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View Full Version : Teacher debates against the veil decision

12-10-2006, 12:45 PM
Teacher suspended for refusing to take off the veil at school debates against the decision.

Does she make a good point?:playing:

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12-10-2006, 07:35 PM
No comment lol? :giggling: :okay: I don't feel sorry for her. She's causing trouble. Ironic that she went to a Church Of England school

12-11-2006, 05:29 PM
I kinda agree with the decision that it would be akward to teach while wearing a Veil in a non-muslim school.

Dont get me wrong im totally behind the veil (no pun intended) But i do agree that if kids dont fully inderstand the meaning behind the veil, they would find it difficult to understand thier teacher and communicate with her properly. I dont get this women though i mean just go and find a job in a ISlamic school!

12-11-2006, 05:38 PM
I really feel sorry for the sister, for the fact that she couldn't answer the Question, the following day her lawer explained what had actually happend, which wasnt a very bad or sinistar thing!!

"they would find it difficult to understand thier teacher and communicate with her properly."

Well she would not keep it infront of the kids only if theres men around, so she can teach without it when the teacher is female.

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12-11-2006, 05:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
Teacher suspended for refusing to take off the veil at school debates against the decision.

Does she make a good point?:playing:
Do you follow the news? Do you know why she had no face cover when the man interviewed her?

12-11-2006, 06:01 PM
I feel sorry for my sister in Islam...such a disgusting attack on the modesty of our Muslimaat.

May Allah (SWT) reward our sister Aysha and keep her strong, and elevate her status in the Akhiraah.....Ameen.

12-11-2006, 08:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
I really feel sorry for the sister, for the fact that she couldn't answer the Question, the following day her lawer explained what had actually happend, which wasnt a very bad or sinistar thing!!

"they would find it difficult to understand thier teacher and communicate with her properly."

Well she would not keep it infront of the kids only if theres men around, so she can teach without it when the teacher is female.

If they prevented men from being around then that would result to sex discrimination.

format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
Do you follow the news? Do you know why she had no face cover when the man interviewed her?
I don't think she knows either :giggling: It's obvious. She went to a Church Of England school which is a Christianity school. She had the choice to go to an Islamic school but no. She attends the interview without her veil and was interviewed by a man. She teaches children for several weeks without wearing the veil and then all of a sudden decides to wear it breaking the CHURCH OF ENGLAND school's rules. A trouble maker, that's what she is. She wants to anger Christians again.

From the sound of it I'm surprised she was a teacher, she can hardly speak English herself!

MusLiM 4 LiFe
12-11-2006, 08:18 PM
even tho im 100% behind da veil issue, and i feel dt dey hav a right to wear wateva, but infront of children i fink its a lil inapropiate, since we livin in a multi cultural society.. :rollseyes but das juz me :rollseyes

12-11-2006, 08:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
If they prevented men from being around then that would result to sex discrimination.

I don't think she knows either :giggling: It's obvious. She went to a Church Of England school which is a Christianity school. She had the choice to go to an Islamic school but no. She attends the interview without her veil and was interviewed by a man. She teaches children for several weeks without wearing the veil and then all of a sudden decides to wear it breaking the CHURCH OF ENGLAND school's rules. A trouble maker, that's what she is. She wants to anger Christians again.

From the sound of it I'm surprised she was a teacher, she can hardly speak English herself!
Ello :D

who cares bout sex discrimination dese days? the whole b***** world is sexist!...(over-exaggeration an wah?)

urm, what school she go to?

The one in Harlington?

I guess not wearing a veil infront of kids is :rollseyes

But maybe she had problems therefore she couldn't change schools etc, imsad putting her in this situation aint nice :'(

You should understand that Mr.England geeza, how would you feel eh? well you would never understand, but all my prayers go out to the sister,

God Bless x :)

TC y'all!

MusLiM 4 LiFe
12-11-2006, 08:38 PM
yayy u go tj :p ^

12-11-2006, 08:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tasmiyah_B
Ello :D

who cares bout sex discrimination dese days? the whole b***** world is sexist!...(over-exaggeration an wah?)

urm, what school she go to?

The one in Harlington?

I guess not wearing a veil infront of kids is :rollseyes

But maybe she had problems therefore she couldn't change schools etc, imsad putting her in this situation aint nice :'(

You should understand that Mr.England geeza, how would you feel eh? well you would never understand, but all my prayers go out to the sister,

God Bless x :)

TC y'all!
I wouldn't put myself in that situation for starters. I would respect the rules. I wouldn't go to a muslim school and force my religion on people then sue the school for suspending me. She hasn't got a leg to stand on. It's a Christian school and if she wants to wear the veil it's not the place for her.

Without sex discrimination act we wouldn't have female politicians, female reporters, female workers could be paid less than men if they'd be allowed to work at all.

12-11-2006, 09:03 PM
England, I suggest you familiarise yourself with what happened before jumping to such conclusions....!!!!!
she wasnt "imposing" her faith upon anyone..this "Church of England" school is not so church of england because the children attending the school all are all not "church of england" children.....I suggest you wake up to the
21st century..and live up to your "Multi cultural" "English" name and learn to be a little more tolerant.

12-11-2006, 09:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kamilah
England, I suggest you familiarise yourself with what happened before jumping to such conclusions....!!!!!
she wasnt "imposing" her faith upon anyone..this "Church of England" school is not so church of england because the children attending the school all are all not "church of england" children.....I suggest you wake up to the
21st century..and live up to your "Multi cultural" "English" name and learn to be a little more tolerant.
Then why did she go to a Christian school such as "The C of E Junior school" and claim for separate treatment. She wanted to force the veil on them. She was teaching at the school for several weeks before she wore the veil. I don't accept a multi-cultural society that is resulting to parts of Christianity being destroyed. Welcome to "Blair's Britain."

That woman made a fool of herself. Good.

12-11-2006, 09:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
If they prevented men from being around then that would result to sex discrimination.
If theres a class and the teacher is a female then that Sister can take her veil off, simple.

format_quote Originally Posted by England
She attends the interview without her veil and was interviewed by a man.
Who told you this? This is why I ask that you inform yourself about what happend at the interview!

format_quote Originally Posted by England
She teaches children for several weeks without wearing the veil and then all of a sudden decides to wear it breaking the CHURCH OF ENGLAND school's rules.
Can I just ask you where it says she didnt wear the veil I think I missed taht, and where is the church of england school rules?

format_quote Originally Posted by England
From the sound of it I'm surprised she was a teacher, she can hardly speak English herself!

Well I'm assuming she has qualifications.

12-11-2006, 09:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
Then why did she go to a Christian school such as "The C of E Junior school" and claim for separate treatment. She wanted to force the veil on them. She was teaching at the school for several weeks before she wore the veil. I don't accept a multi-cultural society that is resulting to parts of Christianity being destroyed. Welcome to "Blair's Britain."
Can I ask what part of Christianity was destroyed?

12-11-2006, 09:33 PM
If theres a class and the teacher is a female then that Sister can take her veil off, simple.
If no man is allowed to enter the room at any point. Sex discrimination.

Who told you this? This is why I ask that you inform yourself about what happend at the interview!
She popped up with a silly excuse of why she was humiliated after sleeping on it? :giggling: She faffed up.

Can I just ask you where it says she didnt wear the veil I think I missed taht, and where is the church of england school rules?
It reported it on the news. I wouldn't know where to look for it. As for the school rules, she lost her case in a tribunal, enough said.

Well I'm assuming she has qualifications.
How? My little sister can make more sense than her.

12-11-2006, 09:54 PM

I disagree with the idea that the Muslim woman did this just to "anger Christians". Perhaps it was the only place she could find a job, and she mentioned that she didn't know that the veil would be an issue. She may not have worn it at first, but what if that was because she was not a practising Muslim then? And just because a man can't walk into the room, it doesn't make it "discrimination"! I think a more accurate word would be privacy or precaution.

She may not have articulated her defence very well, though I don't believe that constitutes making a fool of oneself, much less an absence of qualification. Jumping to conclusions and resorting to degrading remarks doesn't make things any better.


Ibn Abi Ahmed
12-11-2006, 09:54 PM

2: 212. Beautified is the life of this world for those who disbelieve, and they mock at those who believe. But those who obey Allâh's Orders and keep away from what He has forbidden, will be above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allâh gives (of His Bounty, Blessings, Favours, Honours, etc. on the Day of Resurrection) to whom He wills without limit.

12-11-2006, 09:59 PM
Umm..England, I wonder if she didn't have any qualifications, then how did she teach year.11 maths eh?
And what part of her speech did you not understand eh?
Are you so ignorant of the matter that you choose to impose your interpetation of the case?

12-11-2006, 10:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
If no man is allowed to enter the room at any point. Sex discrimination.
If a man just popped in our out it would be no problem, she'd just turn around, but if a man had to stay then there would, and why would a man need to stay there theres a teacher already.

format_quote Originally Posted by England
She popped up with a silly excuse of why she was humiliated after sleeping on it? :giggling: She faffed up.
I thought Christians are meanto be compassionate, I wonder, hmm, as you yourself stated, or claimed, she is not very articulate in the english language, add to that the fact that she is on TV, add to that an unexpected question.

For a normal person those can throw them off, imagine someone who according to you can hardly speak english?

format_quote Originally Posted by England
It reported it on the news. I wouldn't know where to look for it. As for the school rules, she lost her case in a tribunal, enough said.
I dont think the trial was if she broke school rules, the trial was if the fact that she was not told to take it off was a breach of her rights or whether it was justified, it does not indicate whether the school previously had such a rule.

format_quote Originally Posted by England
How? My little sister can make more sense than her.
Well, I doubt your sister has the qualifications to be an assistant teacher, but then again she might. The fact that the Sister can hardly speak or what ever you think of her, the fact that she has got to where she did, i.e. being able to help in a school would be a great achieve ment in itself.

Through your posts you have shown to laugh at someone who can hardly speak english, be rude and unsympathetic. I wonder what Jesus, peace be upon him, would make of you. I urge you to follow Jesus, peace be upon him, in truth.

And the truth is, whether or not this woman was right or wrong, which I think she should have been at a Muslim school anyway, regardless anyhow, what she does or doesnt do wont change the truth, you can have your Christian school, its no problem, the truth of religion does not lie in its followers.

I also welcome you to the Comperative Religion section to start a thread and show us how a woman wearing a veil might be destroying Christianity.

Eesa :)

12-11-2006, 10:47 PM

12-11-2006, 10:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad

I disagree with the idea that the Muslim woman did this just to "anger Christians". Perhaps it was the only place she could find a job, and she mentioned that she didn't know that the veil would be an issue. She may not have worn it at first, but what if that was because she was not a practising Muslim then? And just because a man can't walk into the room, it doesn't make it "discrimination"! I think a more accurate word would be privacy or precaution.

She may not have articulated her defence very well, though I don't believe that constitutes making a fool of oneself, much less an absence of qualification. Jumping to conclusions and resorting to degrading remarks doesn't make things any better.

Totally agree, the sister has been victimised and explioted!! she has been used as a tool by the world media who have drawn her into the arena of dirty state politics!!

She had every right to sue the school... if Jack Straw and his ilk hadnt commented on this issue would have never have got to where it has...and it wouldnt have given the school (and the rest of the islamaphobes) ammunition to treat her in such an unfair way.

She may not have articulately put her argument forward...but who wouldnt feel vulnerable when the world is staring at you with scrutiny.

12-12-2006, 01:05 AM
i feel sorry for her....

InshaAllah...she will find a better school.

12-12-2006, 04:12 AM
I wouldn't personally have a problem with any woman wearing a veil if it was part of her religious belief, teacher or no teacher. If the kids can hear her voice and use their own eyes to read and look at things the teacher draws attention to on the chalkboard I don't see the issue really. It might be healthy for the children to have that kind of teacher/student relationship with someone not of their particular cultural norm. Not being British, I find this whole debate rather silly.

12-12-2006, 07:04 AM
If there is no security issue involved, and I haven't heard of any being claimed, what other reason is there to forbid her from wearing the veil?

12-12-2006, 08:56 AM
I don't think she did it to anger anyone, but the fact remains, it is a christian school. The situation is unfortunate, but if it were a muslim school, I am sure there would be rules imposed upon any woman wanting to teach there. She has no right to sue. If she wishes to wear the veil she should look to be employed at a muslim school, not a christian school.

12-12-2006, 09:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by GARY
I don't think she did it to anger anyone, but the fact remains, it is a christian school. The situation is unfortunate, but if it were a muslim school, I am sure there would be rules imposed upon any woman wanting to teach there. She has no right to sue. If she wishes to wear the veil she should look to be employed at a muslim school, not a christian school.
You know, in the Islamic School I attended, the only condition set for the non-muslim teachers, was for them to dress modestly. By that I don't mean they had to don the Islamic attire or anything...

12-12-2006, 05:45 PM
erm altho im all 4 da veil (big up 2 all am veiled sisterzzzz :rock: ;)) wenever i see a veiled sis i aaaaaaalways wonder wat she luks like, now teachers are like wid da children on a daily basis, i dunno bout u guys but personally, if i was bein taught by a teacher or had a tecahing assisstant wid da veil on id feel rather uncomfortable. :? am i bein mean? :? ah well jus statin ma opinion.

hmm i duno

12-13-2006, 08:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
I really feel sorry for the sister, for the fact that she couldn't answer the Question, the following day her lawer explained what had actually happend, which wasnt a very bad or sinistar thing!!
I had not seen this footage before.
I too felt sorry for her - TV interviewers are well trained in putting people on the spot and getting their answers, and not necessarily being compassionate in their approach!

However, even behind the veil it is apparent that the teacher realises very quickly that by answering the question about attending the interview without wearing the veil, she will lose her credibility with the public ... which is why she stalls and tries to avoid answering ...

What do you mean by 'her lawer explained what had actually happend'?

format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
Do you follow the news? Do you know why she had no face cover when the man interviewed her?
Like I said, I have not followed this very much in the media.
Can you tell me, why she didn't wear the veil during the interview?

12-15-2006, 01:03 AM
However, even behind the veil it is apparent that the teacher realises very quickly that by answering the question about attending the interview without wearing the veil, she will lose her credibility with the public ... which is why she stalls and tries to avoid answering ...
her technique in which she uses to answers questions on live television is totally irrelevent..she is not on a murder trial here...so please desist from being so critical.

she may have just been nervous.

Like I said, I have not followed this very much in the media.
Can you tell me, why she didn't wear the veil during the interview?
If you have not followed this much...then why comment freely?

she was told the Interview was going to be conducted by females hence why it wasnt necessary for her to wear her veil during the Interview

besides, why does this matter so much..? people change, circumstances do change in persons life.

12-15-2006, 01:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kamilah
If you have not followed this much...then why comment freely?
Sister, Assalamu aleykum, Glo was just asking, she didnt critisise the sister, Glo just said that it seems as if the sister in the video was sure that if she answered she would be seen as wrong, so Glo asked for clarification thats all. :)

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I had not seen this footage before.
I too felt sorry for her - TV interviewers are well trained in putting people on the spot and getting their answers, and not necessarily being compassionate in their approach!
Yes well that's their job, I hate people, specially Muslims going on the news, when I get married, I will tell my wife and kids and their family not to go on the news specially live, because to be honest news dudes and dudettes want a story and ask all sorts of things. It only seems in alot of cases that lawers and those who have knowledge of the media can kind of divert attention from issues they don't want to discuss in a discreat manner.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
However, even behind the veil it is apparent that the teacher realises very quickly that by answering the question about attending the interview without wearing the veil, she will lose her credibility with the public ... which is why she stalls and tries to avoid answering ...

What do you mean by 'her lawer explained what had actually happend'?

Her lawyer speaking the next day I think, to BBC or something was saying that she was upset at the way that she was questioned, what had happend was something like this,

She came wearing the veil, then a teacher, female, took her to interview her so she felt comfortable in taking the veil off so she took it off and then half way through a man walked in, so it's not like the sister just thought 'ok I'll let the guy interview me with no veil on so I wont put him off' as would have been thought if she had said 'yes a guy interviewed me' but she was caught by suprise, I dont know if she then put the veil on or not, I dont think she did, I dont know why.

But you do see that the way the interviewer questioned it 'were you interviewed by a male member face to face' is hard to answer, because its not a simple yes or no, its a yes, but it was something needed to be explained, it wasnt that she just strolled in with nothing on, she actually took it off because she was with a woman.

Anyhow, thats all I can remember.


12-15-2006, 06:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
Sister, Assalamu aleykum, Glo was just asking, she didnt critisise the sister, Glo just said that it seems as if the sister in the video was sure that if she answered she would be seen as wrong, so Glo asked for clarification thats all. :)
Thank you, Eesa. I really appreciate those kind words. :)

I have come to realise that wearing the veil is an extremely emotive issue for many muslimahs, and that many are prepared to defend it fiercly.
I am sure Kamilah misunderstood my questions.

Yes well that's their job, I hate people, specially Muslims going on the news, when I get married, I will tell my wife and kids and their family not to go on the news specially live, because to be honest news dudes and dudettes want a story and ask all sorts of things. It only seems in alot of cases that lawers and those who have knowledge of the media can kind of divert attention from issues they don't want to discuss in a discreat manner.
I agree.
Live interviews must be really tough, especially if you are not used to being interviewed and have no strategies to get yourself out of difficult questions ...

Her lawyer speaking the next day I think, to BBC or something was saying that she was upset at the way that she was questioned, what had happend was something like this,
I can understand that she was upset. I would have been too!

I hope this doesn't sounds flippant. It is not meant that way - just a comment through they eyes of a Westerner ...
But I thought that wearing the veil must have been really helpful in that situation ... at least people couldn't fully see the level of her distress and embarrassment!

She came wearing the veil, then a teacher, female, took her to interview her so she felt comfortable in taking the veil off so she took it off and then half way through a man walked in, so it's not like the sister just thought 'ok I'll let the guy interview me with no veil on so I wont put him off' as would have been thought if she had said 'yes a guy interviewed me' but she was caught by suprise, I dont know if she then put the veil on or not, I dont think she did, I dont know why.

But you do see that the way the interviewer questioned it 'were you interviewed by a male member face to face' is hard to answer, because its not a simple yes or no, its a yes, but it was something needed to be explained, it wasnt that she just strolled in with nothing on, she actually took it off because she was with a woman.

Anyhow, thats all I can remember.

Thank you. That puts things into perspective for me. :)

I noticed that the teacher seemed to be quite young.
It can be difficult for any of us to stand up for the things we believe in and should be upholding.
Perhaps she hoped that the man would go quickly again, perhaps she just wanted to complete the interview without having to explain herself.
Perhaps, perhaps ... it is always easy to pick at situations and say 'if only' with the benefit of hindsight ...

I hope she finds the right job for herself!

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