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View Full Version : COCA COLA SECRET IS FINALLY OUT;contains alcohol

11-09-2006, 11:26 AM
:sl: ummah i know its a bit long but i was sent this and wanted to know what you all thought. :?

After a detailed investigation it has been proven beyond any doubt
>that Coke and other cooldrinks are HARAAM for Muslim consumption.
> > > All of the facts gathered during my investigation are found herewith
>including overwhelming proof from a previous investigation conducted by the
>Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa.
> > > This subsequently led to the Mujlisul Ulama declaring COKE HARAAM in
>the early 80's. The UTUSAN KONSUMER declared it HARAAM in 1984 on a
>thorough investigation of its own.
> > > COKE was given a court order by the Indian government to reveal its
>secret recipe but chose to rather pull out of the country than to disclose
>its covert formula.
> > > Since its inception COKE has ignored two court orders to reveal its
>true contents.
> > > The original recipe for COKE is at this point in time locked up in a
>bank vault in the USA.
> > > · At any one time only the Head Chemist at Coca Cola knows the true
>contents of COKE. The formula has been passed down from Head Chemist to his
>predecessor over the years as the Head Chemists have retired.
> > > From all the proof gathered and put together it is astounding how this
>product could ever have been declared HALAAL.
> > > I had personally been abstaining for a year as I had previously had
>doubt and it was therefore better for me to abstain for the sake of TAQWA,
>but it is now a confirmed certitude that COKE is HARAAM and it is now my
>Islamic duty to abstain.
> > > The Contents of COKE
> > > The Secret recipe of COKE as per a formulary book that belonged to
>John Pemberton who invented Coca-Cola 107 years ago. The recipe included
>citrate caffeine, extract of vanilla, seven flavoring oils, fluid extract
>of coca (cocaine), citric acid, lime juice, sugar, water, caramel and
>alcohol. Evidently the cocaine was removed in 1903. Coca-Cola continues to
>dominate the scene after 107 years, and the profits from the sale of it
>have been enormous.is as follows:
> > > Merchandise #1 Sugar
> > > Merchandise #2 Caramel
> > > Merchandise #3 Caffeine
> > > Merchandise #4 Phosphoric Acid
> > > Merchandise #5 Coca leaf and Cola nut Extract (20% Alcohol)
> > > Merchandise #6 Was Lime juice, but was incorporated into Merchandise
>#7X as an oil
> > > Merchandise #7X Flavouring mixture (see below)
> > > Merchandise #8 Vanilla
> > > Merchandise #9 Glycerine, but apparently no longer used
> > > Table: The Secret Recipe of Coca-Cola
> > > The Secret Flavourant Merchandise #7X is made up as follows:
> > > 1 oz (28.35 grams) Citrate Caffeine 3 oz (85.05 grams) Citric Acid
> > > 1 oz (28.35 grams) Extract Vanilla 1 Qt Lime Juice
> > > 2.5 oz (70.88 grams) Flavouring 30 lbs Sugar
> > > 4 oz (113.4 grams) F.E.Coco 2.5 gal (11.365 litres) Water
> > > Caramel sufficient
> > > 80 Oil Orange 40 Oil Cinnamon
> > > 120 Oil Lemon 20 Oil Coriander
> > > 40 Oil Nutmeg 40 Oil Neroil
> > > 1 Qt Alcohol (95%)
> > > Mix Caffeine Acid and Lime Juice 1 Qt. Boiling water add vanilla and
>flavouring when cool.
> > > Let stand for 24 hours
> > > 1. Vanilla Extract (Not synthetic) is HARAAM (see attached
> > > 2. Ethanol is HARAAM (see attached proof)
> > > 3. Alcohol is used in the preparation of the secret formula
>called 7X as part of the flavouring (95% Alcohol) - HARAAM
> > > 4. Glycerine that is used in the Formula 7X and also in the
>main recipe is HARAAM. (NB. Glycerine is claimed to not be used in the main
>recipe anymore)
> > > 5. Alcohol is used in the reparation of the Kola leaf and Kola
>nut mixture (20% Alcohol) - HARAAM
> > > Recipe for VANILLA EXTRACT:
> > > 2 Whole vanilla beans
> > > 1 ½ c Vodka or Brandy
> > > ½ c Water
> > > 1 c Granulated sugar
> > > There are various recipes for Vanilla Extract from different resources
>but this is the most common recipe. Apart from synthetic Vanilla Extract
>all recipes for Vanilla Extract contain alcohol, either Brandy or Vodka in
>most cases.
> > > VANILLA EXTRACT has been overlooked and not been investigated before
>today, not even by the Mujlisul Ulama or the Utusan Konsumer in their
>respective investigations.
> > > With regards to ETHANOL below is the following Webster's dictionary
>definition of ETHANOL:
> > > Main Entry: eth a nol
> > > Prounciation: 'e-th&-"nOl, British also 'E-
> > > Function: noun
> > > Date: 1900
> > > : a colorless volatile flammable liquid C2H5OH that is the
>INTOXICATING AGENT in liquors and is also used as a solvent - called also
>ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol
> > > (Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary, Tenth Edition)
> > > Almost all cooldrinks manufactured today contain ethanol since ethanol
>is used as a dissolving media for most flavourants.
> > > COKE and SPARLETTA amongst others have admitted to having used ethanol
>in their flavouring essence.
> > > The reasoning that Ethanol is not KHAMR as professed by many scholars
>is pure deception by shaitaan and the kuffaar.
> > > The first declaration made by Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
>concerning this matter was that not only is wine prohibited but that the
>definition of KHAMR extends to any substance which intoxicates, in whatever
>form or under whatever name it may appear. Thus, for example, beer and
>similar drinks are HARAAM.
> > > Our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was once asked about
>certain drinks made from honey, corn, or barley by the process of
>fermenting them until they became alcoholic. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
>wasallam), blessed as he was with the best of speech, replied succinctly:
> > > "Every intoxicant is KHAMR and every KHAMR is HARAAM."
> > > And Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) declared from the pulpit of
>Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam): "KHAMR is that which befogs the
> > > From the above it is evident that ETHANOL is beyond any doubt HARAAM
>despite what our deceived brothers choose to believe.
> > > GLYCERINE which has already been declared Haraam by the Jamiatul Ulama
>is included in COKE in two forms. It is firstly used in the Vanilla Extract
>as a means to "fix" the aroma of the flavouring. It is also used in the
>main recipe as a preservative although there are claims that it is not used
>any more.
> > > The Flavouring part of Merchandise #7X is made up of 95% ALCOHOL
>together with Lemon, orange, lime, cassia and nutmeg oils mixed together.
> > > Islam takes an uncompromising stand in prohibiting intoxicants,
>regardless of whether the amount is little or much. If an individual
>permitted to take but a single step along this road, other steps follow; he
>starts walking and then running, and does not stop at any stage. This is
>why our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
> > > "Of that which intoxicates in a large amount, a small amount is
> > > And again:
> > > "If a bucketful intoxicates, a sip of it is HARAAM."
> > > In connection with alcohol, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
>cursed ten categories of people saying:
> > > "Truly, Allah has cursed KHAMR and has cursed the one who produces it,
>the one for whom it is produced, the one who drinks it, the one who serves
>it, the one who carries it, the one for whom it is carried, the one who
>sells it, the one who earns from the sale of it, the one who buys it, and
>the one for whom it is bought."
> > > When the above verse of Surah al-Maaidah was revealed, Rasulullah
>(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) announced:
> > > "Truly, Allah has prohibited KHAMR. Therefore, whoever hears this
>verse and possesses some of this substance should neither drink it nor sell
> > > The narrator of the Hadith says: "The people brought forth whatever
>they possessed of it and poured it out in the streets of Madinah."
> > > Islam's stand in prohibiting alcohol and blocking all avenues which
>lead to drinking is very clear and unequivocal.
> > > The Arab's during the period of jaahiliyyah were very fond of wine and
>drinking parties. To eradicate this pervasive evil from society, Allah
>Ta'ala adopted a wise course of education and training, prohibiting it in
>measured stages. First, He made it clear to them that the harm of drinking
>wine is greater than its benefit; next, He told them not to come to Salaat
>while intoxicated; and finally, He revealed the verse in Surah al-Maaidah
>which prohibited it totally and decisively:
> > > "O you who believe! Truly, intoxicants and gambling and divination by
>arrows are an abomination of shaitaans' doing; avoid it in order that you
>may be successful. Assuredly shaitaan desires to sow enmity and hatred
>among you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hinder you from remembrance
>of Allah and from Salaat. Will you not then desist?"
> > > The response of the Muslims to these verses was remarkable indeed. At
>the time some people were drinking, with partly-filled cups in their hands.
>As soon as they heard someone announcing: "Wine has indeed been
>prohibited.", they poured the remaining drinks upon the ground and broke
>the big clay pots in which other drinks were being fermented.
> > > May Allah give us the strength to give up something we love and enjoy,
>something that has become a part of our daily life. May Allah give us the
>strength to give it up just as the Muslims of those times gave up wine and
>drinking parties solely for the pleasure of Allah.
> > > I wish to stress that mere academic knowledge of the HALAAL and
>HARAAM, and of the limits of these is not sufficient. Although the major
>sins and principle obligations are known to every Muslim, nonetheless, we
>find a great many of them indulging in these sins and neglecting those
>obligations, and rushing toward the Fire with their eyes wide open.
> > > If the Muslim is well-versed in the knowledge of his religion and its
>Shariah, and at the same time possesses a fully alert conscience which
>safeguards the limits so that they cannot be overstepped, he is indeed rich
>in all goodness. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) spoke the truth
>when he said:
> > > "When Allah intends good for a person, He makes his own soul a watcher
>over him."
> > > Just as Islam has prohibited whatever leads toward the HARAAM, it has
>also prohibited resorting to technical legalities in order to do what is
>HARAAM by devious means and excuses inspired by shaitaan. It has
>reprimanded the Jews for resorting to such practices. Rasulullah
>(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
> > > "Do not do what the Jews did in order to (technically) leaglise
>Allah's prohibitions by flimsy excuses."
> > > This is a reference to the fact that Allah had prohibited the Jews to
>hunt on the Sabbath (Saturday). To get around this prohibition they would
>dig ditches on Friday so that the fish would fall into them on Saturday, to
>be caught on Sunday. Those who resort to rationalisations to justify their
>actions consider such practices to be permissible, but the jurists of Islam
>consider them HARAAM, since Allah's purpose was to prevent them from
>hunting on the Sabbath, whether by direct or indirect means.
> > > Calling a HARAAM thing by a name other than its own or changing its
>form while retaining its essence is a devious tactic, since obviously a
>change of name or of form is of no consequence as long as thing and essence
>remain unchanged. Thus, when some people invent new terms in order to deal
>in usury or to consume alcohol, the sin of dealing in usury and drinking
>remains. As we read in the collections of Ahadith
> > > "A group of people will make peoples' intoxication HALAAL by giving it
>other names.
> > > A time will come when people will devour usury, calling it "trade"."
> > > And among the strange phenomena of our time is that people term
>obscene dance "art", liquor "preservatives", and usury "interest".
> > > In all its legislation and moral injunctions, Islam lays great stress
>on nobility of feelings, loftiness of aims, and purity of intentions.
>Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
> > > "Actions will be judged by intentions, and everyone will be
>recompensed according to what he intended."
> > > I conclude with the following supplication, which has come to us from
>the early Muslims:
> > > O Allah, make us independent of HARAAM with HALAAL and of disobedience
>to You with obedience to You.
> > > All praise is for Allah Ta'ala, Who guided us to this; had He not
>given us guidance, we could not have been guided.
> > > Kamran...

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11-09-2006, 12:40 PM
:sl: Jazakallau khairal jaza for this post, God knows he amount of times I'v had the question of wether or not coke is halal and i'v said I just don't know but its best to obstain from things that are mashqooq so thanx again........I don't suppose you could do a :rollseyes similier search for mcdonalds milkshakes and filletofish and fries could you?.......i mean i would be awfully greatfull.....and so would alot of muslims.:) :)

11-09-2006, 12:43 PM
where did this come from?



11-09-2006, 12:50 PM
Well my friend went to mcdonalds a while back and she ordered a strawberry milkshake when she did the man asked her if she was muslim she said yes and he told her that the milk shake contains pork gelatine. So i geuss its not halal. unless there's a fatwa showing gelatine is halal which iv heard people saying but which i havnt read myself so i won't comment. hope that helps.:okay:

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11-09-2006, 12:51 PM
Assalamu Aleykum Wa Rhametulah :)

Hope all is well, I'm just curious

Is that an e-mail?

I'm just curious on who's authority is the writing in?

11-09-2006, 12:53 PM
I've drunk alot of Coke and Pepsi, and amazingly i've never felt even the slightest bit tipsy.

I know what Drinking alcohol is like,.. trust me, coke is far from alcoholic.

Sounds to me like nothing more than more rubbish that has emerged from england ( my guess is that it is england.. i could be wrong.. ), the land where Muslims love to boycott left right and centre.

11-09-2006, 12:54 PM

the strawberry milkshake in macdonads, as far as im aware, is haraam. not becuase it contains gelatine but because of the colouring in it. theo ther flavours are fine.

there is a website which i will post inshallah - im just gona search for it.

my sis in law phoned Danone the other day about their yogurts and they have the same issue. the yogurts which have red colouring in them are haraam...only because of the colouring, not because of gelatine.

as far as i know filletofish is not haram, but the sauce they put on it (tartare sauce) is, because it contains spirit vinegar....



leme find that website inshallah

11-09-2006, 12:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by LUVAR
Well my friend went to mcdonalds a while back and she ordered a strawberry milkshake when she did the man asked her if she was muslim she said yes and he told her that the milk shake contains pork gelatine. So i geuss its not halal. unless there's a fatwa showing gelatine is halal which iv heard people saying but which i havnt read myself so i won't comment. hope that helps.:okay:

As for Gelatine, if it is from an animal which has been slaughtered in an islamic sense, it is halal. Otherwise, it is not.

11-09-2006, 12:55 PM
heres a website for ur info :)




11-09-2006, 12:58 PM
and this for macdonalds!!!




11-09-2006, 01:17 PM
Does anyone know for sure how they slaughter their meat in McDonalds?

And do each outlet get their own meat or is all McDonald meat packaged from one butcher and then send to the outlets?

11-09-2006, 01:18 PM

Allah knows best about the truth.
I never like drinking cold drinks like Pepsi and Coca-Cola, NEVER ! :happy: masha'Allah !
Instead I prefer drinking fruit juices :D


11-09-2006, 01:27 PM
i do not like McDonald since i was small when i Heard that it is a jewish Company . well Their meat is haram it is like you going to a haram meat store( although i might not me right if McDonald was in a islamic country i don't know about that).

11-09-2006, 01:35 PM
I got into a lift once, and I saw a man with three kids, and he was like talking to them.

then he said 'now kids what does mcdonald do?'

and the kids, the eldest prolly no more than 11 or so, all shouted 'it kills you' lol

and one of them feel on the floor saying look dady lol

11-09-2006, 01:49 PM
Very helpfull link JAZAKALLAH sis!!!!!
format_quote Originally Posted by Rabi'ya
and this for macdonalds!!!




- Qatada -
11-09-2006, 06:17 PM

Please don't argue insha'Allaah. :) If you can survive without coke, why not skip the doubtful? That's just my opinion. Allaahu a'lam.

Ibn Abi Ahmed
11-09-2006, 06:33 PM

1) There has to be proof, who did this research, how, when, where are the documents?

2) There are only 5 people in the entire world that know the formula of Coca Cola and they arent allowed to fly in the same plane at the same time. Therefore, unless this person who wrote this interviewed the person and he spilt the over hundred years + secret, I think there is much reason to doubt this.

Besides, it looks like it came from those chain emails. That is why, it is important Islamically to verify information whence you get it.

49: 6. O ye who believe! if a Faasiq comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, Lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.

These chain emails are nothing short of being very doubtful sources, that is why it is very important that we get our information from a valid source.

But as Br. Fi said, if you believe it to be a matter of doubt, then it is Inshallah best to leave it.


11-09-2006, 06:39 PM
Imagine they all died, that would be so cool, well not that they died, well ok imagine they all lost their memory, that would be so cool, well not that they lost their memory, well ok imagine they just forgot the formula not thing else, that would be so cool, well not that...erm...yes that! :)

Forget please I hope they forget.

11-09-2006, 06:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ähmed

1) There has to be proof, who did this research, how, when, where are the documents?

2) There are only 5 people in the entire world that know the formula of Coca Cola and they arent allowed to fly in the same plane at the same time. Therefore, unless this person who wrote this interviewed the person and he spilt the over hundred years + secret, I think there is much reason to doubt this.

Besides, it looks like it came from those chain emails. That is why, it is important Islamically to verify information whence you get it.

49: 6. O ye who believe! if a Faasiq comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, Lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.

These chain emails are nothing short of being very doubtful sources, that is why it is very important that we get our information from a valid source.

But as Br. Fi said, if you believe it to be a matter of doubt, then it is Inshallah best to leave it.

As salaamu Alaykum,

Exactly!! :heated:

2) There are only 5 people in the entire world that know the formula of Coca Cola and they arent allowed to fly in the same plane at the same time.
Really? That's Interesting! :)

11-09-2006, 07:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ähmed

But as Br. Fi said, if you believe it to be a matter of doubt, then it is Inshallah best to leave it.


I think that is what we should all do, Coke has a secret ingredient we therefore do not know if what we are drinking is indeed halal or not...why then are we consuming something that is doubtful?
We're always looking for excuses to continue drinking this substance, why is that? seems to me like we're addicted...
now that's food for thought..

11-09-2006, 07:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair
I've drunk alot of Coke and Pepsi, and amazingly i've never felt even the slightest bit tipsy.

i doooo..everytime i drink coke am HIGH!!!....no wonder..yes ive always thought coke had alcohol substances in them but never really thought it would be true because everyone always said different things.....

does that mean pepsi is same:uhwhat :uhwhat ............pleeeaaassseee....nooooo....lol...am addicted to both!!!...lol.....:uuh: :uuh: :uuh: :uuh: :uuh: :uuh:

jazakallah for the post ...am gona try and saty away from coke..inshaAllah addiction is toooo much!!!


11-09-2006, 07:24 PM
being high and tipsy are NOT the same thing.

u can get high off joosters and some kids get high off orange sqush....thats coz of the colourings not coz its got alcohol in it. alcohol is completely different sis



11-09-2006, 07:25 PM
lol another e-mail forward?

Unless HMC comes and announces it in our mosques I'm not going to say anything is halal or haraam.

Also, it is a grave sin to make halal haraam and make the haraam halal....

Please bear that in mind before posting an e-mail forward, please check it out real good.

I'm sure you meant well and had a nice intention when posting. So please do not think of me to be a heartless someone.

11-09-2006, 07:26 PM
^^^yeh thats actually true brother..if doubt then dont drink i guess...

please if it is...please not pepsi....please....:D:D


11-09-2006, 07:30 PM
yes pepsi is also included!

Muahahahaha....Just joke lol.

All the same though don't you think? I don't see/taste the difference. Same company....taste etc.

if doubt then dont drink i guess...
I guess....I don't have fizzy drinks much anyway...I hate fizz, it hurts me lol...I wait until the drink goes flat or else my tongue is useless and unuseable for the whole day.

11-09-2006, 07:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sum-Muslim-Gal
i doooo..everytime i drink coke am HIGH!!!....no wonder..yes ive always thought coke had alcohol substances in them but never really thought it would be true because everyone always said different things.....
There's no alcohol in Coke or Pepsi, but it does have a quite substantial caffeine content, and caffeine is a mild stimulant. Not as much as in coffee, but then you don't usually drink coffee by the half-litre.

They do a caffeine free version for those who don't want it or who are actually allergic to it.

11-09-2006, 07:35 PM

thats why i get confused some ppl say alcohol some ppl say caffeine ..i know for defo theres caffeine in it...

please i beg dont make pepsi haram..lol..yes i know they the same company same goes for fanta n all that..but i am enjoying my pepsi right now!!!:D

aaw bro iqy fizzy hurts u ...lol..poor u....


11-09-2006, 07:36 PM
is this valid?

well am not coca holic anyway.....i can avoid it inshalah...

back in the days...coke contained a source of drug or something.....

wait hold on.......

11-09-2006, 07:39 PM
yes pepsi is also included!

Muahahahaha....Just joke lol.

All the same though don't you think? I don't see/taste the difference. Same company....taste etc.
lol.. inshallah pepsi isnt included.. :X pepsi is better than coke :D
i am always drinking those stuff.. i am addicted :-\

11-09-2006, 07:41 PM
^^^..no i always addicted to COKE...but its pepsi am lovin nowadays...

yes sis its the addiction...lol...tooo much...:)


11-09-2006, 07:43 PM
Oh yes....Coke and pepsi also have really bad health effects too...avoid if you can.

E.g. Weakenned bones...Highly acidic...Leeches calcium from your body.

11-09-2006, 07:44 PM
^^^^wow...mashaAllah....i know its bad brother but i cant stop...lol..


11-12-2006, 06:25 AM

Hooo you can stop it, as what those Madinah people did (threw away all of their lovely alcohols to the street)
It's just a faith factor

Inshaallah Allah plans the best for you. Amen.

11-12-2006, 08:52 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
Oh yes....Coke and pepsi also have really bad health effects too...avoid if you can.

E.g. Weakenned bones...Highly acidic...Leeches calcium from your body.
so true......thats the reason, why i dont drink soft drinks. And as bro Fi said......if ur not sure abt something , to be on the safer end, its better to avoid. I aggree with that too.

And Allah knows best


11-12-2006, 11:01 AM
I doubt that Coke contains alcohol. If it did it would not be sold in schools, and the company would probably have been prosecuted for keeping it secret.

Coca Cola doesn't really have a secret recipe either. Scientists worked it out by reverse-engineering it. There are now instructions of how to make coke on the web.

11-12-2006, 12:13 PM
^^i really hope thats true brother..:D:D


11-12-2006, 12:17 PM

i duno about other countries, but in the UK if the alcohol percentage is below a certain figure(im nto sure what) then kids an buy it. Bass Shandy is sold here in schools and vending machiness coz its only 0.25% proof.....which apparently is ok for kids to buy. so its possible, but i dont think that coke does have it...check the link i provided before inshallah



11-12-2006, 12:21 PM

*heart beating fast*
if coke has it ive always got pepsi besides me..lol..
if not fanta, ooh i love OASIS!!..tooo so it shouldnt be a problem ...i think...


11-24-2006, 12:58 PM

did those of you who asked about french fries read this?

McDonalds (www.mcdonalds.co.uk )
It has come to our attention that McDonalds French Fries are NOT suitable for vegetarians. The following is an email received from McDonalds by a vegetarian :

> Thank you for taking the time to contact McDonald's with your questions regarding the
> ingredients in our french fries.
> For flavor enhancement, McDonald's french fry suppliers use a minuscule amount of beef
> flavoring as an ingredient in the raw product. The reason beef is not
> listed as an ingredient is
> because McDonald's voluntarily (restaurants are not required to list ingredients) follows the
> "Code of Federal Regulations" (required for packaged goods) for labeling
> its products. As such, like food labels you would read on packaged goods... the
> ingredients in "natural flavors" are not broken down. Again, we are sorry if this has caused any
> confusion.
that's a mickey d email.

also, i used to work with a vegetarian. one of his special treats was mickey d ff's. that is, until he learned that the veggie grease they were frying in had beef "flavor" in it. (that would affect the fried fish, also)

don't get me wrong, before i "reverted", i LOVED mickey d's. right up until my 4 day heart attack!! :giggling: :giggling: :giggling:

if you are young, you probably love the coke thingy's. i understand that. but can you really consider it a food item???? do they not take sweet Allah(SWT) given water and just muck it up all to he....ck?? is there a single health benefit to soft drinks??

when i see them handing out sodas at the Masaajid, i kinda squirm. why PROMOTE it?

meh, maybe i'm just an old geezer...:embarrass :astagfiru


The Ruler
11-24-2006, 07:25 PM

i was thinking...if the 'secret' is really 'out' then why dont they put it up on the ingredients list then :?


11-24-2006, 08:10 PM
^^ yeahh, good point :D

11-24-2006, 08:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by YusufNoor
if you are young, you probably love the coke thingy's. i understand that. but can you really consider it a food item???? do they not take sweet Allah(SWT) given water and just muck it up all to he....ck?? is there a single health benefit to soft drinks??

when i see them handing out sodas at the Masaajid, i kinda squirm. why PROMOTE it?

meh, maybe i'm just an old geezer...:embarrass :astagfiru


:salamext: nah man I'm pretty young and I've stopped drinking coke now for about 6 months. I've stopped drinking all carbonated bevarages for about 4 months. I've really noticed the difference!! I feel SO MUCH healthier. I remember when I used to go outside to play basketball after having a coca cola and feeling so weak and sluggish. It was a horrible feeling. I really do think that if people stop drinking carbonated bevarages they will definately feel a lot healthier. :wasalamex

11-24-2006, 09:05 PM
Drinking coca cola is like drinking the blood of the palestinians because. It's one of the major companies that give huge portions of their profits towards funding the Isreali army that are carrying out the ethnical cleancing of Palestine

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
11-24-2006, 10:34 PM
What! Thats not right.

11-25-2006, 07:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tayyaba
What! Thats not right.
What your refering to sis? is it the topic of the thread or the post above yours?

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
11-25-2006, 07:35 PM
The post above mine, sorry lol.

The Ruler
11-25-2006, 07:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by -Shakirah-
Drinking coca cola is like drinking the blood of the palestinians because. It's one of the major companies that give huge portions of their profits towards funding the Isreali army that are carrying out the ethnical cleancing of Palestine
the new ones...qibla cola and them are out....what about them :?


11-25-2006, 07:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair
I've drunk alot of Coke and Pepsi, and amazingly i've never felt even the slightest bit tipsy.

Im not sayin its got Alcy but wat im saying is that it does tend to get me feeling hyper, honestly, but hey could be that 7 spoons of suger :p

The Ruler
11-25-2006, 07:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
Im not sayin its got Alcy but wat im saying is that it does tend to get me feeling hyper, honestly, but hey could be that 7 spoons of suger :p
"but hey could that be 7 spoons of sugar"...is that what you meant :?

does sugar make you hyper :?...it isnt any sort of drug...to make a long thing short, it is related to the insulin which plays no part in brain activity. :confused: right :?


11-25-2006, 07:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by -Shakirah-
Drinking coca cola is like drinking the blood of the palestinians because. It's one of the major companies that give huge portions of their profits towards funding the Isreali army that are carrying out the ethnical cleancing of Palestine

:sl: can you please give me the evidence for this as many people say this but i don't know if its true. jazakullah

11-25-2006, 07:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by +*Glacier*+
the new ones...qibla cola and them are out....what about them :?

Yeah, I think they're fine, it's only the orignal coca cola company.

11-25-2006, 08:00 PM
"but hey could that be 7 spoons of sugar"...is that what you meant

does sugar make you hyper ...it isnt any sort of drug...to make a long thing short, it is related to the insulin which plays no part in brain activity

um.... lol was kind of joking but i dont know, but honestly coke gets me very hyper... very..

The Ruler
11-25-2006, 08:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
um.... lol was kind of joking but i dont know, but honestly coke gets me very hyper... very..
i know you were joking :)...just cause i didnt say 'lol' or put :D...lol

anyways....why would coke make you hyper?...i'd say that you are not joking there right :?...in that case i guess its a psychological effect rather than physical...get what i mean :?


11-25-2006, 08:09 PM

I never really thought about it :? lol

hey... why does it get me hyper... it also keeps me awake sometimes... whoah :uuh:

11-25-2006, 08:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim

I never really thought about it :? lol

hey... why does it get me hyper... it also keeps me awake sometimes... whoah :uuh:

lol bro am like that too i go SO mad n craziness n beyond with hypernes!!...lol i dont know why i think its al lthe E numbers....but also pepsi too..

n yeeh it keeps me awake too lolzzz..thats why i drink it too keep me awake n get c/work done!!;D :D :D


The Ruler
11-25-2006, 08:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
hey... why does it get me hyper... it also keeps me awake sometimes... whoah :uuh:

this is purely my own conclusionok...so it is bound to be wrong...but hey...if your hyperness is psychological, your brain probably cant rest and thusyou dont feel sleepy...that's how coffee works...it gets u hyper because you know at times when you arent cold or anything...but you are shivering and your teeth are shakin :?...im guessing that your hyperness is kinda like that...it doesnt actually happen...but since your mind thinks that way, your body acts that way or something :?


11-25-2006, 08:20 PM

but seriously, ok some people try find out why, wat if its really got alcohol in it... gettin hyper on alcohol is... :offended:

11-25-2006, 08:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim

but seriously, ok some people try find out why, wat if its really got alcohol in it... gettin hyper on alcohol is... :offended:

noooo:offended: :offended: ..what if....


11-25-2006, 08:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by LUVAR
:sl: can you please give me the evidence for this as many people say this but i don't know if its true. jazakullah
Dearest sister, check this link out. I would be grateful if you read it from the begining. However, if you don't want to just scroll dow to the sub-heading: Coca Cola.


The Ruler
11-25-2006, 08:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim

but seriously, ok some people try find out why, wat if its really got alcohol in it... gettin hyper on alcohol is... :offended:

the only way we could actually find out is if the company ever says 'yeah our ingredient includes the infamous alcohol'...but without that we can never be sure...unless us muslims fund a research and do an experiment or something, then we might find out :happy:


11-25-2006, 08:28 PM

i think that was done once before, they were taken to court and sued for having cocaine in their drink. SubhanAllah i jus kinda had a slap to reality, how could i trust those who got sued for havin cocaine in the drink before? oh my days :uuh: thats it avoidiN !!!!!!!

give up somethin 4 the sake of Allah swt and ask for it to be replaced with somethin much better inshaAllah. the sincere mu'mins always look to please Allah swt :)

The Ruler
11-25-2006, 08:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
i think that was done once before, they were taken to court and sued for having cocaine in their drink. SubhanAllah i jus kinda had a slap to reality, how could i trust those who got sued for havin cocaine in the drink before? oh my days :uuh: thats it avoidiN !!!!!!!

when was that :?...and if the were sued, how exactly did they come back on the market :?


11-25-2006, 08:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by +*Glacier*+

when was that :?...and if the were sued, how exactly did they come back on the market :?

gush khabayse !!

they paid their way out !!!!

The Ruler
11-25-2006, 08:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
gush khabayse !!

they paid their way out !!!!

but that should have been highlighted worldwide...and its a big deal paying every major country :uuh:


11-25-2006, 08:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by +*Glacier*+

but that should have been highlighted worldwide...and its a big deal paying every major country :uuh:

if the government can hide the fact that income tax is illegal then they can hide this too !!

11-25-2006, 08:37 PM
ok my 2 cents which is prob not worth much . but here is the thing, Pop in genral is NOT good for you.. and it could actully harm you. harms your teeth and it creates drama in your tummy. but if you want to clean your battrie on your car it works wounders. Any thing that harms you is haram in islam. period. and majority of immataion vinnial has acholal in it. unless says other wise. and geletin is haram cus regradless if its pork or not cus you have no clue how it was slatered. wow i cant spell... ON top of that .. a animal being halal or haram is not only the way its ****ered but the way it is raised. you think its proper to eat a chicken that has been debeeked and defeeted so it can faten up and be ****ered halal? i dont think so but i know in this day in age its hard to know exaclty where things come from . Alhamduillah for Allahs mercy but that is not a exscuse to not try....
ok did that make sence LOL

The Ruler
11-25-2006, 08:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
if the government can hide the fact that income tax is illegal then they can hide this too !!
eh :confused: but it did manage to reach a few ears...although not mine...but yeah :?


11-25-2006, 08:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by +*Glacier*+
eh :confused: but it did manage to reach a few ears...although not mine...but yeah :?

lol i was shocked aswell but almost everyone i know knows it, we're up2date Alhamdulillaah :D

Abu Ibraheem
11-25-2006, 08:56 PM
ah what the eck - it pays the bills to kill Muslims so why buy it in the first place - boycott Israel

The Ruler
11-26-2006, 12:30 PM

and another thing...alcohol doesnt increase your brain activity; it slows down your reaction time and slows down brain activity...so if you are hyper after having coke, it couldnt be because it contains alcohol since it has the opposite effects...but it contain caffiene (is that how you spell it :?)...and that is what is in coffee that causes hyperness dunnit :?


11-26-2006, 02:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim

i think that was done once before, they were taken to court and sued for having cocaine in their drink. SubhanAllah i jus kinda had a slap to reality, how could i trust those who got sued for havin cocaine in the drink before? oh my days :uuh: thats it avoidiN !!!!!!!

give up somethin 4 the sake of Allah swt and ask for it to be replaced with somethin much better inshaAllah. the sincere mu'mins always look to please Allah swt :)

i don't know if they were sued, but the cocaine in it IS where it got it's name in the first place...

do some research on "elixirs", that's how the "soft" drink biz got going. i still call them "tonics", and NO-ONE knows what they heck i'm talking about.

these tonics, or elixirs, were sold by "travelling salesmen" as "cure-alls". got a headache?? have some tonic! Big Jim's Magic Elixir, stuff like that. secret ethnic recipes were a marketing aspect. ancient Indian, Voodoo, magic, Fountain of Youth type stuff.

they were drugs...:muddlehea

AND the forebearers of modern colas...:confused:


11-26-2006, 05:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by YusufNoor

i don't know if they were sued, but the cocaine in it IS where it got it's name in the first place...

do some research on "elixirs", that's how the "soft" drink biz got going. i still call them "tonics", and NO-ONE knows what they heck i'm talking about.

these tonics, or elixirs, were sold by "travelling salesmen" as "cure-alls". got a headache?? have some tonic! Big Jim's Magic Elixir, stuff like that. secret ethnic recipes were a marketing aspect. ancient Indian, Voodoo, magic, Fountain of Youth type stuff.

they were drugs...:muddlehea

AND the forebearers of modern colas...:confused:

I feel like having a can of Tango now.

11-26-2006, 05:27 PM
why tango????

why not dr. pepper...is that the same 2???


11-26-2006, 05:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by +*Glacier*+

and another thing...alcohol doesnt increase your brain activity; it slows down your reaction time and slows down brain activity...so if you are hyper after having coke, it couldnt be because it contains alcohol since it has the opposite effects...but it contain caffiene (is that how you spell it :?)...and that is what is in coffee that causes hyperness dunnit :?

jazakAllah khair that made me go "pheewww :phew:" cant believe i didnt clock thay myself tho :uuh:

so i gess its got caffeine so thats why, lol barakAllah feekum mashaAllah

mayb the caffeine nullifies the alcy :?

11-26-2006, 05:33 PM
Or maybe there is no alcohol in it as that other thread said...

11-26-2006, 05:33 PM
yeeeeeeehhh...i really hope it hasnt though.......


11-26-2006, 05:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
Or maybe there is no alcohol in it as that other thread said...
or maybe theres just a lot of caffeine in it :p

anyway im gessin this wont be affectin anyones life eiva way lol, innocent until proven guilty :D

The Ruler
11-26-2006, 05:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
mayb the caffeine nullifies the alcy :?
if that is what it is...then the affect should be neutral


11-26-2006, 05:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by +*Glacier*+
if that is what it is...then the affect should be neutral

or mayb the caffeine neautralises the alcy and then due to the larger amount of caffeine also causes hyperactivity

11-26-2006, 05:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
or mayb the caffeine neautralises the alcy and then due to the larger amount of caffeine also causes hyperactivity
Why would they put both alcohol and caffeine in the same drink? There's no logic in mixing a depressant and a stimulant.

The Ruler
11-26-2006, 05:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
or mayb the caffeine neautralises the alcy and then due to the larger amount of caffeine also causes hyperactivity
interesting...but what you are doing is like saying...lets say and empty bin...and assuming...this bin contains a small fierce cat...no maybe it contains a dog and a cat....or maby it contains a cat and a lion :ooh:

but unless you open the lid of the bin, you wouldnt know


11-26-2006, 06:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
Why would they put both alcohol and caffeine in the same drink? There's no logic in mixing a depressant and a stimulant.
mayb its the reason coke has that multi million dollar taste? eh?

lol example glacier ;D but ye lets leave it at caffeine only, this threads gettin dry :D

11-26-2006, 06:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
mayb its the reason coke has that multi million dollar taste? eh?
Come on, now you're just getting pedantic and making argument for argument's sake. :p

lol example glacier ;D but ye lets leave it at caffeine only, this threads gettin dry :D
I agree completely.

11-30-2006, 11:54 PM
Selamun Alaykum.
As it matters of Coca Cola .. isn't it produces by JEwsh? Does the JEwsh drink alcohol?
Maybe with this we muslim want to stop drinking so much coca like protest against jewsh!
Maybe it is really true and a game from the jewsh!
Who Knows, there must be a reason why the Coca Cola making forumula is secret! maybe Coca Cola is aware of the competitors so CC wan't to be the leader!

12-01-2006, 05:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by vuki
Selamun Alaykum.
As it matters of Coca Cola .. isn't it produces by JEwsh? Does the JEwsh drink alcohol?
Maybe with this we muslim want to stop drinking so much coca like protest against jewsh!
Maybe it is really true and a game from the jewsh!
Who Knows, there must be a reason why the Coca Cola making forumula is secret! maybe Coca Cola is aware of the competitors so CC wan't to be the leader!

What are you talking about?
Why would we want to protest against the jews? And what have they got to do with this?

12-01-2006, 06:05 PM
Selamun Alaykum Shakirah
People were commenting, I give my comment also.
I don't say that my comment is fact, i just suppose, give my opinion, that is all.

12-01-2006, 06:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by vuki
Selamun Alaykum Shakirah
People were commenting, I give my comment also.
I don't say that my comment is fact, i just suppose, give my opinion, that is all.
sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I just didnt understand what you meant.

12-01-2006, 06:20 PM
Don't worry :-) it's okay. Selam.

12-03-2006, 06:50 PM
You know I joined this forum for guidance towards islam.
But for some reason the level of talk here isnt really helping my faith.

Muslims tend to argue more about the nitty gritty details and not realy verifying or work on the larger picture of concepts.

And not only in this case is it useless nitty gritty but its totally unrefrenced and based on speculation. Its not about it being true or not its just how its being discussed and assumed. That just worries me about islam and for a person whos faith is weak right now this kind of stuff does not help.

Mah allah guide me!

12-03-2006, 08:27 PM
What is all this madness? I dont understand how it is haram to drink coca cola because it contains a very small amount of alcohol. Its not like it will get you drunk, i drink lots of coca cola and never get drunk so how is it haram?

12-05-2006, 10:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by mysticalsilence
You know I joined this forum for guidance towards islam.
But for some reason the level of talk here isnt really helping my faith.

Muslims tend to argue more about the nitty gritty details and not realy verifying or work on the larger picture of concepts.

And not only in this case is it useless nitty gritty but its totally unrefrenced and based on speculation. Its not about it being true or not its just how its being discussed and assumed. That just worries me about islam and for a person whos faith is weak right now this kind of stuff does not help.

Mah allah guide me!
You have no idea how right you are.

Can somebody lock this thread please? It's useless now.

12-05-2006, 11:00 AM

Mysticalsilence, you're right.
I pray for us all to be guided, we've got much to learn.

Thread closed.

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