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View Full Version : Transgression in Dua?

01-24-2021, 04:40 PM
Aoa. Hope u are fine. I follow a Saudi scholar. I find his approach quite direct. I saw his show last week on YouTube. A caller had asked about doing dua but did not specify the dua. So the scholar said as an example, it is transgression to do dua if the doctors ave told there is no cure possible for a specific ailment. So if all doctors say that the survival is not possible and you still do dua to Allah then this is transgression. I became confused. Because i read dua can change destiny. The scholar is named Sheikh Asim hakeem.
Thankyou in advance

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01-24-2021, 05:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa. Hope u are fine. I follow a Saudi scholar. I find his approach quite direct. I saw his show last week on YouTube. A caller had asked about doing dua but did not specify the dua. So the scholar said as an example, it is transgression to do dua if the doctors ave told there is no cure possible for a specific ailment. So if all doctors say that the survival is not possible and you still do dua to Allah then this is transgression. I became confused. Because i read dua can change destiny. The scholar is named Sheikh Asim hakeem.
Thankyou in advance

Sheikh Asim has a website and you can contact him via email.
Ask a Question | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM

Sometimes when a scholar gives a ruling, it can be misunderstood or he might not explain it in full.
It is best to ask the scholar first instead of asking other people.

01-26-2021, 12:28 PM
Aoa. Everytime i try to send question, their quota runs out.

01-27-2021, 02:04 AM
Ask your question here and we will try to answer...and in terms of it being transgression. That is not transgression. Doctors are humans and lack knowledge where Allah knows everything and change a man's condition within a second.

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01-27-2021, 04:47 AM
Aoa. This is my quesfion u just answered. Can we do dua for a thing that humans deem impossible? I was looking for an answer and found that video.it is confusing me. Why did the scholar say otherwise?

01-27-2021, 06:22 AM
I watch assim Al hakeems youtube but never found him saying such thing. A caller asked him a similar question about that he has a disease that has no cure. But assum Al hakeem said Allah made cure for every disease. Some might know some might not know. And assum Al hakeem advised the brother to have black seed and other things. So I think you may misunderstood him.

Here is the video : https://youtu.be/p0D4DDWewMU


01-27-2021, 03:22 PM
Here is the link of the video. Start from 1:10




01-27-2021, 07:07 PM
I don’t agree with that specific example he gave. Is like studentofdeen mentioned.

01-28-2021, 04:23 AM
Aoa. Right? This example seems really odd. Thanku

01-28-2021, 04:47 AM
Assalamu Alaikum

format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa. Right? This example seems really odd. Thanku
He is speaking about physical abnormalities which cannot be corrected or regenerated, not about illnesses/diseases. For example if you are born without eyes and the vital supporting tissue that would support eye transplants, it would be physically impossible to gain your sight back, so if it is impossible in this world then it would be futile to pray for it. However if you have eyes, and you lost your eyesight due to illness and by curing that illness your sight can be regained, then that is a different story. Does that make sense?

01-28-2021, 06:38 AM
Wasalam. Yes, i think you are right. This is what he might have meant as well

01-28-2021, 06:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa. Hope u are fine. I follow a Saudi scholar. I find his approach quite direct. I saw his show last week on YouTube. A caller had asked about doing dua but did not specify the dua. So the scholar said as an example, it is transgression to do dua if the doctors ave told there is no cure possible for a specific ailment. So if all doctors say that the survival is not possible and you still do dua to Allah then this is transgression. I became confused. Because i read dua can change destiny. The scholar is named Sheikh Asim hakeem.
Thankyou in advance
I totally agree with sheikh Asim.
What he means I think...is the difference in chance:
If you suffer from cancer for example...and the cancer cells are widely spread though your entire body....and all the doctors in the world say "impossible to cure from"...
They do not mean actually impossible.
What they mean is that the chance of curing from that is for example 1 on 10 mln...a chance so small that it would be easier to win the lottery.
You can pray to that and it would be not transgression.

But things a human body is not capable of...like growing one feet taller as an adult....breathing under water....ability to fly....or regeneration of completely lost limbs or organs the way some animals do...the chance for that to happen is simply 0. Such dua would be transgression.

There are infinite numbers between zero chance...and one in a billion chance...so the difference is huge.

01-30-2021, 07:55 AM
Aoa but it has confused me. What about dua and its ability to change qadr.does that mean we should only do dua for things that also appear possible to us? Because, when we look at zachariah's example he prayed for a child at such an old age. Science and doctors would have at this stage?

01-30-2021, 09:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa but it has confused me. What about dua and its ability to change qadr.does that mean we should only do dua for things that also appear possible to us? Because, when we look at zachariah's example he prayed for a child at such an old age. Science and doctors would have at this stage?
No one knows at what age someone becomes infertile.
The chance in this case maybe small...but certainly not zero.

Besides...he is a prophet. Allah can grant him any kind of miracle. Just because Musa as has split the sea once...doesn't matter you and I can also pray for that.

01-30-2021, 10:21 AM
Aoa. But moses did not do dua for it. In that case we should not do dua at all. Because only prophets get duas approved, and we are full of sins so sinners dua would not be answered eithrr

01-30-2021, 12:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa. But moses did not do dua for it. In that case we should not do dua at all. Because only prophets get duas approved, and we are full of sins so sinners dua would not be answered eithrr
That is nonsense. Where did you get that rubbish from.

Can you provide hadeeth or ayaat where it says that only prophets get duas approved?

Then that surely means that making dua is haraam right?

01-30-2021, 01:43 PM
Aoa, I concluded from what you wrote. Hewas a prophet his dua was answered. So we should stay realistic and not do dua for miracles..you just said it

01-30-2021, 02:02 PM
At the end of the day, without any clarification by him, this will just turn to a discussion about people's opinions on what someone else said.

Revert alYunani
01-30-2021, 02:07 PM

01-30-2021, 05:54 PM
Aoa. I dont know why you have to be utterly rude. I already avoided you in another question post, now you have come here to take ur misery out on a person seeking an answer. Imagine if the Prophet saww or his companions were as rude as you. If you cant answer with piety, do not bother answering. Just move on. That being said, I am confused that's why I keep on asking. One confusion can lead to another despite so many answers. Asking Allah to change qadr is a miracle, so apparently we should not ask Allah to change qadr? Because chances are slim, 1 in a million. Should we still not hope against all odds?

01-30-2021, 07:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by keiv
At the end of the day, without any clarification by him, this will just turn to a discussion about people's opinions on what someone else said.
I am sorry...but i do not understand what you exactly mean with this.
Should we not answer at all then?

Revert alYunani
01-30-2021, 07:54 PM
. ...

01-30-2021, 08:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa, I concluded from what you wrote. Hewas a prophet his dua was answered. So we should stay realistic and not do dua for miracles..you just said it
I do not understand your logic. How can you ever conclude something like that from what I wrote?
Depending on what you mean with "miracles" you can pray for it or not:
If you mean like healing from a terrible disease with very little chance for survival...then you can pray for it.
If you mean splitting the ocean kind of miracle...then you cannot pray for it.
Its so easy.

format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Asking Allah to change qadr is a miracle, so apparently we should not ask Allah to change qadr? Because chances are slim, 1 in a million. Should we still not hope against all odds?
This is a complete different topic.
How is asking to change your qadr a miracle?
How do you know what is in your qadr and what isnt?
And how do you know whether it is changed?

Does Allah not say that one can change his qadr with dua?
Let me define it differently:
You can not pray for something that goes against the laws of nature.
All creations behave in a natural way that Allah dictated...interactions with each other happens also in that way...we describe that as "laws of nature".
If your dua goes against that natural behiour...then that is not OK.

But other things that are perfect in line with laws of nature...only the chance of happening is very small...then you can pray for it.

Hope you understand now.

@others: if I said something wrong, please correct me

01-31-2021, 07:25 AM
Aoa, yeah, laws of nature. For me everything is a miracle. Even i look at the human body that is a God's miracle to me. I know all the answers but shetan keeps messing with my head. Because i watch alot of scholarly videos. There was this other scholar who sd dua is rqrely answered in the way we want it to.

And obviously no one would ask Allah to divide the ocean for them, unless asking metaphorically. My mother's knees are fully gone and knee replacement isnt possible, the docs say there is nothing they can do. We even took her to the US but same answer. So i begn to make dua and at the same time came across this video. Otherwise I always believed that even if i want a shoe lace, i should pray to Allah for it.

- - - Updated - - -

Thank yo ummit

Revert alYunani
01-31-2021, 07:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa, yeah, laws of nature. For me everything is a miracle. Even i look at the human body that is a God's miracle to me. I know all the answers but shetan keeps messing with my head. Because i watch alot of scholarly videos. There was this other scholar who sd dua is rqrely answered in the way we want it to.

And obviously no one would ask Allah to divide the ocean for them, unless asking metaphorically. My mother's knees are fully gone and knee replacement isnt possible, the docs say there is nothing they can do. We even took her to the US but same answer. So i begn to make dua and at the same time came across this video. Otherwise I always believed that even if i want a shoe lace, i should pray to Allah for it.

- - - Updated - - -

Thank yo ummit
Instead of making duaa that her knees are healed. Make duaa that she gets jannah for going through this, and that Allah ease this situation for her and for you.
That is my advise thought dont take it as fatwa please. Just my advise. May Allah make it easy for you and your mom

01-31-2021, 07:38 AM
Me not responding to you should have been hint enough that i don't want you on my post..

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