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View Full Version : Other forums we know and love...

05-26-2006, 02:48 AM
Salaams all - I am compiling a list of as many Islamic discussion forums as I can find. Can you add to my list? I'll start you off...

Name URL Language
Islamic Board - http://www.islamicboard.com/ - English
Muslim Village - http://forums.muslimvillage.net/ - English
Maniac Muslim - http://www.maniacmuslim.com/forums/ - English
Sunni Forum - http://www.***************/forum/ - English
Islamica Web - http://www.islamicaweb.com/forums/ - English
Aussie Muslims - http://www.aussiemuslims.com/forums/ - English

Any others?

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Ansar Al-'Adl
05-26-2006, 03:24 AM
First of all, kindly post in the appropriate section.

Secondly, please check the forum rules; we have even made a sticky in this section:
No sectarian links are allowed. Sectarian links have been removed; kindly refrain from posting such links.


05-26-2006, 03:28 AM
There islammessage.com that i belong too but warn you its very inactive you will lucky to see 2 new recent posts a day. I do not know why there are alot of members is just not as active as this, theres another i know of but i quit , it was childish.

Also the islammessage forum makes u wait to be accepted, like once you register, i would say you have a 2 day wait before you can even post or do anything besides read posts

05-26-2006, 01:36 PM
Wahey, Maniacmuslim gets some attention! That place = Comic gold.

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05-26-2006, 02:00 PM

i wouldnt exactly class islamicaweb as an "islamic" forum....too much fitnah!!!

hate that forum



05-26-2006, 02:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by dishdash
Any others?



05-26-2006, 02:15 PM


x Maz x
05-26-2006, 02:20 PM
www.islamchannel.tv >> go to discussions groups inshAllah
Peace x

05-26-2006, 05:28 PM
Islam: Global Message Forum - Fantastic Forum! :brother:

05-26-2006, 06:11 PM





05-26-2006, 07:47 PM

Ansar Al-'Adl
05-26-2006, 08:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair
"Dont tell people what they are doing is wrong.." ?
:sl: brother,
What do you feel we are doing wrong?


05-26-2006, 09:01 PM

www.haqaonline.com :)

...btw bruvas & sisters don't create a fyt over sumin so small...

sects ...divisions wateva.... hug and make up...


And post sum links =D

jazakhala...gud idea with this post btw

WalaykumSalaam All.

05-26-2006, 09:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
:sl: brother,
What do you feel we are doing wrong?

No offence sidi,but i feel that the Mod's are going against the rules they have made.

"no sect discussions.."

Yet there is an entire section dedicated to it.

You should either remove the rule,or the section. :)

Thats my opinion anyway,at the end of the day,you have more wisdom than i do,so you may do as you wish.



Ansar Al-'Adl
05-27-2006, 02:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair
Thats my opinion anyway,at the end of the day,you have more wisdom than i do,so you may do as you wish.
Actually brother I'm glad you brought it up. We're always open to feedback and we're not perfect either so we rely on our members to help us out.

To clarify this concern - we do not allow sectarian discussions or debates, but on the other hand in our opinion there is still the need to educate the Muslim community about those deviations that are not in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah, and we try to do this without attacking specific people or slandering scholars. This is, in our estimate, the best way to handle the issue, but if you can think of a better alternative as I said earlier we are open to feedback.


05-27-2006, 04:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Asma1

Hmmm - I couldn't get either of those to open... Is the frst one Gawaher?

05-27-2006, 12:55 PM
I can see the need to prohibit sect vs. sect discussions, but removing links that in the moderator's opinion alone are created by a sect is something different. Why is that? And even if we were to post links to say, for example, a Shi'a forum, that's not holding a discussion on it, and would actually help contribute to greater unity, as then those who are interested in learning more about our Shi'a sisters and brothers could go directly to them.

05-27-2006, 12:58 PM
http://www.themuslimcommunity.com/forum/ ;) just lurve this forum

05-29-2006, 05:24 PM
Salam alaikum

shameless as it may seem

and as generous as the Li staff has been allowing me to have signatures and avatars with my forum name on it....

I would still like to recommend it .... here is another forum u guys may like :D

Path To Peace

Bro aku

05-29-2006, 05:27 PM

05-29-2006, 11:24 PM
oi stop spamming LI :p

too many P2P links posted - i think the mods should take some action...

infact i wanted to recomment this to the admin here to make an individual thread about sites - with their webste address OR name as the subject title

that way what will happen is that redundancy will be reduced so that 100 people arent posting the same link over and over

But it will be a big task whoever takes it on since there are a lot of links here...

On my forum it took me 2 hours to do but it was worth it..

just a suggestion

06-01-2006, 02:54 PM


06-01-2006, 06:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by scentsofjannah

i like that forum very much..very serious minded intelligent people there :) and i also know why some here don't like it ;)
Insha'allah i'll check out that forum in the weekend,once im finished doing my studies.

06-01-2006, 10:51 PM
nice tu have a forum without the sunni shia seceterian differences and abuse goin on

06-02-2006, 12:05 AM
people discuss christianity judaism hinduism etc..but yet whats wrong if we discuss OUR differences?

06-02-2006, 06:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by scentsofjannah
people discuss christianity judaism hinduism etc..but yet whats wrong if we discuss OUR differences?
Because the discussion doesnt remain a discussion for too long.

Before you know it,it turns into a battle of "My imam is right.." "NO,MY Imam is right.." "You are no muslim!Astugfirullah!" "MAy allah have mercy on your,you swine!"...get the drift? :hiding:

To be honest,as far as the christianity/judism/hinduism discussions go,i dont agree with it.

I believe muslims should work on themselves (doesnt matter if they are Sunnis or Shias) before they point the finger at other religons.

And if anyone gives me a pathetic excuse such as "..we are doing Dawah brother!" then all im going to say is,There is a way of doing Dawah,and there is a way of Not doing Dawah.

Whats happening in that Section is Not the way of doing Dawah.

Thats my 2Cents worth.


06-02-2006, 05:48 PM
This is a very interesting site that i go on regulary,
both muslims and non - muslims are very active on that forum. if your a person looking for debates then this is the forum to join!

they have the largest arcade systems than any islamic site or forum, a online 24 hour islamic radion station where you can listem to the radio and discuss ont he forum, a online counselling forum for those that need help and guidence, and many more services.
join today and benifit from the services!

current registered members 833

Islam: Global Message Forum

06-03-2006, 09:22 AM
jazakallah for the information

06-03-2006, 10:00 AM
Oh dear oh dear... this is all rather telling isn't it?!

I start a thread to let us all expand our networks if not our horizons and what happens? I mean how could one get controversy out of a thread like this?! And yet subhanallah we've pulled it off. Mabrook brothers and sisters.

Vive la difference. Celebrate our differences, don't deny them.

06-03-2006, 10:13 AM
Sorry Double D.

06-03-2006, 02:17 PM
thanks for the info everyone...... :)

06-06-2006, 12:04 PM
I'm only active in this forum, but inshaAllah i will check those other forums out.

06-06-2006, 12:07 PM
no offence but muslim maniac is probs the worst board ive ever cum across in my life!! h8 it!

06-06-2006, 12:07 PM
here s another forum:

06-06-2006, 12:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ------------
no offence but muslim maniac is probs the worst board ive ever cum across in my life!! h8 it!
Hmm... ima check it out!

06-06-2006, 12:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ------------
Yea U Do Dat
I did. It looks boring.

06-06-2006, 12:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ------------
no offence but muslim maniac is probs the worst board ive ever cum across in my life!! h8 it!

I beg to differ, the WORST must be www.islamicaweb.com/forums !!!!!!
THOSE members call themselves MUSLIM?? Almost every post from members has at least 1 swear word or name-calling in it!!!! And they talk in General Forum thread something like this "Whould you marry a guy who misses one finger in his right hand?" or something other sooo stupid that I simply couldn't believe my eyes!!!!!!

And even in threads where it is required serious discussing/talking, some idiot has to post something silly/stupid/offending and then many other idiots join in!!!!!

Those Muslims have to learn how to behave!!! (at least in the Internet!!)



06-06-2006, 01:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umm_Shaheed
I did. It looks boring.
it is lol

i think this borad is by far the BEST ive ever cum across

06-06-2006, 01:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umm_Shaheed
I did. It looks boring.

Yeah, I agree with that. That board is boring... But the site itself isn't meant to be very "islamic" and I really love some articles there, because it describes some Muslims in this world so well. No offend to anyone! :)


06-06-2006, 01:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ------------
it is lol

i think this borad is by far the BEST ive ever cum across
Yeah, I think so too!!! :)


06-06-2006, 01:06 PM
Same. Which is why i'm only active here.

06-11-2006, 12:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aafreen

I beg to differ, the WORST must be www.islamicaweb.com/forums !!!!!!
THOSE members call themselves MUSLIM?? Almost every post from members has at least 1 swear word or name-calling in it!!!! And they talk in General Forum thread something like this "Whould you marry a guy who misses one finger in his right hand?" or something other sooo stupid that I simply couldn't believe my eyes!!!!!!

And even in threads where it is required serious discussing/talking, some idiot has to post something silly/stupid/offending and then many other idiots join in!!!!!

Those Muslims have to learn how to behave!!! (at least in the Internet!!)


I wouldn't point fingers if I were you... I've seen many a post on these boards that was considerably less than erudite- and not just in the General Chat or Halal Fun sections, and by some who should know better.

06-11-2006, 08:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by NJUSA
I wouldn't point fingers if I were you... I've seen many a post on these boards that was considerably less than erudite- and not just in the General Chat or Halal Fun sections, and by some who should know better.

True, but I am talking about those in that forum who really behave more worse than some in this forum have, well, at least what I'VE seen, so pardon me if I am in your opinion wrong. May Allah (swt) forgive me if I have said anything wrong.


06-11-2006, 12:42 PM
Don't worry about it- it's just a difference in perception. How about this: instead of pointing fingers, and judging other people's behavior, let's all work on ourselves, so that we aren't the kind of people that these things are said about. We can't control what other people post, but we can refrain from posting things that are insulting or inane.

06-11-2006, 01:19 PM
I'm fond of the Muslim Wake Up forums. They are one of the coolest groups of Muslims that I know, and issues such as methodology, hermeneutics, ijtihad, and the nuances of several languages are discussed in detail and in a (mostly) respectful manner. Chit chat is (mostly) confined to designated forums and private messages. There are some who may consider them "anti-Islamic" because they don't promote the same flavor of Islam that their accusers do, but they are definitely pro-Islam, Qur'an-loving, humanitarian folk.

06-11-2006, 01:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NJUSA
Don't worry about it- it's just a difference in perception. How about this: instead of pointing fingers, and judging other people's behavior, let's all work on ourselves, so that we aren't the kind of people that these things are said about. We can't control what other people post, but we can refrain from posting things that are insulting or inane.
Please stop posting things that Do Make Sense.

People on this forum who post things that make sense are now known as 'hypocrites' and 'traitors'

So,..Unless you want to join my crew (Btw,Dishdash is part of my club..) (thought i'd warn you before you paid for your membership..),let me know,i'll PM you my home address and i'll wait for a cheque written out to Mr Zubair Mohammed for $nz250...


06-11-2006, 01:26 PM
Please stop posting things that Do Make Sense.
Looks like she took your advice:

format_quote Originally Posted by NJUSA
I'm fond of the Muslim Wake Up forums. They are one of the coolest groups of Muslims that I know, and issues such as methodology, hermeneutics, ijtihad, and the nuances of several languages are discussed in detail and in a (mostly) respectful manner. Chit chat is (mostly) confined to designated forums and private messages. There are some who may consider them "anti-Islamic" because they don't promote the same flavor of Islam that their accusers do, but they are definitely pro-Islam, Qur'an-loving, humanitarian folk.

06-11-2006, 01:29 PM
Oh, bite me, Far7an. Just because you don't like MWU doesn't mean the whole world revolves around you. Do you even know the meaning of half the terms I used in that post?

06-11-2006, 01:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NJUSA
Oh, bite me, Far7an. Just because you don't like MWU doesn't mean the whole world revolves around you. Do you even know the meaning of half the terms I used in that post?
..you are pushing it abit there sis,Far7an is a man who is younger than me,yet a man with alot of wisdom.

Please,in the future,think twice before questioning his knowledge.


06-11-2006, 01:39 PM

Moving on...

An update from IslamicAwakening...

Dear brothers/sisters, we are pleased to announce that IslamicAwakening.Com forums have just been completely revamped and improved.

The new URL for our forums is:

We are also pleased to announce that The Learning Zone is now fully operational and active. The following Online Learning courses are being conducted:

1) Ethics (Adab):
Lessons on the necessary Islamic ethics, etiquettes, morals and manners that a Muslim must aspire to live internally and externally. The subject of study in these lessons is the poem on ethics by Ibn ‘Abd al-Qawi (d. 699). To join, go to User CP -> Group Memberships -> and join the relevant group

2) Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
Learn the Islamic Civilisation, by studying a classical Hanbali Fiqh manual - 'Umdat al-Fiqh, by Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi. We hope to cover the entire book from the Book of Taharah (ritual purification) to the Book of Shahadat (Witnesses). To join, go to User CP -> Group Memberships -> and join the relevant group

3) Arabic (Three Levels)

Learn Arabic from home by taking part in these regular and interactive online lessons. To join, go to User CP -> Group Memberships -> and join the relevant group

4) Orthodox Theology (Aqeeda)
Lessons on traditionalist orthodox theology of Sunni Islam, in accordance with the doctrine of Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal, the Imam of Ahl al-Sunnah. The lessons will be based on the popular poem on creed by al-Imam al-Saffarini al-Hanbali (d. 1189) known as al-Durra al-Mudhiyya fi ‘Aqidat al-Firqa al-Mardhiyya (The Luminous Pearl on the Doctrine of Pleasure-endowed Sect). To join, go to User CP -> Group Memberships -> and join the relevant group

Please spread the word!

As-salaamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh


06-11-2006, 02:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair
People on this forum who post things that make sense are now known as 'hypocrites' and 'traitors'
I thought you said they were salafi's here? I thought Kuffar was their favourite word for non-Salafi Moslems!


Regardless, jazak'Allah for everyone who has posted their favourite other sites here.

I will continue to update this thread with new sites that I have come across and insh'Allah will attach a spreadsheet I have put together detailing no of members, threads, posts etc. (though bare in mind these are always increasing alhamdulilah!)

There's a huge variety of sites - some huge, some tiny, some parochial, some globally minded, some narrow-minded, some oozing with scholarly knowlege and resources, some playgrounds of fitna, some with hekma, some without, some that are charming and some that are utterly vile.

The point is, there's much we can learn from all of them. Not necessarily about Islam, but most certainly about Moslems. And knowing your brothers and sisters, whether they be Shia, Sunni, Wahabbi, Sufi, or anything in between can only be a good thing. We may have ideological differences but at the end of the day we all believe in Allah swt. ANd insh'Allah the mercy of God will see us all as one ummah together in Jannah one day.

I would encourage us all to move around - join other forums - but remain transient. Our diversity, both geographical as well as theological is a mercy if we would but see it.

You need to see the good and bad in our community, for both exist in abundance. Join other forums (though don't leave here completely!) and see what unity can be forged. See things from new angles - don't be afraid to expand your horizons.

06-11-2006, 02:28 PM

I thought you said they were salafi's here? I thought Kuffar was their favourite word for non-Salafi Moslems!
Well I guess you thought wrong brother :brother:.

06-11-2006, 02:35 PM
You're no Salafi akhi - ? Haha! Well that alone is never the problem anyway. Alhamdulilah, you haven't deleted or edited my posts - unlike Muhammad. In fact you took my barb in the manner of a brother. Good for you! For that reason alone I will continue to stay here.

Regretting your adab yet?!


06-11-2006, 05:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by dishdash
You're no Salafi akhi - ? Haha! Well that alone is never the problem anyway. Alhamdulilah, you haven't deleted or edited my posts - unlike Muhammad. In fact you took my barb in the manner of a brother. Good for you! For that reason alone I will continue to stay here.
..and THAT is why he is one of the few mods (that i've communicated with in my short time on this forum) that i have respect for.

There are some that i have no respect for whatsoever.

and there are others that i havent talked to at all,so im neautral with them.


Ansar Al-'Adl
06-12-2006, 05:22 AM

Actually, I deleted and edited the posts in this thread which violated the forum policy on sectarian comments. And, bi'idhnillah we will continue to block those who intend to sow disunity in the Muslim ummah by spreading sectarian labels and slandering other groups. We have always made our position manifestly clear - we follow Islam as it was revealed by Allah :arabic2: in the Qur'an, as it was explained and implemented by the Prophet peace be upon him, and as it was understood by the immediate recipients of the message, the early generations of Muslims. After this, any label thrown around is simply artificial and banks on preconceived notions and misconceptions of others.

And as for the unjust slander of declaring others to be kuffar, we reject this completely. Indeed this issue is as Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab said:
As for ruling someone to be a kâfir, then I consider a kâfir to be the person who knows the religion of the Prophet (saws), then, after such knowledge, curses it, and prevents people from following it, and shows enmity to whoever follows it. So this is the one whom I consider to be a kâfir. And the majority of this nation - By Allah's blessings - are not like this!" (Al-Durrar Al-Saniyyah, 1/73)


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