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View Full Version : son of Life n son of Dog

04-11-2006, 06:46 PM

He didn’t get a raise in his marks, aLthough he was trying hard and staying up Late to reach success. Then, he was caught with porn movies, what wiLL he do next year? Is he back to zero, is he Losing everything??

Since he was a young Lad and he doesn’t understand this worLd, and that doesn’t stop him from enjoying it. That’s him as every1 see's him, but from the inside his hobby is sneaking with Zaf, his courage friend that doesn’t fear anything, and stays outside his house Late and knows the guys of the far neighborhood. The adventures of these 2 introduces them to the neighbors and their father's cars and their food and sLeep, this way they know how to choose their friends and not friends. Zaf is gifted by copying the animal voices, whiLe Faz is gifted good marks from his teachers and he enjoys disturbing the neighbor's sLeep and can't controL his LOUD Laugh, and every night they return home running. There, Faz stays in front of the TV

His mom shouts from the kitchen
Come here and eat your dinner
He enters the kitchen to find his smaLLer brother; FaLih whose 11; has touched every pLate containing food
He Looked up at his mom and asked: why eggs?
FaLih: I wanted
Faz: shut up
Mom: eat and thank ALLAH
He ate standing and walked back to his room, stiLL chewing he caLLed:
I want miLk with apple juice, HERE
Everyday passes makes him feeL bigger in his head and behind in catching up this worLd

Faz Anwar Samboosak
That’s my name and cLose to it is Zaf's name. yes, we are Registered in the university. That was our hope, to enter no matter what my grades aLLow me to study or accept Zaf's Low marks. The sky cant hoLd our happiness, so I caLLed my dad because now im an officiaL Q.R.S.U. student, and I prayed for my mom who used to begin her prayers with : oh God,, and end it with Faz
Papa,,papa heLLo..its busy..WoW.. the music of waiting expresses the Love that peopLe hoLd for me and for the good Luck of my dad that he has me, oh well, I'LL just caLL my mom and teLL her to pass the good news. I need to ride with Zaf in his car. His 1st impression for the resuLts was smoking. Hmm, so this is the 1st difference between schooL and university, there you smoke in the streets and here in front of the deanship office. Zaf Looks responsibLe, and has a car, and doesn’t teLL his parents nor takes their excuse to anything..he's happy
The 1st year was easy for me, we had 5 engLish books and a 1000 page math book, haLf of those was for the 1st term! The other boys found Learning a new Language heavy, aLthough they watch American movies, this is the probLem with reading the transLation from the bottom of the screen. May be the vacations I spent abroad saved me. I got used with the campus Life and not being monitord by family, they became sound with no picture to me, I hear from them every month, asking them for money. But my friends, they are my Life and breath and fun here
I aLso got my private maiL box, 3 other students share it with me. And the messages I get are from the bank or a surprise honor certificate from the university
I started 2nd year unabLe to beLieve that 6 university books are harder than 24 high schooL books. There is no time to study here. And the questions are tough and I never happened to meet the answers in cLass and I feeL its not even from the homework,, im gona ask Hamid, he has the correct HW soLutions. I Like it here, no matter how bad you do, there is no harm as Long as your famiLy is not toLLed. Zaf began to copy my notes near exam weeks, and send me SMS:
sign me attended
he aLso rented himseLf a fLat aLone, and traveLs at the weekends and sometimes skips a day

Zaf dropped the computer programming course, there i was the onLy dummy out of 30 boys
i had to join a group that wouLd count me in, i can do the cover and print out and design the finaL draft for the homeworks and projects
stiLL, my GPA was; as expected; Low this term. And i dont think my famiLy's trust was in its pLace, i feLt im wasting my Life and that im STUPID
I returned home in the vacation,and made fun of FaLih's excusing that schooL math is hard. I said to myseLf: if you onLy know how harder its gona get,,your gona Laugh at your math. No.. im not gona say it..i miss schooL and its cute days..wow..i never expected to say this
The new year started, and i pLanned to keep up with the pace and expectations of the professor from us and from the subject
I happen to pray now every time i feeL i need heLp, and when i forget or Loose the enthusiasm, did this happen from my Last trip visit?
Is it from the home food or the ideaL housing there. I feeL success is fLowing in my bLood
my bLood! its the caution red Love, yup its my connection with my famiLy, its the power pushing my spirit to become high as i was in the paaast, not the past 2 years, that made me feel im saLing in an angry ocean,that made me feeL i Lost the hope in not reaching safe shore, yet i feLt im gona change. I chose and hoLded the thought to get back as i was, 1 of the best 5 in any cLass, and to benifit and compLete my acadamic march; happiLy.To buiLd my seLf with knowLedge
It seems that everything i have Learned,,i forgot
But, can i stiLL benifit from it? Or was my schooL sitting and Life perfume bLown pass me?
NO no. Now i pLan and choose what to do accourding to my taste. And my faiLure is the beginning of my soon success
What ever happens, the end is what counts. But, what am i gona do with Zaf,
he's a student aLright,,but not for pLaying rather than information and he is gona take me down to his rating
Yet,, he has some skiLLs, i can depend on him and he can finish studying the 4 month notes in 1 night
and aLways in the Lab we get out 1st, thanks to his fast performance and mainLy his way of attracting the technicaL instructors
Oh, are our souLs caring for each other? Does he deserve to be Lived with,and Live d for?
ShouLd i sacrifice anything for his favour or am i sacrifcing myself?

I became Less contact with Zaf in usuaL days, on the weekends, i visit and we do stay up Late doing new stuff and get out for adventures in the car or maLLs
He makes fun of my new sitting in the front rows and contacting wierdo's
Then he gave me a speech: wierdo's and not onLy that but they make your Life suck
Life is not onLy studying and reading, Life is success! Like me
aaakh. he's referring to his earnings by downLoading anime, movies, mexican series, and scandaLs from the internet. He even asks me to heLp him to seLL and introduce him to new "customers"
and i do, cauz he's my friend that i dont say no to

NOOOOOOO. The grades are up,,and as usuaL they are not high in my case. ALthough i studied an hour more this year but professors met my way with harder exams. In the cLass i feel normaL as the others but they reach A's and B's, and Leave C's and D's to me
I went to the professors to negotiate, but it was as if im a poor asking for kindness
they advised me to be happy, because i was incLuded in thier cLass! and i deserve Less. And my Look is not how an engineer Looks
I waLked out swearing not to go anywhere near nor say hi to them. In the haLL i saw
Ahmad and Lotfi, i think they took the highest grades, that expLains there smiLe and pitty for me. They started: Why didnt you be carefuL to this question?we knew it was gona come, and don't teLL me you don't visit the dr in the office hours and didn't you get the speciaL 10% bonus
I Looked beyond there words, actuaLLy behind them, and there was Sami. I asked there permission to ask him, and they ignored Sami because he considers his grades top secret
I toLed him that I won a "C" and beLow and that im afraid about my future. He tryed making me feeL better and toLed me the story of his roommate that
thought he was a genius in chemistry but faiLed, so he changed his major to physics and now he's good and happy
I responded: the idea of changing is difficuLt, and i don't Like phys
He smiLed: Why difficuLt, you just finished your 2nd year and you have 3 more years, thats enough to make a new you. And it doesn't have to be phys, you have aLot of options

There are different engineering majors and different sciences and management.
you are in a university, not a specific departmentI humphed with reLief: i'LL think about it. And i did,, and i decided to be a system engineer
Even Zaf Liked the idea of giving up to another future, and he went for management
ActuaLLy, he was forced to study there due to his Low GPA and warnings
This is better, or may be not, im scared to repeat the story and same performance and Low grades
but what im reaLLy afraid of is: the coming semesters, the unknown
I used to ignore the fear with the heLp of my identity and oLd,goLd beLonging, and this is proof that the past and the years that tasted speciaL were not a waste of time

In the 1st major test, i got 8 out of 15 in koko 371 and 14.5 in koka 317
it Looks Like this professor is deLaying his eviL to the finaLs

On a Saturday and with the morning coffee, some students were gathered around a
new advertisement poster. Now thats odd, usuaLLy we read them whiLe waLking due to there simpLicity
I wonder whats new and important today? I approached the paper and it was a Letter from the rector
the guy who we know his name and picture but no contact
and the Letter is a punishment against 5 students.. some are from our LeveL..but..202076-fired 1 semester..thats my number?!
and Zaf's number 203461 and next to it,,fired for 1 year!! and the reason: written: prohibited marketing!!!!
I went back and made sure that the 6 digits were my ID. I caLLed Zaf but no responce
I went to the student affairs and they asked me to return books, housing, ID,,,and when i asked what did i do wrong they said: prohibited marrr
I said no marketing no buLL****,, there must be a mistake
My mobiLe rang, it was Zaf
I asked him: Where are yooou?
In the rector's office
I feLt he was guiLty and said: Oh you are informed, teLL me, WHATS THE STORY? you aLways hide stuff from me and stop me from entering that room
Zaf repLied: Its not regarding that,, some students compLained
and i jumped with another question: complained about what?
He taLked as if he's saying the breaking news on CNN: seLLing movies,, the university is mad about the seLLing and the movies
I yeLLed at him: I toLLed you, you idiot, stop, but you crossed the Line
and put us in troubLe,,im coming to you
I went to the rector's office and met Zaf at the secretary's desk,, i toLd him,,we need to agree on an excuse
The 3rd phone on the desk rang.. and he took us to the nearby room and my steps were not brave
i can't get it..FIRED..me
but i just started attending for benifit..what am i gona do to..and the questions stopped when we were asked to sit with the word: here
i sat.. and feLt unwanted and not weLcomed
yaaah..my friends drink coffee with the rector and my greeting is Loosing my ID card! I did drink coffee today, or did I forget it somewhere
may be in the cLass,,but i didn't enter the cLass due to the donkey who stapLed the Letter before my boring cLass
saLam aLaikom
the rector..his voice was a bit scary and the tone feLt different:
Our reLigion and our country doesn't accept what we did
We didn't know that its against the Laws, sorry, never gona do it again, this is the Last time, we swear
he shok his head and said: when wiLL the day come and the buiLding become compLete if I buiLd and you break what i buiLd
you guys are ruining the youth peopLe with these movies and ruin your own future by wasting your time on rubbish
we Lowered our heads.. and kept siLient
a comittee was aware of the X and the students say that some movies had so soo baaad parts, that don't pLease our creator
These movies are unweLcomed in our country..and hopefuLLy you wiLL Learn from this Lesson
and return to us..with better aims
Zaf tryed: but they are ordinary movies, I see them on TV
The rector showed no intension of smiling and added:
your friends that know you say that Faz wasn't getting anything from this
thats why his peniLty was Less
and may ALLAH guide you
that was the cLosing statement.. he caLLed the secretary.. and shock hands with no more to say
we Left.. and 2 days Later me n Zaf were in the airport and he; stiLL; didn't stop cursing the rector and his university
It Looks Like were gona be faiLures..I toLed Zaf
he said that he didn't care that the rector is punishing me for nonsense.. i was afraid the poLice knew about my stuff.. ya sheekh.. im gona take a tour in europe and then find a job and stay in it
I tried changing his idea. and he promised me to continue his academic career on 1 condition.. that i shut up

After this, I reconsidered what happened, and knew that not wining a coLLege degree, was an evidence that im rotting
and I have no excuse.. the options are in my hand.. i took a course and did good in it
and I was encouraged to return after the emaiLs from Sami and other friends, making sure im ok and saying hi and passing "miss you" and struggLing stories
I went back, with my friends; that are now in my age but 1 semester in advance of me; Yet they made me feeL im starting over
a new Life
with a guaranteed success from being

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04-13-2006, 06:04 PM
this is my 1st creativ writing story
teLL me what -ever- u think

and then we wiLL compare it with benifitiaL writing that i used to do


04-13-2006, 06:51 PM
OMG! that is so good did you write it your ''self''?

your too too good bro :)

take care

04-22-2006, 09:08 PM
thank you sister
i did write it myseLf
and showd it to my 2 sisters(3ohood oo noof)
and my aunt and my aunt(3mmati n 5aLti)
and some friends b4 submitting it to the britich council
b4 they decide who r the best 6 saudi young writers in ksa
(by the way
if i win,,im gona show u the stories of those who won from pakistan,egypt(exciLnt stories),Malayzia(very creative story),france,hoLLand,russia

thank u again
and i did modify the story a bit due to some comments i got

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04-22-2006, 09:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by faisalfaz
thank you sister
i did write it myseLf
and showd it to my 2 sisters(3ohood oo noof)
and my aunt and my aunt(3mmati n 5aLti)
and some friends b4 submitting it to the britich council
b4 they decide who r the best 6 saudi young writers in ksa
(by the way
if i win,,im gona show u the stories of those who won from pakistan,egypt(exciLnt stories),Malayzia(very creative story),france,hoLLand,russia

thank u again
and i did modify the story a bit due to some comments i got
why the yellow text grrr I had to highlight it to read it

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