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View Full Version : مـــــــــا أحـــــــــب ان أرجـــــــ&#

01-09-2007, 05:10 PM
A Beautiful story of a Shaheed...... :)

* مـــــــــا أحـــــــــب ان أرجـــــــــع..

قال أبو الوليد بن هشام بن يحي الكناني: غزونا أرض الروم, وكنا نتناوب الخدمة, وكان معنا رجل يقال له: ( سعيد بن الحـــــارث) قد أعطي حظاً من العبادة, لاتراه إلا قائما,أو صائماً, أو قارئاً للقرآن, فكنت أعاتبه على كثرة اجتهاده, وأقول له: أرفق بنفسك.. فكان يقول: يا أبا الوليد, إنما هي أنفاس تعد, وعمرٌ يفنى, وأيام تنقضي, وما ننتظر إلا المــــــــــوت.
قال أبو الوليد: فنام سعيد بن الحارث يوماً في خباء, وأنا في الحراسة.. فسمعت كلاماً داخل الخباء, فدخلته.. فإذا بسعيد يتكلم في منامه ويضحك!!... ويقول وهو نائم: ما أحب أن أرجع.. ما أحب أن أرجع. ثم مد يده اليمنى كأنه يتناول شيئاً ثم ردها إلى صدره رداً رفيقاً وهو يضحك.. ثم وثب من نومه يرتعد.. فأتيته, واحتضنته إلى صدري وهو يلتفت يميناً وشمالاً حتى سكن.. ثم جعل يهلل ويكبر ويحمد الله.. فقلت له:ومالك يا سعيد؟ ما شأنك؟! وحكيت له ما رأيت من حاله في المنام.. فقال: يا أبا الوليد, أسألك بالله أن تكتم عليّ ما أحدثك ما دمت حيا.. فأعطيته العهد ألا أخبر بحديثه مادام حيا.. فقال لي: يا أبا الوليد... رأيت في منامي هذا كأن القيامة قد قامت.. وخرج العباد من قبورهم.. شاخصة أبصارهم.. ثم أتاني رجلان لم أر مثلهما قط حسناً وكمالاً.. فقالا لي: يا سعيد بن الحارث أبشر.. أبشر.. فقد غفر الله ذنبك, وشكر سعيك, وقبل منك عملك.. فانطلق معنا حتى نريك ما أعد الله لك من النعيم المقيم .. والرضوان العظيم..
قال سعيد: فانطلقت معهما على خيل كالبرق الخاطف, حتى أتينا إلى قصر عظيم, لا يقع الطرف على أوله ولا آخره ولا ارتفاعه.. كأنه نور يتلألأ... فانفتح لنا, فإذا فيه الحور الحسان.. مالا يصفه واصف.. فإذا بهن يقلن: هذا ولي الله! جاء حبيب الله! مرحباً بولي الله!!
قال: فسرنا حتى انتهينا إلى مجالس ذات أسرة من ذهب, مكللة بالجواهر, وإذا على كل سرير جارية حسناء لا أستطيع وصفها.. وفي وسطهن حوراء عالية عليهن.. يحار في حسنها الطرف.. ووثب الجواري نحوي بالترحيب والحفاوة, كما يصنع أهل الغائب بغائبهم إذا قدم عليهم.. فأخذنني, وأجلسنني إلى جانب تلك الحوراء.. وقلن لي: هذه زوجتك, ولك مثلها معها!!
قال سعيد: فقلت لها: أين أنا؟!
قالت: في جنة المأوى.
قلت: من أنت؟
قالت: أنا زوجتك الخالدة.
قلت: أين الأخرى؟!
قالت: في قصرك الآخر.
قلت: فإني مقيم عندك الليلة.. ثم أتحول إلى تلك في غد.. ومددت يدي نحوها.. فرّدتها إلى صدري رداً رفيقاً.. وقالت: أما اليوم فلا.. إنك راجع إلى الدنيا..
فقلت: ما أحب أن أرجع.. ما حب أن أرجع!!
فقالت: لابد وستقيم ثلاثاً... ثم تفطر عندنا في الثالثة إن شاء الله.
ثم قامت وتركتني.. فقمت لقيامها فزعاً مبهوراً!
قال أبو الوليد: ويأتي اليوم الأول بعد هذه الرؤيا.. فيقوم سعيد.. ويغتسل.. ويمس طيباً.. ويصبح صائماً.. ثم أخذ يقاتل العدو إلى الليل.. والناس يعجبون من إقحام نفسه في المهلك.. وفي اليوم الثاني يصنع صنيعه بالأمس.. حتى إذا أتى اليوم الثالث.. قام فاغتسل وتطيب وأصبح صائماً.. ثم شرع في القتال.. كأشجع ما يكون الرجال.. حتى إذا أوشكت الشمس للغروب.. رماه أحد الأعداء بسهم في نحره.. فسقط صريعاً إلى وجهه..
قال أبو الوليد: فأسرعت إليه, وابتدرته.. وأنا أقول: يا سعيد, هنيئاً ما تفطر عليه الليلة!! يا ليتني كنت معك!!
قال: فأومأ إليّ بطرفه.. وعضّ على شفته السفلى وهو يضحك.. يذكرني ما عاهدته عليه من الكتمان.. ثم نظر إلى السماء.. وتبسم.. وهو يقول: (( الحمد لله الذي صدقنا وعده)) ..
فو الله ما تكلم بكلمة غيرها حتى مات..

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01-09-2007, 05:15 PM
Nice story...I understood some of it ...but de rest of a bit confusing...do u ave an English translation of this story by any chance?

01-09-2007, 05:43 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

:cry: Allaaahu Akbar!!! :cry:

:cry: Wallahil Qissah 7aaliya, Ab'katinee!! :cry:

BaarakAllahu Feeki Yaa Mawaddah!!

Tarjamiy Lahum, Kay yufeeduu Aydhan, Asla7akillaah!

01-09-2007, 06:25 PM
جزاك الله خيراً يا أختاه و جعلنا الله و إياك و جميع المسلمين أحباباً لله العلي العظيم و رزقنا برحمته شهادةً على أعتاب المسجد الأقصى و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

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01-09-2007, 06:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salaamu Alaykum,

:cry: Allaaahu Akbar!!! :cry:

:cry: Wallahil Qissah 7aaliya, Ab'katinee!! :cry:

BaarakAllahu Feeki Yaa Mawaddah!!

Tarjamiy Lahum, Kay yufeeduu Aydhan, Asla7akillaah!
I know :cry: It really took my breath away also...

format_quote Originally Posted by mariam.
جزاك الله خيراً يا أختاه و جعلنا الله و إياك و جميع المسلمين أحباباً لله العلي العظيم و رزقنا برحمته شهادةً على أعتاب المسجد الأقصى و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Ameen li du3aa'ik Ya Ukhti al-habeebah

01-09-2007, 07:07 PM

مـــــــــا أحـــــــــب ان أرجـــــــــع..

I do not wish to return

Abu al-Waleed bin Hishaam bin Yahya al-Kinaani said : We went out on an expedition to the Land of Rome, and we used to take shifts at serving in the army, and there was with us a man who was named : Sa'eed bin al-Haarith.

He was given the good fortune of continuously performing Ibaadah. You would not see him except that he was standing up (in prayer) or fasting, or reciting the Qur'an. So at times I used to rebuke him on all of the pains which he undertook (to perform Ibaadah) and I used to tell him "Be Gentle on yourself" And he used to reply to me saying " O Abu al-Waleed, verily our breaths are numbered, and our lives will fade away, and the days will turn into nothingness, and our souls are but awaiting their deaths"

Abul Waleed said :" And so Sa'eed bin al-Haarith went to sleep one day in a tent, whilst I was on guard duty....suddenly I heard some talking coming from within the tent and so I entered it...And there I witheld Sa'eed talking in his sleep and laughing!!. He was saying in his sleep " I do not wish to return...I do not wish to return..." he stretched out his right hand as if he was reaching for something....then he returned his hand to his chest gently, whilst laughing, then he awoke from his sleep and was shivering violently.
I approached him and embraced him towards my chest and he was looking right and left, right and left...until finally he calmed down. Then he began saying "Laailaaha Illallah" "Allahu Akbar" Alhamdulillah" and so I said to him " And what is it with you O Sa'eed? What is your affair!" and I informed him about that which I had seen from him duringst his sleep

So he said : " O Abu al-Waleed, I ask you by Allah that you will conceal that which I will now tell you as long as I am still alive" and so I gave him my word that I would not inform anyone about what he was about to tell me as long as he was still alive. He then said to me " O Abu al-Waleed, I saw in my sleep as if the Day of Judgement had begun...and people were coming out of their graves...eyes wide open with fear...then two men approached me, never have I seen beauty as theirs. They both said to me " O Sa'eed bin al-Haarith, Rejoice! Rejoice! for verily Allah has forgiven your sins, and Thanks you for your efforts, and accepts from you your Deeds...So come with us! Come so that we may show you all that Allah has prepared for you from eternal Bliss and magnificent pleasures.

Sa'eed said: " So I went along with them riding a horse which was like a flash of lighting (in it's speed) until we stopped at a magnificent Palace. Ones eyesight cannot reach its beginning or end or loftiness...it was like shimmering pearls...then it's doors opened for us and Lo! before us were the Beautiful Hoors...One cannot describe their beauty...then they were saying: This is the Wali of Allah! The Beloved one of Allah has come! Glad tidings upon the Wali of Allah!

He said : " and so we moved on until we stopped at rooms, within them were thrones of gold, studded with precious gems, and reclining on every throne was a beautiful maiden, I cannot describe to you their beauty!...and in the midst of them was a woman of the Hoor, more beautiful than the other maidens, ones eyes are bedazzled by her beauty. The maidens then came towards me with words of greeting and and warm welcome, as how the family members of an absent one greets him one his return. They took hold of me, and seated me besides that beautiful Hoori, and they said to me "This is your wife, and you have another one like her!"

Sa'eed said :" So I said to her ' Where am I?"
She replied: " In Jannah"
I said: " Who are you?"
She replied " I am your eternal wife"
I said: "And where is the other wife?"
She said: " In your other palace"
I said : " Then I will spend the night with you...and tomorrow I will go to the other" and I stretched my hand out towards her, but she pressed my hand back to my chest gently and said " As for today..then no..Verily you must return to the Dunya"
I then said : " But I do not wish to return! I do not wish to return!"
So she said " But you must, and you will stay there for three days..then on the third day you will sup with us Insha'allah"
Then she arose and left me, and with her leaving I suddenly awoke in great shock and breathlessness"

Abu al-Waleed said: "And so on the first day following this dream, Sa'eed got up, and took a bath, and annointed himself with perfume, and morning came and he was fasting, then he fought the enemy until night...and everyone was amazed at the vigor which he displayed in battlefield.

Then on the second day, he did the same as how he did the day before. Until the third day approached, he got up and took a bath, and annointed himself, and morning came and he was fasting..then he continued with the fighting, with bravery like the most brave of men..until when the sun began to set..an arrow thrown by one of the enemy lodged itself in his neck and he fell facedown upon the ground."

Abu al-Waleed said: " And so I hastened towards him whilst saying ' O Sa'eed O Sa'eed! tonight you will sup in enjoyment! O that I were to be with you!'
And he turned his gaze towards me, and bit his bottom lip, and he was laughing! He was reminding me of the promise which I had made towards him of concealing his secret...then he gazed towards the sky and smiled..and he was saying " All praise be to Allah who fulfilled His Promised towards us"
And by Allah, He did not utter another word besides it until he died...

:cry: :cry:

01-10-2007, 03:34 PM
ma a7sanoha !! subhana Allah....


01-10-2007, 03:35 PM
lol, that was beautiful :rollseyes

01-10-2007, 03:49 PM

did this really happen?

Mash'Allah nontheless.

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