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View Full Version : What is love?

Silver Pearl
03-21-2006, 04:04 PM
Is love when you’re captivated by their beautiful gleaming smile and the twinkle that shines in their eyes?

Is love when you know what true love is?

Is love when you can’t get them off your mind?

Is love when you cry and yearn for their touch?

Is love when you take a bit of chocolate after having been on a diet?

Is love when you only do everything for your creator?

Is love when you cry in pain and sorrow after having sinned?

Is love when you see your child sound asleep?

Is love when you spend every spare minute you have reading about the prophets (pbut) of Islam?

Is love when you spend hours of sincere repentance for your errors?

Is love when you do everything for a person just so they smile?

Is love better expressed in words or do actions speak louder than words?

Is love when they say ‘I love you’?

What is love?

Ponder and perhaps you may find the answers in you.


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03-21-2006, 04:09 PM
love is the blessed feelin bestowed upon a newly wed couple

mystery solved ;D

03-21-2006, 04:15 PM
lol ^ ^

jazakallah fr tht sis :)

03-21-2006, 04:17 PM

nice !!!! jazkaAllah for that!


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03-21-2006, 05:02 PM
Its simple an emotion, similar to happiness, joy, anger, sandiness…etc

03-21-2006, 06:33 PM
Prophet Muhammed Peace and blessings be upon him said “Love Allah because he nourishes and sustains you. Love me because Allah loves me” [Tirmidhi]

Love and Devotion towards Allah swt....Man..its the best feelin innit :D

wasalmaualaikum Warhamtullahi Wabarkatahu.

The Ruler
03-21-2006, 06:36 PM
we had a whole lesson on 'love, what is it?' in pshe da ova day....mann :heated:

anoyin :rollseyes

but still....it IS nice to ponder on wha luv actually means....its a mystery :)


03-21-2006, 06:36 PM
Love cnt b described in wrdz

03-21-2006, 06:40 PM
It's not a mystery sis.. it's just an emotion :P

03-21-2006, 06:42 PM
:rollseyes An emotion dt cnt b described :heated:

- Qatada -
03-21-2006, 07:04 PM

Its not an emotion because its a package of emotionz all packed up in one.

With love; you experience joy, sadness, anger, patience, one moment you feel on top of the world, and the next you might feel like you're dead. Before experiencing it, you want it so much, but once you're inside - you can't escape.

That's why, love for the sake of Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala is the only way of true love. If there's an argument, you turn back to each other to ask for forgiveness, instead of experiencing pride on who will say 'sorry' first.

You don't want to hurt each other because you feel that you have let Allaah Almighty down.

But most importantly; if the one you love.. dies. You still believe that you can be with them in jannah insha'Allaah, and it is a temporary test from Allaah azawajal, to see if you will be patient and keep your faith in Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala.

The same applies to parent's children too:

Narrated by Abu Moosa al-Ash’aree - radi Allaahu ‘anhu -

Allah’s Messenger, sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “If the child of a servant (of Allah) dies, Allah questions the angels, ‘Have you taken the life of my servant’s child?’

“The angels reply, ‘Yes.’

“Allah then asks them, ‘Have you taken the fruit of his heart?’

“The angels reply, ‘Yes.’

“Then Allah asks them, ‘What did my servant say?’

“They reply, ‘He praised you and refrained (from saying anything unbefitting)’

“At that Allah will say, ‘Build a home for my slave in Jannah and call it Bayt-ul-Hamd (The Home of Thankfulness).’”

Whatever happens, when someone is patient and says the dua that the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - taught us, that person will be blessed with something better.

The Dua is as follows:

“Inna lillaahi wa inna Ilayhi raaji’oon. Allaahumma ‘jurnee fee museebatee, wakhluf lee khayrun minh.”

Umm Salamah - radi Allaahu ‘anha - the narrator of this dua, loved her husband very much. When he died, she states, “I was firm to say the dua, but I thought to myself, how could I get anything better then Abu Salamah? Allah answered my dua and I married the Messenger of Allah! And he is better then Abu Salamah.”

wa Allaahu ta'aala a'lam. (and Allaah Almighty knows best)


03-21-2006, 07:04 PM
luv is the feelin we have towards allah azawajalah:)
thatz da true luv

03-21-2006, 07:15 PM
Love is what you feel when you kick the crap out of your brother, and are all hugs and smiles five minutes later.

Love is when you tell the truth, even when it's painful.

Love is when you put a whoopee cushion on your boss's chair, and get a pay rise for it.

Love is... :p

Umm Yoosuf
03-21-2006, 10:06 PM


True love is love for Allah's pleasure only. Alhamdulilaah.

03-21-2006, 10:33 PM
Love in my opinion is being there for someone even when the world has left him. Crying when he or she cries, making sorrow turn into laughter, and tell them in every bad there is good. Never leaving the person except if death parts u. Loving who he loves, sharing what u have, never forsaking one another even if the world comes to an end, and lastly fighting when necessary, believe it or not, alot of oouples divorce becos they dun fight, as fighting releases the immediate anger, so that it doesnt bottle up and cause a rift. Many couples make that mistake thinking they are saving their marriage and in fact they are sinking their marraige, So fight, wrestle make wars wid each other :lol:

03-21-2006, 10:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
Love is when you tell the truth, even when it's painful.
This i agree with, Not hiding anything and telling the truth, so ur partner sisiter mother or whoever u love, doesnt get a major disappointment or hurt later, LOve is caring and looking out for one another, and hoping the best 4 them

03-22-2006, 03:13 AM
God's LOVE came to me before I know what is LOVE. And it stays forever.

03-22-2006, 10:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pagal Kuri
:rollseyes An emotion dt cnt b described :heated:
Why shouldnt one be able to describe love? :? A thesaurus might help :giggling:


Its not an emotion because its a package of emotionz all packed up in one.
With love; you experience joy, sadness, anger, patience, one moment you feel on top of the world, and the next you might feel like you're dead. Before experiencing it, you want it so much, but once you're inside - you can't escape.
Yes, people can experience those things in love, depending on the nature of their relationship. But that isn't always so. A love can also be accepting, forgiving and never angry too. So it's not a 'package' as such. Love is just an emotion of extreme liking and some selfishness.

That's why, love for the sake of Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala is the only way of true love. If there's an argument, you turn back to each other to ask for forgiveness, instead of experiencing pride on who will say 'sorry' first.
I think loving for the sake of Allah applies to forgiveness and acceptance of one's weaknesses and good treatment. Like we are suppose to love our brothers and sisters in islam, spouses, families etc. You can't love someone romantically for the sake of Allah. You can only treat them kindly and fairly for His sake and that in turn will enhance love and romance between two people. No love is pure from selfishness, except the love for Allah.


03-22-2006, 10:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
God's LOVE came to me before I know what is LOVE. And it stays forever.
wohohoah!!!! lol Alhamdullilah i take it ur married coz if u aint U LIED!!!!!


03-22-2006, 10:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
Love is what you feel when you kick the crap out of your brother, and are all hugs and smiles five minutes later.

Love is when you tell the truth, even when it's painful.

Love is when you put a whoopee cushion on your boss's chair, and get a pay rise for it.

Love is... :p
i love you man, wanna hav a boxin match? LOL :okay:

03-22-2006, 10:56 AM

Love is when you care for the other person regardless of being hurt by them.


03-22-2006, 11:06 AM
WOw Can't poke my noz in; derz lots of xpertz in luv here. :p

03-22-2006, 12:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aljawaad
WOw Can't poke my noz in; derz lots of xpertz in luv here. :p
if ur married akhee u'll kno more about it den us :okay:

03-22-2006, 01:19 PM
true love is unconditional, it does not depend on how someone acts or behaves, true love remains no matter what the person who is loved does or says, true love is something I have come to believe does not exist between muslims- correct me if I am wrong?

03-22-2006, 01:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
true love is unconditional, it does not depend on how someone acts or behaves, true love remains no matter what the person who is loved does or says, true love is something I have come to believe does not exist between muslims- correct me if I am wrong?
you are wrong

i have nicely corrected you!!!!!!

what basis are you using for saying islam doesnt hav this love?
Believe me i kno plenty of couples who arent perfect in islam but the love for each other subhanAllah!!

My father has recently passed away and my mother is still in tears even tho its been 1 month and 1 week, u try tellin me that aint love!
Oh and in my fathers last days when he was in unmentionable pain all he said to me was, its really cold tell ur mum not to go thru the trouble of comin to the hospitol, "if its not trouble" ask ur mum to make this. Oh is ur mum comin "i hope i aint troubling her" and he was sayin laa illaha illalahu on a constant coz of fear of dying!!

so trust me the love between muslims CANNOT BE COMPARED WIV WHATEVA U HAV EXPERIENCED!!!

no offence!!!!

03-22-2006, 01:39 PM
love shmove...just bonk the gal over the head with a club and drag her back to yer cave...aarrgghh :D

Or better yet...watch this movie on what is love...its very deep and interesting and will uncover any questions in the human psyche related to love

03-22-2006, 01:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by akulion
love shmove...just bonk the gal over the head and drag her back to yer cave...aarrgghh :D
lol if u do that use a miswak and do it gently LOL ;D :okay:

03-22-2006, 01:40 PM
true love lasts even if your partner strays, even if your loved ones admit to being homosexual, even if they commit apostacy or even murder. You may not like what they do, but you love them regardless

03-22-2006, 01:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
true love lasts even if your partner strays, even if your loved ones admit to being homosexual, even if they commit apostacy or even murder. You may not like what they do, but you love them regardless
and why would this not exist in islam?

Allah HATES divorce and the prophet (swas) himself disliked it.
So weneva our partners do somethin bad we take it as a test from Allah and we carry on loving them and living besides them aswell as supporting them.

Now my previous question!!
What wud islam not hav this "true love"?

03-22-2006, 01:46 PM
i strongly disagree irsha..this is true love

03-22-2006, 01:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by akulion
i strongly disagree irsha..this is true love
lol man jus which cave do u live in, let me come n see it sumday, i wanna see what brings about dis hype ;D

03-22-2006, 01:51 PM
Location: Cave #4 Mountain #2


03-22-2006, 01:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by akulion
Location: Cave #4 Mountain #2

LOL theres a cave #4 and mountain #2 in every continent!!! lol so which one are you iN!!

03-22-2006, 02:09 PM
continent #8

lol ok we are going off topic now.so back o topic insha'allah

Love is simply an expression of endearment, those who love God will hold God above others.

Those who love money will hold money above others.

So on and so forth.

So the best test of your love is to examine your actions and it will clearly demonstrate to yo what you love most.

Allah swt says in the Quran "True believers are those in whose actions are manifest the teachings of Islam"

They are true believers because they truly love God above others thus follow Islam.

03-22-2006, 02:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by akulion
love shmove...just bonk the gal over the head with a club and drag her back to yer cave...aarrgghh :D

Or better yet...watch this movie on what is love...its very deep and interesting and will uncover any questions in the human psyche related to love
PUH-LEASE :rollseyes - What would Star Trek know anything to do would Love?!?!

03-23-2006, 03:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pr4sE
if ur married akhee u'll kno more about it den us :okay:

Unfortunately i'm not married but inshaallah 1 day i will.:happy:
By the way i'm still in my teens. lol;D

03-23-2006, 10:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
true love is unconditional, it does not depend on how someone acts or behaves, true love remains no matter what the person who is loved does or says, true love is something I have come to believe does not exist between muslims- correct me if I am wrong?
Only a mother's love is unconditional, although even that is subject to limitations. Otherwise, it is impossible to love someone if they continually treated one like dirt, over a long period of time. Eventually everyone has their breaking point. I think patience and forgiveness has a lot to do with loving unconditionally, but eventually even those traits can wear thin. Some people remain in love with someone who treats them bad only because they are in love with the idea of being in love and think they ave to put up with whatever is thrown at them.

Love shouldn't be have to be labelled 'true' as the word love itself should be enough to explain its meaning. I think the word love has lost it's essence. And sadly people confusing love with lust have given such a bad name to love that it has to have prefixes like 'true' to explain it.

Muslims do believe in 'true' love, but I think that love is only as true as the sincerity it comes with. And that can diminish according to circumstances. That's why I say only the love for Allah is true, cuz that's something that cannot ever change. Those who love Allah never blame Him for anything bad that happens to them, they never complain, they accept whatever He wills for them. I know I will love Allah even if I go to Hell, cuz I'll have deserved it. It would not change my love for Allah. To me that is what true and unconditional love is.

03-23-2006, 12:20 PM
Sorry I disagree, true love is not dependant on how the person loved behaves. Otherwise love can diminish even if the loved one is brain amaged or injured to alter their behaviour. I think also, when you have a child, you may think differently abou the limitation bit you said

03-23-2006, 12:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aljawaad

Unfortunately i'm not married but inshaallah 1 day i will.:happy:
By the way i'm still in my teens. lol;D
lol same am 18, u?

format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
Sorry I disagree, true love is not dependant on how the person loved behaves. Otherwise love can diminish even if the loved one is brain amaged or injured to alter their behaviour. I think also, when you have a child, you may think differently abou the limitation bit you said
have u eva seen this "true love"? and if so who did u see and what about them made u truelly believe what u saw is it?

03-23-2006, 12:47 PM
I have seen personal examples, but let me give you one that explains it simply.
I know of a woman who has been married to a man for over 20 years. They were happily married for the first 5 years before the man developed a motor neuron disease that caused hm to lose most of his long term memory. He can remember how to play the piano, speak, eat and other semi-instinctive functions, but he cannot remember anything that happens each day for more than a few minutes. To give you an example- If he meets you, he will be very polite and say "did the queen send you" He does this, because in his mind, if someone has come to see him after many "years" they must be of great importance. He will then say exactly the same thing each few minutes while you are there, as if he has never met you before.
He has a vague memory for his wife, but its more like a feeling he knows her.
Well, the wife stayed with him for a few years, looking after him and loving him. She eventually burned out and thought she should get on with her life, but after a year away from him, she missed him so much that she went back to him and has been with him for over 13 years while he has been like this. She works and supports him and patiently talks to him all the time, she sings with him as he plays the piano etc. She said she loves him so much that she will endure anything to be with him and expects nothing in return, she does this because of her love for him and that alone.
Compare that type of love to the love I have seen here which is conditional upon returned love and the behaviour of the supposed loved one.

03-23-2006, 03:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
I have seen personal examples, but let me give you one that explains it simply.
I know of a woman who has been married to a man for over 20 years. They were happily married for the first 5 years before the man developed a motor neuron disease that caused hm to lose most of his long term memory. He can remember how to play the piano, speak, eat and other semi-instinctive functions, but he cannot remember anything that happens each day for more than a few minutes. To give you an example- If he meets you, he will be very polite and say "did the queen send you" He does this, because in his mind, if someone has come to see him after many "years" they must be of great importance. He will then say exactly the same thing each few minutes while you are there, as if he has never met you before.
He has a vague memory for his wife, but its more like a feeling he knows her.
Well, the wife stayed with him for a few years, looking after him and loving him. She eventually burned out and thought she should get on with her life, but after a year away from him, she missed him so much that she went back to him and has been with him for over 13 years while he has been like this. She works and supports him and patiently talks to him all the time, she sings with him as he plays the piano etc. She said she loves him so much that she will endure anything to be with him and expects nothing in return, she does this because of her love for him and that alone.
Compare that type of love to the love I have seen here which is conditional upon returned love and the behaviour of the supposed loved one.
ive seen many such examples in islamic marriages. Ive seen wives stay by there husbands in paralyzed/crippled/diseased states till death and vice versa.

lol see, its the human not the religion but still as a muslim i believe the love Allah bestows is stronger and better then all others :)


03-23-2006, 03:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by akulion
love shmove...just bonk the gal over the head with a club and drag her back to yer cave...aarrgghh :D

Or better yet...watch this movie on what is love...its very deep and interesting and will uncover any questions in the human psyche related to love
You beat me to it! :p

03-23-2006, 11:51 PM
So love is staying with someone even if they are incapacitated, but if they make ONE mistake involving sex, leaving their religion, then - bam- no longer loved, to be killed and disowned.

03-24-2006, 11:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
So love is staying with someone even if they are incapacitated, but if they make ONE mistake involving sex, leaving their religion, then - bam- no longer loved, to be killed and disowned.
:heated: :heated: :heated: Nonononono! :rollseyes BUT love is.... HURT :offended:

03-24-2006, 11:14 AM
love is somethin i jus cant deal wiv rite now so i leave it to Allah and inshaAllah wen the understanding of it comes to me i'll post what i feel is the true love :)


(i doubt the understanding will come to but Allahu Allam)

03-24-2006, 12:29 PM
Love is something made up by the media??????????

The true feeling is the feeling which you have for Allah, your deen and your family and then your partner and so on BUT who says that feeling is the same for everyone i mean is my love for God the same as the Love some have for the devil NOPE

There is no such thing as LOVE the word is made up!!!

03-24-2006, 12:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sis786
Love is something made up by the media??????????

The true feeling is the feeling which you have for Allah, your deen and your family and then your partner and so on BUT who says that feeling is the same for everyone i mean is my love for God the same as the Love some have for the devil NOPE

There is no such thing as LOVE the word is made up!!!
subhanAllah much to think about


love is indeed a made up word given to an existent feeling


03-24-2006, 12:31 PM
love is a term used to describe the respect, care, kindness and gratitude between one and another
an example of love is to your mother, partner, Prophet SAW and Allah, am not putting these into any level of love, just examples

03-24-2006, 12:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by metsudaistwice
love is a term used to describe the respect, care, kindness and gratitude between one and another
wise sheikh wise sheikh wise sheikh!!!

cant help but respect these comments!!!


03-24-2006, 12:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pr4sE
subhanAllah much to think about


love is indeed a made up word given to an existent feeling

Seeeeeee i can tickle the brain lol :hiding: :grumbling ;D

03-24-2006, 12:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sis786
Seeeeeee i can tickle the brain lol :hiding: :grumbling ;D

give me more wise words to ponder over inshaAllah :)


03-24-2006, 04:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sis786
Love is something made up by the media??????????

The true feeling is the feeling which you have for Allah, your deen and your family and then your partner and so on BUT who says that feeling is the same for everyone i mean is my love for God the same as the Love some have for the devil NOPE

There is no such thing as LOVE the word is made up!!!
what a shame that you feel this way, if you only knew what real love is, you would be so much happier. I really feel sorry for muslims, i really do. Their idea of love is so restricted to rules. Anyone who says that love is condiional has never felt true love, so if you say that love is conditional you are wrong, because you cannot possibly have ever felt true love.

03-24-2006, 04:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
what a shame that you feel this way, if you only knew what real love is, you would be so much happier. I really feel sorry for muslims, i really do. Their idea of love is so restricted to rules. Anyone who says that love is condiional has never felt true love, so if you say that love is conditional you are wrong, because you cannot possibly have ever felt true love.
its not a shame, i think its a great thing she feels this way. Watch Allah will INSHAALLAH bestow her wiv one of the best of feelings!!!!!


03-24-2006, 04:46 PM
its not a shame that she has no Idea what true love is? wow, muslims really are a sad bunch of people, how CAn Allah bless someone who doesn't know what real love is- I would not trade all the "virgins" or mansions or anything else you can come up with-in heaven for real love- you obviously have never experienced it either.

03-24-2006, 04:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
its not a shame that she has no Idea what true love is? wow, muslims really are a sad bunch of people, how CAn Allah bless someone who doesn't know what real love is- I would not trade all the "virgins" or mansions or anything else you can come up with-in heaven for real love- you obviously have never experienced it either.

03-24-2006, 04:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pr4sE
you are wrong

i have nicely corrected you!!!!!!

what basis are you using for saying islam doesnt hav this love?
Believe me i kno plenty of couples who arent perfect in islam but the love for each other subhanAllah!!

My father has recently passed away and my mother is still in tears even tho its been 1 month and 1 week, u try tellin me that aint love!
Oh and in my fathers last days when he was in unmentionable pain all he said to me was, its really cold tell ur mum not to go thru the trouble of comin to the hospitol, "if its not trouble" ask ur mum to make this. Oh is ur mum comin "i hope i aint troubling her" and he was sayin laa illaha illalahu on a constant coz of fear of dying!!

so trust me the love between muslims CANNOT BE COMPARED WIV WHATEVA U HAV EXPERIENCED!!!

no offence!!!!

03-24-2006, 04:51 PM
Yeah, enough with the blanket statements. :p

There are different types of love. One loves a parent, a brother, a sister, a friend differently to the way one loves a spouse or offspring.

03-24-2006, 04:56 PM
When muslims say they would love people no matter what, and not want to kill even family members for turning gay etc, then i may believe they know what real love is

03-24-2006, 04:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
When muslims say they would love people no matter what, and not want to kill even family members for turning gay etc, then i may believe they know what real love is
your understanding of our religion is very poor isnt it. I think u got somethin against muslims aswell.

I will digust my son if he turned gay but i dont think i cud bare to kill him and noway could i accept him becoz muslims are told to love allah and his messenger over all!!!!

03-24-2006, 05:03 PM
love is wat u like

03-24-2006, 05:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pr4sE
your understanding of our religion is very poor isnt it. I think u got somethin against muslims aswell.

I will digust my son if he turned gay but i dont think i cud bare to kill him and noway could i accept him becoz muslims are told to love allah and his messenger over all!!!!
I am fully beginning to understand all too well. You would not bear to kill him? would you let others do it? How about accepting him? NO? then you can't possibly know true love, thats a given, no contest- true love means loving NO MATTER WHAT. thats why God can love us- we have all sinned, is anyone perfect? no, then how can God love us? He loves us unconditionally. that is our example-not the intolerance I see here.

03-24-2006, 05:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by irsha
I am fully beginning to understand all too well. You would not bear to kill him? would you let others do it? How about accepting him? NO?
How about letting him answer? :p

hen you can't possibly know true love, thats a given, no contest- true love means loving NO MATTER WHAT. thats why God can love us- we have all sinned, is anyone perfect? no, then how can God love us? He loves us unconditionally. that is our example-not the intolerance I see here.
So, because you see 'intolerance' from certain people on this thread or forum, you assume that every single Muslim on the planet is incapable of loving? Correct me if I'm wrong.

- Qatada -
03-24-2006, 05:41 PM
Hey irsha.

First of all, i think you need to realise that islam is a religion which is totally different from the rest. It's the only religion which sticks to the truth, and doesn't rely on peoples desires (inwhich they can alter the parts they dislike and keep the parts which they like.)

Therefore, we as muslims have to love God, and his messenger more than we love ourselves. This means, we have to sacrifice the things we may like in this life, for the sake of God, in return for a greater reward in the afterlife (because islam is a way of life, and this means sacrificing things which you may love, for a greater benefit.)

You may feel disgusted because islam doesn't allow adultery/fornication, you may hate it because islam doesn't allow homosexuality etc. But just think about society, and ask yourself - does the majority of society hate these acts, or is it just islam?

In a previous thread, you were really angry that islam never allowed sex outside of marriage (aka fornication.) Now put yourself into the situation; do you think islam doesn't allow it because it forces people to have sex only within marriage? Is that a good thing or bad thing? What if you loved your husband so much, but he commited fornication? How would you feel?

Imagine you were married, and you loved him very much. You never knew this, but he was gay. How would you feel? Would you really feel happy that he's cheating on you, and with another man? Wouldn't you feel embarrased if your friends found out, and spread that gossip?

If homosexuality is spread out throughout the whole world, then some people may not have any partners. People naturally want children, but how can that be possible if they can't have a secure relationship with anyone? Especially if they don't feel secure.

Our beloved Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has stated that: "men and women are twin halves of each other" (Bukhari). This Hadith also brings home the fact that men and women are created from single source. Furthermore, by using the analogy of twin half the Prophet has underlined the reciprocal nature and the interdependent nature of men and women's relationship.

All these rules are for a greater benefit, its there to keep you secure within your marriage.

From the way you put your points across, it seems like your such a good natured person who cares about the way people feel, and that one should love their partner truely from their heart, and not just from their tongue. But, sometimes people can take advantage of the fact that their partner loves them, and keep cheating on their partner - because they know their partner will keep returning to them over and over again because they love them so much.

This is why God wants to keep the marriage secure, because its a contract that you will be lifelong partners who love each other much. You don't be afraid that your partner will run away with someone else, because they fear the punishment of God. Divorce is permissible, but it shouldn't be abused, because marriage is a sacred trust, and if broken - it leads to alot of sadness, heartbreak, and breaking up of families.

I think you should read the islamic viewpoint on marriage, and how much it encourages love within the marriage.


Thanks for reading this & I hope you understand what i'm trying to put across.


03-25-2006, 01:13 PM
^ well said wise sheikh ;)


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