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View Full Version : Why we correct one another.

10-27-2006, 07:35 AM

This is my way of asking for a few other Muslims to read the letter I am sending today to local Mosque to where I am living.

I am sending it, not because the matters I mention in it are essential for my self to communicate to the Muslim community here whom regularly attend Mosque, but rather as a matter of etiquette.

The simple fact is that my local public manifestation is really quite contradictory to the extent that it is very difficult to read me, and therefore many false allegations have been made against me outside of the Muslim community. I really would like that all such are not being believed within the Muslim community, and I had become aware that one such belief had manfiested among Muslims. It took a considerable effort to determine which of all the matter I am wrongly accused with was the one which Muslims were falling to. Now that I have found which one I reconcile that either I can not tell about it and become very rich, or I can expose the matter to the larger effect as I am describing in the letter. Now I might be well unpopular among my own community for having made the decision in this direction since everybody was counting upon myself to get us rich quick; rats huh! Oh well, you will all have to read the letter to find out. Am I a terrible shaytan or, . . . but what else could I possibly be? Babylon is a City not a person; of course . . . . , (ouch watch out there)

PO Box 179
PO Box 6113
27th Oct ‘06

Assalamualaykumu Warahmathullahi Warabarakathuhu

To those among Brisbane’s Muslims whom I have written to recently, and previous,

This is a letter to inform you that only this morning at Roma street police station I became aware of a matter which I had no prior knowledge of. I found my self being accused by an plain clothes policeman of accusing him of theft, when in fact I had only tried to remind him about that he had in his hands, and after he had behaved in a manner of clearly tempting me to believe he had stolen.

The incident caused me to realise that there could be other instances in which I am being faulted as though accusing when actually I never could have been accusing because of my own self certainty and accountability in Allah. I have been immensely frustrated by the many efforts being made to try to catch me out as though I am likely to fall to any number of temptations. I must assert that my lack of Arabic is not ill manners but in fact only caused by my considerations of Arabic speech in that I choose not to learn it while my own language use is subject to many allegations as though I am who forces polemics in language. This is a fault projected upon me that I had been well aware of and am letting equitably to the knowledge I bear of what the actual causes of such can be truly attributed to.

I need to inform that this is the second time today in which I have drafted this letter, but that it was lost to the computer software edit function having altered at the city library. I will try to provide an equitably decent further full consideration of what is needing.

I should tell a little more about the means by which the policeman tempted me. The item he had which I had been assuming belonged to a café was a newspaper. I entered the café before him and ordered a coffee. Seeing that today’s Courier Mail was on the front counter and had the article in it about Sheik Taj al-Hilal I had decided to read the article. Then the another person entered and picked up the paper ahead of me. I spoke out that I would read the newspaper after him and received no response. There were policemen in the café at first suspecting my self of criminality in their attitude to me, but whom then changed their mind when I associated with my own previous interactions with the Mt Ommaney police. When the other customer left the café and took the news paper with him I was motivated only by wanting to read the article and followed him to remind him that the paper was in his hands.

The interaction was that he was very polite to me while I explained the evidence to my senses as a way of describing to him that I was not in the wrong to have followed him. At first he had only said ‘no this is mine’ and gave me the open impression that he could have been lying, which is why I asserted my evidence. The after I had spoken he told me that he had previously entered the café, left his paper there, and gone to the bank. At that point I made a clear apology. In reaction to my apology he raised his voice and making a gesture towards my Hijab he said “are you accusing me of stealing”, and then walked away so rapidly as to not hear my reply.

In my decided opinion Sheik Taj al-Hilal is very welcome at our Eid al Fahr celebration in respect of my having found out the fact of how I am being faulted only through the vehicle of experiential evidence. Certainly no other Muslims have been so defamed for openly voicing a clear factual matter, even if the Sheik had a direction of accusation out of alignment with the reality. Instances he made reference to are often enough clear examples of enacting exposure so as to tempt shaytan, so it is inevitable that a person of his calibre may have mistaken the reality of the situation.

There are a whole range of further considerations which the fact that I am now aware of what I had been falsely accused with, has brought to the forefront of my mind. I will attempt to portray these but am not really certain about whom needs to know what portion of this full knowledge.

The matter that immediately arises is that there is now clear evidence of the patter that can be regarded to be manifested long before now in which Australia’s Indigenous population were patterned to receive Revelations prior to receiving the means of written language. It transpires that the Dreaming of Revelations is triggered by the shaytan scraping the bottom of the barrel for the worth of a community in what we are bearing being falsely accused with. But in that, it is also the case that the whole pattern is not triggered among a population whom are not in an inescapable pattern of holding our own self in death, as the measure of how to hold to account any wrong committed against us, which is not actually confessed openly in life.

There has been a genetic switch triggered in the adult Indigenous population in this region, as the awareness was reached of the reality of what the account being made against us is that we did not know about. Being accusing with making accusations by persons whom know so much their own fault that they refute that their own mind is accepting the blame, and so therefore accuse others of accusing, is the classical gog and magog pattern. I had not found the actual evidence yet to know what to enact to prevent my self being labelled as a shaytan. The fact is that the Hare Krishnas were accusing me as though I had made a terrible accusation of them of looking too far into the future, which they were counter accusing myself of, but when I saw nothing and their own songs had triggered my mind to wonder about when they were trying to cause themselves to be existing in the future, while they were trying to manifest that they reincarnate. Obviously they can not succeed, and I had not been worried about the instant in the certain knowledge of my ability to prevent them from any realisation of what they were attempting. Later this morning I have exposed that I know that which they accuse me of, and intend to hold them accountable for at the expense of my own death.

I will assume that the adult male population of Muslims can work to the earlier letter I wrote in the information in it about the manifestation of Dreams aligned with Revelations in that pattern of causation which I will try to describe. I clearly observed that a Muslim male had attuned with the writing of it, but the individual may have been misinformed that the words were intended as political.

I should however contextualise my own comprehension of Isa’s teaching of Revelations. The true externalised mental process of acceptance of the existence of the need for apocalypse is accorded by the process of racial intermarriage. But to accord that there exists acceptance of each cultural cause of different racial genetics, which is enabling to conceiving Muslim babies, rather than kafir or shaytan, it is required that the sequence of inter-racial marriage is correct. The wrong sequence leads to problematic childbirth and instances of downs syndrome. Yet by Allah’s Grace alone it is that downs syndrome persons, when placed among Human beings born with congenital abnormalities, can cause that the Human self is make to acknowledge the cause of their disease.

The correct sequence is that which prevents gog and magog manifesting war, and so I will first describe my comprehension of how that occurs. In the east asian region there are three main genetic variations and combination of, and each caused by differing cultural manifestations of holding each other into account in Allah.

There is the northern Asian pattern which establishes the mongoloid features and by which persons are habituated into accounting each others death only by cause of lust, defined as inability to realise when their mind is aware of, that is usually considered as a confusion between past and future. This pattern is the most prevalent in Japan and among Tibetean Buddhists, as well as even as far south as throughout Australia. But Australians tend to silence expression of it since it is a bad pattern to use to tempt other persons to display their wrong doing. However in the north of Asia, and at this time among the Japanese mafia, and in Korea, predominantly, there are persons whom actualise causing that other persons fall to believing that they are enacting more lust than is real. The other two cultural patterns dominant in Asia are that of holding each other to account for greed, and for vanity. The pattern at vanity began the red hair genetic which has an inbuilt genetic switch for Hijab. The pattern at greed manifests in east Asian culture in regard for house ownership and ancestor reverence. The difficulty with the greed pattern is that it is the pattern which most readily accepts entry into the fire of Jahannam, and so it also is more inclined to try to protect the innocent from such. That can be a strength also clearly. But when it is a weakness is when there become manifested many many kafir against whom is accounted the protection of the innocent, but causally to their existence. The pattern of accounting only against lust is that which manifested the gog and magog situation, but by forcing intermarriage of those whom account only by greed with those whom account only by vanity. Thereby the two groups find it difficult to attribute whom is at fault, and are want to blame each other because perceiving the ills of vanity, and so preventing in ones own self, finds greed readily faulted to a larger extent, and vice versa. Thereafter when intermarried the two groups can find themselves unable to reconcile vanity and greed well, as is the example with gog and magog. The problem worsens as one party in accounting for vanity separates the hate and the sloth away from each other, and then both parties mix the greed with the hate and then are both ignorant to their pride. That is what happens when the other east Asian group whom account against lust only, are able to imagine that they have a large enough account against the greed with vanity pattern in which to escape themselves from retribution. Of course they are not so able and they realise that when they come into contact with Islam. Yet those in the pattern of primarily holding each other accountable in greed are quite unable to reconcile with Islam if they are focussing upon interactions which hold their account in vanity. That might explain what is accorded by the manufacture of mass modern housing, and why the Chinese government made a one child one family policy in the aftermath of the cultural revolution.

The correct intermarriage is for those whom hold account against only their lust to first mix with those whom account for each other in only their greed but not their vanity. Then to intermarry with those whom hold one another to account only at envy. The Innuit folk are genetically patterned by such a cultural inclination. Thereafter the pattern is to intermarry with those whom are best habituated to hold one another to account through pride. So for far north Asians to intermarry with the blonde hair blue eyed of Europe. The beauty of the true paradox is that in escaping Islam the major proponents of the gog and magog pattern did exactly that: they emigrated to northern Europe and their influence was causal to the world wars of Europe. The pattern then, once greed, lust, envy and pride are well managed, is able to avoid specific falls, but only among those naturally fully inclined in belief, and those we in good Iman support in sustaining belief. The cultural and racial patterns of Africa are more predominately to hold to account through hate and then sloth, and it becomes safe for a black skin person to intermarry with a white person only once the envy is able to be accounted well, but also it is important to avoid establishing the same inability to reconcile envy and hate, as is prevalent with gog and magog between greed and vanity. Likewise it is important to avoid marrying predominance of accounting mainly against pride with accounting mainly against sloth, thereby blonde hair blue eyed folk long emigrated out of the Indian subcontinent and headed for Europe. Also the red/orange hair genetic long ago headed for Europe. Once pride and envy are both accounted for it becomes an easier feat to intermarry with red hair since the pattern of holding vanity to account separates vanity into hate and sloth. We can not comprehend that actual meaning of language unless we can reconcile the original sets of words used in formation of political language, the orange hair phenomenon is inclined that way, and for those whom intermarry with to comprehend it there needs to be an intermarriage first of whom account against pride with whom account against envy. This is already prevalent in parts of the British Isles. The Arab genetic is a mixture of two forms of a black skin genetic, of habituated accounting against hate and habituated accounting against sloth, and then intermarried with habituated accounting against pride as Jews exhibit. That pattern needed to intermarry with a pattern which well accounts itself against envy, so as to defeat gog and magog. Innuit is the clear need for inter-racial marriages with Arabs; however, it is already the case that the process of complete interracial marriage is prevalent among Australian Aborigines. We are in the process for the past few generations of bringing the switch at vanity to the fore more so than it was before, but were also letting the switch at pride lapse somewhat as it was assaulted since participating in world war two. Therefore triggering that switch into an on position is an immediate acceptance of Revelations. The case of a necessary sequence is that we all have a different starting point, in the first instance accorded by cause of Soul, but later embodied within the biology through habituation. However the sequence we need consider the most expedient is: greed, lust, envy, pride, vanity, hate, sloth. Remembering that when we ever tempt another person into showing us their actual fault, that we are accountable for the instance in which we tempt as an account against our own lust. This is because we have no idea until another person’s crimes are exposed, what they are in habit of manifesting without internal acknowledgement, and what they are in habit of manifesting only to tempt others. The pattern must start with greed since the physical matter is, by nature, of an intensity in greed beyond its vanity.

Please accept this letter as a method of acquiring from my own self what it is which I may be owing in the reality of my own full account in Allah. Of course it is that being a red haired person I tempted fate by wearing the colour purple as an aspect of my Hijab. Being at heart of the Diamond Python tribe and originally indigenous at causal function to a region of Australia with diamond in the rocks, a Yamatji, and born within Red Bellied Black Snake Dreaming in Armidale NSW, a Rainbow Serpent, I may also have tempted you to misconstrue my language use. Yet my Yamatji origin is a Jew, and so I have clearly tempted other persons to mistake my pride. I can readily claim cause also in tempting at hate and envy as my own. And finally I have been serially entrapped by many shaytan into manifesting greed which I am regularly in the habit of trying to avoid. So whatever method you are accustomed to be clear that it is far better to simply state your case against me than to try to tempt me into exposing an ignorant error. I am also trying to avoid that company of persons whom might fall into being tempted by me quite by accident of the allegations which were made against me, which this is only the tip of the iceburg of.

It is that any person whom takes it upon themselves to believe in any of my manifestations as innocent is themselves becoming subject to a similar degree of false accusations as I have been, and that is the trigger for kickstarting Revelations. It required approximately only two hundred persons in the State of Queensland to be believing me for a genetic trigger to switch on in the indigenous Ummah, but isolated to the Queensland region unfortunately. It should have been that our Australian Ummah was not being bound into state boundaries, but because of the problem of my not knowing enough Arabic to have successfully communicated my real belief to the Muslim Village website administration, the Ummah of Australian Aborigines is broken. I would appreciate if this situation can be amended immediately.

Thankyou your considerations of this letter. I provided an e-mail to my father this morning which my mother will receive on his behalf. It includes the information about what was enacted by the plain clothes policeman this morning, and also the greeting and thankyou of:

“Assalamualaikumu Warahmathuallahi Warabarakathuhu”

I believe that she had begun to manifest, in her mind only, an abbreviation of it to “Waram” as an Indigenous Australian gesture of communication with Islam; already by the time I sent the e-mail. My mother refutes her Indigenous heritage and I am insulted repeatedly by the fact that shaytan among the Aboriginal community, of whom many are actually aligning intentionally with the gog and magog pattern, but not those individuals whom were properly conditioned with a wide nostril genetic, are continuing to let her portray herself as an Indigenous person in their non-Islamic mythology, while she is refuting our family background only to prevent my own identity. I need to inform the Muslim Ummah that this situation between my self and my mother had been making a very large negative impact upon all Indigenous Australians ability to merit me accurately with the results of my labour, including my motherhood. The situation had an inbuild resolution accorded an activation by my son, and it will flow from another state. It was quite impossible for me to substantiate my credibility whilst isolated to Queensland, which the family court action has forced upon me.

However since we are in considerable genetic expertise in manifesting the switches of the genetic patterning of whole communities, it is possible to remedy the entire situation of my self having been dis-credited immediately. In that I must thank Sheik Taj for accepting enough of that burden so that I am able to correct the imbalance.

My own cause includes that of manifesting that the teaching normally precluded from our active mental processes becomes available to the external mind. Thereby it is that I am in need of a male whom can manifest that the specific details of direction I am manifesting is the correct one. My oldest son has exemplified himself within great hardship to that accord through Eid al Fahr, on Monday through his first ever attendance at Mosque. However I can not be certain whether we will be enabled to continue obligatory attendance at any institute because of the situation in which I am being accused unwarrantedly with enormous quantities of greed, and that I must continue to accept as the condition of Revelations, so as that shaytan are not in too much distress. Please therefore accept that purple is the necessary shade of my Hijab, and that the expense of wrongly faulting me at will, and is already being well accounted.

Alaykomuassalamu Warahmathallahi Warabarakathahai Rebekah Copas

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