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View Full Version : What part of you hears the voice of God?

04-09-2006, 08:29 PM
What part of you is hearing from the voice of God? If we truely know who God is we will follow his voice when he speaks to us. What realm do you most often hear Gods voice in? Where is his voice FIRST intiated for you to hear it?

Please select one below and place it in your post:

A) The Mind

B) The Spirit

C) The Soul

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04-09-2006, 08:31 PM
ive neva heard from God :(

But his always looked out for me :) Alhamdullilah!

04-09-2006, 08:46 PM
:confused: i havent herad him speak to me either??

but i think it would be in the soul??

04-09-2006, 08:49 PM
I get it in my heart......

So I don't know......Which 1 wud that be placed under?

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04-09-2006, 08:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
I get it in my heart......

So I don't know......Which 1 wud that be placed under?
sorry bro woudl u mind explaning what IT is taht u get in ur heart?

04-09-2006, 08:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslima4life
sorry bro woudl u mind explaning what IT is taht u get in ur heart?
pretty sure words cant explain it, or i wudda expected a detailed explenation from the sahaba :p

04-09-2006, 08:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abd'Majid
pretty sure words cant explain it, or i wudda expected a detailed explenation from the sahaba :p
oh sorry
but i mean its nto actually Allahs voice is it, its jus a feeling liek iman right??

04-09-2006, 08:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslima4life
sorry bro woudl u mind explaning what IT is taht u get in ur heart?
lol......yeah I'm curious.....

04-09-2006, 08:58 PM
hmm i mean u cant actually HEAR allahs voice can u? i thought it ws jus liek a feeling of iman inside?? im confuzzeled

04-09-2006, 09:02 PM
^ ye im pretty sure it is a feeling. Only the rare gifted musa (As) actually heard from him :)

04-09-2006, 09:04 PM
oh ye thought soo, sorry i think i took it literally per usual do excuse me!! lol ye i can relate now elahmdulilah sorry again

04-09-2006, 09:06 PM
naa its k, everythin good that happens makes me "feel" thats its from ALlah, ye a feelin from the heart :)

04-09-2006, 09:06 PM
I don't think I hear Allah, but I feel him in my heart, mind and soul...comfort.

04-09-2006, 09:14 PM
ye i know what u mean, liek during prayer u kind of feel u are infornt of ur lord and indeed u r it is ahrd to explain

04-09-2006, 09:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslima4life
ye i know what u mean, liek during prayer u kind of feel u are infornt of ur lord and indeed u r it is ahrd to explain
yeh :) especially during fajr/tahajjud

the feeling is so strong!!!! subhanALlah!

04-09-2006, 09:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abd'Majid
yeh :) especially during fajr/tahajjud

the feeling is so strong!!!! subhanALlah!
hey i often hear ppl syaing i want to do ibada to become closer to allah, do u know anything about it??

04-09-2006, 09:30 PM
lol they mean they wanna worship Allah a lot so they feel closer to him. I think wat dey mean is they wanna seclude themselves from every1 and worship day n nite so they really understand and feel Allah! But this aint right coz the prophet saws said ibadat is living as the sunnah has shown! And thats helpin all that need help.

to feel closer to Allah wake up for tahajjud, wallahi becoz no1 knows ur awake, becoz only Allah watches you... you will feel soooo close to him!!!!


04-09-2006, 09:37 PM
ye mashallah tahts soo true!!

04-09-2006, 10:13 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way.

so lets keep in du'a and prayer inshallah.


Allah created each of us from clay and blew a soul into each creation.
There is a hadith, i believe, which states that the soul hungers for Allah just as the stomache hungers for food. This statement is completely true in terms for everyone, subhanallah. Some try to replace that satisfaction with worldly pleasures, in which case, they wont ever be completely satisfied nor happy.

A soul which isnt taken care of is the reflection of an exhausted human oblivious to what causes his true happiness.

fi aman Allah

04-09-2006, 10:28 PM
Are you guys serious? You barely even hear the voice of God? Trust me you can hear it.. Hear are some keys the voice you are hearing isnt the voice of God..

Let us first come to an understanding that the heart of man is dark and is full of self interest in pride. Second the mind is full of self interest and is full of pride within its own human reasoning. The soul is full of selfish emotions as well and is rooted in pride. If one is FEELING the voice of God than you are actually discerning out of the realm of your soul where the soul does has its own voice and will try to bring about its own desires which are often up and down as a roller coaster is by following what you feel in the realm of your soul. If you are hearing what you think is the voice of God in your mind you are actually simply following prides voice trying to rule and reign over your spirit, soul and heart. Pride brings with itself MANY other voices in the mind trying to bring one to follow the path it lays out for the soul to follow as to keep the spirit of man in bondage by going around the same exact mountain it has built over and over again.

For one to TRUELY hear the voice of God he or she MUST humble themselves and be still and ask for God to come and show them the way and to come abide in there spirit man. The spirit man is the ONLY place you will hear the voice of God. When one has truely in a humble spirit cried out for God to save him or her out of what they are in within pride can he or she even begin to hear the voice of God in there spirit man. As long as he or she is still in pride by following self in the mind and the feelings in the soul and are following the darkness that hides in mans hearts. WE WILL NEVER EVEN COME CLOSE TO HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD! We will only be in deception from the darkness we are already abiding in through following the spirit of prides voice in all three areana's in the mind, soul and heart of man.

If God is who he says he is he will come down and make a holy habitation in the spirit of man as to develop a relationship with him or her. You can daily hear the voice of God in your spirit man when you learn to humble yourself and ALLOW God to show you the way rather than the pride in man showing you the way. Simply put when we dont hear the voice of God its because prides voice within the mind, soul and heart of man is so loud it drowns out the still small voice of the Lord that never needs to shout to show he exists. Prides voice is so loud to help show it exists and want man to bow to its leading in all that it does. Gods still small voice needs no shouting and needs no help in letting man know he exists. He gives man the choice to make if he or she will follow him within his still small voice which is true love. When one matures in there walk with God they learn to wait on the Lord to lead in ALL things in there spirit man where he dwells. Through being still and waiting on the Lord to lead can we then accurately discern the voice of the Lord when he speaks to us. When being still and waiting on the Lord to lead in are spirit man we then shut off the spirit of prides voice in the mind, soul and heart of man that would try to keep us from hearing the still small voice of the Lord. Thus why the spirit of prides voice keeps the world so busy as to keep the spirit of man from trying to hear from the voice of the Lord when he comes to show mans soul the way out of the bondage he or she is in..

So what have we learned?

1. We humble ourselves
2. We ask God to come in us and make himself known in are spirit man.
3. We allow God to show us the way rather than pride in the mind, soul and heart of man.
4. We learn to be still and wait upon the Lord to lead us rather than pride in the mind, soul and heart of man to lead us.
5. We develop a relationship with God daily as we learn to talk one on one with him out of the realm of are spirit man where he will abide after we ask for him to come in and stay.

Key: If you are crying out for a certain God to come in and save you and he doesnt come. Maybe he wasnt God afterall.. If there truely is a God he will answer you and come unto you. Try calling out ALL the names of certain religous Gods until one of them actually answers you and comes in to stay within your spirit man. One of those persons known as God will come in to stay forever and will never reject your nor forsake you no matter what you go through in life. He will DAILY help you through lifes difficulties and will show you the way out of captivity into full freedom within him.

Here's are three names you can call out for him to come and save you if the first one you called out didnt come in to save you.

1. Budda
2. Allah
3. Jesus Christ of Nazereth

Examples of crying out for God to save you.

Budda come into my spirit and set me free from myself and all that I am in within sin. Baptize me within your holy presence and love.

Allah come into my spirit and set me free from myself and all that I am in within sin. Baptize me within your holy presence and love.

Jesus Christ of Nazereth come into my spirit and set me free from myself and all that I am in within sin. Baptize me within your holy presence and love.

(Place one of your Gods names in the blank) ____________ come into my spirit and set me free from myself and all that I am in within sin. Baptize me within your holy presence and love.

Now lets be honest did you pray out of a humble spirit all three prayers above to see which God answered you? If not try it out of a pure motive in the heart and mean it.. Watch what happens.. The God that answers you will come into to dwell and will long to develop a relationship with you in your spirit man. You can then learn to discern the voice of the Lord in your spirit man when he speaks to you on a DAILY basis.

God Bless

04-09-2006, 10:32 PM
I hear Allah when I listen to the Quran being recited. So must be the ears. Hehe.

04-09-2006, 10:45 PM
Are you guys serious? You barely even hear the voice of God? Trust me you can hear it.. Hear are some keys the voice you are hearing isnt the voice of God..
I don't think they meant physically hear, but more of it as a feeling subhanallah

04-10-2006, 12:42 AM

The higher our Iman is the more we feel closer.
Its so good.

04-10-2006, 10:58 AM
humble777 what religion are you from?

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