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10-04-2006, 07:07 PM

does anybody have any tips on healthy body growth i.e. boosting growth somehow?

It seems I stopped growing and haven't moved a centimetre for like 3 months :confused:

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10-04-2006, 07:15 PM

1) what your gender?

2) how old are you?


10-04-2006, 07:16 PM
well drink milk thats how && also keep fit

10-04-2006, 07:16 PM

Age.....:?:?:?:?:? Hmmm......I might be the only 1 in my kind on this forum lol

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10-04-2006, 07:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender

Age.....:?:?:?:?:? Hmmm......I might be the only 1 in my kind on this forum lol
haha i know who you are hehe

okay anywho drink milk && also go a jym && eat VEG

10-04-2006, 07:21 PM
oh cr*p

Okay im 15 give me tipz

10-04-2006, 07:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
oh cr*p

Okay im 15 give me tipz

*you told me who you are but my lips are sealed akhi* ;)

well Akhi your not growing okay eat VEG, drink MILK && go a jym && use some strechers :D :D

10-04-2006, 07:24 PM
My Brother is 16 and he stopped growing at 15 :-\

He was really worried about it and we couldn't really figure it out either.

And then he told us that he was experiencing back pains, so we took him to the doctor and it turned out that he had scoliosis and so his spine was going sideways and not upwards. He'll probably have to do an operation.....or therapy or something.

But I dont know if it's the same thing with you? :?

10-04-2006, 07:24 PM

as far as i know males stop growing (or grow slowly) at certain age (in their early teens) but toward the end of it the grow faster.
there's nothing to worry about bro. if u dont grow to be michale jordan, im sure its not the end of the world (or is it? :p )

10-04-2006, 07:25 PM
My Brother is 16 and he stopped growing at 15

He was really worried about it and we couldn't really figure it out either.

And then he told us that he was experiencing back pains, so we took him to the doctor and it turned out that he had scoliosis and so his spine was going sideways and not upwards. He'll probably have to do an operation.....or therapy or something.

But I dont know if it's the same thing with you?

oh dont scare the poor bro


10-04-2006, 07:26 PM
;D lol, It matters a lot especially when, ah forget it :D

Alhamdulillah...it's no medic. probs as far as I'm concearned.

Just that I'm shortest in my class :mad:

10-04-2006, 07:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
;D lol, It matters a lot especially when, ah forget it :D

Alhamdulillah...it's no medic. probs as far as I'm concearned.

Just that I'm shortest in my class :mad:

hahah i was short in my class, don't worry be a shorty && eat more shoties (biscuits) :D :D :D haha :X

10-04-2006, 07:32 PM
i think i know who this is but i could be totally wrong

anyways guys keep growing into their late teens and even early twenties sometimes
you have nothing to worry about?
how tall r u?

10-04-2006, 07:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *noor
i think i know who this is but i could be totally wrong

:X me know who it is "@%@%@%" told me so all good


10-04-2006, 07:38 PM

Eat loads of fruits & veg's


10-04-2006, 07:41 PM
I need tips on how to stop growing :haha:

I'm almost 19 (this december Insha'allah ) and my clothes are still getting too short for me :cry:

But I guess there's no need to worry is there? unless I top off 5'9" or something :D

10-04-2006, 07:43 PM
Oh yes and do lots of excercises, you know like stretching excercises? Yes those do loads of good (according to the doctor my brother went to )

But then you are still so young brother, Insha'allah you'll have a growth spurt sooner or later.....it's nothing to worry about, especially since it's not a medical condition or anything.

10-04-2006, 07:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mawaddah
I need tips on how to stop growing :haha:

I'm almost 19 (this december Insha'allah ) and my clothes are still getting too short for me :cry:

But I guess there's no need to worry is there? unless I top off 5'9" or something :D

give anonymous here some inches

10-04-2006, 07:50 PM
apart from ur diet you need to take care of ur SLEEPING PATTERN it is absolutely essentail for healthy growth!!!

and eat lots of cheese and other dairy products, milk etc...
I think it is the dutch who are the tallest people and they have LOTS of dairy products..

make sure you get at least 8-10 hrs sleep every night and go to bed around the same time every day!!

don't worry, I know someone who had short family members and seemed like he was never gonna grow any taller but then he shot up there somewhere...;D

10-04-2006, 08:37 PM
maybe you should do more exercise to release your muscles && also go to the doctor humm
tell someone to hold you from one leg && another person from another && then pull you ;D

10-04-2006, 08:39 PM
i'm ova 6ft tall and so is my dad i think i got the height from him sumtym you jus get it from parents but eatin healthy will jus make you slim but if you short and do weights that will make you strong and healthy and don't eat take away you jus ruin your self and chill Hazart Ali was not that tall but still he was very strong but don't worry bro things change veryy fast i tink your bone stop growin wen ur 21 i tink u got plenty of tym jus keep fit

10-04-2006, 09:51 PM
well since your 15 you shouldn't be worried.most boys will not do all of their growing in their teens.once they hit their early twenties they will grow up.don't worry you are still young.and for girls they usually stop growing when they start menstruating

10-11-2006, 10:22 PM
I found this article:

Three Passionate Rules For Success;

There are three (3) factors which make up the strongest structure, the 'TRIANGLE OF SUCCESS', that you should consider because they will lead to your success:

1) Desire. You must want to be taller. The benefits of being taller are enormous! Marshall Cannon, a successful student who completed our tailored program, summed it up nicely by saying:

"My satisfaction in life does not come from my accomplishments, but from knowing that I was willing to go through the treacherous journey till the end, and make it. I'm two inches closer to heaven and loving every moment!"*

2) Motivation. You should always motivate yourself. One of the reasons that NBA GREAT Michael Jordan was able to accomplish six NBA CHAMPIONSHIPS is motivation. He motivated himself every time he stepped on a court by developing numerous reasons for winning. Each reason motivated him to the point that winning was inevitable!*

3) Perseverance. As the saying goes; 'When the going gets tough the tough get going.' The best way to persevere through your challenge is by visualizing yourself accomplishing your goal. This will help you persevere. Visualization is a tremendous tool, use it! See yourself at the end of the tunnel. See it, taste it, smell it!*~

Middle-Ground Wonders

Studies have shown that individuals growing up in middle-class neighborhoods have on average a three inch advantage over others. Even high income areas cannot keep up with these middle-class giants!


Although it is quite simple, the answer may not be so obvious.

It all boils down to a little known subject you may have heard about back in High School: psychology.

Our natural tendency as humans is to evolve mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. These sociological traits have created an almost unquenchable thirst to better ourselves.

These days, even tall athletes desire MORE height! Michael Jordan, 6-foot-6 NBA SUPERSTAR, was quoted once as wanting to be TALLER!

So why is the middle-class so tall?

Precisely because of who they are. Being in the middle-income bracket means they are financially stable enough to avoid lower-class pitfalls associated with stunted growth, such as poor nutrition and stress, yet wealthy enough to feed their appetite and want even more!

In contrast, upper class-individuals are satisfied with what they have: lots of money, beautiful house, a nice car. As a result, they do not have to better themselves.

A simple analogy to this phenomena can be discovered within a plant. Too much water will spoil the plant in such a way that it will not develop correctly. Too little water will keep the plant from growing. However, just the right amount of water will allow the plant to BLOSSOM and GROW!~*

Tweaking Your Gland: Six ways to boost growth hormone output naturally

Size may matter, but in some cases the smallest thing can have the biggest impact. Like that grape-sized organ- the anterior pituitary gland- nestled within your brain. Despite its small dimensions, it is the source of powerful juice when it comes to building height. You see, the anterior pituitary gland is responsible for secreting a substance called somatotropic hormone, more commonly known as "growth hormone," into your bloodstream.

Without that tiny gland, it wouldn't matter how many reps of stretching exercises you perform. Without it, building your physique would become an exercise in futility. Why? "It's somatotropic hormone that dictates how your body will adapt itself from all your height increasing efforts" says Ed Burke, Ph.D., director of the Exercise Science Program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

Acting as your body's foreman, growth hormone instructs your skeletal bone to grow larger and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats into energy. In other words, get enough growth hormone floating around in your system and your body has no choice but to construct itself into something bigger and badder. Cheat yourself from acquiring your fair share and your body can only do so much, no matter how much you do.

Although the amount of growth hormone your body regularly produces is entirely up to your brain, there are a few things you can do to trick that thrifty gland into being a bit more generous.

So now that you've worked hard enough on your body performing the stretching exercises, pay attention to these six proven ways to make your body work for you:

1)Get your shut-eye. It's simple math really. Add eight hours to the time you went to bed, then look at your alarm clock before peeling yourself from the sheets. "Not getting enough sleep regularly can lower the amount of growth hormone your body produces daily," says Walter Thompson, Ph.D., director of the Center for Sports Medicine, Science and Technology at Georgia State University in Atlanta.

Even though excess sleep won't necessarily increase the amount of growth hormone your body secretes, constantly burning your midnight oil could be suppressing how efficiently your body distributes growth hormone during the course of the day. Keeping normal sleeping habits may let you tap into a certain percentage of growth hormone that your bones never get a chance to utilize when sleep-deprived.*

2)Eat Smarter. Focus on eating six or seven smaller meals during your day instead of three or four larger ones. Consuming large meals with a high glycemic index forces the body to release a high amount of insulin into the system to aid with digestion. This reaction not only forces your body to store fat, it may also inhibit the flow of the growth hormone being released throughout your bloodstream. Instead, make a point of consuming other low-sugar foods that will prevent the release of insulin.

The crossover between what you need to stay healthy and what you need to release more growth hormone doesn't stop with eating smaller meals and getting enough shut-eye. All of the same factors that need to be in place for a healthy lifestyle still hold true. Training right, eating right, sleeping right and keeping your stress to a minimum will not only keep you healthier, they will foster the type of environment that encourages the anterior pituitary gland to do its job. Deficits in any of these areas will only slow down how well your body functions as a whole, which in turn slow down the amount of growth hormone that is being continually pumped into your system.*

3) Pre-workout nosh: Toss back a small chicken salad sandwich a couple of hours before you exercise. Food Researchers have discovered that consuming a protein-carbohydrate meal two hours prior to working out and another meal immediately afterward elicited a significant increase in both growth hormone an testosterone within the bloodstream.

Even if you're not hungry a few hours before you exercise, you may want to consider having a snack to prevent being hungry within the two-hour window before you work out. Researchers at UCLA found that subjects who exercised with partially digested food in their stomachs experienced up to a 54 percent decrease in the production of growth hormone. Subjects who were fed strictly carbohydrates prior to a workout still experienced a lower production of growth hormone by up to 24 percent.*~

4) Get the most from your training: What you put your body through during your stretching exercise routine has a direct effect on what your pituitary gland puts out to build height. A recent study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that the frequency and amount of growth hormone the body secretes is relative to the intensity of your workout. Subjects who exercised at a higher intensity experienced greater and more frequent releases of growth hormone after their workouts.

To get the most from your training efforts, you need to be sure that the duration and intensity of your regimen are high enough to elicit a response. Keeping your workouts focused on short-burst, high intensity anaerobic stretching exercises and maintaining a pace that lasts at least 20-30 minutes is a fair standard to follow.

There are certain stretching exercises that may help squeeze out a little extra growth hormone. By utilizing stretches that include several muscle groups to work collectively, the intensity of the workout subsequently increases as well, forcing the anterior pituitary gland to issue more growth hormone to compensate for the extra effort.

Oddly enough, participating in intense aerobic exercise can also cause an increase in growth hormone release. However, what keeps marathoners from looking like basketball athletes is that their bodies react differently to the substance because of the activity they participate in.

It is like having someone who never lifts weights using a muscle-building supplement. They have the building blocks within their system, but unless the endurance athlete is performing a significant amount of resistance stretching exercises, the body never recognizes a demand to use these tools effectively to help restructure.*

5) Supplement strategically: Taking the amino acid glycine immediately before you work out can mildly stimulate the release of growth hormone, but only when taken as a supplement. Trying to achieve the same effect by consuming glycine-rich foods such as poultry or milk prior to exercise only inhibits growth hormone by causing you to exercise on a full stomach, plus the glycine doesn't get absorbed in the same way.

Being introduced into the body in the presence of additional amino acids forces the glycine to compete for transport across the blood-brain barrier, diminishing its effect on the growth hormone levels. The only way glycine can cause a reaction is when taken in isolated supplement form, preferably on an empty stomach to speed up absorption and prevent outside interference from other amino acids.

6) Don't pig out before bed: Never eat a large meal within two hours of going to sleep. The reasoning ties into avoiding the same insulin surges you're trying to prevent during the day, but this abstention is especially important before bedtime.

The body releases the greatest amount of growth hormone during the first two hours of sleep. Having excess insulin within the system after a large meal suppresses this higher output of growth hormone, preventing your body from taking advantages of it as you rest.

Nighttime also seems to be the best time to take additional supplements to increase the flow of growth hormone. UCLA researchers have found that taking the amino acid arginine and orthinine together on an empty stomach right before bedtime can boost growth hormone levels significantly. However, the amounts required to see a difference were between 40 and 60 grams, dosages too large to take in any version besides injectable form.

There are safer, more accessible supplements you can try, such as 5-hydroxy tryptophan, a safer derivative of tryptophan. This sleep aid used to encourage drowsiness also helps the brain release growth hormone.*~

10-11-2006, 10:44 PM
1) Desire. You must want to be taller. The benefits of being taller are enormous! Marshall Cannon, a successful student who completed our tailored program, summed it up nicely by saying:

"My satisfaction in life does not come from my accomplishments, but from knowing that I was willing to go through the treacherous journey till the end, and make it. I'm two inches closer to heaven and loving every moment!"*

closer to heaven- r u sure?? pfffffffft

10-11-2006, 10:57 PM
lol okay that might be stupid...But the second part [Practical parts :uhwhat:] seems good enough to me.

10-11-2006, 11:58 PM

Should you really be concerned of your height? You should be concerned of your faith in your religion and focusing on studies. And, you are not stop growing, it usually is a genetics that play the role during adolosence years. Just don't let it get to you, who cares if your short or tall, it doesn't matter. Were humans, we are all different and unique.

When I was 15, I didn't even care about my growth or anything, I just didn't even realise it till I turned 18. I was focused on studies and learning stuff.

If you still insist, go run frequently. Do the threadmill, or eliptical. They help.


10-12-2006, 09:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by limitless

Should you really be concerned of your height? You should be concerned of your faith in your religion and focusing on studies.

Ah but bro, it's something normal amongst teens to be worried about things like this isn't it? Just so long as it doesn't distract him from his main priorities then theres nothing wrong with it.

10-12-2006, 09:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
The benefits of being taller are enormous!
not if you're afraid of heights!

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