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View Full Version : Transgender - evil - arrogance

07-27-2022, 04:25 PM
1. If someone commits a sin, they don't with the rules to apply to them, so instead of changing themselves , they say that religion is made up-that God is made up.

2. The Atheists have always said they will only agree with something that makes sense then how does transsgender make sense? Here, they are afraid of the backlash.

3. When people are saying that young children can make decisions, and even the transgender are saying that adults should not be influencing children -which is bizarre as what is the point of parenting if we cannot advise what is wrong or right-forbid evil and enjoin what is good?

AS they say that young children are good enough to make early choices, then they can't complain if Allah allows them to go through trials. Do not complain when things go bad, and then they may say that we didn't wish for this for our children-but their children were good enough to put up with their rubbish.

4. What people are not aware of today that there was an individual - Alfred Kinsey US, who wanted along with others to have sexual liberation to do with what they want. He even wrote about young children in a derogatory way. Also demonstrating as per the people at the time of Prophet Lut peace be upon him when they said of the Prophet that this person is telling us to be "pure", deviant behaviour-they wish to change everything to fit in with them-this is how arrogant, evil they are, everything needs to change, children, babies, women etc. He wanted everyone to be lewd so no one would be complaining of homosexuality etc.

This is also why people wish to accept race-not because they care about black/brown people, but to say that everyone should be accepted, means accepting those who commit crimes. The leaders have killed so many people by war-who knows what else they've been doing, if you sit there committing so much crime, you wouldn't be comfortable having a traditional marital home setup-so they wish to ruin people to make them comfortable. Even there was reference of this rich person Soros who has been paying liberal people to support woke policies -to make people stupid so he can be comfortable -here they need people to be corrupt and evil

Here -they have failed to do and can never do what even a prostitute has never achieved - she cannot get people mentally to think it is OK of what she does (people may say they do, but there is still a difference), if we accepted things like this, then we wouldn't be able to be tested in this world -we would be too dumb.

The transgender/homesexuals are not complaining of how they are treated-they know they are not largely affected, especially in the west- but they are after people's minds-they want to be viewed as the same as a normal Man-woman straight relationship-this will NEVER happen amongst religious or non-religious people.

We are alive in this world and the devils are being tested in their world (where previously they could ears drop in Heaven)-their test is easier than Humans therefore of what they know, can go to areas and see/hear-they have Satan knowing he has been alive for a long time etc. It is impossible to get people to accept what they say mentally as normal-as if it was then we wouldn't be tested in this world, we are too dumb.

The reason why people say they accept it, because they are want to show off about being kind -and as their kindness is not kindness but about self-attention, they willing to go to any lengths to appear being kind.

Kindesss is where you need to forbid evil and enjoin what is good-there is no kindness or love or respect without it.

They are foolish -we are not going to throw away values, because someone says their feelings are more important -well it isn't, Satan certainly has done a number on them. We are not going to listen to them over the Prophets.

I wish to stress out, that look and look and you will see for the dribble that they wish for people to be like. For example, if you have a young child and you take them to a place and you let them play -they are happy -if you say this extra statement to the child "you can do whatever you want as long as you are safe", they get even more happier. This is bizaarely what transgender want-living as if there is an extension of their childhood. Clearly they are doing something that no one else could do when growing up, they are asking for others to share in their journey to keep them company-have surgeries, make changes and be praised and clapped as if a young child taking their first steps. When in a matter of fact, when you get older, you need to start trying to help others, people around the world had to make difficult decisions that people didn't wish to support them on, that doesn't mean that they can complain about people not sharing their life choices.

They used to say that they don't hurt anyone, but clearly saying it is OK for a child to be deprived of a Mother/father. Again, they can't complain if the next generation's test is going to be different -already a cost of living and lives being changed. Climate change is actually Allah testing people, asking them to take heed.

Alot of people don't have a strong Male role model, and what happens is that you use silly behaviours - I have seen so many people who just wish for alot of emotional support to do the basics in life. Imagine someone sitting there on a bench, anticipating someone coming over and taking them away to live in a mansion -what is the emotional outlook that they are happy about having someone do this for them, if you were to photograph their face, you will see theirs eyes wider, their personal actions are just waiting for someone to give them that life. This is what the evil people transgender are doing, even in younger children -not surprisinging they are allowing their children to grow up to seek attention instead of having a carefree lifestyle. Instead they're allowing their children to grow up to behave in a manner as if they need a special something to keep them alive (using extreme example to get the message)-- what about if a child had a bird visiting them dropping them off a special fruit everyday for them to consume? What would their behaviour be - as a silly femaie (not a mature woman) -i they would sit there thinking they are special, and spill this act into all areas of their lives. No difference to a silly femaie who if she is loved by a leader of a country, would think she is important and get attention just for receiving attention from someone else.

Here parents are creating their own problems, of allowing children to be attention seekers, and they can't keep this up and they complaina as they wish for the rest of the poplulation to do it.

The Prophets were the best of people and they didn't attack others for sharing the message (only had to fight to defend). The evil people attacked the Prophets even though they knew they were the best people - here the very hint to the transgender/homosexual that people don't agree with them brings about similar reactions-they wish to attack people, villify them.

It is difficult time for everyone, but just remember:

1. That even if everyone on the planet agreed with the transgender/homosexual. it would only take 1 Man to stand up to say they don't agree and they would oppose him, wishing to attack him-even they would feel threatened by one Man -this is the what they don't want people to learn as they wish to dumb people down, even to the extend that atheists think they are OK when having no convictions/values-when a Man should have convictions/values -there was a good quote that came from even a non-Muslim, but couldn't find this. This is wher ethe atheists are stupid and when they are asked when they are dead what is it they believed, they are too stupid to answer.

2. Allah is wise, and if those people say it is good enough for their children to face rubbish -then they need to be aware that their children are good enough to be trialled by other things -don't think they will be left to them as Allah provides a fair test. If someothing goes wrong and they start crying they didn't want this for thier children, well what right do they have to complain, when they were telling people to accept transgender etc. This is what they are bringing onto themselves.

3. Fear Allah and only join the Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, remember the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell. It is a awful time and may be a lot of upheaval -but the evil doers should clearly see this is what they bring onto themselves-we did not ask for this, no Muslims would be partying as the whole world is turmoil and going towards the Major signs of the Day of Judgement. They are better than people in the past as they have been openly committing sins-but they are telling people they will recover and the ecomonists are planning on surviving and making lots of money. The Governemtns think htey run the world-they do not, Allah would never keep the world running around for them, but for the poor, masses. They already waste their time dealing with nonsesnse, don't think they will be around fo deal with other stupidity. They get happy that peopel are restricted-but Allah will free up people-he provides a fair test.

They think evil is just about murdering someone etc, but actually a lot of peopel go to Hell as they hadn't killed anyone, going to Hell is disrespecting people -if they were able to have a child come down from Paradise they would treat them badly as well and corrput them -this is sickening that they are mutialiting people's bodies and saying that we are oppressive.

Allah provides a fair test and nothing and no one can ever over ride that-that is impossible. This is where even armies with elephants are taken out etc. These people were allowed to continnue as the Governments like the race ware, wants people to attack each other - do not fall into this trap. We don't need to attack Governments as it will be over -they will not be leading people during the Major signs of the Day of Judgement -there will be no TV/Internet etc. No matter what you think they have, the only thing they are holidng onto as tyupical evil, they think they will continue-that is wrong. So leave what they say and remember Allah much and rejoice that we have had the benefit of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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07-27-2022, 07:04 PM
I agree 100%. The very first thing they did to achieve their goal (transsexual and homosexuality) is destroy masculinity, destroy femininity, destroy family, destroy gender role, destroy difference between sexes, remove women from their home and chastity and let her go out and compete with men and show their flesh world-wide, bring feminism and finally remove fathers. Fathers must go. Here are the new attributes of fathers and men and boys:

1) Boys are stupid throw rocks on them. (There are actual t-shirts to be sold saying this).

2) Men are unnecessary. They mock the Y chromosome and say that chromosome is soo tiny and disappearing, booo for the Y chromosome. (google men redundant and google y chromosome disappearing and see the endless search results and posts and comments appraising it. I am not making this up).

3) Men are stupid. Women are smarter and better than men.

4) Endless commercials and TV shows demean, attack, emasculate, and make fool of men and boys endlessly. Girls are beautiful, smarter and more articulate than boys.

5) Laws set to favor women over men and give women more rights than men and give more more rights over men that is against Allah's law

6) Entrails in your mind that it is women who are the qayama over men and not men over women and thus give you the idea or thought that the Qura'an is either wrong or outdated (authobillah)

What is the purpose of all of this? Destroy the foundation of family and religion. A family is composed of a man and a woman. Both sexes are easier to remove from family if you know how to target each correctly. Thus, if we remove men...the concept of family is destroyed. Let us start first in how to remove women from their homes. But the method of removing from their homes is different than removing men from their homes. Here is how that works and I will explain it here. If we attempt to attack women and call her all derogatory names then the entire world will come to put a hold into this. Women are your daughter! Women are your sister! Women are your mother! And so on and so on! Men and women (especially men) will be a wall against this and remove this evil faster than a blink of an eye, so it is almost impossible to destroy family in that means. We can destroy family using women in different means: Feminism. Teach women that they are stronger and better than men. Take women from their homes, tell them to remove their Hijjab, remove their morality and make them show their flesh, their hair and tell them they are like men if not better. Turn women masculine. Women want to be masculine (not all, but also not the minority either), they actually find pride when you tell them you are stronger than thousand men. That, actually, uplift them. They shout, they scream, their verbal, their physical, they want to be physically and mentally stronger than a man and it boost their self esteem when they look down at men. It make them happy to know that they re stronger than a man. Smarter than a man. Better than a man. So these women (majority and future generation) are easy target to break family home. Now we are going to be using these women as the tank to blast men from their homes (now we are looking at how to remove men from homes), we say to men in media and school and society that you are stupid. You are unnecessary, you are unwanted, you are this and that, now...now here no one defends men. Neither women and especially neither the men, if anything we all agree and nod and say we are we stupid (we may even bring scientific evidence of testosterone is bad and evil hormone to back things up). Followed by that we all agree that mothers are more important than fathers (even more valued). We all agree about cutting ties between children and father is normal, accepted and it is ok (if not even justified). We all agree that fathers disappearing from families lives is not a tragedy or disaster, and we even agree that children should hate their fathers. We can hurl insults at our fathers no problem! We can hate our fathers, no problem (I am sure there are endless justification for that). Society and social order dictates us to do that and we are agree to it, if not find it normal. So is it any wonder there are few male role models? Now that the family is destroyed we can move on into our propaganda easier (even the government can control us better). The reason it is destroyed because no one really cares for family, and that is the truth. No one really believes in it, or very few believes in it, even in the Muslim world. I know you will ask how can you say that? Well, at the beginning of my monologue didn't we agree that the only time a family is formulated is between a man and a woman? Yet, we don't care for the man if he is destroyed by the government, media and social programming. We don't care for his contribution to his family either. We appraise that women be masculine but look down at the man to be masculine. In fact, we agree that it takes a woman to be a man. This is how we look at things now. It takes a woman to be a man. Then who is going to play the role of the woman? A man? So you all agree in gender role reversal?

Many people actually do. So no wonder transsexual and homosexuality are going full force into society. No wonder they are forcing their evil ways into our lives. The family is destroyed. Men no longer plays the role of protector to his family. We are too focused on women right, feminism, women empowerment and masculinizing women and feminizing men...that we left our children open to the wolves. So all of this I agree with what you posted but I am not surprised. As long as women (and men) object to the Qura'an with giving gender difference and distribution of wealth and it is the majority and it is louder than the Athan in media and society, and as long as women (and men) object to the qura'an with gender role, we are an open gap for wolves to come in and engorges everything. So no, I am not surprised about transsexuals and homosexuality...it is...only....going to get worse. Already in USA we are dressing boys like girls, I am just waiting for the time when beautiful little boys wear makeup and dress and it is celebrated in all Muslim worlds and when masculine boys who act like boys are drugged to act like girls or ignored and look down at them...wait and see when boys want that love and affection and the only way to get is to act and dress like girls that you will see more of transexual.

At that point, I find returning back to my Muslim country is stupid really. There is not much difference between there and here, except at least here it is better than Muslim country. I better put my roots here instead. Not like my children will be worse here than there, in fact if anything, they may come up better Islamic scholars here than there and the boys here will be having beards and acting like real men and women here will be better than half of the women population in Muslim world.

07-27-2022, 08:47 PM
3. When people are saying that young children can make decisions, and even the transgender are saying that adults should not be influencing children -which is bizarre as what is the point of parenting if we cannot advise what is wrong or right-forbid evil and enjoin what is good?
2 year olds are old enough to consent to sex change thearopy
17 year olds are too young to consent for marriage. Some are even trying to push the age of consent from 18 to 21.
These people are sick and it's unfortunate that their way of life is becoming the norm.

07-28-2022, 11:36 PM
Although statistic have shown that single mothers (in purpose) is a disease to society and it breeds nothing but social destruction, there will be a time in Muslim world where fathers and men no longer be allowed to play any role anymore in families. There will be no longer men out there to father this children correctly or be a man of the house or head of the household, eventually the role of a father and a man will be handed to women alone to achieve in their own. There will be time where majority of women worldwide (and will be the norm and no longer looked down) will be the head of the household and the qayamah of their house alone. These women will have to be both man and woman at the sametime and be perfect with their role. Naturally, it is impossible for any person to be both different world without losing part of one or the other, for these women, you have to accept to sacrifice your feminity, you have to be masculinized women, you have to act like men and dress like men. Allah is all merciful, he will not curse or punish someone who is forced to do it, but for other women who enjoy it and want to do it willing and love taking role of men, you will be under Allah's curse. Doubt for these women they care and for those women you will not be able to harm or hurt Allah one inch...

So I ask these women who are forced to play both roles to please protect your children from the evil that is coming in it's way, you have a huge burden on your shoulder, you need to be a man as well as a woman at the sametime (impossible) to protect your children from evil. As for the women who choose single motherhoods on purpose for selfish and narcassitic reason, may your death be at the hands of your own children (ameen).

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07-30-2022, 02:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by 404
2 year olds are old enough to consent to sex change thearopy
17 year olds are too young to consent for marriage. Some are even trying to push the age of consent from 18 to 21.
These people are sick and it's unfortunate that their way of life is becoming the norm.
I fully agree! And in fact "age of consent" of 21 has already for some time now been implemented in a few countries. Even in India, once one of the most open minded and sexually permissive places on Earth (and the last place imaginable to degenerate to such inanity) has like the proverbial sycophantic lapdog buckled to Zionist Totalitarian World Order pressure to implement an "age of consent" of 21, at least for males. So it's budging up even higher than the Zionist World Order's long held sacred age, a.k.a the Magic Age (18). "Age of consent" and extended juvenilization is only a very modern concept and is in itself inane and reflects the shallow and infantile mindset of a cretinous dumbed down and highly toxic culture which views disgusting perversions such as homosexuality and miscegenation with positivity and enthusiasm, yet at the same time is utterly horrified by any man whose bride is deemed "too young". If that's not a sign of a highly muddled mind and of hypocrisy with a capital H then I don't know what is!

By rights, just as it was for thousands and thousands of years in the past when the raising of offspring was a PRIVATE matter for the absolute authority of PARENTS to individually decide, NOT "society", it should be up to FATHERS to set their OWN "AOC"s (that is, if they want to set an "AOC" at ALL). This whole "R18" inane politically correct mentality has disappointingly even now crept into the world of Islam, so much so that there are even "R18" forums right here. Muslims used to be one of the LAST groups to hear such ludicrous mentality from but disturbingly since just the last 15 to 20 years increasing numbers of Muslims too (particularly ones living in the West) are taking "AOC" mentality on board and are even referring to teenaged young men and women as mere "children", "young boys", "young girls" etc (presumably because they want to harmoniously fit in with mollycoddling effeminate Woke culture embraced by most westerners) and also believe that whatever the globalist tyrannical Joonited nations think, dictate and preach to the world is "perfect and infallible" and therefore may as well be the words of God himself. The entire half-witted and infantile attitude is quite frustrating and pathetic.

Eric H
07-30-2022, 10:34 AM
Peace be with you,

format_quote Originally Posted by Sunshineday
3. When people are saying that young children can make decisions, and even the transgender are saying that adults should not be influencing children -which is bizarre as what is the point of parenting if we cannot advise what is wrong or right-forbid evil and enjoin what is good?
It seems crazy that in the UK, you can't vote until you are 18. Do they teach about the dangers of voting for the wrong party in primary schools?
It seems that the freedom to vote require more responsibility than all this trans stuff. Or the right to vote requires more responsibility than a fourteen year old girl getting contraceptives without parent consent.

Unfortunately, faith groups have been giving way on the sexual arguments since the 1960's when the contraceptive pill became available. Marriage and families seem to have lost their importance in society. We are moving away from God, this can only damage society.

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