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View Full Version : The Excellence of Hijaamah (cupping) On Tuesday

04-24-2007, 12:57 PM
The Excellence of Hijaamah (cupping)
On Tuesday

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Narrated Ibn Abbaas (May Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah –peace be upon him- said:

"Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing)." But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire."
reported by Bukharee

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ÍÓäå ÇáÃáÈÇäí ÈÔæÇåÏå ÇäÙÑ ÇáÕÍíÍÉ ÈÑÞã 766 æÕÍíÍ ÇáÌÇãÚ ÈÑÞã 3169

From Ibn Umar- May Allah be pleased with him- that the Messenger of Allah –peace be upon him- said:

"Performing Hijaamah before having breakfast would be more effective. It provides healing and blessing. It also activates the intellect and memorization. So, practice it –with Allah's blessings- on Thursdays and avoid cupping on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Also do it on Mondays and Tuesdays, as the latter was the day wherein Allah the Exalted healed the Prophet Ayyub (Alaihissalaam), while He (Allah) afflicted him (Ayyub) with the ailment on Wednesday. Verily Judhaam (leprosy) and Baras (a skin disease appears like white spots on the skin) do not appear except on Wednesdays or the night of Wednesdays (i.e. Tuesday night)"

The Hadeeth was classified hasan- via its other routes- by Imam Albani see Saheehah no.766 and Saheehul-Jaami' no.3169

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04-25-2007, 03:30 AM
During the 20th century, new glass cups were developed. Common drinking glasses have been used for this purpose, but thick glass cupping devices have also been produced and are preferred. The introduction of glass cups helped greatly, since the pottery cups broke very easily and the bamboo cups would deteriorate with repeated heating. Glass cups were easier to make than the brass or iron cups that were sometimes used as sturdy substitutes for the others; further, one could see the skin within the cup and evaluate the degree of response. The glass cups are depressurized by providing some fire in the cup to heat up the air within just prior to placement. For example, hold a cotton ball dipped in alcohol with a pincer, ignite it, hold it in the cup, then rapidly apply to the skin; this is called shanhuofa . Sometimes, a small amount alcohol is put in the cup and lit; this method is called dijiufa (alcohol-fire cupping). At the end of the 20th century, another method of suction was developed in which a valve was constructed at the top of the jar and a small hand-operated pump is attached so that the practitioner could suction out air without relying on fire (thus avoiding some hazards and having greater control over the amount of suction). Both glass and plastic cups were developed, though the plastic ones are not very well suited to moving along the skin once in place, as the edges are not entirely smooth and the strength of the cups is limited. The modern name for cupping is baguanfa (suction cup therapy).

The earliest use of cupping that is recorded is from the famous Taoist alchemist and herbalist, Ge Hong (281341 A.D.). The method was described in his book A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies, in which the cups were actually animal horns, used for draining pustules. As a result of using horns, cupping has been known as jiaofa, or the horn technique. In a Tang Dynasty book, Necessities of a Frontier Official, cupping was prescribed for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (or a similar disorder). More recently, Zhao Xuemin, during the Qing Dynasty, wrote Supplement to Outline of Materia Medica, including an entire chapter on fire jar qi (huoquan qi). In it, he emphasized the value of this treatment, using cups made of bamboo or pottery, in alleviating headache of wind-cold type, bi syndrome of wind origin, dizziness, and abdominal pain. The cups could be placed over acupuncture needles for these treatments. One of the traditional indications for cupping is dispelling cold in the channels. This indication is partly the result of applying hot cups. For example, bamboo cups would be boiled in an herbal decoction just prior to applying to the skin (this is one type of shuiguanfa, or liquid cupping, so-called because a liquid is incorporated into the treatment). Both liquid cupping and cupping over an acupuncture needle are favored for treatment of arthralgia. Cupping also is thought to dispel cold by virtue of its ability to release external pathogenic factors, including invasion of wind, damp, and cold.

Homeopathy Malaysia

04-25-2007, 05:35 AM
Good information sister, Jazaakillaahu Khairan

04-25-2007, 07:38 AM
jazakallah 4 the info,akhee and ukhtee.

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04-25-2007, 07:43 AM
Thank you sister " Khushnood".

Levant is "Shaam" or "Bilaadush-sham" which nowadays is divided into four countries;Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

This Levant or Shaam is praised by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam who invoked Allah to bless it and the final gathering of mankind when the world ends ( al hashr) will be in Ash-shaam. Also immigration to it is recommended when the world comes close to its end.

Jazakillaahu Khairan
Wassalaamu Alaikum
Abu Muadh

04-29-2007, 04:17 AM
Alhamdulillah.... Hijamah is popular in indonesia nowadays.

05-06-2007, 10:46 AM
Therapies That Benefit from Cupping

Generally speaking, most of the hands-on therapeutic techniques can include Cupping in their therapy. The ultimate aim of all hands-on techniques is to use physical application in order to stimulate the body’s natural healing powers by balancing the physical, mental and emotional energies and restore health to the individual. Therapies such as Aromatherapy, Massage, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Kinesiology, Alexander Technique, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Polarity and Physiotherapy, can all incorporate Cupping in their main treatment model.

Ten Methods of Cupping

1. Weak (Light) Cupping (Tonifying Method) Suitable for Children, elderly or patients with deficiency syndromes.

2. Medium Cupping (Tonifying Method) the most used technique can be used on children over 7 years old.

3. Strong Cupping (Draining Method) not suitable for the elderly or children.

4. Moving Cupping (Draining Method) the most painful method, only to be applied to people with abundance of energies.

5. Needle Cupping (Draining Method) more for “Re” Hot type of “Bi” syndrome.

6. Moxa (Hot Needle) Cupping (Tonifying Method) to be used on Cold type “Bi” syndrome.

7. Empty (Flash) Cupping (Tonifying Method) beneficial for elderly, children and the weak and frail with Qi and Blood stagnation.

8. Full (Bleeding) Cupping (Draining Method) only when excess Heat is present, I,e hypertension accompanied by heat, boils and some skin conditions.

9. Herbal Cupping (Tonifying Method)

10. Water Cupping (Even method)

Cupping Therapy in the treatment of common disorders

Abdominal pain, Anaemia, Asthma, Atrophy sydrome, Back Pain and Sexual complaints, Bed-wetting, Boil-carbuncle, Cellulite, Chest pain, Common cold and influenza, Constipation, Cough, Dysmenorrhoea, Fevers, Hypertension, Infertility, Musculoskeletral pains (Bi syndrome), Skin complaints, Stroke, Stress related conditions, Depression, Tiredness, Broken veins and Sports injuries.

Effect upon the blood

Improvement of circulatory Functions

Regulating and betterment of automatic nervous system.

Local Removal of Pain

Relaxation of stiff muscles and tendons.

1) Effects upon the skin.

2) Effects upon muscles; blood vessels within the muscle is activated. Removes congested blood from muscles. Facilitates the flow of Lymph.

3) Effects upon Joints; improves the flow of Blood within the joints, the cavity and secretion of Synovial fluids.

4) Effects upon the digestive organs; improves the peristaltic movement and secretion of digestive fluids.

Detoxification: The most dramatic effect is upon the skin and the circulatory system. The blood and the body-fluid flow in the arteries and veins increases, this results in the removal of toxins. Following few applications (3-5 sessions) skin will look healthier with more colour to it.

Effects on the Nervous system

Cupping therapy stimulates the sensory nerves of the skin. The stimulation of the spinal nerves and parasympathetic nerves and the sympathetic nerves beside it has a good influence on various organs under its control.


Dr Al-Hajjam
03-03-2009, 04:43 AM

I am a Proficient Hijamah (cupping) therapist, BMAS trained and experienced Medical Acupuncturist and a fully GMC qualified practicing medical doctor.

Trained directly by world lead Hijamah trainer: Shaykh Ahmed Hafny (Egypt/KSA/UAE).

Practicing mainly in the West Midlands, Luton and East London areas, UK.

Contact NOW for FREE advice, information, past testimonials and appointments at very reasonable and affordable rates.

Discounts offered to students, unemployed brothers and group sessions to help revive this fading sunnah in the UK. Contact details for suitable female practitioners available on request.

Dr Ridwan Ahmed MB BS
07946 883 104

* Revive the sunnah of Hijamah *

“I did not pass by any group on the night of Al Isra (night ascension), except that they said to me: "Oh Muhammad (SAW), tell your Ummah to do Hijamah.” (Ibn Majah, 3477)

Rasulullah (SAW) praised a person who performs cupping, saying “it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight.”(Jamul Warsaii, p.179)

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