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02-13-2007, 09:15 PM
"Muslimah’s dream man"

I'm in love with a man I dont even know,

He prays and fasts and lets his beard grow,

He tells me sahabah stories as I lay down to sleep

And awakes me for the night prayer with his hand on my cheek.

He patiently endures my 'drama queen' days

Kindness and gentleness, those are his ways

Both night and day we strive to acquire

Allah's Love and Mercy and saviour from the Fire

He loves his brothers... but cherishes me more

Oh Allah I ask for this husband whom I already adore.

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02-13-2007, 09:16 PM
The Muhajibah
By Atiya Hasan

Don’t Hate On Me
Cuz I’m Muslim To The Eye That Sees
Don’t Hate On Me
Cuz Modesty Covers Me
You Look At Me And You Think I’m Oppressed
What You Don’t Know Is This Is The Way I Choose To Dress
I wont Advertise Myself Like You Make Your Women Do
I Play By The Rules
Cover Myself From The Critical Eyes Of You.
Don’t Define Me By The Hijaab I Wear
Go On Living That Life You Dare
My Words Hold More Weight That Your Women’s Actions Do
I Am The Muslimah
Pride Of My Ummah
Through My Modesty I Prevail
Got A Better Hold On Life Than Could Any Male
Want This?
Cant Touch This.
Try Ya Best
Watch Ya Miss
Don’t Hate On Me
Cuz No Matter How Much You Undermine
And Call It A Crime
I Wear My Veil Without A Frown On This Face Of Mine.

02-13-2007, 09:17 PM
Barbie and the Muslim Doll
A poem by Shahid Athar

Said the Barbie doll to the Muslim doll,
Welcome to the U.S.A
The land of the free and the brave
Have some fun

Said the Muslim doll to the Barbie doll
Tell me what you mean by
The free, the brave and fun

Said the Barbie doll to the Muslim doll
For us, the free means
Freedom from clothes, God and men
To be free to choose your life style
And your mate, male or female
Brave means to experiment with
drugs, alcohol and sex
Fun means dating, dancing and drinking
Whatever makes you happy

Said the Muslim doll to the Barbie doll
For us, the free means
To think freely
To speak freely
And to worship God freely
For us, the brave means
The one who fights temptation, lust and hate

Are you brave?
For us, the fun means
To enjoy life with friends, family and the nature
No just with Ken (1)

Said the Barbie doll to the Muslim doll
These are all good values
You will soon forget as you live
You will melt down as you live
You will become one of us
You will have your Ken

Said the Muslim doll to the Barbie doll
"We do not worship whom you worship
Nor you will worship whom we worship
To you is your way of life
To us is our way of life" (2)

************************************************** *********
(1) Ken is the boyfriend of Barbie
(2) Quran-Surah Al Kafiroon

02-13-2007, 09:17 PM
Below is a must read poem for all fellow Muslims. O Readers!! take a moral from this poem, Because you never know when
it's your time to go.

'Twas early in the morning at four. When death knocked upon a bedroom door.
"Who is there?" the sleeping one cried. "I'm Izrael, let me inside."
At once, the man began to shiver, as one sweating in deadly fever,

he shouted to his sleeping wife, "Don't let him take away my life."
"Please go away, O Angel of Death! Leave me alone, I'm not ready yet.
My family on me depend, give me a chance, O please prepense!"

The Angel knocked again and again, "Friend! I'll take your life without a pain,
'Tis your soul Allah require, I come not with my own desire.
Bewildered, the man began to cry, "O Angel! I'm so afraid to die
I'll give you gold and be your slave, don't send me to the unlit grave."

"Let me in, O Friend!" the Angel said, "Open the door, get up from your bed.
If you do not allow me in,I will walk through it, like a Jinn."

The man held a gun in his right hand, ready to defy the Angel's stand,
"I'll point my gun, towards your head. You dare come in, I'll shoot you dead."

By now, the Angel was in the room, Saying, "O Friend! prepare for your doom.
Foolish man, Angels never die, Put down your gun and do not sigh."

"Why are you afraid! Tell me O man, to die according to Allah's plan?
Come, smile at me, do not be grim, be happy to return to Him."

"O Angel! I bow my head in shame, I had no time to take Allah's name.
From morn till dusk I made my wealth, not even caring for my health."

"Allah's commands I never obeyed nor five times a day I ever prayed.
A Ramadan came and Ramadan went but no time had I to repent."

"The Haj was already fard on me But I would not part with my money. All
charities I did ignore taking usury more and more."

"Sometimes I sipped my favorite wine with flirting women I sat to dine. O
Angel! I appeal to you spare my life for a year or two."

"The Laws of Qur'an I will obey, I'll begin Salat this very day. My Fast
and Haj, I will complete, and keep away from self conceit."

"I will refrain from usury, and give all my wealth to charity, wine and
wenches I will detest, Allah's oneness I will attest."

"We Angels do what Allah demands, we cannot go against His commands
Death is ordained for everyone, father, mother, daughter or son."

"I'm afraid, this moment is your last, now be reminded, of your past.
I do understand your fears but it is now too late for tears."

"You lived in this world, two score and more, Never did you, your people
adore. Your parents, you did not obey, hungry beggars, you turned away."

"Your two ill-gotten, female offsprings, in night-clubs, for livelihood
they sing. Instead of making more Muslims, you made your children

"You ignored the Mu'athin's Athaan, nor did you read the Holy Qur'an.
Breaking promises all your life, backbiting friends, and causing strife."

"From hoarded goods, great profits you made, and your poor workers, you
underpaid. Horses and cards were your leisure, money-making was your

"You ate vitamins and grew more fat, with the very sick, you never sat. A
pint of blood you never gave, which could a little baby save."

"O human, you have done enough wrong, you bought good properties for a
song. When the farmers appealed to you, you did not have mercy, 'tis true."

"Paradise for you? I cannot tell, undoubtedly you will dwell in hell.
There's no time for you to repent, I'll take your soul for which I'm sent."

The ending, however, is very sad. Eventually the man became mad.
With a cry, he jumped out of bed. And suddenly, he fell down dead.

O Reader! take a moral from here, you never know, your end may be near.
Change your living and make amends, for heaven, on your deeds depends.

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02-13-2007, 09:18 PM
The Map to Paradise..
by: Masud

Its hard for a bird to fly through the air with water on its wings.
What about us flying to Jannah, when its the whole world that we cling?

We have the map to Paradise, yet behind our backs it gets hurled.
The path to Jannah gets abandoned out of love for this world.

Left and right Muslims are selling their faith for temporary pleasures.
Because many have lost sight of the Jannah and its everlasting treasures.

There's only one path to Paradise, and following vain desires is not the way.
Its time to turn back to Allah's map, there's more to this life then just play.

Its a blessing to be a Muslim; considering how many others are lost.
Yet the title of a Muslim is nothing if our submission we have tossed.

This life is so short; come on listen up, this aint some sort of joke.
If we don't get our acts together, in the next life we may go up in smoke.

Lets turn back to Allah, come on, lets not waist another day.
Lets get back on track. Oh Allah, from the true path, don't let us sway!

Lets seek our help from Allah, we got to follow Him as much as we can.
If your not using the map to Jannah; where are you going, what's your plan?

This life is so short, lets wake up and see where were heading.
We have the map to Paradise, so on it lets get up and start treading.

The web of a spider is weak, yet it overpowers the fly.
This dunyah is worthless, so don't let its web catch your eye.

02-13-2007, 09:18 PM
~ The Tears Didn't Stop~

The Tears Didn't Stop...
I thought about Yawm ul Qiyaamah, and the tears began to fall,

I thought about the terrible Reckoning, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the rape of the Ummah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how we had failed to fulfill the obligations central to
this Deen of Allah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how we slept at night, while they were butchered, and
yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the Mujahid, tortured to death for attempting to escape
Kufr captivity, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the hundreds and thousands of Mujahideen in torturous
captivity, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about those of my sincere Brothers, who had to stay behind
patiently, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about limbless orphans, the worst victims of war, and yet the
tears didn't stop.

I thought about the baby girl who had been dehumanised while we watched,
and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about young Mujahid boys competing to be allowed into training
camps, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how we cried tears while they fought till the last drop
of blood, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how I would manage on the bridge of Siraat on Qiyaamah,
and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about wanting my Sons to be born Soldiers Of Allah, and yet
the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the Mujahids who waited patiently for Firdous, and yet
the tears didn't stop.

I thought about those who were Shaheed in merely attempting to reach the
battlefield, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about what atrocities it would take to get my Brothers to
Jihad, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how our Fathers and Brothers of the Ummah had failed to
protect us, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the man, who had answered the lone cry of one girl in
Afghanistaan, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about him who smiled upon being martyred with his index finger
raised, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about Muslims engaging in vain rhetoric about the need for
Jihad, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about those who had never had the dust of the battlefield
enter their nostrils, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about what excuses such 'Brothers' would shamelessly offer on
Qiyaamah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about my desire to see the beautiful and Noble face of the
beloved Rasoolallah (SAW), and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about Jahannam and burning fires of hell we were to be fuel
for, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I turned to my Creator in Forgiveness, and in a state of helplessness
and utter dependency,

I Cried and I Cried and I Cried...

"Allhummar-Zuqni Shuhaadah
Allhummar-Zuqni Shuhaadah
Allhummar-Zuqni Shuhaadah"

And yet the tears didn't stop...

I begged Allah to bestow his Mercy on Me, and My Brothers, and He
Mercifully answered My prayers.

He Granted me Sleep.

But then I awoke and the tears within never did stop.

[Sister SN, UK, 28 Feb 2000]

02-13-2007, 09:19 PM
Allah Knows Best

Allah knows what's best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain
We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we're patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we are down
And whenever we feel that everything is
going wrong
It is just Allah's way
To make our spirit strong.

02-13-2007, 09:19 PM
Traitors sell out ( Poem )

Traitors sell out
So I stand aside
Another defeated
So called moderate Muslim
Works for the other side
Some do it knowingly by joining the police and intelligence services
While others hide the truth and compromise and reconcile Islam with kufr
Scholars for dollars
Invited to Downing Street for tea and instructions
For Islam’s destruction and annihilation
And some others are silent and
Therefore compliant
In the wicked conspiracy against the truth

The west is at war
Not like before
Forget WW1 and WW2
This war is ideological
Battle of ideas
The final conflict
Truth versus falsehood
Choose which side you’re on
No sitting on the fence
No ones neutral
You’re either with Islam or against Islam
You either give dawah
Or the society brainwashes you
To become its clone and robot
A living and walking example of their ideology

Walking around in a daze
Aint got a clue
Spreading corruption
To your brothers and sisters
Without realizing
Don’t believe me?

Then analyze what you say, do and how you live.
Is it based on Islam or something else?

Thought so..

Switch on the T.V and see
The battle being fought
In many theatres
Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine
Can anyone deny the reality?
Islam Vs kufr
Truth Vs falsehood
Allah vs shaytan
24/7 it continues

We have no time for rest
Or jesting
Or wasting our youth
In fruitless activities
Coz the enemy is focused and motivated in working hard to destroy our deen
As can be seen on the TV screens

Oh! Muslims Stand and fight
Don’t take flight
You know its right thing to do
Instead of hiding and adopting the false labels of
Moderate Muslim, British Muslim
In this battle of ideas
The truth will prevail
We got the noble Quran
While they have nothing of any substance at all
And hence they and their society keep on falling
Into misguidance and error

No need for hijacking planes and crashing them into tall buildings
Or martyrdom operations
The Islamic ideas are enough for us
To refute and intellectually destroy Capitalism
And herald a new dawn
The re-birth of the Islamic civilization

Bush and Blair
See it on the horizon
What a pity the Muslims are dosing
And some are busy posing
And closing the mind and eyes to what’s going on all around nationally and globally

Its time to wake up
From our western induced slumber
And remember
Who we are and
Who created us?
And to whom we shall return
Sooner or later

Its time to realise
Islam is the source of our pride
Time to get of the western roller coaster
Enough of the ride
Too much can confuse, overload and kill your iman
Make you into westerner
But your name and little practice of Islam
Can make you seem like a fundamentalist in their eyes.

So after reading this
Think about making the little changes
Followed by the major ones
For the salvation of your soul
And the pleasure of your lord and creator

And tonight thank Allah
That you were born into a Muslim family
Instead of a non-Muslim one
And count your blessings
All of them

I certainly will


'Abd al-Baari
02-13-2007, 09:22 PM
mashallah so many good poems
Jazakallah Khair

02-14-2007, 04:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullah2907
mashallah so many good poems
Jazakallah Khair
Inshallah more to come :)

02-14-2007, 04:27 PM
Muslim Holocaust

First they came for the extremist Muslims
And I didn't speak out because I wasn't an extremist Muslim

Then they came for the fundamentalist Muslims
And I didn't speak out because I wasn't a fundamentalist Muslim

Then they came for the moderate Muslims
And I didn't speak out because I wasn't a moderate Muslim

Then finally they came for me the non-practicing British Muslim
And no Muslims were left to speak out for me

Europe 2006
Resembling Germany in the 30s
Parallels are apparent and
It could never happen in this day and age
Their would be outrage
The world over
On every front page
Say the naive and gullible

Study history
See the patterns
Jews integrated and totally assimilated in Germany
Business, economy, media, culture and inter-marriage
Thought they were Germans
Accepted at last
No more pogroms or anti-Semitic witch hunts
They couldn't have been more wrong

After WW1
German economy and society devastated
Recession, high unemployment
Economic melt down and inflation
The whole nation
Looking for a solution and scapegoat

Enter Adolf Hitler
With simple answers to complex problems
Jewish conspiracy and Aryan superiority
Counter balance to Communism
Even funded by some Jews
Sound bites and slogans
Playing the blame game
Seducing and hypnotising the masses

Using the media and playing on peoples phobias
Creating an atmosphere and public opinion
For racist violence
Individual attacks
Accelerating to state policy
Mass arrests and imprisonment without trial
Police state
No trial by jury
Deportation and extermination

No opposition
Silent collusion
Most keep silent
Evil triumphant
Assets confiscated
World is silent

End of race on German soil
Put in camps and made to toil
Buried beneath the European soil
Forgotten people until 47

Died in showers
And gas chambers
Without a struggle or a fight
Huge number
But in self inflicted slumber
Integrated and assimilated
Road to self destruction
And eventual annihilation

Today Muslims in Britain
Successful and integrated
Business, economy, education, health service etc
We are contributing to Britain's success and prosperity
Paying taxes
And slogging our guts and back
For below minimum pay
Our success without compromise
Leading to envy

Educating our children in madrassas and masjids
Teaching Islamic values
Respect, family, honour
And halal and haram as a criteria
To become good law abiding citizens
And not binge drinking, disrespectful, hooligan, yobs
Without jobs
But still the Politicians and media create hysteria

Attack on the veil
Convenient excuse to put Islam on trial
Attacks on Muslims
Physical and verbal
On the streets and in the masjid
Nowhere is safe from the fascists

Islam we cannot deny, compromise or leave
No matter how hard it gets

Muslims arrested and locked up
Due process suspended
By Blair the Fuehrer and Pharaoh
Bell marsh and Wood hill
Modern day Auschwitz
Anti-terror police invade Muslim women's privacy
Kicking Qurans and asking
"Where is your God now?"
Just like the SS

Society is silent
Muslims living in denial
Thinking they are safe
Muslim MPs and Police do the dirty
For a fat salary
How they can betray their own and Allah
Is a mystery

See the parallels with Nazi Germany
Beginning of Muslim holocaust
And inquisition on European soil
Convert to secular British identity
Or the stick will be used
Multi- Cultralism abandoned
Mainstream politicians make racist slurs daily
Competing to outdo each other
BNP is silent and speechless

It's not too late
We're still breathing
Time for us to learn our deen
Discuss with non-Muslims
Explain and refute
The state propaganda and media lies
To reverse state policy

It's hard but we have to try
No more hiding or living in denial
The Muslim Holocaust has begun

We either die in ignorance
Or go down fighting
With honour and dignity
And meet our lord smiling

02-14-2007, 04:33 PM
Be a Muslimah

You got a scarf on your head
But jeans that stick to your skin
Your stomach is revealed
You’re into the SIN

When asked what you are
Your culture you name

Muslim don’t cross your tongue
What a pity what a shame!

You take pride in the tops
That reveals your back
Cleavage not an issue
It’s with the pack

Now it’s fashion to wear the scarf
In the way you do
Julia Stiles did it in save the last dance

Now you should too!

Your hair it is styled
With the gel and the mouse
You got the hip hugging jeans
With the matching shoes

You wake up at dawn
To apply your face
So guys can pick you up
What a disgrace!

You infuriated girl
Hit the road of the west
Your born in the truth
But you observe the rest

You do the dating scene
And the kissing guys
You think they’re the world
Open your eyes

Encouraging Muslim boys
To do the same?
But it’s all-good,
With the Muslim name

At least he is Muslim
That’s what your friends say
Encouraging an ummati
In the same way

Your life revolves around him
Your heart it does the dance
Pitiful are you
Within haram romance


Life doesn’t travel
Farther than the grave
It’ll pass you faster
If the world you crave

You think your getting educated
When you hit the school
But they’re playing you like puppets
You’re the fool

And those who do fear god
Those whom you tease
When you toss in the flames
They’ll cool in the breeze

Don’t you love the prophet?
Who was stoned for you?
Whose last words were for us?
Who came with the truth

The mothers of believer
Who cast their gaze down?
The best of the women
Upon you they would frown

Disgusting girl have some shame within you
While they cast their gaze down, you stare right through

While they feared Allah, the alone the True
You think the only problem is if people see you

What would my parents say, will I be allowed out again
Society will gossip, it’ll be the end

But little do you assume about the end that is near
And if only your death and Allah you fear

But you know the truth, there’s only so much I can say
And the guilt only lasts before you go back to the way

So before you turn back and to parties you attend
There is one small thing I do recommend

No matter where you go and what you decide to do
Just remember that Allah is always around you

Fear him more than being “caught” fear him there
And when you start to realize, then you’ll start to care

And the rest of the girls will disgust you true
If it worked for me it can work for you

Taste the sweetness of the veil and cover up well
And make the hereafter your eternity in Jannah you’ll dwell

So take off the shamelessness, throw off the nudity
Be a Muslimah stand proud most of all as an ummati!

02-14-2007, 04:35 PM
Saddam Hussein Hanged

As the ummah woke up for Eid
And the hajjis were on Mount mina
Beginning of a wonderful day
Lots to look forward to
They chose this day
To slay
Saddam Hussein

Once he could do no wrong
The man portrayed as strong
Not in the deen
But in carrying out orders for the west
When he fought Iran
To slow the Islamic revolution
The west armed him to the teeth
Chemical weapons, planes and all the tools of death
Millions of Muslims died
Nothing was achieved
Except two Muslim countries weakened

When he gassed his own people
The west looked the other way
And made more deals
To sell weapons for Muslims destruction
While the ummah continued to pray
For a saviour

First Gulf war
Invasion of Kuwait
Formerly part of Iraq
Before the division by the colonialists
Gave them an excuse to occupy Muslim land
And secure the oil supplies and strategic locations
Also sell out of date weapons to Arab leaders

Saddam’s forces routed
But Saddam strengthened
Internal opposition destroyed
Shias, Kurds and Islamists
All put to the sword
More weapons sold
To the butcher of Baghdad
Praised highly
Given everything except a medal of honour
For loyalty and sincerity to the western interests

Enter the year 2000
And opposition to Bathist rule growing
Tide in the Middle East is turning
Islamists on the march everywhere
Need for change
Caliphate is the alternative
America and the west scared
Worst nightmare
Muslim rulers no longer trusted
Need for new plan

Based on lies about weapons of mass destruction
Rule of the people
Slogan after slogan
Not working
The mother of all battles has begun
American dead daily
Wounded uncounted
25 000 plus and rising

Saddam blamed
Accused of leading insurgency
Hunt is on
Finally captured
Paraded, humiliated
So much for human rights and dignity

Put on trial
What a show!
What a farce!
Judge is a Kurd
Axe to grind
But never mind

Guilty verdict passed
Appeal lost
Nowhere to turn
Except Allah
Saddam praying
Quoting the Quran and Sunnah

Day of execution set
Clashes with Eid
But so what
Kill him before he spills the beans
Names, dates and meetings
With US and British representatives
Dead man can tell no tales
Lesson for all Muslim traitors
They use you and discard you
Even on Eid

Author: *e-mail address removed*

02-14-2007, 06:00 PM
ah, your getting these from Shokat? but there good mahsallah

02-14-2007, 07:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kittygyal
ah, your getting these from Shokat? but there good mahsallah

I"m not getting them from shokat, that's just one poem by one person. i'm just giving credit where its do.

02-15-2007, 12:08 AM

The poem about Saddam Hussein was written by brother Showkat. And some of the other poems have been posted before in this section, so you might want to do a search before posting them inshaAllah.

02-15-2007, 04:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jawharah

The poem about Saddam Hussein was written by brother Showkat. And some of the other poems have been posted before in this section, so you might want to do a search before posting them inshaAllah.

thanks for the update :)

02-15-2007, 04:58 AM
Why does the Ummah weep ?

Worries Free, No care for the Ummah, which concerns me.
Living life as if there is no strife.
Luxuries are at my disposal.
Whatever my needs satisfied by this Kuffar creed.
Enjoying the fruits what this systems feeds.

No concern for the Ummah, which bleeds.
Hungary, starving they still try to succeed.
While they weep we still stay asleep.
Bombing and fierce fighting they still breathe.
They cry but my concern is I am still free.

The Holy Kabah still intact, the Ummah looses blood like the leaves on a tree.
Blood flowing in the streets of Palestine, Kosovo, Chechnya & Kashmir.
Shall I carry on and distress you more.
They cry but we still do not see.
They shy and we still not fear.
They call and we still do not hear.

Are we the Ummah that wants more?
Brothers and Sisters dying, still we are not crying.
How pure is their blood.
Jenin, Ramallah , Bethlehem do we still need to see more..
India is another fact filled and packed.
Muslim being burnt but no man stood to be firm to show any concern.
These kaffir kill, with their free will.
Killing, thrilling, showing the Ummah that they are willing.
Anguished, trapped and calling for the help of the Ummah.
No signs, no heed, no safe haven for them to seek.

O blessed Ummah open your eyes and ears and witness the distress of our people.
Bodies being bombed, bodies being set alight no Authority of the
Ummah to put up a fight, who has the right?
O blessed Ummah have the sight, to work for Allah's (SWT) right.
Work for Khilafah so we can defend our oppressed Ummah.
Crushing theses Zalim rulers that oppress our Ummah.
All we need is the Allah's power to succeed.
To bring them to their knees,
For all the Muslims to see,
Allah Hu Akbar.! Strive

02-16-2007, 03:06 AM
The Martyrs (translated from the Arabic)
Saudi Ambassador Dr Ghazi Al-Gosabi

God is witness, you are martyrs
So do witness prophets and saints
You died to glorify the Word of my Lord
in quarters sanctified by the Prophet's ascension
Did you commit suicide? No, we've committed suicide
preferring a life of the living-dead
People, we are dead, let's listen to the elegy
We've turned impotent,
so much that impotence grumbles against us
We wept until weeping divorced us in disdain
We prostrated until prostration sought help against us
We hoped until hope left us in disgust
We complained to the tyrants of a white house
whose hearts overflow with darkness
We kissed the shoe of Sharon
until the shoe cried: stop, you have worn me out...!
People, we are dead but earth refuses to embrace us in.
Tell Ayaat, O' bride of the Heavens!
All beauty stands ransom for your eyes
When paragons, the cream of my people, are castrated
A beautiful [woman] stands up to the criminal
She kisses death with a smile
While leaders flee away from death
Paradise opened its gates for you and greeted
Fatima Al-Zahraa was in your welcome
Tell those who pen fatawas: hang on
Many a fatawa fills Heavens with anger
When Jihad calls, ink has to fall silent
And so does pen, books an faqihs
When Jihad beckons, no fatawa is sought
Fatawa on the day of Jihad is blood.

02-16-2007, 11:04 PM
Abdullaah Ibn Abbas (radiallahu 3anhu) said:

"You who commit a sin,
do not feel secure about the results,
for what goes along with the sin is more serious than the sin itself.
Your lack of shame before the angels,
who witness you when you commit the sin,
is more serious than the sin itself.
Your laughter when you sin,
as you forget the punishment of Allah
is more serious than the sin itself.
Your delight if you get a chance to sin,
is more serious than the sin itself.
Even your disappointment,
if you miss a chance to sin is more serious than the sin itself."
One way for the hearts to get corrupted is
to sin today thinking tomorrow that you will mend yourself."

02-18-2007, 04:03 PM
O Muslim! O Muslim! Why we ask you why?
From Jihad you run away?
What is the matter, why? Why do you sway?
When Allah tells you go and fight
Remove the dust and clear your sight,
You know for sure this cause is right.
And yet you run away
When the doors of Jannah 're open wide,
And the Houri's calling to her side,
In peace, forever to abide.
And yet you run away
When innocent children are crying,
Your brothers, sisters, are dying,
In pain the elders are sighing.
And yet you run away
When Allah's made your way so clear,
And Paradise is very near,
Calling from front and from rear.
And yet you run away
Is the worldly life so pleasing that,
You give up Paradise for that?
And upon yourself take Allah's wrath?!
And still you run away

O Muslim! O Muslim! Why we ask you why?
From Jihad you run away?
What is the matter why? Why do you sway?"

02-27-2007, 05:09 PM

03-08-2007, 04:08 AM
Some Who Are Born Muslim

Some who say that they were born
Into the Islamic fold
Allow the binding fear of God
To gradually lose its hold.

They early learn to fast and pray
And recite the Holy Book,
They make the Hajj and pay Zakat
And swine they will not cook.

So after this they proudly say
That they are Muslims true
And venture forth to western lands
Where Muslim men are few.

Their eyes and minds are then amazed
At everything they see,
And soon their hearts admire the men
Who cause such things to be.

But those men seek to make this world
Their haven of delight,
And therefore they create their own
Standards of wrong and right.

So when a Muslim looks to them
As models for all men,
Unwittingly he begins to slip
Gradually into sin.

At first, perhaps, he misses a prayer
Or rushes one on through.
Then, busily pursuing the western ways,
Perhaps he misses two.

He reads the Book a little less,
And less he gives the poor;
The challenge to raise his standard of life
Now means a little more.

Perhaps he?ll even being to gamble
Or taste some wine or beer,
His acts distinguish him not from those
Who have no Godly fear.

The path he follows gradually leads
The way the worldly seek,
And his religion becomes a task
To practice once a week.

What! Six days he gives himself,
And God he gives but one!
But still he claims to be a Muslim
?Cause he?s a Muslim?s son.

He who serves his own desires
But one place will he dwell;
God shall seize him by the neck
And throw him into Hell!

Your father?s nor your mother?s faith
Will save you from the Fire,
If you consider this world to be
Your innermost desire.

But wait! Wherever you are, your life
Can surely be turned around,
And the God you placed upon your tongue
Can in your heart be found.

Conversion not only occurs with those
Who do not know the way,
It occurs also with those well-versed
Who gradually go astray.

Forget, therefore, how you were born;
God judges not your birth.
By the purity of your heart at death
Will He determine your worth.

Those who say that they were born
Into the Islamic fold,
Like others, they must submit themselves
As clay for God to mould.

By neQiniso Abdullah
(from his book of Poetry "In Praise of Allah")

03-08-2007, 04:10 AM
Take that veil off!

Alien scum how dare you come!
To these hallowed land of pies and plum!
Covered behind layers of veils,
You want to live in our hallowed vales!

Perhaps it has never crossed your mind
Our arrival was at behest of your kind
To these shores we were invited
At the behest of those knighted

Well what can I say
Now we all have to pay
Little can I understand you
Your face is blurred and hidden beyond view

My words are spoken and not drawn,
Have you ears for eyes my dear little pawn?
Do you wish to see the expressions of my face
Or is it the colour of my race?

True, it is ear and not eye
Perhaps pawn am I
Strange how quick I was to declare
My support for the single straw and its awful blare

They spin their web of lies
Stifling protests and cries
Is your life to end as dummies?
Wrapped by others into petrified mummies?

It isn't veils of cloth that stand
Beyond what I understand
But the veils of my leader's mind
Perceptible to all but the blind

Though eyes can open and see
Only when hearts understand shall we be free
Perhaps a flame shall flicker and a boy shall say
The Emperor's nudity is on display

03-08-2007, 04:16 AM

Islam is a way of life, try it.
Islam is a gift, accept it.
Islam is a journey, complete it.
Islam is a struggle, fight for it.
Islam is a goal, achieve it.
Islam is an opportunity, take it.
Islam is not for sinners, overcome it.
Islam is not a game, don't play with it.
Islam is not a mystery, behold it.
Islam is not for cowards, face it.
Islam is not for the dead, live it.
Islam is a promise, fulfill it.
Islam is a duty, perform it.
Islam is a treasure (the Prayer), pray it.
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it.
Islam has a message for you, hear it.
Islam is love , love it.

03-08-2007, 04:16 AM
IF We dOn't cHaNgE SoCiEtY
THeN We aRe pArT Of tHe cAuSe
On tHe DAy oF JuDgMeNt
We aRe gOiNg tO StAnD
iN FrOnT Of ALlAh
ThErE WiLl bE No eXcUsEs

WItHoUt ISlAm iN OuR LiVeS
OUr lIvEs aRe fRuItLeSs
LeAvInG BeHiNd
AlL ThInGs
TaKiNg nOtHiNg
ON ThE LaSt dAy iT WiLl bE
tOo lAtE To rEpEnT
WE WiLl bE AcCoUnTaBlE

FOr eVeRy mInUtE &
cEnT ThAt wE SpEnT
ISlAmIcAlLy iNtAcT
MY BrOtHeRs gOt mY BaCk
ShAiTaN CaN'T AtTaCk
BeCaUsE WeRe aLwAyS In a pAcK


PrOpHeT ShOwEd uS
hOw tO Be a sTaTeSmAn
A FaThEr, A LeAdEr
AmIr oF JiHaD
a hUsBaNd, A JuDgE
aNd a fRiEnD

A mEsSeNgEr
ThAt ALlAh hAs sEnD
tHaT?S ThE ExAmPlE
tHaT We cOnTeNt
He cUlTuReD
THe SAhAbAs pErSoNaLiTiEs
gAvE ThEm tHe bIgGeR ScOpE

tO SpReAd ISlAm
AlL OvEr tHe gLoBe
ThEy sAy yOuR ToO YoUnG
tO ChAnGe tHiS WoRlD
tO YoUnG To uNdErStAnD
LOoK At ALi (RA)
AT 8 He wAs mAtUrE
lIkE A MaN
MeSsAgE Of ISlAm

LiBeRaTiNg kUfAr
To ISlAm
pOlItIcAlLy sHaRp
WaS SiDe bY SiDe
WiTh tHe PRoPhEt
FrOm tHe sTaRt

We aRe tHe yOuTh
WE DiD It iN ThE PaSt
So lEt uS Do iT AgAiN


CaRrYiNg ISlAm
Is lIkE CaRrYiNg a hOt cOaL
pUrE PrEsSuRe sUrRoUnDs uS
bUt wE WoN?T FoLd
WhEn tImE BeCoMe tOuGh

eVeN FoR ThE SaHaBaS
wItHoUt sTrUgGlE
KEeP OuR BeSt fRiEnDs MUsLiM
SO We'rE AlWaYs oUt oF TrOuBlE
cHeCkInG OuR IdEaS
tHe wAy wE ThInK

BAsEd oN IsLaM
BEcAuSe ISlAm iS OuR DeEn
BoNdEd bY OuR IdEaS
ISlAmIcAlLy cOnNeCtEd
DaYs oF JaHiLlAh
AlHaMdUlIlLaH We lEfT It
IsLaMiC As a yArDsTiCk
ThAt wE MeAsUrE
ANd tO GaIn HIS pLeAsUrE


MuCh pRoPs tO My sIsTeRs
CaRrYiNg tHiS DeEn
& To mY BrOtHeRs
WiTh tHe sAmE MeAn
We wIlL NeVeR IdOlIzE
IT?S No sUrPrIsE
THe yOuTh rEaLiZe
JaNnAh iS ThE OnLy pRiZe

StAnDiNg tOgEtHeR
AnD NoT ScArEd
FoLlOwInG OnLy QUr'aN
& aNd tHe SUnNaH
aN UmMaH
wHo lOvEs ALlAh
MoRe tHaN ThIs dUnNyAh


03-08-2007, 04:17 AM
Those who venture to the west,
who come with high dreams,
and a fascination unsurpassed.

They come to experience,
and not to educate,
and to run from their identity.

They come here from a muslim land,
and adapt so easily to things not muslim.
When they are asked about faith,
they quickly change the subject.

Their faith is so shaken,
that they would rather ignore,
genuine attempts to understand,
and learn their heritage.

The muslimah new to the west,
quickly dons off her hijab,
to be like her friends,
and gossip about hairstyles.

She neglects to tell,
her new, delicate friends,
of the benefits of donning the hijab,
in their mixed and heavily integrated world.

The muslim brother new to the west,
quickly forgets his old past times,
to join his new friends in having a beer,
he may even follow,
to an immoral place.

He neglects to mention,
the beauty of real friendship,
that does not require alcohol.

These two types are not,
inclusive of all new muslims,
but to the muslim faith,
they are destructive.

They are the ones,
that ignore kind strangers,
who would happily learn from them.
For bold strangers,
who just want to be popular
and cool.

Why don't these people see,
the freedom of the west,
only thrives when one protects
their own true identity!

by Lisa Grant

03-09-2007, 10:25 PM
When You Look At Me

What do you see when you look at me
Do you see someone limited, or someone free

All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair

Others think I am controlled and uneducated
They think that I am limited and un-liberated

They are so thankful that they are not me
Because they would like to remain 'free'

Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used
Describing women who are cheated on and abused

They think that I do not have opinions or voice
They think that being hooded isn't my choice

They think that the hood makes me look caged
That my husband or dad are totally outraged

All they can do is look at me in fear
And in my eye there is a tear

Not because I have been stared at or made fun of
But because people are ignoring the one up above

On the day of judgment they will be the fools
Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules

Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie
But at least I am filled with more inner beauty

See I have declined from being a guy's toy
Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy

Real men are able to appreciate my mind
And aren't busy looking at my behind

Hooded girls are the ones really helping the muslim cause
The role that we play definitely deserves applause

I will be recognized because I am smart and bright
And because some people are inspired by my sight

The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility
In the back of their mind they wish they were me

We have the strength to do what we think is right
Even if it means putting up a life long fight

You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt
We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt

So you see, we are the ones that are free and liberated
We are not the ones that are sexually terrorized and violated

We are the ones that are free and pure
We're free of STD's that have no cure

So when people ask you how you feel about tha hood
Just sum it up by saying 'baby its all good'


03-10-2007, 07:30 PM
The Sacred Qur'an

The Holy Qur'an
The Holy Qur'an, Book of guidance and light
That Sacred Lamp. that makes the truth so bright
Removes the blinkers. and frees our sight
Shows to us the path. that is straight and right
He from Whom this Book we received.
Then the Qur'an will be your best friend,
Till in Paradise. joy without end
But if the Qur'an you choose to ignore.
Then before you Hell is in store
Thus our Qur'an. we hold dearer and dearer.
As towards perfection we come nearer and nearer.
A sacred book that inspires the wise
We defend most bravely, with our wealth and lives.

03-10-2007, 07:30 PM
Whatever You See...

Whatever you see, wherever you go,
Was created by Allah, be sure to know.
The sun by day, the moon at night,
The glittering stars; three kinds of light.
Plants, flowers, trees so tall,
Roses, lillies, ivy on the wall,
Deserts, jungles, mountains high,
The book of Nature, `tween earth and sky,
All this, the wonderful creation,
Of Allah. His Might beyond estimation

03-12-2007, 05:53 PM
O Mosque, O Mosque,

O Mosque, O Mosque, O sacred place,
O Mosque, O Mosque, center of grace.
Your minaret, from which light abounds,
Sends forth your meaningful sounds.
With a hundred counsels you invite us,
To hasten towards Allah's forgiveness.
Hasten for the prayer-food of sages,
Time of ascension and flying through ages.
Hasten in my direction the prayer, the prayer,
The best work is prayer so honest and fair.
O Mosque, fair guide of the human race,
The sound from you is the sound of faith.
A tent of light on dark, dark land,
A cool canopy on hot, scorching sand.
Over our heads, you, kind neighbor,
Our citadel in times of danger.
Holy cradle of heart, soul and faith,
Of me and Allah, a meeting place.

03-12-2007, 06:06 PM
^ did you just write that up ya self dude:?

03-13-2007, 05:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kittygyal
^ did you just write that up ya self dude:?

no, they are from various different places and people.

03-13-2007, 05:59 PM
A View of Death
by Nadeem Tusneem

It was a day of cutting sadness and endless sorrow.
Outside, a grayish mist under a somber sky hid a street,
Leading to a gentle home, whose door I peered through,
To catch a glimpse of the turmoil coming from within;
A home once packed with energy and vigor
Now flooded with melancholic rivers of tears;
I stared at the ghostlike face of the woman lying on the cot;
A woman, once full of life, now as cold as a winter's chill,
Surrounded by those who admired and loved her;
The aura around her sending rays of sadness into my heart,
Unearthing from my childhood, the precious memories of her
And as I thought and thought in a mindless trance
I saw the Angel of Death bowing before her,
Tears coming out of his lustrous eyes
That life so precious as hers, he had to take
"Please, don't take her," the words whispered out of my mouth;
But he managed to bring himself together and flew away
Taking her soul into the higest heavens in the sky
My heart sunk, as tears flooded out of my eyes
And my eyes simply stared into the dismal sky.

03-14-2007, 06:44 PM
The Tears Never did Stop
by Shazah Sabuhi

This Poem is about Masjid Ul'Haram where Muslims travel to from around the world to perform Hajj and Umrha. It is the largest mosque in the world, in the centre of which is the Holy Kaba. Masjid Ul' Haram is...what can I say....simply beyond words. I have seen many pictures of it but when I first saw it with my own eyes in Dec, 96 the first thought to run thru' my mind was, 'No photograph does this place justice.' It is so beautiful...glittering marble, chandeliers....the throngs of worshippers. It was love at first sight...there are no words to describe its charm, beauty and appeal adequately. Seeing is believing.

I set my foot inside the Holy Mosque,
Upon the cold, white marble, Where day and night, People
sat worshipping, praying,
The tears never did stop.
Right and left, the Mosque being cleaned,
Shining, not a particle of dust, The carvings of marble, the plates of gold,
The symmetry of the whole Mosque, the largest of it all,
The tears never did stop.
Then came the grandest of the whole,
The center of one's life and concerns, The big, Beautiful House of Allah,
Covered with black cloth and gold leaf writing,
The tears never did stop.
My life flashed past me, the good and the bad,
such a feeling I had never felt before,
A special bondage to the Almighty-A sudden chill in me,
The tears never did stop.
Looking around, the large floor was filled with people,
Circling the beautiful house, loudly chanting,
People sitting, praying for forgiveness,
Praying for another chance to lead a better life,
The tears never did stop.
Taking a deep breath, I entered the never ending crowd,
With my heart pouring out all the prayers I could think of,
Begging for forgiveness of my sins,
Praying to become a better individual
The tears never did stop.
I ran around the black house,
The ancient, black house built by Ibrahim centuries ago,
Where not one second passes when people are not circling it, praying,
The tears never did stop.
I got closer as did my heart, mind and soul,
I touched the sacred house, hands trembling,
Knowing I was as close as ever to the Almighty,
The tears never did stop.
It was amazing, everyone centered their attention only on worshipping
All worldly concerns forgotten, focused on praying,
Forgetting everyday matters and happenings,
The tears never did stop.
The rituals were tiring, took strength and time,
But what is a few hours for our Giver? Our Creator?
For what He has given us, the worldly goods, the luxuries,
A few hours of forgiveness for our sins,
The tears never did stop.

03-15-2007, 04:27 PM
Object of Despair

A poem by Fahim Firfiray (Abu Omar)
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia,


Emma is a lawyer
And so is Aisha too
Colleagues going into court
At circa half past two

Its 1 o'clock right now
They grab a bite before the trial
They chat about this and that
Conversing with a smile

Aisha is in full hijab
With a loose all over suit
Emma's in her business wear
With accessories taboot

Emma's really quite bemused
At Aisha's godly ways
She looks Aisha in the eyes
And very firmly says

You're a smart girl Aisha
Why do you wear that across your hair?
Subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

Take it off my sister
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

Aisha is amazed
But not the least bit shy
She bravely puts her milk shake down
And gives Emma this reply

My dear sister Emma,
Why do you dress the way you do?
The skirt you're wearing round your waist,
Is it really you?

Now that we've sat down,
I see you tug it across your thighs,
Why? Do you feel ashamed?
Aware of prying eyes?

I see the way you're sitting,
Both legs joined at the knees,
Who forces you to sit like that?
Do you feel at ease?

I'll tell you who obliges you,
To dress the way you do,
Gucci, Klein and St. Laurent,
All have designs on you!

In the main, its men my friend,
Who dictate the whims of fashion,
Generating all the garb,
To incite the basest passion

"Sex Sells" there is no doubt,
But who buys with such great haste,
The answer is the likes of you,
Because they want to be embraced..

They want to be accepted,
On a level playing field
Sure, with brain and intellect
But with body parts revealed

Intelligence and reason
Are useful by and by
But if you want to make a mark
Stay appealing to the eye

You claim your skirt is office like
A business dress of sorts
Would we not laugh at Tony Blair
If he turned up in shorts?

His could be the poshest pants
Pinstripe from Saville Rowe
But walking round like that my friend
He'd really have to go

Why do you douse yourself with creams
To make your skin so milky?
Why do you rip off all your hair
To keep your body silky?

A simple shower's all you need
To stay respectable and clean
The time and money that you spend
Is really quite obscene

Why do you wake up at dawn,
To apply a firm foundation,
Topped with make up and the like,
In one chaotic combination?

And if you should have to leave the house
Devoid of this routine
Why do you feel so insecure
That you should not be seen?

Be free my sister Emma
Escape from your deep mire
Don hijab today my friend
And all Islam's attire

Avoid all those sickly stares
Or whistles from afar
Walk down the street with dignity
Take pride in who you are

Strength lies in anonymity
Be a shadow in the crowd
Until you speak and interact
When your voice will carry loud

You're a smart girl Emma
Wear this across your hair
Don't be subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

To use your very words my friend
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

03-16-2007, 08:01 PM

Sometimes I think about
the moment of no doubt
the fate that reached every
tall short person
thin be he, or stout
when it came it just came
just like that
the intensity of the pain
unconcievable by the brain
they said it was like
70 swords aimed to strike
how can I bear that if
only by a cut,
my arm will get so stiff
How will i act.....
What will I say....
I can't just run away
from facing that day
All I can do is Pray
to Allah everyday
in hope that he may
make it a simple day
I heard that some hallucinated
and from the pain
commited blasphemy
now.... I really won't like
that to happen to me
at least because
at that moment of pain
I'll be under so much strain
that caring about someone else
would be the least
Will I go to Janah
what my soul always desired?
or will I be sent
directly to the hellfire?
........just like that
My soul always tells me:
"No ,that won't happen to you....
you are a pious man
with a heart
overflown with Iman
Allah will spare you
from the pain"....
But how can that be true....
When the Prophet sent to you
better than you and him.....
peace be upon him
suffered these moments too
.....just like that
Or are you better than him?!?!?
So my advice for you
......and for me too
is to stick to The Book
sent by The Creator of man
(and every other thing)
The Holy Quran
and read a part daily ,
at least one chapter
this insha Allah
is good for the Hereafter
not only reading....
....understanding too
Quran and Sunnah ...
stick to these two
Is it too hard
to do that at once?
Well, ... and so is
... entering Paradise
So DO IT ........
that is my advice...
.....just like that
and pray for the person
who wrote this poem
so he won't be punished
..... just like that

03-17-2007, 07:33 AM
Mashallah the poems are so good

03-17-2007, 07:00 PM

Learn to call on Allah,
In the dark,
While Riding on a bus,
Or sitting in a park
Learn to do it when,
Alone in a room,
Or staying up late,
Staring at the moon
And if someone boasts about,
What he did for Allah,
And asks you to tell him,
What you did for Allah
Just Say, "Why should I tell you"
If I did it for Allah?"

03-18-2007, 10:05 PM
Lament of the Qur'an
by Mahir-ul-Qadri

As an ornament do they adorn me,
Yet they keep me and sometimes kiss me.
In their celebtrations they recite me.
In disputes they swear by me.
On shelves do they securely keep me
Till another celebration or dispute, when they need me.
Yes, they read and memorized me,
Yet only an ornament am I.
My message lies neglected, my treasure untouched,
The field lies bare, where blossomed once true glory.
Wrong is the the treatment that I receive
So much to give have I, but none is there to perceive.

03-21-2007, 03:53 AM
I am a Muslim
- anonymous

I am a Muslim
And God I praise
For all his blessings
My voice I raise
In one God I believe
No equal has He
Lord of the universe
Compassionate to me
Muhammad the Prophet
Taught me the way
To be honest and truthful
Throughout everyday
The Holy Qur'an
To life is my guide
Its teachings I follow
By it I abide
Islam is my religion
Preaches good deeds
Mercy and Kindness
To the right path it leads
Upon all humanity
God showers his grace
Regardless of colour
Nationality or race
Through working together
Our hopes increase
To live in a world
Full of love and peace
Full of love and peace
I am a Muslim
And God I praise
For all His blessings
My voice I raise

03-21-2007, 04:00 AM

All praises are for you Allah, how I hope that you are there.
For sinful though I know I am, your displeasure I can not bear.
Never, till this moment, did I realize how much I've strayed.
Never, till now, was I more conscious of all those times when I should have prayed.
For sins are like heavy baggage, that one carries through Life, the airport.
Why didn't I realize sooner, that Earth is but a place of sport?
Ya Allah ! Forgive me. Save me from the fire of Hell.
Forgive me as you did my parents, from Jan'ah though they fell.
Ya Allah ! Protect me. From myself for my soul is weak.
Let me not falter ever, for Jan'ah is the abode I seek.
Ya, Allah! Please help me. For I don't understand and thus, I fear.
What happened to all those moments when I never doubted that you were near ?
My actions once were guided, by my faith which, once, was strong.
Ya Allah! please guide me . What happened, what went wrong ?
Each footstep that I used to take, I took with you ever near my side.
The Quran was my faithful companion, Rasoolallah my beloved guide.
How I yearn for those bygone days Allah, for I know that the day comes near
When we'll each receive our just rewards, and Truth will stand sparkling clear.
Life is like a spider's web Allah. We get caught in its tricky snare
So thoroughly are we disillusioned, time for salat we can not spare.
I sit here and I wonder, Ya Allah! Why did I fall so low ?
What happened to my faith Allah? Where did my Iman go?
In this earthly life of ours, so often does sin seem right.
Falsehood seems to be the truth, as if days are confused with night.
Man is an imperfect creature. And thus, Man shall always wrong.
For the road to Jan'ah is rocky, and the journey seems awfully long.
Ya Allah ! Our creator, we are all just peices of clay.
Please help us with our steps in life, and let us not lose our way.
All praises are for you Allah, I know that you are near.
I know that you have read my heart, and my words I know you hear.

03-22-2007, 11:05 PM
mashaAllah, thats a good poem, jazakallah for sharing

04-11-2007, 12:05 AM
wa'iiyakum, inshallah more to come....
format_quote Originally Posted by wizra_ukhra
mashaAllah, thats a good poem, jazakallah for sharing

In the Name of Allah begin every action
Obey, serve and worship Allah with devotion
Offer Salaah with humility an attention,
Read the Qur'an with understanding and comprehension.
Strive in Allah's way with Qur'anic inspiration
Let Allah's pleasure be our only aspiration
And success in the Hereafter,
Be our sole ambition.
Memorize Qur'anic quotations
Engage in Dhikr and Soul-Purification
Do Da'wah with wisdom,
Beautiful preaching and graceful persuasion.
There is no time now to relax
That we may Inshallah do in Paradise perhaps
Now be more concerned with earning Sawaab,
And maintain all norms of Hijaab.
In Religion there is no compulsion
At stake is your own Salvation
For the Truth stands out from error,
Make sure you do not regret later.
On the basis of color, wealth, or region
Let there be no distinction
In the Muslim Ummah let there be no division,
In the Qur'an will you find such injunctions.
Let us be One Strong United Brotherhood
Concerned about each others' welfare and good
Offering the needy and orphans food,
Over losses do not brood.
We follow the ways of beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
Allah's Last and Final Messenger
The Most Sublime of all humans
The Most Exalted in Character.
We follow his Sunnah and Guidance
And do not cause on earth mischief or nuisance
Islam is a Religion of Peace
It's Attraction and Glory will never cease.
Do adopt the Islamic Way of Life
Be faithful to your husband or wife
In writing put all your contracts and agreements
Honor and keep all your promises and commitments.
Life after death is a certainty
Do not treat this life with laxity
Do not indulge in frivolous gaiety
And shun all obscenity and vulgarity.
Islam recommends virtues
Such as Honesty, Chastity and Charity
Do good deeds with sincerity
Almighty Willing you may attain eternal felicity.
On usury and interest there is prohibition
On trade there is blessing and divine sanction
Be honest and fair,
In every transaction.
Islam is here to reign supreme
However much the mushriks may scheme
This is neither utopia nor dream,
Righteous Muslims will emerge as the Victorious Team.
Allah's Oneness to all we proclaim
We seek neither wealth nor any fame
Allah's Pleasure is our only aim
Glorified be His Name,
May He save us from deeds of shame
And from hell's fire and flame.
Aameen! Ya arhamar raahimeen.

04-12-2007, 12:02 PM
Mashallah some beautiful poems!

04-12-2007, 11:10 PM
Da'wah to a Non-Muslim Woman
(A True Experience)

I spoke to you about Islaam
You did not know before
A Christian is what you professed
But wanted to learn more...
Your views, I learnt, were so distorted
Misconceptions - plain
You thought Islaam was crooked, false!
I helped you think again...
You thought us women were deprived
No honour, grace or rights!
But as we spoke your face just changed
As if you'd seen the light...
Then to my great surprise you asked
To see His Book, Qur'aan!
My heart rejoiced as now I hoped
In your heart lay eemaan (faith)!
I hurried out to get a copy
While you still sat there
"O my Lord! Please guide this lady"
I had said in prayer...
Soorah Maryam I had chose
And gave you Allaah's Book
You quietly took it to your seat
And peacefully did look...
It all agreed with your beliefs
I saw it on your face!
You knew the truth from Allaah now
No longer out of place...
And so I boldly said to you
That you must too, submit
That you must follow Allaah's Will
And leave no part of it.
Your mood had gone serene and quiet
Not sure what to say
It seeemed the truth had found acceptance
In your heart that day...
The time had come for you to leave
But didn't want to go
Your mind was stirring all the time
At what you'd come to know...
And so you came with darkened thoughts
But Allaah gave you light
He cast away your erring views
And gave to you, new sight.
And thus the truth was brought to you
How little did you know!
Rays of truth so pure and simple
Could you let it go?
Embrace Islaam! I urged again
Your Lord and mine is One!
You hadn't as yet testified
But closer you had come..

04-17-2007, 10:59 AM
mashallah ...

gud post.. :)

04-18-2007, 07:42 PM
Salaamu Alaikuum Warhamtul Lahi Wabarakatuh

veryy nice poemz .. is veryy good idea to share our islamic poemz to de ppl ..

Jazaka'Allah Khair for sharin broverz nd sisterz..

Waliykum Salaam Warhamtul Lahi Wabarakatuh

05-02-2007, 03:05 AM
I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
Feel free to ask me why
When I walk, I walk with dignity
When I speak, I do not lie
I am a Muslim Woman,
Not all of me you'll see
But what you should appreciate
Is that the choice I make is free
I'm not plagued with depression
I'm neither cheated nor abused
I don't envy other women
And I'm certainly not confused
Note, I speak perfect English
Et un petit peu de francais aussie
I'm majoring in Linguistics
So you need not speak slowly
I own my own small business
Every cent I earn is mine
I drive my Chevy to school and work
And no, that's not a crime
You often stare as I walk by
You don't understand my veil
But peace and power I have found
For I am equal to any male
I am a Muslim Woman
So please don't pity me
For God has guided me to truth
And now I'm finally free!

05-02-2007, 07:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama
Da'wah to a Non-Muslim Woman
(A True Experience)............

Jazaak Allaah Khayr, this poem was really good!

05-02-2007, 01:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muj4h1d4

Jazaak Allaah Khayr, this poem was really good!


wa'iyyakum, inshallah feel free to share with others.

btw, where's my rep? :P

05-21-2007, 02:09 PM
by Aisha
When you look at me
all you can see
Is the scarf that covers my hair
My word you can't hear
Because you're too full of fear,
Mouth gaping, all you do is stare.
You think it's not my own choice,
In your own "liberation" you rejoice.
You're so thankful that you're not me.
think I'm uneducated,
Trapped, oppressed and subjugated.
You're so thankful that you are free.
But Western women you've got it wrong-
You're the weak and i'm the strong,
For I've rejected the trap of man.
Fancy clothes- low neck, short skirt,
These are devices for pain and hurt,
Always jumping to the male agenda,
Competing on his terms.
No job share, no baby-sitting facilities,
No feeding and diaper-changing amenities.
No equal pay for equal skill-
Your job they can always fill.
Is this liberation?
A person with ideas and thought,
I'm not for sale, I can't be bought.
I won't decorate anyone's arm,
Nor be promoted for my charm.
There's more to me than playing coy.
Living life as a balancing game- mother,
Daughter, wife, nurse, cleaner, cook, lover-
And still bring home a wage.
Who thought up this modern "freedom"
Where man can love'em and man can leave 'em.
This is not free but life in a cage.
Western women you can have your life.
Mine- it has less strife.
I cover and I get respected
Surely that's to be expected-
For I won't demean the feminine
I won't live to a male criterion.
I dance to my own tune,
And I hope you see this very soon,
For your own sake- wake up and use your sight!
Are you so sure that you are right?

The poem above sparked off a very heated argument between Muslims and a Western Wiccan lady. Click here to read it.

05-23-2007, 03:28 PM
A View of Death
by Nadeem Tusneem

It was a day of cutting sadness and endless sorrow.
Outside, a grayish mist under a somber sky hid a street,
Leading to a gentle home, whose door I peered through,
To catch a glimpse of the turmoil coming from within;
A home once packed with energy and vigor
Now flooded with melancholic rivers of tears;
I stared at the ghostlike face of the woman lying on the cot;
A woman, once full of life, now as cold as a winter's chill,
Surrounded by those who admired and loved her;
The aura around her sending rays of sadness into my heart,
Unearthing from my childhood, the precious memories of her
And as I thought and thought in a mindless trance
I saw the Angel of Death bowing before her,
Tears coming out of his lustrous eyes
That life so precious as hers, he had to take
"Please, don't take her," the words whispered out of my mouth;
But he managed to bring himself together and flew away
Taking her soul into the higest heavens in the sky
My heart sunk, as tears flooded out of my eyes
And my eyes simply stared into the dismal sky.

05-24-2007, 03:34 PM
Invitation to Success

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Is suddenly heard by the ears of those near and far.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
To turn a deaf ear to this, would truly be bazaar.

It echoes throughout the valleys,
it ricochets off the land and the sky.
"Come to Salah! Come to Success!"
To this call, wouldn't it be most unfortunate not to reply?

The sound of the adhaan shoots like arrows through the air,
and it falls upon the listener's ears like the springtime rain.
So let this water flow into your soul;
don't you know that a dried up plant can't produce any grain?

It proclaims Allah's greatness and invites us to everlasting success.
Yet many turn a deaf ear to this call, while towards the vanishing dunyah,
their hands reach out to caress.

Its sound reaches for the sky like the birds,
and shines upon the earth like the sun.
So open your heart to the warmth of its rays;
come to success, the time for salah has begun.

We're busy working for our bodies,
yet what about answering this call for our souls.
The dust of the dunyah or the Gardens of the Jannah,
just what are our goals?

We have been invited to salah, the key to the doors of success.
What other invitation is more important than this to address?

This wonderful message is cried from a vast multitude of Minarets.
What else would we have before Allah if we ignored it,
other than a multitude of regrets?
__________________________________________________ _______

Oh Allah, increase this ummah in our Love for You, Your deen,
and Your last Messenger Muhammad, and Oh Allah, send Your peace and blessings upon him.

By Masood

05-25-2007, 05:49 AM
EXcellent ! It Shows the True thoughts of a "Muslimah"

G. Moheyuddin

05-25-2007, 01:22 PM
We Need More Than Words

We'd cry if a loved one's blood was spilt,
yet from our ummah its been falling to the ground like rain.
So how many eyes are wet? Have you not seen that even innocent children have
been slain?

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Just by hearing the word 'Bosnia,' our tears should just flow.
Or have we forgotten it already, was it that long ago?

The earth was soaked with their blood,
yet the world just turned the other way.
So as families got shattered like glass,
the world was silent and pretended that everything was ok.

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Children are starved to death in Iraq due to the UN's nasty sanctions.
So who will stand up against this oppression being inflicted by the United Nations?

Thousands of innocent lives are slipping away while the ummah just looks on.
They die due to starvation, yet because were too full, all we can do is yawn.

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Rivers of it have flown out of Palestine,
from what the Nazi-like Zionists have done.
They barged their way into Jerusalem,
causing rivers of Muslim blood to run.

Our sisters there get raped, and many of our brothers there get shot.
Was there anything other then pain that the rise of Israel brought?

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Yet with Albania the world spoke up, yet what do words do without action?
So as the Serbs just slaughtered our brothers, we barely had a reaction?

It was a holocaust indeed, yet it happened right under our eyes.
When are we going to wake up, after how many more lives?

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

What's sad is that this is not all,
the examples I mentioned are actually quite few.
I could keep saying words, yet there's only so much that words can do.

Words just ripple through the air, and then quickly come to rest.
But actions speak louder then words, and action is what I suggest.

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
We need more than words, or our blood will just flow again the next day.

05-29-2007, 01:22 PM
The Map to Paradise

Its hard for a bird to fly through the air with water on its wings.
What about us flying to Jannah, when its the whole world that we cling?

We have the map to Paradise, yet behind our backs it gets hurled.
The path to Jannah gets abandoned out of love for this world.

Left and right Muslims are selling their faith for temporary pleasures.
Because many have lost sight of the Jannah and its everlasting treasures.

There's only one path to Paradise, and following vain desires is not the way.
Its time to turn back to Allah's map, there's more to this life then just play.

Its a blessing to be a Muslim; considering how many others are lost.
Yet the title of a Muslim is nothing if our submission we have tossed.

This life is so short; come on listen up, this aint some sort of joke.
If we don't get our acts together, in the next life we may go up in smoke.

Lets turn back to Allah, come on, lets not waist another day.
Lets get back on track. Oh Allah, from the true path, don't let us sway!

Lets seek our help from Allah, we got to follow Him as much as we can.
If your not using the map to Jannah; where are you going, what's your plan?

This life is so short, lets wake up and see where were heading.
We have the map to Paradise, so on it lets get up and start treading.

The web of a spider is weak, yet it overpowers the fly.
This dunyah is worthless, so don't let its web catch your eye.


05-30-2007, 04:12 PM
In the Lucidity of a Solemn Silence
by Hisham Mahmoud

In the lucidity of a solemn silence
The night overtook those who transgressed.
Nations we conquered and others we built
As shelters for masses oppressed

Our hearts resounded with a hungry pulse
To make real what was already instilled;
And then His Will became our own
Potentiality, sought and fulfilled.

Souls that were owned by the Owner of all
Yearned to disrobe their outer attire.
Where martyrs lay sleep on the mattress of war
Haunted no more by the nightmare of fire

As 'Umar lay snoozing in the shade of a tree
The Crown of Persia was swept.
Then one of her leaders addressed you and said,
"With justice you ruled and safely you slept."

"Lie down and roll over, "O dog of Rome!"
Wrote Mu'tasim once upon a time,
In defense of your sister who called out his name-
An army prepared to punish the crime.

That was a time when men were men,
Who lived solely to die in battle
What moves you, then, but food, drink, and sleep'
(So much in common with sheep and cattle!)

Now do you hear the screams of torture
A six year old boy sent to the slaughter
Have you not seen twenty three soldiers
Each take a turn with Abdullah's daughter

Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosova, Iraq-
Meaningless slogans, "Injustice must stop!"
A billion sleepers, the dormant giant-
Til when shall the Muslims be so compliant?

Heads that prostrate to Him, the Most High
Now, by the sword, they are chopped,
While you snore in your slumber, comfy and snug,
Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top.

One more is killed, another is raped-
The Ummah drowns into a panic.
Yet only one wall divides you from them-
That great blue wall, the Atlantic

Each wave splashes forth with news of sorrow
Upon rocks as hard as your hearts.
Where death becomes life and life becomes death,
Where the dead from the living depart.

How will you fare when that Day seizes all,
As, now, you refuse to do what you can
Then be not suprised when you look down and see
The blood of Muslims on your two hands.

06-01-2007, 02:08 PM
Bosnian Victims
By Margaret O'Beirne
Poem about the Bosnian Conflict

Two young women shield their faces; children again, they block out the
bogey- man as the corpses of their
men are unloaded.

On make-shift beds faces are set in pain;
burly men, now passive, view their stumps
with the wrung grimace of defeat.

Toddlers encircled in a mother's arms with
eyes that have seen not pretty things,
await some nameless horror.

A little girl, a slide in her hair,
sitting on a kerb, puckers her brow
to puzzle out why being a Muslim
means she has to leave Banja Luka.

06-04-2007, 03:13 PM
The voyage Home
Hashim bin Ambia

For too long, we have been adrift on the open sea.
Far, far away from home.
Unprepared, we are humiliated by these storms.
Our small boat, sails broken, a victim to the winds

Cross currents, too strong for our thin arms.
Waves, soaring higher than our humble hope.
Our heads, bowed even before defeat.
Our ****ing eyes, avoiding one anothers'
Our souls, as wild and sometimes as lonely as the open sea.

Let us cease to curse nature.
Abusing our lips, with one anothers' names.
Let us mend this broken boat,
this broken sail,
this broken soul.

Let us harness the wind.
Make use of the currents.
With faith and sweat, set sail to our land of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Amidst this storm, let us begin the voyage home.

06-04-2007, 03:21 PM
The Tears Never did Stop

wow! :cry:

06-05-2007, 03:07 PM
al Burda
By Imam al Busiri
Translated by Thoraya Mahdi Allam
Reproduced here are verses 34 to 42 from Part 3 in praise of the Holy Prophet.

Muhammad, leader of the two worlds
and of Man and the jinn,

Leader also of the Arabs and
non Arabs and their kin.

Our Prophet, Commander of right,
prohibits evil's way,

Yet no one's speech more gentle could be
than his nay or yea.

Beloved by Allah is he upon
whose pleading we depend

From terrors of the Day of Judgement,
which on us descend.

He summoned people unto Allah,
they to him did adhere,

And clung fast to the rope that none
could ever rent or tear.

In morals and features
he, all prophets did exceed,

None could approach his knowledge,
or his bounty e'er precede.

And thus from Allah's Apostle
they acquired and did gain,

A handful of the vast sea
or a sip of gen'rous rain.

So other prophets in their rightful place
before him stand,

Regarding knowledge and the wisdom
that they understand.

He perfect is in traits concealed,
and features bright and clear,

And Man's Creator chose him
as His most beloved and dear.

Too far above all men is he
to have a partner who

Has equal qualities, because
the essence of virtue

That in him lies is indivisible,
and wholly true.

06-07-2007, 03:54 PM
The Choice is Yours!
By Allama Iqbal

If the kings know not their Sustainer they are beggars,

And if the beggars do they are Darius and Jamshed*;

Freedom of the heart is sovereignity; stomach is death,

The choice is yours; heart or stomach?

[*Jamshed is another name for Alexander the Great]

06-09-2007, 01:06 AM
Sabra/Shatilla: In Sorrow
By Sam Hamod

It is nothing, the blood
red into stony ground nothing, we can say
nothing, the flares red and white, blue, nothing
against black sky, faces flur, nothing
sharp rope cuts into wrists, it is
nothing, slash of knife on throat, knowing
nothing, phalance, israeli, we hear phalance not spoken
it is in the face, frangiah, gemeyal, it is
nothing, mustche moves,
nothing, these words
nothing, thunk of bazookas, crunch
of bone, nothing, it is nothing, the
children run hiding uner the bed
like play, the man comes in
they say nothing, he laughs, tells them
they'll be safe, nothing, no sound, he
shouts, "Come out" nothing
he lifts the bed
their big eyes open
he laughs
his Uzi sputters
they are nothing
their flesh nothing
it is nothing
do not worry, they are
nothing it is
nothing, do not worry, nothing
has happened
nothing, it is nothing, say it is nothing --
be peaceful brothers and sisters and do not run away
we are all Arabs we will do nothing it is nothing we do nothing
it is nothing it didn't happen if it did it is nothing
oh, it is nothing
nothing at all
and now, say it and believe it, it is nothing
nothing nothing
Oh Allah, nothing.

06-11-2007, 02:31 PM
Be Not Grieved
a ghazal of Hafiz

Joseph who was lost will come back again to Canaan; be not grieved.
One day the hut of sorrows will become a rose garden; be not grieved.

This saddened heart will change its state (for the better); do not make thy heart bad.
And this frenzied head will settle down again; be not grieved.

If the Springtime of Life will be back again on the garden’s throne,
thou wilt pull a canopy of roses over thy head; O sweetly singing bird, be not grieved.

O heart, if the torrent of troubles engulfs the foundation of existence,
when thou hast Noah for a captain, from the storm be not grieved.

If one day the spinning wheel (of fortune) did not run according to my wishes,
the state of revolving will not always be the same; be not grieved.

Come, do not despair when thou art not aware of the secret of the Unseen;
behind the veil there be hidden plays; be not grieved.

If thou wouldst walk in the desert with the desire of reaching the Ka‘bah,
if the thorn of the acacia hurts thee, be not grieved.

Though the stage of the journey be quite perilous, and the goal so far away,
there is no path that does not have an end; be not grieved.

My state is in the separation of souls and the persistence of the antagonist.
The Lord of the revolving state knows all; be not grieved.

Hâfiz, in the corner of spiritual poverty and the seclusion of the dark nights,
as long as thou art saying prayers and dhikr and studying the Qur’ân, be not grieved.

06-12-2007, 04:40 PM
In loving memory of Khubayb
Hassan ibn Thabit
(This poem in loving memory of Khubayb, is reputedly composed
by the Muslim poet Hassan ibn Thabit, and is hailed in Arabic literature as
a masterpiece. The charm of the original language and its lilt is
impossible to convey in translation)

The enemy allies have converged on me,

incited their clansmen to muster strength;

They've invited their women and children to see,

and tied me to a solid trunk.

To Allah I complain of my loneliness and suffering;

Of enemies who surround me to rejoice at my death.

O Master of the Mighty Throne, grant me strength ,

To bear what they are doing to me;

Piercing my flesh and tearing my limbs.

They gave me a choice to turn away from Thee,

But death is preferrable to that;

That very thought of which brings tears to my eyes,

Not the pain they inflict on me.

I am not afraid of death, for some day everyone has to die;

But I shudder out of fear for the fire of Hell,

for the fury of its flames.

These limbs of mine are a sacrifice for Allah,

Hoping He'll bless every limb offered in His way.

So long I die a Muslim, I don't regret a thing,

For My death will occur in Allah's way.

[At every piercing stab of their sharp spears he chanted:
La-ilaha-illal-aa Muhamma-dararasul-lah,
until his noble soul fled from his body in search of his Lord,
to complain of the tyranny of his tormentors]

06-13-2007, 02:30 PM
Silent Eyes
Haroon Zantia

Wild newborn,
Eyelids gently open,
On meeting life,
Visions of youth followed by maturity,
Witness to sin & transgression,
Incorrect half-hearted worship,
Feebleness in old age.

A lifetime of enjoyment,
Moment of Death,
Eyes wide open,
Following the departing being,
Waiting for the Day of Resurrection,
The chance to provide witness,
Against a wicked soul.

06-14-2007, 03:38 PM
The Submission
Muhammad [Allama] Iqbal

Service and toil is the way of life to camel,
Patience and perseverance is the trait of camel,
Noiselessly his path he treads,
He moves in desert like a ship in fleet.

Every thicket has the trace of his feet,
He eats less, sleeps little and works hard indeed.
To carry his rider he is pleased,
Towards the destination he silently treads.

He is gratified with his speed,
And is more patient than his rider indeed.
You too, with all seriousness, your duty face,
That you may earn in hereafter, the best place.(1)

Be thou obedient O, heedless one,
Self-discipline will make you the powerful one.
Worthless person by self-discipline become the worthy one,

Fire, when goes out of control turned to ashes and undone,
Who so want to conquer the sun and the stars,
First, must bind himself to the Natural Laws.

Air imprisoned in roses become perfumed,
Perfume turns to musk when confined to navel musk-dear.

Stars ever moving towards their destination too,
Because they are bound to the same, Natural rules.

Vegetables growth obey the same rule,
When they stray are trodden under the boots.

The Tulip burn red according to the same rule,
And blood runs in its veins confirms it too.

Drops of water drawn together become a sea,
And grains of sand come together to form a desert.

Every existence draws its strength from this law,
O, heedless, why don't you see this source of power?

O, you, who have abandoned the old constitutional frame,
Once again adorn your feet with same old silver chain.

Complain not the hardness of the laws,
Transgress not the shari'ah bounds of Muhammad Mustafa.


06-14-2007, 03:40 PM
allah knows best
muslims are better then the rest
roses are black
my names not jack

(lame i know)

06-15-2007, 01:57 PM

Learn to call on Allah,
In the dark,
While Riding on a bus,
Or sitting in a park
Learn to do it when,
Alone in a room,
Or staying up late,
Staring at the moon
And if someone boasts about,
What he did for Allah,
And asks you to tell him,
What you did for Allah
Just Say, "Why should I tell you"
If I did it for Allah?"

06-16-2007, 12:53 PM
mashallah, i like all of them,especially the map to paradise.thnx for posting them

06-19-2007, 01:58 PM
My Greatest Need is You
Rabi'ah al-Adawiyya

Your hope in my heart is the rarest treasure

Your Name on my tongue is the sweetest word

My choicest hours

Are the hours I spend with You -

O Allah, I can't live in this world

Without remembering You -

How can I endure the next world

Without seeing Your face?

I am a stranger in Your country

And lonely among Your worshippers:

This is the substance of my complaint.

06-19-2007, 02:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama
"Muslimah’s dream man"

I'm in love with a man I dont even know,

He prays and fasts and lets his beard grow,

He tells me sahabah stories as I lay down to sleep

And awakes me for the night prayer with his hand on my cheek.

He patiently endures my 'drama queen' days

Kindness and gentleness, those are his ways

Both night and day we strive to acquire

Allah's Love and Mercy and saviour from the Fire

He loves his brothers... but cherishes me more

Oh Allah I ask for this husband whom I already adore.
hahahaha very funny :D

06-20-2007, 02:47 PM
Amjid Yaseen

I sail to you in the ocean of my dreams
To a far away distant place
Of great beauty and tranquility
Where pain and suffering do not exist,
Where we give praise for our joy and happiness,
Where our love intertwines with a love for all things
O beloved keeper of my heart
The companion of my soul
You have reached out and touched the essence of my being
And shown me the way to a higher plane

Your love has awakened me from my years of slumber
A beckoning call to the spiritual world
Where my body is mist in the mountains
This is where my heart belongs
This is where my soul lives...

06-21-2007, 08:42 PM
By Abu Bakr Ahmad al Haroun

Grant me authority.
My craft is to travel on the sea light
Do not amend my attention to others, but You,
My head, brain and acumen
Shall be acquiescent to You.
I pray to you.

I shall not desire depending upon the will of another.
Where doubtful and uncertainty
You are Compassionate.

I pray to You.

I have no accusation but am grateful to You.
Me and my life, the gifts You Manifest.

I pray to You.

06-22-2007, 02:49 PM
Remember Just Remember
By Anonymous

When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember

Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember

Through the darkness Allah is The Light.

When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember

It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.

When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember

Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.

When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember

Allah Sees it all.

When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember

Seek strength from The Strong.

When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember

Allah is The Able.

When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember

Allah is The Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember

Allah is always ready to hear.

When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember

Allah is The Rich.

When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember

You can always run to The One.

When your all alone
And your pain has no end
Remember just remember

Allah is your Friend.

And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember

Allah is really here.

06-25-2007, 02:29 PM
By Fadhlalla Haeri

We have to return
To our home,
Free of time and space
Away from constant change,
Life’s dash
And the permanent race
With glitter,
Sparkle and glow.
To yield and accept
Life’s ebb and flow
The heart must rest,
At peace
Beyond the cosmic space
In lands dominion
In the abode of
Divine grace.
From where the seeds of life grew
Many many creations
All to some enlightened few

06-25-2007, 02:31 PM
wow masha'Allah! am I allowed to include some aswell?

06-25-2007, 02:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ...FLaWeD...
wow masha'Allah! am I allowed to include some aswell?
please do :)

06-25-2007, 02:49 PM
tell me what you think Insha'Allah


06-25-2007, 04:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ...FLaWeD...
tell me what you think Insha'Allah
I said share a poem not a paper! :rollseyes
Anyways, you got some improvements to do :D

Inshallah also check out these links...

06-26-2007, 03:51 PM
Troubled Soul
By Hassan Radwan

When anxieties trouble my soul
and the night is heavy with sorrow
I look up to the heavens
where the angels hover amongst the stars,
I feel a gentle embrace so sweet and soft
Calming my mind
and healing my soul
Filling me full of peace and love

"Oh you whose throne enfolds the heavens and earth"
"Envelop me in your mercy and bring me back to your presence"

"To walk again in tranquil gardens"
"Wherein is neither suffering nor sickness"
"Nor pain nor misery"

The sky looks so perfect and beautiful
The stars shimmer while the Moon silently looks down

The air is fresh and clear,
Reviving my spirit and giving me hope

Can I believe that the dawn will bring
the answer to my prayers?
And the world will be a different place?

06-27-2007, 11:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama
I said share a poem not a paper! :rollseyes
lol sorry :-[ das jus ma style

06-28-2007, 06:24 PM
The love of the Beloved
By ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyah

The love of the Beloved
must be unconditionally returned.

If you claim love
yet oppose the Beloved,
then your love is but a pretence.
You love the enemies of your Beloved
and still seek love in return.
You fight the beloved of your Beloved.

Is this Love or the following of shaitan?

True devotion is nothing
but total submission
of body and soul
to One Love.

We have seen humans claim to submit,
yet their loyalties are many.

They put their trust here, and their hope there,
and their love is without consequence.

06-29-2007, 04:07 PM
Should I not be grateful
By Anonymous

I have a nose with which I smell
the perfume of sweet flowers

My hand could never make such beauty
with a brush I but copy their delicate lines

I have two eyes with which I see
the marvels that surround me

I am powerless to even make a fly
why then do I destroy?

I have two hands with which I do
all within my power

To help, to search, to find my way
with them
I send out deeds that one day will confront me

I have two feet with which I walk
to traverse this aging earth
that bears my footprints
and the echo of my voice

I seem so small
the glorious sky
towers over me
a canopy fixed for a certain time

My very fingertips contain a miracle
of creation, of life
something that was given to me alone
a trust to yet be answered for

I turn my hand
all that it finds
does not belong to me
I've been assigned to care for it
and raise the word of truth

truth emanating from the One
Who gave me all I have
Should I not then be grateful?

07-02-2007, 05:19 PM
A poem of the soul
Imam abu Hamid al Ghazzali

..Much I have strained to make my soul obey,
But for whose sin I had not gone astray;
When I would be obedient, it was faint
And showed a strange distaste and unrestraint.
I wrestled with my soul as with a foe,
It bidding me to err, I saying no;
We were as ancient enemies at large.
I put on patience, to withstand its charge;
With troops of tempting it came forth to fight -
What patience could withstand such reckless might? -
Which gave it courage when its courage quailed,
And reinforcement when its forces failed.
Now I succeed, now it, in the affray;
Yet, when we meet, it ever wins the day.
I love it well, but it opposes me
As if I held it not in amity;
It is an enemy I cannot hate,
A memory I can ne'er obliterate.
Blindly it swims upon its sinful sea,
Clutching the hems of its iniquity;
I greatly fear, it it doth still rebel,
Its ruin in this life and, after, Hell!
Wherefore, O Lord, bring its repentance near
And wash away its sins in founts of fear.
If Thou, my God, its chastener shoudst be,
O whither shall it look for clemency?
Be Gracious then, and all its sins forgive;
Thou art its Lord, for through Thee it doth live.

07-03-2007, 07:21 PM
A poem by Rumi - 'Mathnawi'
Jalaluddin Rumi

Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry.

Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake.

Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake.

Laughter always follows tears.

Blessed are those who understand.

Life blossoms wherever water flows.

Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown.

07-05-2007, 02:10 PM
Fadhlalla Haeri

The morning breeze
Soft, gentle and moist
Caresses the cactus
With it’s spikes and thorns.
Gently, like mother life
Covers the living and the dead.
Always now
Extending into the future.
Inventing, destroying
So that life appears in ebbs and flows
Yet all is suspended
In life’s glow
From one Divine source
Forever contained
Always maintained
By Allah’s love sustained.

07-06-2007, 02:04 PM
Ghazal 945
Jalaluddin Rumi

A voice out of this world
calls on our souls
not to wait any more
get ready to move
to the original home

your real home
your real birth place
is up here with the heavens
let your soul take a flight
like a happy phoenix

you've been tied up
your feet in the mud
your body roped to a log
break loose your ties
get ready for the final flight

make your last journey
from this strange world
soar for the heights
where there is no more
separation of you and your home

God has created
your wings not to be dormant
as long as you are alive
you must try more and more
to use your wings to show you're alive

these wings of yours
are filled with quests and hopes
if they are not used
they will wither away
they will soon decay

you may not like
what I'm going to tell you
you are stuck
now you must seek
nothing but the source.

07-09-2007, 05:39 PM
Jalaluddin Rumi

O heart let go of your soul
Until you see the soul maker
Leave behind this deceptive faker
So you reach your real goal.

Unless you pass through here
You will never reach the beyond
Free yourself from worldly bond
Doubtless clear, to you appear.

If it is a sign that you seek
In this path, my dear friend
Yourself you must transcend
And signs to you will speak.

07-10-2007, 02:24 PM
Portrait of the Propeht

[Reported to said by Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) when asked by Ali (RadiAllahu anhu) about his way of life)]

Meditation in God is my capital
Reason and Sound logic is the root of my religion
Love is the foundation of my existence
Enthusiasiam is the vehicle of my life
Comtemplation of God is my companion
Faith is the source of my power
Sorrow is my friend
Knowledge is my weapon
Patience is my garb and virtue
Submission to devine will is my pride
Truth is my salvation
Worship is my habit
And in prayer lies the coolness of my eye and the peace of my mind.

07-10-2007, 04:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama

Jalaluddin Rumi

O heart let go of your soul
Until you see the soul maker
Leave behind this deceptive faker
So you reach your real goal.

Unless you pass through here
You will never reach the beyond
Free yourself from worldly bond
Doubtless clear, to you appear.

If it is a sign that you seek
In this path, my dear friend
Yourself you must transcend
And signs to you will speak.


Good One!!! jazaak ALLAH khayr.


07-12-2007, 03:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khayal

Good One!!! jazaak ALLAH khayr.

so where's my rep? :D

07-12-2007, 03:22 PM
Portrait of the Propeht

[Reported to said by Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) when asked by Ali (RadiAllahu anhu) about his way of life)]

Meditation in God is my capital
Reason and Sound logic is the root of my religion
Love is the foundation of my existence
Enthusiasiam is the vehicle of my life
Comtemplation of God is my companion
Faith is the source of my power
Sorrow is my friend
Knowledge is my weapon
Patience is my garb and virtue
Submission to devine will is my pride
Truth is my salvation
Worship is my habit
And in prayer lies the coolness of my eye and the peace of my mind.

07-12-2007, 04:20 PM

Something nyc i came across..thought id share it

Here’s one of my favourite

Be patient over the plots of the envier
Truly, your patience will kill him
For the fire only consumes itself
If it doesn’t find something else to consume

I think it was Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali, the grammarian who said,

و أحبب إذا ما أحببت حبّاً مقارباً *** فإنك لا تدري: متى أنت نازع
When you love, love with a love that draws you close
For you do not know: when will you depart?

و أبغض إذا أبغضت غير مجانب *** فإنك لا تدري متى أنت راجع
And when you hate, hate without turning away
For you do not know when you will return

و كن معدناً للحلم و الصْفح عن الأذى *** فإنك راءٍ ما عملت و سامع
Be a source of perseverance and forgive the harm
For you will soon see and hear what you worked

07-13-2007, 02:35 PM
The Sacred Qur'an
Ibrahim Amini

The Holy Qur'an
The Holy Qur'an, book of guidance and light
That Sacred lamp, that makes the truth so bright
Removes the blinkers, and frees our sight

Shows to us the path, that is straight and right
He from Whom this Book we received.
Then the Qur'an will be your best friend,
Till in Paradise, joy without end

But if the Qur'an you choose to ignore,
Then before you hell is in store
Thus our Qur'an, we hold dearer and dearer,
As towards perfection we come nearer and nearer,

A sacred book that inspires the wise
We defend most bravely, with our wealth and lives.

07-18-2007, 05:46 PM
The Sacred Qur'an
Ibrahim Amini

The Holy Qur'an
The Holy Qur'an, book of guidance and light
That Sacred lamp, that makes the truth so bright
Removes the blinkers, and frees our sight

Shows to us the path, that is straight and right
He from Whom this Book we received.
Then the Qur'an will be your best friend,
Till in Paradise, joy without end

But if the Qur'an you choose to ignore,
Then before you hell is in store
Thus our Qur'an, we hold dearer and dearer,
As towards perfection we come nearer and nearer,

A sacred book that inspires the wise
We defend most bravely, with our wealth and lives.

07-19-2007, 02:01 PM
Shining Forever

she was deeply griefed
Life without her Father
passed so sombre.
tears... day after another.
Her merry was vanished,
so was her laughter

Until that time
five months from the death of her Father
after a rare raptured morning
in one Ramadan evening
she asked for a special bath,
put on new clothes
and perfumed herself beautifully fragrance.
She then urged to put her bed in the courtyard
and had her face looking above to heavens

She asked for her husband
and only after he was in her side
came her heavenly words:
"I have an appointment today with the Messenger of God"
smile was in her face.

The courageous husband cried.
She told him to look after their beloved children
and advised for a simple burial
with no ceremony.

She had another upward gaze
closed her eyes
now truly surrendered her soul
to the Almighty Creator.
The Shining One...
she was just twenty nine years old
but years to come
she would keep herself
shining into our souls.

08-23-2007, 04:02 PM
Towards Understanding Allah
[The Glorified and The Exhalted]

Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad

Let us not think of Allah in terms of
Physical Existence
Because if we do
We are lost

Think of the atom
Look into it and you will find a universe
Nay, a myriad of universes
Look at the sky at night
And behold the universe
And universes yet unknown
What did you see?
Just an atom

Where is Allah?
Did you find Him?
No, because you thought of Him
As physical embodiment
And you are lost

Look at the ripples in the sea
And grains of sand at the sea shore
Study human faces and tongues
Hear a child's cry and a cock's crow
Feel blades of grass and drops of rain
Appreciate a cat's love for its kittens

Then Allah's Greatness will begin to dawn on you.

08-27-2007, 05:08 PM
Mu'min and Sabr
Tallal Alie Turfe

Patience is a virtue I'll try to explain
A blessing in disguise always to remain
From very deep inside the well of my heart
Peace of body and mind and the will to start
I'm summoned by a call at the dawn of the day
Just giving thanks to Him as I kneel to pray
Endurance is my counsel and faith my guide
The door is open to the struggle inside
With knowledge of certainty, I now can see
The reality of truth, plain as can be
It is charity that gives meaning to life
From the love of my caring in times of strife
Piety and wisdom help me through the day
But always I will return to kneel and pray
For it is patience, the essence of my goal
That enlightens and gives meaning to my soul.

08-29-2007, 03:35 PM
Fethullah Gulen

A faded adventure experienced with weary eyes.
Sound of leaves,
beating in the ear with the force of strong, cold winds:
A music of fall...

The roses of poetical spring weep everywhere;
Colors are plaintive.
Nightingales in quiet lands lament:
Single melancholy notes.
Fountains are lost in thick mists of sorrow,
waters drip tenderly
Swans draw in their slender necks
in the search for spring

Plains groan in tears, hills weep in pangs of separation;
every sound is an elegy
Blue, green, pink and orange colors are in mourning;
each is groaning deeply

Like the last minutes of a life about to terminate,
every wail is a farewell..
When looked to carefully, the end of the world is visible;
what an alarming scene!

Spring and summer are each an enchanting memory,
lost in romantic fancies
Yet those fancies open to hopes stirring in the conscience;
diverse routes to the realms beyond

Eternity is sensed in each impression of transience,
until man catches sight of it.
Reason and logic are refined to seek out that other world,
reaching the realm of inspiration

Man feels the mysterious silence of death;
problems are resolved finally..
Everyone sees the end of the way he treads;
kneels down trembling.

Tongue-tied with dread of going into non-existence,
faith opens up a way to new horizons.
Sobbing that his inevitable end is at last at hand;
eternity sends out lights.

Thought falls into earth like a seed
to prepare itself for spring.
It hastens to where it reaches gardens of Eden
to meet with the Beloved.

Without feeling pain or anguish,
As treasured as a welcome birth.
One overflows with delight to feel eternity
as enrapturing as eternity itself.

Fall is the sign that a new birth is on the way,
coming at the break of dawn;
Hope resounds throughout fall without ceasing at all;
spring awaits a few steps away.

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