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05-04-2006, 07:51 AM
Saya rasa, ada baiknya kita mulakan thread baru untuk peminat bahasa Malaysia
I think its better to start a thread for those who loves Malay Language

North_Malaysian, mari kita jangan campur-adukkan dengan Bahasa Indonesia
North_Malaysian, lets not mix this with Indonesian Language

Mungkin ada rakan-rakan yang berada di Kanada, Amerika dan Australia sudah rindu untuk berbual dalam bahasa ibunda
Maybe there are friends from Canada, US and Australia miss it so much to chat in mother-tongue language

Lets do it

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05-04-2006, 07:52 AM
ok I learnt a single word from this
lets do this...lol and this is malay or something else?

05-04-2006, 07:52 AM
Same here LOL ;D

05-05-2006, 01:55 AM
Nampaknya kita ada thread sendiri sekarang, terima kasih selising.
(Now we have our own thread, thanks selising)

Tapi kita patut memberi peluang untuk orang yang berbahasa Indonesia berada di sini sebab kedua-dua bahasa senang difahami.
(But we should give chance for Indonesian speakers to be here too because both language are campatible to each others.)

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05-05-2006, 04:08 AM
macam warta berita.... :p [just like a newscast]

05-05-2006, 04:24 AM
jadi? anda ingin menggunakan bahasa pasar?
so? you want to use slang?

u can use JOM in so many ways. it can mean lets go there, lets do it, lets start it, lets lets lets

kalau kita nak mulakan bahasa pasar boleh je, tapi saya takut ramai yang tak akan faham nahu yang sebenar
its OK to use slang, but I'm afraid that others will not understand the proper grammar

05-05-2006, 04:27 AM
takumi, awak orang malaysia?
takumi, are you malaysian?

atau pernah melawat malaysia?
or ever visit malaysia

05-05-2006, 04:35 AM
saya memang orang malaysia. [i'm indeed malaysian]

05-05-2006, 08:50 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Takumi
macam warta berita.... :p [just like a newscast]
Berita RTM ka NTV7?
(RTM News or NTV7?)

05-05-2006, 08:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
jadi? anda ingin menggunakan bahasa pasar?
so? you want to use slang?

u can use JOM in so many ways. it can mean lets go there, lets do it, lets start it, lets lets lets

kalau kita nak mulakan bahasa pasar boleh je, tapi saya takut ramai yang tak akan faham nahu yang sebenar
its OK to use slang, but I'm afraid that others will not understand the proper grammar
Ok saja nak guna bahasa pasar ... pasar Penang ka, KL ka semua ok... selagi ada terjemahan.

(It's ok to use Bazaar Language ... Penang bazaar, KL bazaar all are ok.... as long as there are subtitles)

05-13-2006, 10:32 AM
saya guna internet dah lama, tapi baru tahu dan join forum ni. semoga ALLAH merahmati anda semua, sama ada tahu atau tidak berbahasa Melayu/ Malaysia/ Indonesia.

05-15-2006, 01:53 AM
Selamat datang!!

Muslim Knight
05-15-2006, 01:57 AM

OK, saya terasa janggal.
OK, I feel silly. :brother:

Muslim Knight
05-15-2006, 02:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by hafizmo
ok I learnt a single word from thislets do this...lol and this is malay or something else?
Lol, I've been speaking malay all my life but it seems no one knows where "jom" comes from. It simply means "let's go", "let's do it", "come on" take your pick.


Jom, makan nasik!
Let's go eat rice!

05-15-2006, 04:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Knight

OK, saya terasa janggal.
OK, I feel silly. :brother:
'janggal' is 'awkward' isnt it?
'silly' is 'poyo'? ;D

05-15-2006, 04:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Knight
Lol, I've been speaking malay all my life but it seems no one knows where "jom" comes from. It simply means "let's go", "let's do it", "come on" take your pick.


Jom, makan nasik!
Let's go eat rice!
"Jom" merupakan slanga yang digunakan rata-rata orang Malaysia, yang bermaksud "mari" atau "marilah". Sayangnya saya tiada Kamud Dewan. Selalunya Kamus Dewan memberikan asal-usul perkataan tersebut.

"Jom" is a slang used by average Malaysians, which means "mari" (come, let's go) or "marilah" (come on). Unfortunately, I have no "Kamus Dewan" (a detailed Malay Language Dictionary). Usually "Kamus Dewan" gives the origins of the word.

05-15-2006, 04:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
'janggal' is 'awkward' isnt it?
'silly' is 'poyo'? ;D
Silly means "poyo"? Hmm.. that is slang, must be Penangite slang. The actual word is "bodoh"

Its good to know the actual formal language. It is also good to know the slang. At least its sounds like, you have been in a place for a long time

05-15-2006, 05:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
Silly means "poyo"? Hmm.. that is slang, must be Penangite slang. The actual word is "bodoh"

Its good to know the actual formal language. It is also good to know the slang. At least its sounds like, you have been in a place for a long time
"Poyo" bukan slanga pulau pinang. Ia diperkenalkan oleh komik Ujang untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang tidak keruan.
("Poyo is not a Penangite slang. It was introduced by 'Ujang' comic to potray some body who is so 'blurred')

Muslim Knight
05-15-2006, 07:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
"Poyo" bukan slanga pulau pinang. Ia diperkenalkan oleh komik Ujang untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang tidak keruan.
("Poyo is not a Penangite slang. It was introduced by 'Ujang' comic to potray some body who is so 'blurred')
Just my theory that "poyo" actually originates from "beriyo-iyo", a Minang corruption of "beriya-iya" (enthusiastic). Since many of the jokes introduced in 'Ujang' were uttered in Minang accent, hence, the usage of 'poyo' became widespread. This is reinforced by the fact that I'm half Minang. Hehe! ;D

Saya tidak fikir ada asal-usul lain bagi perkataan 'poyo'.
I can not think of any other origin for the word 'poyo'.

Muslim Knight
05-15-2006, 07:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
'janggal' is 'awkward' isnt it?
'silly' is 'poyo'? ;D
It depends on the context. Different translators have different choice of words. Actually your interpretation is as good as mine. 'Janggal' can also be translated as 'weird' or 'out of place'.

05-15-2006, 09:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Knight
Just my theory that "poyo" actually originates from "beriyo-iyo", a Minang corruption of "beriya-iya" (enthusiastic). Since many of the jokes introduced in 'Ujang' were uttered in Minang accent, hence, the usage of 'poyo' became widespread. This is reinforced by the fact that I'm half Minang. Hehe! ;D

Saya tidak fikir ada asal-usul lain bagi perkataan 'poyo'.
I can not think of any other origin for the word 'poyo'.
Oh, begitu. Ujang banyak memberikan perkataan-perkataan yang baru dan digunakan oleh rakyat Malaysia seperti cipan, planet zargus, hampeh dan semestinya perkataan-perkataan Minang. Ujang juga mempopularkan dialek Minang di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.

Oh, that's it. Ujang gave lots of new words used by Malaysians such as "cipan" (tapir) , "planet zargus" (a planet popularly used in Ujang), "hampeh" (useless) and for sure Minang vocabs. Ujang also popularized the Minang dialect among Malaysians.

05-15-2006, 09:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Knight
It depends on the context. Different translators have different choice of words. Actually your interpretation is as good as mine. 'Janggal' can also be translated as 'weird' or 'out of place'.

Muslim Knight
05-15-2006, 01:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Takumi
saya memang orang malaysia. [i'm indeed malaysian]

Takumi, are you one of those JPA-sponsored engineering students sent to Japan? Correct me if I'm wrong. :)

05-21-2006, 10:12 AM
Here I present my on-the-fly collection of Phrases for:
the English Speaking Friends to improve their Malay, and
the Malay Speaking Kawan-kawan to improve their English.

Trk voltan tinggi<=> High voltage track
Sila berdidi di belakang garisan kuning
<=>Please stand behind the yellow line
Penceroboh akan didakwa<=>Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Denda rm500<=>Fine = rm500

Arahan jabatan bomba<=>Fire Department Instructions
Dimasa kecemasan<=>In emergency
Pecakan penutup<=>Break cover,
Tarik pemegang<=>Pull handle,
Buka pintu<=>Open door.

Untuk bantu kecemasan<=>For Emergency Assistance
1 Tekan butang<=>Press button
2 Angkat gagang talipon<=>Lift telephone

Interkom kecemasan penumpang<=>Emergency passenger intercom
Untuk bercakap dengan operator kawalan<=>To speak to control operators
1 Tekan butang sekali<=>Press button once
2 Lampu akan menyala<=>Light will flash
3 Tunggu arahan daripada operator<=>Wait until operator answers
4 Bercakap melaui panel<=>Speak into panel

Pintu rintangan api hendaklah sentiasa ditutup
<=>Please keep door closed at all times.
Tunggu hendaklah bus behinti<=>Wait until the bus stops.

Dilarang merokok<=>No smoking
Dilarang makan/minum<=>No eating/drinking
Dilarang membuang sampah<=>No littering
Jangan Melintas trek<=>Do not cross track
Jangan bersanda pada pintu<=>Do not lean against doors.

Sila beri laluan untuk penumpang keluar dari tren
<=>Please give way to passengers leaving the train

Untuk maklumat lanjut<=>For more information
Tayari www atau (or) hubungi<=>Visit www (or) contact 01000

Peta perjalanan LRT <=>LRT route map
Anda di sini<=>You are here
Peta lokasi<=>Location map
Papan kenyataan<=> Information borad

Sila berdiri disebelah kiri untuk beri laluan
Please stand on the left to allow others to pass.

Berhati-hati dengan penyeluk saku<=>Beware of pick pocket

Tidakkah kita prihatin?<=>Are not we courteous?
Tempat duduk ini khas untuk<=>These seats are reserved to:
1 Warga tua<=>Senior citizens
2 Wanita hamil<=>Pregnant ladies
3 Golongan kurang upaya<=>Disabled

Ikut kiri kecuali memotong<=> Ikut kiri kecuali memotong
______________________________ _____________________
Jumpa Lagi<=>See you later

05-21-2006, 07:42 PM
Where can I find this English-Malay translating Software?
Terima Kasih
Kawan Kampung

05-22-2006, 04:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Here I present my on-the-fly collection of Phrases for:
the English Speaking Friends to improve their Malay, and
the Malay Speaking Kawan-kawan to improve their English.

Trk voltan tinggi<=> High voltage track
Sila berdidi di belakang garisan kuning
<=>Please stand behind the yellow line
Penceroboh akan didakwa<=>Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Denda rm500<=>Fine = rm500

Arahan jabatan bomba<=>Fire Department Instructions
Dimasa kecemasan<=>In emergency
Pecakan penutup<=>Break cover,
Tarik pemegang<=>Pull handle,
Buka pintu<=>Open door.

Untuk bantu kecemasan<=>For Emergency Assistance
1 Tekan butang<=>Press button
2 Angkat gagang talipon<=>Lift telephone

Interkom kecemasan penumpang<=>Emergency passenger intercom
Untuk bercakap dengan operator kawalan<=>To speak to control operators
1 Tekan butang sekali<=>Press button once
2 Lampu akan menyala<=>Light will flash
3 Tunggu arahan daripada operator<=>Wait until operator answers
4 Bercakap melaui panel<=>Speak into panel

Pintu rintangan api hendaklah sentiasa ditutup
<=>Please keep door closed at all times.
Tunggu hendaklah bus behinti<=>Wait until the bus stops.

Dilarang merokok<=>No smoking
Dilarang makan/minum<=>No eating/drinking
Dilarang membuang sampah<=>No littering
Jangan Melintas trek<=>Do not cross track
Jangan bersanda pada pintu<=>Do not lean against doors.

Sila beri laluan untuk penumpang keluar dari tren
<=>Please give way to passengers leaving the train

Untuk maklumat lanjut<=>For more information
Tayari www atau (or) hubungi<=>Visit www (or) contact 01000

Peta perjalanan LRT <=>LRT route map
Anda di sini<=>You are here
Peta lokasi<=>Location map
Papan kenyataan<=> Information borad

Sila berdiri disebelah kiri untuk beri laluan
Please stand on the left to allow others to pass.

Berhati-hati dengan penyeluk saku<=>Beware of pick pocket

Tidakkah kita prihatin?<=>Are not we courteous?
Tempat duduk ini khas untuk<=>These seats are reserved to:
1 Warga tua<=>Senior citizens
2 Wanita hamil<=>Pregnant ladies
3 Golongan kurang upaya<=>Disabled

Ikut kiri kecuali memotong<=> Ikut kiri kecuali memotong
______________________________ _____________________
Jumpa Lagi<=>See you later
Anda sangat prihatin!
You're so courteous

05-22-2006, 04:19 AM
Selamat Datang AzizMostafa
Welcome AzizMostafa

Awak sekarang berada di mana?
Where are u right now?

05-22-2006, 04:25 AM
boleh saya sertai sama...
(can i join too...):statisfie

05-22-2006, 05:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
boleh saya sertai sama...
(can i join too...):statisfie
Bukan dah sertai ke, saya rasa?
I thought you've joined in, aren't you

05-22-2006, 05:23 AM
belum lagi...
(not yet)

buatlah sajak-sajak yang memukau sikit
(do some poetry in bm)

saya rasa nm ni mesti orang yang pandai sastera...
(i'm sure you're one person which is good in poetry)

05-22-2006, 05:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
belum lagi...
(not yet)

buatlah sajak-sajak yang memukau sikit
(do some poetry in bm)

saya rasa nm ni mesti orang yang pandai sastera...
(i'm sure you're one person which is good in poetry)
Saya amat tak minat sastera
I'm not keen into literature

05-22-2006, 05:41 AM
pastu kita nak buat apa ya dgn thread ni...
(so what u think we should do for this thread)

nak tampal berita ke?
(paste news?)


05-22-2006, 05:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
pastu kita nak buat apa ya dgn thread ni...
(so what u think we should do for this thread)

nak tampal berita ke?
(paste news?)

hmmmm.... lawak jenaka, sajak pun ok kot.
hmmmm.... jokes, but poem is ok too

05-22-2006, 08:21 AM
To North_Malaysian
Am here:
and 120 more places.
Just one Question:
What does the word "Breakfast" translate in North Malaysia (kedah)?
Many Thanks with Flowers:

05-22-2006, 08:22 AM
Many Thanks with Flowers:

05-22-2006, 08:23 AM
(so many...)

05-22-2006, 08:53 AM
To Syilla
Apa Salah<=>What is wrong with Banyaknya?
2 What does the word "Breakfast" translate in North Malaysia (kedah)?
Hint : Min.......?

05-22-2006, 08:58 AM
kagum jer...
(only impress...)


05-22-2006, 09:05 AM

i love this topic...

malay on the railroad...

05-22-2006, 09:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
To Syilla
Apa Salah<=>What is wrong with Banyaknya?
2 What does the word "Breakfast" translate in North Malaysia (kedah)?
Hint : Min.......?
Saya orang Pulau Pinang, 'breakfast' ialah makan pagi ataupun lebih popular 'breakfast'.
I'm a Penangite, 'breakfast' is 'makan pagi' or popularly known as 'breakfast'.

Dalam loghat Kedah, saya rasa 'menyeghok'
In Kedahan dialect, I think 'menyeghok'

05-22-2006, 09:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Awak Muwallad kah? Atau warga Malaysia di Jeddah?
Are u Muwallad? Or Malaysian citizen in Jedda?

05-22-2006, 09:36 AM
next time - malay on the highway or Malay in the Sunway ;D ;D ;D

05-22-2006, 10:42 AM
Do not miss the new thread " Jawi Kaligrafi"
Malay is my 4th Bahasa. I need your translation.
If you need translation inro Arabic, I am at your service.

05-22-2006, 10:49 AM
How tasty Menyeghok!
Thanks Brother
Fortunately, my embarrasing circumstances made me switch from Communication Engineering
— in which I got my BsC in 1979 from Basra University—
to Arabic Language teaching from 1986 to 1991 in a small village north of Malaysia
There and then I managed to publish my flower Crosswords and
began developing my yet-to-be-published 5-book ALT
(Arabic Language teaching) series for Malays
By the way, Malay is my 4th language.
* Of God's signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and
the variety of your Tongues and Hues (Languages & Colors)* *
(The Glorious Quran)
Thanks with Flowers (Translation into Malay needed)

05-22-2006, 10:53 AM

I would just like to ask whether the Malaysian language actually uses the english alphabet, and if so, whether the letters are pronounced in the same way?

Jazakallahu Khayr for teaching your language :)


05-23-2006, 02:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad
I would just like to ask whether the Malaysian language actually uses the english alphabet, and if so, whether the letters are pronounced in the same way?
Bahasa Malaysia traditionally uses arabic word. When the British come to rule Malay land, they open schools. So the Malays use English alphabet. At one point we use more Arabic characters which is called "Tulisan Jawi", now we use more English characters which is called "Tulisan Rumi"

Spelling in Rumi is easier compared to Jawi. Eg we want to spell EAT=MAKAN (in Rumi). In Jawi we will spell mim-alif-kaf-nun

In Jawi anything with 2 harakat we will put the vowel, but in Rumi we will put vowel even if its only 1 harakat. so letter A is a very popular vowel.

05-23-2006, 02:39 AM
why thank you..im passing this on to my nephew who is going to Malaysia to study Islam over the summer holidays..

05-23-2006, 03:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
Bahasa Malaysia traditionally uses arabic word. When the British come to rule Malay land, they open schools. So the Malays use English alphabet. At one point we use more Arabic characters which is called "Tulisan Jawi", now we use more English characters which is called "Tulisan Rumi"

Spelling in Rumi is easier compared to Jawi. Eg we want to spell EAT=MAKAN (in Rumi). In Jawi we will spell mim-alif-kaf-nun

In Jawi anything with 2 harakat we will put the vowel, but in Rumi we will put vowel even if its only 1 harakat. so letter A is a very popular vowel.
Actually Malay have their own script called 'Kawi'. When Islam came lots of arabic words incorporated into Malay and the Malay use Arabic script called 'Jawi'. Long after that the British introduced Roman script into Malay, but not so popular because the Malays still prefer Jawi script.

After independence, Malaysian Malay Language use Roman script (we call it Rumi) officially.

But at schools, Muslim children are taught about Islam using Jawi script until today.

MAKAN - Mim-alif-kaf-nun? I used to write Mim-kaf-alif-nun

I think northern malaysian dialect is suitable to be written in jawi script.

Example: 'Air' (water) - should it be written 'ayaq' or 'ayak' or 'ayag' or 'ayagh'? It easier to write in Jawi - alif-ya-alif-ain

05-23-2006, 04:03 AM
come come and do islamic studies in our islamic international university malaysia (iium)...

or you can also study law or it or engineering.... in that uni...

it'll be interesting...

05-23-2006, 04:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
come come and do islamic studies in our islamic international university malaysia (iium)...

or you can also study law or it or engineering.... in that uni...

it'll be interesting...
is it interesting? I've graduated from there. The lecturers and subjects are good. But the administrators SUCKS!!!:scared:

05-23-2006, 04:15 AM
is it interesting? I've graduated from there. The lecturers and subjects are good. But the administrators SUCKS!!!
i know i already suspect that...

hehe... usually the law graduate that have basic arabic usually from there....

but now they improve alot... not just the admin ... even the courses...
u can find biomedic... and coming next dentistry and also health like courses...(e.g. physio therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy- but i'm not sure about the nursing)

*now malaysia i trying to produce male nurse ( i think it is quite helpful especially to carry the patient or heavy machine and etc...)

but i'm not from there... i have 5 cousins and 1 sister in law studying there...all in the same batch....

05-23-2006, 04:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
i know i already suspect that...

hehe... usually the law graduate that have basic arabic usually from there....

but now they improve alot... not just the admin ... even the courses...
u can find biomedic... and coming next dentistry and also health like courses...(e.g. physio therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy- but i'm not sure about the nursing)

*now malaysia i trying to produce male nurse ( i think it is quite helpful especially to carry the patient or heavy machine and etc...)

but i'm not from there... i have 5 cousins and 1 sister in law studying there...all in the same batch....
Mashallah - 6 people in the same batch?

Lots of Kelantanese taking laws. I remember when I was in the first year, my Malaysian Legal system class - out of 40 people, only me from Penang and another 2 from Terengganu - the rest Kelantanese. No wonder I can understand Kelantanese.:happy:

05-23-2006, 04:28 AM
Lots of Kelantanese taking laws. I remember when I was in the first year, my Malaysian Legal system class - out of 40 people, only me from Penang and another 2 from Terengganu - the rest Kelantanese. No wonder I can understand Kelantanese.
i guess... in kelantan there have a lot of arabic schools...

but i wish i could turn back time and then join the darul quran (if i'm qualified...hehe but i'm not from arabic school)

05-23-2006, 04:29 AM
> is it interesting? I've graduated from there. The lecturers and subjects are good. But the administrators SUCKS!!!
Did you learn this language there?!

05-23-2006, 04:30 AM
so called Islamic University... heh heh

Bila urusan diserahkan bukan kepada ahlinya
Maka ummat kelak akan menjadi seperti buih-buih yang menghempas pantai
Tidak kekal dan terus lenyap

05-23-2006, 04:31 AM
Did you learn this language there?!
which language...

05-23-2006, 04:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
> is it interesting? I've graduated from there. The lecturers and subjects are good. But the administrators SUCKS!!!
Did you learn this language there?!
Malay language? There is no B.A in Malay Language in IIUM. but all students must take 2 credit hours learning the Malay Language. Many international students can picked up Malay Language easily - I'm not surprise to see Bosnians, Chechens, arabs, Turks, Indians, Koreans even africans speaking Malay. Seen them there. I love albanian and sudanese food they have there.

05-23-2006, 04:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
so called Islamic University... heh heh

Bila urusan diserahkan bukan kepada ahlinya
Maka ummat kelak akan menjadi seperti buih-buih yang menghempas pantai
Tidak kekal dan terus lenyap
:) Saya amat faham kenyataan ini.
:) I do understand this statement.

05-23-2006, 08:25 AM
i tot poyo = nerd

05-23-2006, 02:40 PM
Bukankah ini Thread Bahasa Melayu
Kenapa pula ada convo dalam Bahasa Inggeris nii
Tulislah semuanya Dalam Bahasa Melayu..

Saya sendiri tidak boleh bercakap Melayu dengan sempurna, Tapi saya boleh memaham dan membaca tanpa masaalah.
Cuma Bab tulis menulis nii dengan bercakap yang kureng skit..

Muslim Knight
05-23-2006, 02:58 PM
Malay language uses Romanized letters, yes. However, pronunciations aren't like in English.

To put them simply

A - as in "car"
E - as in "er"
I - as in "eel"
O - as in "oh"
U - as in "ooze"

C - as in "chair"

Others don't differ much.

Malay language uses syllabi for pronunciation. For example;

Baca ("read") is pronounced as two syllabi word. Ba (Buh) Ca (Cha).

That's the simplest I can get to you know.

Muslim Knight
05-23-2006, 03:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
come come and do islamic studies in our islamic international university malaysia (iium)...

or you can also study law or it or engineering.... in that uni...

it'll be interesting...
Saya hampir-hampir menyangka awak salah seorang saudara saya yang sedang belajar di IIUM. Nama samaran pun sama.
I almost mistook you for a relative of mine who is currently studying in IIUM. The same nickname.

05-24-2006, 01:39 AM
saya bukan... tak pernah belajar di sana
(i'm not... never studied there)

(minta maaf)

boleh tolong terjemahkan artikel dibawah
(can u please translate below article)

AL-IDRISI ( Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ibn al-Sharif al-Idrisi ) dilahirkan pada tahun 1099 masihi di Ceuta, Sepanyol dan meninggal dunia pada tahun 1166 masihi.

Sumbangan utama tokoh ini ialah menghasilkan bebola perak seberat 400 paun untuk Raja Roger II, lengkap dengan membahagikan dunia kepada 7 iklim, laluan perdagangan, teluk, tasik, sungai, bandar-bandar besar, bukit dan lembah serta gunung-ganang. Beliau juga mencatatkan jarak dan ketinggian sesuatu tempat dengan tepat.

Tokoh Geografi kurun ke-12 ini kemudiannya menghasilkan buku Nuzhah al Musytaq fi Ishtiraq al Afaq (Kenikmatan pada Keinginan Untuk Menjelajah Iklim) atau Roger's Book iaitu sebuah ensaiklopedia geografi yang mengandungi peta dan informasi tentang negara Eropah, Afrika dan Asia. Mencatatkan perihal masyarakat, budaya, kerajaan dan cuaca negara-negara yang terdapat di dalam petanya. Beliau turut menggunakan semula garisan lintang dan garisan bujur yang diperkenalkan sebelumnya dalam peta yang dihasilkan. Beberapa abad lamanya, Eropah menggunakan peta Al Idrisi dan turut menggunakan hasil kerja ilmuwan ini ialah Christopher Columbus.

Rakaman mengenai tokoh ini dilakukan di Sepanyol, Morocco dan Sicily. Ketokohan Al-Idrisi diakui oleh Ilmuwan masa kini antaranya Prof. Madya Hj. Mustapha Kamal Idris (Jabatan Geografi, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Sastera, Universiti Malaya) yang menggunakan perisian Al-Idrisi sebagai perisian utama untuk menghasilkan peta. Sementara Prof. Dr. Achaaban Ahmad (Fakulti Sains Sosial, Universiti Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco) menerangkan rahsia peta Al-Idrisi yang dilakarkan secara terbalik.

Turut dipaparkan latarbelakang kehidupan Al-Idrisi ketika zaman kanak-kanak serta teknologi terkini dalam pemetaan.

05-24-2006, 05:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Knight
Malay language uses Romanized letters, yes. However, pronunciations aren't like in English.

To put them simply

A - as in "car"
E - as in "er"
I - as in "eel"
O - as in "oh"
U - as in "ooze"

C - as in "chair"

Others don't differ much.

Malay language uses syllabi for pronunciation. For example;

Baca ("read") is pronounced as two syllabi word. Ba (Buh) Ca (Cha).

That's the simplest I can get to you know.
Malay language also have:

kh - as 'al khayalah' in Arabic.
ng - as 'singing' in English.
ny - as 'bologna' in Italian.
q - as 'al quran' in Arabic.
gh - as 'paris in French.

05-24-2006, 05:57 AM
dan juga
and also..

sya = as sha in English... not si...

saya teringat cikgu dari us panggil saya siahila...
bunyi tak sedap langsung...
*i remember one of my teacher from us called me siahila....
sigh... it really sounds horrible...

05-24-2006, 06:03 AM
AL-IDRISI ( Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ibn al-Sharif al-Idrisi ) dilahirkan pada tahun 1099 masihi di Ceuta, Sepanyol dan meninggal dunia pada tahun 1166 masihi.

AL-IDRISI (Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ibn al-Sharif al-Idrisi) was born in the year of 1099 CE in Ceuta, Spain and died in the year 1166 CE.

Sumbangan utama tokoh ini ialah menghasilkan bebola perak seberat 400 paun untuk Raja Roger II, lengkap dengan membahagikan dunia kepada 7 iklim, laluan perdagangan, teluk, tasik, sungai, bandar-bandar besar, bukit dan lembah serta gunung-ganang. Beliau juga mencatatkan jarak dan ketinggian sesuatu tempat dengan tepat.

His main contribution was by creating a 400 lb silver ball for King Roger II, complete by dividing the earth into 7 climates, trading routes, gulfs, lakes, rivers, main towns, hills, valleys and mountains. He also wrote down the distance and height of a location accurately

Tokoh Geografi kurun ke-12 ini kemudiannya menghasilkan buku Nuzhah al Musytaq fi Ishtiraq al Afaq (Kenikmatan pada Keinginan Untuk Menjelajah Iklim) atau Roger's Book iaitu sebuah ensaiklopedia geografi yang mengandungi peta dan informasi tentang negara Eropah, Afrika dan Asia. Mencatatkan perihal masyarakat, budaya, kerajaan dan cuaca negara-negara yang terdapat di dalam petanya. Beliau turut menggunakan semula garisan lintang dan garisan bujur yang diperkenalkan sebelumnya dalam peta yang dihasilkan. Beberapa abad lamanya, Eropah menggunakan peta Al Idrisi dan turut menggunakan hasil kerja ilmuwan ini ialah Christopher Columbus.

This 12th Century geography scholar also produced a book 'Nuzhah al Musytaq fi Ishtiraq al Afaq (Great Feeling of Passion for a Voyage of the Climate) or Roger's Book which is a geographical encyclopedia that contains maps and information about European, African and asian nations. Detailed in regards to the communities, cultures, kingdoms and climates of the countries that were recorded in his map. He also re-used the longtitute and magnitute lines which were introduced years in previous maps. For centuries, Europeans used Al Idrisi's map and one of them was Christopher Columbus

Rakaman mengenai tokoh ini dilakukan di Sepanyol, Morocco dan Sicily. Ketokohan Al-Idrisi diakui oleh Ilmuwan masa kini antaranya Prof. Madya Hj. Mustapha Kamal Idris (Jabatan Geografi, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Sastera, Universiti Malaya) yang menggunakan perisian Al-Idrisi sebagai perisian utama untuk menghasilkan peta. Sementara Prof. Dr. Achaaban Ahmad (Fakulti Sains Sosial, Universiti Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco) menerangkan rahsia peta Al-Idrisi yang dilakarkan secara terbalik.

The records of this scholar were done in Spain, Morocco and Sicily. The scholarship of Al Idrisi was proclaimed by modern day scholars, one of them Ass. Prof. Hj. Mustapha Kamal Idris (Department of Geography, Social Sciences and Arts Faculty, Malayan University) who used the Al Idrisi details as the main source for proucing a map. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Achaaban Ahmad (Social Science Faculty, King Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco) explains the secret why Al Idrisi's map was drawn upside down.

Turut dipaparkan latarbelakang kehidupan Al-Idrisi ketika zaman kanak-kanak serta teknologi terkini dalam pemetaan.
Enclosed is the background of Al Idrisi's life as a kid and modern technology in mapping

Syilla saya telah cuba yang terbaik, kalau salah terjemah tolong perbetulkan
Syilla, I've tried my best, fir any error of my translation kindly amend.

05-24-2006, 06:07 AM
thank you...

i appreciate that...

05-24-2006, 12:55 PM
Boleh tolong terjemahkan artikel "Jawi Kaligrafi" disini:
Terima Kasih

05-25-2006, 01:27 AM
Aku Kaya
Album :
Munsyid : Band Of The Age (hira''s generation)

Suatu hari kupasti kan kaya
Kaya ilmu juga kaya harta
Iman dan taqwa diperkaya
Walaupun aku kaya raya
Kukan hidup selamba papa

Orang tepi gila-gila
Atas bawah sama saja
Walaupun aku masih disini
Pergi mencari erti hidup ini

Apa pun yang ku rentasi
Benua mahupun negeri
Kukan terus berjuang sehingga
Akhir hayat nanti

Carilah apa kau mahu
Sebanyak mana yang kau suka
Namun janganlah kau terlupa..
Terlupa pada yang Empunya

Sedarlah..kaulah hamba-Nya
Ternyata kau bukan tandingan-Nya
Satu pintaku pada-Nya moga diampuni dosa
Terpelihara dari siksaan-Nya...

05-25-2006, 02:27 AM
saya akan cuba sebaik mungkin
(i'll try my best)

yang ini ke?
(is this the one)

kalau salah tolong betulkan ya
(pls correct me if i'm wrong)

tapi takde gambar kalau boleh letakkanlah disini
(but no picture, can u pls paste it here)

Just reworded for Friends,
(Saya ingin ulangi pada kawan-kawan semua)

The attached picture shows One Arabic Word in 3 different Styles: 2Computerized and one Calligraphed (top)
(Gambar yang dikepilkan menunjukkan satu huruf arab dalam 3 stail yang berlainan : 2 dikomputerkan (agaknya diimbas (scan)) dan satu kaligrafi (diatas).

This 4-letter word begins with the egg-shaped letter (Sad) and ends with õ
(4 huruf bermula dengan huruf berbentuk telur (Sad-huruf jawi) dan diakhiri dengan õ

The second letter has 2 arms (upper and lower) and the third looks like j without dot
(Huruf kedua ada dua lengan (diatas dan dibawah) dan yang ketiga seperti j tanpa titik)

Which word is more attractive, shorter (less horizontal) and more comfortable to the eyes
(HUruf mana yang lebih nampak menarik, lebih pendek dan lebih sedap mata memandang)
That's right: The Top
(Ya betul : Yang di atas)
Why? For 4 reasons:
(Kenapa? Ada 4 sebab)

the upper-arm of the seconed letter shouldered the first letter that happily hoped on
(Lengan atas bagi huruf kedua memberi tumpang kepada huruf pertama)

the lower arm of the second letter curved slightly to join the third letter, and
(lengan dibawah bagi huruf kedua sedikit melengkung untuk bersambung dengan huruf ketiga, dan)

the third letter coiled itself slightly to fill (kill) the gap it makes with the last letter
(Huruf ketiga berlingkar sendiri sedikit untuk memenuhi ruang kosong dan menjadikan huruf terakhir)

The last letter moved up and right as she always likes to be snuggled
(Huruf terakhir berada diatas dan dikanan kerana dia suka meringkuk dgn selesa)
Slight yet Smart Changes?!
(sedikit tapi perubahan yang bijak)
By and large, in order to join appropriately to neighbouring letters (where applicable
(untuk menyambung dengan huruf-huruf yang bersebelahan (dimana sesuai))

Letter Tails (not heads) slightly change to achieve smooth connection, and
(Ekor huruf diubah untuk menghasilkan sambungan yang lancar dan rata)

Meem, Ha and likewise letters (Jeem and Kha) shoulder earlier Letters
(Meen, Ha dan huruf Jeem dan Kha menumpangkan huruf sebelumnya)

Technically Speaking, the first 2 letters are ligatured and the last 2 letters are kerned
(Secara teknikalnya, 2 huruf yang pertama diikat dan huruf kedua terakhir di keluarkan sedikit)

Ligatures integrate 2 or more letters into one and Kerning narrows the gap between 2 letters
(Pengikatan memerlukan 2 atau lebih huruf menjadi satu dan pemanjangan mengurangkan ruang diantara 2 huruf)

Hope I have succeeded in clarifying 2 factors often neglected by Arabic/Jawi font designers
(Saya berharap saya telah berjaya dalam penerangan 2 faktor yang selalunya diabaikan oleh penulis khat arab/jawi)

All the Best
(Semoga Berjaya)

05-25-2006, 02:39 AM
Trying my best to translate hehehe... pls correct me if i'm wrong...

Aku Kaya
(I am rich)

Album :
Munsyid : Band Of The Age (hira''s generation)

Suatu hari kupasti kan kaya
(One day i am sure i'll be rich)
Kaya ilmu juga kaya harta
(Rich with knowledge and wealth)
Iman dan taqwa diperkaya
(Iman and Taqwa is enriched)
Walaupun aku kaya raya
(Even i'm filthy rich)
Kukan hidup selamba papa
(I'll live humbly poor)

Orang tepi gila-gila
(People beside me are silly)
Atas bawah sama saja
(Up and down all the same)
Walaupun aku masih disini
(Even i'm still here)
Pergi mencari erti hidup ini
(Trying to find the meanings of life)

Apa pun yang ku rentasi
(Whatever i've gone through)
Benua mahupun negeri
(Continent or even country)
Kukan terus berjuang sehingga
(I'll always strive my best untill)
Akhir hayat nanti
(The end of life)

Carilah apa kau mahu
(Find whatever you want)
Sebanyak mana yang kau suka
(How much u like)
Namun janganlah kau terlupa..
(But never forget)
Terlupa pada yang Empunya
(Forget the Owner)
Sedarlah..kaulah hamba-Nya
(You have to realize... you are His slave)
Ternyata kau bukan tandingan-Nya
(It is obvious you are not upto His match)
Satu pintaku pada-Nya moga diampuni dosa
(I wish for Him to be forgiven)
Terpelihara dari siksaan-Nya...
(to be safe from His punishment)

05-25-2006, 02:48 AM
sapa munsyid?
Who is munsyid?

05-25-2006, 02:55 AM
( I don't really know)

saya cuma boleh teka album=munsyid
(but i guess album=munsyid)

setiap lirik nasyid ada perkataan tu
(Every lyrics had that word)

05-25-2006, 04:46 AM
Thankl you very much Syilla for the Translation with Flowers:

Muslim Knight
05-25-2006, 09:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
Aku Kaya
Album :
Munsyid : Band Of The Age (hira''s generation)

Suatu hari kupasti kan kaya
Kaya ilmu juga kaya harta
Iman dan taqwa diperkaya
Walaupun aku kaya raya
Kukan hidup selamba papa

Orang tepi gila-gila
Atas bawah sama saja
Walaupun aku masih disini
Pergi mencari erti hidup ini

Apa pun yang ku rentasi
Benua mahupun negeri
Kukan terus berjuang sehingga
Akhir hayat nanti

Carilah apa kau mahu
Sebanyak mana yang kau suka
Namun janganlah kau terlupa..
Terlupa pada yang Empunya

Sedarlah..kaulah hamba-Nya
Ternyata kau bukan tandingan-Nya
Satu pintaku pada-Nya moga diampuni dosa
Terpelihara dari siksaan-Nya...

Hehe... saya tidak pernah bermimpi menterjemah puisi Melayu ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Makna asalnya mudah disalahtasfir. Keindahan aslinya akan pudar.
Hehe... I wouldn't even dream of translating a Malay poem into English. It's original meaning is easily distorted. The natural beauty will dissipate.

Pendapat saya, puisi akan kekal indah bila tidak diusik. Ini untuk semua bahasa.
In my opinion, poems will remain beautiful when left untranslated. This applies for all language.

Namun, ianya suatu usaha yang baik.
However, it's an admirable effort by the way. :)

05-26-2006, 01:15 AM

itu sebenarnya lirik lagu
(that's a lyric)

sebenarnya saya nak umumkan pada semua...
(my intention is to tell everyone...)

yang islam ni bukan semata-mata kerohanian...
(that islam not just about 'soul'...)

islam juga menitik beratkan mengenai kekayaan
(islam too wants people to be 'rich')


saya harap... apa yang saya ingin beritahu kesampaian
(i hope my message get accross...)

(terima kasih diatas pemberian bunga itu...abang Aziz)
thank you for the flowers brother Aziz...

05-26-2006, 02:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla

itu sebenarnya lirik lagu
(that's a lyric)

sebenarnya saya nak umumkan pada semua...
(my intention is to tell everyone...)

yang islam ni bukan semata-mata kerohanian...
(that islam not just about 'soul'...)

islam juga menitik beratkan mengenai kekayaan
(islam too wants people to be 'rich')


saya harap... apa yang saya ingin beritahu kesampaian
(i hope my message get accross...)

(terima kasih diatas pemberian bunga itu...abang Aziz)
thank you for the flowers brother Aziz...
Tapi ramai orang bila dah kaya lupa Islam, lupa Tuhan
But, most people when they became rich, they will forget Islam and forget God

05-26-2006, 02:49 AM
betul tu...
(thats true)

mungkin sebab tulah kita tak kaya macam mereka..
(maybe thats why we are not rich like the non-muslims)

05-26-2006, 03:18 AM
Nama-nama hari dalam tulisan Jawi

Isnin اثنين
Selasa ثلاث
Rabu رابو
Khamis خميس
Jumaat جمعة
Sabtu سبتو
Ahad احد

source wikipedia

05-26-2006, 08:52 AM
How is your Arabic Syilla?
How do you find my Flowers?
Have you read "Flower Crosswords" in this forum?
The Flowers are designed to Sharpen vocabulary, spelling and other skills for all students at all levels.
Similar Arabic Crosswords have been done with emphasis on the Quranic words, but still awaiting for a Sponsor.
Ok, now you know the basics for making the Flowers,
Why not try presenting Flowers in Malay for others?
Kawan, Cawan, Lawan, Rawat. etc..
Please feel free to email me.
Semoga Berjaya

05-26-2006, 09:08 AM
How is your Arabic Syilla?
quite bad
(teruklah juga)

How do you find my Flowers?
interesting...it takes time for me to understand though but now i'm fully understand
(menarik...tapi lambat untuk memahaminya sekarang dah faham sepenuhnya)

Have you read "Flower Crosswords" in this forum?
I've read it
(Dah baca)

The Flowers are designed to Sharpen vocabulary, spelling and other skills for all students at all levels.
Similar Arabic Crosswords have been done with emphasis on the Quranic words, but still awaiting for a Sponsor.
Ok, now you know the basics for making the Flowers,
Why not try presenting Flowers in Malay for others?
I'll try my best... then maybe i can show it to you
(saya akan cuba...dan mungkin akan tunjuk pada saudara)

Kawan, Cawan, Lawan, Rawat. etc..
Please feel free to email me.
Thank you
(Terima kasih)

Semoga Berjaya

05-26-2006, 09:15 AM
Do you mind adding these 2 lines are Sepaku?
Translated by Syilla (Malay?)

05-26-2006, 09:23 AM
I don't mind. ;-)
(Saya tak kisah)

but i don't think u need to put my name...hehehe
(Tapi tak perlu tulis nama saya...hehehe)

just put it
(Letakkan je...)

by Aziz Mostafa
(oleh Aziz Mostafa)

05-26-2006, 09:43 AM
It is not appropirate to confiscate others efforts!
Does this site belong to Syilla?
I am going to mention the site only. Is that OK?
Regarding the Flowers, though — as you may have noticed — they were published in Malaysia in 1989, I am still looking forward to redoing and distributing them again there (Very long Story).
If you are willing to take care of them, I would be glad to present them to you.
Semoga Berjaya

05-26-2006, 09:53 AM
Of course, Malay Flowers and Your name will be added there:
And extra line will appear on the page:
Copyrighted in Australia by AUS-PC-SOFT 2005
Copyrighted in Malaysia by ?
Elsewhere by AzizMostafa
Willingly, I will explain all the tips and tricks involved in generating the Flowers?

05-28-2006, 08:15 AM
First: Exclusively for Syilla, please do not skip my last 2 postings!
2: Mixing Malay, English and Arabic words
In Malaysia, every Makan (place), you find Makan (food)
If you eat Nasi (rice), you will become Nasi (forgetful).
Every 3 Ayyam (days), we take Ayyam (chicken).
Kelam-kabut (Chaos; chaotic, messy) like Spider's work Kalankabut (macam Rumah Ankabut)
Satu Lagi?
Semoga Berjaya

05-29-2006, 05:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
First: Exclusively for Syilla, please do not skip my last 2 postings!
2: Mixing Malay, English and Arabic words
In Malaysia, every Makan (place), you find Makan (food)
If you eat Nasi (rice), you will become Nasi (forgetful).
Every 3 Ayyam (days), we take Ayyam (chicken).
Kelam-kabut (Chaos; chaotic, messy) like Spider's work Kalankabut (macam Rumah Ankabut)
Satu Lagi?
Semoga Berjaya

05-29-2006, 05:17 AM
When you enter 'babi' (my door), we wont serve you 'babi' (pork)

05-29-2006, 05:51 AM
Please add one line below in Malay and Arabic Only of the same.
Satu Lagi!

05-29-2006, 06:10 AM
It is not appropirate to confiscate others efforts!
Does this site belong to Syilla?
I am going to mention the site only. Is that OK?
Regarding the Flowers, though — as you may have noticed — they were published in Malaysia in 1989, I am still looking forward to redoing and distributing them again there (Very long Story).
If you are willing to take care of them, I would be glad to present them to you.
Semoga Berjaya
sorry is not mine...

i'll try my best to do the flower for bahasa malaysia
but give me time

thank you for the arabic lesson
i'll try to do one

05-29-2006, 06:42 AM
Every saat(seconds) are counted by the sa'at(clock).

please correct me if i'm wrong
(tolong betulkan saya jika salah)

05-29-2006, 08:04 AM
Please take your time, Syilla, to handle the Flowers.
If you make up your mind, just let me know to email you the guidelines.
So, please , do not try to do them manually.
It takes 1,000,000 satu juta saat (seconds) to screw up one.
Semoga Berjaya

05-29-2006, 08:07 AM
Try Completing and Translating this very old poem:
Sepuluh (10?) Budak Hitam, mine tepi jalan
Satu ............................. tinggle lagi 9?

05-29-2006, 08:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Try Completing and Translating this very old poem:
Sepuluh (10?) Budak Hitam, mine tepi jalan
Satu ............................. tinggle lagi 9?
Pantun ini ada unsur-unsur perkauman
This poem has racism elements

Tidak baik
Not good

05-29-2006, 08:43 AM
Pantun ini ada unsur-unsur perkauman
This poem has racism elements

Tidak baik
Not good
oh ya ke?
(is it?)

kalau macam tu pantun lainlah
(then we should change another poem)

ada cadangan
(any suggestion)

05-29-2006, 08:52 AM
Dialek-Dialek Utama di Utara Malaysia.
Main Dialects in northern Malaysia

Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia Baku (Standard Malay)
Pulau Pinang (Penang Island)


Kuey Tempek
Kuey Pek Nga

Buah Bok Tan

Tunggu Sebentar
Please wait
Nanti Sat

Just go!
Pi lah!

Dua puluh sen
Twenty cents
Dua kupang

05-29-2006, 08:56 AM
nak dalam kelate juga?
(want it in kelantanese dialect too?)

05-29-2006, 08:58 AM
Sorry North_Malaysian, I did not know that
Pantun ini ada unsur-unsur perkauman
Tidak baik
Any how, with it, I learnt few Malay words with the help of Numbers.
Thank you for your guidance

05-29-2006, 08:59 AM

Abah, Baba, Ba
Ayah, Bapak, Pak

Mak, Mama
Mak, Ibu



Bapa saudara
Pak Sedara
Pak Menakan


05-29-2006, 09:00 AM
tolong cuba terjermahkan pantun ini
(try to translate this poem please)

berakit-rakit ke hulu
berenang-renang ke tepian
bersakit-sakit dahulu
bersenang-senang kemudian

05-29-2006, 09:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Sorry North_Malaysian, I did not know that
Pantun ini ada unsur-unsur perkauman
Tidak baik
Any how, with it, I learnt few Malay words with the help of Numbers.
Thank you for your guidance
Want to learn number? I think the 'anak ayam' poem is cool.

Anaklah ayam, anak ayam turun sepuluh
mati seekor, mati seekor disambar helang

Anaklah ayam, anak ayam turun sembilan
mati seekor, mati seekor kena selsema burung.;D

05-29-2006, 09:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
tolong cuba terjermahkan pantun ini
(try to translate this poem please)

berakit-rakit ke hulu
berenang-renang ke tepian
bersakit-sakit dahulu
bersenang-senang kemudian
rafting to the upper river
swimming to the river bank
hurts first
easy later

05-29-2006, 09:08 AM
rafting to the upper river
swimming to the river bank
hurts first
easy later
hehehe... it does sound funny...
i dun think they can never understand that poem...

05-29-2006, 09:14 AM
Simpulan Bahasa

Abu Jahal - bad person
Abu Nawas - tricky person
Adu Buku - boxing
Adu Kening - Face to face
Air Muka - Face or Dignity
Anak Baju - brassarie
Angkat Bahu - irresponsible person
Anjing Hitam - devilish person
Anjing Kurap - Poor people looked down by the community

05-29-2006, 09:17 AM
Simpulan Bahasa

Abu Jahal - bad person
Abu Nawas - tricky person
Adu Buku - boxing
Adu Kening - Face to face
Air Muka - Face or Dignity
Anak Baju - brassarie
Angkat Bahu - irresponsible person
Anjing Hitam - devilish person
Anjing Kurap - Poor people looked down by the community
good post

05-29-2006, 09:24 AM
Words of Wisdom

Ada air adalah ikan
Wherever the water, there is the fish
"It means if there is a country, there must be the citizens too"

Mabuk bayang-bayang
Shadow drunk
"It means unachievable love"

Manis laksana Gula Sarawak
As sweet as Sarawak sugar
It means very intimate husband and wife

Masuk lima keluar sepuluh
Five In, Ten Out
It means overbudget

Mata tidur bantal berjaga
Eyes sleeping but pillow awaking
wife cheating on husband

Tutup Lubang Gali Lubang
Covering hole, opening hole
Borrow money to pay debts

05-29-2006, 09:36 AM
Hangpa ni macam-macam
All of you are naughty

Sejak saya dah lama menyepi,
Since I was not around for so long

Banyak yang hangpa bualkan
You have been chatting about so many things

Terjemah pantun? Kelakar tu!
Translate poem? That is funny!

Tapi seronok!

05-29-2006, 09:36 AM
Ada air adalah ikan
Wherever the water, there is the fish
"It means if there is a country, there must be the citizens too"

Mabuk bayang-bayang
Shadow drunk
"It means unachievable love"

Manis laksana Gula Sarawak
As sweet as Sarawak sugar
It means very intimate husband and wife

Masuk lima keluar sepuluh
Five In, Ten Out
It means overbudget

Mata tidur bantal berjaga
Eyes sleeping but pillow awaking
wife cheating on husband

Tutup Lubang Gali Lubang
Covering hole, opening hole
Borrow money to pay debts
thank you for teaching me too...hehehe

05-29-2006, 09:37 AM
supek gelenya(kelantanese dialect)
(plastik yang lembik-lembik dan kecil)
(small plastic bag)

05-29-2006, 09:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
Hangpa ni macam-macam
All of you are naughty

Sejak saya dah lama menyepi,
Since I was not around for so long

Banyak yang hangpa bualkan
You have been chatting about so many things

Terjemah pantun? Kelakar tu!
Translate poem? That is funny!

Tapi seronok!
Kita orang Malaysia kan spesis ceria
We MAlaysians, are happy species

05-29-2006, 09:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
supek gelenya(kelantanese dialect)
(plastik yang lembik-lembik dan kecil)
(small plastic bag)
'gelenya' bukan maksud gatal?

05-29-2006, 09:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
'gelenya' bukan maksud gatal?
sebab dia asyik berbunyi
since it make sounds all the time

maka diberi nama macam tu
so, it was given that name

05-29-2006, 09:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
sebab dia asyik berbunyi
since it make sounds all the time

maka diberi nama macam tu
so, it was given that name

05-29-2006, 10:17 AM
berakit-rakit ke hulu
berenang-renang ke tepian
bersakit-sakit dahulu
bersenang-senang kemudian
rafting to the upper river
swimming to the river bank
hurts first
easy later
No pain, No Gain?

05-29-2006, 01:15 PM
sebab dia asyik berbunyi
since it make sounds all the time

maka diberi nama macam tu
so, it was given that name

so lagi
satu lagi
another one

air cha
air longkang
(tolong terjermahkan je BI)

05-29-2006, 01:17 PM
berakit-rakit ke hulu
berenang-renang ke tepian
bersakit-sakit dahulu
bersenang-senang kemudian
rafting to the upper river
swimming to the river bank
hurts first
easy later
No pain, No Gain?

Muslim Knight
05-29-2006, 04:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla

so lagi
satu lagi
another one

air cha
air longkang
(tolong terjermahkan je BI)
drainage water? raw sewerage? take your pick.

05-30-2006, 03:55 AM
kuning nehe
(kuning sangat)
(very yellowish)

05-30-2006, 04:57 AM
Selamat Pagi = Good Morning
Selamat Datang = Welcome = Ahlan Wasahlan
Selamat Jalan = Farewel = Fe Amanillah
Selamat ? =

05-30-2006, 05:23 AM
selamat kembali
(welcome back)

Assallamualaikum Mr. Aziz,

sorry that i've still not yet done with your flowers.
I'm quite busy with my theses...but don't worry i'll do it.
Give me one more week. hehe (hope u understand)

untuk perkataan raya banyaklah yang saya boleh fikirkan
(for words with 'raya' quite a lot i can think of)

jalan raya

pasar raya
(the mall)

hari raya
(eidil adha)

hantu raya
(type of ghosts - but i'm not sure what kind of ghost hehe)

bunga raya
(baugainvillaea flower)

saya rasa ada lagi
(i think there is more)

05-30-2006, 06:41 AM
What kind of theses Ms. Syilla?
Have you ever come across a Malay word generator like this?
Yes to Bunga, No to hantu Raya!

05-30-2006, 06:46 AM
Gembira dengan Mixing Malay, English and Arabic words
It took me 3 Jam to get out of the (trafic)Jam.
Every one is Sakit(not talking) because my mother is Sakit(Sick)!
Satu Lagi

05-30-2006, 07:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
What kind of theses Ms. Syilla?
Have you ever come across a Malay word generator like this?
Yes to Bunga, No to hantu Raya!
drilling small holes (0.3mm)
(menggerudi lubang kecil (0.3mm))

i never come across.
But there is crossword puzzles
(Tapi ada teka silangkata)

you can find it here www.aimanku.com/ujikepalahotak
(boleh dijumpai disini)

or something like hangman
(atau seperti 'hangman')

you can find it here http://www.cikgu.net.my/malay/game/
(boleh dijumpai disini)

05-30-2006, 08:13 AM
Many Thanks and bundle of Flowers Syilla for the Teka Silangkata sites.
Just have a look at:
By the way:
Do you think that Architecture goes with (Computerized) Calligraphy?
Yours for Good Projects

05-30-2006, 08:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla

so lagi
satu lagi
another one

air cha
air longkang
(tolong terjermahkan je BI)
monsoon drain water
ayag achag (Northern dialect)

05-30-2006, 08:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Selamat Pagi = Good Morning
Selamat Datang = Welcome = Ahlan Wasahlan
Selamat Jalan = Farewel = Fe Amanillah
Selamat ? =
Selamat Petang
Good Evening

Selamat Tengah Hari
Good Afternoon

Selamat Malam
Good Night

Selamat Hari Raya
Happy Eid Day

Selamat Pulang
Welcome back

Selamat Tahun Baru Cina
Happy Chinese New Year

Selamat Hari Natal
Merry Christmas

Selamat Tahun Baru
Happy New Year

Selamat Hari Lahir
Happy Birthday

Selamat Hari Deepavali
Happy Diwali

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan
Happy Independence Day

Selamat Hari Kekasih
Happy Valentine Day

Selamat Hari Ibu
Happy Mother's day

Selamat Hari Bapa
Happy Father's Day

Selamat Hari Guru
Happy Teacher's Day

Selamat Pengantin Baru
Happy Marriage?

Selamat Ulangtahun Perkahwinan
Happy Wedding Anniversary

05-31-2006, 03:28 AM
selamat to you too hehe

i guess we don't drink ayaq achaq hehe...

any nm please helm me with this flowers...

can you give me bm words with three alphabet and has an 'a' in the middle.

05-31-2006, 03:38 AM
1.tar = tar
2.dan = and
3.uak = croak
4.uap = yawn
5.lap = to wipe dry
6.lau = chicken den
7.kad = card
8.tat = tart
9.jag = jug
10.hak = rights
11.had = limits
12.hai = hi
13.haj = pilgrimage to Mecca
14.gas = gas
15.das = boom of cannon
16. dam = religious penalty
17. bah = flood
18. bas = bus

we should have 36?
(kita sepatutnya ada 36 huruf)

correct me if i'm wrong Mr. Aziz

05-31-2006, 04:12 AM
"mai" - come
"tau" - know
"bai" - Sikh person
"lai" - pear
"bau" - smell
"dak" - no
"pau" - chinese bread/dumpling
"mau" - want
"dam" - checkers
"wau" - kites

05-31-2006, 04:20 AM
Back at the service of Friends!
By exploring this set of font:
and how they were juggled to build this text
I hope you fully digest this comparison between my work with theirs:
_Mine : Kerning fully applied
Theirs: No Kerning (See my previous topics).
_Mine : Full Ligatures up to 4 Characters
Theirs: Partial Ligatures up to 2 Characters
_Mine : Full Ligatures at the beginning, middle and end of words
Theirs: Partial Ligatures up at the beginning of words Only.
_Mine: Each Word has One and Only Structure
Theirs: A single Word has 2 or more Structures (Fully or partially Ligatured)
Accordingly, by applying the same typesetting variants (font size, page size, etc) to 2 independent files, you will discover that:
My Files : One Tenth (1/10) Theirs in Mega Bytes
My Pages : 80% (4/5 ) of theirs and consequently
My work is more economical in production and distribution?!
Hope I have removed all the confusions (if any).
Happy Posting
i've read your posting...

i'm guessing you are making fonts for word or web maybe?

am i right?

05-31-2006, 04:23 AM
Do you think that Architecture goes with (Computerized) Calligraphy?
in my opinion calligraphy is very beautiful... and it sure goes with Architecture

can you please explain more on the computerized calligraphy

05-31-2006, 05:25 AM
Peace be on you,
That's right: An 18-petals flower has 36(18x2) words.
So, it is not possible to screw up a flower with 3-letter ?a? Malay words.
And it is not possible to screw up flowers with the keywords marked by x below.
Try the rest of the keywords with the corresponding frequency.
The higher the frequency, the higher the probability and the larger the flower?!

<?a?a?> 503
ba?a? 48
ka?a? 48
pa?a? 50
Ta?a? 43

<?e?a?> 383
<?o?a?> 87
<?u?a?> 132
<?i?a?> 128

<?a?e?> 78
<?e?e?> 81
<?i?e?> 51
<?o?e?> 98
<?u?e?> 24x

<?a?i?> 159
<?e?i?> 99
<?i?i?> 95
<?o?i?> 08x
<?u?i?> 50

<?a?o?> 09x
<?e?o?> 38x
<?i?o?> 06 x
<?o?o?> 62
<?u?o?> 00 x

<?a?u?> 154
<?e?u?> 115
<?i?u?> 37x
<?o?u?> 03 x
<?u?u?> 152
<?e?a> 46 x
<?i?a> 44 x
<?o?a> 27 x
<?u?a> 73

<?e?i> 42
<?i?i> 29x
<?o?i> 09x
<?u?i> 43

<???o> 4x

<?a?u> 86
<?e?u> 21x
<?i?u> 23x
<?o?u> 00x
<?u?u> 39x

<?a?ang> 83
<?e?ang> 06x
<?i?ang> 16x
<?o?ang> 47x
<?u?ang> 37x

<?a?ung> 34x
<?e?ung> 16x
<?o?ung> 00x
<?u?ung> 24x
<?i?ung> 04x

<???ong> 54
<???eng> 12x
<???on?> 75
<???en?> 78
<???un?> 108
<???an?> 250
Happy Juggling

05-31-2006, 05:45 AM
Yes, Challenging circumstances made an electronic communication Engineer switch to Arabic Language Teaching from 1986-1991 in a small village north Malaysia and to desktop publishing and Complex font desigining from 1992 up today.
More Later.

05-31-2006, 07:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
"mai" - come
"tau" - know
"bai" - Sikh person
"lai" - pear
"bau" - smell
"dak" - no
"pau" - chinese bread/dumpling
"mau" - want
"dam" - checkers
"wau" - kites
thank you so much...is not that easy.. not like english
(terima kasih banyak... bukan senang...tak macam english)

it is really challenging...

05-31-2006, 08:23 AM
Please Remember: In juggling a flower,
Only High Frequency Words are allowed.
Word duplication is allowed only if no choice is left.
Selamat MenCuba? (Correct me if mistaken)

05-31-2006, 08:30 AM
It seems that Syilla has no access to internet after 5.00pm?
Syilla says:
... bukan senang...tak macam english
I say:
If not Lagi senang daripada English, for sure not lagi susa.
Terima kasih banyak

06-01-2006, 02:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
It seems that Syilla has no access to internet after 5.00pm?
Syilla says:
... bukan senang...tak macam english
I say:
If not Lagi senang daripada English, for sure not lagi susa.
Terima kasih banyak

sorry...not that i have no access.
(minta maaf... bukannya saya tak dapat masuk internet)

but i have tution class and i'm the tutor...
tapi saya ada buat kelas tambahan pada waktu malam

maybe tomorrow i am free
mungkin esok saya tidak sibuk

selalunya dah sampai rumah banyak kerja rumah kena buat
usually when i reached home i have some many housework to do:statisfie

06-01-2006, 04:16 AM
Assalamo 3alaykom Syilla,
Have you read the earlier postings?
Thanking you and awaiting for an early reponse

06-01-2006, 04:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Assalamo 3alaykom Syilla,
Have you read the earlier postings?
Thanking you and awaiting for an early reponse
which postings?

06-01-2006, 04:43 AM
The 2 before the last. See them on page 9.

06-01-2006, 05:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Peace be on you,
That's right: An 18-petals flower has 36(18x2) words.
So, it is not possible to screw up a flower with 3-letter ?a? Malay words.
And it is not possible to screw up flowers with the keywords marked by x below.
Try the rest of the keywords with the corresponding frequency.
The higher the frequency, the higher the probability and the larger the flower?!

<?a?a?> 503
ba?a? 48
ka?a? 48
pa?a? 50
Ta?a? 43

<?e?a?> 383
<?o?a?> 87
<?u?a?> 132
<?i?a?> 128

<?a?e?> 78
<?e?e?> 81
<?i?e?> 51
<?o?e?> 98
<?u?e?> 24x

<?a?i?> 159
<?e?i?> 99
<?i?i?> 95
<?o?i?> 08x
<?u?i?> 50

<?a?o?> 09x
<?e?o?> 38x
<?i?o?> 06 x
<?o?o?> 62
<?u?o?> 00 x

<?a?u?> 154
<?e?u?> 115
<?i?u?> 37x
<?o?u?> 03 x
<?u?u?> 152
<?e?a> 46 x
<?i?a> 44 x
<?o?a> 27 x
<?u?a> 73

<?e?i> 42
<?i?i> 29x
<?o?i> 09x
<?u?i> 43

<???o> 4x

<?a?u> 86
<?e?u> 21x
<?i?u> 23x
<?o?u> 00x
<?u?u> 39x

<?a?ang> 83
<?e?ang> 06x
<?i?ang> 16x
<?o?ang> 47x
<?u?ang> 37x

<?a?ung> 34x
<?e?ung> 16x
<?o?ung> 00x
<?u?ung> 24x
<?i?ung> 04x

<???ong> 54
<???eng> 12x
<???on?> 75
<???en?> 78
<???un?> 108
<???an?> 250
Happy Juggling
is it this one?

do you want me to sove it?
hehehe... i don't think i can

06-01-2006, 05:22 AM
Why Syilla?
By <?a?a?> 503, means that there are 503 (more or less) 5-letter words the second and fourth letters of which is a. So, you will get a flower of 2 letter-wheels?!
Again, I emphasize, All I need is to filter the high frequency bm words and I will do the juggling. I got my own software. Do not worry.
2. Today, I have problem getting on my hotmail because the password has expired and I am the only user. Do you know how do I regain access assuming I forgot my old password too.
> Any assistance will be greatly aappreciated.
Thank you,
Have a great day

06-01-2006, 05:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Why Syilla?
By <?a?a?> 503, means that there are 503 (more or less) 5-letter words the second and fourth letters of which is a. So, you will get a flower of 2 letter-wheels?!
Again, I emphasize, All I need is to filter the high frequency bm words and I will do the juggling. I got my own software. Do not worry.
2. Today, I have problem getting on my hotmail because the password has expired and I am the only user. Do you know how do I regain access assuming I forgot my old password too.
> Any assistance will be greatly aappreciated.
Thank you,
Have a great day
2. i don't really know how. i never really activate mine... but sometimes i used my old hotmail account (to register). And sometimes it work....hehehe.

i think the highest frequency of bm words would be ?a?a...
i'll try to get it for you.

06-01-2006, 07:52 AM
Just check these 2 sites:
2 For more info about Kaligrafi, please read the 2 pages at the said site.
3. I miss North Malaysian today.
4. Selamat Tuition (Correct me if mistaken)

06-01-2006, 05:01 PM
salaamz, i went malaysia recently, just returned. the only word i learnt is "terima KASI" MEANS THANK YOU INIT??

06-01-2006, 05:01 PM
Or "how Are You" Forgot Alredy. Lol

06-02-2006, 01:33 AM
Terima kasih
Thank you

Apa Khabar
How are you

06-02-2006, 01:33 AM
How's your visit to MAlaysia?

06-02-2006, 02:23 AM
how's the visit?
(bagaimana dengan lawatan anda)

06-02-2006, 03:28 AM
Selamat Pagi Malaysians
Alhamdolillah Shokir Ni3mat, Malaysia Maju Ra3yat Selamat.
I spent my last Ramazan in Malaysia after 14 years.
But for me, KL was lagi fascinating than Today.
Few tall buildings and more open spaces specially the surroundings of
Masjid Jami and Kampung Baru.
The only positive change I noticed was the MonoRail and TRL.
Nothing special was in PutraJaya.
Frankly Speaking

06-02-2006, 03:34 AM
where are you now?
(dimana anda sekarang?)

are you in KL?
(Adakah anda di KL?)

I have the words (for the flowers)
but do you need the meanings too?

06-02-2006, 03:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
saya bukan... tak pernah belajar di sana
(i'm not... never studied there)

(minta maaf)

boleh tolong terjemahkan artikel dibawah
(can u please translate below article)

AL-IDRISI ( Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ibn al-Sharif al-Idrisi ) dilahirkan pada tahun 1099 masihi di Ceuta, Sepanyol dan meninggal dunia pada tahun 1166 masihi.

Sumbangan utama tokoh ini ialah menghasilkan bebola perak seberat 400 paun untuk Raja Roger II, lengkap dengan membahagikan dunia kepada 7 iklim, laluan perdagangan, teluk, tasik, sungai, bandar-bandar besar, bukit dan lembah serta gunung-ganang. Beliau juga mencatatkan jarak dan ketinggian sesuatu tempat dengan tepat.

Tokoh Geografi kurun ke-12 ini kemudiannya menghasilkan buku Nuzhah al Musytaq fi Ishtiraq al Afaq (Kenikmatan pada Keinginan Untuk Menjelajah Iklim) atau Roger's Book iaitu sebuah ensaiklopedia geografi yang mengandungi peta dan informasi tentang negara Eropah, Afrika dan Asia. Mencatatkan perihal masyarakat, budaya, kerajaan dan cuaca negara-negara yang terdapat di dalam petanya. Beliau turut menggunakan semula garisan lintang dan garisan bujur yang diperkenalkan sebelumnya dalam peta yang dihasilkan. Beberapa abad lamanya, Eropah menggunakan peta Al Idrisi dan turut menggunakan hasil kerja ilmuwan ini ialah Christopher Columbus.

Rakaman mengenai tokoh ini dilakukan di Sepanyol, Morocco dan Sicily. Ketokohan Al-Idrisi diakui oleh Ilmuwan masa kini antaranya Prof. Madya Hj. Mustapha Kamal Idris (Jabatan Geografi, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Sastera, Universiti Malaya) yang menggunakan perisian Al-Idrisi sebagai perisian utama untuk menghasilkan peta. Sementara Prof. Dr. Achaaban Ahmad (Fakulti Sains Sosial, Universiti Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco) menerangkan rahsia peta Al-Idrisi yang dilakarkan secara terbalik.

Turut dipaparkan latarbelakang kehidupan Al-Idrisi ketika zaman kanak-kanak serta teknologi terkini dalam pemetaan.

I found myself reading up to the third paragraph when it dawned on me.. I cant speak Malaysian! (do you say Malaysian or Malay?)
i'll stop typing now..

06-02-2006, 03:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hawa
I found myself reading up to the third paragraph when it dawned on me.. I cant speak Malaysian! (do you say Malaysian or Malay?)
i'll stop typing now..

there is translation below it...

read the translation hehehe...

don't be hard on yourself

06-02-2006, 03:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Selamat Pagi Malaysians
Alhamdolillah Shokir Ni3mat, Malaysia Maju Ra3yat Selamat.
I spent my last Ramazan in Malaysia after 14 years.
But for me, KL was lagi fascinating than Today.
Few tall buildings and more open spaces specially the surroundings of
Masjid Jami and Kampung Baru.
The only positive change I noticed was the MonoRail and TRL.
Nothing special was in PutraJaya.
Frankly Speaking
Selamat pagi Encik Aziz!
Good morning Mr. Aziz

Alhamdulillah shukur nikmat, Malaysia maju tapi rakyat tak berapa selamat
Praise to Allah gratitute for his blessings, Malaysia developed but the citizen are not quite safe...;D

Putrajaya - masjid agungnya hanya untuk pertunjukkan sahaja
Putrajaya - the Grand mosque only for display

06-02-2006, 04:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hawa
I found myself reading up to the third paragraph when it dawned on me.. I cant speak Malaysian! (do you say Malaysian or Malay?)
i'll stop typing now..
Kepada peminat-peminat Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Melayu yang tidak boleh berkomunikasi dengan bahasa tersebut, anda boleh berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris atau Indonesia. Jangan risau, kami faham.
For those who are interested in Malay Language and Culture but cant communicate in Malay, you can communicate in English or Indonesian. No worries, we could understand you.

Untuk orang-orang yang boleh berbahasa Melayu, kita sepatutnya berkomunikasi di dalam Bahasa Melayu dengan terjemahan untuk memudahkan orang memahami mesej yang dipaparkan.
For those who can communicate in Malay Language, we should communicate in Malay Language with translation for others to understand the message dispayed.

Terima kasih
Thank you

06-02-2006, 04:09 AM
1. Precisely, North Malaysian
2. FYI (For your Information), I am 8-hour flight away from KL.
Guess where I am and do not anticipate my answer.
3. Regarding my expired password, I have reported to MSN.
4. Syilla, please wait until I regain access to my hotmail to communicate with you about flowers. Otherwise, a new email will appear on my web page. Syilla can email me then.
Terima Kasih and Minta Ma3af

06-02-2006, 04:18 AM
another 8 hours on the way to KL
(8 jam lagi akan dalam perjalanan ke KL)

Are you bringing your family?
(Adakah anda bawa satu keluarga)

NM you should come to KL and meet Mr. Aziz...
(NM awak bolehlah datang KL dan berjumpa Mr. Aziz)

or you can invite Mr. Aziz to come to your house in Penang
(atau awak boleh jemput Mr. Aziz datang rumah awak di Penang)

and you can describe to me what he looks like
(lepas tu awak bolehlah ceritakan pada saya macamana muka dia)


06-02-2006, 04:33 AM
1. Who says I am on the way, Syilla?
Time difference helps you guess where I am?
2. To see me is to turn a side. Muka saya tak handsome.
3. I have been all over Malaysia, Johor, KL, Selangor, Lumut, port klang, Penang, Ipoh, Kelantan where I guess Syilla from any so many more places.
I have been to kampung-2 and bandar-2...
Needless to say, everywhere: Open houses, open Hearts.
Jumpa kawan-2 without invitation di mana-2

06-02-2006, 04:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
1. Who says I am on the way, Syilla?
Time difference helps you guess where I am?
2. To see me is to turn a side. Muka saya tak handsome.
3. I have been all over Malaysia, Johor, KL, Selangor, Lumut, port klang, Penang, Ipoh, Kelantan where I guess Syilla from any so many more places.
I have been to kampung-2 and bandar-2...
Needless to say, everywhere: Open houses, open Hearts.
Jumpa kawan-2 without invitation di mana-2
maybe nm can help me guess where are you
(mungking nm boleh tolong saya teka dimana anda sekarang)

but i think he is getting ready for friday prayers
(tapi saya rasay dia ingin bersiap sedia untuk solat jumaat)

i'm going out too (lunch time now) i want to get some money to pay for my son's school fees
(saya nak keluar juga (waktu rehat) saya nak keluarkan duit untuk bayar duit sekolah anak saya)

see you at three (in bm forum)
(Jumpa anda pada pukul 3)

06-02-2006, 04:52 AM
Dear Syilla,
My son is out of sight (over there) and my 2 daughters are watching cartoon on TV right now. While you are away, I am going to take my breakfast with them. Jangan tanya Mana, please!

06-02-2006, 06:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
another 8 hours on the way to KL
(8 jam lagi akan dalam perjalanan ke KL)

Are you bringing your family?
(Adakah anda bawa satu keluarga)

NM you should come to KL and meet Mr. Aziz...
(NM awak bolehlah datang KL dan berjumpa Mr. Aziz)

or you can invite Mr. Aziz to come to your house in Penang
(atau awak boleh jemput Mr. Aziz datang rumah awak di Penang)

and you can describe to me what he looks like
(lepas tu awak bolehlah ceritakan pada saya macamana muka dia)

Aiyaaa! Ada kenduri kat area sini, tak sempat pergi kl
Oh no! Have wedding receptions in this area, cant make it to kl.

06-02-2006, 06:54 AM

camana khutbah kat masjid
(how was the khutbah at masjid)

whats the topic
(apa tajuknya?)

06-02-2006, 06:56 AM
Sudah Simbahyang dan Makan?
Sihat wa 3afyat
AzizMostafa posted with "Ni3mat" and NM replied with Nikmat.
Do you know the difference?
That's right: Nikmat (bad) is the opposite to Ni3mat (good).
But what to say about those who changed the Malayu and Turkish Alphabet form Arabic to latin.
It is more appropriate to write Malay and Turkish in Arabic Alphabet than in Latin.
Still, I am battling the web to promote my Uncompromising Arabic Font.
By the way, 4 months ago, I finished typesetting my Arabic Step by Step 3-book series for Malay and Looking forward to publishing them in

the the beloved Malaysia. To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. Far-sighted but Short-handed.

06-02-2006, 07:10 AM
Skip not my previous posting!
Is this translation OK? (Please make corrections if any)
Selama ini, teka Silangkata telah dipelbagaikan dengan bermacam corak yang membosankan. kini Tekakata kelopak hadir untuk memberikan anda satu alternatif yang berbentuk sekuntum bunga.
Untuk memyelesaikan tekakata ini, sila baca pembayang. Kemudian tuliskan jawapannya di dalam ruangan yang tersedia. Mulakan dari ruangan yang hampir dengan nombor sambil menulis ke arah tengah bunga.
setiap nombor merupakan permulaan kepada dua patah perkataan: satu mengikut arah jam dan yang satu lagi arah lawan jam. Isi setiap kelopak dengan huruf-huruf hingga seluruh bunga dipenuhi.

06-02-2006, 07:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Skip not my previous posting!
Is this translation OK? (Please make corrections if any)
Selama ini, teka Silangkata telah dipelbagaikan dengan bermacam corak yang membosankan. kini Tekakata kelopak hadir untuk memberikan anda satu alternatif yang(not need) berbentuk sekuntum bunga.
Untuk memyelesaikan tekakata ini, sila baca pembayangnya. Kemudian tuliskan jawapannya di dalam ruangan yang tersedia. Mulakan dari ruangan yang paling hampir dengan nombor sambil menulis ke arah tengah bunga.
setiap nombor merupakan permulaan kepada dua patah perkataan: satu mengikut arah jam dan yang satu lagi arah lawan jam. Isi setiap kelopak dengan huruf-huruf hingga seluruh bunga dipenuhi.

06-02-2006, 07:45 AM
Terima Kasih Banyak, Syilla
Are you still working on the Flowers?
I need a text file of All bm high frequency words (Essential words Only) and the keywords, if possible, though I can find them out sendiri.
Have you taken any step to publish and distribut them (English and Malay) in Malaysia?
If neccessary, I will plan to fly to Malaysia to work out 3 big Projects:
1. Arabic Step-by-Step for Malays
2. Computerized calligraphy.
3. Arabic, English and Malay Flowers
The sooner, the better?
Can you arrange for Ony-day Short Classes in KL and other states?
Costs, timetables and where?
You are familiar with Tuitions?!

Hope you

06-02-2006, 07:52 AM
Skip not my previous postings!
I have to make a move for Simbahyan Jumo3at.
Hope to be back at your service after 3 hours. Or Tomorrow?

06-02-2006, 07:54 AM
i'll answer you tomorrow...

classes will be can be conducted here at the masjid at my residency.

06-02-2006, 08:04 AM
Do you conduct your classes in Masjid?
Will we be allowed to conduct English classes too?
Remember, Well-Calculated Planning. I have to be away from my family and need to apply for a visa, so time is very important factor.
The what, when and howmuch needs to be advertised at least 2 months in advance.

06-02-2006, 08:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Do you conduct your classes in Masjid?
Will we be allowed to conduct English classes too?
Remember, Well-Calculated Planning. I have to be away from my family and need to apply for a visa, so time is very important factor.
The what, when and howmuch needs to be advertised at least 2 months in advance.
yes can...

because there have classes here for the children. (islamic school for the primary)

but you have to tell me the syllabus and your background.

06-02-2006, 09:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Sudah Simbahyang dan Makan?
Sihat wa 3afyat
AzizMostafa posted with "Ni3mat" and NM replied with Nikmat.
Do you know the difference?
That's right: Nikmat (bad) is the opposite to Ni3mat (good).
But what to say about those who changed the Malayu and Turkish Alphabet form Arabic to latin.
It is more appropriate to write Malay and Turkish in Arabic Alphabet than in Latin.
Still, I am battling the web to promote my Uncompromising Arabic Font.
By the way, 4 months ago, I finished typesetting my Arabic Step by Step 3-book series for Malay and Looking forward to publishing them in

the the beloved Malaysia. To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. Far-sighted but Short-handed.
Saya tahu dalam Bahasa Arab, 'nikmat' mmempunyai makna yang tidak baik, tetapi itulah ejaan modennya. Tetapi sebelum 80an, ejaannya ' ni'mat ' atau ' ne'mat '.
I know that in Arabic, 'nikmat' has a bad meaning, but it's the modern spelling. But before the 80s it used to be spelled as ' ni'mat ' or ' ne'mat '.

06-02-2006, 09:53 AM
syilla, anda seorang guru?
syilla, are u a teacher?

Saya rasa patut orang Arab mengajar Bahasa Arab supaya sebutan lebih fasih.
I think Arabs shouls teach Arabic for fluency in pronounciation

Semasa di universiti saya pengajar2 Bahasa Arab saya berasal dari Palestin, Jordan dan Mesir.
During my university year, my Arabic teachers originated from Palestine, Jordan and Egypt

Guru Tajwid saya dari Palestin, pensyarah Undang-Undang Tanah dari Sudan dan pensyarah Undang-Undang Antarabangsa dari Mesir.
My tajweed teacher came from Palestine, my Land Law lecturer from Sudan and my International Law lecturer from Egypt.

Saya juga mempunyai rakan sekelas yang berbangsa Arab berasal dari Algeria, Jerman, Kenya, Djibouti dan Yaman.
I also have Arab classmates from Algeria, Germany, Kenya, Djibouti and Yemen

06-02-2006, 11:05 AM
This is cool. I've been studying Indonesian and here I get to practice my skills in reading and understanding it, since the two languages are so similar. From what I've read, there are few differences between them.

also, its hard to find the meanings of slang words anywhere, and when you have friends who like to use slang to drive your curiosity crazy, then it would be nice to see what some slang means too. So guys, use the slang and say what it means!

06-02-2006, 11:29 AM
Welocme Indon,
What is the Mystery in using slangs?
All the Best

06-02-2006, 11:30 AM
Sites Worth Visiting for Jawi Kaligrafi
Happy Exploring

06-02-2006, 11:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
syilla, anda seorang guru?
syilla, are u a teacher?

Saya rasa patut orang Arab mengajar Bahasa Arab supaya sebutan lebih fasih.
I think Arabs shouls teach Arabic for fluency in pronounciation

Semasa di universiti saya pengajar2 Bahasa Arab saya berasal dari Palestin, Jordan dan Mesir.
During my university year, my Arabic teachers originated from Palestine, Jordan and Egypt

Guru Tajwid saya dari Palestin, pensyarah Undang-Undang Tanah dari Sudan dan pensyarah Undang-Undang Antarabangsa dari Mesir.
My tajweed teacher came from Palestine, my Land Law lecturer from Sudan and my International Law lecturer from Egypt.

Saya juga mempunyai rakan sekelas yang berbangsa Arab berasal dari Algeria, Jerman, Kenya, Djibouti dan Yaman.
I also have Arab classmates from Algeria, Germany, Kenya, Djibouti and Yemen


no i'm not a teacher.
(tidak saya bukan seorang guru)

just something i like to do as a part time
(satu perkara yang saya suka buat secara sambilan)

06-02-2006, 01:30 PM
To NM: Here is how we spell Arabic in Latin today:
use 3 in Ni3mat as 3 looks like a horizontally-flipped Ain, and
use 7 in 7ancur (Hancur)
use 6 for 6aha (Taha)
use 8 for 8asan (Hasan)
My Sy(i)llabus:
Mastering Khat (Calligraphy) in One Day (8 hours).
The Power of Flowers in Teaching Languages in One Day (8 hours).
Background Required: Basic Arabic and/or Basic English
What else (Apa Lagi)?
At your service (In Malay)

06-02-2006, 03:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
To NM: Here is how we spell Arabic in Latin today:
use 3 in Ni3mat as 3 looks like a horizontally-flipped Ain, and
use 7 in 7ancur (Hancur)
use 6 for 6aha (Taha)
use 8 for 8asan (Hasan)
My Sy(i)llabus:
Mastering Khat (Calligraphy) in One Day (8 hours).
The Power of Flowers in Teaching Languages in One Day (8 hours).
Background Required: Basic Arabic and/or Basic English
What else (Apa Lagi)?
At your service (In Malay)
i need your resume but i think your class is too long (hours).
and more details on your syllabus.

06-02-2006, 08:17 PM
One-day class includes 2 hours breaks as follows:
Mastering Khat
8:30-10:30 = Arabic Script and Alphabet
11-12:30 = Measurements, Forms and Behaviours
1:30-3:00 = Computerized Kaligrafi
3:30-5:00 = Drills with a distinguished Software
The Power of Flowers in Teaching Languages
8:30-10:30 = Languages and Keywords
11-12:30 = Rules, Clues and Goals
1:30-3:00 = Multi-lingual Flowers
3:30-5:00 = Making of Flowers
One CD for each Class will be licenced for every participant in his/her name and email.

06-03-2006, 10:15 AM
Assalamualaikum Semua
Assalamualaikum everybody

Tidak terlewatkah bagi saya untuk join sama dlm thread ini?
Is it not to late for me to join this thread?

06-03-2006, 11:16 AM
Selamat Joining
Unfortunately, no body from Malaysia today.
Like you, I miss Semu.
Any how, saya boleh campur Bahasa Arab, English dan sedikit Malay.
At your service for 10 minutes sahaja.
Exhausted (letiah), I need to get horizontal

06-03-2006, 11:17 AM
Welcome with Flowers:
Skip not my previous posting!

06-05-2006, 03:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by __Mystery__
This is cool. I've been studying Indonesian and here I get to practice my skills in reading and understanding it, since the two languages are so similar. From what I've read, there are few differences between them.

also, its hard to find the meanings of slang words anywhere, and when you have friends who like to use slang to drive your curiosity crazy, then it would be nice to see what some slang means too. So guys, use the slang and say what it means!
Selamat Datang!

Tiada masalah untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Indonesia di sini, kerana asalnya daripada Bahasa Melayu juga.
No problem to communicate in Indonesian language here, because it's originated from Malay Language too

Selagi ada terjemahan, boleh saja kita berkomunikasi
As long as there are translations, we could easily communicate

Awak bertuah kerana boleh mempelajari pelbagai slanga di Malaysia, saya boleh menggunakan slanga utara (kedua-dua Pulau Pinang dan Kedah), syilla boleh menggunakan slanga pantai timur (Kelantan).
You're lucky because can learn various slangs in Malaysia, I can speak Northern slang (both Penang Island and Kedah), syilla can speak Eastern Coast slang (Kelantan)

06-05-2006, 03:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umm_Maysa
Assalamualaikum Semua
Assalamualaikum everybody

Tidak terlewatkah bagi saya untuk join sama dlm thread ini?
Is it not to late for me to join this thread?
Wa alaikum salam

Selamat datang

Apa khabar Australia?
How's Australia?

06-05-2006, 03:48 AM
North Malaysia please help me with something...
(NM tolong saya dalam satu perkara...)

I want to ask you on eating insects
(saya nak tanya pasal makan serangga)

in Madhab shafii is eating insects haram?
(dalam mazhab shafie adakah makan serangga haram?)

06-05-2006, 04:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
North Malaysia please help me with something...
(NM tolong saya dalam satu perkara...)

I want to ask you on eating insects
(saya nak tanya pasal makan serangga)

in Madhab shafii is eating insects haram?
(dalam mazhab shafie adakah makan serangga haram?)
Belalang halal dimakan, lain2 tu haram, rasa2nya.
Grasshopper is halal to be eaten, other supposingly to be haram

Nak masuk Malaysian fear factor ke?
Want to compete in Malaysian Fear Factor?

06-05-2006, 04:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Belalang halal dimakan, lain2 tu haram, rasa2nya.
Grasshopper is halal to be eaten, other supposingly to be haram

Nak masuk Malaysian fear factor ke?
Want to compete in Malaysian Fear Factor?
kenapa grasshopper halal ya?
(why is grasshopper halal?)

tak eh nak masuk fear factor
(i don't want to join fear factor)

tak pandai berenang camana nak masuk
(i don't know how to swim...i don't think i am qualified)

06-05-2006, 05:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
kenapa grasshopper halal ya?
(why is grasshopper halal?)

tak eh nak masuk fear factor
(i don't want to join fear factor)

tak pandai berenang camana nak masuk
(i don't know how to swim...i don't think i am qualified)
ada hadith (maaf, saya tak ingat) kata ikan dan belalang adalah bangkai yang halal dimakan, tak payah sembelih.
there's a hadith (Sorry, I've forgotten) saying fish and grasshopper are dead animal allowed to be eaten, no need to slaughter.

06-05-2006, 08:58 AM
I am back at your service. Better Late than never?
Do not worry if it is Haram, there are some scholars who will make it Halal?
Haram is Haram? Allah know better?
Why Pork (Babi) is Haram?
Haram because Allah says so?!
So please do not ask why this is Halal and and that is Haram
Selamat Makanan (correct me if I am wrong)

06-05-2006, 09:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
I am back at your service. Better Late than never?
Do not worry if it is Haram, there are some scholars who will make it Halal?
Haram is Haram? Allah know better?
Why Pork (Babi) is Haram?
Haram because Allah says so?!
So please do not ask why this is Halal and and that is Haram:happy:
Selamat Makanan (correct me if I am wrong)
thank you...and now i can eat smarties..dalam keadaan aman (In peace)

06-05-2006, 09:16 AM
What are Smarties?
Why not Syilla take Nera dan Udang dalam Kedah Darul Aman?

06-05-2006, 09:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
What are Smarties?
Why not Syilla take Nera dan Udang dalam Kedah Darul Aman?
Nira? Awak terlalu orang utara. Saya pun tak suka nira, terlalu manis.
Nira? You are too northern Even myself dont like nira, too extremely sweet.

06-05-2006, 01:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
What are Smarties?
Why not Syilla take Nera dan Udang dalam Kedah Darul Aman?
never tried that.
(tak pernah cuba tu)

what about badak berendam it is sweet too.
(Bagaimana dengan 'badak berendam' ia manis juga)

For recipe you can visit http://resipi.net/cookbook/recipes_l...recipes1Page=3
(Untuk resipi bolehlah layari disini)

06-06-2006, 02:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
never tried that.
(tak pernah cuba tu)

what about badak berendam it is sweet too.
(Bagaimana dengan 'badak berendam' ia manis juga)

For recipe you can visit http://resipi.net/cookbook/recipes_l...recipes1Page=3
(Untuk resipi bolehlah layari disini)
badak berendam ialah sejenis makanan melayu, jangan keliru dengan 'badak berendam' yang haram dimakan.
'badak berendam is a malay food, dont be confused with "badak berendam" (hippopotamus) which is haram to be eaten.

06-06-2006, 04:17 AM
kalau dibuat makanan agak-agak liat tak?
(if it was made as food do you think it is tough?)

hilang semua gigi nanti hehe
(i'll lost all my teeth)

06-06-2006, 05:28 AM
You mean locusts not grasshoppers. They are halal. I'm not sure about the status of other insects. I swallowed half a maggot which was in my apple on more than one occasion though...

Volume 7, Book 67, Number 403:
Narrated Ibn Abi Aufa:

We participated with the Prophet in six or seven Ghazawat, and we used to eat locusts with him.

I think a ghazawat is a journey or expedition of war. Regardless, they are definitely ok.

Yum... enak sekali!!!

06-06-2006, 05:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
kalau dibuat makanan agak-agak liat tak?
(if it was made as food do you think it is tough?)

hilang semua gigi nanti hehe
(i'll lost all my teeth)
Nak dapat seekor badak berendam pun susah, nak kena pergi Afrika! Daripada makan badak berendam baik makan zirafah (tapi macam mana nak sembelih?)
It's hard to get even one hippopotamus, have to go to Africa. Better to eat giraffe than a hippo (but how to slaughter?)

06-06-2006, 05:57 AM
Saya selalu makan tu. Sedap!
I used to eat them. Yummy, tasty!


Orang kampung tangkap belalang guna jaring. Jiran saya goreng dengan garam dan lada.
Villagers caught them using net. My neighbour fry them with salt and chilli

How I miss it

06-06-2006, 05:59 AM
Aziz, saya baru nampak bunga.
Aziz, I just saw your flowers

Nak buat tu dari dalam ke luar atau luar ke dalam?
To do it, do I do it from inside to outside or vice versa?

06-06-2006, 05:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dishdash
You mean locusts not grasshoppers. They are halal. I'm not sure about the status of other insects. I swallowed half a maggot which was in my apple on more than one occasion though...

Volume 7, Book 67, Number 403:
Narrated Ibn Abi Aufa:

We participated with the Prophet in six or seven Ghazawat, and we used to eat locusts with him.

I think a ghazawat is a journey or expedition of war. Regardless, they are definitely ok.

Yum... enak sekali!!!
Orang kampung makan rendang belalang. Tapi saya tak makan apa sahaja binatang yang dihidangkan dengan kepala kecuali udang, sotong dan ketam.
Villagers do eat 'locust rendang'. But I didnt eat any kind of animals served with their heads on except prawns, squids and crabs.

06-06-2006, 06:01 AM
patutnya masak dan hantar sini...
(you should cook it and send it here)

boleh tangkap kat padang bola
(you can catch it at the football field)

06-06-2006, 06:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
Saya selalu makan tu. Sedap!
I used to eat them. Yummy, tasty!


Orang kampung tangkap belalang guna jaring. Jiran saya goreng dengan garam dan lada.
Villagers caught them using net. My neighbour fry them with salt and chilli

How I miss it
Orang Kelantan makan belalang jugak ke? Ingatkan orang Kedah saja.
Kelantanese do eat locust too? I thought only Kedahan eat it.

06-06-2006, 06:02 AM
apa beza locust dengan grasshopper ya?
(what's the difference between locust and grasshopper?)

06-06-2006, 06:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
patutnya masak dan hantar sini...
(you should cook it and send it here)

boleh tangkap kat padang bola
(you can catch it at the football field)
Rumah saya tak banyak belalang lah, tapi banyak burung ciak, beribu-ribu!
My house dont have any locusts/grasshoppers, but lots of 'ciak' birds (smaller than sparrows), in thousands

06-06-2006, 06:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Orang Kelantan makan belalang jugak ke? Ingatkan orang Kedah saja.
Kelantanese do eat locust too? I thought only Kedahan eat it.
hehe...nak cubalah ni
(i want to try)

06-06-2006, 06:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Rumah saya tak banyak belalang lah, tapi banyak burung ciak, beribu-ribu!
My house dont have any locusts/grasshoppers, but lots of 'ciak' birds (smaller than sparrows), in thousands
selising makan burung ciak tak?
(do you eat ciak?)


kita makan taik itik adalah hehehe...(tolong terjermahkanlah ....hehe)

06-06-2006, 06:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
apa beza locust dengan grasshopper ya?
(what's the difference between locust and grasshopper?)
Dalam bahasa melayu semua dipanggil belalang. Ada belalang kunyit, belalang pelesit. Kan!?
In malay all are called as 'belalang'. There are 'belalang kunyit' (tumeric grasshoppers?), 'belalang pelesit' (ghost riding grasshoppers?), arent they?

06-06-2006, 06:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Orang Kelantan makan belalang jugak ke? Ingatkan orang Kedah saja.
Kelantanese do eat locust too? I thought only Kedahan eat it.
Ya, masa saya kecik
Yeah, when I was small.

Sekarang dah dekat 40 tahun
Now I'm nearly 40.

Ada lagi ke?
Wonder if they still hv it

Balik Kelantan cuma masa Hari Raya
Went to Kelantan only on Eid

06-06-2006, 06:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
selising makan burung ciak tak?
(do you eat ciak?)


kita makan taik itik adalah hehehe...(tolong terjermahkanlah ....hehe)
taik itik?
duck's sh*t?+o(

06-06-2006, 06:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
taik itik?
duck's sh*t?+o(
kita tak suka sangat.
(I don't really like it)

lebih suka jalur emas
(i rather like jalur emas)

selising...taik itik diperbuat dari telur putih kan
(duck...whatever...made from white egg right?)

dan jalur emas dari telur kuning
(and gold stripe made from yellow egg)

06-06-2006, 06:12 AM
Burung ciak tak pernah makan, burung wak-wak ada lah. Puas hati sikit, lebih besar dari puyuh.

Amysa, australia.... mana awak?

06-06-2006, 06:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
selising...taik itik diperbuat dari telur putih kan
(duck...whatever...made from white egg right?)

dan jalur emas dari telur kuning
(and gold stripe made from yellow egg)
rasanya putih telur - taik itik
I think white egg - duck sh*t

jalur emas atau jala mas?
gold stripe or gold net?

Ingat, saya bukan dok Kelantan
Remember, I never stay in Kelantan for long

saya cuma lahir di Kelantan, besar kat Pahang
I was born only in Kelantan, raised in Pahang

06-06-2006, 06:18 AM
kita pernah makan burung puyuh

burung puyuh dalam english apa ya?

arnab pun pernah makan. Arnab boleh makan tak?

06-06-2006, 06:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
kita tak suka sangat.
(I don't really like it)

lebih suka jalur emas
(i rather like jalur emas)

selising...taik itik diperbuat dari telur putih kan
(duck...whatever...made from white egg right?)

dan jalur emas dari telur kuning
(and gold stripe made from yellow egg)
Jalur emas?
Golden stripes?

Makanan Kelantan yang saya pernah makan adalah laksam, nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, kerabu kaki ayam, kuih akok dan bubur asyura versi kelantan.
Kelantanese food that I've eaten are laksam, nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, chicken leg kerabu, kuih akok and Asyura porridge Kelantanese style

Saya paling suka nasi kerabu kat pasar malam jalan Tunku abdul Rahman, KL. Juga Kerabu Kaki Ayam kat kantin UIA, tapi sekejap saja makcik tu berniaga.
I really love nasi kerabu at Jalan Tunku abdul Rahman Nightmarket, KL. Also Chicken leg Kerabu at IIUM canteen, but the seller only sell it for short period

06-06-2006, 06:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
kita pernah makan burung puyuh

burung puyuh dalam english apa ya?

arnab pun pernah makan. Arnab boleh makan tak?
Saya pernah makan puyuh, arnab, rusa, telur penyu, itik.
I've eaten quails, rabbit, deer, turtle's eggs and duck

06-06-2006, 06:22 AM
telur penyu sudah diharamkan...
(turtle's eggs already been baned)

sekarang susah nak dapat
(now it is hard to get)

06-06-2006, 06:30 AM
Pernah makan ikan mentah?
Ever eat raw fish?

Orang Jepun panggil sushi
Japanese call it sushi

Orang Terengganu panggil lawa
Terengganu people call it lawa

Sebenarnya ia masak, dengan asam limau
Actually it is cooked, with lemon

Hiris nipis ikan tamban, letak cili, bawang, garam, asam limau, gaul
Cut 'tamban' fish, put some chilli, onion, salt, lemon juice, mix

Letak daun kesum dan kacang panjang

Pernah makan landak?
Ever eat porcupine?

06-06-2006, 06:34 AM
Landak tak pernah makan
(porcupine i never eat)

tak sakit ke mulut
(won't it hurt your mouth)

kita pernah makan ikan mentah tapi sarawak stail
(i've tasted raw fish but sarawak style)

06-06-2006, 06:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
telur penyu sudah diharamkan...
(turtle's eggs already been baned)

sekarang susah nak dapat
(now it is hard to get)
Saya makan telur penyu masa sebelum tadika.
I ate those turtle's eggs before going into Kindrgarten

Telur penyu Pulau Pinang. Patutla tak banyak penyu di Penang.
Penang Island's turtles' eggs. No wonder not so many turtles in Penang now.

06-06-2006, 06:46 AM
lebih kurang sama je, resipi Sarawak ngan Terengganu
The recipe is almost the same, Sarawakian and Terengganu

Saya pernah pergi Sarawak 2 minggu
I went to Sarawak for 2 weeks

Tinggal rumah kawan
Stayed in a friends house

Pakcik saya sembelih landak dan hantar isinya yang dah dimasak
My uncle slaughtered the porcupine and sent the cooked meat

06-06-2006, 06:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
Pernah makan ikan mentah?
Ever eat raw fish?

Orang Jepun panggil sushi
Japanese call it sushi

Orang Terengganu panggil lawa
Terengganu people call it lawa

Sebenarnya ia masak, dengan asam limau
Actually it is cooked, with lemon

Hiris nipis ikan tamban, letak cili, bawang, garam, asam limau, gaul
Cut 'tamban' fish, put some chilli, onion, salt, lemon juice, mix

Letak daun kesum dan kacang panjang

Pernah makan landak?
Ever eat porcupine?
Saya pernah makan sushi. Landak, tak pernah. Orang kata, landak bila buang duri sebijik macam tikus. Kat Penang ada, kedai makan jual sup landak.
I've eaten sushi. Porcupine, nope. People said, when you plucked off the thorns of porcupine, it resembles a rat. In Penang there is an eatery selling porcupine soup.

06-06-2006, 06:50 AM
sedap tak?
(taste good?)

Kalau pergi sarawak memang makanan dia pelik2
(If go to Sarawak there are so many weird food)

ulat yang dalam buluh tu apa ya nama dia?
(The maggot/worm inside bamboo...what do you call it?)

06-06-2006, 06:52 AM
NM, hang tak nak apply jadi penterjemah ke?
NM, dont u want to become a translator?

Awak ni layak tau!
I think u r qualified

Saya kenal seorang perempuan yang jadi penterjemah Bahasa Jepun
I know a lady who is a Japanese translator

Banyak buat duit
She make a lot of money

Aziz boleh jadi penterjemah Arab untuk ART
Aziz can become Arabic Translator for ART Channel

06-06-2006, 06:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
sedap tak?
(taste good?)

Kalau pergi sarawak memang makanan dia pelik2
(If go to Sarawak there are so many weird food)

ulat yang dalam buluh tu apa ya nama dia?
(The maggot/worm inside bamboo...what do you call it?)

Ulat tu haram
The maggot is haraam

Ada nampak dia orang jual katak? Biawak? Ular?
Did u see they sells frogs? ..... Snake?

Terkejut saya! Dekat sangat dengan saya masa saya lalu! Itu semua haram
I was shocked! They were so closed to me when I passed by! That are all haraam

06-06-2006, 07:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
Ulat tu haram
The maggot is haraam

Ada nampak dia orang jual katak? Biawak? Ular?
Did u see they sells frogs? ..... Snake?

Terkejut saya! Dekat sangat dengan saya masa saya lalu! Itu semua haram
I was shocked! They were so closed to me when I passed by! That are all haraam
hidup lagi ke?
are they alive?

saya rindu dekat datuk saya, dia orang sarawak
i miss my grandfather, he is sarawakian.

06-06-2006, 09:08 AM
hidup lagi!
they were alive!

Katak tu dia orang ikat
They tied the frogs

Orang Sarawak patutnya tahu
Sarawakian should know this

Itu kat pasar Satok
That was in Satok Market

06-06-2006, 09:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Selising
NM, hang tak nak apply jadi penterjemah ke?
NM, dont u want to become a translator?

Awak ni layak tau!
I think u r qualified

Saya kenal seorang perempuan yang jadi penterjemah Bahasa Jepun
I know a lady who is a Japanese translator

Banyak buat duit
She make a lot of money

Aziz boleh jadi penterjemah Arab untuk ART
Aziz can become Arabic Translator for ART Channel
ART memang perlu diterjemah, ASTRO perlu memperbanyakkan rangkaian tv berbahasa Arab demi pelajar2 Bahasa Arab di Malaysia
ART need translation, ASTRO need lots of tv channels in Arabic for the sake of Arabic language students in Malaysia

06-06-2006, 09:56 AM
ulat buah tak haram - kalau kita termakan masa makan buah. Tapi kalau saja-saja kutip ulat buat makan - +o(
Fruit maggots are not haram - if we accidentally ate them when eating fruits. But if purposely, picking them up for delicacy - +o(

Ada restoran-restoran Cina di Penang yang jual ular. Gantung kat depan kedai. Dah mati.
There are Chinese restaurants in Penang selling snakes. Hanging them in front of their shops. They're deadmeats

Khinzir lagi banyak
But there are plenty of pork too.

06-06-2006, 08:36 PM
Selamat Pagi Semua
1. Selising has to excuse me for not replying her earlier as I am still battling with MSN to regain access to my stolen hotmail...
And though I will be very busy for the 3 weeks to come, nevertheless I am going to checkout Kawan-2 postings once a day.

2. Selising asked > Nak buat tu (bunga) dari dalam ke luar atau luar ke dalam?
Aziz says: Both ways are possible. It makes no difference.
However the given English flowers read from outside to inside.

3. Selising suggested > Aziz boleh jadi penterjemah Arab untuk ART
Aziz asks: Translation from English to Arabic Or Malay to Arabic?
Any Opportunity to bring about these Projects?

4. Instead of taking frogs or Crabs, I will try TomYam, Nasi Goring, Mee Goring, Nasi Limak, DLL Malaysian Varities.

5. Regards to NM and Syilla and the rest

06-07-2006, 01:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
Selamat Pagi Semua
1. Selising has to excuse me for not replying her earlier as I am still battling with MSN to regain access to my stolen hotmail...
And though I will be very busy for the 3 weeks to come, nevertheless I am going to checkout Kawan-2 postings once a day.

2. Selising asked > Nak buat tu (bunga) dari dalam ke luar atau luar ke dalam?
Aziz says: Both ways are possible. It makes no difference.
However the given English flowers read from outside to inside.

3. Selising suggested > Aziz boleh jadi penterjemah Arab untuk ART
Aziz asks: Translation from English to Arabic Or Malay to Arabic?
Any Opportunity to bring about these Projects?

4. Instead of taking frogs or Crabs, I will try TomYam, Nasi Goring, Mee Goring, Nasi Limak, DLL Malaysian Varities.

5. Regards to NM and Syilla and the rest
Regards to you too.

Hope you have the time try out our 'badak berendam'.

06-07-2006, 04:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
Regards to you too.

Hope you have the time try out our 'badak berendam'.
Kuih paling sedap adalah pisang goreng, karipap dan cucur keria.
The most delicious kuehs are banana fritters, curry puff and cucur keria

06-07-2006, 04:26 AM
The more you take Kuih-2, the more you ask for.
My hotmail has been stolen. So please consider it null and voild.
A new mail appears on the update page:
Thanks with Flowers

06-07-2006, 04:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Kuih paling sedap adalah pisang goreng, karipap dan cucur keria.
The most delicious kuehs are banana fritters, curry puff and cucur keria
ada seorang orang asing kerja di tempat kerja lama yang saya kerja dulu, dia panggil 'banana split' hehe...
(there is one foreigner at my previous office, he called it 'banana split')

nm betul-betul buat saya lapar
(you really make me hungry)

Mr. Aziz,
i'll send you this weekend, because i don't have bm dictionary. I have to go out and buy one.:)

06-07-2006, 04:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
The more you take Kuih-2, the more you ask for.
My hotmail has been stolen. So please consider it null and voild.
A new mail appears on the update page:
Thanks with Flowers
Bergantung pada kesedapan kuih
Depends to the tastiness of the kuih

Ramai orang jual kuih untuk cari untung, tak sedap.
Many sell kuih for profit only, taste bad

06-07-2006, 04:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
ada seorang orang asing kerja di tempat kerja lama yang saya kerja dulu, dia panggil 'banana split' hehe...
(there is one foreigner at my previous office, he called it 'banana split')

nm betul-betul buat saya lapar
(you really make me hungry)

Mr. Aziz,
i'll send you this weekend, because i don't have bm dictionary. I have to go out and buy one.:)
masa makan tengah hari pun sudah hampir...(sedang mengira minit ke pukul 1.00)
lunch time is getting nearer... (still counting the minutes till 1.00 pm)

06-07-2006, 04:50 AM
another 10 minutes
(dalam 10 minit lagi)

Kita makan biskut kraker jer. Kononnya nak diet.
(I eat only cracker. As to say i'm on diet)

06-07-2006, 04:56 AM

06-07-2006, 06:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
The more you take Kuih-2, the more you ask for.
My hotmail has been stolen. So please consider it null and voild.
A new mail appears on the update page:
Thanks with Flowers
Saya boleh jemput awak masuk GMAIL kalau awak hendak
I can invite you to GMAIL if you want

Atau FastMail. FastMail senang digunakan kalau awak tak masuk mana-mana e-group
Or FastMail. FastMail is easiest if you don't subscribe to any e-group


Kalau ada e-group, senang guna GMail
If you use for groups, GMail is easier

06-07-2006, 08:05 AM
Thanks Selising
I am happy with Yahoo.
Feel free to email me.

06-08-2006, 01:56 AM
cantiknya alamat emel
(nice email address)


aziz mustafa punya
(is aziz's one)

06-08-2006, 04:04 AM
Of course mine. It was older than AzizMalizi.
To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia.
But what to do. I was removed from though I sent roots there.
Saya Sangub (dare) cakap:
I am more Malaysian than a lot of Malaysians.
Have you visited my listed webpages?
Are the flower making still progressing?
Regards and Best Wishes

06-08-2006, 04:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
I am more Malaysian than a lot of Malaysians.

I'm less Malaysian I think, I dont really love to eat rice.

06-08-2006, 04:46 AM
AzizMostafa;346837]Of course mine. It was older than AzizMalizi.
To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia.

who is Aziz Malizi anyway? you mean Aziz Malaysia hehe

But what to do. I was removed from though I sent roots there.
Saya Sangub (dare) cakap:

Sangup = Sanggup

ng = sounds more like 'a'in (in arabic)'

I am more Malaysian than a lot of Malaysians.
Have you visited my listed webpages?

Which web pages? I think i've visited all...but again maybe not.

Are the flower making still progressing?
The flowers are in progress. I only can list you the words, i cannot type it inside the flowers. i have no software.

Regards and Best Wishes
Selamat berjaya untuk anda juga

06-08-2006, 07:57 AM
2 NM: Not important what you eat, more important is with who you eat?!
2 Syilla: Just list of High Malay Words (Basic) words with their meaning in English.
An elementary Malay English Dictionary will do. And I will do the rest.
3. Selamat berjaya untuk Semua

06-08-2006, 08:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AzizMostafa
2 NM: Not important what you eat, more important is with who you eat?!
Explanation please? :p

06-08-2006, 10:04 AM
Jankan Kira Roti or Nasi. Jaga dia yang makan dengan U.
Correct my translation if I am wrong

06-09-2006, 01:31 AM
aziz... saya ada berita buruk untuk anda
(aziz... i have bad news for you)

komputer riba saya sudah korup... saya cuba bukanya pagi tadi
(my laptop is corrupted...i try to open it this morning)

tak boleh buka windows langsung
(cannot open windows at all)

semua perkataan ada dalam tu
(all the words are inside there)

sekarang saya pakai pc pejabat yang tengah nazak
(now i'm using office pc which in critical stage)

saya sedang sedih sekarang...
(I am sad now)

semua kerja saya didalam tu
(all my work are inside there)

aina sofea
06-09-2006, 03:34 PM
wa bagusnya boleh cakap melayu..sebab bi tak berapa ok..tapi insyaAllah nak tingkatkan..
wah it so good we can speak malay here..because my English is not that good..still in learning progress..

06-12-2006, 12:40 AM
selamat datang aina sofea
(welcome aina sofea)

06-12-2006, 02:12 AM
assallamualaikum Mr. Aziz,

i have problem with my computer and i cannot send you via email.
(saya ada masalah dengan komputer saya dan saya tidak dapat hantar melalui emel)

I will post the words here.
(Saya akan pos perkataan itu disini)

And also i want my friends to correct me if i'm wrong.
(Dan juga saya ingin kekawan memperbaiki kesalahan saya jika salah)

1. Saya = I or me
2. saga = A tree which produces red and black seeds used as beads
3. Saja = only
4. saka = heritage
5. sana = over there
6. Masa = time
7. mata = eye
8. Fasa = phase
9. Waja = strong
10. Bara = burning
11. bapa = father
12. baba = straits-born Chinese
13. baja = fertilizer
14. baya = of the same age
15. Kara = all alone
16. kaba = tale
17. kaca = glass
18. kasa = gauze
19. Dara = virgin
20. dada = chest
21. daya = force
22. Sara = pension
23. Mara = to come forward
24. maya = illusion
25. maha = very
26. maka = therefore
27. mana = where
28. Lada = chilly
29. laba = profit
30. laga = to collide head on
31. lala = a marine mollusc
32. Cara = style
33. caca = a type of dance
34. Dana = fund
35. Fana = perishable
36. Gara = just because of
37. gaya = manner or style
38. Jala = net
39. jaga = guard or wake up
40. jaja = hawker
41. jasa = service or merit
42. Kala = periodic
43. Kata = word
44. Lawa = being pretty
45. Lama = old
46. lata = to creep

47. Nama = name
48. nada = intonation
49. naga = dragon
50. Pada = on
51. Pala = nutmeg
52. papa = poor or father
53. para = shelf
54. paya = swamp
55. Rasa = feeling
56. Raba = to grope
57. raga = basket or physical body
58. Rata = flat
59. rawa = lawful
60. raya = large or public or great
61. Raja = king
62. rana = to suffer
63. sama = equal
64. sawa = python
65. sapa = mode of address
66. tapa = to live as an ascetic
67. taja = to promote
68. tala = tune
69. tara = even
70. tata = order
71. bata = brick
72. baka = origin
73. bala = misfortune
74. bawa = bring

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