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View Full Version : Ex-Guantanamo Prisoners: "It was great" + "I am lucky I went There"+ "It was Great"

Knut Hamsun
04-09-2006, 10:09 AM
Cuba? It was great, say boys freed from US prison camp
James Astill meets teenagers released from Guantanamo Bay who recall the place fondly

Saturday March 6, 2004
The Guardian

Asadullah strives to make his point, switching to English lest there be any mistaking him. "I am lucky I went there, and now I miss it. Cuba was great," said the 14-year-old, knotting his brow in the effort to make sure he is understood.
Not that Asadullah saw much of the Caribbean island. During his 14-month stay, he went to the beach only a couple of times - a shame, as he loved to snorkel. And though he learned a few words of Spanish, Asadullah had zero contact with the locals.

He spent a typical day watching movies, going to class and playing football. He was fascinated to learn about the solar system, and now enjoys reciting the names of the planets, starting with Earth. Less diverting were the twice-monthly interrogations about his knowledge of al-Qaida and the Taliban. But, as Asadullah's answer was always the same - "I don't know anything about these people" - these sessions were merely a bore: an inevitably tedious consequence, Asadullah suggests with a shrug, of being held captive in Guantanamo Bay.
On January 29, Asadullah and two other juvenile prisoners were returned home to Afghanistan. The three boys are not sure of their ages. But, according to the estimate of the Red Cross, Asadullah is the youngest, aged 12 at the time of his arrest. The second youngest, Naqibullah, was arrested with him, aged perhaps 13, while the third boy, Mohammed Ismail, was a child at the time of his separate arrest, but probably isn't now.

Tracked down to his remote village in south-eastern Afghanistan, Naqibullah has memories of Guantanamo that are almost identical to Asadullah's. Prison life was good, he said shyly, nervous to be receiving a foreigner to his family's mud-fortress home.

The food in the camp was delicious, the teaching was excellent, and his warders were kind. "Americans are good people, they were always friendly, I don't have anything against them," he said. "If my father didn't need me, I would want to live in America."

Asadullah is even more sure of this. "Americans are great people, better than anyone else," he said, when found at his elder brother's tiny fruit and nut shop in a muddy backstreet of Kabul. "Americans are polite and friendly when you speak to them. They are not rude like Afghans. If I could be anywhere, I would be in America. I would like to be a doctor, an engineer _ or an American soldier."

This might seem to jar with the prevailing opinion of Guantanamo among human rights groups. An American jail on foreign soil, Guantanamo was designed, according to Amnesty International, to deny prisoners "many of their most basic rights", which in America would include special provision for the "speedy trial" of juveniles. But, seized in the remotest wilds of violent Afghanistan, the boys knew practically nothing of their rights, and expected less.

They were also unaware that the American defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, had described Guantanamo's inmates as "hard-core, well-trained terrorists" and "among the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the Earth."

Naqibullah and Asadullah were arrested one night in November 2002, in Musawal village, Paktia province, by around 30 American special forces soldiers. More than 30 local men were also arrested, and remain in Guantanamo.

Naqibullah, the local imam's son, said he stumbled into the raid while cycling from a friend's house. Asadullah is from a village three days' walk away, in neighbouring Logar province, but was working for a local farmer along with several men who were also arrested.

It seems likely the Americans were looking for a local commander, Mansoor Rah man Saiful, who had fought against the Taliban for years, but joined the radical Islamists when America attacked Afghanistan. If so, they were unsuccessful: Mr Saiful is still at large.

The captives were taken to Bagram airbase, a short helicopter ride away. Naqibullah grins as he mimes the Chinook's whirring rotary blade; but he was less relaxed at the time. "It was terrifying, I didn't know what was happening to me," he said, seated cross-legged in a small reception room, cut into a thick fortress wall. "There were many of us in a small cell. Some men were screaming to be let free."

Naqibullah was interrogated every day at Bagram. "They kept asking me, 'Do you know the Taliban? Do you know al-Qaida? Have you given them shelter? Have you given them food?'," he said.

"I told them, 'I don't know these people, and I am too young to give anything to anyone without my father's authority'." After two weeks, Naqibullah said, he was asked whether he had any objection to being taken to "another place".

"I said, 'What can I do? You will take me wherever you want to'." That night, bound, blindfolded and fitted into orange overalls, he was loaded on to a cargo plane and flown non-stop to Cuba. Naqibullah's first 10 days in Guantanamo were the worst of his life, he said. He was put in a tiny cell with a single slit-window as his interrogation continued. Then everything changed. "I was taken to an American general who said, 'We will educate you and soon you will go home'. And my situation improved."

Naqibullah, Asadullah and Mohammed Ismail were moved into one large room, which was never locked. They were taught Pashto (their own language), English, Arabic, maths, science, art and, for two months, Islam. "The American soldiers ate pork but they said we must never do that because we were Muslim," said Naqibullah. "They were very strict about Islam."

The boys played football every day, and sometimes basketball and volleyball with their guards. Asadullah said his particular friends were called Special Sergeant M and Private O - their real names were kept from him. Officially, he was called Prisoner 912. "But my friends called me Asadullah, which made me happy."

The boys never spoke to Guantanamo's other prisoners - "lots of Arabs and Afghans," according Naqibullah.

Meanwhile, their own interrogation became a predictable affair. "I said, 'Look, I don't anything about the Taliban'," said Asadullah. "But anyway, the Taliban were the government so lots of people worked with them. Just because you were Taliban it doesn't mean you're a criminal."

After five months, Naqibullah wrote home for the first time. Taking this first letter, written on Red Cross notepaper, from his pocket, he now reads it aloud. "My greetings to beloved family, to my beloved father, to my beloved uncles, to my beloved cousins, to my beloved brothers. I am in good health and happy. I am in Cuba, in a special room, but it is not like a jail. Don't worry about me. I am learning English, Pashto and Arabic." The next two lines of the letter were scrubbed out by the Guantanamo censor. Asadullah said he couldn't for the life of him remember what they said.

Despite their gentle treatment, the boys were homesick. "I was very sad because I missed my family so much," said Asadullah. "I was always asking, 'When can I go home? What day? What month?' They said, 'You'll go home soon', but they never said when."

Meanwhile, the boys' parents were suffering agonies. In Khoja Angur, Asadullah's village, the boy's mother describes how she cried "every night thinking about my son."

Covered entirely by a sheet of turquoise silk, she speaks through a male relative while the Guardian's translator stares respectfully at his feet. So conservative is Asadullah's society that his mother's name is a family secret. "I prayed to God, I asked, 'Where is my son?'," she continued. "He was just a boy, much too young to disappear on his own."

Asadullah was gone for seven months before his parents discovered his whereabouts. For the first two months, his uncles and cousins were afraid to tell his elderly father, Abdul Rahman, that he was missing, believing the shock might kill him. Almost the entire male population of Khoja Angur, a fortified mud-village, snowbound and ringed by icy peaks, downed tools and went searching for the boy. "They went to Bagram, but the Americans said they didn't know anything about him," said Abdul Rahman, white-bearded and heavy-breathing. "They went to Logar and Gardez, even to Kandahar, but no one knew about him."

When Asadullah returned to Khoja Angur last month - at a day's notice - the village elders gathered to ask how the Americans had treated him. When he said they had treated him well, they ruled that the matter was closed. "We have nothing against the Americans, they looked after the boy. They taught him English and other things," said Haji Mohammad Tahir, an elder of the village, gesturing to Asadullah's drawings of the planets, which were proudly displayed on the floor.

But, for Asadullah's father, the matter is not closed. He borrowed several thousand dollars to support his relatives' families while they looked for his son. To raise the money, he was forced to forfeit his land. Now, his creditors come visiting every day to demand money that he cannot repay, he said. His eldest son - a shopkeeper in Kabul - last week cancelled his engagement, for want of $2,000 to pay the dowry. And that is not Abdul Rahman's only concern. "I thank God that my son has come back, but he has changed," he said. "He is impatient and refuses to listen to his elders. He has grown disobedient."

So, while Naqibullah is at home now, helping his father in the fields, Asadullah is in Kabul, seeing if the UN will continue his schooling. "There is no electricity and no clinic in my village. It's a bit boring, nothing new happens there," he said, looking embarrassed.

Loitering in Kabul this week, Asadullah came across an American soldier. "I asked him, 'How are you, sir?'," he recalled, grinning shyly. The soldier said he was well, and asked the boy what he wanted. Asadullah replied: "Nothing, I was just asking," as the American walked away.

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04-09-2006, 10:16 AM
ha it was great for how many?

04-09-2006, 10:26 AM
What an excellent use for American tax dollars - a holiday camp for Afghan teenage boys.

How many other children are still enjoying the facilities at Gitmo?

04-10-2006, 01:47 AM
I find that article completely BS. a kid from south eastern Afghanistan like that? The GOVT def paid him some cash

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04-10-2006, 01:51 AM
...Your kidding me, this is propaganda to get the people into believing Guantanamo Bay, isnt such a bad place so the UN doesnt close it down.

Funny how the media, just shows one view, why dont they show the views of the other prisoners there, not from a 14-Year Old...

- may Allah give them Guidance

04-10-2006, 02:25 AM
that's the most bs news i've heard in a long time. i used to hear such news quite often until i stopped watching the zionist controlled north american news stations. but it's been quite a long time, and this brings back some bad memories.
i wonder if these "prisoners" enjoyed crouching for hours on end. how bout those neat gas masks they got to wear?
bs can't get worse than this.
this piece of 'news' wins the millenium bs award.

04-10-2006, 02:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mortazaB
...Your kidding me, this is propaganda to get the people into believing Guantanamo Bay, isnt such a bad place so the UN doesnt close it down.

Funny how the media, just shows one view, why dont they show the views of the other prisoners there, not from a 14-Year Old...

- may Allah give them Guidance
The UN couldn't close it down even if it wanted to. Action could only be brought throught the UNSC and guess who has a veto;D . Besides what could the UN do? They don't have an army.

04-10-2006, 02:35 PM
The UN as a matter fact do have an Army

04-10-2006, 02:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abdullahi
that's the most bs news i've heard in a long time. i used to hear such news quite often until i stopped watching the zionist controlled north american news stations. but it's been quite a long time, and this brings back some bad memories.
i wonder if these "prisoners" enjoyed crouching for hours on end. how bout those neat gas masks they got to wear?
bs can't get worse than this.
this piece of 'news' wins the millenium bs award.
Oh so crouching is as bad as that pilot that was dragged out of his helicopter and burned alive?

04-10-2006, 02:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mahdisoldier19
The UN as a matter fact do have an Army
What army? Where are they stationed? What are their numbers? What equipment do they use?

04-10-2006, 03:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by knuckles
Oh so crouching is as bad as that pilot that was dragged out of his helicopter and burned alive?
i didn't say that. please read carefully a few times before replying. and remember the old cliche, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
i seriously can not understand why and how they enjoyed their stay in a prison. not just any prison, but one that countless human aid/right agencies have condemned. and as another old cliche goes, pictures speak louder than words.

04-10-2006, 03:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by basitisnumberone
i didn't say that. please read carefully a few times before replying. and remember the old cliche, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
i seriously can not understand why and how they enjoyed their stay in a prison. not just any prison, but one that countless human aid/right agencies have condemned. and as another old cliche goes, pictures speak louder than words.
one that countless human aid/right agencies have never even been to or seen. It's like me saying Cancun is hell on earth. I've never been there but the one legged man told me once...

04-10-2006, 03:49 PM
please bud, we weren't born yesterday. enough lawyers and human right agency representatives have been to guantanamo. the zionist-controlled us media has aired this countless times. you can be forgiven for defending the united snakes government for starting an illegal war, spying on their own citizens, maybe even for dropping two a-bombs, but not when it comes to gitmo. surely you've seen all the photos, and the testemonies of the released prisoners and their lawyers. you've heard of the hunger strikes, suicide attempts. i could go on and on.

04-10-2006, 03:55 PM
Editor's Note: As one of the U.S. Army's few Muslim chaplains, Capt. James Yee thought he was serving both God and country at Guantanamo Bay. But in September 2003, two days after receiving an excellent evaluation, Chaplain Yee was arrested, charged with espionage and thrown into solitary confinement for 76 days. When he left the Army in 2005 after all charges were dropped, he received a medal. He recounts his journey from Muslim American poster boy to Enemy of the State in his memoir, "For God and Country." Yee was interviewed by Sandip Roy, host of "UpFront," New America Media's radio program on KALW 91.7-FM in San Francisco.


Sandip Roy: As chaplain at Guantanamo Bay you served not just the soldiers but also 660 prisoners. What did you have to do for them?

Capt. Yee: I was an advisor to the command on the unique religious paradigm in Guantanamo, where all the prisoners are Muslim. I had open access to them and I would talk to them daily, understand their concerns and relay that information to the command so some of the tensions in the cell block between soldiers and prisoners could be relieved.

Q: Donald Rumsfeld has called the prisoners some of the "worst of the worst." How did you find them?

A: I disagree with that characterization. Clearly many of them are innocent. At least three were between 12 and 14. There are a dozen Uighurs from western China. Some of them have been deemed to be not enemy combatants by the Pentagon's own review board but still haven't been released.

I saw prisoners who were so despondent they would no longer eat. At least two were permanently in the hospital being force-fed through a tube. One prisoner attempted suicide and ended up in a coma.

There were also mass suicide attempts. A prisoner would attempt suicide, the guards would unlock his cell and take him down, and the medics would come. Fifteen minutes later another prisoner would attempt suicide, and this would go on for hours. They were demanding the commanding general apologize for the abuse of the Koran.

Q: Did you see any abuse?

A: As a chaplain I was able to ensure some things like halal meals, the call to prayer, the painted arrow pointing to Mecca. But the Koran was desecrated. In the conduct of searches, it often ended up ripped. There were confirmed incidents where interrogators threw the Koran on the floor and stepped on it.

When the Newsweek report about the Koran desecration outraged the entire Muslim world, the Pentagon responded by showing that there was a policy in place that gave proper guidance on how to correctly handle the Koran. What the Pentagon never said was that the chaplain they had accused of spying and threatened with the death penalty was the one who authored that policy.

Q: The government says the war on terrorism is not a war on Islam, but you write that's not how it felt on most days at Guantanamo.

A: There was really strong anti-Muslim hostility directed not just toward the prisoners but also to the patriotic Muslim Americans serving there. I wasn't the only one singled out. Two others were arrested around the same time.

Q: But was this the bigotry of a few bad apples, or more pervasive?

A: The commanding general told me he had enormous anger toward "those Muslims" who carried out the attacks on 9/11. When new soldiers came to Guantanamo they were given a briefing that seemed to indicate the 660 prisoners there planned and carried out 9/11. E-mails referred to Muslims as "ragheads." Muslim personnel who attended services on Friday were sometimes called "Hamas."

Q: What do you think triggered the suspicions about you?

A: The Muslim personnel pray five times a day, bowing and prostrating just like the prisoners. We read the Koran in Arabic just like the prisoners. To some over-zealous, inexperienced and bigoted few, we were some kind of subversive sleeper cell.

But my ethnicity also played a role. I found out that someone had said, "Who the hell does this Chinese Taliban think he is, telling us how to treat our prisoners?"

Q: When you were arrested were you subject to the same things the prisoners had complained about?

A: I was transferred to the consolidated naval brig in Charleston (S.C.), where U.S. citizen enemy combatants are held. I was shackled in three places -- wrists, waist and ankles. They put the blackened goggles on my eyes so I couldn't see anything and heavy industrial earmuffs on my ears so I couldn't hear anything. That's how prisoners are transported from Afghanistan to Guantanamo.

Q: Were you afraid you would just disappear?

A: When I heard the accusations I thought they were absurd and would be cleared in a matter of days, if not hours. It became much more frightening when I heard I was being taken to some undisclosed location. Nobody knew where I was. My parents and family were not informed. My wife and daughter were in fact waiting for me at the airport to come pick them up. I never showed up. I essentially disappeared for 10 days.

Q: Did the military learn something from the experience?

A: My experience has worked to undermine the efforts in fighting the war on terrorism. What the world saw was if a U.S. citizen could not get a fair look under U.S. military justice, what makes anyone think that foreign prisoners in Guantanamo are going to get a fair shake?

Q: Now that you are out, what do you want? An apology?

A: When I separated from the military in January 2005, I received an honorable discharge and another army commendation, but I didn't receive that apology. Now I, my family and supporters, and several congressmen are awaiting the result of an investigation that the Department of Defense inspector general agreed to take on as to how it really was that I, Capt. James Yee, landed in prison for 76 days, being accused of these heinous crimes and being threatened with the death penalty. We are all looking forward to the results of that investigation -- and a well deserved apology.


Capt. James Yee's memoir is "For God and Country." On Jan. 26, 2006, he received an Exceptional Communicator Award from New California Media.

04-10-2006, 04:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by basitisnumberone
please bud, we weren't born yesterday. enough lawyers and human right agency representatives have been to guantanamo. the zionist-controlled us media has aired this countless times. you can be forgiven for defending the united snakes government for starting an illegal war, spying on their own citizens, maybe even for dropping two a-bombs, but not when it comes to gitmo. surely you've seen all the photos, and the testemonies of the released prisoners and their lawyers. you've heard of the hunger strikes, suicide attempts. i could go on and on.
No human rights agency outside of the Red Cross has seen the detainees. The Red Cross is under strict rules not to comment on the condition of prisoners anywhere. The lawyers are gonna say anything to get their release so if it's torture so be it. As for the one's that were released they had comments like their cells were too cold:rollseyes

04-10-2006, 11:39 PM

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay "should not exist", in an interview days before she meets George W Bush. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4590912.stm
(CBS) The story that Sgt. Erik Saar, a soldier who spent three months in the interrogation rooms at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, tells Correspondent Scott Pelley paints a picture of bizarre, even sadistic, treatment of detainees in the American prison camp.
60 Minutes also reveals previously secret emails from FBI agents at Guantanamo that warn FBI headquarters that prisoners are being tortured.

"I think the harm we are doing there far outweighs the good, and I believe it's inconsistent with American values," says Saar. "In fact, I think it's fair to say that it’s the moral antithesis of what we want to stand for as a country." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4723512.stm
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has joined in the growing chorus of condemnation of America's Guantanamo Bay prison camp.
The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, said on Thursday that America must close the camp "as soon as is possible".
Former prisoners have stated they were tortured there, and the ICRC last year accused the US military of using tactics "tantamount to torture" on Guantanamo prisoners. The military has denied torture has occurred.

Earlier this year, in March 2004, five British Muslims arrived home after being held hostage for two and a half years in Guantanamo Bay. As the men were released into the joyous arms of their families, a picture slowly began to emerge of the inhumane treatment they had experienced for the duration of their detention in the American Concentration Camp in Cuba.

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