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09-06-2006, 02:57 PM

Alhamdulillahil Wahidil Qahhaari : Alfattahi dhil manni wal i'taa'i
nabda'u muraajiatinaa bi 'awni Allahi : halummu nata'aawan bi fadhli Allahi

Insha Allah i hope we'll all be able to carry on revising grammer together here

tafadhalu baaraka Allahu feekum...


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09-06-2006, 03:01 PM
As salaamu aalykum,

InshaAllah lima laa tu-copyeen and pastiyeen maa katabtiy fil-thread Al-aakhar..

(excuse my arabic-english!!)

Ad-dars Al-awwal.. Hayyaaa :)

Oh yeah.. and tasheehun laki ya umm sulaim.. ismul thread : Mulahatul 'Iraab hunaakaa alifun zaa'id.. barakAllahu feeki! :)

09-06-2006, 03:02 PM
aywaa sa u-copy wa paste dhal heen raa'ee lee naahee


09-06-2006, 03:04 PM
أقولُ مِن بَعدِ افتِتَاحِ القولِ
بِحمدِ ذي الطَّوْلِ شديدِ الحَولِ
وبَعدَهُ فأفضَلُ السّلامِ
على النّبيّ سَيّدِ الأنَامِ
وءالِهِ الأطهَارِ خيرِ ءالِ
فافهَم كَلامي واستَمِعْ مَقَالي
يَا سَائِلي عن الكَلامِ المُنتَظِمْ
حَدًّا ونَوعًا وإلى كَمْ يَنقَسِمْ
اسمَع هُدِيتَ الرُّشدَ مَا أقولُ
وافهَمْهُ فَهمَ مَن لهُ مَعقُولُ

The author of Al mulhaa is called Abee Muhammed Alqaasim bin 'Alee Alhareere Albasree, he was bron in the year 447 (h), he wrote many books and from the most popular Almaqaamaat, as for mulhatul i'raab he wrote these poems by request from his friend Abul Fath Hibatu Allah Ibn saa'id and he requested it after hearing al maqaamat and that was in the year 504 (h)

Ashaarih we're using is called Muhammed bin Muhammed 'Umar bahraq alHadhramee,
and some of the notes may be from our teacher Umm Abdillah Assiraajiyyah Alindonesiyyah hafidha Allah wa ra'aahaa...

Qaalal Hareeree rahimahu Allah:

Bismillahi Rahmaani Raheem

أقولُ مِن بَعدِ افتِتَاحِ القولِ
بِحمدِ ذي الطَّوْلِ شديدِ الحَولِ

aqulu min ba'd iftitaahil qawli : i say after my saying with the openeing
bi hamdi dhi tawli shadeed al hawlee: with praise to the possesor of strength and power

qawluhu:bismillah and bi hamdi

He started with albasmalah (in the name of Allah) followed by hamd (praising Allah) in way of following the book of Allah as Allah too starts with basmalah and the first of the qur'aan is "Alhamdulillahi ...." and the sunnah of the prophet alayhi salaatu wassalaam...

وبَعدَهُ فأفضَلُ السّلامِ
على النّبيّ سَيّدِ الأنَامِ

wa ba'dahu fa afdhalu salaami :and after it the best peace greetings
ala annabiyyi sayyidul anaamee: upon the prophet the best of creation

wa badahu: and after it: i.e. after starting off with alhamdulillah,
the shaarih says if hareeree had said wa afdhalu salaatu wassalamu with raf' (dhumma) it would have been better, and towards the end Hareeree pardons himself for mentioning salaam (peace) on the prophet without mentioning salaah (prayer) on the prophet alayhi salaatu wassalaam too

alanaam ay khalq = creation

وءالِهِ الأطهَارِ خيرِ ءالِ
فافهَم كَلامي واستَمِعْ مَقَالي

wa aalihil athaari khayril aali: and upon his pur family the best family
fafhma kalaamee wastmai' maqaalee: so understand my words and listen to my saying

aalihi they are the his house members
athaar plural for taahir (pure)

then he ordered the student to memorise his words with his heart and by listening to it, alhadhramee said almaqaal (saying) and kalaam (words) are similar in meaning

يَا سَائِلي عن الكَلامِ المُنتَظِمْ
حَدًّا ونَوعًا وإلى كَمْ يَنقَسِمْ

ya saa'ilee anil kalaamil muntadhim: o asker about my rhyming words
haddan wa naw'an wa ilaa kam yanqasim: definition and types and how many divisions

haddan and naw'an they are bothe mansoub 9took fatha) because of tamyeez (a chapter for tamyeez will come up)

اسمَع هُدِيتَ الرُّشدَ مَا أقولُ
وافهَمْهُ فَهمَ مَن لهُ مَعقُولُ

'isma' hudeeta rushdu ma aqulu: listen so you may be guided to reason
wafhamhu fahma man lahu ma'qulu: and understand it the understanding of one who has intelligence

ma'qulu i.e. 'aql brain

then he goes onto the next baab alkalaam.....


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09-06-2006, 03:09 PM
OH MY GOD you people crack me up with your tu - paste wa tu-copy

limadha la taftahna al qaamuus???

tayyib maa ureed an a-spam huna

;D ;D

Hayyakillah Ya umm sulaim, Jazakillah khair 3ala maa katabti :)

09-06-2006, 03:16 PM
As salaamu aalykum,

limadha la taftahna al qaamuus???
ma mana3anee illal kasal wallah... Allahul musta3aan

Ya umm sulaim.. mataa yakuun al-as'islah wal jawaabaat.. hadiddee lanaa yawm .. aw kayf yakuun..??

09-06-2006, 03:18 PM
umm...aslan ma qad inatahyt min fawaa'id il baab, amma alasi'ilah, fa insha Allah yakun dhaalik amrun nattafiq feehi jamee'an sah...


Ibn al-Mubarak
09-07-2006, 12:01 AM
جزاك الله خيرا مقدمة لطيفة و بسيطة و الآن فالإنتظار لما يلي

09-07-2006, 01:21 AM
Is this the book u told abt princess? What is it about?

Jazakallah khayr umm Sulaim :)

09-07-2006, 12:19 PM
Wa iyyaaki sis, :)

This books about grammer, its similar to books like tuhfatu sunniyah (on grammer too) only difference is that the author put it in poem form, its much easier to memorise and some of the rules stick easier that way...
Its a small hand book and i think theres around 300 and sixty something verses of poetry...

its a nice matan (handbook) welcome ukhtee...


09-07-2006, 08:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by hidaayah
Is this the book u told abt princess? What is it about?

Jazakallah khayr umm Sulaim :)
As salaamu alaykum,

Hi there Darl' :)

Yeah it's the book I was talking about , it's about nahw/arabic grammer, each topic is put into a poem , which makes it easier for us to keep afirm all the rulings of nahw if you know what I mean....
That is the first Chapter/The Muqaddimah/Beggining... so it does'nt have much info on the nahw itself... inshaAllah the grammer will start in the next chapter "baab al-kalaam"
Hope you'll join us InshaAllah Sis, and hope it benefits you....

Take Care Ukhtiy!! Allah Ma3ak :peace:

Ibn al-Mubarak
09-08-2006, 01:38 PM
أظن ان كلنا قد فهمنا الدرس الأول ..هممم.. الدرس التالي من فضلكن:d

09-10-2006, 10:34 PM
aasifa anail ghiyaab,tayyib wa kayf takun al muraja'ah, aw nastamir bidoon muraja'ah?

khayrun insa Allah:

Baabul kalaam

kalaam its singular is:kalima/ a word and the plural is kalaam and kalim words /speech

حد الكﻻم ما افاد المستمع : نحو سعى زيد و عمرو متبع

و نوعه الذي عليه يبنى : اسم و فعل ثم حرف معنى

(can't get the kaaf to join up...)

'haddul kalaami maa afaadul mustami': nahwu sa'a zaydun wa amrun muttabi'
wa nawuhu alladhee alayhi yubnaa: ismun wa fi'lun thumma harfun ma'naa

haddul kalaami ma afaadal mustami: the definition of speech is that which benefits the listener

haddul kalaam i.e the definition of kalaam words/speech with the people of grammer

ma afaada i.e speech thats beneficial and would make sense if we ended the converstaion at it "yuhsan assukut alayha"
and this is the beneficial linked words/ kalaam murakkab mufeed, and this was hareeree's intention when he said "muntadhim" because nadhm (poetry) is a specific link (murakkab makhsus)

nahu sa'a zaydun wa 'amrun muttabi' like zayd strived and A'mre is following

and this can either of two (muraakab makhsus): jumla fi'liyyah (sentence beginning with a verb) like sa'a zaydun/zayd strived
or jumla ismiyyah (sentence beginning with a noun) like 'Amrun muttabi'/Amre following
so both of these sentences are mufeed murakkab/beneficial and linked
mufeed: beneficial, you can end your converstaion at it
murakkab: linked made up from 2 words or more...

so sa'a/to strive by itself or zayd by itself isn't speech /kalaam its just kalima/ a word,

so a question would inna zaydan/verily zaydan be kalaam mufeed?

wa naw'uhu alladhee alayhi yubnaa: and its type that its built upon is..
ismun wa fi'lun thumma harfun ma'na a noun a verb and a letter with meaning

Alhadhramee says that Alhareeree specifies 'harf' with the one that has meaning so that by just 'harf' one wouldn't be mistaken with the alphabet 'huruuf al hijaa'

whats the difference between huruf ma'aanee/letters with meaning and huruf hijaa'iyyah/ and the letters from the alpahabet?

lol and don't say, letters with meaning have meanings plz...

insha Allah khayr


09-17-2006, 01:42 PM
(laysh ma ajabtum 'anil as'ilah?)

why haven't you all answered the questions?

shall i continue insha Allah?


09-17-2006, 06:49 PM
As Salaamu alaykum,

whats the difference between huruf ma'aanee/letters with meaning and huruf hijaa'iyyah/ and the letters from the alpahabet?
Okay I'm going to try InshaAllah..Bismillah

Huruuf Ma3aanee is like the huruuf al-jarr "Al-Baa'" and etc they have a place in the i3raab
whereas the other hurruf like the "Zay" for instance it's juts any old harf that has no ma3naa to it!!

And I think I might be wrong wallahu a3lam!! :X

09-24-2006, 09:23 AM
masha Allah sis thats good and also..huruf ma'anee is a kalima/ word bi dhaatih in itself where as huruf hijaa isn't a word by itself its a juzz/part of another word
(from fawaaid umm Abdillah hafidhaha Allah)

how about the other su'aal ya umma 7aider?

so a question, would inna zaydan/verily zaydan be kalaam mufeed?

09-25-2006, 11:19 AM
As Salaamu Alaylkum,

format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
masha Allah sis thats good and also..huruf ma'anee is a kalima/ word bi dhaatih in itself where as huruf hijaa isn't a word by itself its a juzz/part of another word
(from fawaaid umm Abdillah hafidhaha Allah)
Oh I see, yeah that's right.. thanx for the notification!!

so a question, would inna zaydan/verily zaydan be kalaam mufeed?
"Inna Zaydan" isn't mufeed although it's lafdun murakabb bil wad3 al-3arabiy it also lacks in "Ma3naa" which is one of the shuruut of "Al-Kalaam" ... mufeed is maa afaadal mustami3 wa haadhaa lam yufid naa shayy!!

Right!!?? :?

09-25-2006, 04:29 PM

so you'll do the next bit then ya umma haider... :)


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