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View Full Version : Sins of Zina

07-12-2006, 07:46 PM

can someone please tell me the punishment for commiting fornication. A close brother of mine really needs to hear it and i couldnt think of what to say. Please help inshallah


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07-12-2006, 07:48 PM

Well from what I knowyou get lashes under the sharia and also in hell they're put into a oven type thing where they're punished allah knows best.

Salah ad-din
07-12-2006, 08:10 PM
Chapter 2


Hadith 22

Imran bin Al-Husain Al-Khuza`i (May Allah be pleased with him)reported: A woman from the tribe Juhainah came to Messenger of Allah (PBUH)while she was pregnant from (Zina) adultery and said to him: "O Messenger ofAllah! I have committed an offense liable to Hadd (prescribed punishment),so exact the execution of the sentence.'' Messenger of Allah (PBUH) calledher guardian and said to him, "Treat her kindly. Bring her to me after thedelivery of the child.'' That man complied with the orders. At last theProphet (PBUH) commanded to carry out the sentence. Her clothes were securedaround her and she was stoned to death. The Prophet (PBUH) led her funeralprayers. `Umar submitted: "O Messenger of Allah! She committed Zina and youhave performed funeral prayer for her?'' He replied, "Verily, she maderepentance which would suffice for seventy of the people of Al-Madinah if itis divided among them. Can there be any higher degree of repentance thanthat she sacrificed her life voluntarily to win the Pleasure of Allah, theExalted?''.[Muslim].

07-12-2006, 08:10 PM
yesh and a zinaa person has to marry a zinaa person, like he cant marry a chaste woman, but bro, also say 2 him that Allah (swt) is the all forgivin he will forgive u, if u ask him, so tell ur brother, if he repents proply den he is no longer a fornicator, because it says "he who repents is just like a new born" meanin der sins r wiped away!! ameen

may Allah (swt) guide us & keep us under his guidance & keep shaytaan away frm us & forgive us weneva we sin! ameen!

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07-12-2006, 09:32 PM
What if you marry the persoon who you committed zina with. If you did fall into zina because there was no way for you to marry that person before, but you had the intention of marring that same person.

07-12-2006, 09:48 PM
If both commited zina, they can't get married until they repent, and they have to make sure that the girl is not preg. IF she is preg, in that case she has to wait until she delivers the baby. new born is named after mother.

Repentence is most important. If not then so and so are still among the fornicators.

Allah swt is oft-forgiving.

About the lashes its only under the case of shariah law in our countries.

A person who commited zina in past, but he/she repented sincerely for it already,then there is no harm marrying some1 whos not a fornicator.

for more information use the search engine on Islamqa.com

Wasalmaualykum warahmatullah

07-12-2006, 10:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by chacha_jalebi
yesh and a zinaa person has to marry a zinaa person, like he cant marry a chaste woman, but bro, also say 2 him that Allah (swt) is the all forgivin he will forgive u, if u ask him, so tell ur brother, if he repents proply den he is no longer a fornicator, because it says "he who repents is just like a new born" meanin der sins r wiped away!! ameen

may Allah (swt) guide us & keep us under his guidance & keep shaytaan away frm us & forgive us weneva we sin! ameen!

Can you keep repenting each time you fornicate, and have the sin forgiven?

07-12-2006, 10:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by searchingsoul
Can you keep repenting each time you fornicate, and have the sin forgiven?
no there is a criteria for being repenting.

1. Stop the sin your commiting

2. Make sincere intention to NEVER commit that sin again

3. Seek forgiveness from you lord.

4. Seek forgiveness from the one you've wronged

:peace: :)

07-13-2006, 03:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by searchingsoul
Can you keep repenting each time you fornicate, and have the sin forgiven?

in surah Az Zumar, v53, Allah (swt) says...

Say: O My servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful

as it says Allah (swt) forgives sins altogether, so that means that he will forgive you even if u commit sins again and again, but u gota repent proply & stick 2 d conditions dat bro abd majid sed!

and Allah (swt) accepts tru repentance of ne1, as we see in dis hadiths

Abu Sa'id (ra) reported that RasoolAllah (saw) told about a man who had killed ninety-nine persons. Later on, the man regretted it and asked a worshiper among the Children of Israel whether he could repent. This worshiper told him no, so he killed him, thus completing one hundred murders. Then he asked one of their scholars whether he could repent. He said, “What is stopping you from repenting?”
Then he told him to go to a town where Allah was worshiped. He set out for that town, but death came to him while he was on the road. The angels of mercy and the angels of punishment disputed over him. So Allah commanded them to measure the distance between the two towns and the place where he died. Whichever [town] he was closer to when he died was the one to which he belonged. They found he was closer to the town he was heading for. Thus, the angels of mercy took him. It was said that when he was dying, he moved himself toward that town while Allah commanded the good town to move closer to him and the other town to move away [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

so Allah (swt) forgives ya cos he is the most merciful

as he says in Surah Nisa v110 ...

If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks God's forgiveness, he will find God Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful

so jus tell ya bro 2 repent proply & alwyz remem dese ayahs & dis hadiths ..

“A person who has repented (sincerely) is like one who has never sinned.” [bukhari]

inshallah Allah (swt) will 4 giv all of us and our sins!!!

07-13-2006, 11:17 PM
In this case it's hard to understand why people have such a problem with unchaste people. No one knows if they've repented for their sins. I don't understand why it's so easy to judge others without knowing what transpired with them and God.

07-14-2006, 02:38 AM
i dont really understand what youre saying here. you cant be suggesting that all unchaste people have sinserly repented? some have, some havent, but the point is, what they did is a crime and if they are found guilty under the islamic legal system they have to be punished.

you wouldnt release a theif with out punishment if he or she were caught, or a murderer, even if they did repent, so why should we let fornicators and adulters off so easy?

07-14-2006, 02:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by cheese
i dont really understand what youre saying here. you cant be suggesting that all unchaste people have sinserly repented? some have, some havent, but the point is, what they did is a crime and if they are found guilty under the islamic legal system they have to be punished.

you wouldnt release a theif with out punishment if he or she were caught, or a murderer, even if they did repent, so why should we let fornicators and adulters off so easy?
Are people supposed to be punished even if they repent?

07-14-2006, 03:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by searchingsoul
Are people supposed to be punished even if they repent?
According to Islamic belief - if you're not punished in the world, you'll be punished in the hereafter.

If your're punished and repented in this worldly life, you have no more that sins to carry in the hereafter.

07-14-2006, 03:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
According to Islamic belief - if you're not punished in the world, you'll be punished in the hereafter.

If your're punished and repented in this worldly life, you have no more that sins to carry in the hereafter.
So you actually have to have the physical punishment, or you'll be punished when you die

Ansar Al-'Adl
07-14-2006, 03:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by searchingsoul
Are people supposed to be punished even if they repent?
There are actually different issues that are being mixed here. One is the societal morality protected by the law, and the other is the individual issue of forgiveness and repentence. So in an Islamic state, once the issue of fornication is brought before the courts then a punishment must be imposed irrespective of the repentence of the sinner. This is to fulfill the penal function of deterrence and denunciation and the protectection and preservation of society that is achieved as a result of that. If the individual guilty of this sin has not made his/her case public, then it is better for them not to do so, since it is a personal sin and they are to repent sincerely to God. The forgiveness of God is contingent upon the individual's repentence and not the state-imposed punishment which has another function altogether.


07-14-2006, 03:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by searchingsoul
So you actually have to have the physical punishment, or you'll be punished when you die
Can you steal money from someone, repent and leave with no punishment? Under secular law?

07-14-2006, 04:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Can you steal money from someone, repent and leave with no punishment? Under secular law?
no. you make a good point

07-14-2006, 05:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by searchingsoul
In this case it's hard to understand why people have such a problem with unchaste people. No one knows if they've repented for their sins.
in a hadiths by Tirmidhi

RasoolAllah (saw) has said, "dont curse or annoy someone over the sin they have done, because you dont know if they have repented and Allah (swt) has accepted"

so once you repent PROPLY, u get the status dat u neva did the sin, so yup people shouldnt have a problem with them as long as they havent lik gone againist anyones rites, then Allah (swt) will judge them!

like bro ansar sed, in a sharia state you would get punished 4 zina, but if u hav repented sincerly then Allah (swt) will inshallah 4giv u :)

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