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View Full Version : Imaam Muqbil, Pearls Of Wisdom

05-30-2006, 12:42 PM
Asallam alykum warahmatullahi wabarakhatuh

I would love to share this InshaAllaah ta 'ala

Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood (Radhiallaahu 'Anhu) said: "Do not learn knowledge for three (things): To amaze and confound the foolish, to argue with the learned and to make the faces of the people turn towards you. (But) seek what is with Allaah with your hearts and actions, since only that will remain and whatever is besides it will go."

Taken from Nubdhah Mukhtasarah min Nasaa’ih Waalidee al-‘Allaamah Muqbil bin
Haadee al-Waadi’ee authored
By Shaykhah Umm ‘Abdillaah al-Waadi’iyyah (daughter of Shaykh Muqbil)

Imaam Muqbil on free mixing between men and women
He faced a nation of ignorant folk and people of desires whilst being alone and by himself. He would enjoin the good upon them and forbid them from the evil. In the beginning of his call, he would go out to them and scream in his loudest voice, “Free mixing between men and women is evil.�

Imaam Muqbil on servicing Islaam
From the statements of our Father and Shaykh, “Do you desire to present something for the betterment of Islaam and no one speaks ill of you? You desire to present something for the betterment of Islaam and you find them rubbing your side saying, ‘Hasn’t Allaah already made many men like you?’�
Imaam Muqbil on the love of knowledge and the scholars
He had an immense and expansive love for the scholars and beneficial knowledge that flowed through his flesh, blood, and nerves since his childhood. He, himself, has informed us of that.

One day during a lesson that he was conducting, he expressed his love for knowledge on a Monday the last day of the month of Safar in the year 1420H, “What is better than knowledge? It is better than gold and money. It is better than beautiful, gorgeous women. It is better than royalty.� And he would say, “Insha Allaah, we will seek knowledge until we die

Imaam Muqbil’s Great Concern for the ‘Aqeedah

He was upon what our Salaf as-Saalih were upon from amongst the companions, the Taabi’een, the Taabi’u Taabi’een, and those that came after them who followed them in righteousness regarding belief in Allaah, His Names and Attributes, believing in them just as they have come without resembling Allaah to the creation (Tamtheel or Tashbeeh), asking how the nature of His Names and Attributes are (Takyeef), or negation of His Names and Attributes (Ta’teel). He was also upon what the Salaf as-Saalih were upon concerning belief in the unseen matters, the Qadar (Divine Decree), its good and bad, and other than that. He even authored books of ‘Aqeedah such as the book ‘al-Jaami’ as-Saheeh feel Qadar’ (The Authentic Collection Concerning the Divine Decree), ‘Ash-Shafaa’ah’ (The Intercession), ‘As-Saheeh al-Musnad min Dalaa’ilin Nabuwwah’ (The Authentic Musnad regarding the Signs of Prophecy), ‘Irshaad Dhawil Fitan li Ib’aad Ghulaatir Rawaafid min Yaman’ (Guidance for the Clever and Bright in Distancing Oneself from the Extreme Raafidah of Yemen), and ‘Riyaadul Jennah fir Radd ‘alaa A’daa’is Sunnah’ (Gardens of Paradise as a Refutation Against the Enemies of the Sunnah). He also taught at this very centre ‘al-Jaami’ as-Saheeh feel Qadar’ (The Authentic Collection Concerning the Divine Decree), ‘Ash-Shafaa’ah’ (The Intercession), and ‘As-Saheeh al-Musnad min Dalaa’ilin Nabuwwah’ (The Authentic Musnad regarding the Signs of Prophecy) and all praise belongs to Allaah.

He encouraged me to place strong importance on studying books of the ‘Aqeedah such as ‘‘Aqeedatus Salaf’ of Saaboonee, ‘al-‘Aqeedat ul Waasitiyyah’ of Ibn Taymiyyah, ‘as-Sunnah’ of ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmad, of Ibn Abee ‘Aasim, of Muhammad bin Nasar al-Marwazee, and the likes. He, conducted lessons on the book ‘at-Tawheed’ of Ibn Khuzaimah and ‘as-Sunnah’ of ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmad.

Due to the strength of his ‘Aqeedah, the enemies of Allaah and the Daw’ah as-Salafiyyah would fight him and he would refute their falsehood and suppress them, hindering them with proofs from the book of Allaah the Sunnah of His Messenger, (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). Because of this, they would lose their bravery and become cowardly and forsaken. Some of them are renowned for that.

So when evidence was requested of some of them concerning an issue, he (i.e. Imaam Muqbil) would respond, “I swear by Allaah, Ahlus Sunnah does not weaken and debilitate anyone except by the proofs. As for them, they are upon the religion of their fathers and grandfathers, blindly following them. They have been left to confusion and are forsaken. This is the state of one who embraces blind following.�

Imaam Muqbil’s Concern for strongly adhering to the Sunnah
From his statements, “We will never abandon the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) even if we are bitten fiercely and ferociously by teeth.�

Imaam Muqbil on not opposing the Daw’ah by having Disdain for it
It was difficult upon him and it ailed him when the Daw’ah was opposed out of disdain, and he would warn from that saying, “It is obligatory that we fear Allaah regarding the Daw’ah and that we do not oppose it having disdain for it.�

Imaam Muqbil’s Joy and Glee for Ahlus Sunnah Spreading the Truth in Our Time and the People’s Acceptance of the Truth
He was joyful at many of the people in our time accepting the truth and Ahlus Sunnah upholding and carrying out what is obligatory upon them and he would say, “Ahlus Sunnah, and all praise belongs to Allaah, has closed the gap and the enemies of Islaam are intimidated by them. America is prepared to assist the Soofee, the Shee’ee, and the disbeliever, but as for Ahlus Sunnah, no.�

Imaam Muqbil’s Stance in being upon the Understanding of the Salaf as-Saalih
He would say, “We worship Allaah upon the understanding of the Salaf as-Saalih that is in accordance with the proofs, and we say, ‘They have preceded us in every good.’ They have been praised in the likes of His statement, The Exalted,

“And the foremost to embrace Islaam of the Muhajirun and the Ansaar and those that followed them exactly in faith.� [Soorah Tawbah (9): 100]

And the statement of the Prophet, (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) “The best of you are my generation, then those that came after them, then those that came after them.� (End of quote)

Imaam Muqbil on Abstaining from that which does not benefit in this Life
He was a Zaahid (ascetic) concerning the life of this world and its wretched vanities that will inevitably perish. He did not care whether it came his way or departed. He lived in a humble home that was partially constructed of clay. Some of the righteous folk requested to knock his home down and rebuild a more splendid dwelling but he refused.

Truly, he was upon a remarkable Zuhd (asceticism) and he was not known to bend. Due to this, he would warn from the life of this world and from his statements, “The life of this world delays a person hindering him. It may even cause him to forget, toying with him, so that he gives it precedence over the hereafter. It blinds and causes one to become deaf.�

Imaam Muqbil on Humbleness and Humility
He did not puff himself up over anyone, nor was he neither conceited and dazzled by himself, nor was he haughty and arrogant, and anyone who interacted with him knows this of him. He would say, “I have fallen short.� And he would say, “I am not pleased with myself.�

Imaam Muqbil’s View of the Daw’ah Spreading in Yemen
He would say concerning the Daw’ah when it had become prevalent and spread, “This is something that Allaah has willed. It is not due to our strength, nor due to our eloquent speech, nor due to our abundance of knowledge, nor due to our abundance of wealth.�

Imaam Muqbil’s View of His Students
He stated more than once to his students, “I now consider you to be amongst my colleagues.�

Imaam Muqbil on Arrogance and HaughtinessHe would say, “Arrogance is of the greatest deterrents from good and excellence. He, The Exalted, has stated,

“I shall turn away from My Ayat those who behave arrogantly on the earth without due right.� [Soorah A’araaf (7): 146]

The arrogant and haughty person is hated amongst the people even if he were to give them baskets of gold.�

Imaam Muqbil’s Dislike of Fame

The people travelling and flocking to this blessed centre indicates the fame of this Daw’ah and its level being raised, and all praise belongs to Allaah. All of this was in spite of the fact that our Father and Shaykh did not love fame. Due to this he would say, “I have been tested with fame.�

An Example of Imaam Muqbil’s Humbleness
He would say, “We are ignorant of some things and knowledgeable of others. We are correct sometimes and we err at other times.�

Imaam Muqbil on not being Affected by the Those who Rebuke You
It was said to him one day whilst I was listening, “Some of the people speak ill of you.� So he said, “It does not harm me. My sins are more (of a burden).� He stated this while there was a smile upon his face.

Imaam Muqbil on the Effects of Sins
Once, his left hand began to shake, so he said to me, “This is due to my sins,� and he recited His statement, The Exalted:

“And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much.� [Soorah Shooraa (42): 30]

Imaam Muqbil on Fearing Hypocrisy
He would say, “Whoever does not fear hypocrisy for himself is deluded and blind.�

Imaam Muqbil on the Principle: We Cooperate in That Which We Agree Upon and We Excuse Each Other in That Which We Disagree Upon
He would say about the principle “We cooperate in that which we agree upon and we excuse each other in that which we disagree upon.� “In it is a denial of the proofs concerning enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, and the one who says it is a Munaafiq (hypocrite) that has fallen into the hypocrisy of action.�

Imaam Muqbil on Tawakkul
He possessed strong reliance (upon Allaah). Due to this he would return matters to Allaah and say, “Ease occurs by the Hand of Allaah.� If he spent of his wealth, you would find him saying, “Allaah will compensate me.�

An Example of Imaam Muqbil’s Kindness and Generosity
It was said to him once whilst I was listening, “It is said that you possess a large sum of money.� So he said, “If I do possess that then I have dispersed it like this,� and he pointed to his right, left, front, and rear. He would give precedence to the students of knowledge, specifically the advanced students, since they were more deserving than others in his view.

An Example of Imaam Muqbil’s Maturity
How many issues was he asked about and he said about them, “Allaah knows best.�? How many people was he asked about and he would say, “I am unable to make a statement about him,� so he would remain silent about him for years until his state became clear. So is there any ill speech about him (i.e. Imaam Muqbil) after this?

Imaam Muqbil on Having Severe Hatred for Hizbiyyah, Innovations, and Its People
He severely hated Hizbiyyah, innovations, and its people for the sake of Allaah, The Mighty, The Majestic. We deem him to have great stature, but Allaah is His Reckoner. He would explain the reality of the Hizbee, saying, “The Hizbee is one who calls to his ideology. Even if he calls to the Book and the Sunnah, he is only concealing (his ideology). Hizbiyyah does not have a peak. It is only an ideology.�

Imaam Muqbil on Having Severe Hatred for Safety and Security Being Vanquished and Frightening the MuslimsHe had hatred for safety and security being vanquished, the effects of disturbances, and frightening the Muslims. During one of his delightful and interesting lessons that he conducted, we came across the Hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar that is agreed upon (by Bukhaaree and Muslim): “I have been ordered to fight the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped in truth except Allaah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, to establish the prayer, and pay the Zakaat. If they do that then their blood and wealth is safe from me except for the rights of Islaam and their reckoning will be with Allaah.�

He extracted from this and said, “Within this Hadeeth is a refutation of some modern day groups.

From them is Jamaa’ah at-Takfeer who deem the blood of the Muslims to be Halaal, from them is Jamaa’ah al-Jihad who deem the blood of the Muslims to be Halaal, who consider the ruler to be a disbeliever and the general populous to be Muslims, so the infrastructure of the state should be run by the heedless Muslim, and from them are the revolutionaries who teach the people revolution and overthrowing the government.

And in the Saheehayn (i.e. Bukhaaree and Muslim) from the Hadeeth of ‘Abdullaah bin Mas’ud, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, ‘Allaah has not permitted the blood of the Muslim except in three (cases), the fornicator that was previously married, a life for a life, and the person who abandons the religion separating from the Jamaa’ah.’ After this Hadeeth, Muslim conveys a Hadeeth on ‘Aa’ishah since he relayed its chain of transmission to ‘Aa’ishah and then stated a similar narration.� (End of quote)

An Example of Imaam Muqbil’s Mercy and Compassion for His Students

He said to his students, “Oh my children, I swear by Allaah if knowledge could be poured into a glass, I would pour it for you, but it is not obtained except by hard work, exhaustion, and scraping of the knees. And Yahyaa bin Abee Katheer said to his son ‘Abdullaah, ‘Knowledge is not obtained by relaxation of the body.’ Related by Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of Prayer.�

Imaam Muqbil Had Great Concern for the Non-‘Arab Brothers
He would have great concern for the non-‘Arab brothers, specifically. Sometimes, he would teach them some Arabic words saying, “Sitting with them will not harm you i.e. teaching them.�

Imaam Muqbil on Family Life
He would teach us to make our intentions, in eating and drinking, increasing in Taqwa so that we could obtain reward from Allaah, and he would say, “Do not busy and exert yourselves preparing the food. We will eat whatever is easy for you to prepare.�
Imaam Muqbil Desired the Best for His Children
He would say to me, “I hope that you will become a Faqeehah (i.e. a learned scholar).�

Imaam Muqbil Advised with Placing Importance upon the ‘AqeedahHe advised placing great importance upon the ‘Aqeedah, and he would say, “Placing importance upon the ‘Aqeedah is very crucial. The Muslim without his ‘Aqeedah is not able to stand firm in front of his enemies nor is he able to conduct himself in an Islamic manner. Due to this, our Prophet, Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) began with the ‘Aqeedah and his entire life was geared towards calling to the ‘Aqeedah, related religious verdicts, and actions.�

Imaam Muqbil stressed calling to Tawheed, and he would say, “Since once they have loved, learned, and understood Tawheed they will not submit to other than it. So once they have freed themselves from Shirk it will be easier for them and they will be more eager to free themselves of other matters.�

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06-11-2006, 10:33 PM
Ma'shallah...........u Got The Whole Book Sis , If You Ain't Get It..it's Real Sad....it Made Me Cry More Than 5 Times!!!
He Was A Great 3aalim ..tabarakallah...........may Allah Grant Him With Paradise!!

06-15-2006, 07:35 PM
There's Also Another Book His Wife Umm Salamah Wrote About Him!!!
It's Just Came To The West Last Month...it's Also About His Life Stories!!!...and The Last Days , Weeks , Months Of His Life!....
It's Called: "al-ayyaam Al-akhira Li-rihlat Imaam Al-jazeera"!!!

06-16-2006, 12:30 PM
^ Really? Oh I never even read the first book about Sheikh Muqbil :( rahimahullah.....I wish I could get it soon though, but I dunno how :'(
For now I just have my fond memories of him.......:wub: May Allah place him in the 3illiyyeen Ameen....

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06-16-2006, 01:56 PM
Ameen sis!

06-17-2006, 03:48 AM
Alhamdulillah I have some of the books of Umm Salamah too, about naseehah from sheikh Muqbil for the students of 'ilm. And also his autobiography by Umm Salamah -hafidhakillah-. And a book of sheikhah Aisha Umm Abdillah which talking about ruling concern women. There are a lot of sheikh Muqbils students here in Indonesia, and alhamdulillah my teacher one of them. And also there are books from syaikh Muqbils students too, by Sheikh Yahya talking about the ruling of salah in safar, and books by Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdulwahab Al Wushaby which talking about tafseer kitabut tauhid, and also syaikh Abdullah Al....I dont remember...is it al adany or al yamany:rollseyes ...but he is the sheikhs student who is strong in fiqh they said and he ever came to Indonesia. Sadly I couldnt come to his muhadharoh masha Allah. +o(

06-17-2006, 05:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dhulqarnaeen
Alhamdulillah I have some of the books of Umm Salamah too, about naseehah from sheikh Muqbil for the students of 'ilm. And also his autobiography by Umm Salamah -hafidhakillah-. And a book of sheikhah Aisha Umm Abdillah which talking about ruling concern women. There are a lot of sheikh Muqbils students here in Indonesia, and alhamdulillah my teacher one of them. And also there are books from syaikh Muqbils students too, by Sheikh Yahya talking about the ruling of salah in safar, and books by Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdulwahab Al Wushaby which talking about tafseer kitabut tauhid, and also syaikh Abdullah Al....I dont remember...is it al adany or al yamany:rollseyes ...but he is the sheikhs student who is strong in fiqh they said and he ever came to Indonesia. Sadly I couldnt come to his muhadharoh masha Allah. +o(

akhee :sl:
...the sheikh that you were tryin' to refer is ..shiekh abdullah al-adeniy .(aden is a part of yemen!!!!) hafdahullah!!..he's one of the strongets over there in fiqh..sheikh yahya asks him from time to time for help if he's stuck!!
i remember when shiekh abdullah wahhaab al-wusaaby came back from indonesia..he came to dammaaj and started to tell us of his experiences over there!!.. he gave a really good muhaadra ma'shaAllah
there's a new book that umm salamah wrote just like a 8 months ago..i can't remember what it's called though!!

is there really alot of sheikh muqbil's students in indonesia???..i know that there are alot of them in dammaaj!......
i remeber shiekh yahya used to praise alot ...an indonesian brother called DHULQARNAYN......they say he used to tie his hair in two plaits or sumthing??
is he your teacher????

06-17-2006, 05:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
akhee :sl:

there's a new book that umm salamah wrote just like a 8 months ago..i can't remember what it's called though!!


advise on how to treat muslim women?

06-17-2006, 05:54 PM
I Can't Remember What Is Was About Either Sis!!!

06-19-2006, 09:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
i remeber shiekh yahya used to praise alot ...an indonesian brother called DHULQARNAYN......they say he used to tie his hair in two plaits or sumthing??
is he your teacher????
My teacher is ustadh Abu Qotadah (His name is Suherlan Al Sundawy or Al Tasikmalayi, Im not sure) -hafidhahullah-, actually he is one of my teacher. There are a lot of ustadh Salafiyun where I can take ilm in here masha Allah walhamdulillah.

06-19-2006, 12:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
is there really alot of sheikh muqbil's students in indonesia???..i know that there are alot of them in dammaaj!......
i remeber shiekh yahya used to praise alot ...an indonesian brother called DHULQARNAYN......they say he used to tie his hair in two plaits or sumthing??
is he your teacher????
Duh Princess, where'd you think all of those Indonesians went after they left Dammaj? :rollseyes
Sheikh Muqbil wrote about Abu Qotadah in his book in which he compiled all the names of his favorite and recommended students I'll have to look up what he said about him again Insha'allah.

I was listening to a tape by Sheikh Muqbil rahimahullah a few days ago and he was having a conference with bros in Indonesia, and he was like ' wa sallim 3alal Akh Dhulqarnaen ' .....he always used to ask about him and praise him. Wow.....he must've been one helluva good student eh princess? Masha'allah.

Oh by the way Princess, Did Shaheeda ever tell you how the Sheikh looked? :D

06-19-2006, 04:52 PM
ass salaamu alaykum...

hey there MAW'

so that's where they all went ..LOL!.....there's soo much of them now..single married you name it!!! KIDS TOO! tabarakallah
yeah..dhulqarnayn..shekh yahya used to talk 'bout him aswell ..once he sent his salaams to all the students...and the shiekh went on & on about how much of a mujtahid he was& how he was like on of the indonesian students!!1..he made his mark on that place i tell ya ,maashallah...

shiekh muqbil ( rahimahullah!) .....no shaheedah did'nt show us !!....we got this newspaper from shiekh yahya ....it had shiekh muqbils photo on it & quite a few articles & pics of the place too!!...he looked younger than his age innit!!!.... tabarakAllah!!...

06-19-2006, 05:08 PM
^ Yep I know the place is full of Indo's now.......wow.....maybe if I go back I might just fit in :D hehehe....nawww.....I dont really fit in with them for some sort of reason...cultural differences you know :D

06-19-2006, 05:11 PM
yeah....Maw!...i agree with you!!, there's like 400 of them or sumthing!!

06-20-2006, 05:25 PM
MashaAllah, beautiful sharing Sister.
jazaak Allah


06-20-2006, 07:25 PM
asalamualaykum warahmutallah

Jazakallahkheir sister :)


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