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View Full Version : So much pain! :(

Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 10:57 AM
:sl: brothers and sisters,

I hope you are well.inshAllah.

Since yesterday, I have encountered the most dreadful pain ever. The pain was in my hands,wrists up to my elbow. I could not sleep the whole night.
Then, today, the pain has become so much more worse, that when I sit on the floor and try to get up. My knee caps feel really weak and produce so much pain.

My mom says it may be the childrens version of artheritis (sorry about the spelling). I think I may have a lack of iron, but my mom again thinks I have a lack of everything.

The doctors are closed on a saturday and was wondering if anyone has any idea what the pains may mean (i.e:Arthiritis etc).

My hands can no longer hold a tight grip. I can barely walk much.


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08-12-2006, 11:02 AM
oh no inshallah you'll get better sis, do you not have an emergency number for the doctors? arthiritis can be caused by many things, i hear people say you get it if you crack your knuckles so much i dont know if its true, it maybe that you have a lack of iron, see if you can have a word at the local pharmacy they might be able to give you something:mmokay:

08-12-2006, 11:05 AM
wow sis that sounds super bad.. may Allah heel you ameen

sorry i'm not of much help though, i don't know much about the cure for that problem. :S

Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by rizwana87
oh no inshallah you'll get better sis, do you not have an emergency number for the doctors? arthiritis can be caused by many things, i hear people say you get it if you crack your knuckles so much i dont know if its true, it maybe that you have a lack of iron, see if you can have a word at the local pharmacy they might be able to give you something:mmokay:

Get better? Yes, possibly once I am 6 feet underground. The pain is too much. I don't crack my knuckles and even so, it doesn' explai the pain in my knees.
Pharmacy? They are closed in my area.


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The Ruler
08-12-2006, 11:06 AM
salam sis...

im sory to hear bout ur state :(....but do u sleep wid a fan beside ur bed dat gives u direct wind?....i rememba i did dat once n in e mornin my hand grip was much less tighter....but der was no pain....i fink u shud try sum simple exercises...lyk de dynamic hand grip exercise...wer u tighten ur grip n den loosen it n repeat it....it wud hurt but i fink it shud giv u sum ease :thumbs_up

take care :rose:


Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by lolwatever
wow sis that sounds super bad.. may Allah heel you ameen

sorry i'm not of much help though, i don't know much about the cure for that problem. :S

It is called: Pain not super bad.

08-12-2006, 11:07 AM
sorry if i wasnt much help.

Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dARk cRyStAl
salam sis...

im sory to hear bout ur state :(....but do u sleep wid a fan beside ur bed dat gives u direct wind?....i rememba i did dat once n in e mornin my hand grip was much less tighter....but der was no pain....i fink u shud try sum simple exercises...lyk de dynamic hand grip exercise...wer u tighten ur grip n den loosen it n repeat it....it wud hurt but i fink it shud giv u sum ease :thumbs_up

take care :rose:

No, I do not have a fan in my room.
Sister, this not any normal pain. I can just about bend my fingers to type. I do not have a grip. When I close and open my hands, the pain is..extreme.

08-12-2006, 11:12 AM
Don't think at worse.If you washed alot in cold water it might be rheumatism. Usually the pain dissapear after 24-48 hours.

The Ruler
08-12-2006, 11:14 AM
is de place swollen?

Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Don't think at worse.If you washed alot in cold water it might be rheumatism. Usually the pain dissapear after 24-48 hours.
I use hot water.
I don't understand, is this a punishment from Allah? :cry:

Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dARk cRyStAl
is de place swollen?

08-12-2006, 11:15 AM
Ameera, visit the doctors inshaAllah, get a blood test or something inshaAllah...but i know the feeling 2 years ago me and 2 of my friends had rheumatism, its quite common in yemen its really cold in ramadhan there, our hands were always freezing, and it got worse gradually..
but it wasn/t severe or anything alhamdulilah, we made monthly trips to the hospital and got shots and bi idhni Allah/by the will of Allah we were ok, penecillin and some other stuff i don't remember...
inshaAllah takun khayr sis, Allahu yashfeek


08-12-2006, 11:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
I use hot water.
I don't understand, is this a punishment from Allah? :cry:
please don't give up. Can't be a punishment. Something is wrong but don't think at worse. You should try to keep your hand in warm, see if the pain will not dissapear.

The Ruler
08-12-2006, 11:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
I use hot water.
I don't understand, is this a punishment from Allah? :cry:
does de hot water ease the pain....even a lil bit?


Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
Ameera, visit the doctors inshaAllah, get a blood test or something inshaAllah...but i know the feeling 2 years ago me and 2 of my friends had rheumatism, its quite common in yemen its really cold in ramadhan there, our hands were always freezing, and it got worse gradually..
but it wasn/t severe or anything alhamdulilah, we made monthly trips to the hospital and got shots and bi idhni Allah/by the will of Allah we were ok, penecillin and some other stuff i don't remember...
inshaAllah takun khayr sis, Allahu yashfeek


I do become very very cold at times even if it warm outside.But I still do not think it is rheu...sm.


Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
please don't give up. Can't be a punishment. Something is wrong but don't think at worse. You should try to keep your hand in warm, see if the pain will not dissapear.
I did. I even applied chinese medicene to my arms and kept my arms in the covers all night. But, the pain was so much that I could not go to sleep. I am so tired.:cry: Oh Allah!:cry:

08-12-2006, 11:22 AM
You should try to drink some diuretic tea. That could help you and its not harmful for your health. Also, keep in warm water your hands.
If do you have at home some anti rheumatichal cream would be great to use it.

08-12-2006, 11:24 AM
how about some sort of pure-honey application :?

Ameeratul Layl
08-12-2006, 11:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
You should try to drink some diuretic tea. That could help you and its not harmful for your health. Also, keep in warm water your hands.
Where can I buy this tea from?
Infact, it is possible for you to post how you make this tea and what to use?please.
I'm going to die with this pain.

08-12-2006, 11:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
I did. I even applied chinese medicene to my arms and kept my arms in the covers all night. But, the pain was so much that I could not go to sleep. I am so tired.:cry: Oh Allah!:cry:
You would not like to go upto the hospital? To get the treatment ...its not natural to be cold.
I will ask my mom how she makes the tea.

08-12-2006, 11:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
I did. I even applied chinese medicene to my arms and kept my arms in the covers all night. But, the pain was so much that I could not go to sleep. I am so tired.:cry: Oh Allah!:cry:
I would not advise you to try alternative therapies. They are either outdated and have little effect compared to conventional medicine, or are completely fraudulant, as in 'reflexology'. Some will do more harm than good.

I think you should find some good doctors. The NHS usually has an emergency advice centre open most of the time.

Remember to make dua. If He wills, Allah can cure any illness.

08-12-2006, 11:32 AM
Ita an herbal tea made from Equisetum Arvense - thats the latin name or Field Horsetail -the english name.That you should drink it. If you can make more tea, what remain put to your hands. Will help the pain to diminish and also, you don't have any problems with your kidney?

08-12-2006, 11:32 AM

Oh sis I'm really sorry to hear that. May Allah give you shifa - ameen.

Is the pain in your hands worst at night? Is it accompanied by numbness/pins & needles in your fingers, pain in hand and arm? If the answer is yes, then it may be a condition called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel formed by the bones and other tissues of your wrist. This tunnel protects your median nerve. The median nerve gives you feeling in your thumb, and index, middle and ring fingers. But when other tissues in the carpal tunnel, such as ligaments and tendons, get swollen or inflamed, they press against the median nerve. That pressure can make part of your hand hurt or feel numb.

However there are other reasons that may be causing this pain such as arthritis.

Now a few questions about your knees? Are your knees red or swollen or both? If Yes - do you have a fever with the swollen joints? If Yes, you may have rheumatic fever, or infection of the joints or bones. I know it's the weekend hun, but you can call out and emergency doctor.

I'm going to ask a few more q's. Soweee.
If the answer to q's above was no, then did you knees become painful/tender over some period of time? If yes, this could be due to arthritis - such as osteoarthritis.

If the pain suddenly came on and there is swelling in the back of the knee, the pain maybe due to a cyst.

God forbid it is anything serious sis. But for a proper diagnosis and of course treatment you need to a doctor, especially if your symptons are accompnied by a fever.

But whatever the diagnosis darling, please please please don't worry. Once you are diagnosed then I can recommend herbal/homeopathic treatments as well as ayaahs to help your condition inshaAllah.

If the pain in ur wrists/hands is due to Carpal Tunnel, plz don't worry as it's easily cured. Whatever you do, do not agree to surgery. Only agree to surgery as a last resort. InshaAllah you won't need it. I suffered from it a few years ago and alhumdullilah I'm completely cured now.

I pray Allah grants you shifa and that it isn't anything more serious. Ameen.

But plz, plz, see a doctor as soon as possible.

wa'alaikum aslam.

08-12-2006, 11:39 AM
sis...seriously u need to see the docs...i mean nearby hospital...am sure there is in ur area or abit far from ur area....wallahi u need to go there...

08-12-2006, 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by dARk cRyStAl
is de place swollen?

Ameeratul Layl:No.
Soz sis, these replies came while i was writing my post lol.

A couple more q's.... Do you suffer from extreme tiredness? Even when you get a good night's sleep, do you feel up waking exhausted?

08-12-2006, 11:44 AM
try ur level best to still ur pinfull area. (use appropriate thing)
be strong in mind
take the proper traetment
insAllaah if Allaah will u will fell better soon. :)

08-12-2006, 11:47 AM
Ameeratul Layl
Muslimah_Sis will help you with the proper medication :).

- Qatada -
08-12-2006, 11:52 AM

"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives and the fruits (of your toil) but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who, when misfortune strikes them, say: 'Indeed we belong to Allah and to Him is our return. Those are the ones upon whom are blessings and mercy from their Lord and it is those who are rightly guided." [Surah al-Baqarah: 155]

The Prophet (peace be upon him)said: "No fatigue, illness, anxiety, sorrow, harm or sadness afflicts any Muslim, even to the extent of a thorn pricking him, without Allah wiping out his sins by it ." [ Saheeh al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim]

In another narration, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "No Muslim is afflicted by harm, whether it is but the prick of a thorn or something worse, without Allah expiating his evil deeds on account of it and his sins falling away from him like leaves off a tree. '" [ Saheeh al-Bukhari]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "When Allah desires good for someone, He tries him with hardships." [Saheeh al-Bukhari ]

"He cannot be questioned for what He does but they will be questioned. " [Surah al-Anbiya': 23]

08-12-2006, 11:53 AM
^Lol. Whatever gave u that idea sis? :giggling::-[ :p

I must have split personality disorder - one half thinks I'm a doctor ;D;)

08-12-2006, 11:56 AM

hmmm usually when i have knee cap problems like u sis [due to sitting on floor a lot], i usually drink milk and alhamdulillah it goes :) try it n see if that might work...


08-12-2006, 11:59 AM
But where is Ameeratul Layl ? She is offline since half hour. Could have she go to the hospital?

08-12-2006, 12:41 PM

i sent her a pm. i hope she gets better insha'Allaah

08-12-2006, 01:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
But where is Ameeratul Layl ? She is offline since half hour. Could have she go to the hospital?
awww sis, she'll be fine inshaAllah (God willing).

08-12-2006, 01:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis
awww sis, she'll be fine inshaAllah (God willing).
I hope that too.It must be at doctor now.

08-12-2006, 01:44 PM
My friend has something similar to the symtoms mentioned, I remember him saying it was to do with some sort of acid in the body travelling to diffrent parts causig pain...Insha'Allah you'll be ok.

08-12-2006, 02:49 PM
Oh you mean that condition called Gout? When the body attacks itself or something? Ya Allah I hope that isn't it.

08-12-2006, 03:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis
Oh you mean that condition called Gout? When the body attacks itself or something? Ya Allah I hope that isn't it.

Oh yeah thats what it's called.

hopefully the sister went to the doc and it was something minor Insha'Allah.

08-12-2006, 03:45 PM
^Phewww alhumdullilah :)

08-13-2006, 03:14 AM
sister doesn't have gout... middle aged man disease....symptoms usually affecting the big toe... called podagra... she could however have something called still's disease depending on her age, if she is young it could be juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.... inshallah allah yishfeeha... hopefully she has gone to the docs by now and they ran some test to figure out what is wrong...and inshallah she is on her way to recovery

Ameeratul Layl
08-13-2006, 10:26 AM

Oh brothers and sisters, may Allah reward you all for your kindness.Ameen.

No, the pain has not yet gone. Yesterday, I was in the car and my eyes,teeth,jaw and head began to hurt very very much. I began to feel drowsy but did not fall asleep.

I have the same problem today. My arms have been aching alot and it is taking its toll on my eyes. my nan told me 'yesterday', that I ought to drink milk. I have also been told that since the last time she saw me, I have become very thin and have the life of 'a bird.' It is 11:30am and I a feeling hungry yet when I look at food, I feel sick and drowsy. (I am not pregnant).

Muslimah sister, you are such a darling. My knees hurt sometimes but the pain trvales all over the body. When I aim to massage the painful area, the pain worsens.

May Allah bless you all for your help.




08-13-2006, 10:40 AM
The pain in your hands and arms sounds much like Carpel Tunnel syndrome. It is quite common among secretaries and other people that spend much time typing. It can also be arthritis, which is something I am personaly very familiar with. Both problems can usually be readily treated and provide much
relief from the pain. See a Dr. ASAP if you had not done so. The pain can be treated and without dangerous or haraam drugs.

Ameeratul Layl
08-13-2006, 10:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
The pain in your hands and arms sounds much like Carpel Tunnel syndrome. It is quite common among secretaries and other people that spend much time typing. It can also be arthritis, which is something I am personaly very familiar with. Both problems can usually be readily treated and provide much
relief from the pain. See a Dr. ASAP if you had not done so. The pain can be treated and without dangerous or haraam drugs.


I do not like medicene. I never take medicene when I am in pain - its just one of my many principles.
My Dr sits at her desk 'listening' but filing her nails.:heated:
I would just like to know what food is good to stop all this pain.

08-13-2006, 11:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl

I do not like medicene. I never take medicene when I am in pain - its just one of my many principles.
My Dr sits at her desk 'listening' but filing her nails.:heated:
I would just like to know what food is good to stop all this pain.
Here in the States the American Indians would make a soup out of willow bark for pain and chew willow leaves for tooth aches. I can not hink of anything else that was used for pain.

For Carpel tunnel syndrome the most common tratment is the use of arm splints to inhibit movement for a few weeks. For athritis, it depends on what form. with some forms of arthritis a low cholesteral and fat free diet can help.

08-13-2006, 11:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl

I do not like medicene. I never take medicene when I am in pain - its just one of my many principles.

08-13-2006, 12:03 PM
Oh sis :( Firstly I've pasted some duaas below that your mum can read over you inshaAllah. Nothing is more powerful than duaa sis. InshaAllah I am confident that Allah ta'alaa will relieve you of the pain you are suffering. Ameen.

I also looked up causes of pain that you've decribed. The pain in your head, teeth and face can be caused by a sinus headache. But without proper diagnosis and tests it's difficult to tell as some conditions have similar symptoms.
Alhumdullilah it's Monday tomorrow so you can see your GP then. And whatever happens, don't let him fob you off with pain killers. Because pain is not an illness but an indication that something is wrong. Insist on being referred to a specialist and even exaggerate if you have to.

Fibromyalgia can also cause pain in joints, ligaments and muscles. This also causes severe fatigue. But there are other conditions which can cause these symptoms too, so self-diagnosis is only useful to try to understand what is going on. What you really need is a proper diagnosis so that you can receive proper treatment.

You can still read about fibromyalgia here:http://www.fmnetnews.com/pages/basics.html

For self-diagnosis:http://familydoctor.org/x2546.xml

and - http://www.ecureme.com/emyhealth/symptoms/games.asp

Self-diagnosis is good in the sense that if your GP doesnt take you seriously then you can arm yourself with info and say well these symptoms match mine, it is possible that I may have this...

About 4-5 years ago I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I had all the tests done but all came up negative. I researched the net for my symtpoms and kept coming up with M.E, now known as Chronic Fatigue Symdrome. I went back to seemy GP and was told that there was no test for M.E and all my tests were negative, then I should assume that I have CFS. There is no cure and the condition can go by itself. Some docs even deny it exists. Hmmm, they should've been in my shoes. Alhumdullilah I'm much much better, but I still have to take it easy. I had similar symptoms as you too. And exercise made me worse.

Lol, sorry I do go on a bit don't I? :embarrass:

General Du-a’as

For every illness, ache, fever

Dua’a 261

To relieve pain in any part of the body (if Allah wills) recite surah al fatihah 70 times (or 7 times), keeping the mouth nearest to the forehead of the sufferer. It is a sure cure of every ailment except the deadly disease (through which death has been decreed).

Dua’a 262

Whosoever recites surah al Nahl once in a month, Allah will keep him safe, if He wills, from many diseases, some of them are leprosy and insanity.

Dua’a 263

Write surah al Shu-ara with the solution of musk and saffron on a china plate, wash it with pure water and drink it. If Allah wills, He will heal you from whatever illness you are suffering from.

Dau'a 264

Whosoever recites surah Ya Sin daily, or once in a weak or a month or at least once in a lifetime, Allah, if He wills, will keep safe from every disease that may inflict him/her.

Before reciting every du-a,a


Allaahumma S’alli a,laa Muh’ammad wa Aali Muh’ammad

[O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.]


Bismillaahir Rah’maanir Rah’eem

[In the name of Allah. The beneficent. The merciful.]

And at the end of every du-a’a


Allaahumma S’alli A’laa Muh’ammadin wa Aali Muh’ammad

[O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.]

When there are instructions for writing du-a’a or ayat write.

Bismillaahir Rah’maanir Rah’eem

[In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.]

Before the text of the dua’a or ayat. You inted to use as a tawid or for drinking after washing it with pure water.

Dua’a 265

Whosoever writes surah Muhammad and keep it as a ta’wid’ on the body,. Remains safe from every kind of illness.

Dua’a 266

Whosoever recites surah Hadid and Mujadilah in every obligatory salat, Allah, if He wills, will not allow any detestable disease to afflict his/her body.

Dua’a 267

To relieve pain and suffering in any part of the body keep the written text of surah al Mujadilah on the body.

Dua’a 268

If surah al Quraysh is recited over the food, before eating, it will not only be rendered harmless but also act as a healer of any illness you are suffering from.

Source: <Link Removed>

InshaAllah sis, I know you will be fine. Have faith in Allah. I will make special duaa for you inshaAllah.:wub:


08-13-2006, 12:43 PM
^Masha'Allah we have our own LI doctor.

08-13-2006, 01:00 PM
^*bursts out laughing* ;D

How embarrasing lol!!!! :-[ :giggling:

08-13-2006, 01:01 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

La Ba's Tahuur InshaAllah!!..Shaafakillah!!

08-13-2006, 01:02 PM
^what does that mean sis? and how are you feeling?

08-13-2006, 01:04 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

Sis!...It's Duaah means basically May Allah cure you inshaAllah!!.. :)

I'm feeling okay though Alhamdullillah...I think the sick Ameera's , Ameeratulayl.. ....lol...not me!!..walhamdulillah!! ;)

08-13-2006, 01:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
as salaamu alaykum,

Sis!...It's Duaah means basically May Allah cure you inshaAllah!!.. :)

I'm feeling okay though Alhamdullillah...I think the sick Ameera's , Ameeratulayl.. ....lol...not me!!..walhamdulillah!! ;)
lol oh sorry sis didn't notice the diff spellings *blushing like hell now* :embarrass astaghfirullah

08-13-2006, 01:34 PM
Soon will be monday:).
Muslimah sis if you know some tea? or something to decrease the pain for Ameerah.
Always when i heard about doc ,i was completely cured.

08-13-2006, 01:38 PM
I'm looking up some homeopathic remedies sis. Will post soon inshaAllah :)

I'm trying to contact my mum as well she knows a brill duaa for pain. She read it over me when I had a terrible migraine and subhanAllah the pain vanished in 2-3 minutes. Amazing eh? :giggling:

08-13-2006, 01:41 PM
Here's one herbal tea for pain relief...

How to prepare:
If you have aches and pains, this herbal tea will help. Leave a tea bag to infuse in a cup of water for five to ten minutes. Drink two cups three times a day and you will soon feel better

08-13-2006, 01:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis
I'm looking up some homeopathic remedies sis. Will post soon inshaAllah :)

I'm trying to contact my mum as well she knows a brill duaa for pain. She read it over me when I had a terrible migraine and subhanAllah the pain vanished in 2-3 minutes. Amazing eh? :giggling:
I think she could try it for tonight to have a better sleep:)

08-13-2006, 01:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis
I'm looking up some homeopathic remedies sis. Will post soon inshaAllah :)
As I said before, I would definitely avoid alternative medicine. While it may appeal, it is either very weak compared to conventional medicine, or has no scientific merit whatsoever.

Systematic reviews conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration found insufficient evidence that homeopathy is beneficial for asthma, dementia, and induction of labor. They also found no evidence that homeopathic treatment can prevent influenza, but reported that it appears to shorten the duration of the disease. Systematic reviews conducted by other researchers found insufficient evidence that homeopathy is beneficial for osteoarthritis, migraine prophylaxis, delayed-onset muscle soreness, or symptoms of menopause.

08-13-2006, 01:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fishman
As I said before, I would definitely avoid alternative medicine. While it may appeal, it is either very weak compared to conventional medicine, or has no scientific merit whatsoever.

Before the medicine to be invented all the illness were treated with teas and different mixtures. If that cured people from centuries now, why at least they would not bring some relief to our sister? Sure they are not harmfull.

08-13-2006, 01:51 PM
Drug-Free Pain Relief - See Fisiocrem on right

A fast working completely natural cream which aids circulation, soothes pain and inflammation. Use for aches & pains, bruises, sprains and strains.


08-13-2006, 01:52 PM

erm erm

sista you might have cramp? but just on a major scale :D:D:D so its a major cramp:D

i hope Allah (swt) helps ya out, but sista the stuff you said, i would say :D whereever it hurts, put that part in hot salty water, until it becomes wrinkly :D then try 2 move it about inshallah it will be betta :D:D:D

also RasoolAllah (saw) whenever he had pain he would place his hand on the place where it hurts & say bismillah x3 and then "aoothu billahi min qudratihi min sharri, ma ajidu wa uhaathiru"x3 inshallah ya will be tick tack sis :D:D:D

08-13-2006, 01:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Before the medicine to be invented all the illness were treated with teas and different mixtures. If that cured people from centuries now, why at least they would not bring some relief to our sister? Sure they are not harmfull.
Some techniques, such as the ones that you mentioned, are benifical, but nowhere near like as benifical as modern medicine. Modern medicine often contains the active chemicals from traditional medicines.

Other techniques, such as reflexology, rely on pseudoscientific mechanisms, like 'energy channels', and thus have no benifit.

08-13-2006, 01:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fishman
As I said before, I would definitely avoid alternative medicine. While it may appeal, it is either very weak compared to conventional medicine, or has no scientific merit whatsoever.

I understand your concern bro. But from personal experience, I can assure you that homeopathic medicine is safe and effective. It also doesn't bring forth the many side effects experienced with conventional drugs.

Although some homeopathic medicine may counteract with conventional med.e.g St Johns Wart with warfarin (blood thinning drug).

08-13-2006, 02:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis
I understand your concern bro. But from personal experience, I can assure you that homeopathic medicine is safe and effective. It also doesn't bring forth the many side effects experienced with conventional drugs.

Although some homeopathic medicine may counteract with conventional med.e.g St Johns Wart with warfarin (blood thinning drug).
The lack of side-effects is probably the best aspect of homeopathy.

08-13-2006, 02:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fishman
The lack of side-effects is probably the best aspect of homeopathy.
Yes, most definitely. Also what I find appealing is that, homeopathic remedies are prescribed after an in-depth interview which involves lots of questions relating to one's health. So two people going to a homeopathic doctor with a normal headache will be prescribed two very different medicines depending on their state of health and other symptoms present.

Don't shy from alternative medicine. It can work in cases where sometimes conventional med fails to.

format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
I think she could try it for tonight to have a better sleep:)
InshaAllah sis.

Ameeratul Layl
08-13-2006, 04:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis

I had similar symptoms as you too. And exercise made me worse.

:sl: You believe we may have the same problem?

Lol, sorry I do go on a bit don't I? :embarrass:

It makes sence, so don't worry.

InshaAllah sis, I know you will be fine. Have faith in Allah. I will make special duaa for you inshaAllah.:wub:

JazakAllah ukhti :love: :love: I have faith in Allah which is why I will be turning to the duas.Special dua? SubhanAllah,. May Allah grant you (and everyone else) a special place in Jannah.Ameen.

08-13-2006, 05:11 PM
Ironically you can do some hand exercises to alleviate the pain ... most doctors just give various predinsone shots... I don't understand why you won't seek the help of a doctor? I don't think all doctors just sit on their desk ... if you are deficient in any vitamins or minerals the doctor needs to run a CBC (complete blood count) and Chem 7 or 13 to see how your
Albumin: 3.9 to 5.0 g/dl
Alkaline phosphatase: 44 to 147 IU/L
ALT (alanine transaminase): 6 to 59 IU/L
AST (aspartate aminotransferase): 10 to 34 IU/L
BUN (blood urea nitrogen): 7 to 20 mg/dl
Calcium - serum: 8.5 to 10.9 mg/dl
Serum chloride: 101 to 111 mmol/L
CO2 (carbon dioxide): 20 to 29 mmol/L
Creatinine: 0.8 to 1.4 mg/dl
Direct bilirubin: 0.0 to 0.3 mg/dl
Gamma-GT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase): 0 to 51 IU/L
Glucose test: 64 to 128 mg/dl
LDH (lactate dehydrogenase): 105 to 333 IU/L
Phosphorus - serum: 2.4 to 4.1 mg/dl
Potassium test: 3.7 to 5.2 mEq/L
Serum sodium: 136 to 144 mEq/L
Total bilirubin: 0.2 to 1.9 mg/dl
Total cholesterol: 100 to 240 mg/dl
Total protein: 6.3 to 7.9 g/dl
Uric acid: 4.1 to 8.8 mg/dl
blood count and minerals run compared to the base line as seen above... it might seem like a simple blood test and that she is filing her nails ... but that is how many docs determine if there is an organic cause to your ailment ... along with other methods of course ... sister, brother woodrow is right ... you need to seek the help of a professional... I believe Health is a gift from God and what we do with it, is our responsibility... DON"T NEGLECT YOUR HEALTH....
we are eager to hear good news about you
kindest regards

Ameeratul Layl
08-13-2006, 06:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by PurestAmbrosia
Ironically you can do some hand exercises to alleviate the pain ... most doctors just give various predinsone shots... I don't understand why you won't seek the help of a doctor?

An appointment has been booked, the day I had the problems. My mom told me today.

I don't think all doctors just sit on their desk ...

I agree. I merely told you about MY doctor.

we are eager to hear good news about you
So am I.


08-13-2006, 06:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
I agree. I merely told you about MY doctor.
Ameera inshallah you'll be in the best of Health... I don't think you should stick with a doctor whom you feel is ignoring your concerns ... or you may want to address those issues with her so she would understand how you feel ...... MayAllah cure you of what ails you and bestows upon you the best of health

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 10:52 AM

SubhanAllah, I am feeling so much more better today. My legs still feel a little painful but not as much as before. Yesterday, Mommy made some really protein and energy high food and this time, I ate every last bit. I was astonished (at myself). Mom said that all the pain was probably a virus. When I woke up for Fajr (today), my hair was literally wet and my face was all greasy. Maybe, this was the virus taking its last toll. I don't have anymore sharp pains, though I did have a horrible headache. I had some tea and biscuits for breakfast and the headache has gone.Alhamdullilah.
InshAllah, when I feel hungry again, I will not run to junk food. I have cheese potato pie in the oven:) . So, from now on. I will be eating good food.
It is amazing how Allah opens ones' eyes.

Think about it...

I was so ill, pain in my arms, legs..etc.
I ate some good food yesterday and today, I am feeling well.Al hamdullilah.
So, Allahs way of saying: Eat good food.

The aim of this post is also to thank everyone else who has helped me, emotionally. Today, I am smiling and able to make everyone else smile too.:statisfie



08-14-2006, 12:07 PM
Happy to hear your better Masha'Allah

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 12:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by DaNgErOuS MiNdS
Happy to hear your better Masha'Allah
JazakAllah akhee, I am happy to be feeling better too.All Praise to Allah the All Mighty.


08-14-2006, 02:21 PM
ohhhh...the solution it was so simple :hiding:
Good you are now healed, only thats important and you have nothing to do with art...is or reu..c diseases.:)

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 02:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
ohhhh...the solution it was so simple :hiding:
Good you are now healed, only thats important and you have nothing to do with art...is or reu..c diseases.:)

yes, it were.
Alhamdullilah, I am glad it is nothing serious. Well, atleast, I hope it isn't.


Md Mashud
08-14-2006, 02:56 PM
being in alot of pain - I would suggest, if you are going to go through pain to type - To try find a forum which can actually be useful, not LI.

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 04:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
being in alot of pain - I would suggest, if you are going to go through pain to type - To try find a forum which can actually be useful, not LI.


For your information, Li was very useful. Maybe you should read this thread again. I was told by many people to stay strong and this emotioanlly helped me. May Allah reward them for helping me.


08-14-2006, 05:03 PM
Sis are u feelin better? has the pain gone, did u go doctors? what did they say?

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 05:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Daffodil
Sis are u feelin better? has the pain gone, did u go doctors? what did they say?

A little better. yes. I have problems when bending my legs. The pain is still there but not much. I had chest pains earlier, but they have gone.alhamdullilah.
Go to doctors? Not exactly. Well, it was something like, mom told the nurse on the phone what was wrong with me. And she came to the conclusion that the bike riding caused the pains. I rode a week or so ago, so why the pain came so late...i dont know.
I think its all down to the lack of good food.
p.s: JazakAllah for asking.:)

08-14-2006, 05:13 PM
sis please make sure u go to the docs, u were in so much pain, thats not gud, make sure u get it checked out properly pleaseeeee.

look after ur self girl, be careful, dnt ride ur bike that much, take lots of rests, make sure u rest lots ok.

please let us know how u go, i pray Allah swt eases the pain n grants u complete shifa from wateva it was that caused u the pain ameen.

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 05:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Daffodil
sis please make sure u go to the docs, u were in so much pain, thats not gud, make sure u get it checked out properly pleaseeeee.

look after ur self girl, be careful, dnt ride ur bike that much, take lots of rests, make sure u rest lots ok.

please let us know how u go, i pray Allah swt eases the pain n grants u complete shifa from wateva it was that caused u the pain ameen.

*HUGS* JazakAllah ukhti.
I like being active, but since what has happened. I have been taking things easy.
*hugs again*
JazakAllah for the kind words.

08-14-2006, 05:17 PM
I knew the bike riding is good for the bones, especially knees ,helping them to keep the Ca there. I heard that on discovery channel, i think.:X Also, the woman from White House Condolezza, her personal doctor adviced her to go each morning and ride the bike for one hour to prevent her future knees surgery.(The mistery of modern medicine)
So i conclude like you: the lack of good food caused this whole pain and we never could thought at that because you are our chief cook in dessert thread. I would not imagine you are eating junk food :-[.

08-14-2006, 05:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
A little better. yes. I have problems when bending my legs. The pain is still there but not much. I had chest pains earlier, but they have gone.alhamdullilah.
Are they pains in the muscles of your legs, or the joints?

Go to doctors? Not exactly. Well, it was something like, mom told the nurse on the phone what was wrong with me. And she came to the conclusion that the bike riding caused the pains. I rode a week or so ago, so why the pain came so late...i dont know.
Hmm. If it persists, make an emergency appointment with your GP. Alternatively, go to the hospital.

I think its all down to the lack of good food.
p.s: JazakAllah for asking.:)
Might well be down to diet. If I were in your position, I'd up my calcium and protein intake.

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 05:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
I knew the bike riding is good for the bones, especially knees ,helping them to keep the Ca there. I heard that on discovery channel, i think.:X Also, the woman from White House Condolezza, her personal doctor adviced her to go each morning and ride the bike for one hour to prevent her future knees surgery.(The mistery of modern medicine)
So i conclude like you: the lack of good food caused this whole pain and we never could thought at that because you are our chief cook in dessert thread. I would not imagine you are eating junk food :-[.

Well, I am always studying. Its holidays and they are so boring. So, to keep my brain motivated, I am reading through A2 Study Books ready for when I strat my 2nd year of college. I hate having breaks, so, I just eat something quick and get back to work.
Not anymore.inshAllah.
*hugs*JazakAllah for your support too.:)

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 05:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin

Might well be down to diet. If I were in your position, I'd up my calcium and protein intake.

Mommy has it under control. Now, I have to eat the foods I was never fond of: Meat,fish..etc.

But, it is for the best.

08-14-2006, 08:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
Mommy has it under control. Now, I have to eat the foods I was never fond of: Meat,fish..etc.

But, it is for the best.
Meat 'n' fish eh? Sound like a banquet! I wish my parents told me to eat more of that!

Ameeratul Layl
08-14-2006, 08:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fishman
Meat 'n' fish eh? Sound like a banquet! I wish my parents told me to eat more of that!
Oh please, its far from a banquet.
Its just 'good food'. *keep telling yourself Ameeratul layl*


08-14-2006, 11:25 PM
salam sis,
Alhumdullilah, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better than before. Though you still need to find out the cause of this pain as it seemed to severe to be caused by riding a bike. And it's not just ur knees either.

InshaAllah it'll be nothing serious. And I am sure I was experiencing sympathy pains. So it's just as well ur feeling better! :giggling:

wa alaikum aslam.

08-15-2006, 06:13 AM
It sounds like a pinched nerve, perhaps in your neck. An injury that you may have brushed off? This is not a joke; but, your feet has a lot of nerves that extend to all parts of your body. So try and massage your feet, if you feel a tender spot, this is where you should rub, or have someone do the massage for you. Thats all the help I can offer. May I pray for your speedy recovery.

maryam (",)
08-15-2006, 12:22 PM

how u feeling?
i just got outta hospital, the hazards of being adventurous ;)
what started off as a chill in my shoulder, turned out to be 2 discs outta place, which was a result of be falling off horses, fufi slides, rafts etc...but as me mum has been telling me, 'breathe the pain away' sounds trivial and silly...but it helps. tho always remember that shifa comes from Allah :)

08-15-2006, 04:54 PM

i would say u pay ur G.P a visit and have all the tests done to then see wat treatment u need

08-15-2006, 05:47 PM

SubhanAllah, even illness has it's rewards.

Patience During Illness

There are many hadith which explain that sickness expiates evil deeds and wipes out sins. Of these, some are given below:

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "When Allah wants to be good to someone, He tries him with some hardship."

Abu Hurairah also reports that Allah's Messenger, peace be upon him, said: "For every misfortune, illness, anxiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim -even the hurt caused by the pricking of a thorn - Allah removes some of his sins." Ibn Mas'ud said: "I visited the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, while he had a fever. I exclaimed: 'O Messenger of Allah! You have a high fever! ' He said: 'My fever is as much as two among you [might have]. ' I asked: 'Is it because you have a double reward?' He replied: 'Yes, that is right. No Muslim is afflicted with any hurt, even if it is no more than the pricking of a thorn, but Allah wipes off his sins because of it and his sins fall away from him as leaves fall from a tree'."

Abu Hurairah said: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, remarked: 'The example of a believer is like a fresh tender plant; from whichever direction the wind blows, it bends the plant. But when the wind dies down, it straightens up again. (Similarly a believer is tested by afflictions to strengthen his faith and heart, and he remains patient and firm). And an evil person is like a pine tree which remains hard and stiff until Allah breaks it whenever He wills."

Anyone suffering from an illness should remain patient, for there is no reward better or more enriching than that reserved for those who endure in patience.

Suhaib ibn Sinan narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "How remarkable is the case of the believer! There is good for him in everything, but this is not the case for anyone except for the believer. When the believer receives any good, he is thankful to Allah, and gets a reward. And when some misfortune befalls him, he endures it patiently, for which he is (also) rewarded."

Anas narrates: "I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him, saying: 'Allah says: "When I afflict a servant of mine with respect to his two most beloved things (meaning his eyes), and he endures it patiently, I grant him paradise in return'."

'Ata ibn Rabah related that he heard Ibn 'Abbas say: "Shall I show you a woman of Paradise?"I said: "Yes, indeed." He said: "A black woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: 'I suffer from epileptic fits, and because of these, (at times) my body becomes uncovered. Would you invoke Allah, the Exalted One, to cure me of this disease? ' The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: 'If you wish, you can be patient and you will attain Paradise (for this suffering). But if you prefer, I will pray to Allah, the Exalted, to cure you of it?' The woman said: 'I will be patient,' then added: 'I become uncovered (when I have fits), so invoke Allah for me that I do not become uncovered. ' So the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed for her."

To Complain of One's Illness
It is permitted for a patient to complain of his pain and illness to a physician or a friend, provided he does not do so to express his or her anger or impatience. It was mentioned earlier that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "My fever is as severe as that of any two of you." Once 'Aisha complained to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, about her headache, lamenting: "O my head." He retorted: "Nay, rather (I should say) O my head!" Likewise it is reported that 'Abdullah ibn Al-Zubair asked his ailing mother, Asma bint Abi Bakr, "How are you feeling now?" She replied: "I am in pain."

A patient should thank and praise Allah, before talking about his distress and complaint

Ibn Mas'ud said: "If one thanks Allah before complaining about his pain or disease, then it is not considered impatience. Indeed, to refer one's complaint to Allah, is quite lawful." Jacob (the prophet), said: "I complain of my distraction and anguish only to Allah." The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, himself prayed: "O Allah! to You I complain of my weakness."

A Sick Person is Rewarded for All the Good Deeds that He Would (usually) Perform in a State of Health
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reports that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "If a servant (of Allah) falls sick or goes on a journey, he (continues to be) rewarded for the good deeds that he used to do when he was healthy or at home."

Ameeratul Layl
08-16-2006, 11:48 AM

More of a reason not to see the doctor. :)

I am feeling a little better now.
I read surah hadid after Zuhr yesterday and things have been better since.
So please, no 'go visit the doctor', because I don't like doctors.


08-16-2006, 11:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl

More of a reason not to see the doctor. :)

I am feeling a little better now.
I read surah hadid after Zuhr yesterday and things have been better since.
So please, no 'go visit the doctor', because I don't like doctors.

:) Speedy recovery and just listen the mom advices...she knows better like anyone else.

Ameeratul Layl
08-16-2006, 12:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
:) Speedy recovery and just listen the mom advices...she knows better like anyone else.
I will.inshAllah.But I tell you, I never knew eating was such a chore. I have to sit and finish everything on my plate. Its annoying.
But saying that, its amazing how much extra work you can do when your body has been fueled with food.Amazing!I always ate littel and worked alot. That was wrong!

Well, jazakAllah and thank you to all who have helped me get through the pain,emotionally and literally. Emotionally, everyone told me to be strong. I tried.Literally, I was advised to read surahs (Muslimah sis posted) and it worked.

Everynow and again, I do feel a horrble pain in my bones and I do encounter chest pains. But, I believe it will go soon.inshAllah.:)

JazakAllah all!


08-16-2006, 12:10 PM
Chest pains ...are a side effect of the bone pains?
Well its stil good food...for a good cause.
I think your thread will help others too, i already know what to do in this case.

Ameeratul Layl
08-16-2006, 12:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Chest pains ...are a side effect of the bone pains?
Well its stil good food...for a good cause.
I think your thread will help others too, i already know what to do in this case.

Chest pains usually occur in the afternoon and when I am lying down in bed.

08-16-2006, 12:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
Chest pains usually occur in the afternoon and when I am lying down in bed.
We have to wait until Muslimah sis will come online but you never had problems with your heart, right?Also, if indeed was a virus could affected your lungs, may be that you feel.Dress up very warm to protect your lungs and don't take medicine without medical advice.
Still a short phone call to your nurse to ask her what is this? just in order ensure you.

08-16-2006, 12:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
We have to wait until Muslimah sis will come online but you never had problems with your heart, right?Also, if indeed was a virus could affected your lungs, may be that you feel.Dress up very warm to protect your lungs and don't take medicine without medical advice.
Still a short phone call to your nurse to ask her what is this? just in order ensure you.

these pains come and go cause i get them often due to wheather changes! like u said do seek some advice before takin any madicine


08-19-2006, 05:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
We have to wait until Muslimah sis will come online but you never had problems with your heart, right?Also, if indeed was a virus could affected your lungs, may be that you feel.Dress up very warm to protect your lungs and don't take medicine without medical advice.
Still a short phone call to your nurse to ask her what is this? just in order ensure you.
Oh Gosh! sho sweet but I'm sorry I don't really know much about health disorders.
However a large number of disorders/diseases can cause chest pain. Sometimes it can be due to a serious illness but it could also simply be stress, hyperventilating, anemia and thyroid disease & panic attacks.

I do think anemia can safely be ruled out as there'd be other symptoms such as shortness of breath (upon exertion) and tiredness. Only tests can rule out/diagnose other causes. I don't really want to mention anything serious for causing unnecessary worry.

I will talk to Ameerahtul layl in pvt. :)


Asyur an-Nagi
08-21-2006, 08:56 AM
sis...if the condition persist, just go check to tha doctor no matter how u dislike 'em. surely they are not the one who know best. but better opinion is necessary.

08-21-2006, 09:08 AM
can a young person...have osteoathritis...erm..erm...i hope i spelt correctly...

Asyur an-Nagi
08-21-2006, 09:19 AM
Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a "cushion" between the bones of the joints. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis. Among the over 100 different types of arthritis conditions, osteoarthritis is the most common.

Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently as we age.
Before age 45, osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in males.
After age 55 years, it occurs more frequently in females.

All races appear equally affected. A higher incidence of osteoarthritis exists in the Japanese population, while South African blacks, East Indians and Southern Chinese have lower rates.

that's all i can remember (i'm so sorry if i am a bit off details). i'll see if i could share another facts (off course i have to read first), hahahaaa...

08-21-2006, 01:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Asyur an-Nagi
Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a "cushion" between the bones of the joints. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis. Among the over 100 different types of arthritis conditions, osteoarthritis is the most common.

Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently as we age.
Before age 45, osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in males.
After age 55 years, it occurs more frequently in females.

All races appear equally affected. A higher incidence of osteoarthritis exists in the Japanese population, while South African blacks, East Indians and Southern Chinese have lower rates.

that's all i can remember (i'm so sorry if i am a bit off details). i'll see if i could share another facts (off course i have to read first), hahahaaa...
yes doctor thanks for the advice!!

08-21-2006, 01:35 PM
Can we prevent the bones illness with exercises :?

Asyur an-Nagi
08-25-2006, 09:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Azhar786
yes doctor thanks for the advice!!
ur welcome bro!

Asyur an-Nagi
08-25-2006, 09:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Can we prevent the bones illness with exercises :?
hmm...how can exercise prevent osteoporosis? Muscle pulling on bone builds bone, so weight-bearing exercise builds denser, stronger bones. The more bone mass you build, the better off you will be during the years of gradual bone loss. Exercise can also help you maintain bone density later in life.

The best exercises for building bone are weight- or load-bearing exercises. These include weight-lifting, jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing, racquet sports, and other activities that require your muscles to work against gravity.

helpin enough?

08-25-2006, 11:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Can we prevent the bones illness with exercises :?
Weight bearing exercises and a good diet can help strengthen bones. menopausal women should eat plenty of soya as it's rich in Estrogen - the hormone that helps maintain bone density.

Smoking cigarettes decreases estrogen levels and can lead to bone loss in women before menopause. Calcium supplements plus vitamin D (to help absorb calcium) are beneficial for healthy bones. But only if there is a deficiency. For people with some types of kidney disease, too much calcium can cause problems. So best to ask doctor before taking it.

08-25-2006, 11:17 AM
Asyur an-Nagi and Muslimah_Sis
Thank you....i will try to keep my bones healthy:)

Asyur an-Nagi
08-25-2006, 11:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Asyur an-Nagi and Muslimah_Sis
Thank you....i will try to keep my bones healthy:)
no problems! keep it healthy all da time:thumbs_up

08-25-2006, 12:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tania
Asyur an-Nagi and Muslimah_Sis
Thank you....i will try to keep my bones healthy:)
Ur welcome sis. It's wise to take care of one's health. :thumbs_up

08-25-2006, 04:08 PM
just remember...drinking calcium...only improve the bone mass before the age of 25....

after 25...u r only maintaining your calcium level...the bone mass will not improve...

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