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View Full Version : Islam and Hindusim - relationship?

02-13-2007, 02:21 AM
hello all,

ok so according to one of the hadiths, God has sent down 124,000 prophets or something like that.

well i was wondering.. could krishna, or any other hindu people be prophets?

hindu's do believe in one God btw, just they come down in different forms.

so do you guys as muslims think that krishna, or any "prophets" or such from the darma religion could be true prophets, or what do you think? i know this has been debated by muslims before..

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02-13-2007, 02:26 AM
I'm no muslim, but even as a Sikh I ind it difficult God taking the form of a babys body and an elephants head or a boar, or a fish or awoman with six arms and sits on a lion/tiger! - Too many creative fictional stories if you ask me!

02-13-2007, 02:44 AM
hah true, but i have heard like dr. zakir say that hinduism is a revlation from God, but it's been changed a lot or something. yet when i called Why Islam they said no way lol.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
02-13-2007, 03:41 AM
^^Hmm, odd he would say that :X

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02-13-2007, 03:49 AM
Well, if Christian can take Jesus, who was Messenger of God, and someone how come up with the concept of the trinity and made him divine... then anything is possible, I guess?

And even the generations that came after the Messenger Noah. He taught pure monotheism and then the devil tricked the people into building statues and eventually tricked them into worshipping them.

I mean Hinduism is REALLY old, only God knows, it might have been real once upon a time, but then somehow became corrupted to the max. Or it might have never been based on a real religion of God.

God knows best though.

02-13-2007, 04:04 AM
when i took Sciences of Koran subject, my lecturer said that Krishna, Buddha, Confucious might be prophets sent by God.... might be....

02-13-2007, 04:40 AM
well if you search like "hindusim islam" or somethign like that on youtube, you should find a few videos from dr. zakir talking to hindu's about islam's relationship.

now i must say.. dr. zakir lied a TON. a WHOLE LOT. i have studied hinduism and i would say the vast majority of quotes he quoted don't even exist. however, he does bring up some points.

like that hindu is actually monotheistic and such.

02-14-2007, 04:20 AM
btw i added a poll.. all, please vote. :)

02-14-2007, 04:32 AM
I voted No.

Because Hinduism(Polytheism) is a false religion.
Bhuddism is a false religion.

If ancestors if you go back to the right times & place have been monotheistic, but it was not Hinduism.

Another example will be christians. If you go back far enough to the right time and place their ancestors will have been monotheistic i.e. To woship Allah(swt) alone and not to set up partners with him.

02-14-2007, 04:42 AM
well, let's review lol..

1. the rig vedas (first veda's) were monotheistic and all. however, alter on other people claime dto be prophets or wrote that sort of changed it.

2. Hindu scriptures are EXTREMELY rich in science, more then the qu'ran.

3. Qu'ran says there have been 120,000 prophets, sent for different nations.

so do you think krishna or hinduism has a ltitle truth, or nada?

02-14-2007, 04:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512
well, let's review lol..

1. the rig vedas (first veda's) were monotheistic and all. however, alter on other people claime dto be prophets or wrote that sort of changed it.

2. Hindu scriptures are EXTREMELY rich in science, more then the qu'ran.

3. Qu'ran says there have been 120,000 prophets, sent for different nations.

so do you think krishna or hinduism has a ltitle truth, or nada?
We do n't believe in the Veda, or the puranas, e.t.c

We do not believe or accept that Krishna was a prophet in any way.

02-14-2007, 04:53 AM
i see. interesting. :)

although i have heard before that some muslims do, it's just not mentioned in the qu'raan or something.

02-14-2007, 04:56 AM
Can you add another option "Maybe...or maybe not"

02-14-2007, 04:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512
i see. interesting. :)

although i have heard before that some muslims do, it's just not mentioned in the qu'raan or something.
You have to understand we do not step outside the bound of Islam.

We only say those mentioned in Islam as prophets.

We do not speculate was he a prophet or is their chance he was. We do not even accept the probability. It's speculation.

I hope you understand.

Now wheter some of the statement mentioned in the BG we agree with or not is another matter.

For example. If it is mentioned in a book, newspaper, God is only 1. Than we say we agree. IF it say's God has three arms, a cow head amd a chakra in one hand.. We say we don't agree.

02-14-2007, 05:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
Can you add another option "Maybe...or maybe not"
i don't know how. :( so if that was your view, i would vote the last one.. chances unlikely, but still could be. :)

02-14-2007, 12:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Skillganon
We do n't believe in the Veda, or the puranas, e.t.c

We do not believe or accept that Krishna was a prophet in any way.
How odd. One of the Mods (Al Madni or something) posted a paragraph from the Rig Veda about the 'Kalki Avtar' who is allegedly Muhammed. Some contradictions with what you say brother.

02-14-2007, 01:02 PM
What about Shirdi Sai Baba?

He tried to unite Muslims and Hindu according to Haji Abdul Baba.

02-14-2007, 02:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
How odd. One of the Mods (Al Madni or something) posted a paragraph from the Rig Veda about the 'Kalki Avtar' who is allegedly Muhammed. Some contradictions with what you say brother.
kalki avatar can't be mohammad, as he is to come in i think 3,000 years ago. it wasn't predicting mohammad. just saying....

02-14-2007, 03:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512
hah true, but i have heard like dr. zakir say that hinduism is a revlation from God, but it's been changed a lot or something. yet when i called Why Islam they said no way lol.

I think you might mean that he said 'it might have been, or it is possible' since thisis what I have heard him say, if you have a talk saying that he said 'it is' then please post :)

format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512
now i must say.. dr. zakir lied a TON. a WHOLE LOT. i have studied hinduism and i would say the vast majority of quotes he quoted don't even exist. however, he does bring up some points.

Please share

cali dude
02-14-2007, 03:58 PM
One of the options is that Hinduism is false religion. Would you have the same option about Islam? I don't understand why you think you have right call other religions false and yet you won't allow others to do the same?

02-14-2007, 04:07 PM
Even though these other religions are 'false' they sure like to use them in the argument to back up Islam - Can't have it both ways.

02-14-2007, 09:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi

Please share
well like for example he was quoting from the rig vedas and said that it said something about mohammad.. but the verse said nothing like that. he really made a bunch of lies to try and make a point.

02-15-2007, 01:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by cali dude
One of the options is that Hinduism is false religion. Would you have the same option about Islam? I don't understand why you think you have right call other religions false and yet you won't allow others to do the same?
The very fact there exist billions of people on this planet who reject is Islam is evidence enough that people have the right to reject Islam. The fact that members here are allowed to display their religion here as something other than Islam is evidence that members here are allowed to express their belief that Islam is false.

As MUSLIMS, we do not believe that Islam is false, because if we did, we wouldn't be Muslims!

02-15-2007, 01:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Even though these other religions are 'false' they sure like to use them in the argument to back up Islam - Can't have it both ways.
Actually we can.

Example: Christianity was based on a real religion of God, having the exact same beliefs as Islam (oneness of God, heaven and hell, existence of prophets etc). Islamic belief is that humans corrupted the religion and introduced false elements to it, most specifically, the trinity and false divinity of Jesus. However, some aspects of the religion remained in tact, and there is no reason we can't draw on these elements to show that Islam is the truth.

02-15-2007, 03:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
Actually we can.

Example: Christianity was based on a real religion of God, having the exact same beliefs as Islam (oneness of God, heaven and hell, existence of prophets etc). Islamic belief is that humans corrupted the religion and introduced false elements to it, most specifically, the trinity and false divinity of Jesus. However, some aspects of the religion remained in tact, and there is no reason we can't draw on these elements to show that Islam is the truth.
christianity has always been different then islam. over 2400 manuscripts porve that, and documents from the opriginal church fathers show that. :)

02-15-2007, 04:00 AM
Apparently every single on of those documents is different to the other...

Anyway, having multiple copies of the original does not prove that the bible is authoritative, it just proves that a lot of people copied it out.

Islam has a very strict verification processed to ensure that everything related was truely said by the prophet. From what I know, the bible itself would be classified as 'weak' or parts of it possibly even 'fabricated' if put to the same test as used by Islamic scholars.

02-15-2007, 04:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
Apparently every single on of those documents is different to the other...

Anyway, having multiple copies of the original does not prove that the bible is authoritative.
you're right, but it clearly shows what christians believe and have believed.

02-23-2007, 03:59 PM
True Hinduism is actual very monotheistic, but discriminative people like to associate it as a polytheistic faith, because they cannot understand it with all the different sects that there are.

But you have to remember Hinduism has been around for like five thousand years and during that time there have been many alterations and divisions. The Hinduism we see today might be far different than the one that existed during the Aryan invasion over India.

So of course there are going to be huge divisions within the religion.

But anyways Hinduism comes from a mixture Jainism, tribalism, and a faith brought over distictively by the Aryan invaders (probably Abraham's version of Judiasm).

Ancient Jainism is super old in religious terms. Jainism could be considered as humanity's first religion. But the common use is very different from the ancient variety. Present day Jainism is very similar to Buddhism, but the ancient variety was probably crafted by Krishna as he existed well before Hinduism and the Aryan invasion that led to the establishment of Hinduism.

Nevertheless, Hinduism is a monotheistic religion that takes into god in a diverse fashion as that of Abrahamic faiths (with the exception of certain sects of Christianity).

You see in Islam, Orthodox Christianity, and in Judaism, God is shapeless and does not have a shape at all.

But in Hinduism, god is shapeful and has an infinite number of shapes. And if it wasn't for this citation of god, we would never have come up with the number (zero), which stands for nothing.

So technically Hinduism is no different than most other faiths. It just has god with a hundred diverse forms that each have there own idol.

But then I guess people don't understand why they make idols in the first place.

Hindus and Buddhists (which also have their own idols) make idols in the same sense that Jews and Muslims discourage idols.

It is like that Mexican General that fought for Spain and Mexico during Mexico's war of independence.

So technically god didn't discouraged Hinduism and Buddhism, because they don't abuse their idol worship in the same regards as that of Pre-Islam Arabs.

Maybe god punished the Pre-Islam Arabs, because they abused their idolism and as of such. God forbid them to ever have any idols.

Does anyone remember reading from the Torah, Bible, or Koran about Moses and the ten commandments? When Moses can back down from the sacred mount, he discovered his people bathing themselves in foolish idol worship. (not in the same regards as that of Hindus and Buddhists). As someone who knows god extremely well, I do know for a fact that the hebrews were punished because they abused their idolship to the point of going against god.

However, Hindus worship their creator with idols rather than going against him. So they weren't punished and allowed by god to continue their idolship. Because it is just the idolship of god under an infinity of different forms. Technically that is no different than having god worshiped with any idols at all. If you can recall infinity = zero as both being non-real numbers. Otherwise, because I know god would very well have sent a prophet over to clean up that mess. But it probably isn't really a mess at all, just to those that share eyes of envy and disconsent. Like why should Abu-whatever be allowed to worship an infinite number of idols of god, when Jin-whatever cannot, because he's a muslim or a jew.

This isn't in any means of encouraging people to take up any faith. This is just providing you with the insight of why the Hindus are never punished by god for their idolship.

But they were punished nevertheless for their power hold over their own people which is shown to be quite similar to that of Pre-Islam Arabs. You see, Pre-Islam Arabs used idols to control their people and benefit off of them. Much in the same way the caste-system was used by the Hindus over their own people.

Furthermore, Catholics were never punished for their idolship of god either until after the crusades because they started to abuse that religion and turned away from god, which is how Martin Luther became a prophet.

God had punished them for that wicked deed by sending in Buddha to bring them away from that. Buddhists share the same religious context of idolship, which is why they are never punished either. Future prophets would only come about to bring back the order that was lost as past prophets went their way in afterlife.

That's how the Bahai'i faith, mormonism, protestantism, evangelicanism, Tenrikyo, Cao Dai, Sikhism, and Unitarian Universalism was established.

Old faiths are being renewed by new prophets. And this will continue forever and ever and ever as long as god and humanity co-exist, which is forever hopefully.

One Man Army
02-23-2007, 07:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
Actually we can.

Example: Christianity was based on a real religion of God, having the exact same beliefs as Islam (oneness of God, heaven and hell, existence of prophets etc). Islamic belief is that humans corrupted the religion and introduced false elements to it, most specifically, the trinity and false divinity of Jesus. However, some aspects of the religion remained in tact, and there is no reason we can't draw on these elements to show that Islam is the truth.
if thats the case. does islam accept that krishna was a prophet or not?

- Qatada -
03-10-2007, 04:59 PM
The answer to that is 'maybe' ^ as Zakir Naik said in a lecture i saw today. Because there's no proof in our scripture proving that he was a prophet, yet at the same time - Allaah knows best if he came with a scripture from Allaah.

Anyway, even if he was a prophet - he would only come to his people at his time, and therefore the people today have to accept the final revelation which was revealed to God's final Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) which is pure monotheism, without any alterations. There is no other alternative.

One Man Army
03-10-2007, 06:16 PM
he would only come to his people at his time,
does this mean allahs message changed from krishna to muhammad?

- Qatada -
03-10-2007, 06:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ultimate truth
does this mean allahs message changed from krishna to muhammad?

It means that if krishna came to his people with the message of worshipping none but Allaah, then that's what happened.

However, once Allaah sent a messenger to his people, the messenger after has to be accepted by default and the people have no choice in that. Even the christians believe that the jews have to accept Jesus (peace be upon him) to gain salvation in the hereafter, even though these prophets [according to their own scriptures] mention that they came to their nation only.

Jesus (peace be upon him) is being commanded to “Go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel!” Matthew 10:6]

Whereas Muhammad (peace be upon him) is being told:

"Say: 'O mankind! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of Allah, to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth." (Qur'an 7:158)

The final Messenger of Allaah was Muhammad (peace be upon him) who came to all of mankind. If someone rejects him after the clear signs have come to them, then they are liable to the punishment of Allaah. As he confirmed the same message as the prophets of before, and Allaah lightened some things which were more strict within the previous laws.

One Man Army
03-10-2007, 06:57 PM
thats all i read over and over in the Quran, its a fear and reward system. punishment etc.. this is why i have made another thread for love in the Quran. i cant find much!

- Qatada -
03-10-2007, 07:33 PM
lol that's what you think. Infact its love, hope and fear.

A person hope's for the pleasure of their Creator, and He will love them in return. They hope for His paradise, and He is prepared to give it to those who submit to Him.

If someone never had fear, i wonder if they would really be prepared to obey God in all matters? Or how about a love relationship where the couple love each other, yet at the same time - they choose not to go against their lover out of fear for losing them? :)

03-10-2007, 08:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ultimate truth
thats all i read over and over in the Quran, its a fear and reward system. punishment etc.. this is why i have made another thread for love in the Quran. i cant find much!
Allah is Forgiveness
2:182, 2:192, 2:235, 4:23, 4:25, 4:43

This glossary could make it easier to look for particular subjects

Glossary of Quran

As Quran covers a huge variety of subjects, we have assembled an index of those subjects in shape of a Quranic glossary of terms. If you see a listing like 6:143, it means Sura Number 6 and Ayat Number 143 and so forth.

apes 2:65, 5:60
Ark, in 11:37-50
camel 5:103, 7:73-77, 11:64-66, 17:59, 22:28, 26:155, 54:27, 81:4, 88:17, 91:13
cow 2:67-71, 12:43, 12:46
dog 18:18-22
donkey 2:259, 16:8, 31:19, 62:5, 74:50
elephant 105:1-5
goat 6:143
horse 3:14, 16:8, 59:6, 71:1, 111-5
mule 16:8
nations, of 6:38
sheep 6:143-146, 21:79, 38:23-24, 54:31
swine 5:60

knowledge, of 34:3
weight, of evil 99:8
weight, of good 4:40, 99:7
unbelievers 34:22

Belief; Believe refer also to Oneness:
Allah knows 4:25
angels 40:7
believers 2:3-4, 2:121, 2:153, 2:172, 2:183, 2:186, 2:218, 3:16, 49:14
brothers, in 9:11
brotherhood, in 59:9, 60:10
challenge 52:36
Day of Judgement 6:158, 30:56, 22:18, 22:56
denial, of 5:5, 7:45
dispute, about 4:59
evil 2:93, 10:33, 49:11, 7:153
examine 3:141
example, of 66:11
guide, in 9:23
guidance, of 4:175, 6:82, 7:203, 42:52, 45:20, 49:17
heart 49:7, 49:14
Everlasting Life 6:113, 17:10
hypocrites, in 3:167, 4:143, 5:41
increase, in 3:173, 33:22, 48:4, 74:31
Jews, see People of the Book 2:41, 2:55, 2:75-76, 2:85, 2:88, 2:91, 2:93, 2:108, 2:135-137, 3:183, 4:150, 4:155-156, 5:41, 6:20, 7:157-158, 16:79
judge 5:50
justice, in 4:135
Nazarenes, see People of the Book 2:82, 2:135-137, 2:257, 2:277, 3:52, 3:179, 4:150 4:171, 4:173, 5:82-85, 6:82, 7:157-158, 10:2, 12:57, 16:97, 18:2, 18:107, 24:55,48:29
patience, in 3:200
People of the Book 3:72-73, 3:110, 4:150, 4:159, 4:171, 5:59, 7:157-158
polytheists 6:148
Prophets 3:81
Prophet Muhammad - 9:60
Prophet Abraham 3:68, 3:84
Prophet David 38:24
Prophet Isaac 3:84
Prophet Ishmael 3:84
Prophet Jacob 3:84
Prophet Jesus 3:52, 3:84, 4:171, 5:110-111
Prophet Jonah 10:98
Prophet Joseph 12:37, 12:57, 12:108
Prophet Moses 3:84, 7:121-126, 10:78, 11:17, 26:24
Prophet Noah 10:74-75, 11:36, 23:26
Prophet Salih 11:62, 7:75-76
recant 3:177, 4:137, 7:89, 9:66, 16:106
reward, for 2:25-26, 10:9, 52:21
striving, to 9:88, 49:15
strong belief 8:2, 9:124, 45:4, 49:15, 22:55
supplication 3:193
unbelievers 2:6, 2:8-9, 2:13-14, 2:26, 2:100, 2:165, 2:212, 4:38, 4:51, 4:60, 4:136, 4:150, 5:41, 6:25, 6:110, 6:124, 12:106, 16:22, 21:30, 26:201, 27:4, 34:8, 34:31, 40:10, 40:85
warning 2:208, 2:254, 2:264, 2:267, 3:100, 3:102, 3:118-119, 3:130, 3:149, 3:156, 4:94, 4:144, 5:2, 6:48, 16:60, 57:28

crow 5:31
flight, of 105:3
hoopoe 27:20
hunting 5:4
nations, of 6:38
prayers, of 24:41
Prophet Abraham, and 2:60
Prophet David, and 21:80, 34:10, 38:19
Prophet Jesus, and 3:49, 5:110
Prophet Joseph, vision 12:36-41
Prophet Solomon, story 27:16-44
quail 2:57, 7:160, 20:80

Charity; Alms Giving
amount, of 2:219
believers 3:16-17, 32:15-16, 35:32
command to give 16:90
covenant with Allah 9:75
Day of Judgement 2:254
death, before 63:10
debt, release of 2:280
manners in giving 2:262-264, 2:271, 22:36
pilgrimage, during 2:196
Prophet Isaac 21:73-74
Prophet Ishmael 19:55
Prophet Jacob 21:73-74
Prophet Jesus 19:31
promotion, of 4:114
purification, as 9:103
recipients, of 2:215, 2:271, 2:273, 9:60
repentance, by 9:104
reward, for 2:272, 2:274, 3:92, 3:133-34, 4:162, 12:88, 30:39, 57:7, 57:18
spending, for show 4:38
unbelievers, of 3:117, 4:38, 41:7

(chiristians) Nazarenes, People of the Book (Torah or Gospel),
fancies, of 2:111
claim, of 5:18
covenant, with 5:14
Day of Judgement 2:113, 22:18
death, before 4:159
dialog, with 29:46
guidance 2:120
invitation, to 3:64, 5:15
Messiah, and 9:30
monasticism, 57:27
nearest, to Muslims 5:82
Paradise 2:111
Prophet Abraham 2:135, 2:140, 3:67, 3:65
Prophet Isaac 2:140
Prophet Ishmael 2:140
Prophet Jacob 2:140
guardians, of 5:51
question, to 3:70-71, 3:98
some, of the 3:199
trustworthy, some 3:75
warning 2:109, 3:20, 3:79, 4:171, 5:77, 98:1, 98:6

Conservation; Waste
brothers, of devils 17:27
command, not to 26:151

Creation of the Universe
atom's weight, 34:22
challenge 23:86
command 6:14
contemplation, upon 3:190, 7:185
creation, of earth and heavens 2:29, 6:73, 7:54, 9:36, 10:3, 11:7, 13:2, 15:85, 21:30, 25:59, 32:4, 38:27, 41:12, 42:11, 50:38, 64:3, 65:12, 67:3, 71:15
Day of Judgement 7:187, 14:48, 39:67, 39:68, 45:27
heavens, seven 2:29, 17:44, 65:12, 67:3, 71:15
knowledge, of 2:284, 3:29, 5:97, 6:3
obedient, to Allah 2:116, 3:83
ownership, of 2:107, 2:117, 2:164, 2:255, 2:284, 3:109, 3:129, 4:171, 5:17-18, 5:40, 6:101, 7:158, 10:68, 85:9
Prophet Abraham 6:75
prostration, of 13:15, 16:49, 22:19
signs, of 3:190, 7:187, 10:101, 12:105, 14:32, 30:24
Throne/Seat 2:555, 11:7, 23:86, 43:82
unbelievers 14:2, 17:19, 21:30, 29:61, 38:10
unseen, of 16:77

recording, of 2:282
unrecorded 2:283

Family Life
Adultery; Fornication; Dating; Lovers
marriage, to 24:2-3
warning 4:24-25, 17:32, 25:68
Day of Judgement 60:3
puberty, at 24:31, 24:59
supplication, of 25:74-75
warning 8:28, 9:85, 17:31, 18:46, 34:37, 63:9, 64:14-15
before consummation 33:49
dowry 2:237, 4:20
false witness 24:4, 24:6-9, 24:23
final 2:230-31
pregnancy, during 65:6
reconcile 2:226-227, 4:128
swearing 24:6-9
waiting period 2:228, 2:241, 65:4
warning 2:232-333
Gays and Lesbians
indecent 27:54-58, 29:28
Prophet Lot 11:77-83, 21:72, 21:75, 26:165-175
punishment, for 29:31-33, 54:33-34
warning 7:80-81
distribution, of 2:180-182, 4:7-8, 4:11-12, 4:36, 4:176, 8:41
warning 4:19, 89:17-20
abstinence, from 24:33
dowry, before 5:5, 4:4
justice, in 4:135
modesty, in 24:31
position of husband 4:34
pregnancy 2:233, 39:6
remarriage 2:235
who to marry 5:5, 60:10
who not to marry 2:221, 4:22-23, 24:3, 60:10
care, of 2:83, 2:215, 2:177, 2:220, 4:3, 4:8, 4:36, 4:127, 8:41, 59:7
reward, for 90:15
warning 4:2, 4:5-6, 4:10, 6:152, 17:34, 89:17-20
justice, to 4:135
kindness, to 2:215, 4:36, 6:151
mother 31:14, 46:15
supplication 71:28
warning 29:8

command, to 2:184-185, 33:78, 2:183
divorce, when 58:3-4
expiation, of 4:92, 5:89
illness, during 2:184
inability, to 2:184
journey, 2:184
pilgrimage 2:196, 5:95
Ramadan 2:185
reward, for 4:146, 9:112
time, to 2:187

fish 7:163, 16:14, 18:61-63
whale 37:142, 68:48

Allah, is 2:182, 2:192, 2:235, 4:23, 4:25, 4:43
angels, ask 42:5
ask, for 2:199, 2:285, 3:17, 4:110, 11:3, 27:46, 40:7, 40:55, 51:18, 57:21, 71:10, 110:3
believers 5:9
Lord, of 41:43
merit, of 2:263
martyrdom, 3:157
promise, of Allah 2:268
rain, when asking for 11:61
recompense, is 3:136
reward, of 11:11, 33:35, 36:11, 47:15, 48:29
sin, not forgiven 4:48
supplicate, for 73:20
unbelievers 4:48, 9:80, 9:113, 47:34, 63:5-6
warning 18:55
Who forgives 3:135

Gabriel, Angel
enemy, of 2:97-98
Mary, mother of Prophet Jesus 66:12
order, to descend 19:64
Prophet Jesus, and 2:87, 2:253, 5:10
revelation, bringer of 26:193

Gambling; Bingo; Games of Chance
sinful 2:219
work of satan 5:90-91

YaGoog and Magoog
corrupters 18:94
loose, let 21:97

Heavenly Bodies
constellations Ch. 85
description, of 15:16
heavens, 25:61, 55:33
jinn and humans, 55:33, 72:8
oath 85:1
Day of Judgement 82:2
lower heaven, with 37:6
Prophet Abraham 6:76
Prophet Joseph 12:4
appointed, course 13:2, 14:33
creation, at 7:54
crescent, of 2:189
Day of Judgement, 54:1, 75:6-9
eclipse, of 75:8
illuminating 25:61
jinn, and human 55:33, 72:8
moon Ch. 54
oath, 74:32, 84:16-20, 91:1-2
orbit, of 21:33, 36:40
Paradise, in 76:13
phases, of 10:5, 31:29, 35:13, 36:39, 39:5, 2:189
Prophet Abraham, and 6:77
Prophet Joseph, vision 112:4
prostration, of 22:19
reckoning, as 6:96, 55:5
subservient, to 16:12
unbelievers 29:61
warning 41:37
creation, at 7:54
Day of Judgement 77:8, 81:2
falling stars 56:75
guides, as 16:16, 6:97
jinn and humans 55:33, 72:8
oath, 56:75-79
praise, your Lord 52:49
piercing, 86:3
Prophet Abraham 37:83-89
prostration, of 55:6, 22:19
star Ch. 53
subservient, to 16:12
brightness, of 10:5
cave, outside 18:17
creation, of 14:33
Day of Judgement, on 75:9-10, 81:1
declining, of 17:78
decree, by 36:38
Eden, garden of 20:119
lantern, as 71:16
oath, by 91:1
orbit, of 7:54, 21:33, 35:13, 36:40
Paradise, in 76:13
praise, in heavens 30:18
Prophet Abraham, 2:258, 6:78
Prophet Joseph, vision of 12:4
prostration, of 22:19
reckoning, as 6:96, 55:5
shadows 25:45
Sheba, and 27:24
sun ch. 91
Thul-Karnain, the pious 18:86, 18:90
unbelievers, say 29:61
warning 41:37

Hell - Gehenna
angels, of 96:18
call, of those 32:20
cast, into 8:37, 40:76
Day of Judgement 18:53, 18:100, 50:30, 52:13
description, of 13:18, 14:16, 17:8, 21:39, 44:43-50
hypocrites, in 4:140, 9:68, 9:73, 48:6
inhabitants, of 2:217, 7:50, 7:179, 11:119, 19:86, 20:74, 40:47-48
iblis, see satan
murderer, in 4:93
People of the Book 98:6
perverse, in 26:91
punishment, in 9:35, 10:27, 14:29
questioning, before entry 39:71-72
pride, because of 2:206, 40:60
removed, from 3:185
satan/iblis 7:18, 17:61-63, 38:82-85,
satan, friend of 4:121
scales, light 23:103
tree, of 37:44
unbelievers, in 2:166-167, 4:55, 4:169, 5:10, 7:40-41, 8:36, 9:68, 9:73, 10:27-28, 18:102, 21:23, 21:99, 25:32-34, 35:36, 37:157-159, 38:27, 50:24, 85:10
warning 3:12. 3:196-197, 17:39

Jesus, Prophet of Allah
affirmation of Allah: 19:35
Allah, questioning of divinity: 5:116
Nazarenes 4:150, 4:171
Christians, pure; see Nazarenes followers of Prophet Jesus
Christians, followers of Paul 9:30-31
conception/birth, of 19:16-41
covenant, with 33:7-8
crucifixion, of Judas 3:55, 4:157-158
cross, see
disciples, of 3:52, 5:112, 61:14
falsity, of sonship 4:171, 9:30
Gabriel, Spirit of Purity, sent to 2:253
identity, of 2:136, 3:45, 3:84, 4,157, 4:171, 5:75, 6:85, 19:35
Jews, and 2:87, 4:150, 4:156, 5:46, 5:78, 9:31, 61:6, 61:14
Mary, mother of 3:36-37, 3:42-47, 19:16-41, 66:12
Messiah, messenger 3:45, 4:171, 5:75
miracles, of 2:87, 2:253, 5:110, 5:112-14, 43:63
monasticism 57:27
nature, of 19:31-32
permission for miracles 5:10
prophet sent for 3:49
prophecy of a prophet yet to come 61:6
revelation, to 4:163
trinity 5:116, 19:35, 4:171, 5:73
unbelievers 5:17, 5:72, 5:116
warning 4:171, 5:116, 19:37, 42:13

Jews, People of the Book (Torah)
Allah, their saying 3:181, 5:64
apes 2:65
claim, of 5:18
cursed 5:64, 3:181
death, before 4:159
death, long for 62:6
dialog, with 29:46
enmity, of 5:82
Ezra 9:30
invitation, to 3:20, 3:64, 5:15
Paradise 2:111
Prophet Abraham 2:120, 2:135, 2:140, 3:65
Prophet Isaac 2:140
Prophet Ishmael 2:140
Prophet Jacob 2:140
protectors, of 5:51
question, to 3:70-71, 3:98
Sabbath 4:47, 4:154, 7:163, 16:124
slaying, of Prophets 3:181
some, of 3:199
tampered, with 4:46
Torah 5:44
trustworthy, some 3:75
warning 2:120, 3:79, 4:171, 5:77, 98:1, 98:6
wronged, themselves 16:118

believing 46:29, 55:56, 72:1-8
challenge, and 55:33
created, to 51:56
created, from 15:27
Day of Judgement 55:39
favors, and 55:13-15
Hell 7:38, 7:179, 11:119
iblis, see satan
jinn Ch. 72
jinn, worshipped 34:42
Koran, and 17:88
losers, some 41:25
Paradise, in 55:56
partners, not 6:100
questioning, of 6:130
satan, disobedience of 18:50
satan, pride of 18:50
satans, of 6:112
seducers, of mankind 6:128
Prophet Solomon, and 27:17, 27:39, 34:12, 34:14
unbelievers, and 41:29

first House, of Allah 3:96
pilgrimage, during 5:95
purification, of 22:27
Sacred House 5:97
sacrifice, place of 22:34
sanctuary, as 2:125
support of Allah 14:37
unbelievers, at 8:35

prayer 4:43
sinful 2:219
work of satan 5:90-91

Insects and Reptiles
ant 27:18
bee 16:68
fly 22:73
frog 7:133
gnat 2:26
lice 7:133
locust 7:133, 54:7
nation, of 6:38
spider 29:41

taught, them 2:102
refuge from 113:1-5
warning 2:102

Mary, the Virgin Mother of Prophet Jesus
Mary 2:87. 2:253, 3:36-45, 4:156-157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:46, 5:72-78, 5:110-116, 9:31, Ch. 19, 19:16-34, 23:50, 33:7, 43:57, 57:27, 61:6, 61:14, 66:12

punished, with 55:35
Thul-Karnain 18:96
Day of Judgement, heavens 70:8
food, of sinners 44:45
punishment, of 18:29
iron Ch. 57
Prophet David, and 34:10-11,
punishment, rods of 22:22
strength, of 57:25
Thul-Karnain 18:96

Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad - praise and peace be upon him - from the Ka'bah to the Mosque in Jerusalem, to the Sidrat Tree
night journey 17:1-2
events, at Sidrat Tree 53:1-19
unbelievers 17:93

Oneness of Allah, refer also to belief
Allah 112:1-4, 2:163, 16:22
Nazarenes, People of the Book 4:171, 5:73, 29:46
clear message 14:52
Day of Judgement 14:48, 20:111, 40:16
Finest Names 59:24
Prophet Muhammad 18:110, 21:107-108, 38:65, 41:6
Prophet Abraham 2:132-133
Prophet Ishmael 2:132-133
Prophet Isaac 2:132-133
Prophet Jacob 2:132-133
Prophet Jesus 9:31, 39:4
Prophet Joseph 12:38-39
Jews, People of the Book 9:31, 29:46
reward 41:32
surrender, to 22:35
trust, in 25:58
warning 14:4
witnessing 6:19, 37:1-4

breaking, of 9:12-13
deceit, in 16:92
deterrent, as 2:224
expiation, of 5:89
slip, in 2:225
solemn swearing 5:89
unbelievers 3:77, 58:16
warning 16:91, 16:94, 38:45, 48:10, 68:10

Nazarenes, 2:111, 5:72
Day of Judgement 26:90
description, of 13:35, 29:58, 47:15
entry, into 39:73, 43:70
extent, of 3:133
greetings, of 7:46, 16:32
Jews 2:111. 5:71
martyrs, in 9:111
people, of 2:82, 18:107, 19:60-63, 39:73
Prophet Adam 2:35, 7:19
promise, of 41:30
reward, of 3:133, 4:124, 7:42-43, 7:49, 9:111, 46:14
trial, before 2:214, 3:142
truth, of 7:44
unbelievers 5:72
warning 2:221, 7:27, 7:40

Prayer; Supplication
answer, of 2:186
acceptance, of 10:89,12:34
believers 2:186, 8:45, 9:71, 9:99, 22:42, 32:16
command 2:43, 2:83, 13:36, 20:14
comfort, in 9:103
cautious, in 2:239, 4:102
dedication, in 8:35
death, at 5:106
forgiveness, 73:20
Friday, congregational 62:9-10
friends, in 5:55
general 2:177, 4:162, 6:72, 7:29, 22:37, 24:56, 108:2
hypocrites 4:142
Jews 2:89, 5:12, 7:56, 7:134, 7:161
Muslims 22:78
neglect, of 19:59, 74:43
patience, in 2:45, 2:153, 13:22, 20:132, 22:36
performance, of 2:239, 4:101-103, 7:55, 7:56, 17:79, 17:110, 23:2, 73:2
Pharaoh, 43:49
Prophet Muhammad 33:46, 60:12, 72:18-20
Prophet Abraham 2:125, 2:127, 14:30, 14:37, 14:39, 60:4
Prophet Ishmael 2:127, 19:55
Prophet Jacob 2:74
Prophet Jesus 19:31
Prophet Job 21:85
Lokman 31:17
Prophet Moses 10:87, 20:14, 44:22
Prophet Noah 21:77, 54:10, 71:26
Prophet Shu'aib 11:87
Prophet Thul-Nun 21:89
Prophet Zachariah 19:4
prosperity, in 23:9
Paradise 10:10
requisites of 4:43, 5:6, 24:58, 29:45
reward, for 2:110, 2:157, 2:277, 7:170, 9:18, 24:37-38
steadfast, in 8:3, 14:31, 70:19-23
times, of 2:238, 11:114, 17:78-79, 105:5
unbelievers 4:49-50, 4:117, 7:28-29, 9:84, 13:4, 13:14, 16:86, 17:67, 25:79, 35:14, 39:8, 40:12, 46:5, 46:17.
warning 5:58, 9:53-55, 9:107-109, 10:106, 30:31, 30:33-36, 31:17, 107:4

Prophet Muhammad - praise and peace be upon him
abundance, Al Kawthar 108:1
Allah, is witness to 13:43, 29:52
asks no reward 38:86
aversion, backs in 17:46
bearer, of 33:45-48, 48:8, 61:13
belie, you 3:184
believers, and 3:164, 4:70, 4:162, 10:2, 33:45, 61:13, 65:11
believers, believing 4:162
believe, in His Messenger 57:28
best, of narratives 12:3
Book, know him 6:20
chapter, Ch. 47
character, of 68:4
challenge, to produce 2:23
Christians, Nazarenes, people of the Book 2:146, 4:150, 5:19, 5:68, 6:20, 7:157, 43:81, 61:6
compassion, of 3:159, 9:128
covenant, with 33:7
disbelieve, in some 4:150
doubt, do not be 32:23
doubt, in 2:23
example, good 33:21
expanded, your chest 94:1
family, of 33:28, 66:1, 66:3
Favor, of Allah 4:113
fealty, to 48:10, 48:18
first, of worshipers 43:81
forgery, not 46:8, 34:7-8
forsaken, not 93:3
follow, me 3:31
guidance, and 2:272
guardian, not 42:48
human, like you 41:6
identity, of 3:144, 3:164, 6:107, 7:188, 18:110, 33:40, 34:28, 38:86, 39:41, 41:6, 42:48, 46:9, 48:8-9, 48:29, 61:9, 72:27, 73:15
His, worshiper 17:1
invitation, 16:125
Jews, people of the Book 2:146, 4:150, 5:19, 5:68, 6:20, 7:157, 11:12, 46:10, 5:68
Jinn, company of 46:29
Kawthar, given you 108:1
Know, him as they know their own sons 2:146
Koran 3:44, 10:15-16, 25:30, 39:41, 42:52, 65:11, 98:2
Leniently, with them 3:159
love, Allah 3:31
Madness, no 34:46
mankind, for all 34:28
Mecca 27:91
Merciful, if He had a son 43:81
mercy, sent as 21:107
Messenger, Allah knows 63:1
Messenger, believe in His 57:28
Messenger, has come 4:170
Messenger, from yourselves 2:151
Messenger, to humanity 4:79
Messengers, sent 36:3
messages, deliverer of 72:28
mission, of 10:2, 11:2, 22:50, 25:1, 52:29
mocked, is 25:41-42
morality, a great 68:4
mosques, and 72:20-23
news, of the unseen 3:44
news, of the dispute 38:21
news, of a Messenger 61:6
night journey, see also section, 17:1, 53:10
opened, for you 48:1
ordered, to worship 27:91
path, of 12:108
patience, and 76:24, 16:127
People, of the Book 5:68
plotted, against you 8:30
poet, not 69:40-41
poetry, not taught 36:69
prayed, to your Lord 8:9
prayer, and 73:1-16
Prophet Jesus 43:81, 61:6
Prophet Muhammad contd.
Prophets, took a covenant from 33:7
prophesied, coming 61:6
read, in the Name of your Lord 96:1
reasons, with you 58:1
recited, it 10:16
recognized, they 2:146, 6:20
religion, above all others 61:9
Remembrance, sent down 38:8
reveals, to you 42:3
revealed, to him 53:10
revealed, to you 16:64, 42:52
revelation 3:44, 47:2
revere, him 48:9
right, of 33:6
river, of 108:1
Sacred Mosque, 17:1
sent, not to be 42:48
sent down, the Book 18:1, 39:2, 39:41
sent down, the Criterion 25:1
sent down, to him 38:8
sent down, to you, 2:5, 5:68, 13:1, 38:29
sent you, forth, 2:119
sent to, warn 22:49, 26:194
soothsayer, not 69:42
some, believed 4:55
speaks, not out of desire 53:2-5
supplicating, to Him 72:19
teacher, as 3:164
travel, in the night 17:1
truth, with 4:170
truth, came 28:48
tyrant, not a 50:45
unbelievers, 4:113, 13:43, 16:127, 34:7, 48:26, 58:20, 66:9, 72:24, 73:17, 76:24
unlettered 7:157
verses, of Allah 2:252
victory, 22:15
wage, as for no 38:86
warner, are but 35:23, 48:9
warning 10:2, 7:184, 22:50, 25:1, 26:194
Prophet Muhammad contd.
wrapped, 73:1
western, side 28:44
witness, 48:8
witness, against 4:41, 16:89
worship, ordered to 27:91
Zayd, 33:37

Prophets, some of the
Prophet Aaron 2:248, 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, 7:142, 7:150, 10:75, 19:28, 19:53, 20:30, 20:70, 20:90-92, 21:49, 23:45, 25:35, 26:13, 26:48, 28:34, 37:114-120
Prophet Abraham 2:124-140, 2:258-60, 3:33, 3:65-68, 3:84, 3:95-97, 4:54, 4:125, 4:163, 6:74-75, 6:83, 6:161, 9:70, 9:114, 11:69, 11:75-76, 12:6, 12:38, Ch. 14, 14:35, 15:51, 16:120-123, 19:41-47, 19:58, 21:52, 21:61-70, 22:27, 22:44, 22:78, 26:69, 29:16, 29:25-31, 33:7, 37:7, 37:83, 37:104, 37:109, 38:45, 42:13, 43:26, 51:24, 51:31, 53:37, 57:26, 60:4, 87:19
Prophet Adam 2:31-37, 3:33, 3:59, 7:11-12, 7:19, 7:26-27, 7:31, 7:35, 17:61, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115-121, 36:60
Prophet David 2:251, 4:163, 5:78, 6:84, 17:55, 21:79, 21:80, 27:15, 34:10-13, 38:17-30
Prophet Elisha 6:86, 38:48
Prophet Hood 7:65, 7:72, Ch. 11, 11:50-60, 11:89, 26:124
Prohet Idris 19:56, 21:86
Prophet Ishmael 2:125-140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 19:54, 21:86, 37:101, 38:48
Prophet Jacob 2:132-33, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:6, 12:38, 12:68, 19:6, 19:49, 21:73, 29:27, 38:45
Prophet Jesus, see separate entry
Prophet Job 4:163, 6:84, 21:84, 38:41
Prophet John 3:39, 6:85, 19:7, 19:12, 21:91
Prophet Jonah 4:163, 6:86, Ch. 10, 10:98
Prophet Joseph 6:84, Ch. 12, 40:34
Prophet Lot 6:86, 7:80, 7:83, 11:70-89, 15:59-61, 20:97, 21:72-75, 22:44, 26:161-170, 27:54-56, 29:26-33, 26:160, 37:133, 38:13, 50:13, 54:33-34, 66:10
Prophet Muhammad, see separate entry
Prophet Noah 3:33, 4:163, 6:84, 7:59, 7:69, 9:70, 10:71-73, 11:25-89, 14:9, 17:3, 17:17, 19:58, 21:77, 22:43, 23:23-26, 25:37, 26:105-106, 26:116, 29:14, 33:7, 33:75, 37:79, 38:12, 40:15, 40:31, 42:13, 50:12, 51:46, 53:52, 54:9, 57:26, 66:10, Ch. 71, 71:1-26
Prophet Moses 2:51-67, 2:87, 2:92, 2:108, 2:136, 2:246, 2:246-248, 3:84, 4:150-53, 4:164, 5:20-24, 6:84, 6:91, 6:154, 7:103-160, 10:75-88, 11:17, 11:96, 11:110, 14:5-8, 17:2, 17:101, 18:60-77, 19:51, 20:9-95, 21:49, 22:45, 23:45-49, 25:5, 26:10-65, 27:7-10, 28:3-76, 29:39, 32:23, 33:7, 33:69, 37:114, 37:120, 40:23-37, 40:53, 41:45, 42:13, 43:46, 46:12, 46:30, 51:38, 53:36, 61:5, 79:15, 87:19
Prophet Salih 7:73-77, 11:61-66, 11:89, 26:142, 27:45
Prophet Shu'aib 7:85-93, 11:84-94, 26:177, 29:36
Prophet Solomon 2:102, 4:163, 6:84, 21:79-82, 27:15-44, 34:12, 38:30-34
Prophet Zachariah 3:37-38, 6:85, 19:2-8, 21:90

command, to 2:196, 22:30-31
fasting, during 2:196
hunting, on 5:1-2, 5:96
Prophet Abraham 3:97, 6:162-163
rules, of 2:196
sacrifice, on 2:196
Safwa and Marwa 2:158
shaving, during 2:196

angels 7:11. 17:61
believers 32:15, 48:29, 53:62, 76:26
command, to 22:77, 84:21
command, to before Prophet Adam 2:34, 38:72-73
covenant, with Prophets Abraham and Ishmael 2:125
Day of Judgement 68:42-43
dwell, who 13:15, 22:27
humility, in 7:205-206, 9:112
iblis, see satan
knowledgeable 17:107
obey 15:98
mark, of 48:29
Mary, mother of Prophet Jesus 3:45
prostration Ch. 32
satan 7:11-12, 15:32-33, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 38:75
unbelievers 25:60, 68:42-43, 77:48
warning 96:19
worshipers 25:63-64, 39:9

Qintar, measurement
People of the Book 3:75

conduct, in 5:8, 6:152, 7:85, 11:85, 55:9, 49:9
fraud, in 3:161, 7:85, 11:85, 26:181
general 5:42
perish, never 35:29
remembrance, during 24:37
warning 2:275, 4:29

Trees; Plants; Herbs
banana 56:29
corn 2:61, 13:4
cucumbers 2:61
date 4:49-53, 4:78, 4:124, 6:95, 6:99, 16:11, 17:71, 19:25, 35:13
fig 95:1
fruit 16:11, 55:11
grapes 12:36, 16:11, 80:28
herbs 2:61, 55:12
leaf 6:59
lentils 2:61
lotus 34:16
mustard 31:16
nabaq 56:28
olive 6:11, 6:99, 6:141, 24:35, 80:29, 95:1, 80:29
onions 2:61
palm 2:266, 5:11, 6:99, 6:141, 13:4, 16:67, 17:91, 18:32, 19:23-25, 20:71, 23:19, 36:34, 36:39, 54:20, 69:7, 80:29
plants 18:45, 39:21, 78:15, 88:6
pomegranates 55:68
pumpkin 37:146
sidrat 53:14
tamarisk 34:16
thicket 15:78, 26:176, 38:13, 50:14
thorny 88:16
timber 63:4
tree 7:19-22, 14:24, 14:26, 16:10, 16:68, 17:60, 18:32, 20:120, 22:19, 23:20, 24:35, 27:60, 28:30, 31:27, 34:16, 36:80, 37:62, 37:63-64, 37:146, 55:6, 56:52, 56:72
vine 16:67, 18:32
zaqqum 44:43, 56:52

Usury; Interest
abstain, from 2:278
Jews 4:160-161
warning 2:275-276, 3:130, 30:3

(courtesy: www.allah.com )

03-11-2007, 10:18 AM
It depends on your definition of prophet. Just because someone has something philosophical to say or disseminate among a group of people, does not mean they are a prophetic.

03-16-2007, 06:17 PM
It has to be a 'no', but not because Hinduism is a 'false' religion (which, as usual, means here "any religion but the one I happen to believe in") any more than Islam is. Krishna was no more a muslim prophet than the Buddha or Lao Tzu, who at least have the benefit of being confirmed historical personages.

What the prophets of the monotheist tradition and the great Eastern religious figures share is a glimpse (to varying degrees) of the one, true, spiritual reality that is common to all of us if we seek it hard enough. All that differs is the interpretation of that reality, which is very different, particularly between the two 'blocks'.

03-16-2007, 10:12 PM
well i was wondering.. could krishna, or any other hindu people be prophets?
how could anyone possibly know the answer to this question?

03-18-2007, 03:29 AM
There is only one god allah and all the prophets were muslim becuz if the prophets were non muslim how would they tell people about islam becuz only islam is the true religon

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