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04-30-2005, 09:01 PM

okie i've edited my post and deleted my contents and inserted the Following by Aboo Sulaymaan jazaahullaahu khayr which was posted at tibyaan forums as i felt his words are much more comprehensive and beneficial than mines mashaAllaah Ta`ala.

As-Salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh

The democratic elections are soon approaching in the u.k. and there will again be a strong push by people to get everyone involved in voting, and they will try to pass this off as being Islaamically permissable, and some will say that it is recommended, while those who are further away from the Guidnce will say that it is an obligation upon the Muslims to vote. Please, take the material that clarifies the rulings on voting and elections and spread it as much as you can. Print the books and articles and hand them out, whoever has the ability to give Khutbahs and/or lessons, then let the topic be on this issue for the next while. Don't let those who call to shirk have more influence than those who call to Tawheed. This is an obligation on everyone, each based upon his own ability. If we see how much zeal these people have in calling to shirk, then we should have more than that when calling to the Truth. Don't forget this, and remember how many of us were upon misguidance until Allaah Ta'aala let someone show us the Truth, so be that to someone else, and don't just say that they are misguided, so who cares.

Jazaakum Allaahu Khayran.

Once again forgive me inshaAllaah for leaving this most important topic so late!

Was Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

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05-01-2005, 12:04 AM
Again typical HT --, where do you want to go for laws regarding speed limit, hospitals, education, not everything is about a War on Islam, can HT bring one single hadith or ayah where the Prophet banned voting in Kufr elections?


05-01-2005, 12:22 AM
Exactly, nothing wrong with voting, so if gay marriage's are allowed for example and new law is made, and the muslims never opposed it because they couldnt vote, but if they had voted they had the ability to prevent it bieng brought in, is that right?

We need to vote to stand up and makes ourselves heard instead of bieng trampled over.

05-01-2005, 08:28 AM
'Have you seen those who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you and that which has been sent down before you and they wish to go for judgement in their dispute to the Taaghout i.e. false Judges etc while they have been ordered to reject them but Shaytaan wishes to lead them far astray' [4:60]

refer to tafsir of this verse for further clarification inshaAllah

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Ansar Al-'Adl
05-01-2005, 04:47 PM
No one is referring their judgement to anyone, we are having a say in the issues of the country. If you won't vote, you'll be run over and will have to live in more unislamic conditions.


05-01-2005, 04:54 PM
Its common sense, I dont know how some people think.

Umm Yoosuf
05-01-2005, 05:41 PM
Huh? I'm confused? Are we allowed to vote? Yes? No?

05-01-2005, 06:01 PM
YES! And it is an obligation

Umm Yoosuf
05-01-2005, 06:02 PM
Are you serious!!!??! I didn't know. Whats the proof...so that i can feel at peace?

05-01-2005, 06:11 PM

Ansar Al-'Adl
05-01-2005, 07:20 PM
Yes, it is an obligation to vote, because, by voting we are establishing the values of Islam.


Ibn Syed
05-01-2005, 07:23 PM
There is nothing that goes much against it in Islam.

05-01-2005, 08:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jannah
Huh? I'm confused? Are we allowed to vote? Yes? No?
Well I wouldn't say it is fard or haram. But if you want to establish Islamic values then it is the right thing to do.

05-02-2005, 12:31 PM
Good website backed with evidences rather than personal opinion and following of desires on the impermissibility of voting.

05-02-2005, 12:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
Yes, it is an obligation to vote, because, by voting we are establishing the values of Islam.

evidence from Quraan and sunnah?

05-02-2005, 12:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
by voting we are establishing the values of Islam.


So legalising prostitution , the consent age, nightclubbing, drinking, drugs - thats all helping establish islam?

Dont forget the manifesto is what they show just to get you to vote so that their side can win! Once they are in power its a whole different story - everyone was witness to this with the labour party.

They will only show you one side of their policy.

05-02-2005, 12:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ibn Syed
There is nothing that goes much against it in Islam.
So the fact that democracy clearly states that no one is above the one whom crates laws in the houses of parliament isnt haram? When we clearly know that Allaah is above us?

The fact that you are going by man made laws and not by Allaahs law is not haraam?

05-02-2005, 12:46 PM
BUMP - everyone here needs to read this inshaAllaah

05-02-2005, 02:15 PM

i heard that in some cases it's premissible to vote, but this is a very controversial issue.

05-03-2005, 11:19 AM
^^ i read umar bakris name and i ran from that site <_< he and his people say WACKO things

regarding voting..im not sure..dont concern me just yet so not obthered.
on one side you could say `we vote for the less of the evils`
on other side we day that this `less of evils` are the same evils that are destroyign the muslims quietly
personally i think my labour mp is fab :thumbs_up he supports the muslims loads and was eve n called a traitor by other labour mps..standing against iraq
against those terrorism laws
stood for muslims in the gujarat massacres
all sorts..hes cool :shade:

05-03-2005, 11:23 AM
on one side you could say `we vote for the less of the evils`
Im sure you mean "less of the two evils" :shade:

or at least that is what I have been told :)

05-03-2005, 11:24 AM
yup i think thats what my dad told me :thumbs_up

05-03-2005, 11:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tawbah
BUMP - everyone here needs to read this inshaAllaah
i ask
do these people know the severity of calling others infidels? is that what they do? mcb may be a bit :confused: yh but calling them munafiqs? i want a good answer on these people please

and number two

who is behind this site?

Ansar Al-'Adl
05-03-2005, 09:40 PM

Again, I will repeat that the majority of scholars agree that the Muslims should vote to bring about Islamic values.

The UK general election is coming up and I find myself harassed and called kafir by those who believe political participation is haram? What can we do to resolve this contentious issue? Why do Islamic authorities not do more to educate people that voting is not haram and it should be our duty to promote good government everywhere in the world?
What should I say to those that say voting is haram? I cannot help but feel they are harming the Ummah by doing nothing and encouraging others to do so too... thank you.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Imparting sound education and true Islamic consciousness is the only key. It is the duty of all imams, scholars and intellectuals in the west as well as other countries to make Muslims aware of the urgent need to take responsibility to change their conditions, and stop blaming others for their failures; unless we do so we will remain forever in the despondent state we are in.

Active participation in our communities is a religious duty we cannot run from.
Shaykh Ahmad Kutty

Are we allowed to vote in United States for non-Muslim candidates or laws, specially if we think those are better or less evil for Muslims and a more moral society.

Since only Allah(SWT) can be seen as the law-maker and we are discouraged from cooperating with the koffar, can we participate in the voting process at all? Is this a problem having to do with towheed, since our participation in voting may appear as a compromise in our faith or as acceptance of the way of the koffar (i.e. that people can vote to change laws).

Thank you.

Voting in the United States is a part of the mechanism of administration and management. When you live in any town or city, your municipal affairs like sanitation, traffic, education, shopping, and police are all needed and the Muslim pays taxes for all these things. The only way we can utilize our rights after paying taxes is to go through polling system. Of course, our priority is to lessen damage that could happen to us, without which we are liable to big moral and physical losses. Nothing of that activity has to do with one's faith or deen. It is totally what we do with managerial and administrative work. The only thing a Muslim believes is haram is when we vote for or amend a law that is contradictive to Islam.
format_quote Originally Posted by sonofadam
Good website backed with evidences rather than personal opinion and following of desires on the impermissibility of voting.
This did not seem like a very authorative website. I am not sure what you consider "evidences".

format_quote Originally Posted by Tawba
evidence from Quraan and sunnah?
Actually, that burden of proof rests on you. You have to prove that voting is haraam, because in islam, everything is halal unless otherwise stated.

So legalising prostitution , the consent age, nightclubbing, drinking, drugs - thats all helping establish islam?
Actually you've just proven my point. These are all things which are against Islam, so we should vote against them! If we don't vote, then we are allowing this evil to become established, and we are sinning.

Dont forget the manifesto is what they show just to get you to vote so that their side can win! Once they are in power its a whole different story - everyone was witness to this with the labour party.

They will only show you one side of their policy.
That's hardly a reason not to vote! This kind of treachery only occurs because muslims don't vote so they care very little about our views. If all muslims began to vote, then we would have a huge influence on politics, and no party would dare to betray us. If they did, they wouldn't be able to get back in office.

Anyways, you asked for evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah, so I'll give it to you.


3:104 Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.

Muslims are commanded to enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad. If we see an evil thing taking root in our country, then we must forbid it and take action against it. We must vote for the good and against what is bad. We cannot be silent and allow evil to become established, that is against the Qur'an.

For example, if a party is known to be hateful to muslims, we should vote against them, and vote for those who are loyal to Muslims.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; and if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart [by feeling that it is wrong] _ and that is the weakest of faith." (Narrated by Muslim, 49)

In non-muslim countries, we see many things that are being done wrong. Why is it that we do not take action? What prevents us from actiing upon this hadith? We should stop the evil with our hands, by using our hands to cast the vote- a vote against kufr, and a vote for Islam.


05-03-2005, 09:52 PM
Salaam brother.

I've seen this before brother, and i shall explain it as quickly as possible.

You gave this hadeeth.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; and if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart [by feeling that it is wrong] _ and that is the weakest of faith." (Narrated by Muslim, 49)

yes i know of this hadeeth Very clearly and know how Important it is.
However, you have taken this hadeteh out of context.

let me explain, yuor argument is that by voting against let';s say labour you are enjoining the Good and Forbidding the evil. This is incorrect.

If you read my posts on the other thread you can see clearly that voting for a Kuffr system is Sinful. And you seem to forget to mention that. Sure you are voting against labour and eg.. you are voting for Liberal Democrats. You ares til voting for a kuffr Implementation of laws other then that Which Allah (s.w.t) has revealed, so the method you have blatently taken this hadeteh out fo context.

Let me give an example of what you are saying here:
Imagine i am an undercover and need to infiltrate a gang. I need to Enjoin the Good and forbid the evil meaning i need to stop this gang from comitting sins ( drugs ect...) and arrest them. Does that mean, to achieve this, you are allowed to take drugs yourself?

For me to act as one of them and be a aprt of this gang, i must also take drugs. So you are sayin that i am allowed to take drugs as long as my intentions are to arrest these guys because that is forbidding the evil. What you are forgetting that the method i am USING to forbid the evil is Sinful.

Same way voting for a certain pKuffr Party to get rid of another, you are trying to forbid an evil through Sinful means.

I await yuor reply.


Ansar Al-'Adl
05-04-2005, 12:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by General_Mujahid
yes i know of this hadeeth Very clearly and know how Important it is.
However, you have taken this hadeteh out of context.
I assure you I have never intentionally taken a hadith or ayat out of context. I have quoted the entire matn as it appears in the Islamic texts. If you could show me ottherwise, I would appreciate it.

If you read my posts on the other thread you can see clearly that voting for a Kuffr system is Sinful.
I assure you, that if there was a vote as to whether we should have a "hufr system" or an Islamic system, we muslims would vote for the Islamic system. We are NOT voting for a kufr system when wer cast our vote in non-muslim countries. We are voting for Islamic values to be implemented gradually to replace the "Kufr system". Our duty as Muslims is to spread the light of Islam. We can't accomplish that by hiding in our homes. We need to vote so that we have an Islamic influence in these countries.

And you seem to forget to mention that. Sure you are voting against labour and eg.. you are voting for Liberal Democrats. You ares til voting for a kuffr Implementation of laws other then that Which Allah (s.w.t) has revealed,
Please elaborate. I fail to see how voting for Islamic values constitutes voting against what Allah swt has revealed.

As a matter of fact, I have supported my position with what Allah swt has revealed, while it is interesting to note that the opponenets of voting have not supported their side with any islamic evidence.

so the method you have blatently taken this hadeteh out fo context.
Again, I ask you to demonstrate to me what remains of the hadeeth that I have left out.

Let me give an example of what you are saying here:
Imagine i am an undercover and need to infiltrate a gang. I need to Enjoin the Good and forbid the evil meaning i need to stop this gang from comitting sins ( drugs ect...) and arrest them. Does that mean, to achieve this, you are allowed to take drugs yourself?
The analogy is flawed in itself because of a number of reasons:
-Muslims were sent by the Prophet Muhammad saws to live oin non-muslim lands, hence it is permissable to live in a non-muslim country. Meanwhile, It is not permissable to join a gang.
-Intoxicants are prohibited, while voicing Islamic values is an obligation

What you are forgetting that the method i am USING to forbid the evil is Sinful.
You would first have to prove that voting is haraam, before we can accept such a notion.

On this issue, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-Munajjid says:
It may be the case that the interests of Islam require Muslims to vote so as to ward off the greater evil and to reduce harmful effects, such as where two candidates may be non-Muslims but one of them is less hostile towards Muslims than the other, and Muslims’ votes will have an impact on the outcome of the election. In such cases there is nothing wrong with Muslims casting their votes in favour of the less evil candidate.

In any case, this is the matter of ijtihaad based on the principle of weighing up the pros and cons, what is in the interests of Islam and what is detrimental. With regard to this matter, we have to refer to the people of knowledge who understand this principle. We should put the question to them, explaining in detail the circumstances and laws in the country where the Muslim community is living, the state of the candidates, the importance of the vote, the likely benefits, and so on.

No one should imagine that anyone who says that it is OK to vote is thereby expressing approval or support for kufr. It is done in the interests of the Muslims, not out of love for kufr and its people. The Muslims rejoiced when the Romans defeated the Persians, as did the Muslims in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) when the Negus defeated those who had challenged his authority. This is well known from history. Whoever wants to be on the safe side and abstain from voting is allowed to do so. This response applies only to elections for influential positions. And Allaah knows best.
Hence, you're condemnation of voting is against the Ijmaa of the scholars.


05-04-2005, 10:33 PM
Hence, you're condemnation of voting is against the Ijmaa of the scholars.
Lots of scholars also disagree so it cant be Ijmaa.

This did not seem like a very authorative website. I am not sure what you consider "evidences".
The site is still under construction, but still has articles on the kufr of voting referenced with verses from Quraan etc. - maybe thats not enough evidence for some.

With regards to voting and in particular legislating one of Allah (SWT)’s attributes is AL HAKIM meaning the only law-giver. So if anyone who legislates laws that are that are not from qur’an and sunnah, then this person becomes a taghoot (a falsr god/deity) as only Allah is AL HAKIM the One who legislates Law. There are many verses of the qur’an to prove that Allah (swt) is the only law giver “The hukm (legislation) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him, that is the straight religion, but most men know not” (Yoosuf 12:40) and “And He makes none share in His decision and rule (hukm)” (Al-Kahf 18:26)

These verses of the qur’an prove without doubt that only Allah has the right of making laws that should be followed by man. And we as muslims can not obey any Laws that have been legislated by other than ALLAH. “Or do they have partners with Allah to legislate for them in the deen what Allah does not allow” (ash Shoora 42:21) and “And eat not of that on which the name of Allah is not pronounced, for surely that is fisq (an act of disobedience). And verily the Shayaateen inspire their friends (from mankind) to argue with you. And if you obey them then you would indeed be mushrikoon” (Al-An’am 6:121)

All these verses prove that if we take someone as a law giver besides Allah (SWT), then we would be guilty of committing major shirk with Allah. Now if a person is voting to elect a certain political party into power, which will implement kufr laws. Then not only is he recognising the taghoot, but he/she is giving the party the power to become the taghoot and to implement kufr.

Even scratching the surface and not going into too much detail on the topic of Allahs Names and Attributes prove the misguidance of voting for man made law - Shirk in the Names and Attributes of Allah. (Shirkul Asmaa was Sifaat) Allah is Al Haakim, Al Hakeem, Al A’leem (The All Knowing), Al Khabeer (The All Aware), Al Wakeel (The Disposer of Affairs), Al A’dil (The Just), Al Kaafi (The Sufficient), Al Malik (The King), An Naasir (The Helper), Al Waali (The Governor and Ally) So the one who turned to man in order to legislate for him and to guide him in lifes affairs in contradiction to tawheed has rejected many of the Names and Attributes of Allah and by this he entered into shirk with regards to these attributes so that he considered man made law more just than the law of Allah and did not consider the shari’ah as sufficient for legislation and guidance. Allah (swt) said “Most of them do not believe in Allah except that they join partners with Him” (Yoosuf 12:106) and “That He may punish the hypocrites men and women and the mushrik men and women those who have an evil opinion of Allah…” (al Fath 48:6) and “Surely Allah will not forgive the association of partners with Him, but He forgives less than that of whomever He wishes.” (an Nisaa’ 4:48)

Also if we look at the methodology adopted by the Prophet (saw), the Nabi (saw) united the Muslims under tawheed and fought against shirk verbally and physically and always governed by shari’ah, he never sought judgement from kuffaar in contradiction to the revelation. Allah (swt) says “And whoever contradicts and opposes the messenger after the right path has been shown clearly to him and follows a way other than that of the believers, We shall keep him in the path he has chosen and land him in Hell, what an evil destination.” (an Nisaa’ 4:115). The Nabi (saw) also never compromised, When the mushrikoon of the Quraysh sought Nabi (saw) to compromise the exclusive call to tawheed Nabi (saw) rejected their call and sooratul kaafiroon was revealed which gave the clear answer “Say: O you disbelievers! I worship not that which ye worship. Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship. Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way and to me mine” (al Kaafiroon 109:1-6)and “And whoever seeks a deen other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (aali I’mraan 3:85) and “So obey not the deniers. They wish that you should compromise with them so they would compromise with you.” (al Qalam 68:8-9)

Also the prohibition of obeying anybody accept in good throws the argument that we can stop some evil out of the window, so even if the man-made laws had agreed outwardly with the shari’ah this still would have been munkar as its motivation and intention was not to please Allah and not to obey Allah but only to arrange affairs to please people, business groups, political parties and to receive a salary. However, the laws contradicted Islam in its belief and details, they contradicted the belief by declaring that man should legislate and decide his own way of life and to separate all religion from education, politics and society. In the details they made halaal alcohol, riba, pornography, abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, public indecency etc. Nawaas bin Sama’aan that Nabi (saw) said “There is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the Creator.” (BAGHAWI in ‘Sharhus Sunnah’ [10/44] AHMAD, AL HAAKIM) and A’li reported that Nabi (saw) said “…There is no obedience in disobedience to Allah. Obedience is in Ma’roof.” (MUSLIM kitaabul Imaarah [no.4536], BUKHAARI [Eng vers. Vol. 9 no.259])

Hence the following fall within the aspects of Shirk -

1 Voting for man made legislation
2 Standing for election to legislate
3 Membership of a party that is established to legislate
4 Calling on people to support and vote for man-made legislation

Whoever has performed any of these acts then they should repent to Allah and try to inform others who they have previously called to these errors.

Ansar Al-'Adl
05-04-2005, 11:19 PM
If we were to accept the points of this article, we would have to accept that it is haraam to live in a non-muslim country. But as we know, the Prophet saws sent Muslims to luve under non-muslim rule, and the practice occured with the salaf as well.

And, I pointed out that no one is voting for the system itself, so based on that point, your entire argument collapses. We are voting for Islamic values to be established.

And lastly, I even showed you the quote from Shaykh Saalih Al-Munajjid. Your ijtihad cannot supercede the Ijmaa of the scholars. If he says that no one can call muslim voters committing kufr or shirk, then that's it. Unless you are saying that he is misguided in his fatwa. If you are not saying that he is misguided, then you must cease this campaign against voting.


05-04-2005, 11:39 PM

If we were to accept the points of this article, we would have to accept that it is haraam to live in a non-muslim country
i would to mention one thing to you brother and that is: we are allowed to move to a kufr country, HOWEVER under one condition and that is that we spread that religion of Allah. under no other circumtances can we move to a kufr country.

Ansar Al-'Adl
05-05-2005, 12:47 AM
Yes, and on this topic, Shaykh Khalid Al-Maajid says
There should be a legitimate need for settling in their country, which cannot be met in the Muslim lands, such as trade, da’wah, officially representing a Muslim country, or seeking knowledge that is not available in a Muslim country either because it does not exist there, or what is available is not of good quality. Or there should be fear of death, prison or torture, not mere harassment, for oneself or for one’s family and children, or fear for one’s wealth.

And doubtlessly, if one is going to stay there, then they should have the intention to establish Islamic values and bring about change in the system, which is accomplished by voting.

What I don't understand is why someone would live in a non-muslim country if they don't want to vote? The claims that it is submitting to kufr rule means that these Muslims who hate voting should not be living in western countries, because they are "submitting to kufr rule" themselves! If they don't want to vote, they should go to a muslim majority country.


05-05-2005, 01:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
If we were to accept the points of this article, we would have to accept that it is haraam to live in a non-muslim country. But as we know, the Prophet saws sent Muslims to luve under non-muslim rule, and the practice occured with the salaf as well.

And, I pointed out that no one is voting for the system itself, so based on that point, your entire argument collapses. We are voting for Islamic values to be established.

And lastly, I even showed you the quote from Shaykh Saalih Al-Munajjid. Your ijtihad cannot supercede the Ijmaa of the scholars. If he says that no one can call muslim voters committing kufr or shirk, then that's it. Unless you are saying that he is misguided in his fatwa. If you are not saying that he is misguided, then you must cease this campaign against voting.

What Ijmaa of the scholars? and as for your absurd statement
PHP Code:
If he says that no one can call muslim voters committ ing kufr or shirkthen that's it. 
is Saalih Al-Munajjid a Prophet getting revelation from Allah? Is he not human who can make a mistake? Honestly what a stupid statement and for the record I do believe he is misguided in this issue.

PHP Code:
We are voting for Islamic values to be established
Yeah....such as the bombing of Afghanistan, Iraq, support of the illegal Zionist state of so-called 'Israel' (may Allah destroy it) and the rest of the puppet Kaafir states, and recognition of same sex marriages, fornication/adultery, freedom to insult Allah, His Prophets (like Salman Rushdie did - may Allah give him a painful death) etc, and many other 'values'....yeah...why not vote for such upright values and principles....some people need to wake up.

05-05-2005, 01:16 AM
Yeah we should sit back and not do anything, get rolled over and when Allah (SWT) questions us regarding what we did to prevent further attacks on our muslim brethern, we will say nothing, we had no voice in the country we lived, we didnt vote and put our points forward. Instead we lay down, and put none of our views across. You need to stand up or you arent heard, we need push these politicians and hold them to there word of what they say, when it comes to dealing with issues close to the muslims. I go with the majority of the scholars and common sense, which says vote.

Ansar Al-'Adl
05-05-2005, 01:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sonofadam
is Saalih Al-Munajjid a Prophet getting revelation from Allah? Is he not human who can make a mistake? Honestly what a stupid statement and for the record I do believe he is misguided in this issue.
I find this quite amusing, since you were the one throwing his fatwas at me before when I was only quoting Qur'an and Hadith, and now you turn around and call him misguided!

And I don't know how you can say he is misguided on this issue since the same ruling has been given by multiple committees of scholars around the world. This is definitely the Ijmaa' because you can't even show me ONE reliable scholar who states otherwise!

Yeah....such as the bombing of Afghanistan, Iraq, support of the illegal Zionist state of so-called 'Israel' (may Allah destroy it) and the rest of the puppet Kaafir states, and recognition of same sex marriages, fornication/adultery, freedom to insult Allah, His Prophets (like Salman Rushdie did - may Allah give him a painful death) etc, and many other 'values'....yeah...why not vote for such upright values and principles....some people need to wake up.
You need to wake up, because Muslims aren't going to vote for these things, they'll vote against them!

Again, you've proven my point. If we stay silent like you suggest, all the evil you've listed above will happen. But if we take action, by voting, we can prevent this from happening, and allow an Islamic influence on these countries,


05-05-2005, 12:48 PM

sonofadam you never answered my question
WHO is behind that site?

05-05-2005, 01:23 PM

You got one candidate A supporting gays, but does not want to kill Muslims, no occupation etc.

Another candidate B is against gays, abortion etc., but is in favour of killing Muslims and occupation.

If you don't vote A, then candidate B will get in power.

What do you do?


05-05-2005, 02:32 PM
And I don't know how you can say he is misguided on this issue since the same ruling has been given by multiple committees of scholars around the world. This is definitely the Ijmaa' because you can't even show me ONE reliable scholar who states otherwise!
There is no Ijmaa - only misguided people with diseased hearts talking from their desires. For your information lets see what one of Saalih Al-Munajjid's former teachers has to say on the subject.
The disbelief (kufr) of electing legislators besides Allah.
The Fatwa of Shaykh ‘Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan.
The Shaykh, may Allah (swt) preserve him, says: “All creatures are the slaves of Allah (‘ibaad Allah), the Majestic and High, and He created them so that they may become worshipers of Allah, the Majestic and High. The slave must act according to the commands of His Master and a follower of His Speech and Shari’ah (Law), and not (become) a lord or a rival to Him in the legislation (tashree’a) and the judgment (hukm) between the creation. If he is like this, (then) he becomes a competitor with Allah to the same degree that Fir’awn (Pharaoh) and his fellow greater tawagheet did (i.e. those things which have transgressed the limits of Tawheed and are worshipped besides Allah).”
He also said: “And concerning that which makes a creature, which the people establish, choose and say that ‘this act is on my behalf’ or ‘I chose this’ – after which he becomes a legislator of laws which he judges by – (then) he came with something which negates his iman (belief) and he must review himself and seek repentance so he does not fall into shirk, which is the greatest of sins.”

Those who elect legislators along with Allah claim they do so because their intention is not to make them partners with Allah, but rather reformers. The answer of the Shaykh concerning this question which was addressed to him (is as follows): “If one does an action which is the opposite of the Shari’ah, his intention does not benefit him. The one who elects the legislator and (then) he says, ‘I only elect him to become a reformer’, although the action of this legislator is to be a partner along with Allah in terms of His legislation, which is against the Book of Allah and His legislation – (then) verily, the hukm (legislation) is for none but Allah (swt). However, the intention may be accepted if the action is permissible within the Shari’ah.

He also said, may Allah preserve him, “Yes, if a person knows that he elected this person so he can become a legislator, and he knows that (the right of) legislation is for none but Allah alone, the Majestic and High, and he said, ‘I want this person (as a legislator) because I know that he is a righteous person and he will establish righteousness which will prevent the Mufsideen (those who cause corruption) from taking over, and therefore I elect this person’, that will indeed not benefit him.”

He also said, “Although he claims his intention is righteous, it will not benefit him, even if it is righteous. This is because electing him on this basis is not permissible, and due to that he has fallen into a negating factor from among the negating factors of belief (iman).”

He also said in his answer to the question that if the person enters in legislative council and said he will not start legislating and will not practice any forms of legislation, but will only take the position of legislation (what is the ruling upon such a person)? He said, may Allah preserve him: “If he enters the government which consists of legislation and laws, he is surely content with it, and being content with laws from other than Allah, the Majestic and High, is kufr (disbelief). For example, if he allowed himself to become a legislator, that in itself is not only kufr, but he also becomes one of the heads of the tawagheet; and the tawagheet are many. He is one of the tawagheet because he lets the hukm be with him and not with Allah, the Majestic and High.”

He said, may Allah have mercy upon him, in an advice he gave to the voter (for man-made law): “My advice to you is to cling to the commands of this deen (religion), and to be steadfast upon the Tawheed of Allah (swt). And if you fall short of this, (then) you must repent and seek refuge and renew your iman. And the world does not benefit you, so the person must leave these matters and renew his deen should he have fallen into one of the negating factors which negate iman.”

Regarding the validity upon praying behind those voters who elect creatures in the position of legislation, he said, may Allah preserve him: “If one has fallen into that and he knows; praying behind him is not valid. One must pray behind those who have correct ‘aqeedah (creed/belief) and have not fallen into one of the negating factors which negate iman.”

[Taken from a recorded lecture delivered by Shaykh al-Ghunaymaan entitled: ‘And (agree) that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah.’ (Aali ‘Imraan 3:64)]

Other ‘ulema (scholars) who support Shaykh al-Ghunaymaan in what has been mentioned above include Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqiti, Shaykh Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Furraaj, Shaykh Naasir al-‘Umar, Shaykh al-Muhaddith Abu Ayyub al Barqawi, Imam Abu ‘Isa ar-Rifa’ee and many others. We will now cite some of what they have said:

Shaykh al-Qahtaanee said: “Because the source of (the legislation in) democracy is the people, then what remains for Allah (swt)? Therefore, democracy, which is built upon this, is definitely kufr (disbelief) which takes you out of Islam…Democracy, by the definition of its people, is clear kufr (kufr buwaa).”

Shaykh ‘Abdullah as-Sad also said: “There is no doubt that democracy is kufr (disbelief), and I ask Allah (swt) to take us away from these things…The people of democracy will not allow you to join them unless you swear to act according to their law, and this is kufr (disbelief). Those people who implement Shaytaan’s law, and who call for democracy and elections, they only want to attract the anger of the Muslims…”

Shaykh Bishr al-Bishr also said: “If anyone is given the right to make law, his is a taghut (false god) because he is calling the people to worship him.”

Shaykh ad-Deebaan said, “From what I know about the Parliament, it is a committee (gathering) of tawagheet and it is not permissible for anyone to enter this on the basis of ‘benefit’ (maslaha) for the Muslims…”

There are also many other scholars who support this view.

As for your statement -

You need to wake up, because Muslims aren't going to vote for these things, they'll vote against them!
this proves how little you understand the nature of the parliamentary system and how little effect the so called 'Muslim' vote will have on policy making due to their small numbers. As a matter of fact the so-called 'Muslim' MP for Birmingham voted for the bombing of Iraq when it came to voting for military action in parliament in 2003 - eventhough he had the option to abstain. Is this your idea of voting against them....wake up. This method is only adopted by the ignorant and with those with diseased hearts polluted with hypocrisy.

05-05-2005, 03:01 PM
who is behind the siteeeeeeeeeeee?

05-05-2005, 03:50 PM
Inshallah we should vote and do our bit - I have pasted an article that may be on interest


An Islamic perspective Before we embark on the issue of whether Muslims will
be permitted or not to vote in the forthcoming General Elections, it would
be appropriate to bring the significance of voting in the light of Shariah
to the fore:-

The Significance Of Voting In The Light Of The Shariah

The elections should not be considered lightly as merely a game or a worldly
pursuit wherein someone wins and someone loses. It should not be perceived
as being a vic- tory or loss in terms of worldly and material gain alone.
Beneath all this machinery and mechanism of the voting and electoral process
there is also the spiritual aspect of either abiding by or transgressing the
Divine Laws Of Shapiah.

In the light of Shariah, casting of votes bears the hallmark of very
important responsibilities viz:

I. Voting as a form of testimony (Giving Shahadah):

Firstly, voting is a testimonial. By voting for a certain candidate or
party, the voters are indirectly testifying to the credibility of that
candidate or party. We, as voters, would be certifying that the party in
whose favour we are casting our votes is capable of delivering the goods in
as far as Islamic values and ideas are concerned. That party will endeavour
and fight for the preservation and survival of our Islamic Beliefs, Laws,
Norms and Values. It will not interfere with our Beliefs and Places of
Worship. It will give us the freedom and right to implement rulings and
judgements in religious issues in accordance with Muslim Personal Law. It
will uphold Islamic values such as eradicating oppression and fostering good
character, peace and harmony among the people.

II. Choosing 'Lesser of two evils ' if confronted with a choice:

As we are in a unique situation where all the parties are non-Islamic and
secular parties will not be able to guarantee all our Islamic requirements
and demands in their entirety. It would be naive to expect that Perhaps,
some party will oblige by guaranteeing most of them, in which case the voter
could then opt for a decision less detrimental to Deen. Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has said.

[ Arabic text ]

Translation: He who is confronted with two crucial decisions, should opt for
the decision that is less detrimental [Kashful-khina Lil-Ajlooni vol 2, 322
and Asraarul-Mar-fooaah, Mulla Ali Qari 323).

III. Voting for a party less capable of fulfilling the rights of Muslims is
a breach of trust (Amanah):

Since seeing that voting is a testimony (giving Shahadah) and being aware
that a particular party will be more willing to fulfil our Islamic rights,
not to vote for this party will he tantamount to transgression and breach of
trust in the eyes of Shariah. Voting for a party that is less sympathetic to
the Islamic cause would not only mean giving false evidence (which is a
sin), but it could also mean becoming an instrument and tool of ensuing
havoc, and corruption caused by that party in as far as the complete
disregard of Islamic values and ideas is concerned.

IV. Voting and bribery (Rishwah):

One should also take cognisance of the fact that it has virtually become a
norm of the elections-albeit a corrupted norm that in order to woo voters,
parties tend to offer bribes in exchange for votes. Such bribery should be
rejected with the contempt it deserves. Voting should he based on total
integrity and sincerity wherein priority should he given to upholding the
torch of Islam. The honour and dignity of the Muslims should he maintained
at all times. The Deenul-Islam entrusted to us by Allah Ta'ala should be
viewed not only as a boon but also as an awsome responsibility; hence
extreme caution and diligence should be exercised in keeping its prestige
aloft. One cannot surrender ones Islamic ethics for the sake of pittance of
the Dunya. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has warned us in a
Hadith that a time will come when a Muslim will sell his Deen for a few
coppers. Hence, if a Muslim exercises his right of voting, he should do so
keeping the consequences of the Hereafter in mind and not regard it as
something to he done impromptu merely because it is a custom of the times or
because ulterior motives can he achieved thereby.

V. Voting as a form of intercession (Shafaat):

Another aspect attached to voting is that it is a form of intercession. In
other words, the voter intercedes for a certain party to come into a
position where it can wield its power to acquire religious and other basic
rights for the masses. Regarding intercession the Qur'an declares:

[ Arabic text ]

Translation: Whosoever intercedes with a good intercession, his shall be a
portion there-from and whosoever intercedes an ill intercession his shall be
a responsibility thereof." (Al Qur'an 4:85)

The ideal intercession in an electoral process would be to intercede on
behalf of the party deemed most likely to safeguard Islamic rights in
particular and human rights in general. Incorrect and misleading
intercession would mean voting and interceding for a party that would be
unsympathetic to the tenets and requirements of Islam. For instance, it
would not be permissible to vote for a party that shows complete
indifference to Islamic Personal Law or/and clings to the now medieval
policy of discrimination on the basis of colour and race; as such policies
and doctrines are in total conflict with Islamic teachings. Interceding for
such a party would mean becoming a tool of oppression and injustice.

VI. Voting must not be an aid to injustice:

Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'an:

[ arabic ]

Translation: "And assist one another in acts of righteousness and piety and
do not assist one another in act of transgression and sin." (Al-Qur'an 5:2)

[ arabic ]

Translation: "I do not wish to be an aid to the wrong-doers." (Al-Qur'an

Commenting on the latter verse Allamah Qurtabi rahmatullahi alaih writes in
his tafseer:

[ arabic ]

Translation: "Ataa rahmtiillahi alaih has said regarding this verse that it
is not permissible to render any assistance to a tyrant and an oppressor."
Allamah Ourtabi rahmatullahi alaih further goes on to quote a Hadith in
which Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has said: 'Whosoever walks
with an oppressed person in order to assist him with his problems, Allah
Ta'aala will, on the Day of Qiyamah keep the feet of such a person firm on
the Pul-Siraat while the feet of others will be faltering. On the other
hand, he who walks with an oppressor in order to assist him in promoting
acts of injustice, Allah Ta'aala will cause his feet to falter on the
Pul-Siraat on the Day when other feet will also falter.' After quoting this
Hadith, Allamah Ourtabi rahmatiulaahi alaih sums up:

Merely walking (or talking and negotiating for that matter) with an
oppressor is not in itself a crime and sin (especially when the motive is
to steer the oppressor away from4 acts of oppression); but it becomes a sin
when one begins to assist him in spreading oppression and tyranny because
this constitutes a flagrant violation."'(Tafseer-e-Qurtabi Vol 7, 4979).

In a Hadith Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has sounded a grave
warning with regard to oppression:-

[ arabic ]

Translation:- "Whoever oppresses his brother (in this Dunya), whether it be
in the form of usurping someone's wealth or in any other manner, he should
compensate and make up for that; before a Day comes (the Day of Qiyamah)
when there will be no Dirham or Dinaar (money) at his disposal with which to
redeem himself There compensation will materialise in the form of righteous
deeds being taken from the oppressor (in proportion to the injustice
perpetrated) and given. If perchance the oppressor has no good deeds to his
credit, then the oppressed person's sins will be taken and thrown onto the
oppressor. (Sahih Bukhari; Mishkaat p.4351]

VII Voting as a form of representation:

Voting is also attached to the principle of representation. By voting for a
certain party, one is in essence appointing that party as a representative
for one's Islamic and human rights. Here too, extreme caution has to be
exercised. Only that party should be considered eligible for representation
that can strive for the implementation of our Islamic rights. Incorrect
representation will ultimately lead to corruption and depravity will not he
confined to mere individuals, but will have a broader effect on the Muslim
community as a whole.

VIII. Voting as a form of consultation (Mashwarah):

Shura means to give counsel. Thus a prospective voter is offering his
suggestion as to who, in his opinion is the most entitled to receive the

05-05-2005, 04:53 PM

That was an excellent and informative article. :) Jazak'Allah khair. That clears up a lot of things. :)

There is just one thing which I do not quite understand the meaning of. :(

It will give us the freedom and right to implement rulings and
judgements in religious issues in accordance with Muslim Personal Law.
Can somebody please help me to understand what this means? :)


Ansar Al-'Adl
05-05-2005, 08:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sonofadam
There is no Ijmaa - only misguided people with diseased hearts talking from their desires.
You have now called Shaykh Munajjid misguided with a diseased heart. There really is no need to argue further on this since you've exposed yourself, calling the shuyukh misguided, etc.

For your information lets see what one of Saalih Al-Munajjid's former teachers has to say on the subject.
You are quoting from people who practically had no idea what voting is! They had no education of the political system in western countries. This is now based on hearsay, and hearsay is invalid evidence.

The Fatwa of Shaykh ‘Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan.
The Shaykh, may Allah (swt) preserve him, says: “All creatures are the slaves of Allah (‘ibaad Allah), the Majestic and High, and He created them so that they may become worshipers of Allah, the Majestic and High. The slave must act according to the commands of His Master and a follower of His Speech and Shari’ah (Law), and not (become) a lord or a rival to Him in the legislation (tashree’a) and the judgment (hukm) between the creation. If he is like this, (then) he becomes a competitor with Allah to the same degree that Fir’awn (Pharaoh) and his fellow greater tawagheet did (i.e. those things which have transgressed the limits of Tawheed and are worshipped besides Allah).”
I agree with the above.

He also said: “And concerning that which makes a creature, which the people establish, choose and say that ‘this act is on my behalf’ or ‘I chose this’ – after which he becomes a legislator of laws which he judges by – (then) he came with something which negates his iman (belief) and he must review himself and seek repentance so he does not fall into shirk, which is the greatest of sins.”
I agree with the above as well. But neither of these quotes disprove voting!!

“If one does an action which is the opposite of the Shari’ah, his intention does not benefit him. The one who elects the legislator and (then) he says, ‘I only elect him to become a reformer’, although the action of this legislator is to be a partner along with Allah in terms of His legislation, which is against the Book of Allah and His legislation – (then) verily, the hukm (legislation) is for none but Allah (swt). However, the intention may be accepted if the action is permissible within the Shari’ah.
I agree with the above as well. But it has nothing to do with voting since we accept only the supremacy of Allah swt in legislation, not human beings!

Shaykh al-Qahtaanee said: “Because the source of (the legislation in) democracy is the people, then what remains for Allah (swt)? Therefore, democracy, which is built upon this, is definitely kufr (disbelief) which takes you out of Islam…Democracy, by the definition of its people, is clear kufr (kufr buwaa).”
Unfortunately, Shaykh Qahtanee's statement is not based on a solid understanding of democracy.

The same is true for the remaining statements you have provided.

this proves how little you understand the nature of the parliamentary system and how little effect the so called 'Muslim' vote will have on policy making due to their small numbers.
This is just down right ludicrous! On one hand you are forbidding Muslims from voting, while on the other hand you complain about the lack of influence we have in non-muslim countries!!

You don't become influential overnight. The Muslims are making rapid progress in establishing Islam in the west, but there is only one obstacle in their path - people like you. Those who go against the Ijmaa of the scholars and make haraam what Allah swt has made halal.

As a matter of fact the so-called 'Muslim' MP for Birmingham voted for the bombing of Iraq when it came to voting for military action in parliament in 2003 - eventhough he had the option to abstain.
Who cares? That proves nothing. Just because you can point to a so-called muslim who didn't do his duty, does that mean no one should do their duty?

The analogy is that we wish to defend a person from attack, but you prevent us from doing so by pointing out that once another 'Muslim' went to defend someone but instead killed him.

Poor argument.

And lastly, I will show you another fatwa on the issue of voting, from a scholar who has understanding of what voting is:

Shaykh Salman Al-Oadah:
I hold the opinion that it is lawful to participate in elections, as this may reduce suffering, and it is a way to choose the better among the availible candidates. I believe participating in elections will, in any event, contribute to the reduction of evil and be a forum for countering bad policies and exposing their deficiencies, as well as being an opportunity to present proposals of a different kind that may help people.

Now I have provided you with the fatwa from both Islam-qa, and Islamtoday, sites with knowledgable scholars and authentic creed. The issue is very clear that voting is permissable, and often encouraged.


05-06-2005, 10:07 PM
But it has nothing to do with voting since we accept only the supremacy of Allah swt in legislation, not human beings!
Really? If that was the case you wouldn't be promoting the idea of voting and thereby electing legislators besides Allah - and thereby nullifying your belief in Allah - since this attribute of legislation only belongs to Him, only if some ignorant people understood this uncomplicated and vital point.

05-06-2005, 10:52 PM
You have now called Shaykh Munajjid misguided with a diseased heart. There really is no need to argue further on this since you've exposed yourself, calling the shuyukh misguided, etc.

Salaam Brother Ansar al Haq

( haqq means "Truth"... did you know that? :thumbs_up )

He didn't specficially call your scholar misguided simply because it would cause you to react in the way you have. He said misguided people are giving out these dodgy fatwas, fine. He didn't give names. So please cary on with the discussion without trying to find any excuse to create other little skirmishes which have no point.


Ansar Al-'Adl
05-07-2005, 02:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sonofadam
Really? If that was the case you wouldn't be promoting the idea of voting and thereby electing legislators besides Allah
Can you show me where we have removed the legislation from Allah swt?

format_quote Originally Posted by General_Mujahid
He didn't specficially call your scholar misguided simply because it would cause you to react in the way you have.
:sl: bro. He's not my scholar anymore that Shaykh Bin Baaz or Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah are my scholars. The reason why I'm emphasizing this point so much is because in the past, SonOfAdam has laid tremendous stress on following scholars like Shaykh Munajjid, but now we see that he doesn't do so himself. Hence, the following verse applies:
61:2-3 O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do?
Most hateful it is with Allâh that you say that which you do not do.

So please cary on with the discussion without trying to find any excuse to create other little skirmishes which have no point.
Perhaps you should try to understand the discussion before hurling accusations at me.


Ibn Syed
05-07-2005, 03:06 AM
What argument is going on now?? Whoever is trying to debate Ansar will get destroyed if they cross the line.

05-07-2005, 03:13 AM

OOsekum wa nafseey be Ta'qwa Allah...

I advice you and myself with the Fear of Allah......

Lets fear Allah and love each other Shytaan is here now and we are saying such things that hurt. Lets clam down if its getting out of hand i think this thread should be closed...:( its not of benfit to any of us. :(

Ibn Syed
05-07-2005, 03:15 AM
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( But I don't know what the argument is about yet. :'( :'( :'( :'(

05-07-2005, 07:47 AM

It seems that brother Ansar-Al-Haq is being accused of 'taking verses of context' whilst brother sonofadam is commiting the same deed by pasting down articles who easily mis-interpretate the Glorious Qur'an. A case of the pot calling the kettle black.

The issue of voting is not unanimously agreed by all the scholars. However, the majority are of the opinion that one should vote for the sake of the Muslims' interest.

But we first come to a agreement that we should not slander or mis-label the renowned scholars of Islam.

Allah (Exalted is He) said in Az-Zumar, verse 9:
" Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Are those who know equal with those who know not?"

The Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets" [Ahmad (5/196).

These are one of the many evidence to respect the renowned scholars of Islam who have been blessed with the knowledge of Al-Islam.

The fatwa of Shaykh Munajjid is not dodgy or a fatwa of a misguided scholar. Shaykh Munajjid has been taught under Shaykh Bin Baaz (rahimahullah) and his website (islam-qa) is probably one of the most authenthic islamic websites on the net supporting their fatwas with direct references.

In his fatwa, he wrote:
No one should imagine that anyone who says that it is OK to vote is thereby expressing approval or support for kufr. It is done in the interests of the Muslims, not out of love for kufr and its people.

Shaykh Salman Al-Oadah writes:
Therefore, it is better to endeavor to face these views before they become laws which will be much more difficult to revoke once they are passed.

I hold this opinion to participate in elections and to vote for those who seem to be good or at least less harmful than others.

However, there is another opinion on this matter held by some prominent scholars. This issue is a matter of disagreement among scholars.

And Allah knows best.

Moreover, the issue of commitin' the lesser of two evils is an established principle in the Shari'ah.

Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said,
"The Shari'ah has been revealed to obtain all possible benefits and to prevent as much harm as possible and reduce it. Its aim is to produce the best possible scenario from two good options if both cannot be achieved together, and to ward off the worst of two evils if both evils cannot be prevented."

Allah (Exalted is He) said in Al-Baqara, verse 217:
"They ask you about the Sacred Month and fighting in it. Say: 'To fight in this month is a grave (offence); but to bar others from the Path of Allâh, and disbelief in Him, and the Holy Mosque, and to expel its inhabitants from it is greater with Allâh. Dissension is greater than killing."

In other words, killin' an enemy in this month and rejecting the faith in Allah are two major evils. Hence Allah (Exalted is He) said that we should opt for the lesser of the two evils.


Ansar Al-'Adl
05-08-2005, 05:00 AM
:sl: JazakAllah khair br. Kadafi.

I'll also add a statement by Shaykh Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, which I found today in response to the argument of legislating other than Allah swt's law:
The one who votes is not actually legislating, he is indirectly supporting some aspects of legislation. Also realize that many laws that are legislated are permissible legislation - laws that help uphold a running system and enforce accountability, etc. Basically anything that does not contradict the Sharee'ah.

05-15-2005, 09:31 AM

These arguements are very interesting.

I voted.

I voted because I am a Muslim.

I voted to oppose the war in Iraq.

I voted because no one should think, even for a second, that I support the killing of women and children.

I did not vote for any other reason.

I did not vote to place anyone as a partner to Allah.

I voted with a clean heart.


05-16-2005, 07:25 PM
List of 95 scholars who disagree with some peoples so called 'Ijma' thats its permissable to vote in democratic elections.

Ibn Abi Ahmed
09-13-2005, 01:01 AM
Voting is Shirk!!

Fear Allah (swt) and do not vote!!

To the people who have declared Allah [swt] as being the One, who have declared Islam as their divine way of life, who have declared to obey and submit only to Allah [swt], the time of vote is approaching. Oh dear Muslims do not vote! Your vote gives permission to the MPs to legislate their man made law and order. Voting is the most evil sin you can commit, it contradicts the folds of Tawheed, and is Shirk and Kufr Akbar:

"Verily! Allah forgives not Shirk, but He forgives who performs sins other than that [Shirk] and whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, has indeed strayed far away." [EMQ 4: 116]

Dear brothers and sisters, you have declared yourselves as Muslims, therefore abide by the rules that have been sent upon you by Allah [swt]. Allah [swt] does not permit us to vote for a Kufr regime. If we vote for them we are committing Shirk by associating Allah¡Çs [swt] attribute to his creation [human], and associating anything with Allah [swt] will take you outside the fold of Islam.

"You do not worship besides Him but only names which you have named [forged] you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority. The right of legislation is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him, that is the [true] straight religion, but most men know not." [EMQ 12: 40]

Do not prove yourselves as hypocrites by saying Allah is the Only One in all, and then you go home voting for the Taaghout and allowing them to legislate their law and order rather than Allah¡Çs [swt]:

"Have you seen those [hypocrites] who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgment [in their disputes] to the Taaghout [false judges etc] while they have been ordered to reject them. But Shaytaan wishes to lead them astray." [EMQ 4: 60]

Also dear Muslims, why do we vote? What is the need of voting for man made law? Is it so their upper hand becomes stronger against the Muslims or is it because they promise us better solutions for life. How can we give someone the permission to legislate, when the Prophet brought us a complete book [the Qur¡Çaan] to give us laws for every sphere of life? Oh Ummat ul-Islam, we do not need to vote for these people so that they can create a so called ¡Æeasy flowing¡Ç system. We have our Qur¡Çaan with us, who gives us a clear and most perfect solution and judgment to every problem that arises:

"Do they seek the judgment of the Jaahiliyyah [ignorance]? And who is better in judgment than Allah, for those people who have firm faith." [EMQ 5: 50]

"[Say] are you seeking a legislator other than Allah while it is He who has sent down unto you the book [the Qur'aan], explained in detail.¡Ç¡Ç Those unto whom we gave scripture [the Taurat and the Injeel] know that it is revealed from your Lord in truth. So be not of those whom you doubt." [EMQ 6: 114]

"¡ÄWith Him is [the knowledge of] the unseen of the heavens and earth. How clearly He sees and hears [everything]! They have no Wali [helper, disposer of affairs, protector etc] other than Him, and He makes none to share in His decision and His rule [legislation]." [EMQ 18: 26]

Allah [swt] does not allow us to give a share of His to someone else, allowing them to rule upon us. Therefore please think and contemplate over all the above aayaat and think are you proving hypocrisy or are you proving to be what you declare yourself as to be.

I want to know the validity of the points mentioned in this article. Are the Ayats interpreted the correct way? And please provide roof to this,.

09-13-2005, 01:07 AM
Yeah, I wanna know too insha'Allah.

someone please answer the question insha'Allah.

waiting impatiently.

waaslamualaikum wr wb : )

09-13-2005, 03:06 AM
Asalamualaikum wr wb,

Ruling than other than Allah's law kuffar Akbar?

Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:
And it is known by necessity in the Deen of the Muslims and by the agreement of all the Muslims that whoever follows a Sharee'ah other than the Sharee'ah of Muhammad then he is a Kaafir and it is like the Kufr of the one who believes in some of the Book and disbelieves in some of the Book." –"Al-Fataawa", Vol. 28/ 524

Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer said:
"So whoever leaves the clear Sharee'ah, which was revealed to Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, the Seal of the Prophets, and takes the Hukm to other than it from the laws of Kufr which are abrogated, he has disbelieved. So what about the one who takes the Hukm to the 'Yasaaq' (the law of the Tartars which mixed Sahree'ah rulings with invented rulings) and puts it before it?! Whoever does that, he has disbelieved by the Ijmaa' of the Muslims."
– "Al-Bidaayah wa Nihaayah", Vol. 13/ 119

Shaikh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Baaz said:
"There is no Eemaan for the one who believes the laws of the people and their opinions are superior to the Hukm of Allaah and His Messenger or that they are equal to it or that they resemble it or who leaves it or replaces it with fabricated laws and institutions invented by people, even if he believes that the laws of Allaah are more encompassing and more just." – "Risalaat Wujoob Tah'keem Sharee'at Allaah' Pg. 39, which follows the "Risalaat Tah'keem Al-Qawaneen" Published by "Daar Al-Muslim"

Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen said:
"The first type is when the Hukm of Allaah is removed and replaced with another Taghuutee Hukm, so that the Hukm of the Sharee'ah is eliminated between the people and he puts in its place another Hukm from the fabrication of the humans and they remove the laws of the Sharee'ah concerning the Mu'amilah (i. e. the general actions between people) and they put in its place fabricated laws and this, without doubt, is Istib'daal (i. e. replacement) of the Sharee'ah of Allaah subhaanahuu wa-ta'ala, with other than it. And this is Kufr which removes one from the Milla because this person put himself at the level of the Creator because he shara'a (legislated) for the slaves of Allaah that which Allaah ta'ala did not give permission for and that is Shirk in His, ta'ala's saying: "Or have they partners with Allâh (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion, which Allâh has not allowed?" (Ash-Shu'ara, 21) – "Fiqh Al-' Eebaadaat", #60

Shaikh Muhammad Naasiruddin Al-Albaanee:
Who said, in one of his earlier cassette recorded lessons, wherein he is describing an argument he had with someone about the Takfeer of Mustafah Ataturk, the secularist who converted the constitution of Turkey from the Hanafee code Sharee'ah, to the man-made laws. So Shaykh Al-Albaanee said:

"I made clear to him (i. e. his opponent) that the Muslims did not make Takfeer to Ataturk who was Muslim. No. (They did so) when he freed himself from Islaam when he implicated upon the Muslims an institution other than the institution of Islaam. And from that was the example of his equalizing between the inheritance of the male and the female. But Allaah says according to us, 'And for the male is the share of two females. ' And then he obligated upon the Turkish masses, the Qobah (i. e. a Turkish-style hat)."
– "Fataawa Ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee wa-Maqara'netihah bi'Fatawaa Al-' Ulaama", Pg. 263 from his cassette #171.

Shaikh Saalih al-Fowzaan said:
"So whoever takes the Hukm to other than the legislation of Allaah from all of the institutions and the man-made laws, then has taken the implicators of these laws and the ones who rule with them as partners with Allaah in his legislation. He, ta'ala said: 'Or do they have partners who have legislated for them what Allaah has not allowed? ' And He said: 'And if you obeyed them, then you are Mushrikeen. '
– "Al-Irshaad ila'Saheeh Al-' Atiqaad ", Vol. 1/ 72

And then again, after narrating what Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer wrote concerning the Tartar's and "Al-Yasiq", he said, "And the likes of the law that he mentioned from the Tartars, and judged upon with Kufr, those who put in the place of the Islaamic Sharee'ah, are the fabricated laws, which have – in our time – been established as sources of laws in many countries and the Islaamic Sharee'ah has been disregarded in favor of them except in what they call 'personal matters'."
– "Al-Irshaad ila'Saheeh Al-' Atiqaad ", Vol. 1/ 74

Shaikh Mahmood Shaakir said:
So their question wasn't the 'Eebadeeyah's question to Abee Majliz about the Tafseer of this Ayaah – about that which the Mub'tadah of our time agree with concerning the judgement in money andblood with a law that opposes the Sharee'ah of the people of Islaam and not concerning implicating a law upon the people of Islaam and forcing them to take the judgement to other than the rule of Allaah in His Book and upon the tongue of His Prophet. So this action is turning away from the Hukm of Allaah and from His Deen and putting the laws of the Kuffar above the law of Allaah, subhaanahuu wa-ta'ala and this is Kufr. No one from the people of the Qiblah with their difference, doubts the Kufr of the one who says or calls to this." – From his commentary of At-Tabaree (" Tafseer At-Tabaree" Vol. 10/ 348)

Imaam Ibn Jareer At-Tabaree said:
"He ta'ala says, whoever conceals the Hukm of Allaah, which He revealed in His Book and made it a law between the slaves – so he hides it and rules with other than it like the Hukm of the Jews concerning the married fornicators with whipping of the guilty and blackening their faces and concealing the Hukm of stoning and like their judging upon some of their murdered with full blood-money and some with half of their blood-money. And concerning the noble people, they would have Qisaas but the commoner would only get the blood money. But Allaah made all of them equal in the Tauraat: …such are the Kâfirûn. They are the ones who concealed the truth, which was upon them to uncover and make clear. And they hid it from the people and they showed something different to the people and they judged according to that (changed Hukm) because of a bribe they took from them." (* So the point of At-Tabaree here is that he considers this Ayaah general for anyone who does what the Jews did and hold this Ayaah meaning of Kufr Akbaar upon anyone who does what they did.)
– "Tafseer Al-Tabaree" Vol. 4/ 592

Shaikh 'Umar al-Ashqar said:
And from this explanation it becomes clear to us that there are two types of people who have fallen into Kufr about which there is no doubt. The first, the ones who legislate that which Allaah did not reveal, and those are the ones who fabricate the laws that oppose the legislation of Allaah they implicate it upon the people and the Ijmaa' is upon their Kufr without doubt." – "Al-Sharee'ah Al-Eelaheeyah", Pg. 179

Alaamah Muhammad Al-Ameen Ash-Shanqeetee said:
"And with these Heavenly texts that we have mentioned, it becomes quite clear that the ones who follow the fabricated laws, which the Shaytaan has legislated upon the tongues of his 'Auliya and which oppose that which Allaah, jala-wa'ala has legislated upon the tongues of His Messengers, peace be upon them, that no one doubts their Kufr and their Shirk except him who Allaah has removed his sight and has blinded them to the light of the revelation as they are!"
– "Adhwaa Al-Bayaan", Vol. 4/ 82-85

Imaam Ahmad Shaakir said:
"The matter in these fabricated laws is clear with the clearness of the sun. It is clear Kufr and there is nothing hidden about it and there is no excuse for anyone who attributes themselves to Islaam, whoever they may be, to act according to it or to submit to it or to approve of it. So each person should beware and every person is responsible for himself. So the 'Ulaama should make the truth clear and tell what they have been ordered to tell without concealing anything."
– "Umdaat At-Tafseer Mukhtaasir Tafseer Ibn Katheer of Ahmad Shaakir", Vol. 4/ 173-174

Select an 'Aalim Ibn Taymiyyah Ibn Katheer Ibn Baaz Ibn 'Uthaymeen Al-Albaani Mahmood Shaakir Ash-Shanqeetee Al-Fowzaan Al-Ashqar Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al-Afeefee Ahmad Shaakir At-Tabaree Al-Ghunaymaan Ibn Qaasim Ibn Ateeq Ibn Humayd Muhammad al-Faqeeh Ibn Abdir-Rahmaan Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan Ash-Shareef Al-Layhee Request and a Note

'Alaamah Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem Aal-Ash-Shaykh said:
"… The fifth, and it is the greatest and the most encompassing and the clearest opposition of the Sharee'ah and stubbornness in the face of its laws and insulting to Allaah and His Messenger and opposing the courts of the Sharee'ah on their roots and branches and their types and their appearances and judgements and implementations the references and their applications. So just like the courts of the Sharee'ah there are references, all of them returning back to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger like that, these courts have references, which are laws that are assembled from many legislations and laws like the laws of France and America and England and other laws and from the Metha'haab of some of the innovators who claim to be under the Sharee'ah.

And these courts are now fully operational in the settlements of Islaam, people entering them one after another, their rulers judge upon them with what opposes the Sunnah and the Book with the rules of that law and they impose that on them and approve it for them. So what Kufr is there beyond this Kufr and what nullification of the Shahaadah of Muhammadar Rasool-Allaah is there beyond this nullification?!
– "Tah'keem Al-Qawaneen"

Shaikh Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan was asked:
"The one who leaves the Hukm by what Allaah revealed; if he makes the general judgements with the fabricated laws, does he disbelieve? And is there a difference between that and the one who judges with the Sharee'ah but then he opposes the Sharee'ah in some of the matters due to desire or bribery or other than that?"

So he answered, "Yes, it is Waajib to differentiate between them. There is a difference between the one who throws away the Hukm of Allaah, jala-wa'ala and replaces it with the judgements with the laws and the judgement of mankind. This is Kufr, which takes one outside the Milla of Islaam. But the one who is Multazim (i. e. religiously committed) upon the Deen of Islaam except that he is disobedient and a Thaalim by following his desires in some of the Ah'kaam and goes after a benefit from the Dunyah, while accepting that he is Thaalim with this, then this is not Kufr, which takes you out of the Milla. And whoever sees the Hukm with the laws to be equal to the Hukm of the Shara' and makes it Halaal, then he also disbelieves with the Kufr that takes one outside the Milla, even if it is in one instance."
– "Mujaalit Al-Mishkaat", Vol. 4/ 247

Shaikh 'Abdur-Razzaaq al-'Afeefee said:
"Thirdly: The one who is attributed to Islaam and knows its laws and then fabricates for the people, laws and makes them an institution for them to conduct themselves by and to take their judgements to and he knows that it opposes the laws of Islaam. Then he is a Kaafir out of the Milla of Islaam. And like that is the Hukm concerning the one who orders a committee or committees to be formed for that and the one orders the people to take their judgements to these institutions or laws or makes them take the judgements to them, while he knows that they oppose the Sharee'ah of Islaam. And like that is the one who judges with it and implicates it upon the matters and the one who obeys them in these judgements out of his own choice, while he knows that it opposes Islaam. So all of these are partners in their turning away from the Hukm of Allaah."
– "Shubu'haat Howl As-Sunnah Wa-Risalaat Al-Hukm bi'Ghayr ma'Anzaal-Allaah", Pg. 64

Shaikh Ibn Qaasim said:
Like the ones who rule with the laws of Jahiliyyah and the international laws, rather, even one who rules by other than what Allaah revealed, whether he rules with the laws or with something which has been invented that is not from the Shara' or affirmed in the Hukm, then he is a Taghuut from the greatest Tawagheet."
– From his commentary on "Usool ath-Thalaathah", Pg. 96

Shaikh Hammad Ibn 'Ateeq an-Najdee said:
"And the Fourteenth Matter is Taking the Hukm to Other than the Book of Allaah and His Messenger. " And then he mentions the Fatwaa of Ibn Katheer under the Ayaah: "Is it the Hukm of Jahileeyah which they seek?", which we have narrated earlier. Then he said, "And like this is what the general people of the Bedouins and those like them fell into with regards to taking the Hukm to the customs of their forefathers and that which their ancestors established from the accused customs, which they label 'The Sharee'ah of Reefawah' they put it before the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. So whoever does that; then he is a Kaafir and it is Waajib to fight him until he returns to the Hukm of Allaah and His Messenger."
– "Majmoo'at At-Tawheed ", Pg. 412

Shaikh 'Abdullaah Ibn Humayd said:
And whoever makes a general legislation (Tashree' Al-' Aam) and implicates it upon the people which opposes the Hukm of Allaah, then this one leaves the Milla as a Kaafir."
– "A'hameeyaat Al-Jihaad" by 'Alee bin Nafee' Al-' Ilyaanee Pg. 196

Shaikh Muhammad Hamad al-Faqeeh said:
And like or (even) worse than this are the ones who take the words of the Kuffaar as laws, which they judge with in matters concerning blood and wealth and they put that before that which they know and that is has been made clear to them from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. So he, without a doubt, is a Mortad if he continues upon that and does not return to the Hukm of what Allaah revealed and he will not be benefited by any name which he labels himself with and neither by any outward action that he does from Salaat or Siyaam or anything else!"
– From the Hamish (i. e. margins) of "Fat'h Al-Majeed", Pg. 406

Imaam Ash-Shawkaani said:
"Now we will make clear to you the condition of the second type and it is the Hukm of the people of the state who aren't under the command of the state" – until his saying –

"from it is that they judge and take the Hukm to the ones who know the Ah'kaam of the Tawagheet in all of the matters that they are in charge of and they take it to them without making Inkaar and without any shame in front of Allaah or His slaves and they do not fear anyone, rather they can rule with that anyone who they are able to reach from the citizens and those who surround them. And this is a known matter, which no one can deny or reject, and this is well known. And there is no doubt that this is Kufr in Allaah, subhanahu wa-ta'ala and His Sharee'ah, which He ordered with upon the tongue of His Messenger and chose for His slaves in His Book and upon the tongue of His Messenger. They even disbelieved in all of the laws from the time of Adam (pbuh) until now and the Jihaad against them and fighting them is Waajib until they accept the laws of Islaam and submit to them and rule among with the pure Sharee'ah and they leave what they were upon of Tawagheet Shaytaaneeyah" – until his saying –

"and it is known from the rules of the pure Sharee'ah and its texts that whoever puts himself to fight those people and seeks the aid of Allaah and makes his intention sincere, then he will be from the victorious and he will have the reward because Allaah will give victory to whoever supports Him. And: 'And if you give victory to Allaah, He will give victory to you and firmly plant your feet. And the reward is for the Muttaqun."

– until his saying –

" So if he who was able to fight them, leaves the making Jihaad against them, then he is under the threat of punishment descending upon him and deserving of what comes upon him because Allaah has placed over the people of Islaam certain groups as a punishment for them because they would not leave the Munkaarat and they did not try to adhere to the pure Sharee'ah just like what happened with the conquering of the Khawaarij in the early days of Islaam then the conquering of the Qaramatah and the Batineeyah then the conquering of the Turks until they almost wiped out Islaam and like what occurs often with the conquering of the Europeans and the people like them. So keep and open mind, O people of sight! Verily, there is a lesson in this for whoever has a heart or was given hearing and the gift of sight!"
– From his letter, "Al-Dawa Al-' Ajaal" Pg. 33-35 which came within "Ar-Rasa'il As-Salafeeyah"

'Abdul-Lateef Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan (Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab's great-grandson):
When asked concerning what the Bedouins judge with according to the customs of their fathers and grandfathers. "Do we label them with Kufr after it is made clear to them (that this is not permissible and when they continue)?"

So he answered, "Whoever takes the judgement to other than the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger after it is made clear to him (that this is not permissible), then he is a Kaafir. He, ta'ala said: 'And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn. ' (And He ta'ala also said:) 'Is it other than the Deen of Allaah that they seek? '(And He ta'ala also said:) 'Have you seen those (hyprocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement (in their disputes) to the Tâghût (false judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to reject them. ' 'And the Ayaat with this meaning are many."
– "Dur'ur As-Saneeyah fi'Al-Ajweebah An-Najdeeyah", Vol. 8/ 231 Published by "Dar Al-Iftaa' bil'Saudeeyah" 1385

Shaikh Saalih Ibraaheem al-Layhee:
Who said, concerning the meaning of the "Daleel", "So the ruling with the fabricated laws, which oppose the Islaamic Sharee'ah is atheistic and Kufr and Fasad and Thulm among the slaves because the security is not ensured and the Shara'ee rights are not preserved except by acting upon the Islaamic Sharee'ah in its entirety in the 'Aqeedah and worship and ruling and etiquettes and the conduct and institutions, because the 'Ruling by Other Than What Allaah Revealed' is ruling with a created action upon a creation like it. And it is ruling with the laws of the Taghoot and there is no difference between the individual conditions and the general and specific; and whoever differentiates between them in the Hukm, then he is an atheist/ Zandeeq (i. e. Hypocrite in denial)/ Kaafir in Allaah Al-' Atheem!"
– "As-Salsabeel ", Vol. 2/ 384, which is his commentary upon "Zaad Al-Mutaqnah ".

wasalamualaikum wr wb.

09-13-2005, 03:12 AM
Aren't we going against Allah's law by following kuffar laws??? yeah? No?

yes, we are. Astagfirullah.

akhi, what else do we need to proof?

now don tell me, we are living in america...we should be following their laws blah blah blah like I said before and sayin again "nothing changed" Allahmdulillah!

Ansar Al-'Adl
09-13-2005, 01:16 PM
All the arguments are off-target. They just prove that we should not abandon the Sharee'ah given to us by Allah, which is actuallly irrelevant to the voting issue since no one is abandoning the sharee'ah.

In fact, those people who cite proof that we shouldn't follow another sharee'ah are committing HYPOCRISY because they live in the west THEMSELVES and therefore are already following and being governed under their so-called 'KUFR SYSTEM'

Its interesting that shaykh Uthaymeen and several other Saudi shuyukh are quoted since its very well known that they viewed voting to be permissable.
As I previously quoted Sh. Yasir Qadhi who took his argument from Shaykh Uthaymeen.


Ibn Abi Ahmed
09-13-2005, 02:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
All the arguments are off-target. They just prove that we should not abandon the Sharee'ah given to us by Allah, which is actuallly irrelevant to the voting issue since no one is abandoning the sharee'ah.

In fact, those people who cite proof that we shouldn't follow another sharee'ah are committing HYPOCRISY because they live in the west THEMSELVES and therefore are already following and being governed under their so-called 'KUFR SYSTEM'

Its interesting that shaykh Uthaymeen and several other Saudi shuyukh are quoted since its very well known that they viewed voting to be permissable.
As I previously quoted Sh. Yasir Qadhi who took his argument from Shaykh Uthaymeen.


Jazakallah Khair for clearing that matter up for me brother. I knew that if there was somehere who can answer it you can.

09-13-2005, 08:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
All the arguments are off-target. They just prove that we should not abandon the Sharee'ah given to us by Allah, which is actuallly irrelevant to the voting issue since no one is abandoning the sharee'ah.

In fact, those people who cite proof that we shouldn't follow another sharee'ah are committing HYPOCRISY because they live in the west THEMSELVES and therefore are already following and being governed under their so-called 'KUFR SYSTEM'

Its interesting that shaykh Uthaymeen and several other Saudi shuyukh are quoted since its very well known that they viewed voting to be permissable.
As I previously quoted Sh. Yasir Qadhi who took his argument from Shaykh Uthaymeen.

Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen and Yasir Qadhi are not a proof in this religion.

Ansar Al-'Adl
09-13-2005, 08:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sonofadam
Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen and Yasir Qadhi are not a proof in this religion.
I agree.

But you'll notice i was responding to a list of off-topic quotes that someone had compiled from scholars without even knowing their position on the issue! Such are the deceptive methods of the Khawarij.

Btw, do you live in the west, and if so - are you not already living in obedience to a 'kufr system' ? Do you not pay them taxes and live daily in submission to the so-called 'taghout'?

09-13-2005, 08:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
I agree.

But you'll notice i was responding to a list of off-topic quotes that someone had compiled from scholars without even knowing their position on the issue! Such are the deceptive methods of the Khawarij.

Btw, do you live in the west, and if so - are you not already living in obedience to a 'kufr system' ? Do you not pay them taxes and live daily in submission to the so-called 'taghout'?
Who are yo referring to when you say '....Such are the deceptive methods of the Khawarij....'

and when you say '....so-called 'taghout'...' - are you denying that the system in the west is a Taghoot system? and for your info I do not pay taxes and nor do I submit to the system - as that would be tantamount to submitting to other than Allah.

09-13-2005, 09:00 PM

I agree with akhee Ansaar. People are misconstruing the issue of voting and cite impertitent rulings to support the prohibition of voting. For instance, the quotes cited by sister SalafiFemale is completely not related. The reason is that ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) and Uthamyeen (rahimahullah) both issued fatwaas that it is allowed to vote for the benefit of the Muslim community. Compare that to the irrelevant quotes cited by Ibn Baaz and Uthamyeen which talk about a completely different matter

One must comprehend that participating in voting does not indicate that we are supporting and agreeing with their laws, rather the main reason should be for the benefit of the Muslim community.

In the Shari'ah, there is a principle called the lesser of two evils.

Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said,
"The Shari'ah has been revealed to obtain all possible benefits and to prevent as much harm as possible and reduce it. Its aim is to produce the best possible scenario from two good options if both cannot be achieved together, and to ward off the worst of two evils if both evils cannot be prevented."
Allah (Exalted is He) said in Al-Baqara, verse 217:
"They ask you about the Sacred Month and fighting in it. Say: 'To fight in this month is a grave (offence); but to bar others from the Path of Allâh, and disbelief in Him, and the Holy Mosque, and to expel its inhabitants from it is greater with Allâh. Dissension is greater than killing."
In other words, killin' an enemy in this month and rejecting the faith in Allaah are two major evils. Hence Allah (Exalted is He) said that we should opt for the lesser of the two evils.


Some Moslems in a non Islamic country are asking if it is OK to participate in the elections there and vote for non Moslem groups or parties. They claim that it would serve the Moslem community there if a certain group won the elections?


Praise be to Allaah. This is a matter concerning which rulings may differ according to different circumstances in different times and places. There is no absolute ruling that covers all situations, both real and hypothetical.

In some cases it is wrong to vote, such as when the matter will have no effect on the Muslims, or when the Muslims have no effect on the outcome of the vote. In this case voting or not voting is all the same. The same applies in cases where all the candidates are equally evil or where they all have the same attitude towards Muslims…

It may be the case that the interests of Islam require Muslims to vote so as to ward off the greater evil and to reduce harmful effects, such as where two candidates may be non-Muslims but one of them is less hostile towards Muslims than the other, and Muslims' votes will have an impact on the outcome of the election. In such cases there is nothing wrong with Muslims casting their votes in favour of the less evil candidate.

In any case, this is the matter of ijtihaad based on the principle of weighing up the pros and cons, what is in the interests of Islam and what is detrimental. With regard to this matter, we have to refer to the people of knowledge who understand this principle. We should put the question to them, explaining in detail the circumstances and laws in the country where the Muslim community is living, the state of the candidates, the importance of the vote, the likely benefits, and so on.

No one should imagine that anyone who says that it is OK to vote is thereby expressing approval or support for kufr. It is done in the interests of the Muslims, not out of love for kufr and its people. The Muslims rejoiced when the Romans defeated the Persians, as did the Muslims in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) when the Negus defeated those who had challenged his authority. This is well known from history. Whoever wants to be on the safe side and abstain from voting is allowed to do so. This response applies only to elections for influential positions. And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A


Ansar Al-'Adl
09-13-2005, 09:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sonofadam
pay taxes and nor do I submit to the system - as that would be tantamount to submitting to other than Allah.
Okay, so instead of simply fighting against voting, why don't we hear of campaigns against paying taxes? Shouldn't that logically be your priority since it is monetary support being paid regularly? From now on, I really think that anti-voting groups should become anti-taxes groups. i will find it very amusing to see how much support you get from the Muslim scholars for such a campaign.

So why do you live in the west?


09-13-2005, 09:39 PM
I suggest everybody reads the following pieces for a better understanding of voting and its reality and relation to us and also for clearing doubts and refuting those who use and twist the concept of the lesser of 2 evils.

Democracy - A Religion!

The Doubts Regarding Democracy

Criticism Of Democracy

Insha'Allah it wont take long to go through the above works, and insha'Allah it will be well worth it.

Ansar Al-'Adl
09-13-2005, 09:43 PM
First of all, that is about democracy not voting. Secondly, its based on a criticism of western democracy which is only one interpretation of democracy. Thirdly, please be careful what kind of material you are posting on this forum.


09-13-2005, 09:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
Okay, so instead of simply fighting against voting, why don't we hear of campaigns against paying taxes? Shouldn't that logically be your priority since it is monetary support being paid regularly? From now on, I really think that anti-voting groups should become anti-taxes groups. i will find it very amusing to see how much support you get from the Muslim scholars for such a campaign.

So why do you live in the west?

As there is no Dar ul Islam at this present time and until it is established (soon insha'Allah) I as a Muslim live in the west trying to call people to this religion of truth and also to expose and disassociate myself from the corrupt western satanic system of way of life. As for waiting to see how much support I and others of similar ideals get from Muslim 'scholars' - the truth is not judged according to this criterion.

09-13-2005, 09:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
First of all, that is about democracy not voting. Secondly, its based on a criticism of western democracy which is only one interpretation of democracy. Thirdly, please be careful what kind of material you are posting on this forum.

Had you been thorough and taken your time to go through the above works you would have come across the relevant sections related to voting. Why should I be careful as to what material I post on this forum? Does material related to democracy and voting come under Bush's so-called 'War on Terror' (or shall I say crusade on Islam) or maybe Blair's '12 point plan'? I really dont see what you are trying to say. People should be able to decide for themselves after seeing the other side of the argument. May Allah open our hearts to the truth and make us follow it instead of the easier option which is in accordance with our whims and desires and in opposition to the evidences.

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