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04-21-2007, 02:08 PM
Please Don't Forget the Plight of Muslims in your Dua's "And Seek (Allah's) help
with Sabr (patience) and Salat (prayers): it is indeed hard, except to those who
are humble" (Qur'an Al-Baqara 2:45)

If God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it.
In Happy moments, praise God.
In Difficult moments, seek God.
In Quiet moments, worship God.
In Painful moments, trust God.
In Every moment, thank God

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04-21-2007, 02:10 PM
O Lord, praise to You! You are the light of the heavens and the earth and
all that dwell therein. Praise to You! You are the Lord of the heavens and the
earth and all that dwell therein. Praise to You! You are the truth, and Your
promise is true, and Your word is true, and Your meeting is true, and the Garden
is true, and the Fire is true, and the Prophets were true, and Muhammad is true,
and the Hour is true! O Allah, to You I commit myself, and in You I believe and
place my trust, and unto You I turn in repentance, and for You I fight, and
through You I pass judgment. Forgive me my sins, past and future, open and
hidden. You are my God; there is no God but You! "

04-21-2007, 02:16 PM

A Book that is full of answers,
A Book that makes you cry.
A Book that makes you notice,
How much harder you can try.
A Book that makes you realize,
What true love really is...
A Book that gives you direction,
for all of life’s tough biz.
A Book that gives you hope,
that Someone somewhere’s watching over you.
A Book that helps you out,
Through all the times your blue.
A Book that was revealed to our beloved Prophet(SAWS),
over a period of 23 years
Once you put faith into this Book,
You can handle worldly fears.
A gift sent down from Heaven,
A treasure from above,
Written proof that shows us
How blessed we are with Allah(SWT’s) love!

04-21-2007, 02:18 PM
Whatever we do, we’ll pay the price

In the depths of hell or in paradise

For the believer ,this life is just like a cage

For the unbeliever, it’s the ultimate stage

Little does he know about the awaiting reward

Which is full of luxuries, where no-one gets bored

You’ll enter the gate of paradise, if it’s in your fate

Your deeds and actions will determine by which gate

No worldly things will you ever miss

On entering the gate, you’ll be surrounded by bliss

Four rivers will be granted by the Divine
containing water and milk, honey and wine

People will live in mansions built high

Where they’ll live forever, no-one will die

It’s bricks will be made of silver and gold

The climate will be perfect, not hot and not cold

A hundred years it will take to circle a tree

Surrounded by loved ones for all eternity

There will be no calls of nature, no-one will sleep

There will be no worries, no one will weep

When people sweat, it will smell of musk

Allah SWT will be praised from dawn till dusk

Everyone will be aged 30 or 33

And they’ll stay at that age for eternity

The inhabitants will be wearing a beautiful green gown

Sitting on thrones, wearing a crown

People will be happy, there’ll be no remorse

To visit others, they’ll have a flying horse

Men will have 2 houris as their wives

Who will remain with them for the rest of their lives

On Friday there will be a dinner for people of all races

And a bazaar where people can exchange their faces!

When walking along there’ll be many meetings

With prophets and angels, exchanging greetings

Such is the ecstasy that will then prevail

When Allah SWT removes His veil

There will be no kings, there will be no peasants

And everyone will see the Divine Allah’s presence

There are 100 levels to paradise and we should pray

That Al Firdaus, the highest will be where we stay

Allah SWT has showered us with His grace

And we have to be worthy to show our face

Whatever we do, we’ll pay the price

In the depths of hell or in paradise

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04-21-2007, 02:19 PM
You only live once so sit back and enjoy

No time for sorrows so fill it up with joy

This way of thinking is totally wrong

Our total existence is forever long

Life is for eternity its stages are four

The first is in the womb, but hold on there’s more

The second is from birth until the moment we die

The third takes place in the place where we lie

Barzakh is it’s name until judgement day

The fourth is eternity and in heaven we pray!

The soul splits from the body at the time we die

Then with the angel of death, they both will fly

If the person is pious, the angel looks handsome

And the wicked will wish, that they could ransom

For the pious, the soul is taken on a piece of silk

Eventually, they’re in heaven with rivers of milk

The evil person’s soul is dragged out with pain

Then they know, their life was in vain

When Allah swt gives the order, the soul is returned

Either to a bed of paradise, or else to be burned

The soul is returned, while the family are grieving

And then he is questioned while his loved ones are leaving

At that time the person will be in such a state

He is asked three questions which determine his fate

He will be panicking, his heart full of fear

When he sees the angels, Munkar and Nakeer

He will be asked about his God, religion and what did he say

About the person who appears in front of him that day

That will be Muhammed SAWS, who can save us from hell

The pious will recognize him, but others won’t tell

After answering rightly they are saved from the ordeal

Of the torments of the grave, which to us seem unreal

Their grave is extended and in peace they stay

They will praise Allah SWT and continue to pray

A window of paradise is seen and they sleep in bliss

Whereas the unbelievers grave becomes hell’s abyss

Creatures are let loose on their fronts and back

Their graves close in until their ribs will crack

They are in constant agony until judgement day

Nothing will help, it will be too late to pray

They will know because of themselves, their future is wrecked

But they won’t have a clue what to further expect

For the believer , it passes like a good night’s sleep

His good deeds have been done, the rewards he shall keep

Judgement day will pass like the time for a prayer

At the speed of light he crosses the bridge, thin as a hair

And before he knows it, he is in paradise

Whereas the unbeliever, will be paying his price

This life is a journey, death isn’t the end

Real life goes on, so don’t just pretend

So prepare now, we’re not here to stay

Follow Islam, the key is to pray

Brothers and sisters take this advice

You’ll be proud of yourself, when in paradise!

04-21-2007, 02:20 PM
If only you knew the torments of hell

It is the worst of places where anyone could dwell

It is in existence even as we speak

And for its inhabitants the outlook is bleak

On the day of rising, hell will be in view

A terrible sight, if only you knew

It will be brought forward by 70,000 reigns

And 70,000 angels will be on each of those chains

After burning for a thousand years , it’s flames turned white

A thousand more years, now it’s as black as the night

You think the flames are bearable, you’re totally wrong

The flames are of hell are sixty nine times as strong

In a flash it will disintegrate all of your bones

The hellfire will be fuelled by man and stones

The thickness of your skin will greatly increase

Causing your threshold for pain to greatly decrease

The people in hell are there to stay

They will melt to nothing, 70,000 times in a day

70 years it will take, for a stone that is thrown

to hit the bottom of hell and it won’t be alone

the food of hell resembles a devil’s head

and to drink, boiling water and blood bright red

which cuts up the bowels, everything will fall out

the inhabitants of hell will scream and shout

some will be taken out by Almighty Allah’s command

but the polytheists will stay eternally ****ed

take up islam, the only way to succeed

and if you don’t, you’re unfortunate indeed

brothers and sisters, help determine your fate

once you see hellfire, it’ll be far too late

04-21-2007, 02:21 PM
How do women fit into Islam? What is their fate?

This has been the subject of many a debate

‘for the believing men and women, is a great reward’

this is from Surah al Ahzaab, the words of our Lord

it can be seen from reading the Holy Quran

that a woman has some privilege over a man

praying is exempted during menstruation

here Islam gives women consideration

a woman after marriage becomes a wife

for nine long months she carries new life

during childbirth she is exempted to fast

Islam is against the burying of girls in the past

they can pray at the mosque or even at home

they may marry or divorce ,its their choice, their own

after marriage she can retain her old maiden name

and is rewarded for treating all her offspring the same

once they are married they should live pious lives

‘and the best men are those who are best to their wives’

Islam shows equality my sisters and brothers

don’t forget paradise lies at the feet of your mothers

women in the UK had property rights from 1938

this right was given by Islam, 14 centuries to date

in the UK, women could vote from 1918

this was stated 1400 years ago in Islam our deen

women can work and lead a happily married life

but shouldn’t neglect her role as mother and wife

a woman for her child’s upbringing, deserves her credit

Islam also gives a woman the right to inherit

a woman’s status in Islam, we should never neglect

in Islam they are favoured and deserve their respect

04-21-2007, 02:22 PM

Asalamu alaykum...
Hmm y is this in the introduce yourself section
good post
jazaki allah......

04-21-2007, 02:22 PM
Salaat is a basic pillar of Islam

It is mentioned again and again in the Quran

The importance of prayer is in seven hundred places

But in the Mosque, do you see many young faces?

Praying in the mosque gives 27 times the reward

Pray with the intention that you’re pleasing your Lord

When you walk to the Mosque, just remember within

You gain a reward and you’re losing a sin

For every step towards your destination

This is a blessing from Allah SWT to his creation

The Quran has foretold, that before you are dead

‘say your prayers before your prayers are said’

our Prophet SAWS said about those who miss prayer

fifteen punishments they’ll have to bear

six in this life, three on passing away

three in the grave and three on judgements day

for missing Fajr at the start of the day

the glow of the face is taken away

the punishment for missing the salaat of Zohar

there will be no blessing from your income no more

for missing Asr, the middle prayer of the day

the strength of the body is taken away

by missing Maghrib, remember one thing

you will not be benefited by your offspring

for missing Ishaa at the end of the day

the peace of your sleep will be taken away

while seeing elders pray at the mosque door

remember as a young person, your reward is 70 times more

read Salaat punctually, read it with care

on Judgement day, we will be asked about prayer

that’s the first question, so take this advice

Salaat is the key to paradise

spread this word to Muslim sisters and brothers

Salaat will separate Muslims from others

Salaat is a blessing which Allah SWT gave

it will intercede and protect us in the grave

when it comes eventually, to the day of rising

the believers body washed by Wudhu will be shining

for the believers who are regular in offering Salaat

it becomes a light of guidance on the As-Siraat*

don’t miss the prayer Asr at any cost

it will be like your family and wealth is lost

the Ayat-ul-Kursi after fard, should be read

it will lead you to paradise (insha Allah) after you’re dead

not reading Salaat will lead you to hell

surrounded by serpents in a deep well

read your Salaat whilst still in your prime

and read the Durood Shareef** in your spare time

you’ll get ten rewards, the Lord (Insha Allah) will accept your pleas

and you’ll be closer to Allah SWT by ten more degrees

so embrace Islam with all your heart

and remember the key is reading Salaat

04-21-2007, 02:22 PM
Trying to sleep but my eyes open wide
With voices whispering from every side
Battles in my mind and nowhere to hide
a futile resistance against the rising tide

Thought after thought taunting my soul
As this constant barrage takes its toll
Eating away slowly now a gaping hole
My mind going crazy and out of control

I search frantically and fail in despair
For something elusive which was always there
Something tossed away without a care
its prolonged absence I can no longer bear

Peace of mind I no longer possess,
A nightmarish life I must confess
So much hardships and so much stress
A constant companion is pain and distress

Tossing and turning all night long
miserable and sad -everything is wrong
what is life? and where do I belong?
Millions of questions and all answers gone

My heart is riddled with grief and sorrow
And with these thoughts my tears flow
All hope lost my heart sinks low
Without a care what happens tomorrow

Finely balanced on the edge of a knife
I see the stranger who lives my life
an emotionless tyrant causing havoc and strife
A corrupted soul where ignorance is rife

My whole world is hypocrisy and lies
And no more goodness do I recognize
Everything I possess I begin to despise
And this voice inside, I hear its cries

Of a promise made before the days of old
In a meeting with my lord - I am told
That forever in my heart, tawheed I would hold
A promise broken for a miserable price sold

This murmuring voice so long ignored
To delay it further, I can not afford
So this mission of truth, I have taken aboard
With conviction my shield and truth my sword

An uphill struggle an eternal fight
Battle-lines drawn between wrong and right
Returning to my lord, I head for the light
Submerged in Salah is my only respite

Lifting my hands to my lord I pray
'let ignorance go and let faith stay
Through your mercy show me the way
Give me guidance so that I can obey'

With an open heart I read the Quran
I discover my Creator's will and plan
Word of my Lord, a guidance for man
Missing pieces restored now I am one

Content and happy, no more tears to weep
Content and happy, I fall asleep
Peace and happiness with faith running deep
Peace and happiness - forever to keep

04-21-2007, 02:23 PM
Arabia is the location of this rhyme,
long ago, before our prophets time.
It was a very harsh and barren land,
surrounded by vast oceans of sand.

The Arab society, lacked law and order
and was infested with chaos and disorder.
All the Arabs did was quarrel and fight.
Few were educated, a handful could write.

The strong and ruthless ruled the tribes,
consisting mainly of corruption and bribes.
Much blood was spilt in many a feud,
and their fighting was unjust and crude.

They fought over the smallest thing
and death and mourning, this would bring.
These tribal feuds, for years would last
and deep into misery, the society was cast.

Every vice and evil, they staunchly followed
In their depravity, like animals they wallowed
Chasing every desires, alcohol they drank.
To the depth of corruption, they now sank.

Rights and dignity they didn't respect,
to call them barbaric would be correct.
Their treatment of orphans was inhumane,
cause them suffering and so much pain.

The women's status was considered low.
Not a shred of respect, did they ever show.
It is evident enough that evil did thrive,
when newborn daughters were buried alive.

They worshipped gods made of stone
Others made of wood, feathers or bone
Some worships trees, stars or the sun
And the belief in one god, they did shun

Every civilization had passed them by
To conquer them, no nation would try
To them the Arabs were a lost cause
A society riddled with evil and flaws

In total ignorance, the Arabs thus dwelled
and against Allah, they continually rebelled
To truth and knowledge, they were blind
and this rang true, for the rest of mankind

It was from Arabia, the truth shone bright
The words of Allah, an illuminating light
It came in the form of the Holy Quran.
Guidance from Allah - the Lord of man.

Allah selected Muhammad, a pure soul.
Entrusting him this mission, a noble goal.
To teach the people about wrong and right
And he carried this mission without respite

The Quran his shield, the truth his sword
Fighting evil, for the pleasure of his Lord
He removed all ignorance, from their heart
and from the evil path, they did depart.

Over twenty-three years, this mission did last
And the empire of Islam became so vast
They became the example of justice and peace
And this message continued, never to cease

Every word of the prophet, they obeyed
And from the path, they never strayed
Every evil and injustice they had shunned
What a transformation! The world was stunned

Idol worship finished, they prayed to God
The path of piety, they now trod
United as brothers, racism was dead
The burden of superstition, they also shed

All forms of injustice was now despised
As a people of learning, they were recognized
Whenever a conflict, to the Quran they turned
Tolerance and justice, they had learned

The divine message spread like wildfire
Millions became part of this spiritual empire,
and heroes and scholars were given birth,
from different nations, throughout the Earth

For all their vices, the Quran was a cure
And many a soul, this message would lure
Guarded from changes, the message was pure
Until the last day, this promise will endure

The truth was made evident in their deeds
A medicine that the world still needs
The original message is with us even today
So lets turn to Islam and for guidance pray

04-21-2007, 02:24 PM
This life we are told is indeed a test
so every nation with prophets was blessed
124 thousand we learn from Hadith
prophets came with the message of peace

They had the same message, Allah is one
he has no partners and has no son
Do good deeds and worship your Lord,
help the needy with what you can afford

David, Jesus, Abraham, Moses and more
are some of the prophets that came before
They were only men we mustn't confuse
selected by Allah to bring the good news

After these Prophets had passed away
people got mixed up and went astray
They changed the message to suit their needs
worshipped idols and start bad deeds

Another Prophet Allah would send
and their way of life he would amend
This pattern repeated again and again
until Muhammed the final messenger came

A madman, a poet, a magician or what
all of the above he was not
His honesty and character they had all seen
this pure noble soul they called Al-Amin

Muhammed the truthful, was indeed sincere
Allah's final messenger to many it was clear
He had been appointed to guide mankind
to illuminate ignorant hearts so blind

The message was beautiful and so pure
to the hearts of mankind the wisdom did lure
It filled their lives with love and compassion
Muhammed words? No it can only be revelation

The prophet himself could not read or write
yet Allah gave him this illuminating light
It entered their hearts purifying their souls
and the faithful scribes wrote it on scrolls

In Ramadan the whole Quran was recited and said
even today by millions of Muslims it is read
Every word was recorded like the prophet was told
the exact same message fourteen hundred years old

The Quran is now for all mankind a guide,
it can never be changed and will forever abide,
Its a promise of Allah - an undisputed fact
the message sent to Muhammed will remain intact

No more idols or lords we should erect
the oneness of Allah we should respect
Part of the first pillar known as Tawheed
recited la-illah ha illallah the Muslim creed

We should pray Salah like the prophet taught
and ask for Allah's help like the Prophet sought
To taqwah and unity this will indeed give rise
the second pillar of Islam, the spiritual exercise

We must fast in the whole month of Ramadan
and do good deeds as many as we can
This gift of life we begin to appreciate
by not drinking or eating not even a date

Ramadan is a month Muslims eagerly await
peace, unity and happiness it does create
removing the blinkers a fresh outlook we see
this wonderful month, pillar number three

Some of our wealth we give to those in need
the homeless and hungry we must try and feed
The poor are helped much by this gift so small
this is called Zakat the fourth pillar so tall

To visit the Kabaah, the house of Allah
every Muslim must travel from near and far
Once in a lifetime this great journey we make
the final pillar, a tough task we undertake

The rich, the poor, the black and the white
the male, the female equal in Allah's sight
From all walks of life to hajj they all came
standing before Allah they are all the same

To always be good and honest we must try
we need to remember one day we will die
Only a very small time we can spend here
then we must leave this world so dear

We will be asked about the life we spent
if we did good to heaven we will be sent
this will be decided on the Judgment day
and in heaven or hell we will forever stay

No more guides or prophets will be sent again
instead we have the Quran so deep yet plain
If we get confused to the Quran we turn
a message from the most high from which to learn

For all mankind and forever more
wisdom and teachings it does store
To eternal life it opens the door
the words of our creator that we cant ignore

There are millions of Muslims in the world today
the fastest growing religion experts say
Together to the one true God Muslims Pray
by following the Quran, its only Allah we Obey

04-21-2007, 02:25 PM
This is the story that must be told
of an Iraqi baby, not very old.

Lying in her crib one star lit night
How could she know of those planes in flight?

She lay there quietly touching her nose,
Watching her mobile, wiggling her toes,

Oohing and cooing, so sweetly is she,
Talking to someone, who could it be?

An angel is standing with her in the room.
The baby is smiling, unaware of her doom.

The crib starts to shake and the mobile goes round.
And suddenly comes a most deafening sound.

The ceiling drops in, in a second or two ...
On top of her crib so she ceases to coo ...

No one knows how long she lie there
Who thought about it? doesn't anyone care?

Is she alive? is she dead? Is she in any pain?
Now that you mention it, who knows her name?

Her name is Amal. In English we say Hope.
Crushed between the rubble,her tiny fingers start to grope.

Where is my mommy? I love her so dear
Come, get me mommy! It's dark in here!

I'm scared and I'm hungry and I can't see my feet.
There's blood in my mouth! Give me something to eat!

Where is my daddy? Where's my big brother?
It hurts when I breath! Where is my mother?!

How long have I been here? Is this just a dream?
I open my mouth, but can't even scream.

That angel appears once again to my side,
This time with a tear I plead Why have I died?

Am I alone in my sufferings? No, there are many others.
In our grief and our misery, we are sisters and brothers.

Who are we? I ask you ... for what crime did we die?
They're throwing a party! Doesn't anyone cry?!

Is it True? Am I nothing?! How could it be?
Don't they also have babies, just like me?

It is war they say, of which death is part.
How blind they've become, How hardened of heart.

Did someone say hero? To whom do they speak?
A victory claimed for killing the weak?!

Why are they happy? Why are they proud?
Don't they know that I'm cold in my burial shroud?!

No war has been won; No ifs, buts, or maybes,
They've Only Killed Babies!!!!

04-21-2007, 02:26 PM
Stay in your bed, don’t make a fuss.

Your prayers can wait; give in to your nafs. (1)

What! Go to the mosque, the path you’ll pave?

Don’t bother, think of the gas you’ll save.

Why go the extra miles to be kind?

Don’t share that smile, they won’t mind!

Listen to your parents, why should you?

You’re big enough, don’t let them tell you what to do!

Don’t look at those orphans, what could they need?

You have your own problems, and family to feed.

Wear good Hijab? Oh me, Oh my, you’ll be targeted as a Muslim and put to shame.

Just wear no makeup, and dress simple and plain.

Go for Jihad? No not you.

It’s not your problem, what can you do?

Don’t worry about Jannah, your place is reserved.

I promise you’ll get all you deserve.

Preach about Islam, and be nice?

Listen to me, and take my advice!!!

Don’t fast during Ramadan, you’ll feel dead.

Don’t go for Hajj, the heat you’ll dread.

Why give charity, or feed the poor?

Don’t do it I say, They’ll just ask for more.

Don’t visit the Muslims, they’ll bite your back.

Don’t stop your work for prayer, it’s money you lack.

Then he makes you hoard your wealth.

He thinks while he talks, and laughs to himself.

You take me as your friend, and don’t give me a fight.

I’ll take you to hell to gain respite.

On the judgement day we will meet.

Allah’s plan we can not defeat.

Shatan thinks and thinks of more to say.

Say A’ oothoo billahi, and make him run away.

Dear believer, don’t let shatan put you to the test.

You can overcome him, just do your best.

(1) Nafs: Arabic word meaning self. (yourself)

04-21-2007, 02:27 PM
There was a time in my youth,
When Islam was only a custom.
They said "say La IIaha IIIa Allah,..
And pray, you'll go to Heaven."

Ah, how simple, no struggle in this,
Just a word, and simple act.
Thereafter I'm absorbed in this world again,
With my 'assured' place in Paradise intact.

But this was not to be my fate
For ALLAH chose to guide my heart.
I learnt of a man who struggled so hard
When his mission was from the start.

The story of someone who had morals,
Spoke gently, kindness he knew.
Never fearing to say what's right,
His conviction in ISLAM was true.

The touch of his hand was as soft as silk
To comfort a crying child.
To mend his clothes, or do the chores,
Never complaining, he always smiled.

A living he made with his bare hands,
The same that held his mighty sword.
Valour shone from the edge of his blade,

His smell was always of musk,
And cleanliness he kept at his best.
Stark contrast with the heroes of today,
Who stink of beer and sweat.

He held the hands of his companions.
Unashamed to play with many children.
So modest, so humble, a perfect example,
That strangers could not recognise him.

His eyes slept little for nights were precious,
His prayers he treasured much greater.
To pray Tahajjud in the depths of night,
Seeking forgiveness, and nearness to his Creator.

He broke his tooth for me at Uhud,
And bled for me at Ta'if.
He cried for me, tears of concern,
Just so I could have this belief.

His enemies admired his teachings,
Uniting every religion, every clan.
Till ISLAM came to every corner of the world,
O, but indeed he was only a man.

To own a house, or build his wealth
Was not his main priority.
To establish ISLAM was more essential,
To bring us under a Higher Authority.

Don't you want him to plea for your case,
When before ALLAH-The Judge-you stand?
Don't you wish to be around his fountain,
A burning desire to drink from his hand?

So I love him more than all creation,
My Leader, my Humble Prophet.
Muhammad (SAWS) was a mercy to all mankind,
And to me, he is MY BELOVED !

04-21-2007, 02:27 PM
When you look at me
All that you can see
is the scarf that covers my hair
My words you can't hear
because you're too full of fear,
mouth gaping, all you do is stare

You think it's not my choice
in your own "liberation" rejoice.
You think I'm uneducated,
trapped, oppressed and subjugated,
You're so thankful that you're free.

But non-Muslim woman you've got it wrong
You're the weak and I'm the strong.
For I've rejected the trap of man.
Fancy clothes - low neck, short skirt
those are devices for pain and hurt.
I'm not falling for that little plan.

I'm a person with ideas and thought.
I'm not for sale, I can't be bought.
I'm me - not a fancy toy,
I won't decorate anyone's arm,
nor be promoted for my charm.
There is more to be than playing coy.

Living life as a balancing game - mother,
daughter, wife, nurse, cleaner, cook, lover
and still bring home a wage.
Who thought up this modern "freedom"?
Where man can love'em and man can leave'em.
This is not free, but life in a cage.
Always jumping to a male agenda
competing on his terms.
No job share, no creche facilities,
no feeding and nappy changing amenities
No time off for menstrual pain,
"hormones" they laugh "what a shame"
No equal pay equal skill
your job they can always fill.
No promotion unless you're sterilised.
No promotion unless you're sexually terrorised.
And this is liberation?

Non-Muslim woman you can have your life.
Mine - it has less strife.
I cover and I get respected,
surely that's to be expected,
for I won't demean the feminine,
I won't live to male criterion,
I dance to my own tune
and I hope you see this very soon.
For your own sake - wake up and use your sight.
Are you so sure that you are right?

04-21-2007, 02:28 PM
Six humans trapped by circumstances,
in bleak and bitter cold.
Each one possessed a stick of wood,
or so the story told.

Their dying fire in need of logs,
the first man held his back,
for,of the faces around the fire,
he noticed one man black.

The next man looking across the way,
saw one not of his church,
and couldn't bring himself
to give the fire his stick of birch.

The third one sat in tattered clothes
he gave his coat a hitch.
Why should his log be put to use,
to warm the idle rich?

The rich man just sat back
and thought of the wealth he had in store,
and how to keep what he had earned
from the lazy, shiftless poor.

The black man's face bespoke revenge
as the fire passed from his sight,
for all he saw in his stick of wood,
was a chance to spite the white.

The last man of this forlorn group
did naught except for gain,
giving only to those who gave,
was how he played the game.

Their logs held tight in death's still hand,
was proof of human sin.

They didn't die from the cold without,
they died from the cold within.

04-21-2007, 02:29 PM
"What land can boast such treasures to you"
"Ought so sweet: Ought so fair"
"Hey paradise of endless treasure"
"OH my beloved kashmir"

"With its snow capped mountains"

"Thrilling fountains nature has ever given"

"With its innocent people world had never had"
"While its shining face everybody sees"
"While its burning heart nobody means"

"My vale is burning indeed"

"Serpentile coil is winding in its greed"
"What can i do"
"While sun is clouded with dark mist"

"Else shedding tears"

04-21-2007, 02:30 PM
Surely the Prophet Muhammad, son of Aminah,
Is for me like my own Child.

When he held on to the halter of my camel,
I felt compassion for him,

Even as the white camels were loaded,
Copious tears flowed from my eyes, Tears like scattered pearls

I treated him kindly as befits a close relative
And guarded well the trust of his forefathers concerning him.

I ordered him to ride among paternal uncles,
With white faces, brave swordsmen,

They travelled to the furthest known station
Far indeed was the station where their camels lay down !

When at last the people of Busra saw him,
They met a learned monk who was keeping close watch

He related to them a true account concerning him,
And thus turned back the people of envy

A group of Jews also saw what he saw :
The shade of a white cloud and the glory of a close relative

They went seeking to kill Muhammad, and he restrained them,
And thus engaged in the best of struggle.

04-21-2007, 02:31 PM
I am a Muslim, but only by name
When it comes to practicing, what a shame!
I go to friends and relatives in suit and tie
It's alright if I occasionally lie
Yes I practice, BUT when it suits me
Or more to the point, when it pleases society.
If I show my ankles, they'll point and laugh
They'll think it's too short and reckon I'm daft.
If I trim my moustache and grow the beard
They'll reckon I'm a fanatic or something weird.
If I wear the sunnah I'll get great reward
But the Kuffaar will look down on me, that I can't afford.
Yes I'm a Muslim, but only by name
I make excuses which I admit are rather lame.
Yes I'm a sane man and I'm on the right track
Who am I kidding, I feel like a right jack!
To hide my inferiority complex I protest it's unimportant
Though my heart screams to tell me I'm a blatant fraudulent
The best thing is no-one can hear what's going on inside
People think I've got it made and with my life I'm satisfied.
But I'm afraid this is a fable and it's a pure deception
I have no peace of mind but this I daren't even mention.
If I remain ignorant it's OK, 'cos then I don't have to practice
Yes I'm conniving and these are baseless evil tactics.
But I read the Kalima and I think I have Imaan
I can't help my attitude - I was placed in a Kufrstaan.
Yes I'm a Muslim, but only by name
And with my precious life I'm playing a foolish disastrous game!

A little Muslim from Palestine
I’ll always be a contender
Yes I know my bones are very tender
And by Allah you won’t see me surrender
Look at my eyes/ you’ll see no butterflies
My home is filled with cries …….due to all the lost lives
But I swear by Allah I’ll never compromise
I’ll still throw the stones even with my broken bones
Why can’t I hear from you, don’t you have any phones?
Yes I forgot, you’re not on the chase, try it out and put your self in my place
Soon I’ll return to my lord, the one that deserves every grace
Oh you don’t have to worry because of me you’ll find no trace
You could have sent me at least one dinner plate
I guess it is my fate
It really is to late, why did you wait
And la ilaha ill Allah is my mate

04-21-2007, 02:32 PM
An infantile seed, carried by the wind,
whirls around until reaching its final goal.

Its roots extend and then take firm hold,
embedded deeply within the nourishing soil.

Hence springs forth, for all eyes to behold,
the glorious vision of a grand sycamore.

Indeed is the Plan, the best of Designs,
Decreed by the Wisdom of our Mighty Lord.

Each creation carries its own seed within,
following along a similar course.

A miniscule entity may be our start,
ahead of us, great things may be in store.

The outcome of our seed is yet to be seen.
That which we reap proceeds from what we sow.

Indeed is the Plan, the best of Designs,
Decreed by the Wisdom of our Great Creator.

04-21-2007, 02:33 PM
"Where we go, you cannot follow.
What we must do, you must steer clear of.
Whom we are, you shall not become.

For those who have sought the truth, we find it.
For those who have suffered, we fight for.
For we are the ones who have not suffered,
and have not sought the truth.

In their name, do we go."

"The sun's light shines on my face
As I see the dawn arise over the horizon.
I realise that it is time, to pay reverence
To my sovereign Lord.

I see the rays of the light come through the clouds
And I see a new land before my eyes;
Far different than the one I saw
In the day past.

I cannot imagine how it was different before
Only that it was
And so was I.

For both I and the land
Have experienced a rebirth.
A new life, as the sun arose,
And we arose
From our slumber.

Thank the Almighty
For the gift of life."

"I have the spirit within me.
How strong it is, I do not know.
But I know that it is of a type of glory
I have never before experienced.
It is the type that can deliver a man
Into the depths of evil in this world
Or raise his entire civilisation
Into the skies above.

It is a noble glory.
It cannot be taken by another man.
It cannot be broken
By an outside force.
It cannot be shaken
By the external.
But, and this is unfortunate;
It can have all of these done
By myself."

"Tell me people, how should I identify my nationality?
I am neither Emirati nor English, neither Egyptian nor Sudani.
But I carry the blood of them all.

Does it matter? We are all one family.

Tell me people, how should I identify my faith?
I am not Christian nor Jew, but I am not Sunni nor Shia,
not Hanbali nor Ibadite.

Does it matter?

I hail only from where I am. I follow only that which
I believe to be true. I follow no man; I only follow God.

And I am a Muslim."

04-21-2007, 02:33 PM
She smiled at a sorrowful stranger.
The smile seemed to make him feel better.

He remembered past kindness of a friend
And wrote him a thank you letter.

The friend was so pleased with the thank you
That he left a large tip after lunch.

The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip,
Gave part to a man on the street.

The man on the street was grateful;
For two days he'd had nothing to eat.

After he finished his dinner,
He left for his small dingy room.

He didn't know at that moment
that he might be facing his doom.

On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
And took him home to get warm.

The puppy was very grateful
To be in out of the storm.

That night the house caught on fire.
The puppy barked the alarm.

He barked till he woke the whole household
And saved everybody from harm.

One of the boys that he rescued
Grew up to be President.

All this because of a simple smile
That hadn't cost a cent.

...and THAT is the power of a smile! So smile away :)

The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said:
"Every good deed is sadaqah (charity). To meet your
brother with a smiling face and to pour out from your
bucket into his container are sadaqah."

04-21-2007, 02:34 PM
Islam is peace, Islam is ease,
Islam's not danger or disease.
Islam is love and prosperity.
Islam's not hatred or adversity.

Islam is salvation through repentence.
Islam has love for all in abundance.
Islam means no harm or affliction.
Islam implores you with affection.

Islam is neither maze nor craze.
Islam is giving Allah all praise.
Islam is acing through the race.
Islam will be on everyone's face.

Islam is worshipping only the Creator.
Islam's not mere numbers on a calculator.
Islam gives you power when you surrender.
Islam's not a terrorist or for a pretender.

Islam is patience and perseverance.
Islam eases your vengeance through tolerance.
Islam is life for all eternity.
Islam gives you respect, moreover dignity.

Islam is winning hearts through honesty
Islam is giving openly in charity
Islam makes you wholesome and trustworthy
Islam is in wealth as well as in poverty.

Islam is your shield against all evil.
Islam is for your soul's retrieval.
Islam not fundamentalism or fanaticism.
Islam's not nationalism or racism.

Wake up, people, Islam is here.
Islam is here, so have no fear.

04-21-2007, 02:35 PM
Sometimes I think about
the moment of no doubt
the fate that reached every
tall short person
thin be he, or stout
when it came it just came

just like that
the intensity of the pain
unconcievable by the brain
they said it was like
70 swords aimed to strike
how can I bear that if
when only by a cut,
my arm will get so stiff
How will i act.....
What will I say....
I can't just run away
from facing that day
All I can do is Pray
to Allah everyday
in hope that he may
make it a simple day

I heard that some hallucinated
and from the pain
commited blasphemy
now.... I really won't like
that to happen to me
at least because
at that moment of pain
I'll be under so much strain
that caring about someone else
would be the least
Will I go to Janah
what my soul always desired?
or will I be sent
directly to the hellfire?
........just like that

My soul always tells me:
"No ,that won't happen to you....
you are a pious man
with a heart
overflown with Iman
Allah will spare you
from the pain"....

But how can that be true....
When the Prophet sent to you
better than you and him.....
peace be upon him
suffered these moments too
.....just like that

Or are you better than him?!?!?

So my advice for you
......and for me too
is to stick to The Book
sent by The Creator of man
(and every other thing)
The Holy Quran
and read a part daily ,
at least one chapter
this insha Allah
is good for the Hereafter
not only reading....
....understanding too
Quran and Sunnah ...
stick to these two

Is it too hard
to do that at once?
Well, ... and so is
... entering Paradise
So DO IT ........
that is my advice...
.....just like that

and pray for the person
who wrote this poem
so he won't be punished
..... just like that

04-21-2007, 02:37 PM
if Prophet Muhammad (SAW) visited you, just for a day or two
If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you would do?
Oh I know you would give your nicest room,
to such an honored guest
And you would surely serve him, your very very best.

You would be your finest, cause you're glad to have him there
That serving him in you're home, would be a joy without compare.
But when you see him coming, would you meet him at the door
With your arms outstretched in welcome,
for your respected visitor.

Or would you run to change your clothes, before you let him in
And hide some magazines to put the Quran, where they had been?
Would you still watch those movies, on your TV set
Or would you switch it off, before he gets terribly upset.

Would you turn off the radio, and hope that he had not heard
And wish that you did not sing, that song word by word?
Would you hide your worldly things,
and instead take the Hadith books out
Could you let him walk right in, or would you rush about?

And I wonder...if the Prophet (SAW) spent, a day or two with you
Would you go on doing the things, that you always do?
Would you go right on and say the things, that you always say
Would life for you continue, as it does from day to day.

Would your family conversations, keep up their usual pace
And would you find it hard at each meal, to say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer,
without putting on a frown
And would you always jump up early, to say your Fajr at dawn?

Would you sing the songs you always sing,
and read the books you read
And let him know the things on which,
your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the Prophet (SAW) with you,
everywhere you plan to go?
Or would you maybe change your plans, just for a day or so?

Would you be glad to have him meet, your very closest friends
Or, would you hope they stay away, until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay, forever on and on
Or would you sigh with great relief, when at last he has gone.

It might be interesting to know,
the things that you would really do
If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came, to spend some time with you.

'Abd al-Baari
04-21-2007, 02:37 PM

Mashallah soo many poems :thumbs_up
Jazakallah Khair for sharing sis

04-21-2007, 02:37 PM
Once I looked up to the sky
in the night and I saw
bright star sparkling there
in the darkness of the night
and I said who are you?
what are you doing over there
tell me please,
tell me who put you over there
she looked down at me
with a smile on her face
like a rose in the shadow of the bush
little one don't you know?
why it is that I am standing over here?
it is Allah who made me
and made you and the earth
then I said pretty one
tell me please tell me how
how to be just like you
very pure, very high, very nice
once again pretty face shined again
little one listen well
little one take good care
fear Allah every where
worship him night and day
then I said pretty face pray for me to Allah
I thank you pretty face
I love you for your care

04-21-2007, 02:38 PM
You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,
My body's not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold,
I'm an individual, I'm no mans slave,
It's Allahs pleasure that I only crave,
I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,
" O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk",
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way,
It's a Law from God that I obey,
Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT,
For liberation is what I've got,
It was given to me many years ago,
With the right to prosper, the right to grow,
I can climb moutains or cross the seas,
Expand my mind in all degrees,
For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY,
When He sent Islam,
To You and Me!

04-21-2007, 02:39 PM
This is the story of an average human
From his story there is so much to learn

"I work through life working day and night
Let me tell you of my miserable plight
Before that, let me thank Allah Most Merciful too
That's why I'm sharing my story with you

From young I was told I had to be the best
I must learn to score for my exams and tests
I studied hard to be the top in class
So that my friends will respect me with all the fuss

In my youth days, I was actually insecure
So much temptations and many are impure
I prayed sparingly but it didn't help me
Why couldn't I feel that Allah was watching me?

I wanted to be the cream of the cake
I didn't allow myself to make a single mistake
I wanted more friends and also be praised
When I didn't get complimented, I felt so dazed
I began to doubt myself again and again
Was I not good enough or was I insane?
I was feeling inadequate for my lack of looks
Was I too fat, short, or did my smile give the spooks?
I learnt to dress up in trendy clothes bought from stores
I wanted people to look at me and say 'wow' in awe

I wanted to be adored, praised and be popular
Success to me is to be top scholar
I wanted to shower myself in fame
I also hoped to earn a big name
I studied hard and topped my school high
I believe that to make friends, success is a tool

Whenever I was with friends and my date was just beside
I felt the pressure to display my witty side
I'm afraid my friends would leave me if I'm not nice enough
So I bought them gifts and other good stuff
Branded clothes, car, intelligence and friends indeed
You may think I have all that I need
But I'm still unhappy inside and I don't even know why
Was I not good enough, too ugly or too shy?

At work, I pleased my boss to show him I was the best
I treated my colleagues lunch and sacrificed all my rest
I was afraid that my boss disliked me if I lazed about
In front of him, I did my best and tried to stand out
Then I climbed the corporate ladder and be my own boss
Finally, I was successful but I was still in a loss
I was cheerful outside but scared inside
I was not even sure what I'm doing is right

I looked around to see all my best friends
I wonder if they still like me if my wealth ends?
I cannot bear to face rejection or even fail
If I become poor and old, will my friendships be stale?
I work hard, but who am I trying to impress?
The fear of losing my reputation is causing me stress
I want friends to respect me forever and ever
I could imagine my friendship to sever

But alas! My business failed me terribly
I was down with illness and suffered painfully
All the people whom I thought were faithful friends
Left me because my status has no stands
I'm left alone and wonder whether it is true?
To make good friends, wealth matters too?

I looked at the side of my bed and saw the Qur'an
Guilt enveloped me because the Qur'an I have read none
Since I was alone and feeling so bored
I explored the Qur'an to know about Allah the Lord

True Muslims friends start to befriend me
It doesn't matter whoever I'll be
They accept me and love me despite my flaws
I don't have to make them like me by using force
I don't have to impress Allah with my witty charm
I already know Allah loves us and protects us from harm

With Allah's help, we can attain peace in self
So let's put doubt back in Satan's shelf
If there are problems with work and with men
Please remember that it's part of Allah's plan
Ask from Allah because He listens to us always
Allah will help us with His Kindness and Grace

I met a man who is unfortunately blind
He then advised me with words so kind
He said, 'Love yourself and be grateful for what you are
You owe it to Allah for coming this far

Allah loves us and makes us Muslims
But many people don't appreciate it, it seems
It doesn't matter if we're poor or earn less
Allah loves who we are and He cares
Don't do good deeds if you do it for show
Or else your spiritual status will sink below

If you're humble, do good deeds and pray to Allah Most Wise
You can earn yourself a place in Paradise
Good Muslims overcome worries and insecurity
They are unfazed even if they are treated with hostility

Why be a slave to affluence and glamour?
Why worry if we are not witty with humour?
Always be yourself, dear brother, have no pretence
Allah will still love you, even if you don't have any fans
Why be afraid, dear brother, when friends shun away
When Allah is there for you it's always that way.'

After the blind man left, my mind started working
I was still surprised and truth starts coming
It seems that I may be a boss or lying here poor
but good Muslims greet me with salaam, a smile and no fear

I kept wondering, what is success to me?
Is it about having friends, or earning a good degree?
I had all these and yet I was not satisfied
Could it be because that Allah was not on my side?

Then I realize that I have been foolish
My INSECURITY is the one that was my leash
Why was I ungrateful to Allah Most Great?
Allah's helping us all the way as Fate

Oh! I'm ashamed for being so proud
When my success was actually a passing cloud!
Now I realize my great big mistake
So I do more good deeds now with sincerity and no fake

Let's learn from this life and tread the virtuous road
Remember that this world is only a temporary abode
Now I live through my life devoted to the Islamic cause
And repent, so Allah will love me despite my flaws."

Remember true success is not about having lots of friends
In fact, it is about passing Allah's tests
Happiness is not about showing off your generous part
In fact, it's about the ATTITUDE of your heart

Say: 'I like who I am and I'm glad to be me
I love being a Muslim and Allah sets my heart free!
I can feel in my mind and in my little heart bone
I confess - with Allah around, I know I'm never alone'.

04-21-2007, 02:40 PM
Everyday as i wake up at dawn
My mind start working the moment i yawn
There were many things to do, o dear!
That's why i hastily did my Subuh prayer
I didn't have the time to sit longer to
praise the Lord
To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd...

Since school, i had been busy every minute
Completing my tutorials and handing it in
My ECAs took up most of my time always
No time did i have to Allah to pray
Too many things to do and zikir is rare
For Allah, I really had no time to spare..

When i grew up and started my career
Working all day to secure my future
When I reached home, I prefered to have fun
I chatted on the phone but i didn't read the Quran
I spent too much time surfing the Internet
Sad to say, my faith was falling flat...

The only time i have left is weekends
During which i prefer window shopping with friends
I couldn't spare time to go to the mosque
I'm too busy, that's the BIG EXCUSE...

I did my five prayers but did so quickly
After prayer, I didn't sit longer to reflect quietly
I didn't have time to help the needy ones
I was loaded with work as my precious time runs

No time at all to visit a sick Muslim friend
To orphans and elderly, I hardly lent a hand
I'm too busy to do community service
When there were gatherings, I helped the least

My life was already full of stress
So i didn't counsel a Muslim in distress
I didn't spend much time with my family
B'coz i thought, doing so is a waste of time...

No time to share with non-Muslim about Islam
Even though I know, inviting causes no harm
No time to do Sunnah prayers at all
All these contribute to my imaan's fall..

I'm busy here and busy there
I've no time at all, that's all i care
I went for religious lessons, just once in awhile
Coz i'm too busy making a pile...

I worked all day and i slept all night
Too tired for Tahajjud and it seemed not right
To me, earning a living was already tough
so i only did basic deeds but that's not enough..

No time at all, to admire God's creation
No time to praise All_h and seek His Compassion
Although I know how short is my life
For Islam, I really didn't strive..

Finally the day comes, when the Lord calls for me
And I stood before Him with my Life's History

I feel so guilty b'coz i should have prayed more
Isn't that what a Muslim lives for?
To thank Allah and do more good deeds
And the Quran is for us all to read..

Now at Judgement Day, I'm starting to fret
I've wasted my life but it's too late to regret
My entry to Paradise depend on my good behaviour
But i've not done enough nor did proper prayer

My "good deed book" is given from my right
An angel opened my "book" and read out my plight.
Then the angel chided me....

"O You Muslim servant, you are the one,
Who is given enough time, yet not much is done
Do you know that your faith is loose?
saying "no time" is only an excuse.
Your "good deed book" should be filled up more
with all the good work you stood up for..

Hence, I only recorded those little good deeds
As I say this, I know your eyes will mist..
I was about to write some more, you see
But i did not have, THE TIME to list".......

04-21-2007, 02:40 PM
Bosnian youth rendered shelterless in the snow capped heights
No hope, no aid, not even a grain of food to fill his appetite
Left in the open to shiver to death at night
Encountered by starvation in the day and the Serbian might
With faith in his heart, like a glimmer of light
He picks up arms to avenge his people's sorry plight
A terrorist they call him and terrorism his fight
Only to stop their crimes from coming under light
A fanatic, extremist, fundamentalist he is portayed
But the light of Eeman and the zeal in his heart
Cannot be diminished by propaganda so farce
A Palestinian boy with a sling in his hand
Pelting stones at the occupiers of the Holy Land
A terrorist he is by the law of this age
Agonized and tortured like a bird locked in his cage;
Marching on silently to death in captivity
To break free from the fetters of an unbearable agony
From the valley of Kashmir, rise the cries of the oppressed
The tortured, terrified, raped and suppressed
With weapons in their hand and their cause so sublime
Waging "jihad" against the barbarians of their time
A struggle for peace, against injustice and oppression
Against the killings and destruction, the torture not to mention
Yet the World turns it's eye blind towards the atrocities perpetrated
The people maimed and the violence so naked
In the freezing cold of Grozny's plains
Land missiles, bombs and shells unrestrained
Roofs blown off and buildings razed
Civilians carnaged and buried in mass graves
An army drunken, let loose like dogs untamed
To dishonour the people, like beasts insane
"Concerned we are", says the hypocrite Uncle Sam
Yet gloats and cares not even a ****
"Terrorists", they are branded, with bloodstains on their own hands
So shamelessly they commiserate with the oppressor, committing massacres in the land
When shall we learn?
And not just cry for help and yearn?
For the global powers to intervene
Is it not enough, what we have seen?
From the bombardment of Iraq and Lebanon
To the land mines in Afghanistan
And the mass graves in Bosnia and Kosovo
To the human right abuses in Kashmir
When shall we learn?
And not just cry for help and yearn?
That we are the architects of our own destiny
And not the western help, nor its money
Uncle Sam, UN and NATO shall never intervene
Except when the mass graves are dug and the blood bath is over

04-21-2007, 02:42 PM
Thats a superb one sister......

04-21-2007, 02:43 PM
We seek Allah's protection
From Shaitan's evil mind;
And begin with the name of Allah
Most Merciful, Most Kind

04-21-2007, 02:44 PM
Thank you Allah

Thank You Allah for all that You give
I know sometimes I'm naughty so please forgive.
Please teach me to be good every day
and let my heart be ready and willing to pray.
Thank You Allah for Your Prophet whom I love,
please raise him in rank in Paradise above.

04-21-2007, 02:45 PM

Before summertime, the cherry blossom looks like pink icing
The ground beneath shoots up daffodils
Trumpeting their praises to Allaah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)
During summer the days are long and hot
The trees are green and shady.
Flowers bloom bright and perfumed
Bees hover and drive for pollen.
Before wintertime, Allah paints the leaves red, orange, and gold.
They cover the springy moss with a colorful carpet.
Squirrels scurry, choosing the juiciest nuts to store for their winter larder.

In winter Allah causes the earth to die hard and cold
He permits water to form stalactites and fossilize animal bones
Reminding us that He is the One who brings back to life His creation...

04-21-2007, 02:45 PM
When I was Ill

One day when I was feeling ill
a sparrow flew on to my window sill.
He didn't see me tucked up in bed
as he pecked away at a piece of bread.

I thought of how he could fly
when I, in bed could only lie.
I thought how Allah had made him small
and then of dinosaurs, and giraffes so tall.

I thought of many, many things
some with four legs, others with wings.
I thought how wonderful Allah is
because everything around me is really His.

'Abd al-Baari
04-21-2007, 02:45 PM

Mashallah nice poems
but we have a poetry section in the Islamic Multimedia section :)

04-21-2007, 02:46 PM
We Thank you Allah

For All the things
we have today;
for all our friends
we love so much
for home, for food
for work and play,
we thank you,
Oh Allah

04-21-2007, 02:46 PM
Allah is One
Related to none
Allah is One!
No father, no mother
No sister, no brother
No daughter, no son
Allah is One!

04-21-2007, 02:47 PM
Allah is Great
Allah is Great this I know,
For the Qur'an tells me so;
All of us to him belong,
We are weak but he is strong

04-21-2007, 02:49 PM
Busy little honeybee!
Living in your hive
Working night and day for me
Allaah makes you strive.
Then upon my breakfast table
From you little bee
Comes your honey so delicious
Sticky, golden, yummy!
So for our little worker
Love for her let's send
Do not bother or disturb her
She’s our busy friend!

04-21-2007, 02:49 PM
Mashallah! very nice poem sister.

but we have a poetry section in the Islamic Multimedia section :)
:? hmmm ..... agree!

04-21-2007, 02:49 PM
Fish in the Sea

Lots of fish upon the tide
They go swimming side by side
Underwater they abide
And on the waves they ride!

Allah made their home, the sea
So the fish swim happily!
Colourful, big and small
Allaah made them all.

04-21-2007, 02:50 PM
The Little Spider

The little spider spins her home
A soft and silky bed!
So do not raise your hand to harm
Her gentle silver web!
Busy night and day she weaves
Spinning threads of beauty
She is Allaah's little creature
Carrying out her duty

04-21-2007, 02:50 PM
Moon and Sun

Silvery moon!
I see your face
High in the sky
That is your place
Quietly you appear
When it is night
There I see you
When tucked up tight!
. Allah has made you
You are His moon
But you will be hidden
From our eyes quite soon
That will be when
The daytime has come
When Allah reveals
The light of the sun

04-21-2007, 02:51 PM
My Two Angels

I have two angels that follow me
wherever I may go,
One of them is quick to write,
the other one is slow.
The one who is quick to write
is when I'm being good
the other doesn't like to write
even when he should!

The one who doesn't like to write
is when I am being bad
he wants to hear me say "I'm sorry"
to my mom and dad.
And when I say "I'm sorry Allah,
I won't do that again"
he rubs away my bad deed
marked against my name.

The one who is quick to write,
writes the good I try to do
even, when it doesn't work out right
he writes that one down too
so when I get to Paradise
waiting there for me
will be lots of lovely presents -
oh, how happy I will be

04-21-2007, 02:51 PM
The Sky at Night

Little stars up in the sky
you light the heavens way up high.
Allah has placed you there to shine
you are amongst His wondrous signs.

Big yellow moon with silvery light
you shine for travelers in the night
remember how once you split in two
obeying our Prophet for all to view.

Then as your term has been ordained
your luster fades and starts to wain,
then you become a crescent small
at other times you're not there at all!

04-21-2007, 02:52 PM
The Seasons!!

Springtime brings fresh flowers
bursting from the earth
little lambs skip merrily
upon the new green turf.

Summer comes a knocking,
knocking at the door
the sun shines very brightly
making people sore!

Then along comes autumn
dressed in red and gold
blustery winds come suddenly
making night-time cold.

Slowly, silently winter creeps
in her icy cloak
fires are lit in the hearth
with fluffy puffs of smoke.

Each and every season
Allah has made for you and me
to marvel at His wonders
and praise Him thankfully

04-21-2007, 02:53 PM
The Animal Kingdom

Some animals make their homes in trees
so do some insects and buzzing honey bees.
Others burrow away in the earth so deep
then curl up inside for a winter-time sleep.
Camels live in the desert hot and dry
storing water in their humps so that they won't die.
Yet the Polar bear with his white coat so nice
has to fish through a hole he made in the ice.
No matter whether animals are big or small
they know that its Allah who has made them all

04-21-2007, 02:54 PM
Whatever we do, we'll pay the price
In the depths of hell or in paradise
For the believer, this life is just like a cage
For the unbeliever, it's the ultimate stage
Little does he know about the awaiting reward
Which is full of luxuries, where no-one gets bored
You'll enter the gate of paradise, if it's in your fate
Your deeds and actions will determine by which gate

No worldly things will you ever miss
On entering the gate, you'll be surrounded by bliss
Four rivers will be granted by the Divine
containing water and milk, honey and wine
People will live in mansions built high
Where they'll live forever, no-one will die
It's bricks will be made of silver and gold

The climate will be perfect, not hot and not cold
A hundred years it will take to circle a tree
Surrounded by loved ones for all eternity
There will be no calls of nature, no-one will sleep
There will be no worries, no one will weep
When people sweat, it will smell of musk
Allah swt will be praised from dawn till dusk

Everyone will be aged 30 or 33
And they'll stay at that age for eternity
The inhabitants will be wearing a beautiful green gown
Sitting on thrones, wearing a crown
People will be happy, there'll be no remorse
To visit others, they'll have a flying horse

Men will have 2 houris as their wives
Who will remain with them for the rest of their lives
On Friday there will be a dinner for people of all races
And a bazaar where people can exchange their faces!
When walking along there'll be many meetings
With prophets and angels, exchanging greetings
Such is the ecstasy that will then prevail
When Allah swt removes His veil

There will be no kings, there will be no peasants
And everyone will see the Divine Allah's presence
There are 100 levels to paradise and we should pray
That Al Firdaus, the highest will be where we stay

Allah swt has showered us with His grace
And we have to be worthy to show our face
Whatever we do ,we'll pay the price
In the depths of hell or in paradise

04-21-2007, 02:56 PM
This is a Day
When everyone
Is brought back alive
It is a Day
We all must know
Where everyone
Will some place, go
The kind, good people
They will be
Sent to Jannah
So happily!
And people bad
They all will sigh
They will be punished!
So that they cry!

So we must do
The things we know
To help us into
-Jannah, go
And stay away
From all things bad
So on that Day
We won't be sad

Obey Allah
We all must do
And do all things
He tells us to
We must be good
And kind and fair
We must be patient
And show care

So do these things
And also more
Inshaa Allah then
Forever more
On Judgement Day
Allaah will give
A place in Jannah
For us to live

04-21-2007, 02:57 PM

The month of fast has ended now,
O Muslims, join in praise!
Allah has given us al- Quran
to make us strong in faith.

The message that He sent to us,
O Muslims, heed the call-
is that we live in brotherhood,
in peace and love with all.

The month of fast has ended now,
O Muslims, mind your souls.
The world's temptations we resist,
Islam is our goal

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