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View Full Version : Should he throw his alcoholic uncle out of the house?

09-09-2006, 08:54 PM
Should he throw his alcoholic uncle out of the house?

A maternal uncle of mine who is addicted to alcohol lives in the same house with us – me and two of my brothers who are younger than me – in a kaafir country in a small house, just two rooms. When he first came to live with us he did not drink so much. In addition to that he does not pray, and sometimes he insults Islam and the Lord. He has been here in this kaafir land for nearly 30 years during which he has never been back to our homeland. He was a friend of my father’s before my father married my mother. Praise be to Allaah, we pray and we try to fear Allaah as much as we can. We spoke to him in the best manner and advised him to repent to Allaah, and he says to us: “You are right, pray to Allaah forgive me,” then one or two days later he goes back to his old ways. If we throw him out of the house, he will not find anyone to give him shelter, which means that he will end up sleeping in the street like many of the Arab addicts who live in the streets. We ask Allaah to guide them. My question is: what should I do, knowing that my father and mother do not live with us in the same house; they are in our homeland, but if I throw my uncle out or speak harshly to him, it will upset my mother because she still loves her brother and has not seen him for 30 years.

Praise be to Allaah.

The problems of Muslims in kaafir countries are innumerable and heartbreaking. These societies and environments are not suitable for Muslims, because their values are incompatible with Islam and its noble principles, high moral standards and decent etiquette.

The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned us sternly against living in such environments and societies, because he knew the bad effect that this would have on Muslims, with regard to their religious commitment, morals and behaviour. He said: “I disavow myself of any Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (2654) and al-Tirmidhi ( 1604); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa’ al-Ghaleel (1207).

Your uncle’s situation – and that of many others – is the result of settling among the kuffaar which our religion has forbidden.

It is a great loss in this world and in the Hereafter, if Allaah does not bestow His mercy upon him.

You have no choice but to be patient with your uncle, for it seems from your advice to him and his response to you that the seed of faith is still alive in his heart, which needs your care and concern on an ongoing basis. Always keep in mind the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him): “If Allaah were to guide one man at your hands, that would be better for you than red camels (i.e., the best kind).” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2942).

If he stays with you in the house – and you keep advising him and taking care of him – that is better for him than wandering the streets and living as a vagabond, which could lead him to a bad end because of his being far away from you. Doing the lesser of two evils and warding off one by means of the other is what is required here.

Treating him kindly is also part of honouring your mother and pleasing her, so strive to call him to what is good and try to distract him from what he is doing now. Take him to the mosque with you sometimes. We ask Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, to guide the Muslims who have gone astray and to show them the right way, for He is Able to do that.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A

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09-09-2006, 08:56 PM
he will end up sleeping in the street like many of the Arab addicts who live in the streets.
:uuh: :uuh: :uuh:

09-09-2006, 08:58 PM

may i ask is this your own Uncle or what?


09-09-2006, 08:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kittygyal

may i ask is this your own Uncle or what?

I think she got it from Islam Q and A

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09-09-2006, 09:01 PM

I don't think the "Uncle" in question is related to the user, but is a fatwa she liked to share with us, in this type of situation it's be best to let him stay cause if he ends up in the streets then he'll be exposed to more vices.

09-09-2006, 09:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Starseeker
I think she got it from Islam Q and A


09-09-2006, 09:04 PM
no alhamdulillah (*100000000000000000000000000000 times) i dont live in the west and if that was my uncle, id kill him

i dont know what about u but that shocks me.... how could we reach such level!!?

09-09-2006, 09:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ~Stranger~
no alhamdulillah (*100000000000000000000000000000 times) i dont live in the west and if that was my uncle, id kill him

i dont know what about u but that shocks me.... how could we reach such level!!?

Sadly thats the tip of the ice-berg

09-09-2006, 09:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ~Stranger~
no alhamdulillah (*100000000000000000000000000000 times) i dont live in the west and if that was my uncle, id kill him

i dont know what about u but that shocks me.... how could we reach such level!!?
you'd what??? KILL HIM!!! YA ALLAH!! :heated: :heated:

you would do that would you, how would you kill your love one am gutted :cry:


09-10-2006, 07:48 AM
well yeah why not?! i mean hes alcoholic, and theyre lucky they're only boys in tat house with him (i hope) we know what pig-coholic r capable of, may Allah help us

09-10-2006, 07:53 AM
Dont throw him out

better - lock him in a room and throw away the key

sneak in food via a small window

and let him live without alcohol for a year lol

yes i know im cruel - muhahha

09-10-2006, 07:58 AM
cruel but effective i think......

09-10-2006, 08:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ~Stranger~
He has been here in this kaafir land for nearly 30 years during which he has never been back to our homeland

kafir land???? what do you mean kafir land?? please explain

09-10-2006, 08:08 AM
well to be very honest and serious one must remeber one thing:

There is no compulsion in Islam.

If your uncle is doing anything against the law of the land then he should be punished accordingly.

If however there is no law to prevent him from doing that then it is best to let him know that it is wrong from and Islamic prespective and keep talking to him about it.

At the same time if he is dependant upon you for finances to buy his alcohol then you can say NO to giving him money at all to buy alcohol or any other thing.

If he resides with you then you have the right to DENY him entry to your house in a drunken state and to comletely disallow alcohol in your own house.

It is the least you can do legally without getting into trouble.

09-10-2006, 08:16 AM
kafir land???? what do you mean kafir land??
i think he means the west

and good advice aku (sorry ur name is too long)

09-10-2006, 08:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ~Stranger~
no alhamdulillah (*100000000000000000000000000000 times) i dont live in the west and if that was my uncle, id kill him

i dont know what about u but that shocks me.... how could we reach such level!!?

Living in the west is better than living in any other muslim country, here we have individual rights and everyone is treated equally. I know people that have moved from the middle east to to the west and i can't describe how bad these people are. The west is the best.

09-10-2006, 08:20 AM
which part of the west is the best- the part with alocoholism or with the nude women??

theres no place better than islamic state, the closest thing we have for that is saudi arabia but still it has its bad sides......

and off topic!

09-10-2006, 08:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ~Stranger~
which part of the west is the best- the part with alocoholism or with the nude women??

theres no place better than islamic state, the closest thing we have for that is saudi arabia but still it has its bad sides......

and off topic!
Oh please people drink alcohol in every muslim country including saudia arabia they just do it secretly and about the nude woman i don't even want to light shade on that topic in the middle eastern countries such a shame, it's all done secretly just now shown openly in society but allah is surely watching. Arabs treat other races like dogs on a leash. The west has given muslims a chance to immigrate to the respected countries. You can earn a halal living and your kids can go to islamic school, they allow you to build mosques for the worship of allah, they give you everything you need yet you still discriminate against them. WE HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS HERE!!!!! what does saudi arabia have???? Look how messed up there immigration law is, wait i forgot they don't even have 1, if your arab your an citizen and if your not your an pig. I'm a proud citizen of the west because the west has given me everything no other muslim country would ever. Allah is punishing arabs for a reason and they deserve it. The middle east has ten times more corruption than the west and thats a shame because the middle east represents islam and muslims, what a shame, you can hide and commit dirty deeds but allah is always watching.

09-10-2006, 08:34 AM
Right is right and wrong is wrong

You cannot justify wrong as being right or vice versa.

In the end it all comes down to "What did YOU do?"

Did you stand against the wrong and fight with the right?

Or did you run away?

The answer will be apparent to all people in their hearts in the end.

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