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View Full Version : Indignation – rejecting Allah

10-05-2022, 09:36 PM
There are plenty of those that say that Allah did not help them and so they don’t look towards him. These maybe in times of abuse and other times when they don’t get what they want in life. Here they are dictating their relationship with Allah by the actions of evil doers and by the fantasy of what they want in life.

Children who have been murdered, don’t look and need the sympathy of those in this world, nor do they look for it if they wished from those that reject Allah. Let us not forget if you reject Allah, that means you will be going to Hell with the Murderers of these children.

Issue is evil is just being judged on the sins of murder, beating up people. But not everyone who has gone to Hell has done these things. You are not innocent and good just because you wanted to have a good time in this world. Allah is not judging you and allowing you to go to Paradise and how many ice-creams you have eaten or how many holidays you have taken.

Allah is Merciful that does not change due to the actions of evil doers.

Therefore, no one should be saying:

1. They reject Allah, because they were badly treated by someone-so then what are they saying? That this evil doer should have been good?? In Islam, it is only that we convey the message so people can heed, it is not for anyone to make them good. It is getting a habit of people who keep on looking for some good from wrongdoers. They even typically do this with males-they like people to see potential in them when they are growing up. When they are older, no one should be saying you can be like this or this-it is now for them to demonstrate their good behaviour.

But, if you hear of the criminals, it is still looking at their potential, they even still have Mothers, relatives that are still saying they can be good. Here, in Islam it is to forbid evil and enjoin what is good. If you do not then you may as plenty have done is waste their rest of their test walking behind the backsides of people.

2. It is not for you to associate any goodness with those who have committed evil-allow them to demonstrate themselves, so why then can we complain to Allah that this person was an evil doer?? IF someone is not being good, it is not for you to complain for the rest of your life they are not-as when you die and on the Day of Judgement you will not care and regardless of your sufferings, you will look down on such and such and wished that you did not spend the time that you did thinking of his evil doing.

3. When those people that have suffered hear of Allah, the indignation creeps in, as they feel less valued and cared for by Allah as they have suffered at the hands of the evil doers. But how many people in the West accept the death penalty?? Allah has already commanded that those that commit certain sins be put to death, if your complaining that they are evil, then why are you not killing them?? How can countries go to war to kill other people, but not kill those people who have killed their own civilians?? Why are they asking even women to pay taxes to support their rapists etc in prison??

4. Allah is far above the actions of the evil doers, it is not for him to undo what he has done-he has created everyone, but he will still keep them alive forever, they go to Hell fire. Here, just because someone has committed so much evil, doesn’t mean their evil is so great that to cause Allah to undo what he has created.

5. The above, even creeps in with what people think is innocent, someone doesn’t wish to get married to them, and then they complain to Allah that they are suffering and only wish for this person to get married to them-here they are asking Allah to make someone good, or make them change to get married (but not care if they repent and be good Muslims). People are in this world to turn to him, you are not more important then them looking towards Allah and if they are not treating you right in this journey to the hereafter, you don’t need to waste your time complaining to Allah that such and such a person is not behaving. Here, they have elevated the bad behaviours of people and allowed it to dictate their relationship with Allah.

6. When a Murderer dies etc, how small they would feel when in the next world, think of them on the Day of Judgement when everyone is gathered, how small and insignificant. But they are spoilt these days and look at even what they say, we’ll be good, we won’t do it again or we have a mental disorder so they can be treated carefully (more than anyone else)

7. In Paradise, no one will be elevating the sins of the evil doers and thinking of this and this-they would only be saying that this person missed out on Heaven, if the talk if of the evil doers then it wouldn’t be Paradise anymore. Here, it is different, you don’t need to seek attention, as you are cared about anyway, you do not die or suffer. You are at peace.

8. If you reject Allah because of the sins of the evil doer-then you will just be following them to Hell, even if they badly treated you. The test is that you accept Allah, you don’t just go to Hell just because you have been murdered etc (remember when the Prophet Moses peace be upon him killed someone and Allah said, if he worshipped him once, the Prophet Moses peace be upon him would have been punished).

9. Those that complain, regularly accept their children committing mistakes and even sins. Allah is above all that, and you should accept him regardless of your lives-this is what submission is, giving yourself up, removing your own barriers. This is where when Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said he will give this flag to who he and Allah loved the most, and when everyone wanted it, but of course they didn’t all get it, they didn’t turn away and feel devalued and say there were not going to fight. Here, as servants, as simple people you can’t put yourself first, it is Allah and his Messengers.

10. If you have been abused, are you going to say you cannot accept or enjoy anything forever due to the actions of an evil doer?? Here, again elevating the deeds of the evil doer. People claim that Islam doesn’t help out-but they don’t look towards Islam, but complain more of society. Here, complaining that males get away with it-but they actually live limited lives, as when they have treated someone badly, even if they repented they can’t get more from Allah in this world. We have even had reports of people raping girls, even taking them from care homes etc (when they were commanded to care for the orphan especially), here people think they have got away with it. Well look at the facts, that if a male was ostracised like a prostitute, they would have already been severely depressed-here the males who make fun out of females are fools. No religious person would be spending time making fun out of anyone-but used as a point of reference for an example only.

11. What has happened? The males are a lot weaker, they went against their elders to be I n charge, and in turn the same thing kept on happening, so they are not listening, haven’t learnt respect, discipline and causing massive issues-they like to blame external forces-but here on the Day of Judgement, they are responsible for their own abusive behaviour. Allah isn’t just going to say to them, nevermind, boys will be boys. Even the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him would have sentenced them to death those that have committed vile crimes. Who wants to touch their filthy bodies for the crimes they have committed?? Here, Islam is clear. There are plenty of women that are closer to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him then Males. So place your trust in Allah and let not anyone dictate your relationship with him.

People’s own fantasies as a barrier to accepting Allah:

Using extreme cases to get point across:

1. A person who does black magic, just thinks of someone getting married and is automatically jealous (people haven’t got married yet). Her own fantasy of it was enough to get her to do evil. So couldn’t control her own thoughts or emotions and just went along with and in turn asking other people to suffer for her own petty emotional response as well as by the fantasy that she has envisioned.

2. Here, majority of people have a fantasy too of how they wish for their lives to be-but Allah didn’t say your fantasy, your wants, your needs is greater. Nowhere in the Quran does Allah say make sure you get what you want, and then you can accept him. Here, if this was the case the verses would be different it would be instead saying, say this prayer to get married, recite this for money-and look this is how people talk when doing black magic.

3. You have to overcome your own fantasy-something that has come about, maybe mindlessly, emotionally or with intent, as you have to put everything aside -as in Islam, we are Servants of Allah. This is why people were successful in the past, they gave up their lives in the way of Islam.

4. Your indignation-your feelings you are elevating above all else, so you are saying what you want is more important in Allah’s worlds.

Actually it would be a pretty poor world if it was run by your desires.

This indignation has become quite normal and that even plenty of people are trying to accommodate it, but they shouldn’t -I think a lot of people just need to focus on helping themselves and not get into debates with people, why automatically try to justify your living in this world and talk about dua -when those people who claim to do it, are working at the level of wrong doers, and even being wary and giving advice they won’t listen if you talk about the Day of Judgement etc, and that puts them off-it doesn’t matter, they have heard of the message, they don’t need to hear it until they repent to Allah. This is where people need to remember that:

1. When the Prophets came to tell people the message, they told them to repent straightaway-here nothing was said they were not capable.

2. The first hurdle was their indignation, they already knew that the Prophets were the best of the people, no one was in dispute of their character, so when they opposed him, it was because of their own arrogance, indignation of not being important, jealousy etc. There was reason to reject any of the Prophets. Even Allah allowed the Prophet Moses peace be upon him to be raised in the household of Pharoah-he had no excuse, but knew him to be trustworthy-even Allah allowed him to have a close relationship with the Prophet, but Pharoah’s arrogance was much.

3. Pharoah only repented when he was drowning, some say this isn’t fair-well what is fair?? Do you think his arrogance is so important that after all the plagues and the sea parting, Allah should have showed him another sign?? Should Allah have taken him to a distant planet, brought a creature for him (which he did for the Prophet Saleh peace be upon him).

4. The arrogance is so much, and become normalised, that people think a lot of people to be innocent as they haven’t murdered anyone, well take this example, how many have you seen that don’t raise their children well and become indignant when given advice, as it is an attack on them?? Even though their child is badly behaved, or has criminal behaviour?? How arrogant! There are also plenty that don’t want to change as they hold up how they are higher, that they just spoil their children and all they wish to say is to teach the rest of society how to accommodate their spoilt child-here they don’t want to follow the teachings of Islam, but they want to teach everyone else, how to walk on eggshells around their children so they won’t get upset.

5. Even there are examples, their son has murdered someone, and they get sent to jail, and so she visits him in jail for years –this means nothing, as Allah’s love is higher. Need to forbid evil and enjoin what is good. If someone squandered their only time in this world to pass their test, that doesn’t mean you follow them.

6. Here, the West model has spoilt people and now they are overwhelmed, after not listening, they are now asking advice on how to deal with the homeless population etc. I actually recall an article saying they should get support from Christians (can’t remember where I read it, a long time ago), In Islam, we give the poor their due, not whatever they want. As if we just did whatever they want, it wouldn’t be in their best interests as they have clearly demonstrated, wasting everyone’s time etc. But we have come to the stage, where they like to teach people who they wish others to be-but here they are in error as living in this world, means adapting your behaviour to fit in, not make it your life’s work asking other people to change theirs so they can accommodate you. They like to teach people what is best-well what is the point of teaching people then-go and sort yourself out if you know better. You can’t complain people don’t understand drug addiction as not everyone of course will have tried it-so then by their premise, does that mean they only get advice by drug addicts??

7. You can’t say to Allah, I can’t enjoy something in this world because someone has died. When they belong to Allah. Here again, dictating your lives on other people or what you want. They did not create their Heavens. Your love of is not greater. The Angels are not singing praises of your love with your husband/wife in Heaven -they are praising Allah. Who do you think you are to elevate yourselves?? This is where you get in the West even though not religious, that they will be automatically be joining their loved one in the next world-your love did not create the Heavens. Every Prophet advised have to accept Allah, the Creator of the Worlds. If you didn’t accept him, then you cannot get his help in the hereafter and you will not be looking at your husband/wife for their attention in the hereafter as they will not care of you-here people bring how they are in this world to the next-but differently setting.

When the Day of Judgement happens, even if a woman was pregnant, she will lose her baby and not think of it, no one is going to care about you on that day. This is why we as Muslims, when we help people, we don’t ask people to look at us, but rather look towards Allah.
People will be rejoiceful that day when they have passed their test, they are not going to be miserable if you go to Hell, they will not be miserable due to the evil actions of such and such a person.

No one is going to miss you if you go to Hell, no one needs you to go to Paradise. You only be good for the good of your own soul. Here, no one should allow their own tests, which is limited in this world be spent following other people, when they have their own test, if they choose to squander it, that is their problem.

No one’s evil actions can blot out the sun, they say a million earths can fit inside the sun. Allah has created you and given you time in this world, don’t distort it by saying to him, even if someone close dies, I can’t enjoy something, you can’t say to Allah, I will only enjoy this piece of fruit if that someone I loved came back or I was with him-here you are again elevating someone above your relationship with Allah. Everyone belongs to Allah. People’s relationship with Allah comes first, then the Prophets, then the other top religious people, like his companions and the best women. (Even people get fooled, saying they have a special relationship with their pet-when they won’t care about you when you are dead, remember the story of they Ant and the Queen told them to get out of the way quickly as King Solomon peace be upon him was walking by). On the Day of Judgement, your parents and your children, would care about Allah and then then Prophets more then you.

Do not despair for those that died, as they don’t look for the attention of anyone in this world and especially when they know they haven’t passed their test as they don’t have any freedom of thought or movement-only thinking they will be going to Hell. In this world you can choose to think about whatever, ice-cream, nice walks, but when you dead and didn’t make it, only constantly about going to Hell.

Remember Allah and the Day of Judgement and only join the Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him when he returns.

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