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03-19-2006, 04:35 PM
The Effects of Death on those Left Behind: In Light of the Death of Shaykh Badee-ud-Deen Shah Rashidee as-Sindhee
Written by Shaykh ‘Abdullaah Nasir Rehmaani
Taken from: Badee-ud-Deen Shah Ki Wafat Per

Translated by Abu Taymiyyah

This world, Allaah shows signs of His Majesty. Some He gives life to and to some He gives death. Everything is in His Hands; to some He gives happiness and to others He gives sorrows and tears. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would be at times in happiness, such as when news was given to him of someone accepting Islaam and his face would shine like the full moon and his beloved teeth would shine like pearls. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would also be in a state of sadness that tears would flow from his beloved eyes, such as when his son was laying in his arms breathing his last. Tears were in the eyes and the heart was heavy with grief, but he uttered only that from his tongue, which would please his Lord, but the separation from his son, Ibraahim would bring grief and sorrow.

The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was crying as his son was breathing his last. When it was asked of him: “O Messenger of Allaah, you are crying.” He (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) replied: “This is Rahmaah from Allaah that He has given a merciful heart.”

Allaah brings happiness and sorrow, just a few days ago here a tragic event occurred. The death of our father, our Shaykh, who gave us so much, this was not a lightly event. We have not buried a common man, but rather buried an ocean of knowledge; a mountain of ‘aqeedah and taqwaa and the Jamaa’ah has become orphaned. This is a test for the Ummah for within the time span of one year, for just last year within these days Shaykh Muhibula ar-Rashidee passed away, also the Muhaddith of Punjab, Maulana Sultan Mahmood passed away. And just a few days prior in Lahore after ‘Ishaa prayer while in sujood, Maulana ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Kalani passed away, while just a few days ago our teacher, our leader, our father, Shah Sahib (Badee-ud-Deen) passed away.

This passing away of the scholars, in truth, is the rising up of ‘Ilm and is a sign of the Day of Judgment. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “A time will come when ignorance will become rampant and ‘Ilm will be raised.” This is a fitnah for the Ummah, the rising of ‘Ilm is a fitnah for the Ummah. Then the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allaah will not take the ‘Ilm from the chest of people but by taking away [in death] the scholars...” The scholars will decrease in number and the ‘Ilm that is with them will be taken away with them. The fitnah of the Ummah will begin such as he (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “…such that the ignorant will remain. And they will give ruling without any ‘Ilm. They will themselves be lost and will make others lost.” These will be the daa’ee, calling the people to the hellfire and what greater fitnah then this can there be for the Ummah. The scholars will no longer exist and only the du’aat will remain whose da’wah will lead to being lost and the hellfire.

The salvation of the people on earth lies in the Sharee’ah that was sent from the heavens. If the Sharee’ah from the heavens is forgotten then Allaah destroys the people of the earth. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “If you safeguard the Deen of Allaah, then He will protect you.” If you are negligent toward the commands of Allaah then He will not protect you. Those scholars of the Deen, who are inheritors of the Deen, inheritors of the prophets, when Allaah takes them away the Ummah becomes lost. And for this the scholars hold a high status in the Deen. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.” My understanding is that there is no higher status that this because the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has called the scholars the inheritors of the prophets. This is the closest, for when someone passes away it is his closest relatives who become his inheritors, thus the closest to the prophets are the scholars. This is the status of the scholars.

The most fearful of Allaah are the scholars and those who fear Allaah the most, they are content with Allaah and Allaah is content with them. This is only for those who fear Allaah and that fear is in the hearts of the scholars. Whoever traverses upon the path of the taalib-ul-‘Ilm to seek knowledge then let it be known that he not on a path to a Dars [Islaamic gathering where knowledge is taught] but on the path of Jannah.

It is the duty of the scholars, when they hear a saying of the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), to memorize it. They are the Haafidh of the Hadeeth and through their whole life they transmit that Hadeeth. If one man was to sit in the morning distributing gold all the way until the night and a scholar stands outside and says: “The Messenger of Allaah said such and such…”, then Allaah will give him ajar for each word that he has transmitted, which would be greater than the giving away of a mountain of gold.

People listen to their [scholars] words and carry it with them and Allaah gives him the ajar of what is transmitted by others from him. If someone is guided due to the words of this second person, than whatever reward the third person would earn, the first one will also receive. This will continue all the way until the Day of Judgment and this is sadaqah jahriyaah.

For example if we were to look at Imaam al-Bukhaaree, who wrote Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, within his lifetime numerous Muhaddith’s read, studied and memorised Saheeh al-Bukhaaree from him. Now one Muhaddith, how many people did he teach it to? And this has been going on even up to today. No one can become a scholar until he has learned Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and this will continue until the end of Days. And Saheeh al-Bukhaaree will be read, taught, memorised, worked on, translated, and transmitted then all this will be given to Imaam al-Bukhaaree as rewards. This is no small thing, but rather sadaqah jahriyaah that will not end because the knowledge that people take advantage of will never end.

The reason I went into this was to show what the outcome is at the death of the scholars. Now what is our responsibility? If we have lost our young age to work, than Allaah has given us children. Why not teach them the Deen so that they can learn and teach it to others. So that if one Badee ud-Deen Shah has left this world, then we try and send our children upon this path.

The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) while sitting with his companions asked them: “What is a miskeen.” They replied: “To us a miskeen is he who does not have any dirham or dinar.” This is the definition that we hold in the worldly sense. This wealth, these coins, these gold and silver, it is from the worldly matters but does not apply to the Sharee’ah meaning. Then who is to be labelled as a miskeen in the Deen? He (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “He who will come on the Day of Judgment with abundant good deeds but they will be given to others for what wrongs he committed towards them.” Some will say that he had abused them; some will say that he had physically hurt them; some will say that he had committed backbiting toward them; some will say that he slandered them. All these things will be brought forth. This isn’t a small matter.

Within our society [Islaamic Society] zina is a very big sin and theft is a very big sin, but we have witnessed practicing Muslims indulging in backbiting, slander, and hearsay without any consideration. They do not consider this sin to be a sin and don’t safeguard themselves against it. When this sin is confronted then you see the people remembering their good deeds and they may say: “We are Hajji and make hajj every year, so what if our tongue slips. We have done great work, built Islaamic Schools and have given much in charity for the Deen, so what is this backbiting.” However the issue at hand is one of justice no matter how high up one is. Aa’ishah, whom Allaah sent Salaam’s to and regarding whom when the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was asked who the most beloved to him in this world is he replied: “Aa’ishah”, one time said about one of the wives of the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) that she is small in height. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) replied back: “You have said a word that if I were to take it and place it within the ocean than its water would turn foul.” Who can surpass her?

On the Day of Judgment, people will come forward and say that so and so committed backbiting of me and Allaah is going to establish justice. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “On the Day of Judgment there will be three kinds of registers. The first will be those sins, which Allaah will not forgive (such as Shirk). The second will be of those, which Allaah will not forgive until the one who was wronged is satisfied. The third will be those sins, which Allaah will forgive.”

It is this [second] kind of register that Allaah will not forgive until those who were wronged are satisfied. How will this justice be done? Allaah will take the deeds of the individual and give them to the one whom he had wronged. So his reward of Hajj will taken and given to so and so, his rewards from salaat and tahajuud will be given to so and so, his reward from fasting will be given to so and so, and so forth. One by one all his deeds will be allocated to the people. Then Allaah will ask if everyone is content and if justice was received. Some will say no and Allaah is not going to leave you until complete justice has been done and the people whom you have wronged are satisfied. Once the deeds have finished, Allaah will take the sins of the people and add it to his account. Now all the sins of Zaid, ‘Umar, ‘Bakr, all these will be taken and added to the account of Hajji Sahab. He would have arrived with a pile of good deeds but will be departing with a pile of sins into the hellfire. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) defined a miskeen as such in the Deen. He was rich in this world with wealth and good deeds and in the hereafter he became miskeen, poor, and a dweller of the hellfire.

Then he (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) asked: “Who do you consider to be infertile?” The companions replied: “It is she who is unable to have children.” This is not the Sharee’ah definition for the Sharee’ah definition is one who has children, two, four ten, but they are infertile because they do not sacrifice anyone of their children in the way of Allaah. What is this way of Allaah, it can be that he is sent out for jihaad in the path, or that he becomes a daa'ee for the Deen of Allaah. That they free him to become a taalib-ul-‘Ilm so that he can learn the Deen. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) replied to his companions: “It is one who does not send their son in the path of Allaah even after having children.”

It is incumbent upon us to set forth on this path and that Allaah blesses us with ‘Ilm and understanding. The truth is that our leader, our Shaykh's passing away is a trial for the Jamaa’ah. We as Allaah to grant us Sabr upon this affliction. This was the decision of Allaah and we are content with it and we do not utter anything from our mouth that might not be pleasing to Allaah. However we are very saddened at the passing of our Shaykh, an ocean of knowledge that has left us and we ask Allaah to grant us Sabr. This Deen was given by Allaah and He is its Maalik, it is His Imaanat so have Sabr and receive ajar for the Sabr.

The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The affairs of a Believer are strange. All his affairs are ajar for him. If any good comes to him than he thanks Allaah and if he is afflicted with a calamity then he has Sabr, which is better for him.”

When a Believer receives happiness he is thankful to Allaah and when a calamity befalls him, regarding his wealth or anything, then through Sabr he pleases his Lord. He (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “How strange are the affairs of a Believer.” In every affair he has Sabr, thus in every affair he pleases Allaah.

Those who are feeling for Shah Sahab [Badee-ud-Deen] and who are listening to this, may Allaah give them Sabr during this calamity. To his family, his sons, grandsons, and all the members of his household we ask Allaah to give them Sabr.

A man came to the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and said: “Both of my parents have passed away and I wish that my relationship continue with them...” Just as he used to take care of them during their lifetime, he wishes to take care of them after their death and keep them happy, “...how can I achieve this?” The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “There are five ways:

1) Pray their Janazah...”

This is a great deed to pray the Janazah for them. But that will only be accomplished if we know the du'aa for it. Toward this not much attention has been paid. The body of his father is in front of him and the son doesn't even know the du'aa. The father who raised him, fed him, educated him, got him married, and tried to do everything for his benefit, today this dead body is in front of him and the son doesn't even know the du'aa. This a very big deed, to do his last rite according to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

“2) Do istighfar for them…”

Make du'aa for them. There is a very big impact of this du'aa when they are in the grave. The good deeds may be increased and the punishment may be decreased through the Will of Allaah.

“3) Keep the ties of Kinship…”

To keep those relationships and not to break them. These relationships were given to you by your parents; they gave you a brother, as sister, all these relationships are joined with you because of you parents. If there are any ill will and negative feelings that end them and if you end them then it is a great virtue and you will bring coolness to their grave. To keep the ties of kinship is something very important. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “He who keeps ties then on the Day of Judgement it will say: ‘O Allaah he who kept me in the world, today you keep him with You with Your Rehmaan. He who broke me in the world, today You break him from Your Rehmaan.” This will not be granted to anything except Kinship. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also said: “Kinship is not kept by one who meets others because they meet him…” Someone gives us Salaam’s so we respond to him. Someone comes to our home so we go and visit his. Someone joins in our happiness, so we join in his. Rather he (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “...but by one who tries to keep it while the other tries to break it.” It is not that you wait until they come to you before you go to them. This is not the one who keeps kinship, but it is he who after someone tries to break ties with him, he works to try and build them. Someone is upset with you and tries to break the tie, but you make him happy thus retaining the ties.

“4) Keep ties with those who were close to them.”

See who was the closest to our parents; with whom they were happy to meet and were their friends. Respect them, visit them, and try to bring them close to you and try and become close to them. This also is a great deed.

“5) Finish that which they left incomplete.” Any work that they left incomplete, that they wanted to finish then you finish it. This would be a great deed that you finished their action. Upon this I remember the Tafsir of Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) which had been left incomplete, that this Tafsir becomes complete would be a great task. All the du'aa of the Jamaa’ah will be with you if this work of Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) becomes completed. It would be a great gift for the entire Ummah and if you completed this mission than I believe that Allaah will bring its benefit to Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen).

Allaah gave Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) many things among them, which was the most important, his strong stance of ‘aqeedah. His whole life remained steadfast on that ‘aqeedah. It was this ‘aqeedah that within Pakistan people did not present and it was that masaa’il that Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) did, from which one was Tawheed Asama was-Siffat. People knew Tawheed Rubobiyyah and Tawheed al-Uloohiyah, but about Tawheed Asama was-Siffat many people were not aware of it. This was an Amaali Jihaad that Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) did. Allaah gave him a wealth of ‘aqeedah and he spread this wealth all over. He passed it to anyone that he came across including all his neighbours. To speak the Haq was a trait that Allaah had blessed him with.

I remember that Jallal Sufi ‘Abudllaah, his grave is within Jamiya. When the Shaykh was going to give a lecture he noticed that some people had lit incense and were sitting around it. This grave and its inhabitant were famous. Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) gave a lecture for two hours there on this topic; he spoke the Kalima Haq and left only after completing his speech and did not care regarding the outcome [against him] because he was on the path of Allaah. Jahaliyat was everywhere. The people were far from ‘Ilm and there was great fitnah, which was growing. It was where they would make hajj and make tawaff around the mountain; it was a strange type of jahaliyat.

I will not forget the Khutbah of Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) which he gave in Turbat. He stood upon the mimbar and spoke the truth and proved their hajj to be thagoot and spoke about the true Islaamic ‘aqeedah. It felt as if Allaah had given Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) specific knowledge about this topic. It was a lecture based on ‘Ilm, about this strong ‘aqeedah.

You may remember another time when there was a video being made on stage. Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) refused to go up on the stage until this Shaytaani thing is not stopped. There were numerous high profile politicians and other scholars, all were present, but he still refused to go on stage and he did not care who was there. After he got them to turn it off, he went on stage and gave his entire lecture against this Shaytaani thing. This strong ‘aqeedah, this knowledge of ‘aqeedah, and to speak the truth, it was these beautiful characteristics that Allaah had blessed him with.

My friends and brothers, it was also part of this mission to obtain the correct ‘aqeedah. If Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) has taught us that correct ‘aqeedah, then everything will give witness that Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) spoke on Tawheed and that he spoke on ‘aqeedah. All the grains of the sand will give witness to this on the Day of Judgment that Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) spoke about Tawheed here. This was the mission that came to us. These programs should continue so that the speech of Tawheed continues. The da’wah of ‘aqeedah should continue as long as life exist in the body. Otherwise we will be criminals if the speech of ‘aqeedah was to end.

So to learn the correct ‘aqeedah and to spread the correct ‘aqeedah this also was the mission of Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) that Allaah had given him. His legacy is a trust with us to spread this da’wah and bring it to the people. This also is a mission that was left incomplete. May Allaah Bless the Jamaa’ah in completing this mission as well.

The biggest things is this, my brothers, that we prepare ourselves to become taalib-ul-‘Ilm. Prepare our children as this will become a sadaqah jahriyaah. To give a pious son for the sake of Allaah so that he may become a daa'ee thus making all his actions as sadaqah for his parents. Put our children in madrasah and with Sabr aid them because this destination is not something that is easy, it is very difficult. May Allaah grant us tawfeeq because the lifting of the scholars is a fitnah upon the Ummah and the Ummah becomes lost due to the daa'ee of the jahanaam becoming rampant. They are lost themselves and take the people with them as well. There are two groups of people. One who gives verdicts based on the Qur’aan and Sunnah and the other who give verdicts in opposition to the Qur’aan and Sunnah. So today there is the distinction of the Ulemah of Haq and the Ulemah of Baatil.

May Allaah aid us in completing the mission of Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) and stay upon his path. The Messenger of Allaah (Sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Those who have passed away, you should mention their good deeds.”

[The Shaykh ends with asking the people that it is very important to collect and compile the works and life of the Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) and this was the request of many of the Arab brothers who called and sent their condolences. Then the Shaykh make an appeal to all those sitting there and those listening that if they have anything of Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) or remember anything that Shah Sahab (Badee-ud-Deen) did to bring it forth so that it can be collected so that the Ummah may benefit from the ‘Ilm that the Shaykh passed on...]

Translators Note: This translation is a rough translation and any errors are from me and Shaytaan and the Shaykh is free from it. I ask Allaah to accept this and forgive me for any shortcomings. Ameen!

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