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View Full Version : The Danger Of Falling Into Kufr From The Heart...The Importance Of Seeking Knowledge.

03-28-2006, 04:15 AM


Here is more information from my website to share with you Inshah'Allah.

"Those who reject Faith
And do wrong-Allah
Will not forgive them
Nor guide them
To any way."
(An-Nisaa 4:168)

Belief in Islam is the bricks to build ones home. Action in accordance to the Qur'an and Sunnah is the cement. The five pillars of Islam are the pillars to hold ones home up.
Without belief you have no bricks and therefore cannot build your home. Without the cement it is impossible to construct your home. Without the five pillars you cannot hold your home up. This home I am talking about my dear Brothers and Sisters of Islam is your home for the Akhira.

To build your home for the Hereafter, you must comply with all the conditions mentioned above.
Such Ayat is absolutely clear evidence that whoever dies rejecting Islam has completely no chance of ever entering Paradise.
Some Muslims have the thought that if a there is a non-Muslim who is extremely kind and loving towards Muslims, non-Muslims, animals etc, then Allah may admit them to Paradise. This is nonsense. We can see the example of the Prophets (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) Uncle. He protected the Prophet, he loved him and cared for him; he even helped and supported the Muslims, yet he died rejecting Islam and will be in Hell forever. Even with all the Du'a and the nights of crying from the beloved Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) towards him, Allah did not answer his Du'a, except that Allah promised the Prophet (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that his uncle will receive the least punishment in Hell in which he will wear sandal like shoes that will cause his head to boil and melt.
If somebody has never heard about Islam or Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), then they still must not associate a partner to Allah or they must not worship something other than Allah if they want a chance of Allah showing mercy towards them. This is because we can read in authentic Hadith, "every sin may be forgiven except Shirk".
If they associate a partner to Allah, or if they worship something other than Allah, then they have no chance of attaining Paradise since they are practising Shirk, the unforgiving sin, despite whether or not they have heard about Islam or Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).

If somebody says they worship Allah alone but feels that they do not need to follow the Fard actions of Islam even though evidence has been shown to them, then they have demonstrated an act of Kufr from the heart and therefore whatever they do will not be accepted from Allah and they will be in Hell forever.

Let us now take an example. A woman may not wear Hijab and she insists that there is nothing wrong with it. If she rejects the obligation from Allah and demands that she is correct from the heart, she has fallen into Kufr from the heart and if she dies in such a state she is doomed forever in Hell-Fire.

The next example is Muslim leaders. If a Muslim leader does not apply Shari'a upon his country he is ruling, his action would be Kufr but he is not a Kaafir. If he rejects Shari'a from the heart, then he has demonstrated Kufr from the heart and upon death in such a state he will be doomed to Hell-Fire forever.

Therefore we have Kufr in action and Kufr from the heart. The person is doomed to Hell forever if they possess Kufr from the heart, since the Arabic word Kaafir means, "rejecter of truth". Every word from Allah and His messenger Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is the truth, and to reject any part of such teachings towards us from the heart is an act of Kufr that will put someone in Hell-Fire forever.

We can easily fall into Kufr from the heart in rejecting the attributes of Allah, rejecting that Allah has eyes, a voice etc, though such qualities are unique and befitting to Him alone, calling upon the dead, rejecting the Fard obligations upon us etc.

This is why seeking knowledge is imperative upon the Muslim. It is fard to seek knowledge and if one understands the seriousness of how easy it is to fall into Kufr and of the consequences of it, then knowledge would be treated like water. Without water you will die within three days. Without knowledge you will follow a path in blindness.

Imagine a Muslim who is indulging in Kufr or Shirk from the heart and then marches off to the battlefield. Even if he dies upon the battlefield he will be automatically sent to Hell. This is why before anyone sets off towards the battlefield he must have at least the foundation of knowledge within his heart, and that is the knowledge to shield him/herself from Kufr and Shirk.

Many of us are so unaware of the dangers of Kufr and Shirk, yet many have indulged in Kufr from the heart (Allah knows best who they are) and have even fallen into Shirk. Muslims nowadays just want to argue and feel ashamed to admit to their mistake, therefore finding excuses or ignoring authentic evidence when it is put before them. This is extremely dangerous and such action can easily lead to their doom.
Another destructive quality among Muslims is the fact that such Muslims base their own understanding and translation on certain Authentic Hadith and even certain Ayats of Qur'an in which they translate them in accordance to their own desires.

We already know what is Halal and what is Haram as taught by us from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) passed down to the Companions, the Salaf and even the early Scholars. It is only now that so-called Scholars of our time think they are smart enough to translate what is Haram and what is Halal through their own understanding and desires, and the consequences of such actions have lead them to claim certain actions that are actually Haram to be Halal, such as music, shaving etc. They have contradicted themselves by speaking against what the early Scholars, the Salaf and even the Companions learnt from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
This is disaster as such rejection and acceptance from the heart of any Haram action is an act of Kufr from the heart, and one can only turn back to Allah in sincere repentance for Allah to ever show mercy and forgiveness upon them.

May Allah protect us from the actions of Kufr and guide us to the actions that He loves. Ameen.


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03-28-2006, 04:17 AM

Let us now take a small example:

Muslim Woman A= Just like what you said, Woman A rejects Hijab from the heart and believes by not wearing it she is not sinning. Once evidence is put before her (for example someone tries to teach her that it is an obligation) or she reads it but rejects the evidence from the heart, she automatically has displayed an act of Kufr (disbelief) from the heart, as she is rejecting an obligation from Allah and is translating such information in accordance to her own understanding. If such a woman dies in such a state, she will be in Hell-Fire forever.

Muslim Woman B= This woman does not wear Hijab but knows it is an obligation and understands she is sinning and is ashamed from the heart. She has not displayed an act of Kufr (disbelief) from the heart, but is displaying an act of disobedience. If she dies in such a state then she is in entitled to being punished by Allah in the Akhira (Hereafter) for a time appointed.


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