : When should we do Nikah?

01-01-2021, 11:22 PM
Hello Brothers and Sisters

Me and my fiancée have been engaged for 6 months now and we want to get married in like 6-8 months in shaa Allah.
When do you think should we do Nikah?
Honestly we already wanted to do it but my father said no because he thinks that it’s still to early.
But er can’t do anything together I know you could say that we can do it when we are married and living together but I guess we all know it’s not the same.

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01-02-2021, 12:29 PM

In general if both parties have agreed you should not delay the marriage. Speak to your dad about how you feel and find out why he has advised you to wait. Maybe he has a valid reason.

May Allah swt make it easy for you Ameen.

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